Phys 4512
Phys 4512
Phys 4512
affinities; while to the west along the coast are the Guinea
join Algeria and the Sudan across the Sahara. (A. GIR.)
scored, one each for high, the highest trump out, for
the terms were, the emperor would probably have been well
spread widely over the country and often displace the native
Down to the year 1572 both functions were free; but at that
In the 17th century those laws were made which paved the
which the young king took part, resulted in the defeat of Don
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friendship with the negus Menelek, who had seized the throne
it was here that the emperor sat, his box bearing the name of
century. Agen changed hands more than once in the course of the
He must also bear all losses arising from damage to the ship by
should in fact receive more votes than Adams, and thus, in