This document provides basic Spanish phrases for greetings, asking how someone is, introducing yourself, asking if someone speaks English, indicating you don't speak Spanish or understand, and asking for the time. It includes translations of common greetings like "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon/evening", and "Good night" as well as questions like "How are you?", "Do you speak English?", "What time is it?" and responses like "I'm fine, thank you" and "I don't know".
This document provides basic Spanish phrases for greetings, asking how someone is, introducing yourself, asking if someone speaks English, indicating you don't speak Spanish or understand, and asking for the time. It includes translations of common greetings like "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon/evening", and "Good night" as well as questions like "How are you?", "Do you speak English?", "What time is it?" and responses like "I'm fine, thank you" and "I don't know".
This document provides basic Spanish phrases for greetings, asking how someone is, introducing yourself, asking if someone speaks English, indicating you don't speak Spanish or understand, and asking for the time. It includes translations of common greetings like "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon/evening", and "Good night" as well as questions like "How are you?", "Do you speak English?", "What time is it?" and responses like "I'm fine, thank you" and "I don't know".
This document provides basic Spanish phrases for greetings, asking how someone is, introducing yourself, asking if someone speaks English, indicating you don't speak Spanish or understand, and asking for the time. It includes translations of common greetings like "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon/evening", and "Good night" as well as questions like "How are you?", "Do you speak English?", "What time is it?" and responses like "I'm fine, thank you" and "I don't know".
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Basic Spanish Phrases
Here are some basic Spanish words and phrases for general courtesy to help you greet people and ask some really basic questions in Spain, and Latin American countries.
Hello – ¡Hola! (o-la)
Good morning – ¡Buenos días! (bway-nos dee-as)
Good afternoon/good evening – ¡Buenas tardes! (bway-nas tar-des)
Good night – ¡Buenas noches! (bway-nas noh-chays)
How are you? – ¿Cómo está? (koh-moh eh-stah)
I’m fine, thank you – Bien, gracias (bee-en gra-see-as)
Nice to meet you – Mucho gusto (moo-choh goo-stoh)
Do you speak English? – ¿Habla ingles? (ab-la in-glays)
I don’t speak Spanish – No hablo español (noh ah-bloh ess-pah-nyohl)
I (don’t) understand – Yo (no) entiendo (yo no en-tee-en-doh)
What time is it? – ¿Qué hora es? (keh oh-rah ess)
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