WI Open Letter Press Release 3.10.22
WI Open Letter Press Release 3.10.22
WI Open Letter Press Release 3.10.22
E l e c t i o n I n t e g r i t y
For Immediate Release: March 10, 2022
Media Contacts: Kim Simac – bk951@frontier.com or 715.891.3207
James Tesauro - jamestesauro1@protonmail.com or 913.240.5960
Each Republican legislative office will receive an electronic copy of the open letter, which is also being widely
distributed via social media. The letter can be viewed at: bit.ly/DecertifyWI
WCDEI has given legislators until end-of-day on March 17th to make their intentions regarding decertification
plain to the people of Wisconsin, via either press conference or press release. Any state legislator failing to meet this
deadline will be considered in violation of his or her sworn oath and will be prioritized for removal from office. The
coalition’s large and growing network of citizens will subsequently work to achieve those removals.
“Honest elections are foundational to an open and voluntary society,” charter WCDEI member and Sheboygan
County resident James Tesauro asserted this morning. “Evidence of the profound election and voter fraud that
riddled Wisconsin’s November 2020 election has only continued to mount over the past 16 months. If our
legislators refuse to see and act on the truth, citizens have a duty to remove and replace them with individuals whose
vision, principles, and commitment to a free society are fully intact.”
Tesauro is no stranger to principle, having served 10 years in U.S. Army Aviation and attaining the rank of Captain.
“Decertification is the proper constitutional course for Wisconsin legislators to correct the gross error they made in
certifying suspect election results that merited deeper investigation from the outset.” Tesauro continued.”
Kim Simac, another charter WCDEI member and longtime grassroots activist from Vilas County added: “State
legislators each swear an oath to represent us, to uphold the laws of the land, and to defend our rights. With
regrettably few exceptions, Republican state legislators have instead sat back and given election corruption a pass.”
Tesauro and Simac’s comments come just days after the release of Special Counsel Gableman’s explosive and
well-documented report on extensive voter fraud in Wisconsin nursing homes. Most of Wisconsin’s Republican
legislators have remained strangely silent on Gableman’s findings.
“WCDEI’s strong and growing coalition of citizens won’t tolerate inaction and evasion of duty any longer,” Simac
concluded. “Time’s up.”
Wisconsin Citizens Demanding Election Integrity is a statewide volunteer coalition of grassroots leaders and citizen activists invested
in ensuring free and fair elections in our state. The coalition includes people from a wide variety of backgrounds and possesses an
impressive array of credentials and expertise, allowing cooperative action on multiple fronts. For more information, contact charter
member Kim Simac at bk951@frontier.com or 715.891.3207.