Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

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Educational Product

National Aeronautics and

Teachers Grades 5-12
Space Administration

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

A Teacher’s Guide with Activities for
Earth and Space Sciences
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

A Teacher’s Guide with Activities for
Earth and Space Sciences

Office of Space Science

Solar System Exploration Division

Office of Human Resources

and Education
Education Division

August 1997

This publication is in the Public Domain and is not copyrighted.

Permission is not required for duplication.

This teacher’s guide was developed in a partnership between

scientists in the Planetary Materials Office, at NASA’s Johnson Space
Center in Houston, Texas, and teachers from local school districts.

NASA and Contractor Staff Teachers

On the Cover—
Marilyn Lindstrom JoAnne Burch
Project Coordinator and Meteorite Curator Pearland ISD, Several aspects of a meteorite
NASA Johnson Space Center Elementary fall are depicted on the cover.
Houston, Texas Pearland, Texas The background is a painting
created by an eyewitness of
Jaclyn Allen Karen Crowell
Scientist and Science Education Specialist Pasadena ISD, the Sikhote-Alin fireball. At
Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences Co. Elementary the top is the asteroid Ida, a
Houston, Texas Pasadena, Texas possible source of meteorites.
At the bottom is Meteor
Allan Treiman* and Carl Allen Roy Luksch
Crater in Arizona—the first
Planetary Scientists Alvin ISD,
Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences Co. High School identified meteorite impact
Houston, Texas Alvin, Texas crater.

Anita Dodson Karen Stocco

Graphic Designer Pasadena ISD,
Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences Co. High School
Houston, Texas Pasadena, Texas

Bobbie Swaby
Pasadena ISD,
Middle School
National Aeronautics and
Pasadena, Texas
Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Earth Science and Solar System Kay Tobola
Exploration Divison Alvin ISD,
Middle School
Alvin, Texas

We would also like to thank the following for reviews and meteorite samples:

NASA - Don Bogard, Mark Cintala, Everett Gibson, Kathleen McBride, Dave Mittlefehldt, Larry Nyquist, Cecilia
Satterwhite, Carol Schwarz, Roberta Score,** Faith Vilas, and Mike Zolensky.
NASA/OSU - Richard Adams, Jim Fitzgerald, Larry Gilbert, Les Gold, Tibisay Marin, Debbie Shearer, Greg Vogt,
and Ralph Winrich.
Teachers - Gregg Baumgartner, Stephanie McNeel, and Susan Ross (Alvin ISD); Jean Groover and John Ristvey
(Clear Creek ISD); Cathy Corley and Jeanie Thuneman (Friendswood ISD) and John Beasley (Stafford MSD).
Organizations - U.S. Antarctic Program (NSF), NNMH Smithsonian Institution, NASA, and the Field Museum of
Natural History.
*Now at the Lunar & Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas. **Now at Antarctic Support Services, Denver, Colorado.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ i

About Exploring Meteorite Mysteries ........................................................................................................................... iii

About the Meteorite Disk ................................................................................................................................................ iv
About the Slide Set .......................................................................................................................................................... iv
Science Process Skills ...................................................................................................................................................... v
Science and Mathematics Standards ..............................................................................................................................vii
Lesson Topic Planner ...................................................................................................................................................... ix
Lesson Sequence Suggestions ......................................................................................................................................... x

Teacher’s Guide
Meteorites, Clues to Solar System History ............................................................................................................... 1
Meteorite ABC’s Fact Sheet .................................................................................................................................... 29
Solar System ABC’s Fact Sheet .............................................................................................................................. 31

Mysterious Meteorites
Lesson 1: Noblesville Fall ..................................................................................................................................... 1.1

Where Do They Come From?

Lesson 2: Follow the Falling Meteorite ................................................................................................................. 2.1
Lesson 3: Searching for Meteorites ....................................................................................................................... 3.1
Lesson 4: The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection ..................................................................................................... 4.1
Lesson 5: Looking at Asteroids ............................................................................................................................. 5.1
Lesson 6: Impact Craters — Holes In the Ground! ................................................................................................ 6.1
Lesson 7: Crater Hunters ........................................................................................................................................ 7.1

What Are They?

Lesson 8: Edible Rocks ......................................................................................................................................... 8.1
Lesson 9: Meteorite Sleuths! ................................................................................................................................. 9.1

How Did They Form?

Lesson 10: Building Blocks of Planets ............................................................................................................... 10.1
Lesson 11: Changes Inside Planets ...................................................................................................................... 11.1
Lesson 12: Building Blocks of Life ..................................................................................................................... 12.1
Lesson 13: Solving a Mystery ............................................................................................................................. 13.1

What Effect Do They Have?

Lesson 14: Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary ......................................................................................................... 14.1
Lesson 15: Historical Meteorite Falls .................................................................................................................. 15.1
Lesson 16: Near Miss ........................................................................................................................................... 16.1

How Can I Use Them?

Lesson 17: Asteroid Resources ............................................................................................................................ 17.1

Is There a Career for Me?

Lesson 18: Antarctic Meteorite Teams ................................................................................................................. 18.1

What Can We Believe?

Lesson 19: The Daily Shooting Star .................................................................................................................... 19.1

Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................................ A.1

Education Resources .................................................................................................................................................... B.1
ii NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
About Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

Teachers and scientists designed this book to engage students in inquiry science and to extend science with
interdisciplinary connections. The study of meteorites provides a unifying theme that links almost every
aspect of Earth and planetary science with mathematics, physics, chemistry and even biology. The effects of
meteorite impacts have serious implications for social science. The activities in this book are designed for
upper elementary to high school levels. Many of the lessons begin with a simple activity and build to more
complex ones. The Curriculum Content Matrix, Lesson Topic Planner and Lesson Sequence Suggestions
may assist teachers in integrating the meteorite activities with their existing Earth science curricula and
standards requirements.

The Teacher’s Guide, Meteorites, Clues to Solar System History, gives a broad introduction to many
aspects of meteorite science. It tells the story of solar system history from the formation of the planets to
catastrophic impacts on Earth. It helps the students learn how scientists use studies of these rocks from
space to decipher that history. The Meteorite ABC’s and Solar System ABC’s Fact Sheets contain
important information about meteorites and bodies in the solar system in convenient table format.

The Activities are divided into units based on key questions

students may ask about meteorites. For example, the unit
entitled “Where do they come from?” contains six lessons with
many activities that explore that question. The activities range
from introductory impact experiments to rather complex orbit
constructions that use beginning geometry. Some lessons are
designed to use the Meteorite Sample Disk, although most
lessons do not require the disk. All the lessons could be
taught in the science classroom, but many lessons could
be used in other areas. The lessons include both teacher
and student pages, both of which may be copied as
needed. Measurements are given in metric units with
some English units in parentheses for common
household items.

The book concludes with a Glossary and an

Education Resources section. Key words that
appear in bold in the Teachers’ Guide or as
vocabulary in the Activities are defined in the
glossary. The Education Resources section lists
specific books and supporting materials for
meteorites. It also provides a guide to accessing the
broad range of NASA resources for educators.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ iii

About the Meteorite Sample Disk

The Meteorite Sample Disk contains six labeled meteorites embedded in

a 15 cm plastic disk. These pieces of asteroids represent the products of
basic planetary processes: accretion, differentiation, volcanism and
impact. Educators may borrow the Meteorite Sample Disk containing
these rocks from space to help students learn about the early history of
the solar system. The Meteorite Sample Disk package contains the disk,
a copy of this activity guide, and the Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
slide set described below.

To borrow the Meteorite Sample Disk educators must first attend a short
certification briefing on security requirements and handling procedures.
This is the same certification as for borrowing the Lunar Sample Disk. These briefings are given by NASA
staff at locations around the country. Following certification educators may request the loan of the disks for
periods of one to two weeks. Written requests should be sent to the NASA Educator Resource Center in
your geographic area at least one month before the requested loan date. For more information on
scheduling certification and request procedures, educators should contact their Educator Resource Center
at the locations given on page B.2 at the end of this book.

About the Slide Set

A set of forty-eight 35 mm slides has been prepared to supplement the

activities in this Exploring Meteorite Mysteries book. The slides and
narrative descriptions are divided into four parts. The first 25 slides
present a general introduction to meteorites and what they tell us about the
history of the solar system. It begins with observations of meteorite falls,
depicts meteorites and their formation processes, and concludes with their
impact on life and future exploration of the solar system. The remaining three
parts are more detailed sections for use with various lessons in the activity guide. These sections reuse
some of the slides from the introduction. One section on impact craters illustrates craters on Earth, the
Moon and other planets. The next section on classification and formation depicts various meteorite types
and the processes of accretion, differentiation, volcanism, and impact. The final section shows collection,
curation, and research on Antarctic meteorites.

The slide set is distributed to educators with the Meteorite Sample Disk. Anyone desiring a permanent
copy of the slide set may order it at cost from NASA Central Operation of Resources for Educators
(CORE). The address and various contacts for CORE are listed on page B.2 at the back of this book.

iv NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Science Process Skills
for Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

This chart is designed to assist teachers in integrating the activities contained in the guide with existing curricula.

Gathering and Organizing Data

Developing a Hypothesis
Experimental Design

Controlling Variables

Introductory Activity
Extending Senses

Advanced Activity

Team Work


Unit Lesson

Mysterious Lesson 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Meteorites Noblesville Fall

“Where Do Lesson 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
They Come Follow the
From?” Falling Meteorite

Lesson 3 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
for Meteorites

Lesson 4 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
The Meteorite-

Lesson 5 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Looking at

Lesson 6 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Impact Craters—
Holes in the

Lesson 7 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Crater Hunters

“What Are Lesson 8 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

They?” Edible Rocks

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ v
Gathering and Organizing Data

Developing a Hypothesis
Experimental Design

Controlling Variables

Introductory Activity
Extending Senses

Advanced Activity

Team Work


Unit Lesson
“What Are Lesson 9 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
They?” Meteorite Sleuths!

“How Did Lesson 10 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

They Building Blocks
Form?” of Planets

Lesson 11 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Changes Inside

Lesson 12 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Building Blocks
of Life

Lesson 13 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Solving a

“What Lesson 14 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Effect Do Direct Hit at the
They K-T Boundary
Lesson 15 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Meteorite Falls

Lesson 16 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Near Miss

“How Can I Lesson 17 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Use Them? Asteroid Resources

“Is There Lesson 18 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

a Career Antarctic Meteorite
for Me?” Teams

“What Can Lesson 19 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

We The Daily Shooting
Believe?” Star

vi NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ


Lesson 6

Lesson 8
Lesson 7
Lesson 5
Lesson 4
Lesson 3
Lesson 2
Lesson 1

Looking at
Follow the


Holes in the

Edible Rocks
for Meteorites

The Meteorite-

Crater Hunters
Noblesville Fall

Falling Meteorite

Impact Craters—

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Science as Inquiry

Structure and Energy of the Earth System

✔ ✔

✔ ✔

Origin and History of the Earth

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔
Earth in the Solar System

Geochemical Cycles
for Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

Physical Science

Populations and Ecosystems

Understanding about Science and Technology
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔
History and Nature of Science
Science and Mathematics Standards

Problem Solving

✔ ✔
Computation and Estimation

✔ ✔
✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔


Geometry and Advanced Mathematics

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Statistics and Probability

Number and Number Relationships

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔

Patterns and Functions

Understanding about Science and Technology

Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

Structure and Energy of the Earth System

Geometry and Advanced Mathematics

Number and Number Relationships

Origin and History of the Earth

History and Nature of Science

Populations and Ecosystems

Computation and Estimation

Earth in the Solar System

Statistics and Probability

Patterns and Functions

Geochemical Cycles
Science as Inquiry

Physical Science

Problem Solving

Lesson 9
Meteorite Sleuths ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 10
Building Blocks of ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 11
Changes Inside ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 12
Building Blocks ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
of Life

Lesson 13
Solving a Mystery ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 14
Direct Hit at the K-T ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 15
Historical Meteorite ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 16
Near Miss ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 17
Asteroid Resources ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 18
Antarctic Meteorite ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Lesson 19
The Daily Shooting ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

viii NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson Topic Planner
for Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

This matrix indicates some of the lessons in Exploring Meteorite Mysteries that could be used to enhance
selected science topic themes frequently used in Earth/Space Science curricula.

Metric and Scientific Method (students use metric Natural Resources/National Parks
measurements in activities) Lesson 3 Searching for Meteorites
Lesson 2 Follow the Falling Meteorite Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets
Lesson 4 The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets
Lesson 6 Impact Craters — Holes in the Ground! Lesson 12 Building Blocks of Planets
Lesson 9 Meteorite Sleuths Lesson 17 Asteroid Resources

Water (fresh and oceans) Historical Connections/ People/Careers

Lesson 12 Building Blocks of Life Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall
Lesson 14 Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary Lesson 7 Crater Hunters
Lesson 16 Near Miss Lesson 14 Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Lesson 17 Asteroid Resources Lesson 15 Historical Meteorite Falls
Lesson 16 Near Miss
Atmosphere/Climate/Weather Lesson 18 Antarctic Meteorite Teams
Lesson 14 Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary Lesson 19 The Daily Shooting Star
Lesson 16 Near Miss
Space (Stars and Solar System)
Rocks/Minerals/Geologic Time Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall
Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall Lesson 2 Follow the Falling Meteorite
Lesson 6 Impact Craters — Holes in the Ground! Lesson 3 Searching for Meteorites
Lesson 7 Crater Hunters Lesson 4 The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection
Lesson 8 Edible Rocks Lesson 5 Looking at Asteroids
Lesson 9 Meteorite Sleuths Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets
Lesson 10 Building Block of Planets Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets
Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets Lesson 17 Asteroid Resources
Lesson 12 Building Blocks of Life
Lesson 13 Solving a Mystery
Lesson 14 Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary

Planet Dynamics
Lesson 14 Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Lesson 16 Near Miss
Lesson 6 Impact Craters — Holes in the Ground!
Plate Tectonics and Volcanism
Lesson 7 Crater Hunters
Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets
Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets
Lesson 14 Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Weathering and Erosion
Lesson 6 Impact Craters — Holes in the Ground!
Lesson 7 Crater Hunters

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ ix
Lesson Sequence Suggestions
for Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

Lesson Groups are suggested for one or a combination of several of the following criteria: time available in
the classroom, theme or topic of existing curricula, Meteorite Sample Disk availability, and interdisciplinary
connections. More than one lesson could be accomplished in a 90-minute class. Some lessons may be
inserted directly into existing Earth/Space Science curricula as enrichment activities without a more extensive
meteorite focus.

Activities Without Meteorite Sample Disk Activities With Meteorite Sample Disk

Stand alone activities for one or two class periods One or two class periods with Meteorite Sample Disk.
without Meteorite Sample Disk. (other lessons do not need the Disk)

Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall Sequence of :

Lesson 2 Follow the Falling Meteorite
Lesson 4 The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection: Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall
Orbits in the inner Solar System Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets
Lesson 6 Impact Craters —Holes in the Ground! Lesson 11 Changes inside Planets
Lesson 7 Crater Hunters
Lesson 8 Edible Rocks or
Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets (non-
Meteorite Sample Disk activities only) Lesson 8 Edible Rocks
Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets (non-Meteorite Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets
Sample Disk activities only) Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets
Lesson 12 Building Blocks of Life
Lesson 14 Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary or
Lesson 15 Historical Meteorite Falls
Lesson 16 Near Miss Lesson 8 Edible Rocks
Lesson 18 Antarctic Meteorite Teams Lesson 9 Meteorite Sleuths!

One week without Meteorite Sample Disk. (Emphasizing One week with a Meteorite Sample Disk.
basic meteorite background and hands-on activities on impact
cratering.) Sequence of :
Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall
Lesson 2 Follow the Falling Meteorite Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall
Lesson 3 Searching for Meteorites Lesson 8 Edible Rocks
Lesson 6 Impact Craters —Holes in the Ground! Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets
Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets
One or two weeks without Meteorite Sample Disk.
(Emphasizing basic meteorite background and hands-on or
activities about the origin and physical characteristics of
meteorites.) Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall
Lesson 1 Noblesville Fall Lesson 8 Edible Rocks
Lesson 8 Edible Rocks Lesson 9 Meteorite Sleuths!
Lesson 10 Building Blocks of Planets
Lesson 11 Changes Inside Planets
Lesson 12 Building Blocks of Life
Lesson 13 Solving a Mystery

x NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Meteorites, Clues to
Solar System History
A family on a camping trip watches a bright light streak across the sky and disappear.

An explorer comes upon a circular crater with rocks scattered around its rim.

Two boys watch a rock fall from the sky and land near them.

A farmer picks up an unusually heavy rock while plowing his field.

A scientist discovers the rare element iridium in a soil layer that marks
the end of the age of dinosaurs.

All of these people have discovered possible evidence of rocks

from space that passed through the atmosphere and landed on
Earth. Sometimes there is little or no evidence of the rock itself;
it burned up in the atmosphere or broke up on impact. Other
times the rock is all there is, with little evidence of its fiery entry
or crash landing. These events all involve the mysteries of
meteorites: what they are, where they come from, how they got
here, how they affect people, and what they tell us about the
solar system. These are some of the questions that are
investigated in Exploring Meteorite Mysteries.

Meteorites are rocks from space that have survived their

passage through the atmosphere to land on Earth’s surface. Some
meteorites are seen or heard to fall and are picked up soon
afterward, while most are found much later. Some meteorites are
large enough to produce impact craters or showers of fragments,
but others are small enough to hold in one hand, and still others
are so small that you need to use a microscope to see them. Brodie Spaulding (age 13) and Brian
Kinzie (age 9). The boys are standing on
Some meteorites are like igneous rocks on Earth, others are the lawn where they observed the
pieces of metal, and others are different from all known Earth Noblesville, Indiana meteorite fall on
rocks. Yet, despite their variety in size, appearance, and manner August 31, 1991. (Photo by M. Lipschutz)
of discovery, all meteorites are pieces of other bodies in space
that give us clues to the origin and history of the solar system.

Noblesville meteorite. The 0.5 kg (fist-sized)

meteorite found by the boys. Inside Noblesville
is a gray stony meteorite, but outside it is
covered by a dark brown glassy crust.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 1

Meteorite Fall
and Recovery
Meteors, Falls and Finds
Meteors, bright streaks of light moving rapidly across the sky, are
fairly common. On a clear night outside the city you could see an
average of three or four an hour. Sometimes many more meteors are
visible. These times are called meteor showers and many showers
return year after year on the same dates. These showers are associated with
comet dust left by long-passed comets. However, very few meteors, and none of the
yearly meteor showers, yield meteorites on Earth’s surface. Most of the dust and ice particles burn up
completely as they pass through the atmosphere.

Only a few people each year actually see a meteorite fall. Meteorites that are recovered soon after they
land on Earth are called falls. About 900 meteorite falls have been recovered around the world, mostly in
the last 200 years. The fall of a relatively small meteorite is exciting, but not dramatic unless it injures a
person or damages property. When young Brodie Spaulding and Brian Kenzie observed the fall of the
small Noblesville meteorite in August 1991 (see Lesson 1), they saw no bright light and heard only a
whistling sound. The meteorite was slightly warm to touch and made a small hole in the ground where it

Falls of large meteorites are rare, occurring only once every few decades, but are dramatic, beginning with
the bright streak of light and thunderous noise of a fireball. The falls of the Allende stony meteorite in rural
Mexico and the Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite in Siberia, Russia, were two recent large falls (see Lesson 15).
Both meteorite falls began with bright light and explosions that were seen, heard and felt for great distances.
The cover of this booklet shows the Sikhote-Alin fireball as depicted in an eyewitness painting. The fall
sites for the two meteorites were soon found. Allende was scattered over a 150 square kilometer area

Sikhote-Alin meteorite. This is a fragment

from the Sikhote-Alin shower that fell in
Russia in February, 1947. It is an iron
meteorite that is covered by black fusion
crust and indentations like thumbprints
from melting during flight through the Allende meteorite. This is a fragment from the Allende shower that fell
atmosphere. The Sikhote-Alin irons in Mexico in February 1969. It is a dark gray stony meteorite with
weighed a total of 23,000 kg, with the black glassy fusion crust. The Allende stones weighed a total of 2,000
largest piece weighing 300 kg. kg, with the largest piece weighing 100 kg.

2 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Meteor Crater in Arizona. This 1.2 km
wide, 150 m deep, crater was made by a 30
m iron meteorite weighing about
1,000,000,000 kg. Thousands of fragments
totaling 30,000 kg of the Canyon Diablo
iron meteorite have been found, but most of
the meteorite was vaporized by the heat of
the impact.

around the town of Pueblito del Allende. The Sikhote-Alin site was located from the air by its devastation
of a forested area. On the ground scientists found over 100 craters of varying sizes. Both meteorites fell as
thousands of fragments covering wide areas. The breakup and fall of a large meteorite like Allende or
Sikhote-Alin before impact is called a meteorite shower. (See Lessons 2 and 3)

The impact of a huge meteorite has never been observed and recorded by people; however, many have
been recorded as craters in the surfaces where they landed on the Earth or other planetary bodies. Me-
teor Crater in Arizona is the best known meteorite impact crater on Earth. It is about 50,000 years old
and well preserved in the arid desert. Many small fragments of the Canyon Diablo meteorite have been
found around the crater, but their total mass is only a tiny fraction of the total mass of the incoming
meteorite. The force of the impact is thought to have vaporized most of the meteorite. Imagine how
powerful that explosion must have been if anyone were nearby to see and feel it!

Studies of numerous observed falls, combined with field and experimental studies of impact craters, give us
a general picture of the fall process. Meteorites approaching Earth come in all sizes from microscopic to
gigantic. The larger the size, the fewer the number of meteorites there are. Most meteorites approach
Earth at speeds of about 20-30 km/sec. They are slowed down by friction with the air as they pass through
the atmosphere. The heat produced causes their outsides to melt to glass creating the fusion crust. The
tiniest rocks and dust burn up as meteors without landing on Earth. Small meteorites like Noblesville are
slowed to below the speed of sound. Larger meteorites like Allende and Sikhote-Alin don’t slow down
much and make sonic booms as they approach Earth at speeds greater than the speed of sound. Even
larger meteorites, like Canyon Diablo that formed Meteor Crater, are hardly slowed at all by the Earth’s
atmosphere and hit the Earth at very high speeds, making large impact craters. No meteorite this large has
fallen in recorded history. Most small to medium falls are stony meteorites and most of the larger showers
and impact craters are produced by iron meteorites. Iron meteorites are stronger than stony meteorites;
therefore, they don’t break up as easily in space or as they pass through the atmosphere.

Many meteorites fall to Earth each year, but are not observed. Few of these meteorites are ever found.
From photographic records of fireballs and smaller meteors, scientists have calculated that about 30,000
meteorites larger than 100 g fall on the Earth’s surface each year. Although this sounds like a huge number,
there is very little chance of a meteorite falling on you. Most of these meteorites just go unnoticed because
they fall quietly during the night, in unpopulated areas, or in the ocean . However, some meteorites survive
exposure at the Earth’s surface and are picked up hundreds or thousands of years after they fall.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 3

Meteorites that are collected with no visual evidence at the time
Identifying of their fall are called finds and make up the bulk of the world’s
Meteorites meteorite collections. Prior to 1970, about 1500 meteorite finds
had been collected around the world. The discoveries of
Finding a meteorite on Antarctic numerous meteorites in desert regions in North America, Africa
ice when there are no other rocks and especially Australia have added hundreds of new meteorites
around is easy (if you can stand to the collections in the last few years. But the best area in the
the cold!). Finding a meteorite world for collecting meteorites is the icy desert of Antarctica. In
on sand, a plowed field, or a path 1969, nine meteorites were found on Antarctic ice by a Japanese
or road isn’t hard. But finding a field team. Since then about 17,000 meteorite fragments have
meteorite in a thick forest, or
been found by Japanese, European, and U.S. meteorite
picking one out of a pile of Earth
collection teams.
rocks is challenging, even for
experts. There are many types of
meteorites and they are found in Antarctic Meteorites
all sizes and shapes, but most
Antarctica is a special place for collecting meteorites. More
meteorites have two things in
common: Outside they have dark
meteorite fragments have been recovered there than from the rest
brown or black glassy crusts and of the world combined. Yet because the continent is frozen,
inside they contain enough iron remote and uninhabited, not a single Antarctic meteorite fall has
metal to attract a magnet. The been observed. Several factors combine to make Antarctica
outer glassy crust, of the ideal for finding previously-fallen meteorites. The first is the ease
meteorite, called its fusion crust, of finding dark meteorites on ice. This aids in recovery of small
is produced as the rock is heated and sometimes rare meteorites. The ice also helps to preserve
by friction when it comes the meteorites because they rust and weather away more slowly
through the atmosphere. The in cold Antarctic temperatures than in warmer climates. The next
outer part of the rock melts and factor is the movement of the ice which concentrates meteorites
forms fusion crust that often has
that fell in different places at different times. The meteorites are
flow marks or indentations like
thumbprints. The inside stays
enclosed in ice and move with a glacier until it comes to a rock
cool and is usually light gray to barrier and stalls. The meteorites are later exposed at the
black in color, but some may be surface as the ice gradually erodes away. This concentration
tan or, if weathered and rusted, makes it difficult to tell which meteorites are parts of a meteorite
brown. shower, and which are individual falls. All Antarctic meteorites
are given separate names although some are later grouped as
The three major types of meteor- paired meteorites if data suggest that they came from a single
ites are stony, iron, and stony- shower. It is estimated that the 17,000
iron meteorites. These are easily Antarctic meteorite fragments represent
distinguished by their amounts of
about 3,000 separate meteorites, or about the
iron metal. Stony meteorites are
mostly silicate minerals with less
same as the total for the rest of the world’s
than 25% metal, iron meteorites collection. (See Lesson 18)
are essentially all metal, and
stony-iron meteorites are about The concentration process and ease of
half silicate minerals and half finding meteorites in Antarctica led to
metal. Iron-rich meteorites can national and international meteorite
be easily identified by their programs organized by the Japanese,
density; they feel much heavier Americans and Europeans, and to
than Earth rocks. Most stony yearly expeditions to collect meteor-
meteorites have shiny or rusty ites. The Japanese JARE (Japanese
continued on next page
Antarctic Research Expedition)

4 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

continued from previous page

metal flecks visible inside: almost

no Earth rocks have iron metal.
A few stony meteorites have no
metal and are very similar to
Earth rocks; these can be
recognized by their glassy fusion
crust. Stony meteorites are the
most abundant (94%) among falls
and irons are uncommon (5%).
However, irons make up about
half of all finds, except in
Antarctica. Stony-irons are rare
(1%) among both falls and finds.

The only way to be sure if a rock

is a meteorite is to have it
examined and analyzed by an
expert. If you have a sample that
might be a meteorite, you should
contact a meteoriticist, geologist
Collecting Antarctic meteorites. This scientist is collecting a meteorite on
or astronomer at a local science
the ice in Antarctica. The Antarctic ice aids meteorite collection by
museum or university.
concentrating many meteorites in some areas, weathering them slowly,
and making them easy to see. Scientists live and work in remote, hazard- Alternatively, you could contact a
ous conditions in order to recover hundreds of meteorites per year. national meteorite curation center
at NASA Johnson Space Center in
Houston or the Smithsonian
program is run by the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR)
National Museum of Natural
in Tokyo. The EUROMET (European Meteorite) consortium is History in Washington, DC.
a cooperative program among many European countries with its
headquarters at the Open University, Milton Keynes, England.
The American ANSMET (Antarctic Search for Meteorites)
program is a collaboration among three government agencies:
the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA, and the
Smithsonian Institution.

In Antarctica, meteorites are concentrated on ice fields near

mountains, especially the Transantarctic Mountains. The sites are
far from the few coastal research stations or from the South Pole
station. The weather is extreme, with sub-zero temperatures and
high winds to make life hazardous. Teams of scientists spend
one to two months in this frigid environment collecting meteorites.
They travel to these sites by helicopters or cargo planes, drive
around in snowmobiles, and live in special polar tents. They
must take almost everything they need to survive because Antarctic ice cave. A member of the U.S.
Antarctica provides only air, frozen water and refrigeration. meteorite collection team is standing
Despite these hazardous conditions, the teams have been highly outside an ice cave in Antarctica.
successful in collecting meteorites. During approximately twenty
years of collection, American expeditions have returned over
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 5
Noblesville, Allende
Canyon Diablo
Gibeon, Brenham
ALH90411, EET83227

Meteorites are named after the

nearest town (Noblesville, IN) or
post office so their names are
often picturesque. Because
meteorites have been found the
world over, the list of meteorite
names looks like a geography
lesson. When meteorites are found
far from towns, they may be Antarctic meteorite locations. Meteorites are found mostly along the
named after their county of origin 3,000 km Transantarctic Mountains that diagonally cut the continent.
(Sioux County, NB), or after a These sites are remote from the U.S. research stations South Pole and
nearby river (Calkalong Creek, McMurdo (indicated with stars).
Aus.), lake (Carlisle Lakes, Aus.)
or other geographic feature 8,000 meteorite fragments, and Japanese over 9,000. In only
(Canyon Diablo, AZ). In deserts three expeditions Europeans found 530 meteorites.
where many meteorites are found
in areas with few towns or
geographic names, meteorite
names include both a geographic
Meteorite Curation
area and sample number. For Scientists in museums and universities around the world are
example, Acfer 287 is from the responsible for the curation of non-Antarctic meteorites.
Sahara Desert in Algeria and Curation includes classifying new meteorites, storing them, and
Camel Donga 005 is from the distributing them to scientists for study. When the three Antarctic
Nullarbor region in Australia. In meteorite collection programs began bringing back hundreds to
Antarctica, where thousands of
thousands of meteorite fragments per year, each program set up
meteorites have been collected in
its own facilities to do curation. Each of these facilities has
yearly expeditions, the names
include the geographic area, year special clean labs because Antarctic meteorites are less contami-
of collection and sample number. nated by Earth’s environment and pollution than other meteorite
Geographic areas are often finds. Meteorites are stored in clean cabinets, sometimes in a
abbreviated using one to four dry nitrogen gas, and handled and examined in glove box cabi-
letters. Thus ALH90411 stands nets or lab benches with filtered air. The first task of the curators
for sample 411 collected in 1990 is to classify new meteorites and announce them to research
in the Allan Hills area of scientists. Scientists then send requests for samples to study. In
Antarctica. The names, locations response, the curators take small pieces of each requested
and find dates of meteorites in the meteorite and distribute them to the scientists. Finally, the
disks are given in the Meteorite
curators store the meteorites in clean environments to preserve
ABC’s Fact Sheet on page 29.
them for future studies.

6 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Meteorite curation. This is the meteorite
curation facility at NASA‘s Johnson Space
Center in Houston, Texas. It is operated by
the same group which curates the Apollo
lunar samples. A companion facility is at
the Smithsonian National Museum of
Natural History in Washington, DC.

The smallest objects approaching Earth are cosmic spherules
and interplanetary dust particles (IDP). They are called
micrometeorites because they are so small that a microscope is
needed to see them. Because micrometeorites are small and
have very large surface areas compared to their masses, they
Cosmic dust collection. NASA collects
radiate heat rapidly and are not melted as they pass through the
cosmic dust in collectors mounted on
atmosphere. Cosmic spherules are droplets less than a millimeter aircraft that fly in the stratosphere.
in size that are found in deep sea sediments and Antarctic and
Greenland ice. EUROMET has an active micrometeorite
collection program with a curation facility in Orsay, France.
IDPs are micrometer-sized irregular aggregates that vary widely
in composition, mineralogy and structure. NASA collects IDP’s
in the upper atmosphere using military airplanes with collectors
attached under their wings. The collectors are opened upon
reaching high altitudes and closed before returning to the ground.
This ensures that only high altitude particles are collected. Some
of these particles are man-made space debris, others are ash
from Earth’s volcanoes, but many are interplanetary dust. These
IDP’s are curated at NASA Johnson Space Center in a lab Interplanetary dust particle. This fluffy
aggregate of grains was collected by NASA
adjacent to the Antarctic meteorite curation lab. NASA curators high in the atmosphere. It consists of a
describe, announce and distribute the IDP’s which are studied by variety of minerals loosely held together. It
scientists around the world. is sitting on a metal surface with holes in it.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 7

Impacts and Craters
Impact as a Planetary Process
One of the most significant discoveries from NASA’s exploration of the solar system is the importance of
meteorite impact as a planetary process. Images of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, asteroids, and the moons of
the outer planets show surfaces covered with impact craters. The recent Magellan radar images of Venus
revealed both craters and volcanism on that cloud-covered planet. The view of the whole Earth from space
shows little effect of impact. However, from photos taken in orbits closer to Earth, scientists have identified
a number of circular impact features. Meteor Crater in Arizona is the most familiar example of an impact
crater. It is relatively small, young, and well preserved compared to most impact craters. Many of these
craters are old; some craters are partly-filled circular lakes; others are heavily eroded. Various types of
craters are illustrated in the companion slide set. A map of terrestrial impact crater locations shows that
they are scattered around the Earth.

Terrestrial impact craters. This map shows locations of 140 impact craters which have been identified on Earth. The
craters range in size from under 1 km to over 200 km across and in age from recent to 2 billion years old. The clusters
of craters in eastern North America, Europe, and Australia are due to both stable geologic environments and active
crater search programs.

Field and Laboratory Studies of Impacts

Recognizing impact craters and understanding how they form require a combination of field geology and
impact experiments. The experiments define the speeds of impacting objects, structures of craters, and
types of rocks formed in the impact process. Field studies of well-exposed craters provide “ground truth”
for experiments and help define crater structure and the nature of rocks modified by impact. The speed of
the impacting object (about 20-30 km/sec) is greater than the speed of sound in air. The object produces a
sonic boom as it passes through the atmosphere and an explosion crater when it impacts. The diameter of
the crater is about 10 times larger than that of the impacting object while the crater depth is about 1/10 the

8 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Crater cross sections. This diagram shows two views of a typical impact crater. The left view shows the circular
crater with its rim and scattered ejecta. The right view shows that the rim is above and the crater floor is below the
original surface. The ejecta are thickest closest to the rim.

crater diameter. These numbers vary with the speed, size, mass, and angle of approach of the impacting
object, and with the nature of the target rocks.

Finding a circular crater is not sufficient to identify it as an impact crater because there are also volcanic
craters. Although their size ranges overlap, impact craters tend to be larger than volcanic craters. Their
structures also differ. A volcanic crater’s floor is often above the surrounding surface, while an impact
crater’s floor is below the surrounding terrain. Thus a fresh impact crater is circular, with a raised rim and a
lowered floor. Impact craters are also surrounded by rocky material thrown from the crater, ejecta. The
best proof of an impact crater is associated meteorite fragments; after that, the next best indicator is the
nature of its rocks. They are broken, distorted or even melted by the shock of the explosive impact. Much
of the ejecta outside the crater is broken pieces of various rocks mixed together to form a breccia. The
rocks inside the crater are also breccias which are highly shocked and sometimes melted. The original
bedrock below the crater is shocked and fractured. (See Lessons 6 and 7)

Catastrophic Impacts
Looking at the surface of the Moon we see craters ranging in size
from tiny to gigantic. The largest basins are the dark, roughly
circular mare that are filled with solidified basalt. Such large
impacts must have had a major affect on the whole Moon.
Studies of lunar rocks returned by the Apollo missions showed
that the giant impacts happened about 3.9 billion years ago (see
companion volume Exploring the Moon). Studies also showed
that the breccias formed by impact on the Moon are rich in some
metals that are abundant in meteorites, but rare in rocks on the
surfaces of the Moon and Earth. Iridium is one such metal that is Aristarchus. The lunar crater Aristarchus
common in meteorites. Its discovery in the K/T boundary soil is about 40 km in diameter. It is one of the
most studied craters on the Moon.
offers an explanation of a catastrophic Earth event.

The K/T boundary is the layer of soil that marks the end of the Cretaceous (K) period and beginning of the
Tertiary (T) period of geologic time. It occurred 65 million years ago when three-fourths of all species of
life on Earth became extinct. Other time boundaries in earlier periods also mark extinctions of many
species. Geologists have tried to understand the causes of these mass extinctions, suggesting perhaps

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 9

major changes in climate. In 1980 geologists discovered that this layer is surprisingly rich in iridium. They
suggested that the iridium was from a giant meteorite that impacted the Earth throwing a tremendous volume
of dust into the atmosphere. While the immediate effects of the impact would have been regional, the effect
of the dust in the atmosphere could have been global. The climate might have been changed drastically for
some time after the impact. For years the impact hypothesis seemed plausible, but there were no terrestrial
craters with the right age and size to have caused these changes. Recently, geologists found a 65 million
year old buried crater that is over 200 km across on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It, possibly in
combination with other craters the same age, might be the “smoking gun” of the K/T mass extinctions (see
Lesson 14).

It is only natural to ask when the last large impact occurred on Earth
and whether another one could occur soon. Meteor Crater was
made by the impact of a large meteorite 50,000 years ago.
Although it is a relatively small crater, it would have caused major
destruction in a city, had there been any in existence at the time.
Two medium-sized impacts occurred this century in Russia,
Tunguska in 1908 and Sikhote-Alin in 1947 (see Lesson 15). The
Tunguska explosion was large enough to have caused significant
destruction if it had happened near a city.
The Tunguska Impact. In 1908 the biggest
meteor in recorded history shot across the The threat of global devastation from
Tunguska River in Russia and exploded. a major impact led the U.S. govern-
(Credit: Smithsonian Institution) ment and NASA to propose the
Spaceguard Survey. It would have
been an international network of automated telescopes that would scan the sky in search of
all Earth-approaching asteroids or comets large enough (1 km) to cause severe destruction.
Once their orbits were determined, calculations would be done to predict whether any body would
impact Earth. Although the full international program was not approved, there are at least two
smaller programs which search the sky for incoming asteroids and comets. A means of deflecting
the asteroid or comet out of its orbit would then be needed to avoid a catastrophe. Although the
probability of a devastating impact is very low, the potential destruction of such an impact is so
great that precautions are warranted.

The impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on

Jupiter in July 1994 was the first time
scientists predicted the impact of a small
body on a planet. The comet was discov-
ered in March 1993 after it broke apart into
22 fragments as it passed close to Jupiter.
The orbit of this “string of pearls” was
determined by continued telescopic
observation. Calculations predicted that on
its next pass through Jupiter’s orbit the
fragments would impact the planet.
Because of the predictions, the
whole world watched and
waited, while thousands of

10 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 approaching
Jupiter. This picture is a composite of
photographs taken by the Hubble Space
Telescope. The “string of pearls” is the
broken pieces of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
which were photographed during the
approach to Jupiter. The collisions in July
1994 were the first predicted impacts of an
asteroid or comet on a planet. (Credit:
Space Telescope Science Institute.)

telescopes were aimed at Jupiter as the fragments of the comet impacted the planet on schedule. The views from
the Hubble Space Telescope and from the Galileo spacecraft were even better than from large Earth-based
telescopes. The successful identification of the comet and prediction of its impact allude to the potential capabili-
ties of the Spaceguard Survey.

