This invoice from Endor AG summarizes the details of a purchase made by Sorin F Bogriceanu. It includes the sale of one Gran Turismo DD Pro Express Version wheel and base for €714.24, and €24.85 for shipping, for a total of €739.09. The invoice provides contact and payment details for Endor AG, and notes that the purchase was an intra-community tax-free delivery according to German tax law.
This invoice from Endor AG summarizes the details of a purchase made by Sorin F Bogriceanu. It includes the sale of one Gran Turismo DD Pro Express Version wheel and base for €714.24, and €24.85 for shipping, for a total of €739.09. The invoice provides contact and payment details for Endor AG, and notes that the purchase was an intra-community tax-free delivery according to German tax law.
This invoice from Endor AG summarizes the details of a purchase made by Sorin F Bogriceanu. It includes the sale of one Gran Turismo DD Pro Express Version wheel and base for €714.24, and €24.85 for shipping, for a total of €739.09. The invoice provides contact and payment details for Endor AG, and notes that the purchase was an intra-community tax-free delivery according to German tax law.
This invoice from Endor AG summarizes the details of a purchase made by Sorin F Bogriceanu. It includes the sale of one Gran Turismo DD Pro Express Version wheel and base for €714.24, and €24.85 for shipping, for a total of €739.09. The invoice provides contact and payment details for Endor AG, and notes that the purchase was an intra-community tax-free delivery according to German tax law.
Board of directors Head of board of directors The Brainfactory Bank Account Number: 3752 461 Thomas Jackermeier Andreas Potthoff Registerd office Landshut BLZ: 743 200 73 (CEO) VAT Number: DE209120714 District Court Landshut SWIFT: HYVEDEMM433 Andrés Semsey German Tax Number: 132/120/20138 HRB 5487 IBAN: DE10 7432 0073 0003 7524 61