Meteorite Classification
and Formation
Meteorites are rocks that are made up
of a variety of minerals. Minerals are
naturally occurring crystalline materials
composed of elements in defined
proportions and structures. The most
common minerals in meteorites are
listed in the Meteorite ABC’s Fact
Sheet on page 29. Most meteorite
minerals are similar to those occurring
in Earth rocks, but a few of the rarer
minerals are found only in meteorites.
Different types of meteorites have
different types and proportions of
minerals and different compositions.
Therefore, meteorites are classified by
their mineralogy and composition. As

Meteorite Sample Disk. The meteorite

sample disk contains six different meteorite
samples. See page iv for more information
on using this disk in the classroom.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 11

ALH90411 chondrite. This stony meteorite
is chondrite A in the meteorite sample disk
and accompanying lithographs. This sawn
surface shows an irregular texture with
round chondrules, broken fragments, and a
little dark rusted metal. ALH90411 is a low
iron chondrite and is not metamorphic.

LEW87030 chondrite. This stony meteorite

is chondrite B in the meteorite sample disk.
It has a more uniform texture than
ALH90411 and indistinct chondrules
(vertical streaks are saw marks). It also has
lots of shiny metal. LEW87030, like
Noblesville, is a high iron,
metamorphic chondrite.

discussed in the section on identifying meteorites, the simplest classification of meteorites into stony, iron,
and stony-iron types is based on the amount of iron metal and silicate minerals in the meteorite. It is
relatively easy to tell whether a sample has little metal, is mostly metal, or is about half metal and half silicate
minerals. This can be determined by looking at the amount of metal and silicate minerals in the sample’s
interior and by hefting it to feel its density because iron metal is about twice as dense as silicate minerals.

Each of the three major types of meteorites shows considerable variability and is further subdivided based
on mineralogy and composition. Meteorite classification is complex because of the diverse possibilities.
Meteorites represent many different rock types and probably come from different bodies in the solar
system. However, after detailed studies, some meteorites of different types appear to be related to each
other and possibly come from the same solar system body. A simplified listing of meteorite types is given in
the Meteorite ABC’s Fact Sheet.

Stony meteorites are divided into chondrites and achondrites based on whether they contain small
round balls of silicate minerals called chondrules. Chondrites contain chondrules and achondrites do not.
Chondrites are the most abundant type of meteorites, making up nearly 90% of both falls and Antarctic
meteorites. Chondrites are divided into several classes, including ordinary chondrites, the most common,
and carbonaceous chondrites, perhaps the most interesting because of their potential to tell the earliest
history of the solar system.

12 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

ALH84028 carbonaceous chondrite. This
stony meteorite has a highly irregular
texture with distinct round chondrules,
white inclusions, and little metal in a dark
carbon-bearing matrix (vertical streaks are
saw marks). It is a carbonaceous chondrite
similar to Allende, the carbonaceous
chondrite in the meteorite sample disk.

RKPA80224 basaltic achondrite. This

stony meteorite contains no chondrules or
metal and is an achondrite. Basaltic
achondrites consist of feldspar (white
mineral) and pyroxene (dark mineral) and
are similar to basalts that formed from lavas
on Earth and the Moon. This sample has an
igneous texture showing that it crystallized
from a melt. Other basaltic achondrites
have the same mineralogy and composition,
but are breccias containing broken rock
fragments. The achondrite in the meteorite
sample disk, EET83227, is a basaltic
achondrite breccia.

Ordinary chondrites consist of variable amounts of metal and chondrules in a matrix of mostly silicate
minerals. The silicates are mostly olivine and pyroxene, with minor feldspar. Further subdivisions of
ordinary chondrites are based on the amount of iron metal and the variability in composition and texture.
Some are high iron chondrites, others are low or very low iron types. Chondrites which have distinct
chondrules and variable mineral compositions have not been heated since they formed and are non-meta-
morphic chondrites. Metamorphic chondrites have indistinct chondrules and constant mineral compositions
and have been changed since their initial formation.

Carbonaceous chondrites are a very special meteorite class because they are the most primitive meteorites
and they contain water and carbon compounds. These chondrites consist mostly of the silicate minerals
olivine and pyroxene or clay minerals that formed from them by weathering. Carbonaceous chondrites
contain very little metal, but contain unusual inclusions, and 2-20% water in their clay minerals. The carbon
occurs in elemental form as graphite and occasionally diamond, and in organic molecules which range
from simple molecules to amino acids, the building blocks of DNA and life. Carbonaceous chondrites
show variations in composition and degree of metamorphism and weathering.

Achondrites are the second most abundant type of meteorites (8%) and many are similar to igneous rocks
on Earth. Achondrites are divided into several classes, of which the most abundant is basaltic achondrites,
and the most unusual is planetary meteorites. The basaltic achondrites are actually a family of three
distinct subclasses that are grouped together because they appear to be related to each other. The most
common are pyroxene-feldspar igneous rocks similar to basalts on Earth. Many of these basalts were
broken up by impacts so that the meteorites are breccias made up of basalt fragments. Another type
consists mostly of pyroxene and may have formed by accumulation of minerals sinking in a magma. The

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 13

Gibeon iron meteorite. This photo shows a
sawed surface which has been etched with
acid to reveal the criss-cross Widmanstatten
pattern. The Gibeon iron meteorite in the
sample disk and the Sikhote-Alin meteorite
have fine intergrowths of iron-nickel metals.

Brenham stony-iron meteorite. This stony-

iron meteorite consists of yellow-green
olivine crystals surrounded by iron-nickel
metal. It is a cumulate stony-iron and is
used in the meteorite sample disk.

third type are complex breccias made up of fragments of the other two types. These meteorites formed by
impact mixing on the surface of a parent body.

Planetary meteorites are a recently recognized class of achondrites which include both lunar and martian
meteorites. They are igneous rocks and breccias that formed from igneous rocks. Their compositions and
mineral proportions range widely. Some are basalts that crystallized as lavas. Others are cumulates, rocks
that formed by accumulation of minerals floating or sinking in magmas. These include lunar anorthosite
breccias which formed by feldspar floating (see companion volume Exploring the Moon) or martian
cumulates which formed by pyroxene and olivine sinking. More lunar and martian meteorites have been
found in Antarctica than in the rest of the world.

Iron meteorites, which make up only 5% of meteorite falls, consist almost entirely of iron-nickel metal with
variable amounts of sulfides and occasional inclusions of silicate minerals. Iron meteorites usually consist of
two distinct iron-nickel minerals, kamacite (high iron) and taenite (high nickel) which are intergrown to form
a criss-cross Widmanstatten pattern which can be seen when the sample is etched lightly with acid. Irons
are subdivided both by the texture of this intergrowth and by the composition of trace elements in the metal.
However, the textural and compositional subdivisions do not correlate well. Some groups of iron meteorites
may be related to basaltic achondrites.

14 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Stony-irons, which are the least abundant major type of meteorites (1%), include both cumulate and
breccia varieties. The cumulates consist of metal and the silicate mineral olivine, where the olivine grains are
large and surrounded by metal grains. The metal and silicates formed by slow cooling of heavy phases from
a melted body. The metal and silicate grains in the stony-iron breccias are usually much smaller than in the
cumulates, and the texture is a complex mixture of broken fragments imbedded in matrix. The silicate
fragments are similar to those in basaltic achondrites. Both cumulate and breccia stony-irons may come
from the same bodies as basaltic achondrites.

Meteorite Research
Many different types of science are involved in the study of meteorites, their formation and their sources.
Meteorite research bridges the gap between geology, the study of Earth’s rocks and landforms, and
astronomy, the study of the Sun, planets, moons, and stars in space. Planetary geology is a new science
which began when we were first able to study the Moon and other planets up close. Planetary scientists
study the planets and other bodies in the solar system using photographs and chemical or physical data
collected from flyby and orbiting spacecraft or robotic landers: Voyager, a flyby craft, explored the outer
planets; the orbiter Magellan focused on Venus; Viking studied Mars with both orbiters and robotic landers.
The Apollo missions to the Moon provided the only chance so far for humans to walk on another planetary
body, to study the landforms, and to bring rocks back to Earth for detailed analyses (see companion volume
Exploring the Moon).

Meteoriticists are scientists who study meteorites. They may be trained in geology, chemistry, physics, or
astronomy because all these fields are needed to understand meteorites and their relationships to bodies in
the solar system. Meteoriticists often work in teams so that specialists in several different fields contribute to
the research. Mineralogists study the mineralogy and textures of thin slices of rock; chemists analyze rocks
for their elemental and isotopic compositions and determine ages; physicists measure physical properties
such as magnetism.

To learn about the relationship of meteorites to planetary bodies, astronomers try to match meteorites with
possible sources. Planetary geologists study impact craters on Earth, the Moon and planets to understand the
impact process. Other scientists do not
study meteorites or planetary bodies
directly, but do experiments in laboratories
to simulate the processes of meteorite
formation or impact. NASA funds most
of the research on meteorites that is done
in the U.S. through grants to investigators
at universities, industry, and government

Meteorite research. This scientist is

working at a scanning electron microscope.
With this instrument the scientist can look
in detail at the mineralogy, composition,
and physical structure of meteorites.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 15

Processes of meteorite formation. This
diagram illustrates several meteorite
formation processes. The first processes are
condensation from a gas to a solid (not
illustrated) followed by accretion of small
particles to form an asteroid or planet.
When the accreted body is heated, it is
modified by metamorphism or differentia-
tion. Even if heating is not enough to melt
the body, it may undergo metamorphic
processes which make the texture and
mineral compositions more uniform. If
heating melts the body, it may undergo
differentiation: Metal separates from the
silicate melt and sinks under the influence
of gravity to form the core. Silicate
minerals crystallize and heavy minerals,
like olivine and pyroxene, sink to form the
mantle, while light ones, like feldspar and
some pyroxene, float to form the crust.
Volcanism (not illustrated) brings basalts
to the surface to add to the crust. Weather-
ing (not illustrated) alters the surface rocks
through chemical or physical changes.
Finally, impacts on a variety of bodies
break off fragments that may fall to Earth
as meteorites.

Formation Processes
The processes of meteorite formation have been identified by comparing studies of meteorite mineralogy,
composition and ages with those of Earth and Moon rocks, and experimental results. On Earth, rocks form
by igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary processes, but the continued action of these processes has
erased all evidence of Earth’s initial formation. Meteorites bear evidence of the history of the solar system
from its initial formation to recent volcanism and impacts on Mars. Chondrites are primitive objects formed
at the beginning of the solar system and changed by metamorphic and sedimentary processes. Achondrites,
irons, and stony-irons are differentiated objects formed by igneous processes and changed by impacts and
metamorphism. Evidence for these processes is listed on the Solar System ABC’s Fact Sheet on page 31.
Many of the details of the processes are not fully understood — hence meteorite research continues — but
enough is known to present a general story of meteorite formation.

The evidence for the primitive nature of chondrites is found in their ancient ages, Sun-like compositions, and
unusual minerals and textures. All chondrites are 4.5-4.6 billion years old. They are the oldest rocks in the
solar system and are used to date the beginning of the solar system. Chondrite compositions are very
similar to that of the condensable part of the Sun without the gaseous elements, H and He. Carbonaceous
chondrites are most similar to the Sun’s composition because they contain volatile components such as
water and carbon compounds. Chondrites tell us about formation of solid bodies from the cloud of gas and
dust called the solar nebula. Carbonaceous chondrites contain stardust and white inclusions. Stardust is
composed of minerals such as diamond and silicon carbide which are thought to have formed in a red giant
star before our Sun was formed. The white inclusions consist of unusual minerals which were the first
minerals to condense from a gas in the formation of the solar system. This condensation is the first stage in
solar system formation. The gases in the solar nebula gradually condense as it cools to produce the minerals

16 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

found in meteorites, first the white inclusions, then silicate minerals. Chondrules are melted and crystallized
spheres of silicate minerals which are thought to have formed by flash
heating as the solid matter in the solar system condensed.

Accretion is the physical process of building up chondrites

and planetary bodies by collecting together smaller pieces of
unrelated materials such as chondrules, white inclusions,
stardust, and volatile components. The variations in chondrite
mineralogy and composition show that there were areas in the
early solar system with different compositions or temperature
and pressure conditions. Inverse variations in the amount of
iron in metal versus iron in silicate minerals suggest that
there were variations in oxidation state for different chondrite
types. Variations in volatile contents suggest that the volatile-
rich carbonaceous chondrites accreted at lower temperatures
than volatile-poor ordinary chondrites. (See Lesson 10)

The organic compounds in carbonaceous chondrites are believed to

have formed very early in solar system history. There is considerable variety
in organic compounds in carbonaceous chondrites, from simple molecules to amino acids, but
apparently none were formed by living organisms. The evidence for this is in the symmetry of the organic
compounds which are found in both right- and left-handed forms in meteorites, while similar compounds
formed by living organisms on Earth are found only in one form. (See Lesson 12)

After condensation and accretion, most chondrites were changed by metamorphism and weathering. Heating
of originally heterogeneous chondrites to temperatures below their melting points caused the mineral compositions
to homogenize and chondrules to fade into the matrix. Heating of carbonaceous chondrites allowed their water to
weather the olivine and pyroxene silicates to clay minerals. This was the first weathering in the solar system, an
Earth-like sedimentary process that took place near the beginning of the solar system.

Differentiated meteorites (achondrites, irons, stony-irons) have compositions very different from those of
the chondrites or the condensable part of the Sun. However, if their compositions are recombined in the
relative proportions in which they fall to Earth, the average differentiated meteorite composition is a lot
closer to chondrite composition. Most differentiated meteorites are also ancient rocks 4.4-4.5 billion years
old, nearly as old as the primitive chondrites. The only exceptions are planetary meteorites which have ages
ranging from 180 million years through 4.5 billion years. Although many differentiated meteorites are
breccias broken and mixed by impacts, it is apparent that most are rocks that originally crystallized from
melts and formed by igneous processes.

The suite of differentiated meteorites is evidence of early differentiation on asteroids (and planets) into core,
mantle and crust. Heating of the body to above the melting temperature allowed separation of iron and silicate
melts and later separation of crystallized minerals. Iron meteorites represent the core of the asteroid which
formed by slow cooling from an iron melt to produce the intergrown iron-nickel minerals. Stony-iron cumulates
come from the core-mantle boundary where iron melt surrounded olivine silicate minerals. Basaltic achondrites
are mostly from the crust of the asteroid, with cumulates possibly from the upper part of the mantle. Basaltic
achondrites flowed as lava onto the surface, just like basaltic lavas produced by volcanism on the Earth, Moon,
and Mars. Finally, breccias of basaltic achondrites and stony-irons represent the soil and rocks at the surface of
an asteroid where various rock types are broken and mixed by impacts. (See Lesson 11)

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 17

Meteorite Sources
Meteorites from
Meteorites are “rocks from space,” but
there’s a vast area of space out there.
Our Sun is just one of billions of stars in
the Milky Way galaxy, which is one of
billions of galaxies in the universe. Luck-
ily, we don’t have to search all of outer
space for the sources of meteorites
because scientists think that meteorites
come from our own “backyard,” from the
Asteroid Ida. This photograph of 52 km asteroid 243 Ida was taken in
asteroids, comets, moons and planets in 1993 by the Galileo mission. The asteroid is a rocky body that is
our solar system (see Solar System irregular in shape and covered with impact craters.
ABC’s Fact Sheet).

Most meteorites appear to come from asteroids, the small (diameter less than 1000 km) rocky bodies that
orbit the Sun in the region between Mars and Jupiter, but are mostly concentrated in the asteroid belt
between 2.2-3.2 AU (astronomical unit, the mean distance between the Earth and Sun). The evidence that
most meteorites come from asteroids is based on comparison of meteorite and asteroid orbits and
mineralogies. Three meteorites have been observed photographically as they approached Earth. It was
possible to calculate the orbits of the Innisfree, Lost City, and Pribram meteorites from a series of timed
photographs. These are all elliptical orbits that extend from Earth back to the asteroid belt. (See Lesson 4)

Asteroids are so small and far away that telescopes on Earth see them only as points of light. Astronomers find
asteroids by studying telescopic images and looking for the objects that move compared to the stationary star
field. Long exposure photographs show a background of stars as bright spots with a streak of light from an
asteroid caused by its movement across the sky. To calculate the orbit of an asteroid, one must measure its
position at several different places and times, but it is not necessary to follow it through an entire orbit. Asteroidal
orbits are ellipses rather than circles (see Lesson 4), but most orbits are not too far from circular and therefore
stay within the asteroid belt and do not cross the orbits of the planets. A few asteroids, such as Aten, Apollo, and
Amor, have highly elliptical orbits that cross the orbits of Earth or Mars, while others like Hector are in the orbits
of Jupiter or beyond. Gravitational interactions with Jupiter, and impacts between asteroids in the belt may break
them up and send the resulting fragments into planet-crossing orbits.

Ceres, the largest asteroid (almost 1,000 km) was the first asteroid found in 1801. Since then over 6,000
asteroids have been catalogued. Most asteroids are very small, only three are larger than 500 km, and only
about 25 are larger than 250 km. All of the Earth- and Mars-crossing asteroids are smaller than 30 km.
Our first close up look at asteroids was provided by the Galileo spacecraft that flew by and photographed
asteroids Gaspra in 1991 and Ida in 1993. Both are irregular masses of rock, seemingly broken and
covered with impact craters. Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Mars, look very much like asteroids in size
and shape. The next planned asteroid encounters are part of the NEAR mission. It will fly by asteroid
Mathilde in summer 1997 and orbit and map asteroid Eros in 1999. The Solar System ABC’s Fact Sheet
gives information for twenty asteroids in order of distance from the Sun. It gives examples from each of the
groups of planet-crossers and several of the larger asteroids that populate the asteroid belt.
18 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Meteorite and asteroid orbits. Orbits of
meteorites and asteroids compared to those
of Earth, Mars and Jupiter. (Top) The orbits
of three meteorites, Innisfree, Lost City and
Pribram, were calculated from series of
timed photographs taken as each meteorite
fell to Earth. (Bottom) Orbits of seven
asteroids are shown. The three closest to
the sun, Aten, Apollo and Amor, are ellipti-
cal and cross the orbits of Earth or Mars.
The next three, Vesta, Ceres and Hygeia, are
in the asteroid belt where most asteroids are
found. The last one, Hector, is in Jupiter’s
orbit, but spaced far enough from the planet
that it does not impact Jupiter.

Astronomers study different types of asteroids using the brightness and color of light they reflect. This is
called reflectance spectroscopy. Asteroids are divided into several classes (indicated by letters) based
on their overall brightness and reflectance spectrum. E asteroids are very bright, S and M asteroids are
moderately bright, and C and D asteroids are dark. U asteroids are unusual and varied. E, M, and U
asteroids are rare, while S and C asteroids are common. The asteroid belt appears to be zoned, with most
of the S asteroids in the inner part of the belt, C asteroids in the central to outer belt, and D asteroids only in
the outer belt. (See Lesson 5)
The spectrum of reflected light at different wavelengths is caused by the mineralogy on the surface of the
asteroid. If we have reflectance measurements of appropriate mineral and rock standards, we can deter-
mine the mineralogy of an asteroid by matching it to that of the standards. In this way we find that E aster-
oids are rich in iron-free pyroxene, M asteroids are rich in metal, C and D asteroids are rich in carbon, S
asteroids are mixtures of metal and silicates, and Vesta, one of the U asteroids, is made of basaltic rock.
When compared to meteorites, fairly good matches between asteroid and meteorite classes are found. E
asteroids match a special class of achondrites, M asteroids match irons and stony-irons, Vesta matches
basaltic achondrites, C and D asteroids match carbonaceous chondrites. However, S asteroids are not a
very good match for ordinary chondrites. Also, there is a problem that the most abundant type of asteroid
in the inner asteroid belt does not match the most common type of meteorites. Our knowledge of the
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 19
relationships between asteroids and meteorites is still incomplete. Nevertheless, there is a general relation-
ship between meteorites and asteroids, and a zoning in asteroid types in the asteroid belt This suggests that
asteroids represent the transition in formation from rocky inner planets to volatile-rich, outer planets.

Meteorites from Comets

Comets are small (1-10 km) balls of ice and dust that spend most of their time in the frigid outer solar
system, but make spectacular displays when their highly elliptical orbits bring them into the warmer inner
solar system. The Sun’s heat produces a gaseous coma around the solid nucleus and long tails of gas and
dust that can be seen by the naked eye. Periodic comets, like Halley which appears every 76 years, have
elliptical orbits centered near Jupiter and Saturn and periods of less than 200 years. Most comets have very
long periods (>10,000 y) and have visited the inner solar system only once in recorded history. They have
nearly parabolic orbits and spend most of their time in the Oort cloud far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Comets
Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp that visited the inner solar system in 1996-97 have periods of 65,000 years and
4,200 years, respectively.

Comets are considered to be the most primitive bodies in the solar system. They are “dirty snowballs”
consisting of water, methane and ammonia ices mixed with silicates and a little metal dust. They are thought
to have formed in the region around Uranus and Neptune, but were moved to new orbits by gravitational
interaction with the planets: Periodic comets we see today were moved inward toward Jupiter and Saturn.
Most comets, however, were thrown outward beyond the planets to form the Oort cloud.

Comets are clearly related to periodic meteor showers. Almost all periodic showers occur when Earth
crosses the orbit of a periodic comet. Meteors are produced as cometary particles of dust and gas are
burned up in the Earth’s atmosphere. The Solar System ABC’s Fact Sheet lists several comets and their
associated meteor showers. The relationship between comets and meteorites is less certain. Since the
compositions of comets and interplanetary dust particles are quite similar, comets are thought to be the
sources of IDP’s. Comet composition is also somewhat similar to that of some carbonaceous chondrites; a
relationship with them is possible, although much less certain. Until we have more detailed information on
the nature and composition of comets, either from robotic landers or comet sample return missions such as
the Stardust mission to comet Wild 2, we will not know with certainty whether comets are the sources of
carbonaceous chondrites.

Comet Halley. This photograph of Comet

Halley and a meteor, which appears as a
streak, was taken on January 7, 1986 at the
Mount Palomar Observatory. The inset is
an image of the nucleus of Comet Halley
taken by the European Space Agency’s
Giotto spacecraft shortly before closest

20 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Meteorites from the Moon and Mars
The surfaces of the Moon and the rocky inner planets show
many craters caused by meteorite impact. Could some of these
impacts have ejected material into space that might later fall to
Earth as meteorites? Before the Apollo lunar landings a few
scientists thought that meteorites might come from the Moon.
But none of the lunar rocks returned by six Apollo missions in
1969-1972 resembled meteorites. It was ten years later when
the first lunar meteorite, ALHA81005, was identified in Antarc-
tica. Although not identical to any specific Apollo sample, this
achondrite is an anorthosite breccia that is very similar to many
samples collected in the lunar highlands (see companion
volume Exploring the Moon). Since 1982, a total of fifteen
lunar meteorites have been identified. These meteorites include
anorthosite breccias from the highlands and basalts and breccias Moon. This photograph of the Moon was
from the lunar mare. taken during the Apollo 17 mission. The
light areas are highlands that are covered
mainly with breccias rich in anorthosites.
The identification of martian meteorites is a space detective story. The dark areas are maria that are covered
Because we have not yet returned samples from Mars we have with basalt lavas.
to rely on what we learned from robotic exploration and our
understanding of rocks from the Earth, Moon and asteroids. In 1976 the Viking mission provided our first
detailed look at Mars using two orbiters which photographed the whole surface and two landers which
analyzed the atmosphere and soil.

The intensive studies of lunar samples and meteorites in the 1970s led to general models for planetary
differentiation and evolution. Small bodies like asteroids differentiated early, if at all, and their heat engines
died shortly after solar system formation. Hence asteroidal meteorites, including basaltic achondrites, are
close to 4.5 billion years old. Larger bodies like the Moon and planets stayed active longer and have

Lunar meteorite ALHA81005. This 31 g

(ping pong ball-sized) meteorite is a
breccia rich in light colored anorthosite
fragments melted and mixed together by
impacts in the lunar highlands. Other lunar
meteorites are dark colored basalts from the
mare. The scale is 1 cm across.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 21

younger rocks on their surfaces, such as lunar basalts which are
3-4 billion years old. The Earth is obviously still producing
igneous rocks today.

When geochemists discovered the SNC family, a group of

achondrites which were 1.3 billion years old or less, they argued
that they must be from a body larger than the Moon, perhaps
Mars. The absence of lunar meteorites was used to argue that it
was not possible to get meteorites off the surfaces of planets.
The argument was if you couldn’t get meteorites from the Moon
with its lower gravity and closer distance, you couldn’t get them
from Mars. The discovery of first one, and then several, lunar
meteorites refuted that argument. The definitive clues to a
martian origin were found by comparing the meteorites to the
Viking lander measurements. The martian soil had the composi-
tion of weathered basaltic rocks similar to the basaltic SNC
Mars. This picture of Mars is a composite meteorites. But the real clincher was the discovery that gases in
made from many photos taken during the one meteorite, EETA79001, had compositions identical to those
Viking mission. The crack across the middle Viking measured in the martian atmosphere. The rock actually
is a canyon as long as the United States. had martian atmosphere trapped inside. In all there are twelve
The dark circles at the left are huge
volcanoes that are the largest in the solar
martian meteorites and all of them are igneous rocks, either
system. basalts or olivine and/or pyroxene cumulates.

Martian meteorite EETA79001. Remains

of dark fusion crust, created during high
speed entry through Earth’s atmosphere are

Martian meteorite EETA79001. This 8 kg (soccer ball-sized) meteorite

is a basalt similar to, but distinct from, basalts on Earth, the Moon, and
the basaltic achondrite asteroid. It has dark glass-lined holes which
contain gases with compositions the same as those measured in the
martian atmosphere by the Viking lander.

22 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Brief History of the Solar System
Our geological understanding of the history of the solar
system has been pieced together by geologists and
astronomers based on numerous studies of the large
bodies and rocks in the solar system. Many different
scientists participated in the study of the Earth, Sun, Moon,
planets, asteroids, and comets. Some studied the astro-
nomical bodies with telescopes; others did geology with
orbital data and photographs; and still others studied the
mineralogy, composition, and ages of Earth and Moon
rocks and meteorites. These studies have
revealed a series of processes in solar system
history: condensation, accretion, differentia-
tion, volcanism, metamorphism, weathering, and impact.
These processes have taken place throughout the rocky inner solar system, but the duration and extent of
the last four processes depend on the solar system body. Therefore, different bodies and their rocks
provide evidence for different processes in solar system history. This evidence is tabulated in the Solar
System ABC’s Fact Sheet, page 31.

The Earth, Moon and Mars have no evidence remaining of initial planet formation by condensation and
accretion. Primitive chondrite meteorites provide the evidence for the beginning of solar system history.
Iron, stony-iron meteorites, lunar anorthosites, and seismic studies of Earth’s interior structure provide
evidence of early differentiation into core, mantle, and crust. Basalts are products of volcanism on all types
of rocky bodies. Changes in the original mineralogy and composition of rocks were produced by metamor-
phism, weathering and impact on various bodies to different degrees.

Dating these events can be done in both relative and absolute ways. Relative
dating on Earth is done in layers of rock where the rock on the bottom is
presumed to be older than the rock on the top (unless there is evidence that
the whole unit is turned over). However, when comparing meteorites or
rocks from various planets these relationships are not available so absolute
dating must be used. Absolute dating of rocks is based on radioactive decay
of some elements with very long half-lives. The process that is dated depends
on whether the rock was changed by later processes and how extensive those
changes were. For example, if we want to date the initial formation of a meteorite
(accretion of a chondrite or crystallization of a basaltic achondrite) the sample should be one that has not
been extensively changed by metamorphism or weathering.

A solar system timeline based on dating of many meteorites and rocks from both Earth and Moon is given in
the Solar System ABC’s Fact Sheet. Like layers in rocks on Earth, the youngest events are at the top, the
oldest are at the bottom. Although scientists don’t fully understand all of these formation processes, they do
know generally what happened and when. Some of these processes took place at about the same time on
different bodies in the solar system. Some processes took place once and were finished. Sun and planet
formation and initial differentiation are good examples of this. Other processes such as volcanism, meta-
morphism, and weathering continued over different periods of time on different bodies.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 23

Billions of years ago, the elements which would eventually make up our solar system were produced in
other stars. Around 4.6 billion years ago a rotating disk of gas and dust called the nebula formed from these
elements. The center of the nebula collapsed under gravity to form the Sun. Slightly later, about 4.55 billion
years ago, continued condensation and accretion led to the formation of the planets, moons and asteroids of
the solar system. Very soon after their formation the inner planets, Moon and some of the larger asteroids
melted and differentiated to produce core-mantle-crust. Basaltic volcanism, metamorphism and weathering
took place shortly after the surfaces of these bodies formed. Thereafter the asteroids were geologically
inactive except for impacts and the evidence of their early history was preserved.

The Moon and inner planets continued to evolve geologically for various periods of time which appear to
depend on the size of the body. The record of their earliest geologic history is obscured by this subsequent
activity. The oldest Moon rocks, anorthosites, norites and troctolites, date the initial differentiation and first
magmas production at 4.4-4.5 and 4.2-4.5 billion years, respectively. The lunar cataclysmic bombardment
(discussed in the companion volume Exploring the Moon) occurred about 3.9 billion years ago. Mare
basaltic volcanism began before 4 billion years and continued until around 2-3 billion years. Geologic
activity (other than impact) on the Moon ended long ago.

Our knowledge of the geologic histories of Mars and Venus is extremely limited. The Viking mission to Mars
revealed ancient highlands, giant “young” volcanoes, and extensive surface weathering. The samples analyzed by
the Viking lander were weathered rocks and soils. The martian meteorites are all igneous rocks most of which
have ages of 180 million years (My) to 1.3 billion years. Thus martian basaltic volcanism continued at least to 180
My ago. One martian meteorite is an ancient rock 4.5 billion years old. The Magellan mission remote observa-
tions suggest that there may still be active volcanoes on Venus today. We have only very limited analyses of
surface samples and no known meteorites from Venus so our information about the geologic history of Venus is
woefully inadequate.

Earth is clearly the planet about which we have the most information. However, Earth’s current geologic pro-
cesses (plate tectonics, volcanism, metamorphism and weathering) have hidden the early history by changing the
surface rocks. The earliest known Earth rocks are about 4.0 billion years old, although geologists think that Earth
history began at 4.5 billion years along with the Moon and asteroids. Earth is clearly still geologically active today.

Earth is the only body in the solar system where we know for certain that life began and evolved. The
conditions necessary for life as we know it (water, carbon, nitrogen and moderate temperature) are not
currently available on any other body; however, there is evidence that Mars was wetter and may have been
warmer in the past. The ancient martian meteorite may contain
evidence of fossil life from an earlier era. The debate about life in
the martian meteorite continues and may not be resolved without
martian returned samples. The earliest evidence of life on Earth
is dated around 3.7 billion years ago. Life evolved through ups
and downs to the present. Periodic mass extinctions changed the
direction of evolution. For example, at 65 million years ago
75% of all species died and small mammals took over domi-
nance from the giant reptiles called dinosaurs. Whether the
Martian meteorite ALH84001. This 4.5 cause of these mass extinctions is a biologic process or the
billion year old rock may contain fossil geologic process of meteorite impact is still hotly debated.
evidence that primitive life may have Nevertheless, meteorite impacts, both small and medium-sized,
existed on Mars as much as 3.6 billion continue on Earth and other planets at the present.
years ago.

24 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

The history of our solar system is long and complex. Our knowledge has been gained through various studies in
geology and astronomy and related fields. Scientists are still trying to understand the physical and chemical
processes in solar system history so the story is not complete. However, the history as we see it involves similar
processes occurring at varied times on different bodies. Taken as a whole, it is a fascinating story.

Future Exploration
Further understanding of the history of the solar system is closely
linked to the future exploration of space by robotic and human
missions. There is still much that we can learn about solar system
processes from studies of meteorites and Apollo lunar samples
and from telescopic studies of the planets. But think how much
more we can learn about planetary bodies with new samples and
close-up geologic exploration! The six Apollo lunar landings Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvouz (NEAR)
spacecraft. The NEAR mission will
demonstrated the value of human observation and ingenuity in
rendezvouz with Asteroid 433 Eros in
exploration and returned many documented samples for contin- February 1999.
ued studies. The spectacular results of the Voyager and Viking
missions showed how much we can learn about distant planets from robotic missions. Future missions such
as the Mars Surveyor orbiter and lander series and the Discovery class missions to the Moon (Prospector),
an asteroid (NEAR) and a comet (Stardust) promise exciting discoveries in the next ten years.

Exploration of space has other benefits besides knowledge. It creates new technologies and, perhaps more
importantly, it inspires people to excel and to work together. However, space exploration, especially human
exploration, is a very expensive business. Not only must the benefits of knowledge, technology, inspiration,
and cooperation be high, but the costs must be reduced as much as possible. One of the most effective
means of reducing costs comes from using space resources and reusing everything possible.

Asteroidal Resources
NASA has worked on a number of plans for future robotic exploration of the planets, asteroids, and comets
and on human missions to the Moon and Mars. The most important expendables for space exploration are
energy for transportation and operations and consumables for life support. It takes lots of expensive energy
to move a mass of consumables against Earth’s gravity. It takes much less energy to move the same mass in
lower gravity environments like the Moon and especially asteroids. There is a big advantage in energy, and

Mining an Asteroid. This is an artist’s idea

of mining an asteroid to support space
exploration. Depending on the type of
asteroid, the products might be oxygen,
metal, glass, water, organic compounds or
several of these resources at once. (Credit:
Dennis Davidson)

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 25

thereby cost, in using space resources as compared to carrying them from Earth. It may even be advanta-
geous to get resources from one place in space for use in other places.

The closest planetary targets, the Moon, Mars, and asteroids, have little or no atmosphere and surface
water, and no known plants for food, but there is abundant energy for operations from solar radiation.
Moreover, the rocks and soils can provide many of the elements necessary for space exploration. The
rocks themselves are nearly half oxygen, and some also contain water and organic compounds. NASA has
developed technologies to extract oxygen from rocks, producing metals or glass as by-products. This
oxygen will be used mostly for spacecraft propulsion, but also for astronaut life support. The metals and
glass, as well as surface rocks and soil, can be used for building materials and radiation shielding. NASA
has also developed methods of growing plants in closed environments, reusing scarce consumables.

The first targets for extended space exploration and resource utilization are likely to be the Moon and
asteroids. The Moon is close and relatively easy to get to. Although it doesn’t have air, water, or food, we
know what it is like, and we could produce oxygen, water, and even food in lunar factories and green-
houses. Ideas for a Moon base are discussed in the companion volume Exploring the Moon. Asteroids
are such small bodies that their minimal gravity makes it easy to get materials off the surface and into space.
In fact it takes less energy to get materials to and from some near-Earth asteroids than from the Moon. The
Moon and asteroids could provide test-beds for proving technology to sustain life on Mars or extended
space flight.

Asteroids are particularly promising for using space resources because they offer a variety of different
resources. Asteroids similar to stony meteorites could provide oxygen for fuel and metal or glass for
construction. Asteroids similar to iron
meteorites could provide metal, even
some precious metals, with very little
processing. Perhaps most promising,
asteroids similar to carbonaceous
chondrites could provide water and
organic compounds essential for life
support. Mining asteroid resources
could become a stepping stone to
human exploration of the outer solar
system. (See Lesson 17)

Mars Exploration
Mars is the ultimate near-term goal for
human space exploration. It is the
closest planet that may be habitable by
people. Venus, although closer to
Earth, has a highly toxic atmosphere

Future mission to Mars. In the year 2020

Mars exploration will be returning samples
from the red planet. (Credit: Pat Rawlings)

26 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Mars. This painting shows astronauts exploring Mars using a rover for transportation. The astronauts are
at the top cliff of a large canyon which is shrouded in mist. (Credit: Pat Rawlings)

and extremely high temperatures which make it uninhabitable. Mars has a less toxic atmosphere and
moderate temperatures. Mars has always intrigued people because some astronomers thought they saw
channels suggesting the possibility of intelligent life. Recent geologic studies have shown that all surface
features are natural formations, but also confirmed that Mars is the only other planet in our solar system that
could once have harbored life of some kind. Although the Viking landers did not detect life in the martian
soil, we can’t be certain that life doesn’t or did not exist elsewhere on the planet. Mars is now cold and dry,
but it was not always so. There is evidence that water flowed on the surface in the past. Mars was once
wetter and may have been warmer, and more hospitable for life. Several martian meteorites show interac-
tion with martian water. The oldest one, ALH84001, may even have evidence of past life on Mars. The
possibility of life and the more habitable conditions make Mars an important target for exploration.

Most of our information about Mars was collected during the Mariner and Viking missions. They were
flybys and orbiters that photographed the planet and made geophysical and geochemical measurements,
and landers that analyzed the atmosphere and soil composition. Mars’ weather is always changing. Wind
and dust storms are common and sometimes global. The polar ice caps change with seasonal temperature
changes. Major changes occurred some time in the past which made the surface water disappear and the
atmosphere decrease. We do not yet understand the causes of these changes.

Mars’ geology is also fascinating. Although the planet is much smaller than Earth, the scale of its major
geologic features is much larger. Mars’ volcanoes are the largest in the solar system, ten times greater than
the largest on Earth. Mars’ huge canyon, Valles Marineris, is as long as North America is wide! Mars is
divided by a global cliff into old cratered southern highlands and young volcanic northern plains. Both the
highlands and the plains have been eroded by water and wind. The two Viking landing sites in the plains
had soil compositions similar to basalts altered by water. The martian meteorites are all igneous rocks,
mostly from the young northern plains, but they contain some minor minerals in cracks and bubbles that are
products of alteration by water. There are many questions left unanswered about the geology and climate

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Teacher’s Guide 27

of Mars. How has the planet changed with time? Why are the northern and southern hemispheres so
different? What caused the climate to change drastically so that the surface water and atmosphere disap-
peared? Is water or ice present at the poles or as permafrost? Is there convincing evidence of life, either
living organisms or fossils? These are some of the questions to be addressed by future exploration.

The exploration of Mars is a complicated and expensive endeavor. The trip to Mars takes at least six
months when the two planets are closest, which happens every two years. Ideally, Mars exploration will
include a combination of robotic and human missions. Robotic exploration is necessary in the early stages
to conduct global surveys and investigate potential sites for human exploration. Robotic missions will also
test technologies, deliver cargo, and return the first documented Mars samples. Human missions are desir-
able for detailed exploration of selected sites because people are best at observation, interpretation and
problem solving.

Preparation for a human mission to Mars is extensive. The mission would last about three years, including
the long trip each way and plenty of time for exploration while waiting for the planets to return to closest
approach. This extended mission requires a huge amount of consumables, both for fuel and for life
support. The amounts can be reduced to about one third by using Mars’ resources. The selected site
should be one where water or ice is available for human use. NASA is developing technologies to produce
oxygen from the carbon dioxide in Mars’ atmosphere. This would be used for breathing, but also to power
rovers for exploration and the spacecraft for the return trip to Earth. Astronauts could grow plants for food
in greenhouses that recycle CO2 and other waste components. With habitats for shelter and rovers for
transportation, the first Mars outpost could be nearly self-sufficient. It would also be the first step in a
permanent human presence on Mars.

Once their basic needs are met the astronauts will spend part of their time on exploration and sample
analysis. They will observe geologic formations, collect rocks and soils, and look for any signs of life. In
the habitat labs they will do geochemical and biological analyses. Together with their scientific colleagues
back on Earth they will attempt to answer some of the questions about the evolution of Mars and its part in
the history of the solar system. By exploring the asteroids and planets we may be able to solve some of the
mysteries revealed by meteorites.

Mars Habitats. The joined habitats provide

the crew with multiple pressurized volumes
for conducting greenhouse experiments,
biological research, geochemical analysis
of samples, and general crew
accomodations. (Credit: Jack Frassanito)

28 Teacher’s Guide NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Meteorite ABC’s Fact Sheet

Major Minerals in Meteorites

Listed are the major minerals in meteorites, their composition and occurrence. Minerals are listed by group:
silicates, metal, sulfides, oxides, phosphates, and carbon compounds. Many other minerals occur in small
abundances but are not listed. Mineral compositions in meteorites and other rocks are variable, with similar
elements substituting for each other in the crystal structure (for example Mg, Fe, Ca in silicates or Mg, Fe, Cr, Al in
oxides). Variations in these mineral compositions are important in meteorite classification.

Mineral Formula or Composition Occurrence in Meteorites

Silicates stony and stony-irons
olivine (Mg,Fe)Si2O4 chondrites, stony-irons
pyroxene (Mg,Fe,Ca)SiO3 chondrites, achondrites, stony-irons
feldspar CaAl2Si2O8-NaAlSi3O8 most abundant in achondrites
clay minerals (Mg,Fe,Ca)3-6 Si4O10 (OH)2 *H2O mostly in carbonaceous chondrites
Metal abundant in irons, stony irons
kamacite, taenite Fe (low and high Ni) common in most chondrites
Sulfides abundant in irons, stony irons
troilite, pyrrotite FeS, Fe7S8 minor in stony meteorites
Oxides minor in most meteorites
spinel, magnetite, chromite (Mg,Fe,Cr,Al)3 O4 composition depends on type
apatite, whitlockite Ca5 (F,Cl,OH)(PO4)3, Ca2PO4 minor in stony meteorites
Carbon compounds
diamond, graphite C (elemental carbon) carbonaceous chondrites
organic molecules, amino acids C,H,O,N compounds carbonaceous chondrites

Meteorite Classifications
Listed are the major types and classes of meteorites, with examples of each. Major types are in bold and most
abundant classes are in italics. Minor classes are in normal font and only those discussed in text are listed. Other
sometimes more abundant classes are omitted for simplicity.

Type / Class Mineralogy / Rock Types Examples

Stony - chondrites silicate minerals, chondrules
ordinary chondrites varied iron, metamorphism Noblesville, LEW87030,
carbonaceous chondrites varied metamorphism, weathering Allende, ALH83100
Stony - achondrites silicate minerals, no chondrules
basaltic achondrites basalt, breccia, pyroxene cumulate Juvinas, Johnstown, EET83227
planetary- lunar basalt, anorthosite, breccia ALHA81005, EET87521
- martian basalt, pyroxene-olivine cumulate EETA79001, Shergotty
Stony-irons metal-silicate cumulate, breccia Brenham, Estherville
Irons iron-nickel metal intergrowths Sikhote Alin, Gibeon

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Meteorite Fact Sheet 29

Meteorites in Meteorite Sample Disk
Name Location Find date mass (kg) classification
ALH90411 Allan Hills, Antarctica 1990 5.8 chondrite L3
LEW87030 Lewis Cliff, Antarctica 1987 8.0 chondrite H5
Allende Allende, Mexico 1969 1,000 carbonaceous chondrite
EET83227 Elephant Moraine, Ant. 1983 2.0 basaltic achondrite
Gibeon Namibia, Africa 1836 21,000 Iron - octahedrite
Brenham Kansas, USA 1882 4400 Stony-iron - pallastite

Descriptions of Meteorites in Meteorite Sample Disk

ALH90411 (Chondrite A) This ordinary chondrite has numerous clasts and chondrules
in a light gray matrix. It is a low-iron, non-metamorphic chondrite made up mostly of
olivine and pyroxene silicate minerals, with a little iron-nickel metal.

LEW87030 (Chondrite B) This ordinary chondrite has abundant metal and few clasts or
chondrules in a dark gray matrix. It is a high-iron, metamorphic chondrite made up of
olivine and pyroxene silicate minerals and iron-nickel metal.

Allende (Carbonaceous Chondrite) This carbonaceous chondrite is a dull black sample

with visible clasts and chondrules in hand specimen. A thin slice shows numerous small
white inclusions and chondrules in a dark carbonaceous matrix.

EET83227 (Achondrite) This basaltic achondrite is a rock made up of fragments of

various types of basaltic materials in a fine-grained matrix. A thin slice shows fragments
of different types of pyroxene-feldspar basalts and mineral fragments in a matrix of the
same minerals.

Gibeon (Iron) This iron meteorite has a fine-grained intergrown of kamacite and taenite
iron-nickel minerals. This criss-crossed intergrowth is called Widmanstatten texture and
is visible on the sawn surface that has been etched with acid.

Brenham (Stony-iron) This stony-iron meteorite is a cumulate consisting of yellow

olivine silicate crystals surrounded by iron-nickel metal. The metal has been polished and
would show a Widmanstatten texture if it were etched with acid.

We would like to thank the following organizations for providing meteorite samples for the disks:

U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Program (NSF), for ALH90411, EET83227, and LEW87030
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, for Allende and Gibeon
Field Museum of Natural History, for Brenham

30 Meteorite Fact Sheet NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Solar System ABC’s Fact Sheet

Bodies in the Solar System

Listed are the Sun and bodies in the solar system that may be sources of meteorites. These include major bodies
(planets) and minor bodies (Moon, asteroids and comets). Given are the body name, diameter, orbit, and surface and
atmosphere composition. Orbital data include distance from the Sun (AU, semi-major axis), and eccentricity
(e: 0 for circular, 1.0 for parabolic, and values between are elliptical).

Body Diameter Orbit Orbit Surface Atmosphere Composition

km AU e Composition
Sun 1,400,000 -- -- none H2, He, C, N
Mercury 4,880 0.4 0.20 silicates none
Venus 12,100 0.7 0.01 silicates thick CO2
Earth 12,800 1.0 0.02 silicates, H2O medium N2, O2, H2O
Moon 3,480 1.0 silicates none
Mars 6,800 1.5 0.09 silicates, H2O,CO2 ices thin CO2
Asteroids <1,000 2.2-3.8 vary silicates, iron none
Jupiter 143,200 5.2 0.05 liquid H, silicate core thick H2, He
Saturn 120,000 9.5 0.06 liquid H, silicate core thick H2, He
Uranus 51,800 19.2 0.05 liquid H, silicate core thick H2, He, methane
Neptune 49,500 30.0 0.01 liquid H, silicate core thick H2, He, methane
Pluto 2,300 39.4 0.25 silicates very thin methane
Comets 1-10 per: 4-7 0.4-0.9 H2O, ices of methane, H2O, H,C,O,N compounds
40,000 1.0 ammonia, silicates

Twenty asteroids are listed in order of distance from the Sun. Given are the asteroid number and name, year
discovered, diameter, semi-major axis of orbit, and asteroid type. The first four asteroids are Earth or Mars-crossing
and have elliptical orbits. The next 13 asteroids are all in the asteroid belt and have nearly circular orbits. These
were chosen to include the largest of the common S and C type asteroids and examples of the rarer types U, E, M.
The last three asteroids have orbits outside the asteroid belt. Hector is within the orbit of Jupiter.

Number Name Year Size km Orbit AU Type

2062 Aten 1976 0.9 0.97 S Comets and Meteor Showers
433 Eros 1898 23 1.46 S Listed are ten periodic meteor showers, their dates of
1862 Apollo 932 1.4 1.47 U peak annual activity, and the comet associated with
1221 Amor 1932 1.0 1.92 S each shower. Meteors are produced when the Earth
4 Vesta 1807 549 2.36 U passes through the orbit of the comet and its residual
7 Iris 1847 210 2.39 S gas and dust particles burn up in the atmosphere.
44 Nysa 1857 73 2.42 E
6 Hebe 1847 201 2.43 S
21 Lutetia 1852 115 2.43 M Comet Shower Date
19 Fortuna 1852 215 2.44 C 1491I Quadrantids January 3
3 Juno 1804 265 2.67 S Thatcher Lyrids April 23
1 Ceres 1801 940 2.77 C Halley Aquarids May 4
2 Pallas 1802 540 2.77 C Encke Taurids June 30
45 Eugenia 1857 228 2.72 C Swift-Tuttle Perseids August 12
16 Psyche 1852 265 2.92 M
Giacobini-Zinner Draconids October 9
10 Hygeia 1849 410 3.14 C
65 Cybele 1861 280 3.43 C
Halley Orionids October 21
279 Thule 1888 60 4.26 D Encke Taurids November 4
624 Hector 1907 150x300 5.15 D Temple Leonids November 16
944 Hildago 1920 39 5.80 D Phaeton Geminids December 13

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Solar System Fact Sheet 31

Evidence for Processes in the Solar System
Listed is the geologic evidence for rock-forming processes on various bodies in the solar system. Many of the
processes occurred on all planetary bodies and some asteroids. However, the geologic evidence is not always
available because it is masked by later processes.

Process Earth Moon / Mars Asteroids (meteorites)

condensation no evidence no evidence carbonaceous chondrites
accretion no evidence no evidence chondrites
differentiation core/mantle/crust anorthosites, meteorites irons, stony-irons
volcanism basalts, volcanoes mare basalts, meteorites basaltic achondrites
metamorphism metamorphic rocks lunar metamorphic rocks chondrites
weathering sedimentary rocks Mars geology, meteorites carbonaceous chondrites
impact meteorite falls, craters breccias, craters meteorites, breccias

Solar System Timeline

Listed are major events or processes in the history of the solar system as determined from the geologic or
astronomical evidence. Time is in years (y) before the present (K=thousand; M=million; B=billion). Some of the
events on the Moon are not discussed in this book, but are explained in the companion volume Exploring the Moon.

Time Where Event or Process Evidence

0 y - 4.0 By Earth volcanism, metamorphism, weathering Earth rocks, geology
3, 25, 47 y Earth falls-Noblesville, Allende, Sikhote-Alin meteorites
50 Ky Earth fall of Canyon Diablo, Meteor Crater crater, meteorite
0.1-11 My Moon impacts sent lunar meteorites to Earth lunar meteorites
0.5-16 My Mars impacts sent Mars meteorites to Earth Mars meteorites
65 My Earth K/T impact and death of dinosaurs Ir in soils, fossils
0.2-4.5 By Mars basaltic volcanism, intrusions Mars meteorites
3.2-4.3 By Moon mare basaltic volcanism lunar basalts, meteorites
3.7 By Earth first evidence of life on Earth fossils
3.9 By Moon cataclysmic bombardment breccias, craters
4.0 By Earth oldest known Earth rock Earth rocks
4.2-4.4 By Moon igneous intrusions troctolite, norite
4.2-4.55 By Asteroids metamorphism, weathering chondrites
4.4-4.5 By Moon differentiation, magma ocean anorthosites, meteorites
4.55 By Asteroids differentiation, core, mantle, crust achondrite, iron, stony-iron
4.55 By nebula solar system forms by condensation, accretion chondrites, astronomy
4.6 By nebula Sun forms from nebula astronomy, physics
>4.6 By Stars elements form in other stars astronomy, physics
~10 By Universe H, He formed by "Big Bang" astronomy, physics

32 Solar System Fact Sheet NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 1 — Noblesville Fall Mysterious
Students will: About This Lesson
Students will listen to the
• participate in a brainstorm session that will help focus their
story of an actual meteorite
interest on and arouse their curiosity about meteorites.
fall and brainstorm on what
• view a slide show that provides background information. they want to know and how
they would react. The
Background questions students generate
Throughout the world meteorite falls are rare events that are will relate directly to the
observed just a few times a year. The fall of the Noblesville units contained in Exploring
meteorite in 1991 was observed by two boys. The story of the boys Meteorite Mysteries and will
and the meteorite makes an excellent focus for the unit. help teachers focus students’
attention on meteorite
Procedure investigations. After making a
Advanced Preparation list of what they want to
1. Review story and be ready to tell it like a storyteller. know, they will view a slide
2. Preview slide set and narrative. show introduction to

❑ Noblesville Fall Narrative
(pg. 1.2)
❑ Slide Set, Introduction
❑ projector
❑ screen
❑ chalkboard or overhead

meteorite, fall, find, crater

Photo of boys courtesy of

M. Lipshutz.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 1 — Noblesville Fall 1.1

Classroom Procedure
1. Tell the Noblesville Fall Narrative, Part 1 with as much animation and sound effects as

2. Ask the class to put themselves in the boys’ place and tell how they would feel, what they
would want to know, and what they would do next? Brainstorm on these questions, making a
random list of responses on the board. The class could then organize the responses into
groups such as Feelings, Actions, and Questions. Some of the questions students may
express are: What is it? Where did it come from? How did it get here? What is it made of?
How did it form? What good is it? Is it dangerous?

3. Conclude the Noblesville

Fall Narrative, Part 2
about what the boys did.

4. Show slides as an
introduction to

Noblesville Fall Narrative

Part 1: Observation
of the fall Noblesville Meteorite

It was 7:00 PM and early dusk on the summer evening of August 31, 1991, in the small town
of Noblesville, Indiana. Two boys, 13 year old Brodie Spaulding and 9 year old Brian Kinzie, had
just finished riding bikes and were standing talking on Brodie’s lawn. Suddenly they heard a low-
pitched whistling sound. Then Brian saw an object spinning through the air past Brodie. The
object landed with a thud on the ground 4 meters from them and rocked as it landed. The boys
picked up the object, which appeared to be a stone, and found that it was slightly warm. It had
made a hole 5 centimeters deep in the lawn where it landed. They looked around and couldn’t find
anyone who might have thrown the stone.

Stop for class brainstorm session.

Part 2: What the boys did

What Brodie and Brian did was take the stone inside to Brodie’s parents. They decided to
call nearby Purdue University. The mystery was solved a few days later when a Purdue
professor confirmed that the rock was a meteorite. The boys let the scientists have a small
portion of the meteorite for scientific studies. Today, although meteorite dealers have offered
them several thousand dollars to buy the meteorite, the boys still own it.

The boys learned that meteorites are very special rocks that have fallen to Earth after
traveling through the solar system. They provide clues for scientific detectives to solve the
mysteries of our early solar system, the origin of the planets, and the beginning of life itself.

1.2 Lesson 1 — Noblesville Fall NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite
do they
Students will:
• apply geometric properties and relationships to meteorite
About This Lesson
• demonstrate and experience the way remote objects or sites In the activities in this lesson
can be accurately located by triangulation. students use sound to easily
• use triangulation on a map, both in a directed activity and in a demonstrate basic triangula-
group-challenge activity. tion techniques. They also
triangulate using a meteor’s
Background path to predict where
Triangulation is a basic geometric technique for locating distant meteorites might be found.
objects or events by measuring the directions to an object from two Extended math applications
known locations. The basic premise behind triangulation is that may be added. Students also
many of our senses can accurately determine the direction to an develop a treasure hunt map
object but cannot always accurately determine its distance. in the final activity.
However, two observers in different locations will see the object in
different directions. The two known locations of the observers form
the base of a triangle. The angles to the distant object define where Vocabulary
that object is located, as seen in Figure 2-1. meteor, meteorite,
Triangulation is used extensively in astronomy to determine
distances or sizes of objects we cannot visit (like stars and planets).
Triangulation is a useful map and survival skill often taught in scout-
ing and orienteering. This technique is used in surveying and in
determining the epicenter of an earthquake. It is also a good intro-
duction to the geometry and mathematics of triangles.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite 2.1

Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite
Activity A: Demonstration of Triangulation

About This Activity Procedure

Students will demonstrate Advanced Preparation
how to locate distant objects 1. Gather materials.
or sites by triangulation.
They will use sound to show Classroom Procedure
the basic principles of 1. Choose a student to be the listener (not hearing-impaired in
triangulation. This activity either ear), and another to make noise (bell, buzzer, pencil
can be done indoors or tapping etc.). Make sure that the listener cannot (or will not)
outside. see during the procedure, as by blindfolding. Have the noise
maker go to a far point in the room, moving quietly or masked
Materials for Activity A by noises made by the other students. When the room is quiet
❑ blindfolds for two again, have the noise maker make a sound. Repeat if neces-
(optional) sary until the listener points at the noise maker. Almost all
❑ noise maker (anything that students will be able to point very close to the direction of the
makes a noise) noise maker. [Many students have probably played the
❑ yarn (enough to “trace” swimming pool game “Marco Polo,” which is this same idea.]
the triangle in Activity A- Ask blindfolded listener to determine distance to the noise
Step 2, or ~50 m) maker. Show the students that a single listener can tell the
direction to the noise, but not always the accurate distance.
2. Chose two students to be listeners and repeat as in step 1,
keeping as much distance between them as possible. Both
listeners should be pointing fairly close to the noise maker.
Show how the location accuracy is improved. To make it
easier for students to see the triangle, try using yarn to trace
the visual lines of sight.
3. Repeat with more than two listeners if desired. A small
“target area” will usually be formed.

Figure 2-1

2.2 Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite
Activity B: Path and Speed of a Meteor

Procedure About This Activity

Advanced Preparation Students will track a meteor’s
1. Review student procedure. path using triangulation and
2. Assemble materials. predict where its meteorites
might be found. The exercise
Classroom Procedure can be extended to
1. Review use of protractors, map coordinates, map scale and calculating the velocity of a
units. meteor and understanding
2. Practice several protractor readings (see example below). how scientists can determine a
3. Distribute “Student Procedure: Activity B.” meteor’s original orbit in
4. If desired, work the first observation measurement as a class space.
or on the overhead.
5. Allow students to continue working on the worksheet. Materials for Activity B
6. Discuss. ❑ protractors
❑ rulers
Map Teacher Key ❑ Student Procedure
(pgs. 2.5-2.6, one per
❑ colored pencils
❑ pencils


Question Key

Section 1
Where do the two lines cross?
40-43 km East-Northeast of Drygulch Flats.
Where did the meteor explode?
In the air near where the lines crossed, or same answer as
first question.

Section 2
Where was the meteor when the spark flew?
50-52 km northeast of Bubbling Bayou, or near the
coastline by the peninsula.
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite 2.3
Using the positions of the spark and the explosion, which direction was the
meteorite traveling?

How far was it from where the meteorite sparked to where it exploded?
(measure with ruler)?
23-25 km

Where would you first look for meteorites that might have
fallen from the explosion?
Northeast of Drygulch Flats, near
where the lines cross.

Section 3 (optional)
If both observers counted two
seconds between the spark and
the explosion, how fast was the
meteor going?
Approximately 43,200 km
per hour.

Extra Thinking Questions

1. Why might a meteor not produce meteorites?
The meteorite might burn up before landing.

2. Could a meteorite fall without anyone seeing a meteor? Explain.

Yes. Meteors can be small enough and slow enough that they do not make big meteor
streaks in the sky; no one saw a meteor when Noblesville fell. Also, it might fall at a time or
remote location where no one is looking.

3. How could you determine the elevations of the meteor’s sparking and its explosion?
You can calculate the height using the determined distance and the measured observed
angle above the horizon h = d Tan angle.

4. What information would you need to determine the orbit a meteorite was in before it hit the
You would need several accurately located photo observations of the meteor with exact
time records, and data charts of Earth’s positions. (See also Lesson 4.)

1. Try depicting this activity in 3 dimensions by providing altitude angles. Challenge students to
come up with a way of representing the true meteor location.
2. For students with a background in algebra and trigonometry, the location of the meteor spark and
explosion in Activity B can be determined mathematically using the cosine rule.
3. If possible have students observe and or photograph a meteor shower.

2.4 Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite
Student Procedure: Activity B

❑ ruler ❑ protractor ❑ pencil ❑ colored pencils
Path and Speed of a Meteor
Using the map provided, you will be led through the procedures of triangulating the
path and explosion of a meteor and determining a likely area to look for meteorites.
Review the use of a protractor if necessary.

Section 1. The attached map shows the location of two people when they saw
the meteor. The observer in Drygulch Flats was looking 80° East of North
when she saw the meteor explode.
— From Drygulch Flats, measure an angle 80° E from the dashed N-S
reference line, mark the angle, and with a colored pencil draw a long line
from Drygulch Flats through the mark you made.
The observer in Bubbling Bayou was looking in a direction 40° East of North
when he saw the meteor explode.
— From Bubbling Bayou measure an angle 40° E from the dashed N-S
reference line, mark the angle. Using the same color pencils draw a long
line from Bubbling Bayou through the mark you made.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite 2.5

Where do the two lines cross?

Where did the meteor explode?

Section 2. Both observers also saw the meteor shed a spark some time before it
exploded (assume the meteor’s path was horizontal). The observer in
Drygulch Flats was looking in a direction 110° East of North when she saw
the spark fly.
— Using the same technique as in step 1 and a different color pencil,
draw a long line from Drygulch Flats in that direction.
The observer in Bubbling Bayou was looking in a direction 60° East of North
when he saw the spark fly.
— Draw a long line from Bubbling Bayou in that direction.

Where was the meteor when the spark flew?

Using the positions of the spark and the explosion, which direction was the
meteorite traveling?

How far was it from where the meteor sparked to where it exploded?
(measure with ruler)

Where would you first look for meteorites that might have fallen from the

Section 3. Determine how fast the meteor was going. If both observers counted
2 seconds between the spark and the explosion, how fast was the meteor going
(in km/hr)?

2.6 Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite
Activity C: Meteorite Treasure Hunt

About This Activity

Procedure This triangulation activity can
Advanced Preparation be done as a treasure hunt
1. Have copies of local or regional maps for each team. game using a map of your
local community, county, or
Classroom Procedure state. Each team creates
1. Decide where on the map the two observers would be. directions that allow another
Divide the class into teams and give each team two copies of team to determine the fall site.
the map.
Materials for Activity C
2. Each team chooses a meteorite fall spot, and marks it with a ❑ copies of local or regional
dot on one map. Determine what direction the observers map (two per team)
would have had to look to see the meteorite fall point. Draw ❑ colored pencils
lines from the fall point to where each observer is stationed. ❑ paper
Measure the angle those lines make with North. At the ❑ protractor (per team)
bottom of the second map or a piece of paper, record these
angles for use by another team.

3. Each team passes their list of angles to another team so that

they have “look directions” for a new meteorite fall. Then
use triangulation as in Activity B to determine where the
meteorite fell. This could be done as a race or as an
accuracy contest. After teams are finished, they can
compare their fall location with the original maps.

1. Outside, set up treasure hunt so that students learn to use a
magnetic compass.

2. Place a ball bearing in a field to represent a meteorite.

Provide a map of the field and triangulation observation angles.
Have students attempt to find the “meteorite.”

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 2 — Follow the Falling Meteorite 2.7

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites
do they
Students will:
• perform a demonstration of meteorite impacts with water
• assess various terrains for meteorite recovery using
About This Lesson
geography skills.
Water balloons filled with
• attempt to recover simulated meteorite fragments. flour and pebbles help
• make experimental predictions. students model the distribution
of materials after meteorite
• graph experimental results and draw conclusions. impacts. The flour simulates
the ejected crater material and
Background the pebbles represent the
Finding meteorites is quite difficult because most meteorites look like meteorite fragments.
Earth rocks to the casual or untrained eye. Even to the trained eye, Students will use the model to
recognizing meteorites can be difficult. In many cases draw conclusions about where
meteorites break apart into many fragments as they pass through the it would be easiest to find
atmosphere or impact the Earth. These smaller fragments are harder meteorites.
to find than one large meteorite. Meteorites are rarely found in forests
or fields, where they become lost or buried among the plants. In Vocabulary
rocky areas, meteorites are hard to find because they tend to be dull meteorite, ejecta, terrain,
black, gray or white, and do not stand out among the much more velocity, impact
common Earth rocks (see Meteorite Sample Disk if available). Iron
meteorites are the exception. There are few natural sources of metal
except meteorites. Old iron implements can be (and often are) mis-
taken for meteorites. In many cases, a chemical analysis is required
to distinguish a meteorite from an Earth rock.

In their experiments, students will likely discover that

good places to retrieve meteorites are
surfaces that have no similar rocks, are very
flat, have a contrasting background, and do
not have thick vegetation. These conditions
are best met on Earth by the polar ice cap in
Antarctica, where in fact, thousands of
meteorites have been found since 1969.
Lots of meteorites are also found in deserts,
especially in the Sahara and in southern
Australia, where there are flat areas with few
other rocks.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites 3.1

Per Student Procedure
❑ Student Procedure and Advanced Preparation
Data Table (pgs. 3.3-3.5) 1. Assemble materials.
❑ 1 balloon (round balloons 2. Practice filling balloon with flour and check for appropriate
work best) locations to conduct impacts.
❑ 0.1 liter flour (1/2 cup)
❑ 10 to 20 small pebbles Classroom Procedure
(colored aquarium rocks 1. Distribute Student Procedure and Data Table.
work well) 2. Discuss background and intent for activity (why and how).
❑ graph paper 3. Look at (or discuss) selected impact sites prior to predicting
on Student Procedure.
Per Group or 4. Have students collect materials.
Classroom 5. Follow Student Procedure.
❑ water faucet to fill balloon 6. Discuss results and lead to conclusions that Antarctica and
❑ funnel (one per group) deserts are likely the easiest places to find meteorites.
❑ measuring cup
❑ thin stick or skewer Extensions
1. Vary the exercise by using a variety of materials, chart all data,
and rewrite the activity, making it more effective.
2. Dramatize the impact and scatter pattern of pebbles, using
students as pebbles and doing the dramatization in slow motion.
3. On a world map have students predict where meteorites might
easily be found.
4. Lesson 18 could be used to extend the Antarctic meteorite team
5. Show Antarctic slides (available from NASA, see page iv).

3.2 Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites
Student Procedure

Per Student Per Group or Classroom
❑ Student Procedure and Data Table ❑ water faucet
❑ 1 balloon ❑ funnel
❑ 0.1 liter flour (1/2 cup) ❑ measuring cup
❑ 10 to 20 small pebbles ❑ thin stick or skewer
❑ graph paper

Designate Groups
This activity is designed to be done in groups of 3-4 students. Although each
student launches (throws) a balloon filled with water and pebbles, students
should work as a group to choose areas, make predictions, record observations,
and draw conclusions.

Designate Target Areas

Working with your teacher, find 3-4 locations of various surfaces where balloons
filled with water and pebbles can be exploded. Surfaces commonly found at a
school site are concrete pavement, long jump pit or other sand pit, grassy area,
gravel, pebble, or shell surface, asphalt pavement, snow, ice, and water. Be sure
to get permission to use all areas.

Classroom Procedure

1. Gather all equipment.

2. Choose or assign terrain targets for each student.

3. Record information on Data Table.

4. Make predictions and record on Data Table.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites 3.3

5. Place a funnel in the neck of a balloon. Fill balloon with approximately
0.1 liter (1/2 cup) of flour. Flour tends to pack, so it should be poured into
the funnel slowly. A thin stick may be used to keep the flour flowing, but do
not puncture the balloon.

6. Add pebbles one at a time, noting number of pebbles and color.

7. Fill balloon 3/4 full with water. Do not shake the balloon. Be sure to tie
the balloon securely. This step must be done just before going outside to
launch the balloons.

8. Launch balloons one at a time in designated areas. You may throw the
balloon at an angle, lob them or throw them straight up so that they impact
vertically. Remember to work as a group. Record observations at your launch
site quickly then move to the next launch. When the group launches are
complete, individuals return to their impact site to finish the sketch of their
scatter pattern.

9. Clean up all balloon fragments and leave impact areas as clean as possible.

3.4 Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Searching for Meteorites: Data Table
Name: Other Team members:

Individual Launch Information

Balloon Filling
pebbles (note number and color)
water volume (estimate)
flour volume

predict number and colors of pebbles

that you will recover

Launch Site Description

(note terrain, estimate wind direction, and wind speed)

Launch Specifics
impact angle (estimate)
impact direction
impact velocity (fast-slow)

sketch impact site in the space at right

number(s) and colors of pebbles recovered

Team Launch Data

list different terrains below pebbles pebbles pebbles explain
other variables
(predict if you think it will be # launched # recovered % recovered (wind or height, etc.)
easy or hard to find the pebbles) and colors and colors
example: ice easy 8 25 red,
1 blue,
6 23 red,
1 blue,
75% building blocked wind

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites 3.5

Make a graph of the percentage of pebbles recovered from each impact surface.
Note how the data compares to your predictions. Include data from different colors
of pebbles if available.

Based on your data, which surface was the easiest for pebble recovery? Why?

Did this match your predictions?

What kind of land surface might be most productive for searching for meteorites?

How is the scatter pattern affected: by the ground surface? by the angle of impact?

How might a scientist use this type of information to help locate meteorites?

3.6 Lesson 3 — Searching for Meteorites NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid “Where
Connection: Orbits in the Inner
Solar System
do they
In Activity A students will:
• draw circles and ellipses to illustrate basic shapes of orbits About This Lesson
in the solar system. This lesson allows students to
understand how meteorites get
• define an elliptical orbit from three of its points (optional).
from the asteroid belt to Earth
In Activity B students will: and how rare it is for the Earth
to be hit by a large asteroid.
• construct a scale model of the inner solar system including: The students will build an
the Sun, the inner planets, the asteroid belt, and the orbits of exact-scale model of the inner
a few selected asteroids. solar system; the scale allows
• observe relative distances and sizes within the inner solar the model to fit within a
system. normal classroom and also
allows the representation of
• plot the paths meteoroids might take in traveling from the Earth to be visible without
asteroid belt to the Earth. magnification. Students will
• manipulate models to demonstrate the concept of the ecliptic chart where most asteroids
plane, and discover that some asteroids do not orbit in the are, compared to the Earth,
ecliptic plane (upper grades). and see that a few asteroids
come close to the Earth.
(For Advanced Students) Students will see that the solar
In Activity C students will: system is mostly empty space
unlike the way it appears on
• graph the locations of the Earth and a near-Earth asteroid.
most charts and maps.
• observe from the graph that both time and location in space Higher grade students can
are important. extend the activities as a
• estimate when an asteroid would cross the Earth’s orbit. transition to astronomy.

Not to Scale! ellipse, orbit, astronomer,
asteroid, asteroid belt, ecliptic
plane, retrograde

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection 4.1

To appreciate the Earth in respect to meteorites and asteroids in the solar system, it is
important to know the configuration of the inner solar system, including the proper relative sizes and
distances of objects. Most charts of the solar system show the planets’ orbits at a different scale from
the planets, so that the solar system appears as large planets close together. The student gets an
incorrect impression of how far it is to other planets, how small planets are compared to the
distances between them, and how small the Earth is as a target for meteorite impacts. The exact scale
model of the inner solar system, from the Sun through the asteroid belt, will allow the student to
appreciate the sizes and distances pertinent to these exercises (information in Tables 2 and 4).
Most meteorites are thought to be broken fragments of asteroids — small “planets” or bodies of
rock or ice orbiting around the Sun. The largest asteroid is Ceres, 940 km in diameter, much smaller
than our Moon (3,500 km diameter). Ceres was the first asteroid discovered (in 1801), and about
6,000 have been discovered since then. Asteroids are so small that telescopes on Earth can see them
only as points of light. Recently the Galileo spacecraft passed close
to the asteroids Gaspra and Ida and sent us pictures of them. Both
Asteroids Can Have are irregular masses of rock, seemingly broken and covered with
Three Names! impact craters. As indicated by their colors
(reflectance spectra), most asteroids are mixtures of metal and silicate
When one is found, it is given minerals, possibly like chondrite meteorites. A few are made of
a temporary name, like basalt rock, just like the basalt meteorites (example: 1983RD in this
1983RD, showing what year lesson).
it was found. After the Most asteroids orbit in the asteroid belt between 2.2 and 3.2
asteroid’s orbit is known well, times the Earth’s distance from the Sun; their orbits are ellipses,
it gets a number and can be oval-shaped curves that carry them nearer and farther from the Sun.
given a ‘real’ name by the Only a few asteroids follow orbits that get near the Earth, and these
person who found it. The asteroids are probably the sources of some meteorites.
names of the asteroids in this An asteroid that crosses the Earth’s orbit could collide with the
lesson are “1 Ceres,” “1566
Earth and cause a devastating impact explosion. About 200 of these
Icarus,” and “3551 1983RD.”
Earth crossing asteroids are known, and it is estimated that 20-40
The last doesn’t have a ‘real’
name yet. Asteroid names percent of them will collide with the Earth over the next million
come mostly from mythol- years. No known asteroid will hit the Earth for at least 200 years.
ogy, but also include famous We will likely have many years of warning before an asteroid
people, including: “3352 collision like this, and the students will see from the solar system
McAuliffe” (after Christa model that the Earth is really a very small target. But when there
McAuliffe, the teacher/ are a million shots, over a long time, one is likely to hit.
astronaut who was killed To hunt for asteroids, astronomers photograph the night sky, and
when the Space Shuttle look for “stars” that move compared to real stars. A long exposure
Challenger exploded), “2266 photograph would show a background of stars as spots, with a
Tschaikovsky” (after the
streak from an asteroid, due to the
Russian composer), “1744
asteroid’s motion across the sky. To
Paavo Nurmi” (after a
Finnish marathon runner), discover the orbit of an asteroid, it is
“1569 Evita” (after Evita not necessary to observe the asteroid as
Perón, wife of ex-president it follows its whole orbit; knowing its
Juan Perón of Argentina), and location a few times, over several
“2578 Saint-Exupéry” (after weeks or months, is sufficient.
the author of “The Little

4.2 Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection
Activity A: Drawing Circles and Ellipses

Objectives About This Activity

Students will: In this activity, students will
• draw circles and ellipses to illustrate basic shapes of orbits learn how to draw circles and
in the solar system. ellipses using a pencil,
pushpins and string. They
• define an elliptical orbit from three of its points (optional). will learn what an ellipse is,
how it is different from a
Procedures circle, and how an astronomer
Advanced Preparation can determine the elliptical
1. The instructor should prepare a loop of string, approximately orbit of an asteroid.
40 cm in circumference, for each group. Additional
loops of string of different sizes may be used Materials for Activity A
for experimentation. See figure below. ❑ poster board or cardboard,
2. Practice drawing ellipses. about 60 cm x 60 cm,
thick enough to hold a
pushpin (old science fair
trifolds work), one for
each group
push pin = foci ❑ tracing paper, about 60 cm
x 60 cm, one or more for
each group
❑ pushpins, 6 per group
❑ pencil/pen
❑ string
Classroom Procedure ❑ scissors
Part 1. Drawing a Circle. Have each group of students stick
one pushpin into the center of their cardboard sheet. Put the
loop of string around the pushpin, put the point of the pencil
within the loop, and draw the loop tight with the pencil tip
(not so tight as to pull out the pin!). Draw a line with the
pencil, keeping the string tight. The pencil line will be a
circle around the pushpin.
Part 2. Drawing Ellipses. Have each group of students stick
two pushpins into their cardboard sheet near its center, placing
the pins 10-15 cm apart. Put the loop of string around both
pushpins, and carefully draw the loop tight with the pencil tip
forming a triangle. Draw with the pencil, keeping the string
tight around both pins. The pencil line will be an oval, or
ellipse. Students may experiment with different distances
between pins and different lengths of string. Optional: paper
may be taped to the cardboard if desired.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection 4.3

Part 3. Find the Asteroid Orbits. The orbits of asteroids are ellipses, not circles, around the Sun.
Astronomers can figure out the whole elliptical orbit of an asteroid by knowing just three points
in the orbit. In this activity, a team will draw an ellipse, and another team will work like
astronomers to try to reconstruct that ellipse knowing only the locations of three points and the
“Sun.” It is important that all the teams have strings of the same length.

Have each team draw an orbit for an asteroid on their cardboard by drawing an ellipse
(Part 2), and designating one pushpin as the “Sun.” Have each team remove the pushpins,
place the tracing paper over the orbit drawing, tack the tracing paper to the cardboard at the
corners, and using a pen, mark on the tracing paper the “Sun” position and three points on the
orbit ellipse (do not draw the entire ellipse). These three “data points” represent observations
made by astronomers which are used to plot the orbit of an asteroid. See figures below.

Teams label their ellipses, trade tracing papers, tack their new paper down at the
corners, and put a pushpin in at the “Sun” position. Each team of “astronomers” then tries to
find a placement for the second pushpin, so that an ellipse drawn with their loop passes through
the three points on the tracing paper. When complete, compare with the original group’s ellipse
that includes the three data points.

1. How are ellipses different from circles?
2. What shape is drawn when the pushpins are right next to each other?

1. If you wanted to describe an ellipse to another person, what would you say? (length of string,
length of ellipse, breadth of ellipse, orientation) What more would you need if the ellipse could be
in the air oriented in any way?

2. Part 3 can be extended by having the asteroid orbits drawn with different lengths of string, and
having each “astronomer” team determine the string length in addition to the location of the second

4.4 Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

About This Activity
Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection In this activity, the class will
Activity B: The Long and Winding Road learn how meteorites and
to Earth asteroids travel from the
asteroid belt to the Earth. The
focus here is on
construction of an exact scale
Objectives model of the inner solar
Students will: system (Sun to asteroid belt),
• construct a scale model of the inner solar system including: including some asteroids that
the Sun, the inner planets, the asteroid belt, and the orbits of a might hit the Earth. At the
few selected asteroids. given scale (which can be
expanded or reduced), the
• construct circular and elliptical planetary orbits.
model will fit on a 1.2 m x 1.2
• conclude that the relative sizes of the Sun and the inner m piece of cardboard or poster
planets are often misrepresented. board, and the Earth will be
• observe relative distances and sizes within the inner solar just large enough to be seen.
Materials for Activity B
• plot the paths meteoroids might take in traveling from the ❑ 1.2 m square or larger piece
asteroid belt to the Earth. of corrugated cardboard
• observe that the Earth is a very small target. (refrigerator box?) or very
stiff posterboard
• manipulate models to demonstrate the concept of the ecliptic
❑ 60 cm x 30 cm piece of
plane and discover that some asteroids do not orbit in the
corrugated cardboard or
ecliptic plane (upper grades).
very stiff poster board
(upper grades)
Procedure ❑ pushpins, two per group
Advanced Preparation ❑ colored and regular pencils
1. Gather materials, prepare string loops ahead if desired. ❑ string, or loops of string in
2. Practice procedure. the lengths indicated in
Table 1
Classroom Procedure ❑ scissors, ruler, and
1. Preparation of the Board. protractor
Mark the center of the large sheet of cardboard; this will be ❑ clay-dough (or similar
the Sun’s location. Draw a circle 1.8-2 mm diameter around substance) in yellow
the point; this is the scaled diameter of the Sun. If the exact or white
orientations of orbits are desired for upper grades, draw a light ❑ magazines with colored
reference pencil line from the Sun’s center toward a side; pictures
angles for orientations of elliptical orbits will be ❑ Table 1 (pg. 4.6) and Table 2
measured from this line. (pg. 4.7) from this lesson
Optional for upper grades
2. Prepare Strings. ❑ razor knife or other knife
A loop of string is needed for each orbit. The instructor may (to be used only with
prepare the loops ahead of time; or student teams may supervision)
measure, cut, and knot a loop for their own orbit. To keep

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection 4.5

the proper scale, use the string lengths in Table 1. If the loop turns out too long, it can be
shortened with an overhand knot.

3. Draw the Orbits.

Each student team should draw their orbit on the cardboard, using the pin(s) and string tech-
nique in Activity A, Part 2 and the data of Table 1; lower grades include the asteroid Icarus
here, upper grades may do Icarus separately (See optional section below—Asteroid Icarus in
the Third Dimension.).

Circular orbits require one pin at the Sun position. Elliptical orbits require two pins each: one at the
Sun and the other at the distance from the Sun shown in Table 1. The ellipses may be oriented at
any convenient angle on the board; to make the model exact, the second pins should be oriented at
the angles in Table 1 from the pencil line drawn in Part 1 (exact orientations are not used later). See
illustration on page 19 in the Teacher’s Guide. To draw the orbit of the Earth’s moon, pick a point
on the Earth’s orbit to be the Earth’s position. Around that point, draw a circle of 5 mm radius (10
mm or 1 cm diameter) to represent the Moon’s orbit.

Table 1. Drawing Orbits in Scale Model

4. Adding the Sun and Planets.

To complete the model, add the Sun and planets at the same scale as their orbits. Real and to-
scale diameters are given in Table 2. At this scale the Sun should be a ball just under
2 mm diameter, about the size of a BB or a ball bearing from a bicycle.

The Earth and Venus should be 1/50 mm across, which is almost invisible; smaller than a grain
of salt or a pin-prick in paper (~1/5 mm), and about the thickness of standard copier paper. A
single dot out of a half-tone print (as in a magazine) is about 3 times too large, but gives the

4.6 Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

right idea of scale. The individual dots in a half-tone print can be seen with a 5 or 10X
magnifying glass. The Moon, Mercury, Mars and the asteroids are too small to be visible at
this scale!

5. Discussion.
Encourage students to share their observations about size and scale as they construct and view
the scale model. Help students to observe that there is mostly open space in the solar system.
Lead students to the observation that Earth is a small moving target and is not frequently hit by
large impacting asteroids or comets.

Table 2. Real and Scaled Diameters of Solar System Objects

6. Optional - Upper Grades

Asteroid Icarus in the Third Dimension. The orbits of all the planets (except Pluto) and most
of the asteroids are nearly in the same plane, the ecliptic plane. In the model, the ecliptic plane
is the main cardboard. The asteroid Icarus orbits outside the ecliptic, and so provides an
exercise in three-dimensional geometry.

On a separate piece of cardboard, draw an ellipse following the method of Activity A with the
string length and pin distance for Icarus from Table 1. Cut out the ellipse. Draw a straight
pencil line through the pin holes from one end of the ellipse to the other. Select one pin hole to
be the Sun’s location. Draw a straight pencil line through the Sun pin hole at a 30° angle to the
end-to-end line; this last line is at the intersection of Icarus’s ellipse and the ecliptic plane.
Measure and write down the lengths of this intersection line on both sides of the Sun hole; the
distances will not be the same. In the ellipse, cut out a hole about 1 cm diameter around the
Sun point.

On the main solar system board, cut a slit through the Sun position as long as the intersection
line, so that the Sun point on the main board and the Sun hole in the Icarus ellipse can
coincide. The slit may be at any convenient orientation; to make the model exact, cut the slit at
an angle of 87° clockwise from the reference line, with the shorter part of the slit pointing to
87° and the longer part pointing to 273°.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection 4.7

To attach the Icarus ellipse to the main board, insert the Sun end of the ellipse into the slit from
below the main board. Adjust the ellipse so that the intersection line is at the main board, and
the Sun point of the main board and the Sun hole on the ellipse coincide. Tape in place along
the intersection line.

Finally, tilt the Icarus ellipse (flexing the tape along the intersection line) so that its plane makes
a 25° angle to the main board (ecliptic plane). Tape or wire in place. Reinforce as needed to
correct possible sagging.

1. Who was Icarus? Why name this particular asteroid after him? Another asteroid with a similar
orbit is named Phaethon. Who was Phaethon, and why might an asteroid be named after him?
2. At the scale of this model, a light year (the distance light travels in a year) is about 12.1 km. In this
model, how far from the Sun would it be to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri at 4.3 light years
distance? (52 km) How far to the nearest star visible in the Northern Hemisphere, Sirius at 8 light
years distance? (96.8 km) At this scale, how far away is the center of our Milky Way galaxy at
30,000 light years distance? (363,000 km) How is this image of the distances between stars
different from the images shown in TV shows or movies about space? (Space is more empty and
much larger than it is usually depicted.) (See Table 3 for additional information.)
3. View the video “Powers of 10.”

Table 3. Solar System and Nearest Star at this Scale

Distances are averages from Sun, except for Earth’s Moon* which is from Earth.

4.8 Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection
Activity C: Collision Course

Objectives About This Activity

Students will: For Advanced Students
Even if the orbit of an
• graph the locations of the Earth and a near-Earth asteroid.
asteroid crosses the orbit of
• observe from the graph that both time and location in space the Earth, there may be no
are important. collision if the asteroid and
• estimate when an asteroid would cross the Earth’s orbit. Earth are at different places in
their orbits. In this
• determine if a collision would take place. exercise, each group of
students will graph orbit
Procedure positions of the Earth and an
Advanced Preparation asteroid. Students will
1. Have materials ready. Instructor may prepare the papers and compare their results, and see
the circular Earth orbit as in Part 1. Use a string, 30 cm knot which asteroid makes the
to knot. The instructor may choose to draw the Earth orbit closest approach.
with a pushpin and string, or any other method. Distances in
Table 4 assume that the Earth orbit is 30 cm diameter, and can Materials for Activity C
be scaled for other sizes. ❑ Kraft or butcher paper,
approx. 60 cm x 60 cm for
Classroom Procedure each group
1. Get Set . . . (Earth’s orbit) ❑ pencil/pen (colored pencils
Each team should mark the Sun point at the center of its optional)
paper, and a pencil line from the Sun extending 30 cm in any ❑ rulers, one per group
direction. This will be the reference line from which angles ❑ protractors, one per group
are measured (see diagram below). ❑ Table 4 (pg. 4.11)
2. Go! (Graphing orbits)
Each team should graph the orbit of the Earth and the orbit of
one asteroid on their paper. To draw an orbit from the num-
bers in Table 4, begin with a single time at the left of the
Table 4. On that line in the Table, read the angle and
distance for that time in the orbit.

On the large piece of paper, use a protractor to measure the

angle (clockwise) from the Sun and the reference line, and
draw a line at that angle. Measure outward along that line to
the distance listed in the table, and draw a mark at that dis-
tance (color-coded, perhaps). Label the mark with the month
and half-month.

After all the points are graphed and labeled, connect them Graphing Asteroid Orbits
freehand to make a smooth curve. The points may not make
a full orbit.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection 4.9

3. And the Winner Is . . .
Each team should then estimate when (month number and a fraction) their asteroid crosses the
Earth’s orbit. Then, each team should measure the closest approach between their
asteroid and the Earth, by measuring the distance between corresponding time steps in their
orbits. Which asteroid comes closest to hitting the Earth? How close does the closest
asteroid really come to the Earth?

The scale here is 1 cm = 10,000,000 kilometers, and the Earth (to scale) would be 1/100 mm.

Note: This scale is not the same as in Activity B!

1. The speed of an asteroid
(distance/time) can be
estimated here as the
distance between
successive points from
Table 4. How does the
speed of an asteroid change
as it goes through its orbit
(perhaps students could
graph speed versus dis-
tance from the Sun)? How fast is each asteroid going as it passes Earth’s orbit? If the asteroid(s)
hit the Earth, would the differences in speed have any effect on the force of the impact or the size
of a resulting crater? (See Lesson 6)

2. The distance between the Earth and an asteroid depends on the relative positions of both the
asteroid and the Earth. Tabulate the distances between the Earth and the asteroids through time
and make graphs of distance versus time. Why do the graphs have hills and valleys?

3. Astronomers have to know where in the sky to look for asteroids in order to study them. They
measure directions in the sky as angles compared to a reference direction, just as on the
drawings in Activity C. To find out where in the sky you would look for your team’s asteroid, pick
a time point for the Earth, and draw a line through that point parallel to your reference line (that
goes through the Sun). Draw another line from the Earth to the asteroid’s position at that time
point. Measure and write down the angle between these two lines; this is the direction (the longi-
tude) in the sky you would have to look (to an astronomer, the “right ascension”). For your team’s
asteroid, tabulate the directions you would have to look from Earth, and graph that angle versus
time. Does your asteroid appear to move at a constant speed in the sky? Do any of the asteroids
appear to move backwards (retrograde motion)?

4.10 Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Earth Asteroid 1 Asteroid 2 Asteroid 3 Asteroid 4 Asteroid 5 Asteroid 6

Month Dist Angle Dist Angle Dist Angle Dist Angle Dist Angle Dist Angel Dist Angle

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
0 15 cm 0º 8.4 cm 0º 23.7 cm 322º 30.6 cm 195º 55.4 cm 50º 23.6 cm 56º 51.1 cm 261º

1 15 cm 30º 10.8 cm 72º 23.5 cm 333º 27.0 cm 205º 53.9 cm 48º 21.4 cm 71º 49.5 cm 264º

2 15 cm 60º 14.8 cm 110º 22.6 cm 344º 23.1 cm 218º 52.1 cm 46º 19.0 cm 90º 47.7 cm 267º

3 15 cm 90º 18.2 cm 133º 20.8 cm 356º 19.2 cm 236º 50.1 cm 44º 16.7 cm 115º 45.6 cm 270º

4 15 cm 120º 20.7 cm 149º 18.2 cm 11º 15.6 cm 263º 47.7 cm 42º 15.0 cm 146º 43.2 cm 273º

5 15 cm 150º 22.4 cm 162º 14.7 cm 30º 13.4 cm 303º 45.1 cm 40º 14.6 cm 182º 40.4 cm 277º

6 15 cm 180º 23.3 cm 174º 10.8 cm 59º 14.1 cm 347º 42.0 cm 37º 15.5 cm 216º 37.4 cm 282º

7 15 cm 210º 23.3 cm 185º 8.6 cm 113º 17.2 cm 21º 38.6 cm 33º 17.5 cm 245º 33.9 cm 288º

8 15 cm 240º 22.5 cm 197º 11.1 cm 192º 21.0 cm 43º 34.7 cm 29º 19.9 cm 276º 30.1 cm 294º

9 15 cm 270º 20.9 cm 210º 15.0 cm 244º 25.0 cm 59º 30.3 cm 24º 22.2 cm 285º 25.8 cm 303º

10 15 cm 300º 18.5 cm 225º 18.4 cm 272º 28.8 cm 70º 25.2 cm 17º 24.4 cm 299º 20.9 cm 316º

Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid Connection

11 15 cm 330º 15.2 cm 247º 20.9 cm 290º 32.2 cm 79º 19.1 cm 6º 26.2 cm 311º 15.6 cm 338º

12 15 cm 0º 11.2 cm 283º 22.7 cm 304º 35.4 cm 86º 11.9 cm 342º 27.7 cm 321º 10.7 cm 21º

13 15 cm 30º 8.5 cm 352º 23.6 cm 317º 38.3 cm 92º 5.4 cm 240º 28.8 cm 331º 10.0 cm 94º

Asteroid 1 = Castalia, (0 month is 1.5 months after perihelion at 0° )

Asteroid 2 = Cerebrus, (oriented so perihelion is on-line with Earth and Sun)
Asteroid 3 = Antinous, (starting 71 half-months after perihelion)
Asteroid 4 = Hephiastos, (starting at perihelion, but turned to retrograde orbit)
Asteroid 5 = Nereus, (arranged for a near-miss)
Table 4. Distances from Sun and Angles from Reference Line for Earth and Asteroids

Asteroid 6 = Oljato, (starting at 51 half-months after perihelion, angle advanced by 85 °)

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids
do they
Objectives come
Students will:
• gather data by observing, measuring, and manipulating
About This Lesson
• record observations, analyze data and draw analogies.
This lesson is about the
• compare samples of similar materials. connection between meteorites
• measure and record the brightness of light in a spectrum and asteroids. The activities
produced from a prism. in this lesson focus on ways to
look at asteroids because
• discover that white light is composed of the spectrum of some scientists think that
colors and that some light is invisible to the human eye. some meteorites are fragments
• participate in introductory quantitative spectroscopy of asteroids. The lesson
experiments. centers on remote sensing
techniques using light. Stu-
• set up and conduct an experiment to analyze reflected light.
dents consider the
• recognize that different materials reflect different brightness (reflectivity),
proportions of incident light. textures, and colors of

The lesson is arranged as

three work stations, an op-
tional station, and a central
station with the Meteorite
Sample Disk. The Meteorite
Sample Disk or photographs
of the meteorites must be
available so students may
examine the meteorite samples
in light of the experimental
results at each station. This
lesson could be done simulta-
neously by four separate
Asteroid Ida groups, one for each station,
as no station relies on the
results of another. All stations
except Station 1 could be used
as independent exercises.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids 5.1

Most meteorites that land on Earth are thought to come from the asteroid belt. The connection
between meteorites and asteroids was suggested as soon as the asteroid belt was discovered.
Asteroids come in many sizes, from 900 km down to the limits of visibility in Earth based telescopes
at about 1 km. Astronomers assume that there are abundant dust size asteroid fragments also.

It is almost certain that some meteorites came from asteroids. We know this because some meteorite
orbits have been traced to the asteroid belt. Scientists have learned this by triangulating meteorite
orbits from photographs of meteors.

Many meteors are linked to comets. Yearly meteor showers occur as the Earth passes through the
debris left by passing comets. But no meteorites are known to have come from meteor showers.
Scientists think this is because the meteors in showers are made mostly of ice and dust, which melt
and vaporize when they encounter the Earth’s atmosphere. However, someday scientists may find
meteorites from comets.

There are many different kinds of meteorites, as shown in the Meteorite Sample Disk, and scientists
wondered if there might also be different kinds of asteroids. Since we have not yet sampled
asteroids directly, scientists have had to rely on telescopic measurements of the
colors (spectra) of asteroids. In spectroscopy studies, light from asteroids
(reflected sunlight) is taken into the telescope, directed through a prism
or diffraction grating, and spread out into its spectrum. Then the
scientists measure how bright the light is at each color (wave-
length) in the spectrum. These reflection spectra can be
characteristic of certain minerals or metals on the asteroid
surface, or even indicate the presence of water ice. In
this way, astronomers can estimate the composition
of asteroids and try to correlate them with

There are asteroid color spectra types that seem to

be similar to most types of meteorites, including
some chondrites, some achondrites, irons, and stony
irons. But there are many types of asteroids with
spectra that do not correspond to spectra of known
meteorites. Perhaps there are many more kinds of
materials in the asteroid belt just waiting to fall as
meteorites. On the other hand, there may be
effects on the surfaces of asteroids that change
their colors in ways we do not now understand.

Additional information is available in the

Teacher’s Guide and in the background
sections of Lesson 4 (pg. 4.2) and
Lesson 17 (pg. 17.1).

5.2 Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids
Station 1: Meteorite Sample Disk

Objective About This Station

Students will: The meteorites are used to
• observe, and reinforce student’s observation
compare meteorites. and deduction skills.

Procedure Materials for Station 1

Students will proceed to this ❑ Meteorite Sample Disk
station to answer questions ❑ magnifier
from other stations. ❑ binocular microscope

Station 2: Test Your Metal

Objectives About This Station

Students will: By looking at iron metal and
• observe and compare samples of metal and record their then making very small iron
observations. filings, students will observe
how different something can
• prepare samples for observation. be when different sizes and
surface treatments are viewed.
Procedure Careful observations of the
Advanced Preparation meteorites will reveal that the
1. Set up station with nail and file, a sheet of white paper, and a metal looks different from
magnifying glass. sample to sample.
Classroom Procedure
1. Students examine the nail or metal pipe. Have one student
in each group file the nail or metal pipe until they have a Materials for Station 2
small pile of fine filings. Students examine the iron filings ❑ large nail or small piece of
(without spilling or losing them) noting their size, shape, metal piping
and color. Particularly note the variations of color. Students ❑ metal file
should take notes on their observations in their lab notebook ❑ one sheet of white paper
or on the Lab Sheet. Answer questions found on separate ❑ Lab Sheet (pg. 5.9)
sheet after experiment. ❑ Questions (pg. 5.11)
2. At the Meteorite Sample Disk, students should examine the ❑ magnifier
metal in at least two of the meteorite samples and record (optional)
their observations in their lab notebook or Lab Sheet. ❑ pencil/pen
Note: Help students determine how they can tell metal from
the other minerals in the meteorite samples by reading the
descriptions provided with the Meteorite Sample Disk.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids 5.3

Suggest they look for shiny spots or rusty spots. Also help
students consider that there might be differences in the
composition of the metal, the size of grains, surface rough-
ness, and the way the metal was treated in the laboratory.
3. Students can then return to the station, re-examine the iron
filings, and record their observations comparing the appearance
of iron filings with the iron in the meteorite samples.
4. Clean area before next group arrives.

Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids

Station 3: Reflections on Light and Heat

About This Station

Through demonstrations and
Students will:
analysis, students will
discover that different • set up and conduct an experiment to analyze reflected light.
materials reflect different • observe that different materials reflect different
proportions of the light that proportions of incident light.
strikes them. The proportion
of light that is reflected (“re- Background See the information with the questions on page 5.11.
flectance”) is shown to be
important in determining the Procedure
compositions of distant Advanced Preparation
objects (e.g. asteroids). 1. Set up experiment so that:
- light is incident on the black paper or cloth
Materials for Station 3 at approximately a 45° angle,
❑ 8 cm squares of construction - the thermometer bulb is located in the path of light
paper; one each of red, reflected at 45°,
black, blue, and white - the cardboard shields the thermometer from direct light
❑ 1 thermometer (see Figure 1).
❑ incandescent light source
❑ 2 ring stands or other tall Classroom Procedure
supports for clamps 1. Place color construction paper squares on the large black
❑ two clamps or other means paper so that the incident light shines equally on all colors,
of supporting equipment and they are all viewed easily.
(duct tape) 2. Rank the relative brightness of the papers. Touch each
❑ cardboard large enough to paper, and rank the relative temperatures of the papers.
shield thermometer Record the results on the lab sheets. Remove all papers from
❑ ~50 cm square of non- under the lights.
shiny black paper or cloth 3. Adjust the temperature experiment equipment. Read the
(blotter paper works well) thermometer and record the temperature.
❑ Lab Sheet (pg. 5.9)
❑ Questions (pgs. 5.11-5.12)
❑ pencil/pen

5.4 Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

reflectance, reflected,
diffracted, incident light,
incandescent light, emit

Figure 1

4. Place one colored piece of paper where the incident light will
strike it at a 45° angle. Wait five minutes and read the ther-
mometer; record the results. Allow thermometer to return to
room temperature.
5. Repeat for each color of paper. Groups may do only one
color if there are time limitations. Share data.
6. After completing the experiment answer the questions found
on the separate sheet.
7. Discuss experimental results. (See Background pg. 5.2)

Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids

Station 4: The Visible Spectrum and Beyond!
About This Station
The teacher will display a
visible spectrum using light
Objectives from an overhead projector
Students will: (or other light source). As an
• measure and record the brightness of light in a spectrum introduction to quantitative
produced from a prism. spectroscopy, students will
measure and record parts of
• observe that white light is composed of the spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum.
colors and that some electromagnetic energy is invisible to Students will discover that
the human eye. white light is composed of the
• participate in introductory quantitative spectroscopy spectrum of colors, that the
experiments. energy output of the electro-
magnetic spectrum can be
Vocabulary measured, and that some
electromagnetic spectrum, spectroscopy, infrared, ultraviolet, wavelengths of the spectrum
voltage are invisible to the human eye.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids 5.5

Station 4: Method 1

Materials for Station 4 (Method 1)

❑ voltmeter (or other means of measuring power ❑ tape (duct or electrical)
output, ex: small motor-driven fan, solar ❑ overhead projector (as light source)
energy kit, etc.) ❑ glass prism
❑ solar cell, masked with tape so that light can ❑ cardboard to cover most of projector surface
hit a patch only about 2-3 mm wide (to reduce glare from projector)
❑ white poster or other surface for “catching”
color spectrum
❑ wall chart with electromagnetic spectrum
❑ Lab Sheet (pg. 5.10)
❑ Questions (pg. 5.12) Distribute after experiment
} ~2 mm ❑ pencil/pen

Advanced Preparation
1. Teacher will need to experiment with available materials to
make a suitable spectrum. A spectrum can be produced
with the prism held almost at the edge of the projection
surface, and held parallel to the nearest edge of the
projection surface (approximately parallel to the lines in the
projection lens). Then rotate the prism around an axis parallel to the projection surface
until the spectrum projects onto the wall. See the diagram above right.
2. Electromagnetic spectrum chart should be available to students. Include additional instructions
if prepared lab sheet is not used. Try this first to make explanations easier. Note: If you are
familiar with using a diffraction grating, you may prefer to use it with an overhead projector
to display a visible spectrum.

Classroom Procedures
1. Turn on overhead projector with light projecting onto ceiling or upper wall.
2. Use cardboard to block extra light from overhead projector.
3. Allow light from projecting surface to pass through prism.
4. Experiment with positions and angles to create the most clearly defined spectrum possible.
5. “Catch” light spectrum on a poster board, and tape the poster on the wall.
6. Connect the voltmeter (or motor, etc.) to the solar cell.
7. Orient the solar cell so that only a single color of light hits the unmasked band (see solar cell
diagram above left). Move the solar cell through the spectrum on the wall, noting the relative
power from each spectral color (either voltage on the voltmeter, or how fast the motor runs).
Be sure to move the solar cell above and below the spectrum, i.e. beyond the red (Infrared or
IR) and beyond the violet (Ultraviolet or UV).
8. Record information on Lab Sheet, answer Questions, and discuss results.
Note: Be sure to test areas bordering, but away from the spectrum for control purposes.
Also, some new projectors have IR filters to reduce heat, therefore you may not get power
in the IR range.

5.6 Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Station 4: Method 2

Procedure Materials for Station 4 (2)

Advanced Preparation ❑ slide projector
1. Make an opaque screen approximately 25 cm square from a ❑ opaque screen (see
piece of cardboard or poster board. Cut a 5 cm-diameter materials and instructions
hole out of the middle. Tape two pieces of opaque paper or below)
aluminum foil over the hole so that there is a vertical gap ❑ glass prism
between them that is no wider than 1 mm. ❑ supports for screen and
2. Arrange the equipment and darken the room. Adjust equip- prism (books and or tape)
ment so projector light does not extend around the edges of ❑ projection screen or white
the opaque screen, and the visible spectrum is displayed on poster board
the screen. ❑ Lab Sheet (pg. 5.10)
❑ Questions (pg. 5.12)
Classroom Procedures Distribute after
1. See steps 6-8 in procedure for Method 1. experiment

1. Why is there power output beyond the red light? There is
electromagnetic energy at wavelengths that our eyes cannot
see; students have probably had experience with infrared —
TV remote controls operate using infrared.
2. Why might the solar cell produce little power from blue or
purple light, even though we can see blue and purple? The
solar cell is not as sensitive to blue and purple as our eyes

About This Station

Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids
By a simple chromatography
Optional: The Color Black experiment, students will
learn that one color may be
made up of a mixture of
different colors just as white
Objectives light is a combination of light
Students will: at different wavelengths.
• set up and conduct a simple liquid chromatography This will introduce the
experiment. concept that the color of an
object (asteroid) can be used
• record observations and draw analogies.
to infer the composition of the
Note: Chromatography is not used by scientists to determine the
composition of asteroids, however, this is an easy, inexpensive
laboratory exercise that reinforces the concept of separating useful Vocabulary
data to analyze a complex system. chromatography, wick,

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids 5.7

Materials for The Color Black
Amounts will vary according to the method of
presentation. Group size from 4-6.
❑ 4 pencils or wooden sticks
❑ 4 black felt-tipped, water soluble markers ❑ absorbent paper
(each marker a different brand) ❑ scissors
❑ 4 transparent containers (beaker-like) with ❑ The Color Black worksheet (pgs. 5.13-5.14)
water at a 2 cm depth ❑ map pencils or crayons
❑ 8 pieces of filter paper, approximately ❑ ball-point pen
10 cm x 2 cm (coffee filters work well) ❑ metric ruler

Advanced Preparation
1. Assemble materials.
2. Cut filter paper as needed so that there are two strips for each marker.
3. Prepare containers of water, one per marker. Students re-use water but not papers.
4. Make sure absorbent paper is on hand for spills and for the finished chromatograms.

Classroom Procedure
1. Select a marker, two strips of filter paper, a pencil, and a container of water.
2. Using the marker, place a dot about 3 cm from one end of a strip. Make a second dot of
equal size using the same marker on the second strip of paper. You should have two
identical strips.
3. At the opposite end, using a ball point pen, label each strip with the brand name of the
marker and a student’s initials.
4. Place one of each pair of strips on a sheet of absorbent paper. Place the matching strip next
to it for a reference strip for later comparison.
5. Repeat for all four markers (group members may do this simultaneously).
6. On the worksheet, under Filter Description, describe the color of the dots for each marker
and note if any have tints of a different color in them.
7. Record what you predict will happen when the strip is suspended in water.
8. Take the filter paper strip from the absorbent paper and wrap the labeled end around the
middle of a pencil so that the paper will stay in place when the pencil is lifted.
9. Carefully place the dot end in the container of water so that the filter paper, but not the dot,
is in the water. Rest the pencil on the rim of the container, rolling the strip up or down if
necessary (see diagram). Repeat for each filter paper strip.
10. Allow adequate time (~ 3 minutes) for the
water to wick up the paper. When the water
reaches the top of the paper, carefully
remove it from the water and place it on the
absorbent paper next to the reference strip.
11. Compare the original black dot with the
water treated dot (chromatogram).
12. On the worksheet, write a description of each
of the four chromatograms.
13. Answer questions and discuss results.

5.8 Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids Name________________
Lab Sheet: Stations 2-4 Date_________________

Station 2: Test Your Metal

Describe what happened to the metal when you made the iron filings. What did the
filings look like? Describe any changes and explain.

Metal In Meteorites Description

Meteorite name Description of the metal Does the metal resemble the iron filings?
(describe how it is alike or different)

Station 3: Reflections on Light and Heat

Paper Color Brightness Touch Temp. Thermometer Reading

1= bright 1= hottest before after
4 = not bright 4 = coldest

Reflectance Bar Graph (show color verses degrees)

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids 5.9

Station 4: The Visible Spectrum and Beyond
Which bands generate the greatest power?

Color Volt Meter Reading or Relative Motor Power

___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________
Control Area
___________ ____________________________________
___________ ____________________________________

Graph of Voltage vs. Color of Light

(label units)

I-R Red O Y G Blue I V UV

5.10 Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids Name________________
Questions: Stations 2-4 Date_________________

Teacher Note: use these questions after each station, do not distribute before activity.

Station 2: Test Your Metal

1. Why are the iron filings dark and the metal in some of the meteorites shiny?

2. If an asteroid were made of metal, would it be shiny?

Station 3: Reflections on Light and Heat

1. Which color reflected the most light?

Was that color hottest to the touch?

Did the color which was hottest to the touch cause the highest temperature on the

Why did this happen?

2. Scientists can understand more about the surface composition and texture of
asteroids by measuring how much visible and infrared energy is reflected or
emitted. Scientists can measure the surface temperatures of asteroids by
measuring how much absorbed solar energy they emit as infrared energy.

Return to the meteorite disk to consider these questions based on your experimen-
tal results: Do you think an asteroid made of carbonaceous chondrite material
would be hotter or colder than an asteroid of achondrite material? Why?

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids 5.11

How do you think an iron meteorite’s infrared reflectance would be compared to a
carbonaceous chondrite’s reflectance?

How would its distance from the Sun affect the temperature of an asteroid?

3. Advanced: You measured color reflectance of objects. Scientists measure color

brightness of planetary bodies and compare those levels of brightness to known
levels. In this way they are able to classify asteroids according to their
components. For example, frozen water (ice) would look white and,) therefore,
very bright.

Using your findings, how would we set up a comparison table for analyzing

Station 4: The Visible Spectrum and Beyond

1. Why is there power output beyond the red light?

2. Why might the solar cell produce little power from blue or purple light, even
though we can see blue and purple? Hint: Think about how sensitive our eyes are
and the sensitivity of the solar cell.

3. Can you feel heat from the infrared?

5.12 Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids Name________________
The Color Black Date_________________

Filter Description Chromatogram Description


Student Background (Read after completing The Color Black station.)

Just as you have probably attempted to create new colors for art by mixing colors you
already have, many colors are a combination of two or more colors (e.g. red + yellow
= orange). The experiment you have conducted works the other way. You started
with the “new” color — black — and revealed which colors were used to create it.

It’s rather like when you have a mixture of colored candies and want to know how
many candies of each color are in the bag. They have to be separated first. We often
go from general observations to specific ones in our attempts to understand things.
For example you could start with a bag of colored candies as a general observation
and then be specific and state that you have 6 yellow candies, 7 green ones, 4 red

Substances have specific properties (color, shape, texture). The more properties we
can identify, the greater our ability to understand and classify new substances. The
better we can classify, the better we can see relationships among substances, objects,
organisms, and occurrences. That process is similar to a detective’s work and can be
VERY exciting!

Scientists are working as detectives to determine the composition of the asteroids.

The color of the surface of an asteroid gives scientists clues to its mineral content.

Another way scientists investigate the composition of asteroids is to look at the light
reflected from the surface of an asteroid. Then they compare that light signature or
spectrum with spectrum of known substances on Earth. This technique is used to
compare asteroids and meteorites. They attempt to determine whether asteroids have
similar compositions to known meteorite types.
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids 5.13
The chromatography experiment you completed is not used by scientists to
determine the composition of asteroids. This experiment was designed so that you
could easily experience the investigative process of science and to allow you to see
that substances are often made of more than you realize!

Neither of the techniques to determine mineral compositions on asteroids works as

easily as the liquid chromatography experiment you have conducted. However, you
now have experience as an investigative scientist.

Questions (Use only after you have completed the experiment.)

1. What clues gave you a hint that the black inks might be made of different colors?

2. Did any of the chromatograms have similar colors in similar places? Explain.

Return to the Meteorite Sample Disk to consider the next question.

3. Write a short comparison among the black meteorite samples, comparing and
contrasting how black they are, and whether they are different shades or tints of

4. What techniques do scientists use to determine the mineral content of asteroids?

5. How can meteorites help scientists understand more about asteroids?

6. Extra: Most asteroids are quite dark, and reflect only 10-20% of the light that
hits them. This is very much like the Moon, where the bright areas of the Moon
(the highlands) reflect about 20% and the dark areas (the mare) reflect about 10%.
Using references available in your classroom, investigate the composition of the
different parts of the Moon and why they are brighter or darker.

5.14 Lesson 5 — Looking at Asteroids NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 6 — Impact Craters— “Where
Holes in the Ground! do they
Students will: from?”
• model impact craters in the lab.
• identify various structures caused by the cratering process. About This Lesson
This lesson allows students to
• manipulate the conditions that control the size and create impact craters in plaster
appearance of impact craters. of Paris or layered dry
• state the relationships between the size of the crater, size of materials. They perform
the projectile, and velocity. controlled experiments by
varying the velocity or mass
• demonstrate the transfer of energy in the cratering process.
of an object and observing
and measuring the effects.
Impact craters are formed when pieces of asteroids or comets strike
the surface of a planetary body. Craters are found on all the terrestrial Vocabulary
planets, on the Earth’s Moon, and on most satellites of planets. crater, impact, projectile,
velocity, kinetic energy, mass,
Various geological clues and studies of the lunar rocks returned by gravity, ejecta, rim,
the Apollo missions indicate that about 3.9 billion years ago meteor
asteroid-size chunks of matter were abundant in the solar system.
This was a time of intense bombardment of the young planets,
affecting Earth by breaking up and modifying parts of the crust.
Mountain building, plate tectonics, weathering and erosion have
largely removed the traces of Earth’s early cratering period. But the
near absence of weathering on the Moon has
allowed the evidence of this ancient time to
be preserved. ejecta
Impact craters are formed by the transfer of
energy from a moving mass (meteorite) to a
stationary body (planet). Kinetic energy is
the energy of motion. It is defined as one
half the mass of an object, times the velocity
of the object squared (K.E. = 1/2 Mv2).
Objects in space move very fast, so this can
be a huge amount of energy! In an impact
the kinetic energy of a meteorite is changed rim
into heat that melts rocks and energy that
pulverizes and excavates rock. Simplified

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! 6.1

demonstrations of this transfer of energy can be made by creating impacts in powdered materials. If
identical objects are impacted into powdered materials from different heights or using different propul-
sion systems to increase velocities, then students can determine the effect velocity has on the cratering
process. Likewise if projectiles of different masses are impacted from the same height and the same
velocity, students will be able to identify the relationship of mass to crater formation.

The high velocity impact and explosion of an iron meteorite about 30 meters in diameter could make a
crater over one kilometer wide. This is how Meteor Crater in Arizona was formed. In the classroom
the low velocities and low masses will make craters much closer in size to the impacting bodies.

Energy Calculations for Advanced Classes

K.E. = 1/2 Mv2 (meteorite impacts like Meteor Crater)

v= 2gh (free fall)

K.E. = kinetic energy
M = mass of impacting
object (projectile) K.E. = Mgh (for classroom experiments)

v = velocity of impacting Classroom Experiment Example

object (projectile)
projectile - 10 grams = M
g = gravity constant for drop height - 2 meters = h
Earth (980 cm/sec2) gravity effect - 980 cm/sec2 = g

h = height of release of K.E. = 1/2 × 10 grams × 2 × 980 cm/sec2 × 200 cm

impacting object
K.E. = ~ 2 × 106 ergs
erg = grams × cm2 × sec
(measure of K.E.)
Meteor Crater Estimate

projectile was 30 meters in diameter

iron nickel sphere (meteorite with a density of 8 g/cm3)
projectile 1.1 × 1011 grams = M

4/3 Π (1.5 × 103)3 cm3 = v

(1.4 × 1010 cm3) = v

K.E. = 1/2 Mv2

K.E. = 1/2 × 1.1 × 1011 grams × (2 × 106)2

K.E. = ~ 2 × 1023 ergs

6.2 Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground!
Activity A: Making Craters in Plaster of Paris
About This Activity
Objectives In this activity students create
Students will: impact craters in plaster of
Paris. They may perform
• produce easily recognizable crater forms.
controlled experiments by
• simulate impacts into wet materials.
varying the velocity or mass
of an object and observing the
Advanced Preparation
1. Assemble materials.
2. Practice mixing plaster of Paris to get a feel for the hardening Materials for Activity A
time under classroom or outdoor conditions. Plaster for class- ❑ plaster of Paris
room use should be mixed at time of demonstration.
❑ 1 large disposable pan or
3. Copy one Student Procedure per group.
box (if used as a whole
4. If Lesson 7 will not be completed, then consider whether crater
slides could be used in this lesson. class demonstration)
5. Prepare plaster or direct students to mix plaster. or 3-4 small and deep
containers such as
• Mix the plaster of Paris. A mixture of two parts plaster of margarine tubs or loaf
Paris to one part water works best. REMINDER: The plaster pans (for individuals or
hardens in 10 to 20 minutes, so you must work quickly. Have groups)
Data Chart complete and all materials assembled before ❑ mixing container
plaster is mixed. ❑ stirring sticks
• Pour a 5 cm or more layer of plaster in a small deep ❑ water (1 part water to two
disposable container.
parts plaster)
• Optional: Using a kitchen strainer or a shaker, sprinkle a thin
❑ projectiles (marbles,
layer of powdered tempra paint over the plaster (use a dust
mask and do not get paint on clothes). pebbles, steel shot, lead
fishing sinkers, ball
Classroom Procedure bearings)
1. Discuss background before or during activity. ❑ dry tempra paint,
2. Students work in small groups or conduct classroom (optional) red or blue -
demonstration. (enough to sprinkle over
3. Follow Student Procedure. the surface of the plaster)
4. Discuss questions. or substitute baby pow-
der, flour, corn starch,
fine-colored sand, pow-
dered gelatin, or cocoa
❑ strainer, shaker or sifter to
distribute paint evenly
❑ meter stick
❑ Student Procedure (pgs. 6.5-
6.6, one per student)
❑ dust mask
❑ Data Charts (pg. 6.9, one
per group)

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! 6.3

About This Activity
Students do controlled cratering Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground!
experiments in dry materials. Activity B: Making Craters in Dry Materials
They vary the impactor
velocity or mass and observe
and measure the effects. Objectives
Students will:
Materials for Activity B
❑ large tray or sturdy box 8-10 • manipulate the variables of velocity and mass to investigate
cm deep and about 1/2 m crater formation.
on each side (a cat litter • recognize the conditions that control the size and appearance
pan works nicely); 2 per of impact craters.
class or 1 per group
❑ baking soda (2-3 1.8 kg- • state the relationships between the size of the crater, size of
boxes) per tray, or flour (2 the projectile, and velocity.
bags, 2.26 kg), or fine sand
(sandbox sand, 3 kg per Procedure
tray) Advanced Preparation
❑ dry tempra paint - red and/or 1. Assemble equipment.
blue; enough for a thin layer 2. Prepare projectile sets and label.
to cover the dry material
surface. (Very fine craft 3. Copy Student Procedure and Data Charts as needed.
glitter may be used as one 4. Prepare target trays of dry material and paint.
color.) A nose and mouth (Optional: students prepare)
dust mask should be used • Place 3 cm even layer of dry material in the bottom of a the
when sprinkling paint. tray (or box).
Suggested substitutes for • Sprinkle a thin layer of red powdered tempra paint over the
paint may be found in the dry material with a kitchen strainer.
materials list for Activity A. • Place another very thin (2-3 mm) even layer of dry material
❑ projectiles (provide one set of on top of the tempra paint, just enough to conceal paint.
either type for each group
• Optional: Sprinkle another layer of blue powdered tempra
of students)
SET A - (provide enough paint on top of the second layer of dry material. Repeat
sets for all groups) four step 6. (Very fine craft glitter can be used in place of
marbles, ball bearings, or tempra paint for “sparkle” effect.)
large sinkers of identical Classroom Procedure
size and weight Note: This procedure is for small groups, it must be modified if
SET B - (provide one or two the entire class will act as a single group.
sets per class) three spheres 1. Students should work in small groups. Each group should
of equal size but different choose at least three projectiles from SET A or SET B.
materials so that they will
2. Write a description of each projectile on your Data Chart.
have different mass
(example: glass, plastic, 3. Measure the mass, dimensions of each projectile and record
rubber, steel, wood) on the Data Chart.
❑ strainer or sifter to distribute 4. Drop projectiles into the dry material.
the paint Set A - Drop all projectiles from the same height or several
❑ metric rulers & meter sticks series of experiments may be conducted from different
❑ lab balance (one per class) heights. Record data and crater observations.
❑ Data Chart (pg. 6.9, per grp.) Set B - Drop the projectiles from different heights (suggest
❑ Student Procedure (pgs. 6.7- 2-3 m). Record all height data and crater observations.
6.8, one per group) 5. Discuss the effects caused by the variables.

6.4 Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground!
Student Procedure: Activity A

Materials - Per Group

❑ prepared plaster in container ❑ projectiles ❑ tempra paint and sifter (optional)
❑ meter stick ❑ Data Chart

1. Form groups and distribute Data Charts.
2. Each group should choose at least three projectiles.
3. Write a description of each projectile on the Data Chart, including the mass
and dimensions.
4. Prepare plaster according to directions from your teacher.
5. Drop the projectiles at 2 minute intervals, recording appropriate information.
Each projectile requires an area of about 5x5 cm square. If you drop too many
projectiles in an area, your craters will be distorted (though overlapping craters
are interesting too).
6. Optional experiment — drop identical projectiles from different heights.
Record heights.
7. Leave the projectiles in the plaster and allow it to harden.
8. Write a description of the experiment on the Data Chart. Illustrate and label
the craters using the following terms: rim, ejecta, impact crater.


1. Where do you find the thickest ejecta?

2. How do you think the crater rim formed?

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! 6.5

3. The powder represents the planet’s surface. Any material beneath the top layer
must have formed at an earlier time (making it physically older).
If you were to examine a crater on the Moon, where would you find the older

Where would you find the younger material? Why?

4. What effect did the time intervals have on crater formation? Why?

5. What effect did different projectiles have on crater formation? (If different
projectiles were used.) Why?

6. Since large meteorites often explode at or near the surface, how would the
explosion affect impact crater formation?

7. How does the increased drop height affect crater formation? Why?

6.6 Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground!
Student Procedure: Activity B

Materials - Per Group

❑ projectiles SET A and/or SET B (optional)
SET A - four marbles, ball bearings, or large sinkers of identical size and weight
SET B - three spheres of equal size but different materials so that they will
have different mass
❑ strainer or sifter to distribute the dry material
❑ metric ruler and meter stick ❑ lab balance (one per class) ❑ Data Chart

1. Each group should choose at least three projectiles from SET A or SET B.
2. Write a description of each projectile on your Data Chart.
3. Measure the mass, dimensions of each projectile and record on the Data Chart.
4. Prepare dry material layers according to directions from your teacher.
5. Drop projectiles into the dry material.
Set A - Drop all projectiles from the same height or several series of
experiments may be conducted from different heights. Record data and crater
Set B - Drop the projectiles from different heights. Record all height data and
crater observations.
6. Experiment with different velocities by throwing projectiles into dry materials.
7. Discuss the effects caused by the variables.
• Plot ray length vs. mass when projectile velocity is equal.
• Plot ray length vs. velocity at a constant projectile mass. (Measure ray
length from the center of crater to the end of the longest ray for each crater.)


1. What evidence was there that the energy of the falling projectile was transferred to
the ground?

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! 6.7

2. How does the velocity of a projectile affect the cratering process?

3. How does the mass of a projectile affect the cratering process?

4. If the projectile exploded just above the surface, as often happens, what changes
might you see in the craters?

6.8 Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 6 — Impact Craters— Holes in the Ground!
Data Chart: Activity A and B
Projectile Description Time Height Longest Ray Sketch of Crater
mass (g) Activity A only if available and comments

Lesson 6 — Impact Craters—Holes in the Ground!

dimensions (cm) (note diameter and depth)

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters “Where
do they
Objectives come
Students will:
• observe impact craters on Earth and other solar system bodies.
• discuss geologic forces that have removed most of the evi-
dence of the impacts on Earth.
About This Lesson
• locate impact craters using longitude and latitude. After viewing slides of craters
• search maps for potential impact sites. on other planets, the Moon,
and Earth, students will locate
• create a field work plan to investigate possible craters. impact craters on Earth using
longitude and latitude and
Background various maps. Students will
Impact craters are geologic structures formed when a meteorite, locate potential sites of im-
asteroid or comet smashes into a planet or other solid body. All the pacts, and plan the necessary
terrestrial planets and satellites have been bombarded throughout their research to verify their obser-
history. To us the most obvious examples of these impacts are the vations.
craters on the Moon. If the Moon is visible, craters are visible. You
can only see the very large craters or basins with the naked eye. Vocabulary
Lunar craters were not described until after Galileo used one of the impact crater, longitude,
first telescopes to look at the Moon. Modern binoculars help to make latitude, weathering, erosion,
the craters on the Moon very obvious. deposition, volcanism, tec-
tonic, terrain, geophysical,
On the Earth, dynamic geologic forces have erased most of the ejecta, tektites, vaporize
evidence of its impact history. Weathering, erosion, deposition,
volcanism, and tectonic activity have left only a small number of
impacts identifiable. Approximately 140 terrestrial impact craters
have been identified. These impact craters range from about 1 to
over 200 kilometers in diameter and from recent to about two billion
years in age.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters 7.1

Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters
Activity A: “Where Are the Craters on Earth?”

Advanced Preparation
1. Gather materials.
2. Read lesson background.
3. Review slides.
About This Activity
Part 1 - Students look at Classroom Procedure - Part 1
other bodies in the solar 1. Show slides of Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars.
system to see that there has 2. Discuss how these bodies are alike and how they are
been a history of impacts in different, focusing on cratering.
the entire inner solar system. 3. Ask “Where are the craters on Earth?” Show slide of
Focusing on Earth, students Meteor Crater only.
discover that there are not 4. Each student (or pair of students) is given a map of North
many obvious craters. They America or the world.
locate craters on a map using 5. Hand out (or put on overhead) the Craters on Earth Data
longitude and latitude. Chart and designate the impact craters to be used (teacher
Part 2 - Without seeing may limit the number to be plotted).
pictures of the craters, 6. Students plot designated craters using the longitude and
students describe the craters latitude data, varying dot size according to crater diameter.
using name, age, size, terrain, 7. If Part 2 will not be completed, the final slides of Earth impact
etc. The crater photographs craters may be shown at this time.
are then shown to allow
comparison with the Classroom Procedure - Part 2
students’ descriptions of the In this advanced activity students consider geologic processes like
craters. faulting, weathering, and glacial activity.

Materials for Activity A 1. Distribute Student Sheets.

❑ slide projector and screen 2. Based on the age, size, name, and terrain, students write a
❑ Slide Set, Impact Craters description or make a sketch of what they think the crater
❑ maps of North America or shapes would look like.
the world with longitude 3. Show the slides of the craters and have students describe
and latitude designated craters again and compare to the previous descriptions.
(pg. 7.4)
❑ Craters on Earth Data Questions
Chart (pg. 7.3, one per 1. Where are the craters on Earth?
group or transparency) 2. What happened to the craters on Earth?
❑ pen/ pencil 3. What are some differences between Moon craters and Earth
❑ Student Sheet for Activity craters?
A, Part 2 (pg. 7.5, one per 4. Compare several Earth craters. How are they alike and
student) different?

7.2 Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters

Craters on Earth Data Chart Activity A, Part 1 “Where Are the Craters on Earth?”

Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
*Craters used in Activity A - Part 2
Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters
Crater Hunters Map Activity A, Part 1 “Where Are the Craters on Earth?”

Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters

Student Sheet: Activity A Activity A, Part 2 “Where Are the Craters on Earth?”
1. Use a detailed physical map or atlas to locate the craters listed below; note important information on the chart.
2. Fill in a description of the surrounding terrain, especially consider the geology of the area, etc.
3. Considering all the information on the chart, write a description of what you think the craters look like.
4. View the pictures of the craters and write your second descriptions based on the pictures.
5. Compare the descriptions.

Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Longitude and Latitude for each crater can be found on Craters on Earth Data chart page 7.3.
Lesson 7 - Crater Hunters
Student Background: Activity B
Scientists perform extensive field and laboratory research before they are able to verify that
a geologic feature is an impact site. Ideally the scientists are looking for round structures,
however geologic forces may have distorted the crater shape through faulting or other move-
ment associated with plate tectonics. Ice, water, and wind, through weathering and erosion
processes, have caused great changes in craters. Some craters have been filled with water, or
completely covered by soil or water, and have no surface evidence. They may initially be
identified by remote testing of materials below the Earth’s surface (geophysical studies).
Some of the clues that help scientists identify large impact sites are found in the physical
condition of the structure. In addition to the crater’s round shape, they look for layers of rock
that have been turned over at the edge of the crater. A large uplift or mountain at the center is
also common in impact craters. Highly fractured rocks are usually found at impact sites but they
could be interpreted as being associated with other non-impact geologic processes. However,
scientists find shatter cones, which are highly shocked rocks with distinct structures, only at
areas stressed by huge impacts. Investigations usually identify large amounts of excavated
material deposited around and in the craters. This material is called ejecta and may form thick
layers of breccia, a mixed broken rock material. To verify the location and origin of these
deposits requires extensive research, including drilling. Sometimes a large volume of impact
melted rock is found in and around the craters. Some melted rock is frequently thrown far from
the impact. These small glassy masses, which were aerodynamically shaped when they were
molten, are called tektites. Very small ones are microtektites. They are very good indicators of
large impacts.
Another way to get important information about an impact is from chemistry. The impact-
melted rock sometimes contains melted meteorites. By careful laboratory research, scientists
can detect very small amounts of rare elements that are more abundant in meteorites. These
chemical signatures are very important in meteorite research. To find a meteorite sample would
be the best discovery! Unfortunately this does not happen frequently. Meteorites may
completely vaporize during the impact process, or they may be removed by erosion.
Early geologists misinterpreted some impact craters. Scientists reported Meteor Crater in
Arizona as a volcanic crater. The Chicxulub site on the Yucatan peninsula was also wrongly
reported. Early oil explorers misinterpreted extensive deposits around the Chicxulub area.
Scientists now know that the material is ejecta from a huge impact and not of volcanic origin.
Considering the geologically active crust that erases craters, and all the research
necessary to verify the origin of impact craters, it is not surprising that only around 140 have
been identified so far. But it is likely that more will be found.

7.6 Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters About This Activity
In teams students view physi-
Activity B: Crater Hunters ographic maps of North
America or another part of the
world. They try to find a
Objectives possible impact site based on
Students will: circular shape and other
features observed in the slides
• develop criteria for identifying craters on Earth. of impact craters on Earth.
• search maps for potential impact sites. The teams will then develop a
plan to do field research,
• create a fieldwork plan to investigate possible craters.
listing the data they could
collect and the tasks they
could perform to help them
See Student Background (pg. 7.6), also see background
verify if the formation is an
information in Lesson 16, pg. 16.2.
impact site.
Procedure Materials for Activity B
Advanced Preparation ❑ Student Background
1. Gather materials. (pg. 7.6)
2. Read background information. ❑ large physical maps of any
3. Prepare sample crater if desired. region of the world, one
per team
Classroom Procedure ❑ paper and pencil
1. Read and discuss background information. Review
observations made in Part A of this lesson. Re-show slides
if desired. Brainstorm an example crater and
investigation if necessary.
2. Divide class into teams of two to four students.
3. Assign each team a different map area to observe, looking
for any feature that might be the site of an impact. Allow
students to be very creative in choosing the possible sites.
Specific sites are not important. They are likely to choose
obviously round structures such as lakes in Canada, Hudson
Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan (former
Soviet Union), Lake Okeechobee in Florida, and Lake
Victoria in Africa.
4. Students plan geologic field investigations and laboratory tests
that might be done to verify that their designated crater is or is
not an impact site. Report in outline form or see the proposal
idea below.
5. Students write a short “proposal” asking for support money to
conduct their research. They will need to explain and justify
the planned research. Consider time, travel, personnel,
laboratory expenses, and data gathering.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters 7.7

Teacher notes for field investigations

Ask students “What would you look for at the site to help prove that
you have found the remnants of an impact?” Possible answers might

• look for meteorites

• map the geologic formations looking for: a basin shape,
overturned rim layers, possible uplift in the central crater
region, multiple ring structures (see Lesson 6)
• look for minerals changed by impact shocks
• look for melted rocks
• test deposits associated with the debris from the crater, looking
for elements that are much more abundant in
meteorites (i.e., Iridium).

7.8 Lesson 7 — Crater Hunters NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks
are they?”
Objectives About This Lesson
Students will: This lesson has been
designed as a comfortable
• observe and describe physical characteristics of an edible
introduction to describing
sample in preparation for describing rock or meteorite
meteorites. It helps students
become better observers by
• work cooperatively in a team setting. making a connection between
• use communication skills, both oral and written. the familiar (candy bars) and
the unfamiliar (meteorites).
Materials Edible “rocks” are used in a
❑ prepared edible samples (see attached list, pg. 8.3 and scientific context, showing
recipes, pg. 8.4) students the importance of
❑ small plastic bags for samples ❑ knife observation, teamwork and
❑ “Field Note” Sample Descriptions of candy bars, enlarged and cut communication skills. In
into numbered segments (pgs. 8.7-8.10). everyday terms, students draw
Note: If included recipes are not used, then the descriptions may and describe the food.
need to be revised by the classroom teacher to more accurately Students will pair their obser-
describe the actual samples. vations with short descriptions
❑ Student Procedure (pg. 8.5, one sheet per team of two) that are in geologic “Field
❑ colored pencils for each team Note” style. As the teacher
❑ pen or pencil and class review, appropriate
geologic terminology may be
substituted by the teacher and
subsequently embraced by
even very young students.
The last part of this activity
allows the student to describe
rock specimens before they
move to meteorite samples in
the Meteorite Sample Disk.
Cut surface of “edible rock.”
Procedure Note: Objectives and a
Advanced Preparation formal vocabulary
1. Prepare samples. Simple recipes are included for some introduction should not be
samples. The first six listed on the answer key are especially discussed until the end of
important since they closely represent meteorite characteristics the activity.
that will be taught in other lessons. The other samples on the
list are good for meeting the objectives of this activity and
offer more variety. Use as many as needed, add a few extras
to complicate the exercise.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks 8.1

2. Cut the samples so that a flat interior surface is exposed.
Reserve part or most of each sample — to be eaten by the students as a reward.
3. Place each sample for student teams in a small plastic bag. Each team of two students will
have one bag containing one sample.
4. Copy Student Procedure sheets, one for each team of two.
5. Cut enlarged “Field Note” Sample Descriptions into numbered segments. Descriptions are
written the way a scientist might take notes in a field record book.
6. Arrange one set of prepared “Field Note” descriptions on a table(s) so that students may easily
read and reach each of them (numbered sequence is not important).
7. Have answer key available for teacher.
8. Have a variety of rock samples available (students may bring their own samples).

Classroom Procedure
1. Distribute sample and procedure sheet to each team. Allow student teams to choose sample if

Note: Content vocabulary should not be expected initially. The processes of observing and record-
ing should be kept simple.

2. Explain that each team is responsible for describing and sketching its sample. Encourage
students to describe their observations using familiar vocabulary; however, use no food
terms. Example: The outer layer is a thin coat of light brown material containing cream or tan
colored round chunks (i.e., chocolate candy bar coating that contains peanuts).
Student descriptions need not be exactly like the provided descriptions. In fact their
descriptions may be far more detailed than the short descriptions provided, which are in
geologic “Field Note” form.
3. Emphasize that working together is important.
4. When sketch and description of sample are
complete, students take them, along with their
sample, and pair them with the prepared
written descriptions. Emphasize that their
observations will not be exactly like the “Field
Notes.” They will likely try several matches
before they have the accurate paring.
Throughout this step, the teacher will verify
correct pairs. Expect questions like, “Is
number one peanut brittle?”. When they have
found the “Field Note” that describes their
sample, students should place their sketch,
description, and sample next to the correct Rice cereal treats — (meteorite breccia).
“Field Note” description. Reward the
students by allowing them to eat the reserved part of the candy or other treat. If students have
difficulty finding the description of their candy bar then the teacher should encourage them to
interact with other groups for help. This step of the lesson will likely become a slightly noisy,
cooperative process. As students find a match between “Field Note” descriptions and candy bars,
some definitions may be supplied if necessary, i.e. “Platy means flaky flat material.”
Time: Classroom Steps 1 thru 4 take 25-30 minutes total.

8.2 Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

5. When all students have successfully matched their samples, each team may describe its sample
to the class. The class should have access to the sample and the prepared written description
during this sharing. Sketches may be displayed.
6. Conduct a discussion that includes the following points which emphasize basic skills needed to
be good scientists:
• The students made detailed observations of a sample.
• The task was accomplished by using teamwork.
• Although the student’s descriptions differed from those provided and each team had a
different style, the skills and processes used to observe and record the data were the
same for each group.
• The students communicated their observations and then shared the findings verbally
and in writing.
7. During the discussion, the teacher may expand and help define the meteorite and geologic
vocabulary in context and encourage students to apply it to their own samples as they progress
to the next step. Pay particular attention to vocabulary for the first six samples that use some
words especially pertinent to meteorites.
8. Have students test their observation skills again by sketching and describing real rocks.

texture, density, matrix, breccia, phases, fusion crust, chondrules, inclusions, vesicles, bleb, friable,
platy, porous, unfractured, unconsolidated, regolith

Using Meteorite Sample Disk or photographs of meteorites in disk, students repeat the same
procedure of observing and recording (or see Lesson 9—Meteorite Sleuths!).

Teacher Key

1. Peanut Brittle (chondrites) 13. Skor™

2. Rocky Road (chondrites) 14. Rolo™
3. Chocolate (iron without fusion crust) 15. Kit Kat™
4. 3 Musketeers™ (achondrite with fusion crust) 16. Symphony™
5. Rice Cereal Treats (meteorite regolith breccia) 17. M & M™
6. Chocolate brownie (carbonaceous chondrites) 18. Nestle Crunch™
7. Snickers™ 19. Whatchamacallit™
8. Milky Way™ 20. Mounds™
9. “Bar None”™ 21. P.B. Max™
10. Hershey Bar™ 22. Mr. Goodbar™
11. Twix™ 23. Hershey with Almonds™
12. Butterfinger™

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks 8.3

Recipes for samples not easily available commercially.

Note: Recipes are for a larger quantity than required for the lesson.

Rocky Road (#2 Edible Rock) Regolith Breccia Simulant ( # 5 Edible Rock)
170 g (6 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate pieces (melted) (Marshmallow cereal treats)
120 g (2 cups) mini-marshmallows 240 g (1/2 cup) butter or margarine (melted)
300 g (10-11 oz.) mini-marshmallows
• butter loaf pan or folded foil 200 g (8 cups) crispy rice cereal
• pour about half of melted chocolate into pan 170 g (6 oz.) chocolate semi-sweet pieces (melted)
• pour marshmallows into pan and mix so 1 or 2 jelly beans, chocolate chunks,
they are coated with chocolate or other large edible lumps
• pour remaining chocolate over the
marshmallows and spread flat • butter a deep rectangular baking pan
• refrigerate until cold • melt butter in microwave or in large pan on
• cut a cube so vertical surface is exposed the stove
• add marshmallows and melt
Solid Chocolate (#3 Edible Rock) (2 min. in microwave)
use any thick chunk of solid chocolate • stir until smooth
• pour over cereal and stir to coat all cereal,
Chocolate Brownies (#6 Edible Rock) • press half of mixture into deep buttered pan
• spread cereal layer with melted chocolate
• use any recipe for dark chocolate brownies or • press remaining mixture on top of the
a box mix chocolate
• add large chunks of semi-sweet baking • allow cookie to cool enough to cut but not
chocolate or solid chocolate candy (add until completely hardened (should still be
enough so that the solid candy will be partly moldable)
exposed on a cut surface) • cut one cube about 5 cm square, then cut again
• bake and cool completely once or twice
• cut, exposing some brownie and some solid • embed one or two jelly beans in part of the cut
chocolate; this surface will be described cube
• to form the breccia texture, cut the cube in • mold cut pieces together again to form a
several places, then reassemble the cube “breccia”
in a jumbled manor, incorporating one or two • allow to harden
jelly beans and or other edible chunks • recut to expose interior and jelly bean
• allow the sample to harden so that a good
surface may be cut
• cut the sample so that chunks and various
chocolate lines are exposed
• students will describe the cut surface

8.4 Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks
Student Procedure

Materials - Per Two Students

❑ sample “rock” ❑ this procedure sheet ❑ pen or pencil ❑ map pencils


1. With your partner, choose one sample to observe.

2. Carefully observe the sample. You may remove the sample from the bag,
but handle it carefully and do not taste.

3. Make a large, detailed sketch of the sample. The sketch should show the
interior cut surface that is flat and any important details of the exterior. You
may use the back of this paper for your sketch.

4. Write 2-3 sentences describing the physical characteristics of the cut surface
of the sample. Do not use any food terms. For example, do not use the
word chocolate. Make your description as clear and complete as you possi-
bly can.

5. When you have completed Step 4 take your description, sketch and sample
to the table where the “Field Note” descriptions of the food samples are
located. Find the description that fits your sample. Check with your teacher
to see if you identified the correct match. You will likely try several of the
descriptions before you find the one that describes your sample. You may
get help from others. Try checking with the teacher or a dictionary for
unfamiliar words.

6. Place your description, sketch, and sample beside the “Field Note”
description for your sample.

7. Your effort will be rewarded with another part of the sample to eat.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks 8.5

Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks
“Field Note” Sample Descriptions

These food descriptions are in geologic “Field Note” style. Therefore, they may be short and
sometimes cryptic. Use of geologic terms will encourage students to stretch their minds.

1. Sample is a thin layer. There is a golden matrix surrounding tan

rounded or broken inclusions. The inclusions have a
reddish brown rim or crust.

2. Sample consists mainly of white, soft rounded to angular blebs

completely surrounded by a uniform dark brown matrix.

3. Sample is a solid dark brown dense mass with no obvious

fusion crust.

4. Sample has a homogeneous light brown interior with a few small

vesicles. The exterior looks like a fairly regular, dark brown
fusion crust with some patterning.

5. Sample appears to have been distorted. The dominant phase is

made of rounded light tan fragments containing many void spaces.
A dark brown thin layer fills spaces between some rounded
fragments. There are some large foreign inclusions.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks 8.7

6. Sample is totally dark brown with two phases. The dominant phase
is shiny and crumbly. The other phase is dense and slightly lighter
in color. A light fusion crust appears on only one side.

7. Outside: Thin medium-brown layer with ripple-marks

on the bottom
Inside: Bottom - (~1/3) flat dense buff layer
Top - (~2/3) pebbles consolidated in a fine grained
tan matrix

8. Outside: Thin medium brown layer with wavy ripple marks

on the bottom
Inside: Bottom - dense dark buff layer
Top - shiny, smooth, medium tan layer

9. Outside: Medium brown layer, thin on the bottom, the

thicker top contains angular inclusions
Inside: Thin alternating horizontal layers of
smooth dark brown and fragmented dark

10. Dense medium brown sample, flat on the bottom with three
parallel ridges on top.

8.8 Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

11. Outside: Thin medium brown layer with wavy ripples on
the bottom
Inside: Bottom - poorly consolidated light tan
porous layer
Top - shiny smooth medium tan layer

12. Outside: Thin medium brown layer

Inside: Poorly consolidated, friable, shiny to dull golden
platy fragments

13. Outside: Medium brown layer, very thin on bottom and

side, thicker on top with large wavy ripples
Inside: Thin dense layer of shiny light-golden unfractured

14. Outside: Thin, medium brown, edges higher on outside of

top, sides slanted
Inside: Smooth material that is yellowish brown and

15. Four segments of layered material.

Outside: Thin, medium brown

Inside: Alternating light and medium
colored material

16. Solid medium brown throughout, single dense layer with a valley
or dip in the top.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks 8.9

17. Sample consists of unconsolidated pebbles with various colors and
regular shape. Each individual pebble has a medium brown interior
with a thin, hard colored shell.

18. Sample has a thin layer of dense brown material, containing very
light inclusions at the bottom. The sample top has a depression in
the middle with a ridge on each side.

19. Sample is a rectangular layer of rounded light pebbles

surrounded by a thin coating of medium brown. Some
yellowish brown sticky material is above the pebbles.

20. Sample interior consists of white, moist-looking fragments.

These are surrounded by a dark brown exterior layer.

21. Irregular sample.

Outside: Bumpy medium brown

Inside: Yellow brown solid material resting on light tan
fragments, some large tan fragments are found near
the top

22. Outside: Dense layer of medium brown with a dip in the top
Inside: Light tan pebbles that have settled to the bottom

23. Dense sample of medium brown material, rounded on the top and
flat on the bottom, with a few light brown pebble

8.10 Lesson 8 — Edible Rocks NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths!
are they?”
Students will: About This Lesson
The activities in this lesson
• simulate techniques used by scientists.
focus on observation and
• develop skills in acquiring data through the senses. examination skills. A
• observe, examine, record, and sketch data. Meteorite Sample Disk (or
photos) will be at the center of
• use magnifying glasses, microscopes, and balances. four laboratory stations. Stu-
• experience conceptual application. dents will use several degrees
of magnification to research
Background meteorites in the Meteorite
See background information on Student Sheet, Station 4, page 9.7. Sample Disk and other materi-
als. Discussing the sequence
Lesson Information will help them understand
Scientists use a variety of methods to classify materials and objects. how scientists approach
Specific technologies and techniques are used in the classification of meteorite research and classi-
meteorites. The Meteorite Sample Disk (or photographs if the fication.
Meteorite Sample Disk is not available) is the focal point for these
activities presented in a laboratory format. The laboratory activity is
broken into four sections that simulate meteorite identification
methods. A rotation lab is suggested with the Meteorite Sample
Disk displayed at a central location for periodic comparisons.
Teams of students will work at numbered stations, taking lab notes
in appropriate sections on a prepared laboratory worksheet.
Rotations will be ordered numerically; however, no specific order is
necessary in completing the lab. Since all portions of the lab are
broken down according to stations, teachers may prepare for and
include only those portions desired.

Note: Station numbers should be clearly identified to facilitate

orderly rotations. Additional duplicate stations may be set up to
allow for more than 4 groups per class.

Upon completion of all rotations a “wrap-up” session in which lab Vocabulary

results are reviewed and discussed in order, will clarify student texture, chondrite,
understanding. The students have made observations from general achondrite, stony-iron, iron,
macroscopic inspections to microscopic details — like the game “20 mass, density, volume,
Questions” in which someone is asked to identify an unknown life specimen, classification,
form via 20 “yes/no” questions. The winner invariably goes from hypothesis, cross section,
general to specific questions. carbonaceous chondrite

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! 9.1

Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths!
Meteorite Sample Disk Display

Advanced Preparation
1. Gather and assemble materials.
Materials 2. Review lesson information and Station 4 background.
❑ Meteorite Sample Disk 3. Set up Meteorite Sample Disk or photos in central station.
or photographs Classroom Procedure
❑ magnifier 1. Divide class into 4 or more groups.
❑ binocular reflected light 2. Distribute Student Sheets.
microscope (optional)
❑ Student Sheet
(pgs. 9.5-9.8)

Station 1: Initial Inspection

About This Station Objectives

Students visually examine a Students will:
rock specimen and record
• develop skills in acquiring data through the senses.
observations of color, texture,
and shape. Measurements are • measure, record, and sketch rock samples.
taken and a sketch of the rock
is made. The students pro- Procedure
ceed to the Meteorite Sample Advanced Preparation
Disk display and record colors 1. Place graph paper, rock, and ruler on lab table.
of each meteorite.
Classroom Procedure
Materials for Station 1 1. Visually examine rock specimen.
❑ fist-sized rock 2. Record observations related to color, texture, and shape of
❑ graph paper rock.
(2 cm x 2 cm blocks) 3. Measure rock and record measurements on Student Sheet.
❑ metric ruler 4. Sketch rock to scale on grid provided.
❑ pencil, and map pencils or 5. Proceed to Meteorite Sample Disk display and record colors
crayons of each meteorite.
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 9.5)

9.2 Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths!
Station 2: How Dense Is Dense?

Procedure About This Station

Advanced Preparation Students will determine the
1. Place balance, gram masses (weights), container of marbles, mass of several marbles and
and prepared index card (verifying equal volumes of all hypothesize whether the iron
marbles) on lab table. or the achondrite has greater
2. Consider steps 4 or 5 for upper grades or advanced density.
Materials for Station 2
Classroom Procedure ❑ beam balance
1. Measure the mass of each type of marble. ❑ metric masses (2 small
2. Write a comparative statement using the words “mass” and paper clips = 1 gm)
“density” for each type of marble (density = mass/volume). ❑ marbles and/or other
3. Proceed to Meteorite Sample Disk display and objects of equal volume
predict whether the iron or the achondrite has greater density. but different densities
4. Optional: Weigh equal volume (approximately) pieces of ❑ container for marbles
steel and basalt to compare to the iron and achondrite. ❑ index card showing
5. Optional: Look up the specific gravity of iron and the diameters of the marbles
common rock forming minerals feldspar, and pyroxene to verify equal volumes of
found in achondrites. Use this information to help determine all marbles
whether the iron or achondrite is more dense. ❑ Student Sheet (pg. 9.6)

Station 3: Observation with Magnification

Advanced Preparation
1. Place printed picture(s) and magnifiers on lab table. About This Station
Students examine printed
Classroom Procedure images and the Meteorite
1. Examine picture(s) with the unaided eye. Sample Disk with and
2. Examine picture(s) with a magnifier. without magnification.
3. Record your observations.
4. Proceed to Meteorite Sample Disk display and examine the
Materials for Station 3
stony-iron and the chondrite A with the unaided eye and a
❑ full-color printed picture(s)
— newspaper, magazine
5. Record your observations on Student Sheet.
❑ magnifier
❑ Student Sheet
(pgs. 9.6-9.7)

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! 9.3

Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths!
Station 4: Journey to the Center of the Fruit

About This Station Students will:
Students experience the
• experience conceptual application.
progression from general to
more specific observations.
Advanced Preparation
Materials for Station 4 1. Cut one piece of fruit into halves.
❑ two of the same type of 2. Cut one medium slice from one half so that a good cross
easy-to-slice fresh fruits section is revealed.
that are optically 3. Cut one very thin cross section slice from the remaining half
interesting (example: and place on slide on microscope stage.
kiwis,* apples, oranges, 4. Adjust microscope for viewing. Make thinner slice if
tomatoes, etc.) necessary for microscopic viewing.
❑ sharp knife 5. Place fruits and equipment on the lab table in the following
❑ cutting board order:
❑ magnifier • whole fruit (labeled: #1 whole fruit),
❑ binocular microscope • thick slice from half of fruit (labeled: #2 cross section) with
❑ clean slides and cover slips magnifier,
❑ paper towels • thin slice mounted on microscope (labeled: #3 thin section).
❑ 3 index cards labeled “1,” 6. Remaining fruit will not be needed in this lab exercise.
“2,” and “3”
❑ Student Sheet Note: If microscope is not available, a magnifying glass or
(pgs. 9.7-9.8) hand lens is adequate for meeting the lab objectives.

* Kiwi fruit is similar to most Classroom Procedure

meteorites in that its outer 1. Read background information on Student Sheet (pg. 9.7).
surface is so different from 2. Observe all samples in order and record observations,
the interior. The flesh of an not what you already know.
apple is similar to most 3. View the meteorites using
meteorites in that, under a microscope if available.
magnification (even with 4. Write a short paragraph
just a hand lens), the that describes the relationship
appearance is vastly between your lab experience
different from that seen with and the information on the
the naked eye. The outer Student Sheet.
perimeter of the peel of an
orange looks similar to
fusion crust when under the
microscope. The flesh of a
tomato appears to have
chondrules when magnified.

9.4 Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths!
Student Sheet: Stations 1-4

Station 1: Initial Inspection

1. Visually examine rock specimen.
2. Beside the grid below, record observations related to color, texture, and shape
of rock.
3. Measure rock and record measurements beside the grid below.
4. Sketch rock to scale on grid provided below (be sure to add scale).
5. Proceed to Meteorite Sample Disk display and record colors of each meteorite.

Rock Sketch





Meteorite Colors:

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! 9.5

Station 2: How Dense Is Dense?

1. Measure the mass of each type of marble.
Mass of first marble type: ___ gm Mass of second marble type: ___ gm

2. Write a comparative statement using the words “mass” and “density” for each type
of marble (density = mass/volume).

3. Proceed to Meteorite Sample Disk display and predict whether the iron or the
achondrite has greater density. (Circle one) Iron Achondrite

4. What data would be necessary to support your prediction?

5. How do density and mass relate to identification of meteorites?

Station 3: Observation with Magnification

1. Examine the picture both with the unaided eye and the magnifier. Describe or
sketch your observations. Complete the sentences below using details of your

With the unaided eye the picture is...

Viewed through the magnifier the picture is...

9.6 Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 9 — Student Sheet continued

2. Proceed to Meteorite Sample Disk display. Using your unaided eye and the
magnifier repeat observations for the meteorites listed below.
Stony-iron is...

Chondrite A is...

3. Why would a scientist make observations with and without magnification?

4. Which observation gives more usable data for meteorite investigations? Explain
your reasoning.

Station 4: Journey to the Center of the Fruit

Scientists studying meteorites use various types of observations. They make qualita-
tive (color, shape, texture, etc.) and quantitative (mass, volume, linear measurement, etc.)
observations, recording all data carefully. They use special tools to chip off parts and saw
through meteorites to make closer visual observations. They write careful descriptions
throughout their investigations.
Very thin sections are cut and mounted on slides for microscopic examination. Higher
powered microscopes, such as an electron microscope, and other advanced technology
give an even clearer picture of the minerals and other materials that make up the meteorite.
Meteorites are classified based on the types, amounts and textures of minerals they
contain. The primary classification into stony, iron and stony-iron is based on the amount
of metal. Stony meteorites are divided into chondrites, which contain round inclusions
called chondrules, and achondrites, which do not contain chondrules. Previously classified
meteorites are frequently referred to with continual comparisons being made.
As new information about a meteorite is obtained, scientists may change
their initial classification. The progression from general to more specific
observations helps scientists to narrow the possibilities in characterizing
meteorites. The study of these rocks from outer space helps to answer
questions about how our solar system formed and the relationships of
planetary bodies to each other.
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! 9.7
1. Observe all samples in order and record observations. Do not record just what you
already know.

#1. Whole Fruit

#2. Fruit Cross Section

#3. Fruit Thin Section

2. If a microscope is available at the Meteorite Sample Disk display, view all the
meteorites and list one where you see much more detail in the microscope than
you did with your unaided eye. Sketch and describe the meteorite’s detail you see
in the microscope.

meteorite sample name

3. Write a short paragraph that describes the relationship between your lab
experience and the background information.

4. What questions must be answered first in a scientific investigation?

5. What is the progression scientists follow in examining a specimen?

9.8 Lesson 9 — Meteorite Sleuths! NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets
did they
Students will:
• experiment with simulations that illustrate how chondrites and About This Lesson
asteroids formed in the early solar system. In Activity A students will
observe and describe
• observe and describe the meteorites in the Meteorite chondrite meteorites.
Sample Disk.
In Activity B they will
Background experiment with balloons and
Chondrites are the most primitive type of rock available for study. static electricity to illustrate
They are 4.5 billion years old, as old as the solar system. Their the theories about how dust
compositions are similar to the heavier elements found in the Sun particles collected into larger
(not including the abundant H and He gases). Chondrites are made clusters.
up of chondrules (spherical balls of rock), metal, and a fine matrix
that holds them together. Chondrules are considered the building In Activity C students will
blocks of the planets. Chondrites have many variations, due partly manipulate magnetic marbles
to differences in the chondrules. Some of the differences are in the and steel balls to dramatically
number, size, shape, and mineral content of the chondrules. illustrate the accretion of
Chondrites have various amounts of metal too. Metamorphism chondritic material into larger
causes some of the variations in chondrules. One of the chondrites bodies like planets and aster-
in the Meteorite Sample Disk is metal-rich and metamorphic, another oids.
is metal-poor and has distinct chondrules. The third chondrite is
carbonaceous. This special type of meteorite contains water and
NOTE: The use of
carbon and some organic compounds (amino acids) that are the
magnets in Activity C is
building blocks of life. They do not contain living creatures or fossil
intended to simulate all
material. (See Lesson 12)
three forces. Do not let
students equate magnetism,
Chondrites provide our best information on the earliest history of
a minor force, with the
the solar system. Scientists think that chondrites formed by
major forces, gravity and
condensation and accretion in the solar nebula, the disk of gas and
electrostatic charge.
dust that rotated in a plane around the early Sun. Dust particles
condensed from the gas and accreted (came together) into larger and
larger bodies: chondrules, then small rocks, and then asteroids and
planets. The forces that hold particles together include static Vocabulary
electricity, gravity, and magnetism. Some asteroids were large chondrule, chondrite, sphere,
enough to be hot inside thus causing some metamorphism. matrix, solar nebula,
Most meteorites are formed by the breakup of asteroids. condense, accrete, accretion,
metamorphism, organic,
See additional information in the Teacher’s Guide, pages 16-17. static electricity, gravity,

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets 10.1

Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets
Activity A: Chondrites

Students will:
• observe and describe chondrite meteorites.

About This Activity Procedure

Students will observe and Advanced Preparation
describe chondrite 1. Assemble materials and place Meteorite Sample Disk in an
meteorites. easily accessible location.
2. Preview slide set, slide narrative and the meteorite
Materials for Activity A descriptions in the Meteorite ABC’s Fact Sheet, pages 29-30.
❑ Meteorite Sample Disk Classroom Procedure
❑ Magnifier 1. Show meteorite classification and formation slide set and discuss.
❑ Slide Set, Classification and 2. Examine the three chondrite samples in the Meteorite
Formation Sample Disk or photographs. Use magnifier.
❑ Slide projector 3. Sketch and describe each sample on Student Sheet.
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 10.5, 4. Complete questions. Reserve discussion until end of activity.
one per student)
Activity B: ZAP! Electrostatic Small Particle
About This Activity
Students will experiment with Objectives
balloons and static electricity Students will:
to illustrate the theories about • experiment with static electricity to illustrate one of the forces
how dust particles collected in the early solar nebula.
into larger clusters.
• observe, record, and relate their
observations to physical processes.
Materials for Activity B Procedure
Per Group of Students Advanced Preparation
❑ 1 small balloon, inflated 1. Read Teacher’s Guide, pages 16-17.
(extras to allow for 2. Blow up each balloon just before class time.
popped balloons) Classroom Procedure
❑ 1 handful of small 1. Students place styrofoam balls in glass pan.
(1-2 mm) styrofoam 2. Student rubs the balloon in one direction on hair to create
pellets (from crushed electrostatic field.
packing material or a 3. Student places the balloon in dish and observes the activity
bean bag chair) of the styrofoam. Record each step and observations.
❑ 1 22 cm glass pan 4. Try experiment again and rub the balloon both ways on your
❑ Student Sheet (pgs. 10.5- hair. Record observations.
10.6, one per student) 5. Discuss questions and relate experiments to concepts.
10.2 Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets
Activity C: CRUNCH! Accretion of
Chondrules and Chondrites
About This Activity
Objectives Students will manipulate
Students will: magnetic marbles and steel
balls to dramatically illustrate
• manipulate
the accretion of chondritic
materials to illustrate
material into larger bodies like
planetary accretion.
planets and asteroids.
• observe, record, and
relate their
NOTE: The use of
observations to
magnets in Activity C is
intended to simulate all
three forces. Do not let
students equate magnetism,
a minor force, with the
Advanced Preparation
major forces, gravity and
1. Practice the circular motion of
electrostatic charge.
the pie pan and the addition of each type of ball.
2. This simulation may be done on an overhead if a
demonstration is necessary.
Materials for Activity C
Per Group of Students
Classroom Procedure
❑ 50-100 small steel balls
1. Divide class into groups of 3-5 students and assign
(4.5 mm steel BBs work
individual tasks. One student holds the pan; one to three
well and a mixture of
students add balls to the pan; one records observations and
copper-and zinc-plated
one or more reports findings. Teacher might quickly
BBs provides color
demonstrate the procedure for the small balls.
2. First student picks up the pan and practices orbital move-
❑ 5 medium steel balls (1 cm
ment of the pan (slow circular pattern in only one direction).
or 3/8" steel hunting shot
3. Another student adds the small balls to the pan and the first
about double the
student continues to rotate the pan until balls start separating
diameter of BBs)
and moving in a circular pattern. Observe the movement and
❑ 2 magnetic marbles (found
clustering and record observations.
in museum gift shops, and
4. Another student adds medium sized balls, one at a time
gift or science catalogs)
while first student continues rotating the pan. Experiment
❑ round glass or aluminum pie
with adding different numbers of these balls. Observe the
or cake pan (glass is best;
movement and clustering of the small balls and record
flat bottom is essential;
vertical-sided pans contain
5. Another student adds one magnetic marble and quickly adds
BBs better, but slant-sided
the other one. First student continues to rotate the pan.
pans produce more
Observe the movement and clustering around the marbles
and record observations.
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 10.6,
one per student)
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets 10.3
6. Have student groups share results with class. Conduct a
class discussion of how this simulation illustrates the
formation of meteorites and asteroids by accretion of dust in
the solar nebula. Do not let students equate magnetism with
gravity—the magnets allow a dramatic visual simulation
only. Small balls represent dust, medium balls are
chondrules, large balls are chondrites and clusters are

1. What happened to the small balls when the pan was moved?

2. How did the medium balls interact with the small ones? Was
the movement of the two sizes the same or different?

3. Was there an immediate reaction when the magnetic marbles

were added? Did the reaction continue or change?

4. What did you notice about the small balls at the end of the

5. How does this simulation relate to the accretion of meteorites in

the early solar system?

6. Extra: Which way does our solar system rotate: clockwise or

counter clockwise? (Draw the solar system on a thin sheet of
paper and place an arrow to indicate that the solar system moves
in a counterclockwise motion, as viewed from above. Now look
through the other side of the paper and determine which direc-
tion of movement is indicated by the arrow —clockwise. The
rotation direction is relative to the viewing perspective!

10.4 Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets
Student Sheet: Activities A, B and C

Activity A: Chondrites
Carefully observe the three chondrites in the Meteorite Sample Disk. Describe and
sketch them using the space below.

How do you think chondrites may have formed?

Activity B: ZAP! Electrostatic Particle Accretion

1. Place styrofoam balls in glass pan.
2. Rub the balloon in one direction on hair to create electrostatic field.
3. Place the balloon in the dish and observe the activity of the styrofoam.
4. Try the experiment again and rub the balloon both ways on your hair.

In the space provided below record observations from each step of the procedure.

1. How did the balloon and styrofoam balls react when you first put them together?

2. Why does this reaction happen?

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets 10.5

3. Why do you think the balloon reacts differently when you rub it both ways in your
hair rather than when you rub it one way?

4. How could you relate this exercise to accretion in the solar nebula?

Activity C: Crunch! Accretion of Chondrules and Chondrites

1. Practice circular motion as demonstrated by the teacher. Continue until the simulation is
complete. Predict what will happen as each set of balls is added.
2. Other students add small balls, continue rotation and observe.
3. Add medium steel balls (experiment with number of balls), continue rotation and observe.
4. Add two magnetic marbles at different spots, continue rotation and observe.

1. What happened to the small balls when the pan was moved?

2. How did the medium balls interact with the small ones? Was the movement of the
two sizes of balls the same or different?

3. When the magnetic marble was added, what was the immediate reaction? Did the
reaction continue or change?

4. What did you notice about the small balls at the end of the activity?

5. How does this simulation relate to the accretion of the meteorites in the early solar
system? What does each type of ball represent? Why is this activity only a
simulation? (Hint: consider the major forces the marbles represent.)

10.6 Lesson 10 — Building Blocks of Planets NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets
did they
Students will:
• observe and describe differentiated meteorite samples. About This Lesson
• conduct experiments to model the separation of light and In this lesson students will
heavy materials within a planetary body. observe and describe
differentiated samples in the
• relate meteorites to the core, mantle and crust of asteroids. Meteorite Sample Disk (or
• model the break-up of a differentiated body to expose the photographs). They will
interior layers. conduct an experiment using
gelatin and food that
Background illustrates planetary
Achondrites are stony meteorites without chondrules or metal. Metal- differentiation. Hard boiled
rich meteorites include irons with little stony material and stony- eggs model the break-up of
irons which are part iron and part stone. Most of these meteorites differentiated planetary bod-
are, like chondrites, 4.5 billion years old. However, their compositions ies.
are usually different from those of chondrites and different from the
Sun. Thus, they are grouped together as differentiated meteorites. Vocabulary
There are three of these differentiated meteorites in the Meteorite achondrite, iron, stony iron,
Sample Disk. One of the meteorites is an achondrite consisting asteroid, metal, silicate,
mostly of two silicate minerals. It is a basalt similar to basalts crystallization, differentiation,
existing on Earth. The second sample is a metal meteorite made of crust, mantle, core, basalt,
two types of iron/nickel crystals. The third sample is a stony-iron density
meteorite made of metal and a single silicate mineral, olivine. See
Teacher’s Guide, pages 13-17, for more information.

Scientists think that these meteorites formed by differentiation

in asteroids or other planetary bodies. Heat in the asteroid
caused the body to melt. Heavy metal sank to the interior
to form a core. Light silicate minerals floated to the
surface to form the crust. Moderate density silicates
crystallized in the mantle. Basalts can also form by
incomplete melting in the mantle of a planetary body
and rise to the surface as volcanic rocks.

Earth is differentiated into core, mantle and crust, but we

cannot see the mantle or core. Researchers believe that
those inner layers exist because differences in the internal
structure of Earth have been measured using seismic waves.
Scientists think that iron meteorites are from the cores of aster-
oids and some stony-iron meteorites are from the core-mantle

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets 11.1

boundary. Achondrites may represent the crustal material of
asteroids. In order for the deep-seated rocks from the core and
mantle to be exposed, impacts in the asteroid belt must break up the
parent asteroids.

Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets

Activity A: Differentiated Meteorites

About This Activity Objective

Students will observe and Students will:
describe differentiated
• observe and describe differentiated meteorites.
meteorites in the Meteorite
Sample Disk or in the Procedure
photographs. Advanced Preparation
1. Assemble materials.
Materials for Activity A 2. Place Meteorite Sample Disk or photographs in an easily
❑ Meteorite Sample Disk or accessible location so students may view and draw samples.
photographs 3. Preview slide set, slide narrative, and descriptions of
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 11.5) meteorites in the Meteorite ABC’s Fact Sheet, pages 29-30.
❑ magnifier
❑ binocular microscope Classroom Procedure
(optional) 1. Show slide set and discuss meteorite classification.
❑ Slide Set, Classification and 2. Examine achondrite, stony-iron, and iron in Meteorite
Formation Sample Disk or photographs. Use magnifier or microscope.
❑ projector 3. On the Student Sheet, sketch and describe each of the samples
listed above.
4. Complete the questions on the Student Sheet.
5. Reserve discussion until after Activity B.


11.2 Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets
Activity B: Food Differentiation
About This Activity
Students will conduct
experiments with food in
gelatin to simulate the
Students will:
differentiation of planetary
• conduct experiments to model the separation of light and bodies into a core, mantle, and
heavy materials within a planetary body. crust.
• relate meteorites to the core, mantle, and crust of asteroids.
Materials for Activity B
Procedure Per Group of Students,
Advanced Preparation (See options below.) except where noted.
1. Read classroom procedure and options to determine best ❑1 box of light colored
method for class. gelatin dessert (yellow
2. Assemble materials. Either teacher will provide necessary shows process clearly)
foods for experiments or assign students to bring items. Be ❑ metric measuring cup for
sure to provide several items that float and several that sink. liquids
Use items that may be eaten to minimize waste, and increase ❑ bowl
enjoyment. ❑ mixing spoon
Option 1. Working in groups each student makes predictions ❑ 270 ml (9 oz.) clear plastic
and experiments with their own cup of food and gelatin. cups (one per student)
See Classroom Procedure. ❑ 470 ml (2 cups) boiling
Option 2. Prior to class make a model(s) for students to use. water (this keeps gelatin
The predictions and observations may still be made by hot for a longer time)
the students prior to viewing the model. Student Sheet ❑ heating source for water
questions, drawings and discussions may be used to (teakettle, hot plate or
complete the activity. microwave in central
Option 3. Conduct experiment by having students make location)
predictions and record information and observations. ❑ pen or pencil
Then make only one or possibly two large samples as a ❑ Student Sheet (pgs. 11.5-11.7,
demonstration for the entire class. Continue with one per student)
Student Sheet questions and discussion. ❑ food items that sink*
Classroom Procedure raisins, fresh grapes, orange
1. Divide class into groups of three to five students. Distribute slices, canned peaches,
Student Sheets and pears, pineapple,** olives
materials. ❑ food items that float*
2. Conduct experiments marshmallows, peanuts,
according to the fresh apples, bananas, pears
procedure on Student Sheet
3. Answer questions and sketch *temperature of gelatin may cause
some foods to change sinking
experimental results. Have and floating behavior.
groups report findings. **canned mixed fruit in light syrup
4. Conduct a discussion based on floats, but mixed fruit in heavy
questions on the Student Sheet. Relate layers—in the syrup sinks.
experiment to differentiation in an asteroid or planet.
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets 11.3
About This Activity
Students will discover, by Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets
smashing hard-boiled eggs, Activity C: Egg Smash: The Break-up of a
how impacts break up a Differentiated Body
differentiated body so that the
core and mantle are exposed.
They will relate the meteorites Objectives
in the Meteorite Sample Disk Students will:
to parts of a differentiated
body. • relate meteorites to the core, mantle and crust of asteroids.
• model the break-up of a differentiated body to expose the
Materials for Activity C interior layers.
❑ frozen hard boiled egg (one
per student if possible — Procedure
stores may donate out of Advanced Preparation
date eggs —wasting food 1. Boil eggs, then freeze eggs using one of the following
is not the objective of this methods. Do not freeze longer than suggested or the texture
exercise) will not be ideal. Freezing methods:
❑ dry ice (easily obtainable at • 10-15 minutes in or on dry ice (depends on number of
some grocery and ice eggs frozen at one time). Preferred method.
cream stores) • 2 minutes in liquid nitrogen (one egg at a time). Ideal,
❑ picnic cooler to hold dry ice but difficult method.
❑ safety goggles • 48 hours in freezer. Simplest method, but least satisfactory.
❑ thermal protective gloves Use proper lab safety precautions!! Always handle dry ice, or
❑ lab apron something frozen by dry ice, with thermal protection gloves.
❑ liquid nitrogen and Lab apron, face protection, and thermal protection gloves
container (optional) must be worn when using liquid nitrogen or something
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 11.8) frozen by liquid nitrogen. Consult the Materials Safety Data
❑ large plastic tarp Sheet for full safety precautions.
approximately 4m x 4m 2. Choose a hard surface like a concrete driveway where eggs
❑ duct tape may be broken, and clean-up will not be difficult. OR
❑ wall Choose an area of wall away from windows and doors where
❑ broom the concrete floor meets the side of a building.
❑ waste container Tape a plastic tarp securely to the wall. Make sure that part
of the cover extends to cover the ground. (This makes clean
up more efficient.)

Classroom Procedure
1. Safety goggles and thermal protective gloves
should be worn.
2. With classmates at a safe distance, one student throws a
frozen, hard boiled egg at the designated area (repeat if it
does not break the first time). Repeat with other eggs.
3. Using Student Sheet, all students write observations and
illustrate the broken egg, labeling the crust, core and mantle.
4. Use questions to focus discussion and relate broken pieces to
meteorite types.

11.4 Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets
Student Sheet: Activities A, B and C

Activity A: Differentiated Meteorites

Carefully observe the achondrite, iron, and stony-iron samples in the Meteorite Sample
Disk or photographs. Describe and sketch them using the space below.

How do you think these meteorites formed?

Activity B: Food Differentiation

Materials Per Group of Students (except where noted)

❑ 1 box of light colored gelatin dessert ❑ 270 ml (9 oz.) clear plastic cups (one per student)
❑ metric measuring cup for liquids ❑ 470 ml (2 cups) boiling water
❑ bowl ❑ food items
❑ mixing spoon ❑ Student Sheet and pencil (one per student)

1. Groups collect materials for experiment (see list above).
2. Each group member will predict and record information below.
• Each member will select two food items: one you predict will sink and
one you predict will float. Make sure your group uses a variety of food items.
• Record predictions. __________________ will float in gelatin
__________________ will sink in gelatin
• Each member place a spoonful or less of both food items in your individual
plastic cup.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets 11.5

3. The teacher, or a group member, will mix gelatin and 470 ml (2 cups) of
boiling water in the bowl. Using all boiling water will keep the gelatin hot
for all team members. Stir gelatin until powder is dissolved.
4. Carefully pour gelatin into each cup, filling about 2/3 full. Do not stir.
5. Observe and record movement of food in gelatin.
6. In your group discuss the results and draw conclusions. Discussion should
include consistency of sinking and floating and why items sink or float.
7. Answer questions below.
8. Using the information from the Student Sheets, one group member shares the
group’s findings with the class. Discuss results.
9. Allow gelatin to harden. Observe and record any changes. Eat the results.

1. Describe the gelatin cup in your own words. Sketch and label your
experimental results.

2. How do you think the different layers formed?

3. Could the same layers occur in a different order? Why or why not?

11.6 Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 11 — Student Sheet continued

4. Why did you choose the particular foods in your experiement? Have you ever
had an experience with this food and its floating properties before? Describe.

5. Were some foods used by your group not consistent in their floating
behavior? Why do you think this happened?

Could you change the conditions to make the floating more consistent?

6. Compare what happened in the gelatin experiments with the core, mantle and
crust of differentiated planetary bodies like Earth. Be sure to discuss which
parts of the gelatin represent parts of Earth.

7. Which meteorites in the Meteorite Sample Disk relate to each of the gelatin

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets 11.7

Activity C: Egg Smash


1. What parts of a differentiated asteroid do the yolk, egg white, and shell represent?
Sketch and label an egg and include the comparable planetary layers.

2. How is the core or the inside of a differentiated asteroid exposed?

3. If you wanted to study the metal in an asteroid, which section of the asteroid
would you study?

4. How are Earth and an achondrite asteroid alike? Different?

11.8 Lesson 11 — Changes Inside Planets NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life
did they
Objectives form?”
Students will:
• recognize that carbonaceous chondrite meteorites contain About This Lesson
amino acids, the first step towards living plants and animals. The team activities in this
lesson explore the important
• conduct experiments that simulate how the carbon material
materials carbonaceous
and water from carbonaceous chondrites may have helped
chondrites brought to Earth.
early life on Earth.
A jumbled letter activity leads
students to look at the amino
acids found in
People have repeatedly asked the questions “How did life begin?” and
carbonaceous chondrites as
“Are we alone in the universe?”. The exploration of our solar system has
the building blocks of life.
shown that Earth is the only body currently capable of supporting surface
Students also experiment with
life. However, there is fascinating evidence that other bodies may have
growing yeast in
been habitable in the past or below the surface. Mars may once have
mediums that represent
been capable of supporting surface life. In places on Mars where
carbonaceous chondrite
volcanic and impact heat interacted with water, hot springs may have
formed. On Earth thermal springs harbor microbial life. Mars may still
be capable of supporting simple life in subsurface groundwater, ice, or
cracks in rocks. Scientists have found intriguing evidence that may be Vocabulary
fossil bacteria in cracks in an ancient martian meteorite, but that interpre- amino acids, DNA, carbon,
tation is still hotly debated. Other habitable environments might include a carbonaceous chondrites
possible liquid ocean under the ice of Jupiter’s moon, Europa, or some
of the newly discovered planets around other stars. If conditions were
right, could life have developed elsewhere? Meteorites provide the
evidence that the building blocks of life were available to other worlds.

Carbonaceous chondrites contain the two essential components for life,

water and complex carbon compounds. Some of the carbon
compounds are amino acids, the building blocks of DNA molecules,
which contain hereditary information for all life on Earth. Detailed studies
of the amino acids in meteorites show that they were not formed by living
things. This means that inorganic processes in the solar nebula, or later
within the rock itself, were able to make complex carbon compounds
from simple molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitro-
gen. Carbonaceous chondrites may have delivered these building blocks
of life to various bodies in the solar system. Some scientists believe that
the beginnings of life on Earth partially depended upon availability of
water and carbon compounds from carbonaceous chondrites. These
materials would certainly also have been delivered to early Mars.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life 12.1

Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life
Activity A: Alphabet Soup

About This Activity Objective

Student teams try to discover Students will:
the hidden words “amino • recognize that carbonaceous chondrite meteorites contain
acids” using cutout, jumbled amino acids, the first step towards living plants and animals.
letters. They progress to the
analogy that just as the letters Procedure
are essential to “building” Advanced Preparation
words so are amino acids, 1. Prepare one envelope for each classroom team. Envelopes
found in carbonaceous chon- should each have the letters necessary to spell “amino acids”
drites, essential as building and an appropriate number of additional letters to challenge
blocks of life. the students.

Materials for Activity A Suggested letter groupings:

❑ individual letter sets for #1 - aminoacidsbeghlmnust
each team (press cut-outs, #2 - aminoacidsabffjklmmr
etc.) see Advanced Prepa- #3 - aminoacidscfijopprrty
ration #4 - aminoacidscdeehjloor
❑ envelopes large enough to #5 - aminoacidsdgikllsuwz
hold approximately 20 #6 - aminoacidsdeggjmrtuy
letters (1 per team) #7 - aminoacidsacegimnnqt
❑ paper and pencil for each #8 - aminoacidscffillnppu
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 12.5) For more advanced students use the names of
individual amino acids.
Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Serine, Cysteine,
Cystine, Aspartic Acid, Asparagine, Threonine, Methionine,
Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Proline, Lysine, Arginine, Histidine,
Tryptophan, Phenylalanine Tryosine

2. The activity may be simplified by

using one color for the letters that
spell “amino” and another color for
“acids” and different colors for the
extra letters. No two collections
should be the same in color or
3. Copy Student Sheet.
4. Review the lesson background.

12.2 Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Classroom Procedure
1. Divide class into teams and distribute envelopes with letters.
2. Using the letters, teams list words they can think of that
could be made if just one more letter was available.
3. Teams spell words using the letters in the envelopes.
A team recorder writes all words discovered.
Note: Teacher should monitor the progress being made.
After appropriate “wait” times, teams will be instructed to
progress through the remaining procedural steps.
4. Teams compare letters with a nearby team. At teacher’s
signal, sharing teams will compare with other teams, seeking
common letters and words.
5. Exercise continues until students discover the term “amino
acids,” with or without teacher intervention.

Intervention “Hints” from broad to narrow:

• “Do teams near you have any of the same letters?”
• “You’re looking for two words.”
• “Both words begin with the letter a.”
• “The words are associated with carbonaceous
• “The words represent something important to life.”
• “Here are the blanks to play Hang Man. What letters are
common to all teams?”

6. Distribute Student Sheet.

7. Teacher leads a discussion based on the lesson background
information and the questions on Student Sheet. Stress the
comparison of letters as building blocks of words to amino
acids as building blocks of life.

m i o
a n d
a c i
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life 12.3
Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life
Activity B: Get a BANG Out of Life!

About This Activity Objective

Students model the effects of Students will:
meteorites bringing water and • conduct experiments that simulate how the carbon material
carbonaceous material to and water from carbonaceous chondrites may have helped
Earth. They experiment with early life on Earth.
growing yeast in mediums
that represent carbonaceous
meteorite material. Procedure
Advanced Preparation
1. Gather equipment.
Materials for Activity B 2. Copy Student Sheet.
Per Small Group or Class
❑ 1 package bakers’ yeast Classroom Procedure
❑ 0.20 liter warm water 1. Students gather materials.
(110 °F/ 43.3 °C) 2. Measure 1/2 package of yeast into both containers.
❑ 3-4 crushed chocolate 3. Add 0.10 liter warm water to each container and stir.
snaps (or other 4. Add crushed cookies to one container and stir.
carbohydrate i.e., sugar) 5. Leave both containers in a warm place.
❑ measuring container 6. Predict what will happen in each container.
❑ large spoon 7. Observe how both batches of yeast react and grow.
❑ 2 large clear containers 8. Conduct class discussion on the effects of adding water or
(liter jars) both water and carbon compounds.
❑ thermometer 9. Complete the questions on the Student Sheet.
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 12.6,
per student)

12.4 Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life
Student Sheet: Activity A

1. What are some words you could have made if you had been given just one more

2. What are some of the words you were able to make with your letters?

3. Fill in the blanks: We could not have spelled _____ ___ if our
envelope had not contained the letter “_ _”?

4. Extra: How are amino acids the building blocks of life?

5. Extra: What is the significance of the discovery of amino acids in carbonaceous

chondrite meteorites?



NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life 12.5

Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life
Student Sheet: Activity B

Procedure Materials
1. Gather equipment ❑ 1 package baker’s yeast
2. Measure 1/2 package of yeast into both containers. ❑ 0.2 liter warm water (110°F/43.3°C)
3. Add 0.10 liter warm water to each container and stir. ❑ 3-4 crushed cookies or substitute
4. Add crushed cookies to one container and stir. carbohydrate
5. Leave both containers in a warm place. ❑ measuring container
6. Predict what will happen in each container. ❑ large spoon
7. Observe how both batches of yeast react and grow. ❑ 2 large clear containers
Record below. ❑ thermometer
8. Participate in class discussion on the effects of adding water
or both water and carbon compounds.
9. Complete the questions below.


1. Sketch a close-up view of the results of your experiment.

2. How are the materials in this activity similar to carbonaceous meteorites and how
are they different?

3. How did carbonaceous meteorites contribute to making life possible on Earth?

4. Extra: This experiment was designed to reflect how meteorites contributed to

conditions that promoted life on Earth! How is the experiment similar and how
is it different?

12.6 Lesson 12 — Building Blocks of Life NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery
did they
Students will:

• conduct an investigation.
About This Lesson
• observe and record the physical characteristics of an This is a culminating lesson in
unknown rock (meteorite). four parts. It is designed to
• determine the mass of the unknown rock using math skills follow meteorite identification
to track sample chips. activities. A minimum se-
quence is Lessons 1, 8, 9, 10,
• determine the density of a rock. 11, and 13. It would also be
• describe and classify a meteorite. useful after geologic sample
identification activities. The
• apply observations and knowledge to the process of a
goal for the class is to gather
scientific investigation.
enough information to identify
• present evidence to verify classification decisions. the unknown rock. This will
• explore concepts of spatial relationships. be accomplished by using
photographs to observe,
Lesson Structure (All parts A-D are necessary for completion.) describe, measure, illustrate,
Four photographs provide the evidence for the students’ and classify the “unknown”
investigations. The goal is to gather enough information to identify (Noblesville meteorite).
the unknown rock in the photograph. At each step the students will Scientific identification
check whether there is enough data to identify the unknown, or at processes will be simulated.
least eliminate some of the possibilities. As the class progresses
through each step of the
Part A. Looking for Clues activity they will be asked
— Start investigation of unknown by observing the rock in “What would be your next
Lithograph I. step to classify this rock?”.
— Emphasis is on describing color, texture, and shape. The teacher will lead the
— Use Lithograph II to view from a different perspective. students to recognize the need
Optional for additional, usually more
— Construct paper cube and use a die to develop detailed, information. Stress
understanding of spatial relationships. that even though they may
— Manipulate the orientation cube used with meteorite guess or have a “hunch” what
samples to understand why it is important. the unknown is (a meteorite),
they must present evidence
Part B. Vital Statistics to verify their decisions. See
— Measure the dimensions of the unknown (Lithograph I “Hints” throughout the
and II). procedure.
— Determine the density of the rock.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.1

Part C. Narrowing the Suspect List
— Observe the interior of the rock in detail (Lithograph III).

Part D. Nabbing the Culprit

— Use a microscope photo of a thin section of the rock to complete the
identification (Lithograph IV).

Background (See also Lesson 1)

After Brodie Spaulding and Brian Kenzie observed the fall of the
Noblesville meteorite, they sent the specimen to astronomer Dr.
Solomon Gartenhaus at Purdue University for classification and study.
Dr. Gartenhaus contacted Purdue meteoriticist Dr. Michael Lipschutz who
led a group of scientists to study the meteorite. He arranged for curation at
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Johnson Space Center
(NASA-JSC). The meteorite was sent to NASA for initial description and
classification by the curators at the lab. The curators photographed, weighed,
measured, and described the meteorite, then took 20 grams of chips for further scientific study. One
chip was used to prepare thin sections for mineral analysis and microscopic textural observations.
They found that Noblesville is a meteorite breccia consisting of numerous large white clasts in a dark
gray matrix.

Abundant metal and a few small chondrules can be seen in the specimen, showing that it is a metal-
rich chondrite. Mineral analyses confirmed the high-iron nature of both clasts and matrix and showed
that the clasts are highly metamorphosed, while the matrix is only slightly metamorphosed. This type
of chondrite breccia is rare. It is a regolith breccia similar to some lunar breccias. The curators also
sent chips of the meteorite to several geochemists for elemental and isotopic analyses. These scientists
found that Noblesville is rich in gases deposited by the solar wind.

astronomer, attrition, breccia, chondrite, chondrule, classification, clast, curation, curator, density,
fusion crust, geochemist, isotope, matrix, metal, metamorphic, meteoriticist, regmaglypt

Advanced Preparation
1. Be familiar with background information and comfortable with vocabulary (see glossary).
2. Assemble all materials and be very familiar with the order in which they will be used.
3. If only one original set of photographs is available, good photo copies will work. Use copies
for the groups and display originals for consultations.

13.2 Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery
Part A: Looking for Clues
About Part A
Students will start their
investigation by observing
Objective the rock in photographs.
Students will:
• observe and record information from close examination of Materials for Parts A-D
two photographs of the unknown rock. Per Group of Students

Procedure - Step 1 Note: Materials should be

Suggested introduction to be used by teacher: distributed as needed for
each step of the
Have you ever been confronted with a real mystery? investigation.
— Someone has written an anonymous love note to you,
and you can’t figure out who it is! ❑ Lithograph Set (Lithographs
— Something has disappeared and you KNOW it was I-IV show 4 photographs of
there a minute before. Noblesville meteorite)
— You’ve found something weird and you can’t figure out ❑ Lithograph copies if needed
what it is or where it came from. ❑ Suspect List, pg. 13.15,
Some professionals spend their entire careers solving (used in Parts C and D)
mysteries for people. THIS time, YOU will be the ❑ Team Data Sheet, pgs.
investigators. 13.13-13.14, (per student)
❑ Meteorite ABC’s Fact
1. Divide class into groups of 3-5 students. Sheet (pgs 29-30)
2. Students examine Lithograph I as a group and using the (used in Part D)
Team Data Sheet write individual descriptions of the rock. ❑ NASA JSC Notes -
Include shape, color, texture, and hypothesize as to its Extended Comments
identity. Allow students to check original color photo if (pg. 13.11)
they are using photo copies. ❑ individual writing materials
3. Students may share descriptions and hypotheses. ❑ paper clips
4. Solicit ideas for further investigation and lead students to ❑ transparency or similar
recognize the need for more information — a picture of plastic sheet
the rock from a different perspective. ❑ transparency marker
❑ metric ruler
Hint: Students may ask for the actual rock. Point out that ❑ one overhead projector for
private investigators often search for missing persons and class
have only a photograph for their first clue. ❑ single die - optional
❑ patterns for orientation
Procedure - Step 2 cubes for each student -
1. Examine Lithograph II. Students record similarities and optional (pg. 13.12)
differences of the two photographs (Lithos I and II) on the ❑ sissors
Team Data Sheet. Focus on big rock, not small pieces. ❑ glue

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.3

Hint: Two photographs of the same person often look like different people. A different per-
spective can make a big difference.

2. Allow students to discuss comparisons, and reveal all evidence they have observed.

Hint: Exterior “coat” which could be fusion crust should be identified by this point;
therefore, this rock “may be a meteorite.” Since they have presumably been studying
meteorites this is a logical step since hypotheses come from evidence coupled with prior
knowledge. But they must present evidence!

Looking for Extra Clues Optional Extension

(use after Part A)

Students will:
• explore concepts of spatial relationships.

Suggested introduction:

Just as an investigator might start off with a photograph of a missing person, we have two
photographs of an unidentified rock. Is there anything else in either photograph that
might provide additional clues about this rock? (Lead class to notice orientation cube if
necessary.) What do you think the little block is? (Point out letters. Solicit comments.)

Sometimes investigators make simulations of items they can see in photographs. I have
some patterns to make cubes. If we experiment, maybe we can figure out why cubes are
in both of the pictures?

1. Distribute individual cube pattern sheets and scissors.

2. Students label sides of cube shown in pictures. This may be done after construction if
3. Teacher leads class in supplying “missing” letters and students finish labeling cubes.

Hint: Looking at the two cubes, I see the letter ‘E’ on both of them. Assuming that both cubes
are identical, how would the ‘T’ and ‘B’ relate to each other? (Opposite each other — T for
Top & B for Bottom) Now that we’ve dealt with the T and the B, let’s look at the leftover
letters. Where have you seen an N and an E together before? What could they stand for?
(North and East) If students do not recognize the letters as directions, identify them as
such. S and W are not visible in the photographs but students should put them on their
cube model.

4. Students fold and glue cubes.

5. Teacher solicits possible uses for cubes.
6. Students relate cubes to picture, determining that the rock has been turned upside down in
the second photograph.
13.4 Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Hint: When police arrive at a crime scene, it is common practice to
orient objects (bodies) using strips of tape before photographing
the scene. This allows for effective “further investigation.”

7. Demonstrate the use of orientation cube using die.

— Group leader will place cube next to die on lab table
with the cube’s “T” face on top and “N” face indicating
north. Die should be placed with “5” and “6” faces of
die oriented to “T” and “N” respectively.
— As other members of each group record instructions,
group leader will flip or rotate both the cube and die
simultaneously as teacher calls out and models
instructions. Note: Both die and cube must be flipped
or rotated the exact same number of times in the exact
same direction(s).
— Teacher will point out that the relationships of the “T”
and “5” as well as the “N” and “6” are still the same
after the first few instructions.
— Teacher will verify comprehension.
— Group leader, aided by recorded data of teammates, will
return both die and cube to initial placements and
— Groups will divide into two teams each. While one team
looks away, the other team will change the orientation
of the die and cube simultaneously, flipping and rotating at
least 3 times (one teammate must record “moves”).
— The inactive team will attempt to return both the die and
cube to their initial positions without help (if asked, the
active team may give hints after a reasonable effort has
been made).
— Teacher will support teams struggling with task
throughout exercise.
— Teams will switch “jobs.”
8. Class will work with cubes, and demonstrate initial
orientation of a variety of objects in the classroom.

Hint: Noting the placement of cubes in photographs, we can determine

the exact placement of an object when it was found: both “which
end was up” and its geographical orientation (whether it was
“facing” north, south, etc.). If items must be moved, either during a
crime or scientific investigation, the investigator often must dupli-
cate the scene. Without orientation devices, this would be impos-
sible. Geologists use this technique when they saw rocks into
pieces. They must know exact placements of parts in relation to
the original specimen, particularly when they are being held
accountable for national treasures like the lunar samples or rare

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.5

Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery
Part B: Vital Statistics

About Part B Objectives

Students will take Students will:
measurements and determine • measure the size of the unknown rock.
the density of the specimen.
• determine the mass of the unknown rock using math skills to
track sample chips.
1. Optional - Students may • estimate the density of a rock.
calculate the approximate
density (grams per cubic Procedure - Step 1
centimeter). Suggested introduction:
2. Bonus Question - Ask
students how an Just as an investigator needs vital statistics on a missing
investigator could find person, measurements are the next logical step in identifying
the volume of an this rock. For all we know, this thing is as big as a house.
irregular object. Answer Is it a pebble or a boulder? How can we find out its size?
could be the standard
liquid displacement 1. Solicit suggestions as to how the rock might be measured.
procedure or a new 2. Disclose actual dimensions of cubes in photographs. Cubes
computer imaging are 1 cm on a side, not the same size as cube in optional step.
process. 3. Groups measure or estimate dimensions of unknown, based
upon Lithographs I and II and record data on the Team Data
Hint: If density is Sheet.
calculated, “iron 4. Optional: Class may average data to estimate size or they
meteorite” may be could create a table or graph based on the data.
eliminated at this point
(iron density = 8, stone Procedure - Step 2
density = 3.3 - 4.5)
Actual Noblesville 1. Students find the total mass of all the parts of the unknown.
Density is 3.9. 2. Have students compare initial mass of the unknown and the
total mass of broken pieces (see Team Data Sheet for data).
The difference is 0.1g (not 4.1g - some may neglect to
include the 4g piece removed prior to processing at NASA).
3. Class will hypothesize about reasons for the difference in
mass. The difference is due to attrition, fine dust and tiny
pieces lost in sample processing. However, some students
might suggest a weighing mistake or a rounding error (both
are possible).

13.6 Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery
Part C: Narrowing the Suspect List

Students will: About Part C
Observations of the interior
• describe and draw details of an unknown rock.
of the specimen are made.
• apply observations and knowledge to the process of a
scientific investigation.

Suggested introduction:

If you get a present and want to know what it is, you might shake
it, heft it, sniff it, etc., but you will eventually OPEN it. We’ve
examined the rock in our photograph pretty thoroughly. Where do
we go from here? (Solicit “look inside” response.)

Looking inside something is another typical investigative

technique. Since we don’t have the actual rock we’re attempting
to identify, we’ll use an additional photograph of the interior of
the rock. The inside was exposed when a section of it was re-

This magnified photograph is helpful because it allows us to see

INSIDE the rock. What additional clues can we obtain from this
detailed view of the unknown rock? (Solicit answers.)

Investigators often use another technique when attempting to

locate a suspect. They call in a police artist and, based on
descriptions of witnesses, compile an artist’s sketch.

Your job is easier than that. I’d like you to examine this detailed
view and prepare an artist’s sketch of it.

1. Students examine Lithograph III as a group. Each student

will draw this detailed portion of the unknown. Labels will be
added after step 3 below.

2. Distribute Suspect Lists and have students fill in their

observations based on the investigations to this point.

3. Teacher will lead students to begin the narrowing process.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.7

Just as investigators label drawings to clarify information, I’d
like you to label your drawing. Since it appears more and
more that this rock may be a meteorite, try using terms from
this word bank for your labels: breccia, chondrules, clast,
fusion crust, matrix, metal.

4. Instruct students to label their illustrations with at least three

appropriate vocabulary words. Depending on the level of
experience students have with meteorites, the words may be
from a word bank or from the students’ previous studies.

Hint: The texture of the unknown is a breccia texture — clasts

(broken fragments) contained in a matrix. Carbonaceous
chondrite will be eliminated at this point (very few black veins
and little matrix). If chondrules are recognized, achondrite
may also be eliminated.

Suspect List

13.8 Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery
Part D: Nabbing the Culprit

Students will: About Part D
• observe and draw detailed microscope view of unknown. Students use a microscope
photo of a thin section of the
• present evidence to verify classification decisions. rock to complete the
Suggested activity introduction:

We’ve observed and recorded information about our rock from

more than one perspective. Any ideas on a next step? I’m
remembering a picture I’ve seen of an investigator peering at
something on the floor through a magnifying glass — like
Sherlock Holmes. Why would he have done that?
(To make things look larger so more details may be seen.) With
all the technology available to us now, how would a modern
investigator accomplish that same thing? (Microscope)

Along with microscopes, modern investigators now have special

cameras they can attach to microscopes for taking pictures.
Geologists have even figured out a way to cut a skinny little piece
of rock that is so thin that light will pass through. It’s called a
thin section. Lithograph IV is a thin section of our rock. This is
what scientists see through a special microscope.

1. Groups will receive transparency sheet and marker. They will

lay the transparency sheet over lithograph of thin section and
secure with paper clips. Trace corners on transparency to
make it obvious if the paper slips.
2. Possible chondrules and bits of metal, (shaded) will be traced.
(Metals block light and look black under the microscope.)
3. Groups will compare transparencies by aligning and stacking
them on the overhead and viewing simultaneously to detect
differences in observations. Help students clarify the clast
4. Using the Suspect List the class will attempt to eliminate
“suspects” by process of elimination. If further information is
needed, students may use the Meteorite ABC’s Fact Sheet on
pgs. 29-30, of the Teacher’s Guide.

Hint: Chondrules WILL be identified at this point; therefore,

achondrite is eliminated. If density has not been calculated
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.9
then students will need to use the photographs and
descriptions in the Introductory materials to eliminate iron
and stony-iron. See the Background Information on pg. 13.2
of this lesson for a detailed description of the Noblesville

5. Class will discuss/summarize investigative process and

conclusions reached.
6. Students will only be expected to identify the unknown as a
chondrite or possibly as a chondrite breccia. Noblesville is a
metamorphic regolith breccia made of clasts of H
chondrites in a matrix.
7. Teacher will identify the rock as the Noblesville meteorite and
the original investigators as the meteoriticists who identified
and classified it.
8. Class will compare and contrast the descriptions of the
meteorite prepared by the students with the initial
descriptions prepared by NASA scientists at the Johnson
Space Center. See NASA JSC Notes - Extended Comments
pg. 13.11.

13.10 Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery

Use only after students have completed Part D

Initial description prepared by NASA scientists

at the Johnson Space Center

Compare this description with students’ descriptions of Noblesville.

Point out similarities in their descriptions but do not expect students’ observations to be exact.


Notes / Extended Comments

Sample: Noblesville non -Antarctic meteorite

Description By: Satterwhite 10/17/91

Dimensions - 9.5 x 8 x 3.5 cm

Exterior of this sample is covered with dull black fusion crust. Bottom surface of
exterior is brown, top surface has several regmaglypts and some residual dirt. Small area
on exterior is chipped away and reveals a medium grey matrix with some white angular

Interior is fine-grained medium grey with numerous angular white clasts. A few
distinct chondrules are visible. Some very small chondrules and fragments are seen.
Abundant fragmented grains with metallic luster are visible. White clasts are coarser
grained. More metal sulfide and some medium-grained yellow grains
(olivine ?).

Weathering - A+ recent fall

Fractures - A
Weight - 483.7 g

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.11

Lesson 13—Solving a Mystery

Orientation Cube Pattern

(not same scale as photographs)

1. Cut out pattern.

2. Fold along lines to make a cube shape.
3. Glue tabs to inside of cube.

13.12 Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery Name:
Team Data Sheet Team:

Part A: Looking for for Clues

Step 1: Lithograph I
Describe the rock (shape, color, texture, etc.) What do you think it is?

Step 2: Lithograph II
View both photos and record the similarities and differences revealed about
the rock.

Part B: Vital Statistics

Step 1:
How big is this rock?

Estimate the rock’s volume in cm3. Why is this estimate not very exact?

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.13

Step 2: Finding the rock’s mass
The mass of the rock described in the NASA Lab was 483.7g before chips were
chiseled off for scientific studies. A small 4.0g piece was removed before it
arrived at NASA, thus the total initial mass of the rock was 487.7g.

What was the total mass of the rock including all the pieces? (chip 0 weighed
466.4g, chip 1 weighed 12.4g, chip 2 weighed 1.6g, chip 3 weighed 3.2g)

Why was there a difference in the original weight and the total weight of the

Step 3: Optional
Estimate the rock’s density in g/cm3, showing your math. How could this esti-
mate be inaccurate? How should you adjust your estimate?

Part C: Narrowing the Suspect List

Sketch the inside of the mystery rock using Lithograph III. Note significant features

Part D: Nabbing the Culprit

Trace the features shown in the microscope photograph onto a transparency sheet.
Show detail. Use the space below to describe what you see in Lithograph IV.

13.14 Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery Name:

Suspect List

Yes or No Reason (be specific)

Earth Rock




Stony - Chondrite

- Carbonaceous

- Achondrite


NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 13 — Solving a Mystery 13.15

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the “What
K-T Boundary effect
do they
Students will: have?”
• evaluate and apply data from a narrative to a scientific
selection process.
• demonstrate or visualize simulations of some of the effects About This Lesson
of a huge impact. In this lesson, students explore
information about the effects
• write a point of view narrative. of large impacts.
A critical thinking activity
helps students select the likely
impact site associated with the
extinction of the

Using simple simulations

students will find it easier to
relate to the massive
destruction caused by large
impacts. Creative writing
skills are developed by
writing a first person
narrative to illustrate the

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.1

Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Activity A: Find the K-T Crater

About This Activity Objective

This activity starts with a From a narrative, students will:
short informative narrative
• select criteria and then apply them to a scientific problem by
about the extinction of many
using critical thinking skills.
species, including the
dinosaurs. An asteroid impact
was identified as the major
Sixty-five million years ago three quarters of the life forms on Earth
reason for the long lasting
became extinct. The most well-known group to die out were the
global changes that killed so
dinosaurs. However, birds may be lineal descendants of one group
many living things. But the
of dinosaurs. Other species that became extinct were the ammonites
location of the large crater,
(marine molluscs like the chambered nautilus), rudistid clams (so
caused by the impact, was not
abundant that they formed huge reefs), and whole groups of small
immediately obvious. Like
marine organisms. The only groups of animals that were not
the scientists, the students will
affected lived deep in the oceans. Some land animals like the early
be asked, “Where is the
mammals survived also. This extinction marks the end of the
crater?” Students will
Cretaceous period of geological history and the beginning of the
develop the criteria for evalu-
Tertiary period. Rocks that formed during these distinct periods are
ating crater candidates from
recognized by their fossils, which are enormously different because
the background narrative
of the great extinction. As a shorthand (or jargon), geologists call
information. In teams they
this geological instant the K-T boundary (K for the German word
will evaluate selected craters
for Cretaceous; T for Tertiary).
to see which one(s) might
have caused the extinction of
The extinction of the dinosaurs has been a source of scientific
the dinosaurs.
speculation. Hypotheses about the cause of the extinction have
Materials for Activity A
❑ Student Background —it wasn’t a single event, but a series of unrelated local extinctions;
(pgs. 14.7-14.8) —the extinction was a slow decline in numbers and diversity, not a
❑ Geographic Features catastrophe;
Suspect List (four sets
—the extinction was caused by a rapid change in climate from warm
are provided,
and wet to cool and dry;
pgs. 14.9-14.12)
❑ Geographic Features —the dinosaurs became an evolutionary dead end and could no
Teacher Key (pg. 14.6) longer adapt to minor changes in their environment;
❑ physical maps(s) of the —living things were killed by the effects of massive volcanic erup-
world tions (specifically those in the Deccan region of India);
❑ overhead projector
(optional) —the effects of a meteorite impact caused the extinctions.

14.2 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Until 1980, each of these hypotheses had strong adherents and there was no consensus at all. In that
year, a crucial paper was published in Science that thrust the meteorite impact hypothesis into promi-
nence and eventual acceptance by most scientists.

The K-T boundary had been investigated for many years as scientists searched for the cause of the
extinctions. The rocks seemed to indicate a global catastrophe. Rocks at the exact boundary are not
exposed at the Earth’s surface in very many places. Some of the best exposures are in northern New
Mexico, southern Canada, Italy, Spain, Denmark, and New Zealand. At all of these sites, the K-T
boundary is defined by a thin layer of grayish clay. Rocks at these sites include sandstones from
ancient river valleys, limestones from ocean reefs, and cherts from the ocean floor. The gray clay is
present in all of them. Cretaceous fossils, marine or terrestrial, are present below the gray clay and are
never found in rocks above the gray clay.

Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley (led by Nobel laureate Walter Alvarez and his son
Louis) decided to investigate the clay layer at the K-T boundary to see if they could determine just
how much time was represented by the gap between K and T times. A meteorite researcher suggested
that the fairly constant inflow of micrometeorites that contain trace amounts of the element iridium
might yield a measure of the time. Iridium is extremely rare in rocks from the Earth’s surface, averag-
ing about 0.1 parts per billion, but is much more abundant in common meteorites at about 500 parts
per billion. Also, analyses for such small quantities of iridium is relatively cheap, easy and reliable
using a technique called neutron activation analysis. Alvarez and his co-workers collected samples of
the K-T gray clay and the surrounding rocks and analyzed them for iridium. They found an extremely
high concentration of iridium (from 1 to 90 parts per billion). The iridium concentration was so high
that at expected micrometeorite fall rates, the gap would represent tens of millions of years. This time
sequence was not likely so they were forced to look for another reason for the unexpected amount of

Thus, the discovery reported by Alvarez, of the worldwide distribution of iridium from meteorites, has
added to the evidence that a large meteorite impact did occur at the K-T time. Many scientists con-
ducted investigations that would link this new information with the mass extinction of species.

The extra iridium at the K-T

boundary also allowed
Alvarez and his co-workers
to estimate the size of the
impacting meteorite. They
calculated how much extra
iridium, in grams/cm2, had
fallen at each of the K-T sites
and computed the average
iridium fallout. Assuming
that the iridium had been
originally deposited world-
wide, they calculated their
extra iridium values and

Painting courtesy of Don Davis©.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.3

computed the total iridium fallout over the Earth. Their total iridium
Gulf Of Mexico could have been supplied if the impacting “meteorite” were
10 kilometers in diameter, and made of ordinary chondrite material.
An object this size can hardly be called a meteorite; it was an asteroid.

Once the iridium excesses in the K-T clay were known, other scientists
began looking for additional evidence for a meteorite impact at the K-T
boundary time. In the gray clay they found other features consistent with
a meteorite impact, including grains of the mineral quartz that showed the
effects of enormous shock pressure, and globules of melted rock that
could have been formed in an impact. Scientists also found soot in the
clay layer — enough soot to suggest that enormous fires consumed much
of the Earth’s vegetation. In the rocks below the gray clay, they also recognized deposits from enormous
ocean waves that might have been tsunamis caused by an impact. In addition, they found broken rock in
unusual places that suggested earthquakes (which could have been triggered by an impact).

The impact of a 10 km diameter meteorite (actually a small asteroid) must have produced a circular crater,
probably more than a 150 km in diameter. A crater that size would likely have multiple ring structures, like
the larger craters on the Moon. Although remnants of a few large craters like that are known on the Earth,
they are all much older than the 65 million year age of the K-T boundary. The lack of a known crater made
many scientists suspicious of the whole meteorite impact hypothesis, and inspired others to look for the
impact crater. Many features around the world were suggested and investigated as possible impact sites.

The work centered first on North America because the largest fragments of shocked rock were found
there. The Manson meteorite crater, beneath Iowa, was first targeted because it formed about
65 million years ago. But Manson is only 35 kilometers in diameter, probably too small to have
caused global devastation and too small to have been made by a 10 kilometer asteroid.

Then the search focused on the Caribbean area, because the clay layer was thickest there, and had the
largest rock fragments and globules of melted rock. Finally, suspicion focused on an unusual
sub-surface structure on the northern coast of Yucatan (Mexico), centered under the town of
Chicxulub. Studying rocks from drill cores of the area and data from remote sensing methods
(gravity measurements, seismic profiles) showed that the Chicxulub structure is a
meteorite impact crater. The most recent estimate of its size is 300 kilometers across, certainly large
enough to have caused a global environmental catastrophe.

The effects of the meteorite hitting the Earth can hardly be described. As the meteorite hit, all life
within about 300 km (the size of the eventual crater) would be vaporized instantly. Then the hot blast
wave from the impact explosion would kill all life for several hundred kilometers in all directions.
Farther out, the blast wave would kill, deafen and disorient many animals. In the ocean, the shock
from the impact would generate enormous, world-wide tsunamis, perhaps with waves a kilometer tall.
Gigantic hurricanes might also be triggered. In the Earth, the shock from the impact would be felt as
huge earthquakes, and would set off other earthquakes over the whole globe.

Ejecta from the impact (sand-sized and larger) would shoot out and rain down for thousands of
kilometers around. Other ejecta would leave the Earth’s atmosphere but not Earth’s gravity; it would
return to Earth as meteorites so abundant that their heat would “broil” the Earth’s surface and set off

14.4 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

wildfires over the whole planet. Over the impact site, a mushroom cloud would rise, carrying dust
from the explosion far into the stratosphere. This dust would mingle with the soot from wildfires to
form a world-wide haze so thick as to block out all light from the sun. Over time, without the Sun’s
heat, surface temperatures on the Earth would drop 20-30 oC. The combined effects of the fires, the
darkness, and the cold must have devastated life and caused the collapse of almost all ecological
interrelationships. Months later, when the dust cleared and the Sun finally shone again, only some
seeds and the most enduring animals would still be alive. Three quarters of all species would die in the
next few years, due to the loss of the ecosystems on which they depended. Early shrew-like animals
were the only mammals so far discovered to have survived the disaster.

Advanced Preparation
1. Review background.
2. Read and be familiar with the Teacher Key for Geographic Features.
3. Prepare envelopes containing sets of Geographic Features: Suspect Lists.
• one set of four features per envelope, per team
• repeat sets if there are more than four teams
Classroom Procedure
1. Read the Student Background as a group or individually.
2. Ask “Where is the Killer Crater?” and “What criteria (parameters) would you use to narrow
the list of suspect features?”
Note: Some students may already know the name or location of the likely crater. Encourage them
not to reveal the name and remind them that, like scientists, they must present proof and logical
reasons for their crater choice not just “I read/ saw that it was down in the Yucatan.”
3. Brainstorm the criteria as a class. Take all suggestions and then combine and focus on the
categories listed below. Some classes may develop only three criteria and some may have
four. Be flexible, but do not focus on age alone, the true age of a feature may be difficult to
determine. (Criteria: Shape, Size, Target Material, and Age)
4. Divide the class into teams of 3-4 students (more if necessary).
5. Distribute the envelopes of “Suspect Features”, keeping the numbered groupings so that each
team will have a variety of criteria to assess.
6. Ask each team to assess whether their assigned features are “likely,” “unlikely,” or
“possible” candidates for the “Killer Crater.” Maps may be used.
7. Have each group report their findings to the class. (A simple list on the chalkboard or a chart
may be developed if needed.)
8. Have the class prioritize the list of craters, from “most likely” to “maybe.”
9. Provide information from background as needed.

crater, meteorite, asteroid, impact, iridium, clay, shock, quartz, fossil, Cretaceous, Tertiary, catastrophe, soot.

1. Could there have been more than one impact that contributed to the global catastrophe?
Justify your answer.

1. Ask students to bring articles from books or magazines that give more background information.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.5

Teacher Key
Geographic Features

14.6 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Student Background

The death of the dinosaurs was part of a large extinction — a time when three
quarters of the kinds of life (species) on Earth were killed. Most scientists are
convinced that the dinosaurs and other life forms died when a giant meteorite hit the
Earth. You may have heard about the crater from this impact. Just like the scientists
who study the death of the dinosaurs, you too can use reason to choose which crater
was the killer.

The dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago, along with many kinds of
plants and marine animals, especially ones that lived in shallow water. This change in
life on Earth, and the fossils left behind, marks the end of the Cretaceous period of
geological history and the beginning of the Tertiary period. Geologists commonly
call this time the K-T boundary. In many places, the rock at the K-T boundary is a
few centimeters of clay. Below the clay are abundant fossils of Cretaceous animals
(dinosaurs or marine animals, depending on the rocks); above the clay layer, in the
same kind of rocks, the fossils are gone. This clay layer marks a global ecological
catastrophe, the extinction of three quarters of the life forms on Earth.

One idea was that the K-T extinctions were caused by meteorite impacts. In
1980, scientists from the University of California at Berkeley set out to test this idea.
They thought that the K-T clay might contain meteorite material, and that the element
iridium might be a good “fingerprint” for a meteorite impact. Iridium is a rare metal,
much like platinum, and about 5000 times more abundant in most meteorites than in
Earth rocks. The scientists analyzed samples of the clay, and found that it had up to
400 times the iridium of the surrounding rocks! This result proved that a huge
meteorite had hit the Earth at the time of the K-T
extinction. A meteorite of about 10 kilometers in
diameter could have provided all of the iridium
in the worldwide clay layer.

But the proof of a meteorite impact left many

questions unanswered. How could a meteorite impact
have caused massive deaths over the whole world? And
where was the crater caused by this meteorite?
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.7
How could a meteorite impact have caused a global ecological catastrophe?
Everything at the impact site would have been vaporized, and the blast wave would
have killed all life for hundreds of kilometers around. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and
hurricanes would also have killed many animals. But how could the effects have
been global? The evidence is in the K-T clay, which is found all over the world.
That clay was originally dust from the impact, and must have spread throughout the
atmosphere, and then settled out to form the clay layer. In addition, the K-T clay is
rich in soot, suggesting that the meteorite impact was followed by huge fires over
much of the globe. The dust and soot would have blocked out the Sun for months,
and temperatures would have dropped 20 to 30oC. Only the most enduring animals
and seeds could have survived until the air cleared and the Sun shone again.

And where did the killer meteorite land? Where is the smoking gun? The im-
pact of a 10 km meteorite must have made a crater, a huge circular scar, somewhere
on the Earth’s surface, similar to craters on the Moon, Mars, and other planets. The
K-T clay again holds clues, now in the form of grains of the mineral quartz, heavily
shocked by the meteorite impact. Quartz is very rare in rocks from the ocean basins,
so the impact crater is likely to be on a continent or continent edge.

But exactly where? Which crater pulled the trigger on the dinosaurs? This is
your chance to pick the killer crater from this line-up of suspects. Just don’t bother
looking for a motive.

14.8 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Geographic Features: Suspect List Group 1

Acraman - In South Australia, Lake Acraman is a hexagonal salt lake about

20 km in diameter at 32°S, 135.5°E. Surrounding the lake are two, much
larger, circular structures, which are barely visible in aerial or space
shuttle imagery; the largest structure is 160 km in diameter. Rocks in the
area are deformed, and a belt of broken and melted rock is present 300 km
to the East of Acraman. The broken and melted rock formed about 600
million years ago, which may be the age of the Acraman structure.

Manson Structure - The Manson Structure, beneath the surface in Iowa at

42.5°N, 94.5°W, is detectable only through geophysical means (seismic
profiles). It is a circular ring of granitic rock, 35 km in diameter, buried
under hundreds of feet of other rocks which appear to have covered over
the ring. The rocks in the Manson structure are severely broken. They
were subjected to great shock pressures, and melted. The age of the
Manson structure is about 65 million years.

Valle Grande - The Valle Grande is a circular basin, 22 km in diameter, in the

mountains of central New Mexico at 36°N, 106.5°W. The edge of the
basin is a sharp scarp, and the land slopes away on all sides. Rocks at the
wall of the basin are broken and jumbled together. Within the basin is a
central peak surrounded by a ring of smaller peaks. Rocks in the Valle
Grande are all volcanic, with ages of younger than 2 million years.

Elgygytgyn - Elgygytgyn is a circular lake (the meaning of the name in the

local tribal language) in easternmost Siberia, Russia: 67.5°N, 172°E.
Around the slightly raised rim of Elgygytgyn is a ring of broken and
partly melted rock. Farther away there is a halo of fractured and strongly
shocked rocks. There are no volcanoes or recent volcanic rocks in the
area. The crater formed 3.5 million years ago.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.9

Geographic Features: Suspect List Group 2

Crater Lake - Crater Lake is a circular basin, 8 kilometers in diameter, at the

peak of a 2400 meter tall mountain in Oregon at 49°N, 122°W. The edge
of the basin is a sharp scarp, and the mountain slopes away on all sides.
The basin is filled with water. One peak forms an island in the basin
center. Crater lake formed 6,000 years ago.

Crater Elegante - This circular depression, about 1 kilometer in diameter, is in

northwestern Mexico at 30°N, 115°W. The crater has steep sides and a
raised lip; the land surface slopes gently away from the crater in all
directions for a kilometer or so. The crater is near the flanks of a large
volcano, Cerro Pinacate, which is surrounded by many cinder cones and
lava flows.

Chicxulub Structure - Chicxulub is a circular structure in bedrock beneath the

Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, consisting of concentric rings of uplifted
bedrock centered at 23°N, 90°W. The largest ring is 300 km in diameter.
The Chicxulub structure is buried under a great thickness of limestone,
and has been mapped by remote geophysical methods (gravity and
seismic profiles). Within the structure are lava rocks and minerals which
have been shattered or subjected to high pressure. The Chicxulub
structure is apparent at the Earth’s surface only as a series of sinkholes
over one of the concentric rings. The Chicxulub structure formed 65
million years ago.

Vredefort - The Vredefort ring appears as concentric circles of ridges in

bedrock in South Africa at 27°S, 27.5°E. The outermost ring is 140 km
in diameter and is partly covered by younger rocks. Vredefort does not
look like a crater now, but it is thought to be an eroded crater. It formed
2 billion years ago.

14.10 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Geographic Features: Suspect List Group 3

Kamensk - The Kamensk crater is an impact scar in south-central Russia, at

48°N, 40°E. It was formed 65 million years ago and is 35 km across.
Because of political instability in the region, nothing more is known about
the Kamensk crater.

Charlevoix - The Charlevoix structure is marked by a semicircular valley along

the St. Lawrence River in southern Quebec, Canada: 47.5°N, 70°W. If the
structure was originally circular, its southern half is now under the river.
Outside the valley is a band of hills, giving an overall diameter of
46 kilometers (if the structure is circular). Rocks around the structure
have been strongly deformed. In the center of the semicircular valley is a
central peak, composed of broken and melted rock. The age of the melted
rock is 357 million years.

Iceland - This roughly circular island is located in the North Atlantic at 20°W,
65°N. It sits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a volcanically active spreading
center. The island is about four hundred kilometers in diameter and has
many lava flows and active volcanic vents. Scientists estimate the age of
Iceland to be as much as 20 million years old.

Lake Toba - Lake Toba is located in an elongate basin structure on the Island
of Sumatra, Indonesia at 3°N, 99°E. The land slopes gently away from
the outer edge of the fifty kilometer basin. The surrounding volcanic ash
flows have been dated at about 75,000 years old.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.11

Geographic Features: Suspect List Group 4

Lake Baikal - This beautiful, elongate lake is located in southeastern Russia at

107°E, 52°N. It is the Earth’s deepest continental depression with the
total depth of water plus sediments at over 9 km. The lake is 650 km
long and 8 km wide. The oldest sediments are estimated to be 25 million
years old.

Sudbury - The Sudbury structure is an elliptical area of igneous rocks and

sediments in southern Ontario (Canada) at 46.5°N, 81°W. Sudbury is
inferred to be an impact crater because rocks around it show characteristic
features of intense shock. Now the Sudbury structure is 140 km by 50 km,
and may have been as large as 200 km diameter when it formed,
1.85 billion years ago.

Deccan Traps - The Deccan structure, located at 75°E, 20°N, covers a large part
of west-central India. About sixty-five million years ago huge lava flows
formed a thick, roughly circular area of approximately 520,000 square

Barringer (Meteor) Crater - The Barringer Crater is a circular hole in the

ground in northern Arizona, 35°N, 111°W. It is 1.2 km in diameter.
Many pieces of iron meteorite have been found scattered around the
crater. It is estimated to have formed 49,000 years ago.

14.12 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Activity B: Global Ecological Disaster

Objective About This Activity

Students will: In this activity students will
use simple simulations to
• visualize or physically demonstrate simulations of some of the
develop a better understanding
effects of a huge impact.
of the short term and long
term changes that happen
when gigantic impacts occur
National Geographic Sept. 1986. See Background from Lesson 14,
on Earth. These exercises
Activity A (pgs. 14.2-14.5).
may be done as demonstrations,
Procedure experiments or as verbal
Advanced Preparation visualizations, i.e. “Think
1. Gather materials. about what happens when
you throw a large rock in a
2. Review background material.
Classroom Procedure
Materials for Activity B
Atmospheric Changes (see diagram) ❑ 2 two liter clear soft drink
1. Put water in each bottle to a depth of 1 cm. bottles
2. Place a stopper in each bottle, insert one thermometer ❑ 2 one hole rubber stoppers
through each stopper. or styrofoam or clay to
3. Place the two prepared chambers where all students may block top
observe. ❑ 2 lab thermometers (long)
4. Distribute the Atmospheric Changes Data Sheet. ❑ water
5. Have the students predict what will be the effect of sunlight ❑ paper (wooden splints
on the chambers if one chamber contains smoke particles. work well also)
❑ matches
❑ light source (sunlight is
best but lamp or overhead
will work)
❑ Atmospheric Changes Data
Sheet for temperature and
time (pg. 14.16)
❑ two pie pans
❑ rock or other object 3-5 cm
❑ water to fill pan
soft drink
❑ flour to fill pan
❑ pencil/pen

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.13

6. Put burning paper (splint or wooden stir stick) in one
chamber and immediately replace stopper (this may be done
before students are present).
7. Allow time for the temperature to come down to the same
temperature as in the control container.
8. Place chambers in sunlight (or use lamp if necessary).
9. Using data table, students record temperature of each
chamber at 1 minute intervals or more, allowing enough time
to show a significant difference in temperature).
10. Based on the results, students should evaluate their

1. Fill one pie pan with water.
2. Drop rock in water.
3. Observe what happens.
4. Compare and contrast the effect of the “rock” to the possible
effect of an asteroid over 10 km in diameter with an impact
speed of about 15 km per second.

Ejecta and Base Blast

1. Fill one pie pan with flour.
2. Drop rock or large heavy object into flour (layered with
another fine powder if desired).
3. Observe the ejecta and fall out.
4. Discuss the probable similarities and differences between
this demonstration and what happened at the impact site at

14.14 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Activity C: You Were There!

Objective About This Activity

Students will: Students will write and
illustrate a narrative from the
• write and illustrate a point of view narrative on the
point of view of dinosaurs as
extinction of the dinosaurs.
a meteorite struck the Earth
sixty-five million years ago.
Consult the Background in Lesson 14, Activity A (pgs. 14.2-14.5).

The time is sixty-five million years ago. A huge meteorite has hit
the Earth. Imagine that you are a dinosaur and you notice things
seem different!

Write a paper from the point of view of your dinosaur.

How do you feel? How is your environment changing?

Make an illustration to accompany your paper.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary 14.15

Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary
Atmospheric Changes Data Sheet

Describe lab setup.

What will happen to the temperature in the chamber containing smoke particles?

What happened in the chambers and why?

14.16 Lesson 14 — Direct Hit at the K-T Boundary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries “What
Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls
do they
Students will: have?”
• read about large historical meteors and meteorite falls.
• discuss the effects the impacts have had on people. About This Lesson
This lesson contains five
• compare the responses recorded in history to their own reading selections and
responses. associated questions. The
readings and questions are
Background mostly about the responses of
people to meteor and
Part A: The Tunguska Meteor. This reading describes the largest
meteorite falls.
meteor and explosion in recorded history. Many effects of its explo-
sion were like those of very large meteorite impacts. Yet, there is no
agreement on what type of planetary material exploded in the Earth’s Materials
atmosphere to cause these effects. ❑ copies of readings
(pgs. 15.3-15.12)
❑ reference materials
Part B: The Ensisheim Meteorite. The story of the fall of the ❑ writing materials
Ensisheim Meteorite focuses on how people reacted to a large mete- ❑ maps
orite fall in the year 1492.
Part C: Fall of the Sikhote-Alin Meteorite. This reading Give attached readings to
selection describes one of the largest meteorite showers in recorded students to read and discuss.
history. The primary emphasis is on the physical events of the fall, Have students locate each
with a secondary emphasis on the political context of the event site on a map.
strategically sensitive area where the fall occurred.
Part D: The Peekskill Fall. asteroid, meteorite, meteor,
The story of the Peekskill fall, like that of Noblesville in Lesson 1, is crater, comet, expedition,
a story of ordinary people in the 1990s. This meteorite crashed into a superstition, fireball
teenager’s car after the blazing meteor had been seen by many fans
watching football games.

Part E: The Fall of Allende.

This reading describes a large meteorite shower and the subsequent
scientific revolution. Allende is a special type of meteorite that
generated extra excitement because it was studied by a large number
of scientists testing their equipment in preparation for the imminent
arrival of the Apollo Moon rocks. They discovered that this meteorite
revealed new information about the early history of the solar system.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls 15.1

Teacher Key - Questions

Part A: The Tunguska Meteor 4. China and the United States were fighting all
1. Why would an explosion blow down trees all around it? across Korea during the Korean conflict, just a
2. Why might the trees nearest the explosion site still few years after the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fall.
be standing? What might people have thought about the fall
3. Why might the Russian Academy of Sciences have if it had happened during that conflict?
waited 19 years to make an expedition to the
Tunguska site? (World War I, the Russian Part D: The Peekskill Fall
Revolution) 1. Why would someone want to buy a meteorite?
4. How might the world react today to a Tunguska-type 2. Compare how the people in Peekskill responded
explosion at the same place? What if it happened in to a meteorite fall with how those in Ensisheim
Texas? responded five hundred years earlier.
5. What could you do today to find sand-sized grains from 3. How does the geography of the Earth affect how
the asteroid or comet that hit at Tunguska? What types many meteorites are found?
of material might have survived 85 years of weather? 4. How do you think population density affects
(Metal, minerals) The sand-sized grains from the recovery rates of meteorite falls?
meteor might have been propelled by the explosion; 5. Using the many videos of the meteor streak, how
where might you find this sand separate from locally could you determine the direction of flight and
generated sand? Might any Tunguska material be the speed of the meteor?
preserved anywhere else?
Part E: The Fall of Allende
1. In February 1969, many scientists:
Part B: The Ensisheim Meteorite a. had developed ways to study moon rocks, but didn’t
1. How large was the stone, if its density was 3 grams have any samples yet.
per cubic centimeter? (About the size of a cube 40 b. were studying lunar samples that had been brought
cm on an edge.) How would you get a stone that back from the moon the previous summer.
heavy out of a hole in the ground? c. believed that life existed on the Moon.
2. After they found the stone, why do you suppose d. were in Pueblito de Allende when the meteorite
the townspeople argued? Why might the towns- shower occurred.
people have thought the stone was good luck? 2. In this passage, it seems:
What would you have thought? a. seeing a fireball in the sky in central Mexico is a
3. Why didn’t the person who owned the field claim normal event.
the stone as his own? (This is a difficult question. b. Pueblito de Allende is a large, busy town.
The concept of property ownership that we now c. meteorite fragments are interesting to villagers and
accept was not known in 1492. Farmland around farmers as well as scientists.
a village was considered “common land,” to be d. after several days, people lost interest in the
used by the whole village.) meteorite fragments.
4. Why might the mayor have taken the stone to the 3. The statement “The meteorite proved to be most
Church? Why didn’t he take it inside the church? unusual.” means:
If a meteorite landed near your town, where would a. the meteorite was average.
it be taken, or would it be moved at all? b. the scientists did not like the meteorite.
5. Why was King Maximilian interested in the fall of c. the meteorite was special.
the Ensisheim meteorite? d. the meteorite was from the Moon.
6. What other event happened in the year 1492? 4. Which of these statements best summarizes the passage?
a. The Allende meteorite shower gave scientists a very
Part C: Fall of the Sihkote-Alin Meteorite unusual meteorite to study and an opportunity to
1. Where is Sikhote-Alin? Locate the area on a globe or practice using labs and procedures that would be used
a map. The towns nearest to the meteorite fall are later with the lunar samples.
Dainerecensk and Vostrecovo. Can you find these on b. The Mexican government was very cooperative as
a map? (45.8°N, 134-135°E) scientists looked for meteorites in 1969.
2. Why might people not have rushed out immediately c. Although meteoriticists were very interested in the
to find the meteorites? Allende shower in early 1969, they soon turned their
3. Russia and Japan were fighting during World War II, attention to the lunar samples and forgot this wonderful
just a few years before the Sikhote-Alin meteorite event and the important information it revealed.
fall. What might people have thought about the fall d. The Allende meteorite shower was an important scientific
if it had happened during the war? event because it happened near NASA JSC.

15.2 Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls
Part A: The Tunguska Meteor

The biggest meteor in recorded history shot across the Tunguska River in
Russia in 1908, and exploded like a nuclear bomb. The Tunguska meteor did not
make an impact crater, but some of the effects of its explosion are similar to what
could happen in a large meteorite impact.
At seven in the morning on June 30, 1908, a blazing meteor streaked across
the sky in central Russia. It sped northwest from Lake Baikal toward the trading
post of Baikit in central Siberia, an area of dense forests, wide swamps, and mean-
dering rivers. Before reaching Baikit, the meteor exploded in a gigantic column of
fire near the Tunguska River (61oN, 101.5oE).
The effects of the explosion were felt worldwide. Around the globe scientists
wondered at the rapid changes in atmospheric pressure and unusual vibrations in the
Earth. People within a thousand kilometers of the explosion saw both the meteor
and the fire column. They also heard the explosion like a series of bombs. Closer
to the explosion, people felt the ground rumble and shake. At about a hundred
kilometers from the explosion, people, animals and houses were scorched and
thrown by a hot blast of air. Only a few people were nearer to the blast, and they
reported fires, houses being blown down and burnt, and reindeer being killed by falling
trees. For 20 kilometers around the center of the explosion, the forest was flattened, with
the downed trees pointing away from the explosion. At the center of the blown down
area, tree trunks still stood, but all their limbs had been stripped off. Everything was
scorched from the heat.
The Tunguska meteor
and explosion were widely
reported in newspapers and
magazines. However, there
was little scientific interest
until 1927, when the Russian
Academy of Sciences organized
an expedition to map the area
and find meteorites. The
expedition had to battle deep
swamps, thick forests, and
Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls 15.3

hungry insects. Almost 20 years had passed since the explosion, and the explorers
were not sure what would be left. At the explosion site, they found the blown
down tree trunks and traces of fire among the new growth that had developed dur-
ing those years. The explorers did not find meteorite craters, but guessed that some
bogs were the remains of craters. After working very hard to drain and dig out the
most promising bogs, they found no meteorites at all and finally realized that bogs
were common all over the region, not only near the explosion. Later expeditions
found tiny traces of melted rock in the soil, but never any meteorites.
Scientists have debated for years about what hit the Earth at Tunguska in
1908, especially since it left no meteorites behind. Some people have claimed that
an alien spacecraft or a black hole hit the Earth. Most scientists think it was a comet
because comets are made mostly of ice and would leave no meteorites. But it may
have been a small rocky asteroid, which completely exploded in the air so that no
rocks were left. Now, over 85 years later, it may be impossible to learn any more
about the Earth’s largest meteor explosion in modern history.


1. Why would an explosion blow down trees all around it?

2. Why might the trees nearest the explosion site still be standing?

3. Why might the Russian Academy of Sciences have waited 19 years to make
an expedition to the Tunguska site?

4. How might the world today react to a Tunguska-type explosion at the same
place? What if it happened in Texas?

5. What could you do today to find sand-sized grains from the asteroid or comet
that hit at Tunguska? What types of material might have survived 85 years of
weather? The sand-sized grains from the meteor might have been propelled
by the explosion; where might you find this sand separate from indigenous
sand? Might any Tunguska material be preserved anywhere else?

15.4 Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls
Part B: The Ensisheim Meteorite

In early November of 1492, the people of central France were astonished to

hear a thunderclap from a clear sky rumble across their hills and farms. Today, a
sound like that would probably be ignored as an airplane’s sonic boom or an indus-
trial accident. But no one in 1492 had ever heard such a loud explosion. They
must have thought it was a “sign.”
As the sound of the thunderclap died out, the people searched for its cause
and meaning. Their world was apparently unchanged, except in the small town of
Ensisheim, near the border of what are now France and Germany. There, a young
boy saw a very large stone fall from the sky and land in a wheat field. He must
have told his parents, and a crowd soon gathered where the stone had fallen. It sat
at the bottom of a hole, one meter deep in the field. After arguing about what to do,
the crowd finally pulled the 150 kilogram stone out of its hole and began breaking
pieces off for good-luck charms. The mayor ordered them to stop and had the stone
carried into the town and placed in front of the church.
News of this marvelous
stone traveled quickly to
King Maximilian of
Austria, heir to the Holy
Roman Empire. He arrived
in Ensisheim two weeks
later, on his way to battle
with the French. The King
Brant, 1492; courtesy of Zentralbibliothek, Zurich. examined the stone,
consulted with his advisors,
and decided that it was a sign from God foretelling victory in his upcoming battles.
After taking his own piece of the stone from Heaven, the King ordered that it be
kept forever in the town church. King Maximilian and his soldiers then marched
off to battle and managed to defeat a much larger French army in the battle of
Salins. The stone was preserved in the Ensisheim church, where it hangs today.
The stone from Heaven got as much credit for the victory as did Maximilian.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls 15.5


1. How large was the stone, if its density was 3 grams per cubic centimeter?
How would you get a stone that heavy out of a hole in the ground?

2. After they found the stone, why do you suppose the townspeople argued?
Why might the townspeople have thought the stone was good luck? What
would you have thought?

3. Why didn’t the person who owned the field claim the stone as his own?

4. Why might the mayor have taken the stone to the Church? Why didn’t he
take it inside the church? If a meteorite landed near your town, where would
it be taken, or would it be moved at all?

5. Why was King Maximilian interested in the fall of the Ensisheim meteorite?

6. What other event happened in the year 1492?

15.6 Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls
Part C: The Fall of the Sikhote-Alin

An area of Russia called the Sikhote-Alin hills, north of Vladivostok along the
Sea of Japan, was enjoying a quiet, cold morning in February, 1947. Although
Sikhote-Alin lies next to China and near Japan, two of Russia’s traditional enemies,
all was peaceful in 1947. World War II had ended a year and a half earlier, and the
Korean conflict was years in the future. The few people in Sikhote-Alin went about
their business, mostly surviving the long winter and preparing for spring.
At 10:30 in the morning on February 12, the mid-morning calm was shattered
as a huge red and yellow meteor streaked across
the sky. The fireball, with its trail of smoke and
sparks, was visible for more than 300 kilometers.
As it roared over the hills, it broke apart with a
thunderous explosion, and the burning fragments
flew downward and crashed into the forest.
Apparently no one rushed to investigate the
fall. The next day two airmen discovered where
the meteorite had landed when they happened to
fly over the site. Where there had been unbroken
forest, the airmen saw downed trees, craters, and
open clearings. The airmen reported what they
had seen to the Soviet government, and a
scientific expedition was organized immediately.
After slogging through the dense forest, the
expedition arrived at the fall site on February 24,
There, scientists found more than 100 holes and craters in the rocky soil. The
largest crater was 26 meters across and 6 meters deep; in the crater were many pieces
of iron meteorite, together weighing 150 kilograms. The force of the meteorite’s
impact had twisted the meteorite pieces like taffy candy, blasted trees apart, and
thrown rocks a kilometer from the crater. More than 23,000 kilograms of meteorites
were found, equal to an iron ball 1.6 meters in diameter.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls 15.7


1. Where is Sikhote-Alin? Locate the area on a globe or a map. The towns

nearest to the meteorite fall are Dainerecensk and Vostrecovo. Can you find
these on a map?

2. Why might people not have rushed out immediately to find the meteorites?

3. Russia and Japan were fighting during World War II, just a few years before
the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fall? What might people have thought about the
fall if it had happened during the war?

4. China and the United States were fighting all across Korea during the Korean
conflict, just a few years after the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fall. What might
people have thought about the fall if it had happened during that conflict?

15.8 Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls
Part D: The Peekskill Fall

Crash! Boom! Pow!

No, it wasn’t Batman, Superman or an automobile accident. Michelle Knapp,

a typical eighteen year old high school senior from Peekskill, NY, was home watch-
ing television at 7:50 Friday evening October 9, 1992, when she heard a loud crash.
She rushed out of her house to investigate and found that her 1980 red Malibu had a
demolished trunk.
In other parts of eastern United States, video cameras that had been focused on
high school football games shifted upward and caught glimpses of an object streaking
across the night sky. Later that evening, local television stations broadcast the videos of
this spectacular meteor. Once a meteor makes it through the Earth’s atmosphere and
strikes the ground, it is called a meteorite.
Under her mangled car, Michelle found a 11.8 kg, football-sized rock from
space. The first clue that suggested this rock might be a meteorite was the melted
appearance of the front or leading edge. This exterior texture, called fusion crust, is
produced by the friction of the speeding meteorite with the atmosphere. When
Michelle touched the rock it was still warm, another good clue. The rock fell with
such a great force that the red paint from the car was imbedded in the meteorite.
Also, after passing through the car’s trunk, the rock made a 15 cm deep crater in the
The Peekskill Police Department transported the meteorite to the American
Museum of Natural History in Manhattan to be classified. Scientists identified it as
an ordinary chondrite, the most common type of meteorite found. Meteorite falls are
a regular occurrence; thousands of
kilograms are distributed onto Earth’s
surface each year. Even so, the odds
against a meteorite hitting Michelle’s car
were extremely high. There have only
been a few recorded instances of
meteorites striking anything but the
ground or the ocean. A dog was report-
edly killed in Egypt in 1911 by the
impact of a meteorite. In Alabama a
meteorite passed through the roof of a
Credit: Dr. Dimitri Mihalas, courtesy of Science Graphics. house and injured a woman.
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls 15.9
The Peekskill meteorite sold for about $ 69,000. What about Michelle’s car?
Would insurance cover it? Would you believe someone bought it for $10,000 so
they could put it on display?


1. Why would someone want to buy a meteorite?

2. Compare how the people in Peekskill responded to a meteorite fall with how
those in Ensisheim responded five hundred years earlier.

3. How does the geography of the Earth affect how many meteorites are found?

4. How do you think population density affects recovery rates of meteorite falls?

5. Using the many videos of the meteor streak, how could you determine the
direction of flight and the speed of the meteor?

15.10 Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls
Part E: The Fall of Allende

The Allende Meteorite Shower — A Scientific Revolution

Early on the morning of February 8, 1969, the peaceful sleep of villagers in

central Mexico was disturbed by a brilliant fireball and loud explosions. The fireball
came from the south-southwest and scattered thousands of meteorite fragments over a
huge area around the town of Pueblito de Allende. The villagers and farmers
collected many pieces of meteorite. One of the pieces was taken to the nearest city
and reported in the newspaper. Within days scientists from NASA and the
Smithsonian Institution were at the site in Mexico, collecting specimens and
describing their distribution. Over the following months many other collectors visited
the area. Altogether the Mexican and foreign collectors recovered thousands of
fragments weighing a total of 1,000 kg!
The earliest samples collected by U.S. meteoriticists were rapidly distributed to
many other scientists who were preparing their labs for the imminent return of Apollo
lunar samples. The scientists welcomed the chance to study a new meteorite and test
their new procedures. The meteorite proved to be anything but ordinary. It was a very
primitive carbonaceous chondrite containing evidence of the earliest history of the
solar system. This special meteorite fell at the right place and the right time. The right
place was in Mexico only a day’s drive from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in
Houston. The right time was early 1969, five months before the return of the first
Apollo Moon rocks. The information about the early solar system revealed in the
Allende meteorite created a revolution in meteorite science that is still felt today.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls 15.11


1. In February 1969, many scientists:

a. had developed ways to study moon rocks, but didn’t have any samples yet.
b. were studying lunar samples that had been brought back from the moon the
previous summer.
c. believed that life existed on the Moon.
d. were in Pueblito de Allende when the meteorite shower occurred.

2. In this passage, it seems:

a. seeing a fireball in the sky in central Mexico is a normal event.

b. Pueblito de Allende is a large, busy town.
c. meteorite fragments are interesting to villagers and farmers as well as scientists.
d. after several days, people lost interest in the meteorite fragments.

3. The statement “The meteorite proved to be most unusual.” means:

a. the meteorite was average.

b. the scientists did not like the meteorite.
c. the meteorite was special.
d. the meteorite was from the moon.

4. Which of these statements best summarizes the passage?

a. The Allende meteorite shower gave scientists a very unusual meteorite to study
and an opportunity to practice using labs and procedures that would be used
later with the lunar samples.
b. The Mexican government was very cooperative as scientists looked for
meteorites in 1969.
c. Although meteoriticists were very interested in the Allende shower in early
1969, they soon turned their attention to the lunar samples and forgot this
wonderful event and the important information it revealed.
d. The Allende meteorite shower was an important scientific event because it
happened near NASA JSC.

15.12 Lesson 15 — Historical Meteorite Falls NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 16 — Near Miss
do they
Students will:
• apply science to daily life as they simulate possible
responses to a meteorite impact.
• produce articles for a newspaper. About This Lesson
This lesson involves the
• role-play in a panel discussion (after they have researched
students in creative
scientific careers).
interactions by asking them to
take on the roles of
community members who
react to a large and
frightening, but not
devastating, impact. There
are two activities which
require different research and
modes of response. The
students will write newspaper
articles from the point of view
of a variety of citizens. In
preparing for and
Undetected asteroid streaks conducting a community
perilously close to Earth briefing, the students will gain
by Blaine P. Friedlander scientific knowledge about
meteorite impacts and careers.
“In May 1993, the Earth survived a near
miss by an asteroid. This “projectile” was
about 10 meters in diameter and weighed
about 5.4 million kilograms — about the
mass of a Navy destroyer! A group
called Spacewatch in Arizona discovered
it after it had passed within 145,000
kilometers of Earth!”
Adapted from: Houston Chronicle,
Monday, June 21, 1993.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 16 — Near Miss 16.1

Lesson 16 — Near Miss
Activity A: “Extra, Extra, Read All About It!”

About This Activity Objective

Students will read about the Students will:
recent near miss of an Earth • apply science to daily life as they explore the implications of
crossing asteroid and about a fictitious meteorite impact in the vicinity of their
the impact of comet community.
Shoemaker-Levy 9 on
Jupiter. They also have heard Background
about the impact that killed From July 16 through July 22, 1994, fragments of Comet
the dinosaurs and most other Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter, with dramatic effect. This
species. was the first collision of two solar system bodies ever to be
predicted and observed. Shoemaker-Levy 9 consisted of at least 20
Now students will consider fragments with diameters estimated at up to 2 kilometers, which
how they and other people impacted the planet at 60 km/sec. The impacts resulted in plumes of
would react if an impact gas and dust which rose many thousands of kilometers high, hot
occurred near their “bubbles” of gas in the atmosphere, and large dark “scars” on the
community. Students will atmosphere which lasted for weeks. Even after the main bodies had
write articles for a newspaper, hit, smaller bits of the comet continued to impact the planet.
reflecting the many different Shoemaker-Levy 9 is gone now, and Jupiter is getting back to nor-
reactions of citizens. mal. If the comet had hit Earth instead, the effects would have been
Materials for Activity A
❑ Student Sheet (pg. 16.6) Procedure
❑ paper and pencils Advanced Preparation
(computer if possible) 1. Reproduce Student Sheet as needed.
2. Review the background information above and the
background in Lesson 14, Activity A (pgs. 14.2-14.5), and
Lesson 15 (pg. 15.1).

Classroom Procedure
1. Students read background information and newspaper article
on Student Sheet.
2. After reading, have the students discuss how they feel about
knowing that there are large objects that could someday
impact the Earth.
3. Teacher asks, “What if a meteorite landed outside our
community and made a crater 30 meters across?”
4. Students discuss the question from different viewpoints.
Teacher leads the discussion to different professions.
5. Students write a newspaper article from the viewpoint of
different professionals.

16.2 Lesson 16 — Near Miss NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 16 — Near Miss
Activity B: Take My Advice

About This Activity

The activity starts with a
“simulated” meteorite impact
Students will:
outside the community. This
• evaluate implications of scientific principles and the may follow Activity A or
findings of research. stand alone. Students take on
• recognize that the scientific community has a vast amount of the roles of concerned
information about meteorites and is aware of the hazards citizens and “experts” as they
associated with meteorite falls. conduct a town meeting held
to address their questions and
Background concerns about the event and
Just as technology has provided a wide margin of safety from hurri- government plans for
canes (through early detection and warning), earthquakes (through safeguarding their
fault detection and architectural modifications), and other natural community from larger
disasters, scientists continue to watch for Earth-crossing asteroids and impacts. Students will need to
meteors. They study possible diversion and/or destruction of the research information for the
potentially dangerous ones. panel discussion. If the class
has completed many of the
NASA’s “Spacewatch” is one asteroid detection system which has lessons on meteorites and
been placed “on line.” In addition to detection, scientists have created asteroids, this activity could
a number of crisis scenarios to consider how they would deal with a be used as an assessment of
threatened impact in the future. Some possible actions to respond to the knowledge gained by the
an impact crisis have been developed. Suggested strategies include students.
exploding or diverting the incoming body. The technology necessary
for implementing many of these defensive maneuvers is available Materials for Activity B
today. One important element necessary to developing a defense ❑ question cards
against any global threat is cooperation. Scientists have traditionally ❑ fact cards
exhibited a willingness to cooperate with colleagues worldwide and ❑ name placards for panel
governments can follow their example. members on left

Dr. Hy “Rocky” Mountain Major Ian Laser

Geologist Long-Range Weapons
Dr. Susan Starr
Astronomer Secretary Lyons
Secretary of Defense
Dr. Mattie R. Wright
Meteoriticist Representative B. Noble
Congressional Delegate
Col. Cathy “Crash” Carlston from Texas
Test Pilot

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 16 — Near Miss 16.3

Question: How will the
scientific community keep
citizens informed if there is a
real impact crisis?

Expert: Dr. Susan Starr or

Question: Do you know Secretary Lyons
what’s going to happen if an Infor
asteroid hits us? are ma tion: Ear
d t
know e of stony h-crossing
t m a
Expert: Dr. Hy “Rocky” spectr his from st aterial, or steroids
al ref u
Mountain, Geologist or lectan dies of me metal. We
ce stu teorit
Dr. Mattie R. Wright, E x p ert:
di es of ast es and
Dr. M eroids
Meteoriticist attie R .
Dr. S . Wri
Starr, ght, Meteo
Astro r
nome iticist or
Advanced Preparation
1. Assemble background information.
2. Gather or identify research materials for questions and facts.
Classroom Procedure
1. Introduce the topic and provide the background necessary to establish a plausible non-
threatening, yet alarming impact event (see Activity A).
2. All students research the topic and prepare for the town meeting. Each will produce fact cards
or information “crib sheets” for the expert of their choice. Each will develop questions that will
challenge the experts and inform their community. Allow students to see the cards above.
3. Set up the town hall meeting. Panel members may be chosen at random, by the teacher, the
class, or by trying out for the teacher.
4. Read the following to the class: “Our class is going to act out a nationally televised “town
meeting.” It will be conducted to answer questions, allay fears, and develop community input
for an emergency plan to respond to the approach of a large meteor and its impending fall. Our
panel members will represent science advisory and governmental officials. The audience has
question cards, but anyone may ask questions. Panel members may refer to their fact cards
when questioned, but remember that even the experts don’t have all the answers. Just do your
best.” (The teacher will act as panel moderator.)
5. Panel moderator starts the meeting with the statement: “There is concern that just as meteorite
falls have caused destruction in the past, such as the Tunguska Fall of 1908, future meteorites
could also pose a danger to life on Earth. The purpose of this meeting is to answer questions
from the public about the threat of possible asteroid, comet or meteorite impacts, and to gather
input for an emergency plan. We have assembled a panel of experts who have been studying
about asteroids, impacts, and the possible defenses against potentially dangerous meteors, both
before and after they actually strike the Earth. I will now call for a question from the audience.”
6. Panel moderator ends the meeting with several summarizing statements.

16.4 Lesson 16 — Near Miss NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Student Sheet

Undetected asteroid streaks

perilously close to Earth
by Blaine P. Friedlander

“In May 1993, the Earth survived a near

miss by an asteroid. This “projectile” was
about 10 meters in diameter and weighed
about 5.4 million kilograms — about the
mass of a Navy destroyer! A group
called Spacewatch in Arizona discovered
it after it had passed within 145,000
kilometers of Earth!”
Adapted from: Houston Chronicle,
Monday, June 21, 1993.

From July 16 through July 22, 1994, fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided
with Jupiter, with dramatic effect. This was the first collision of two solar system
bodies ever to be predicted and observed. Shoemaker-Levy 9 consisted of at least 20
fragments with diameters estimated at up to 2 kilometers, which impacted the planet
at 60 km/sec. The impacts resulted in plumes of gas and dust which rose many
thousands of kilometers high, hot “bubbles” of gas in the atmosphere, and large dark
“scars” on the atmosphere which lasted for weeks. Even after the main bodies had
hit, smaller bits of the comet continued to impact the planet. Shoemaker-Levy 9 is
gone now, and Jupiter is getting back to normal. If the comet had hit Earth instead,
the effects would have been devastating.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 16 — Near Miss 16.5

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources: “How
The Stepping Stone to Beyond can I use
Students will: About This Lesson
In teams, students will
• actively explore the potential resources available to space
research and document some
travelers through research, assessment, team cooperation,
of the requirements for
and exploration simulations.
mounting an expedition to an
• develop the background to make the connection between asteroid. Activity B allows
meteorite research and potential planetary resources. the students to simulate a
• map and core an edible asteroid. miniature mining expedition
of an edible asteroid.

Background — What can we get from an asteroid?

Two types of materials on asteroids appear to be attractive for
mining - metals and volatiles. Both of these are essential for space
travel. The cost of launching any material from the Earth is
extremely high, so useful materials which are already in space can
be very valuable.

Most of the asteroids are found in orbits between Mars and Jupiter.
However, several hundred have orbits that bring them close to the
Earth. Rocket trips to some of these “near-Earth” asteroids would
use even less fuel than a trip to the Moon, though the travel time to
an asteroid might be much longer.

Metals - An asteroid of the composition of an ordinary chondrite

could be processed to provide very pure iron and nickel. Valuable
byproducts would include cobalt, platinum, gallium, germanium,
and gold. These metals are basic to the production of steel and
electronic equipment. Some metals from an asteroid mine might (Adapted from “Asteroid Resources” by
even prove valuable enough to be returned to Earth. Iron meteories John S. Lewis in Space Resources, NASA
SP-509, Vol. 3, pg. 59-78, 1992)
are high grade ores.

Volatiles - Water, oxygen, and carbon compounds are useful in any

space settlement, both for life support and for producing rocket fuel.
These volatiles could be found in an asteroid that resembles a
carbonaceous chondrite or the nucleus of a former comet. Water
contents may range from 5-10% by weight for a chondrite to 60%
by weight for a comet nucleus. In some asteroids large quantities of
sulfur, chlorine and nitrogen may also be available.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources 17.1

Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources
Activity A: Exploration Proposal

Students will:
• plan an expedition or other large engineering project.
• investigate options in many aspects of space flight.
• present their options, reasoning, and recommendations to the
About This Activity
This is a group-participation Scenario
simulation based on the
Time: Sometime in the next century.
premise that water and other
resources from the asteroid Place: Earth.
belt are required for deep NASA, in cooperation with national and international space
space exploration. The class agencies, is planning for human exploration of the outer solar
will brainstorm or investigate system. The intention is to send expeditions to the moons of Jupiter,
to identify useful resources, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to explore, collect samples, and search
including water, that might be for clues to the beginnings of the solar system. It is impractical to
found on an asteroid. Teams send all the rocket fuel and consumables (drinking water, air, food)
of students are asked to take from the Earth because they are heavy, bulky items. Therefore,
responsibility for planning NASA is looking for sources of rocket fuel and consumables at an
various aspects of an asteroid intermediate destination, the asteroid belt. Your class has been
prospecting expedition, and to selected to plan a prospecting expedition to the asteroids to look for
present the results of their resources that could be turned into rocket fuel, drinking water, etc.
Materials for Activity A
The students should learn that ❑ resource materials about: space travel, space resources,
a large project requires the asteroids, rockets, space shuttle, spacecraft
cooperation of many different (see Education Resources, pg. B.2)
teams, considering many ideas ❑ personal log (journal)
and needs. Elementary level ❑ art supplies
classes could focus on the ❑ Student Background sheet (pg. 17.7)
simplest aspects of vehicle
design, hardware and Procedures
personnel; advanced level Advanced Preparation
classes could also consider 1. Read background material.
financing for the mission, 2. Assemble research materials or know where students may
criteria for crew selection, find them.
Earth support teams, training, 3. Copy Student Background sheets as needed.
and maintenance, etc.

17.2 Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Classroom Procedure
1. Present background for the problem, and then brainstorm what facts about asteroids might be
needed to prepare for a mission that would prospect for water, oxygen, or metals.
2. Brainstorm the important components that must be designed or built to mount a prospecting
expedition to an asteroid. Topics to be addressed may vary, depending upon the grade levels
of students, availability of information and materials, etc. They could include: propulsion
(type of rocket), power, life support, communications, financing (including valuable things
that could be mined on an asteroid and returned to Earth), crew selection (including human
vs. robotic), ground support, vehicle design, maintenance, prospecting tools, and training.
3. Each team selects a topic from those suggested — all members of the team should reach
4. Teams will research and document their topic, keeping a log of sources investigated, relevant
data found, relevant conversations, meetings, etc. The research should include a “major
points” outline, visual aids, references used, and list of possible problems to be resolved
through research. Teams should also list “interfaces” with other aspects of the expedition
design, (e.g., the electrical power team needs to know how large the crew is, how the life-
support system runs, and whether the prospecting tools require electricity).
5. Team results should include the basic questions or trade-offs for their part of the prospecting
expedition, advantages and disadvantages for each option (e.g., power from solar cells versus
power from a nuclear reactor), and a recommendation of which option is best for the
expedition. Groups should present their results to the class.

1. Why do humans explore?
2. Where does the money for space exploration come from?
3. Might the money be spent better on the many problems on Earth?
4. What are possible economic benefits of space exploration?
5. Might a lunar base be cheaper to run than a space station in low-Earth orbit?
6. What are the advantages/disadvantages of gender-mixed crews?
7. What are the different abilities of human crews and robotic instruments (e.g. compare initiative,
adaptability, hardiness, need for life-support)?
8. What types of support teams (on Earth or other home base) are necessary to a mission? Consider
human and/or robotic crews.
9. How does destination and crew selection affect vehicle design?
10. What skills/programming would astronauts/robots
need during each phase of a mission?
11. Imagine some emergencies that might occur in
flight. How might we plan to deal with them?
What kinds of problems could not be fixed in a
spacecraft millions of miles from home base?

1. Create a web showing the interconnections of
support personnel necessary to a mission.
2. Research and debate “Human vs. Robotic

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources 17.3

Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources
Activity B: Prospecting on Asteroids

About This Activity Objectives

This activity allows students Students will:
to simulate a miniature mining • devise and carry out an investigation plan to prospect for
expedition to an edible resources on an artificial asteroid.
asteroid. • use reasoning, observation, and communication skills.
• map an edible asteroid.
Materials for Activity B • conduct coring or digging excavations to assess and report
This will make one large or the “mineral resources” available.
two small “asteroids” for
about 10 students (groups Background
may take turns). Scientists have found that meteorites contain materials that could be
useful to support space travel. Asteroids are the source of many
❑ 1 large package of meteorites; therefore, it has been proposed that mines and
chocolate sandwich manufacturing plants on asteroids would be able to supply or
cookies replenish needed consumables for deep space expeditions.
❑ 10-20 grapes (depends on Some of the resources include, but are not limited to:
size of grapes) water - found in minerals in carbonaceous chondrites (used
❑ 1 large bag of marshmallows for life support or rocket fuel)
❑ 1 stick of margarine diamonds or platinum - found in ureilites (monetary or
❑ 40 peanuts industrial value)
(approximate) iron, nickel, cobalt, or gold - found in ordinary chondrites
❑ 1 large microwaveable and irons (industrial value)
bowl fine surface materials similar to soils - (for nutrient or
❑ 2 containers to hold plant growth material, insulation, or building blocks)
crushed cookies gallium or germanium - found in ordinary chondrites (used
❑ 1 heavy glass or other for electronic circuitry)
object to crush cookies oxygen - can be extracted from minerals (used for life
❑ microwave support and rocket fuel)
❑ spatula carbon - found in carbonaceous chondrites (used for life
❑ waxed paper support and manufacturing)
❑ refrigerator
❑ apple corers, knives, or Procedure
cork borers Advanced Preparation
❑ toothpicks 1. If the teacher will be making the “asteroid(s),” allow at least
❑ small tabs for labels 10 hours of refrigeration before class time (see classroom
❑ Student Worksheet procedure and recipe on page 17.6).
(pg. 17.8) 2. If the class will make the “asteroid(s),” allow two class
❑ metric ruler sessions for this activity.
❑ pens/pencils 3. Assemble or assign materials.
4. Review the background material.

17.4 Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Classroom Procedure
Day 1
1. Discuss resources on asteroids; brainstorm the material needs of deep space travelers.
2. Establish and assign tasks (may be based on Activity A or Background
3. Students decide what and why they could prospect on asteroids.
4. Team tasks: make an edible “asteroid”, class or team determines what the ingredients
represent (see recipe directions below).
Day 2
5. Exchange “asteroids” with another team (to make the coring a discovery).
6. Name the “asteroid” (see naming criteria in Lesson 4 — The Meteorite-Asteroid
7. Draw or map the “asteroid” using the student worksheet; illustrate in detail.
8. Locate the best site for a core sample (a deep cylindrical hole) that will help
determine the interior resources.
9. Mark the core location on the map, and on the “asteroid,” using a small flag or toothpick.
10. Take one or more core samples using a sharp apple corer or knife.
11. Draw and describe the core on the Student Worksheet, noting the type and amount of
“mineral resources” present.
12. Write a brief report to headquarters on Earth, describing the research, findings,
and suggestions for further research.

1. Why would we want to go other places to mine?
2. If the resources of an asteroid are needed to support a deep space exploration mission, where
would be a better place from which to launch a resource mining expedition: Earth, a space
station, a lunar base, other? Why?

1. Create a poster indicating the substances and resources that could be found or produced on
different planets, moons, and asteroids. Use information scientists have learned from meteorites
and lunar materials.
2. Estimate the cost differences of launching a mining operation from various “jumping off” places.
3. Construct a prototype of a mining facility located on the planetary body of your choice.
4. Set up a booth at a
science event to
demonstrate your
concept for a mining


Painting courtesy of Dennis Davidson, American Museum of Natural History, Hayden Planetarium.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources 17.5

See materials list for ingredients

1. Remove filling from approximately 8 cookies, crush cookies into fine particles and
set aside on waxed paper for step 7, save filling.
2. Crush remaining cookies (with fillings) into medium-large pieces (add filling from
step 1).
3. Mix grapes and peanuts with crushed cookies.
4. Place margarine and marshmallows in microwaveable bowl and melt thoroughly, stir.
5. Combine marshmallow mixture with cookie mixture, blend gently but thoroughly.
6. Using lightly buttered hands, gather the gooey mass into an “asteroid” shape, add
“impacts” or “collision fragments” by making indentations in the warm mass.
7. While still warm, roll the “asteroid” in crushed chocolate cookies (this creates a regolith
or soil-like surface layer), immediately wrap firmly in waxed paper.
8. Refrigerate overnight.

* For typical asteroid shape and topography, review the picture of asteroid Ida in the slides
and below. This recipe will produce a very dark surface, possibly like a “C” class
asteroid, which might correspond to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.

Asteroid Ida

17.6 Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources
Student Background: Activity A

Time: Sometime in the next century.
Place: Earth.
National and international space agencies are cooperating
to plan for human exploration of the outer solar system.
Their intention is to send expeditions to the moons of Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to explore, collect samples, and search for clues to the
beginnings of the solar system. It is impractical to send all the rocket fuel and
consumables (drinking water, air, food) from the Earth because they are heavy,
bulky items. Therefore, the space agencies are looking for sources of rocket fuel and
consumables at an intermediate destination, the asteroid belt. Your class has been
selected to plan a prospecting expedition to the asteroids to look for resources that
could be turned into rocket fuel, drinking water, etc.

Background — What can we get from an asteroid?

Two types of materials on asteroids appear to be attractive for mining - metals
and volatiles. Both of these are essential for space travel. The cost of launching any
material from the Earth is extremely high, so useful materials which are already in
space can be very valuable.
Most of the asteroids are found in orbits between Mars and Jupiter. However,
several hundred have orbits that bring them close to the Earth. Rocket trips to some
of these “near-Earth” asteroids would use even less fuel than a trip to the Moon,
though the travel time to an asteroid might be much longer because the asteroid is
not orbiting Earth.
Metals - An asteroid of the composition of an ordinary chondrite could be
processed to provide very pure iron and nickel. Valuable byproducts would include
cobalt, platinum, gallium and germanium. These metals are basic to the production
of steel and electronic equipment. Some metals from an asteroid mine might even
prove valuable enough to be returned to Earth. Iron meteorites are high grade ores.
Volatiles - Water, oxygen, and carbon compounds are useful in any space settle-
ment, both for life support and for producing rocket fuel. These volatiles could be
found in an asteroid that resembles a carbonaceous chondrite or the nucleus of a
former comet. Water contents may range from 5-10% by weight for a chondrite to
60% by weight for a comet nucleus. In some asteroids large quantities of sulfur,
chlorine and nitrogen may also be available.
(Adapted from “Asteroid Resources” by John S. Lewis in Space Resources, NASA SP-509, Vol. 3, pg. 59-78, 1992)

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources 17.7

Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources
Student Worksheet: Activity B Prospecting on Asteroids

Group: _________________ Name: __________ ______

1. Make a drawing or map of the front and back of your asteroid, add appropriate labels. List important materials found in cores.
Note the scale (example 1 cm on grid = 3 cm on the asteroid).

Lesson 17 — Asteroid Resources

3. Draw and label a detailed illustration of the core sample in the space below. The scale may need to be different from the scale above.

4. Write a brief report to headquarters on Earth describing your research. Report findings, especially the type and amount of “mineral
resources” present, and suggestions for further exploration or research.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ
Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite “Is there a
Teams career for
Students will:
About This Lesson
• view slides and read about meteorite collecting.
This lesson is designed to
• explore science careers. enhance students’ awareness
• evaluate characteristics and skills of scientific teams dealing with of scientific career possibilities
meteorites. and requirements. A series of
slides will provide students
• create scientific teams. with background information
• make written and oral presentations about chosen scientific about expeditions to
teams. Antarctica to recover
meteorites. Meteorite curation
Background — Antarctic Meteorite Teams and research will be
Antarctica is a special place for collecting meteorites. Since the discov- discussed, emphasizing
ery of nine meteorites on the ice in 1969, over 17,000 fragments of education and skill
meteorites have been recovered by U.S., Japanese, and European requirements. After
expeditions. Several factors that contribute to this huge number of considering potential team
meteorites are listed below. candidates, students will work
— It is easier to find meteorites on ice than on soil or vegetation, so in cooperative groups to
many small meteorites are recovered on the ice. create three scientific teams
— The movement of Antarctic ice helps to concentrate meteorites that deal with the recovery,
where the ice comes to a rock barrier. This concentration makes curation, and study of
it difficult to tell which meteorites are individuals and which are meteorites from Antarctica.
fragments from large meteorite showers. Thus the 17,000
meteorite fragments may come from only 3,000 separate
— The ease of collecting large numbers of meteorites led to system-
atic searches by various national and international groups, which
in turn led to discovery of many more meteorites.
The recovery of large numbers of Antarctic meteorites led to an in-
creased interest in studying meteorites in laboratories around the world.
Facilities were created where the new meteorites could be classified,
distributed and stored. Meteorite recovery, curation, and research,
is done by teams of scientists working together on a common goal. Each
of the teams has a leader, an assistant leader and several workers with
different qualifications. Factors that help in the selection of team members
are education, experience, special skills and sometimes personality — age,
race, and gender are less important.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams 18.1

❑ Slide Set, Antarctic Meteorite Teams, projector
and screen
❑ Student Background reading — Antarctic
Meteorite Teams (pgs. 18.5-18.7)
❑ Member Profiles for Prospective Antarctic
Meteorite Teams — Profiles of scientists and other
potential team members (pgs. 18.8-18.9, one for
each student)
❑ large sheet of paper and markers to record
results, per group

Advanced Preparation
1. Assemble materials.
2. Review background.
3. Consider possible options listed in step 3 of
Classroom Procedure and the extensions at the end of the lesson — incorporate if desired.
4. Copy Member Profiles and Student Background sheets as needed.

Classroom Procedure
1. Show slide presentation about Antarctic meteorites.
2. Conduct a teacher led discussion or brainstorm session to explore the importance of team members
who are skilled and cooperative. (What skills and qualities do Antarctic Meteorite team members
3. Divide students into three or more groups. Distribute Member Profiles and Student
Background sheets to each student.
• Use the profiles as they are listed and give each team a full listing.
• Cut individual profiles into strips and have students draw by separate gender groupings.
• Cut off the number and gender designation on each profile and let students draw slips
• Have students make up their own profiles.
Note: A profiled person may fit on several different teams (this really happens).
4. Each group has the responsibility of creating one of the following teams: collection, curation, or
research. There may be more than one team per category. (The teacher may help guide groups to
ensure that at least one of each team category is formed.)
5. At some time in the group discussion have each student select a “person” whom they will represent in
this activity. Selections are made from the Member Profiles for Prospective Antarctic Meteorite
Teams or from profiles created by the students.
6. Groups evaluate team members’ skills and education first. Then decide what team category they will
best be able to create as a whole group. Students may make up additional qualifications or skills for
any of the profiled people. Consider the years of “experience” and expand on the possibilities.
There are many people working in fields not associated directly with their degree(s). Flexibility will
be necessary — some individuals may need to move to another group if skills do not match the
teams’ needs.

18.2 Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

7. Make specific job assignments for each person based on the
needs of the team and the individual characteristics and skills.
Make up information about the character and abilities of your
“person” that will allow them to be better team members.
(Individuals might be chosen for more than one team and have
different roles on each team.)
8. The groups’ choices and job assignments should be recorded
and shared with the class. Groups should be prepared to explain
their decisions.

1. Imagine that you are the organizers of an expedition to collect
— What kinds of personality traits would make the team’s job
more enjoyable?
— What specific items would you include in your plan for
transportation, clothing, shelter, food, water, and
communication? Explain why you need each item.
— What would you do in your spare time on the meteorite
collecting expedition?
2. What other things, in addition to education, interests and skills, would
be important in choosing your meteorite collection, curatorial, or
research team? What other things would not be important?
3. Would you actually want to collect, curate or study meteorites?
Explain your answer.

curation, research, classification, expedition, technician, Bachelor’s
Degree, Master’s Degree, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.)

The groups’ lists and explanations could be used as the evaluations of
this activity.

1. The class could be required to reach a consensus for one set of
teams based on the individual group recommendations.
2. Each group could role play the team members and introduce them-
selves to the class.
3. Each group member could choose a team applicant and write an
acceptance/rejection letter explaining the group’s decision.
4. Research other historic Antarctic expeditions and compare them to
present day expeditions.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams 18.3

Lesson 18 — Student Background
Meteorite Recovery Team

Collecting meteorites in Antarctica is a difficult and potentially dangerous task. Antarctica is

the coldest continent on Earth, with summer temperatures of 0 to -25°C and wind chills that
make it feel much colder. Teams work for about two months during Antarctic summer
(November to January) in the remote regions along the Transantarctic Mountains. Because
meteorites are found long distances from the few scientific bases, teams are transported to
camps by air and must have everything they need to survive. They have lots of food and fuel,
special clothing and tents for protection, snowmobiles for transportation, and radios for

Team Members — Their Skills, Duties, and Responsibilities

Team Leader and Assistant
— have scientific backgrounds.
— write the proposal for funding and support to the National Science Foundation
which operates bases and oversees Antarctic science.
— plan which locations to search for meteorites.
— arrange for transportation and equipment.
— select the other team members and lead the field expedition.
Ice Specialist
— is responsible for finding safe routes on ice and avoiding crevasses.
— manages the mapping project and prepares a computer database of locations of all
Team Members (3-4)
— are scientists or science students selected by the leaders for their interest in
meteorites and desire to work in Antarctica.
— are in good health and
physical condition.
— are often from the curation
and research teams.
— have a personality suitable
to working and living
closely with team members
for two months in this
isolated, hazardous
environment. The members
of U.S. teams have included
both men and women of many
nationalities, with ages ranging
from under 30 to over 60.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams 18.5

Lesson 18 — Student Background
U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Curation Teams

There are two curation teams, one at NASA’s Johnson Space Center and the other at the
Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History. They share the tasks of classi-
fication, distribution, and storage. Each team consists of curators, scientists, specialists, and
technicians. Duties of team members are often interchangeable. Curatorial staff members may
have a variety of educational backgrounds. Members of the curation team may also serve on the
collection team.

Team Members — Their Skills, Duties, and Responsibilities

— write funding proposals.
— interact with administrators, oversight committees, other curators, the field team,
research scientists, and the general public.
— classify both Antarctic meteorites and other meteorites sent by individuals.
— direct the work of the laboratory scientists, computer specialists, and technicians.
— publish classifications in newsletters and bulletins.
— some also conduct research projects.
— some work on public displays and education.
Computer Specialist
— manages the database of meteorite classifications and weight inventories.
— prepares data for publication in newsletters and reports to administrators and
Laboratory Scientists
— do the actual handling of meteorites.
— describe new meteorites in laboratory notes.
— take subsamples to distribute to researchers.
— prepare meteorite thin
sections for microscopic
examination and analysis.
— maintain the laboratory
equipment, and clean
special tools and

18.6 Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Lesson 18 — Student Background
Meteorite Research Team

Meteorite Research Team

The research group usually consists of university or college professors, research staff, post
doctoral associates, graduate, and undergraduate students. All members of the team need to be
skilled in the use of computers. Members of the research team participate on the collection

Team Members — Their Skills, Duties, and Responsibilities

Lead Researcher
— is usually a professor who teaches classes or may be a research staff member of an
— writes research proposals to secure funding.
— directs the research.
— writes some of the papers reporting the results.
— makes oral presentations to colleagues at scientific meetings.
Research Associate/Assistant
— is a research staff member, a post doctoral associate, or sometimes a graduate
— conducts much of the actual research, including requesting meteorites from the
curation team.
— interprets and reports the results.
— writes papers.
— makes oral presentations to colleagues at scientific meetings.
— may be a regular employee or a student employee in training to be a technician or
— maintains and operates the
laboratory equipment.
— does many of the experiments
or analyses.
— contributes to written

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams 18.7

Member Profiles for Prospective Antarctic Meteorite Teams

Member Education / Experience Interests / Skills

#1 Geology Univ. of Hawaii Backpacking

Female Masters Degree Cross-country skiing

#2 Communications U.S. Army Computer programming

Female Bachelors Degree + 8 years Reading

#3 Creative Writing Alvin Community College First aid

Male Associates Degree + 15 years Photography

#4 Chemistry Texas A&M - Ph.D. Student Piano

Male Masters Degree + 2 years Gourmet cooking

#5 Agriculture Texas Tech Bird watching

Male Bachelors Degree + 10 years Ham radio

#6 Pilot U.S. Navy Horses

Male Bachelors Degree + 5 years Stamp collecting

#7 Physics/Geochemistry Oregon State Univ. Sail boarding

Female Ph. D. + 5 years Classical music

#8 Physical Sciences Univ. of Texas at Dallas Baking bread

Female Bachelors Degree + 40 years Computers

#9 Accounting Univ. of California Surfing

Male Bachelors Degree + 15 years Restoring cars

# 10 Math Univ. of Texas - Ph.D. Student Geology

Female Masters Degree + 5 Years Conservation

# 11 Astronomy/ Univ. of Arizona Tennis

Male Planetary Science Ph. D. + 15 years Car repair

# 12 English Univ. of Houston Desktop publishing

Male Masters Degree + 5 Years Bicycling

# 13 Mechanical Engineer Southern Methodist Univ. Golf

Female Masters Degree + 1 year Chess

# 14 Business Austin College Sailing

Male Bachelors Degree + 2 years Microscopes

18.8 Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

# 15 Physical Education/ TCU - Ph.D. Student Stock market analysis
Female Geochemistry Masters Degree + 10 years Weaving

# 16 Forestry Univ. of Alaska Woodcarving

Female Ph.D. + 1 year Cooking

# 17 Music Rice Univ. Electronics

Female Masters Degree + 5 years Texas history

# 18 Chemical Engineer Baylor Univ. Archery

Male Masters Degree + 2 years Videotaping

# 19 Electrician San Antonio Comm. Coll. Soccer

Male Associates Degree +15 years Radio controlled airplanes

# 20 Theater Trinity Univ. Short story writing

Female Bachelors Degree + 5 years Rock climbing

# 21 Dentist Louisiana State Univ. Model building

Male DDS + 5 years Crossword puzzles

# 22 Psychology Univ. of Florida Jet skiing

Male Masters Degree + 15 years Horses

# 23 Marine Biology Univ. of Delaware Opera

Female Masters Degree + 5 years House building

# 24 Photography U.S. Air Force Kayaking

Male Masters Degree + 2 years Bowling

# 25 Electrical Engineer Univ. of Oklahoma Running

Male Bachelors Degree + 30 years Square dancing

# 26 Electron microscopy Arizona State Univ. Meteorites

Male Ph.D. + 15 Body building

# 27 Political Science Georgetown Univ. Marine mammals

Male Bachelors Degree + 25 years Canoeing

# 28 Scientific Illustrator Univ. of Michigan Gardening

Female Masters Degree + 25 years Karate

# 29 Computer Science Miss. State Univ. - Masters Student Baseball

Male Bachelors Degree + 10 years Sewing

# 30 Librarian Univ. of Missouri Exploring caves

Male Masters Degree + 5 years Cooking ethnic food

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 18 — Antarctic Meteorite Teams 18.9

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Lesson 19 — The Daily Shooting Star
can we
Students will:
• read prepared tabloid articles about meteorites. About This Lesson
The Daily Shooting Star uses
• determine whether news articles are fact or fiction. a tabloid format to generate
interest in meteorites. The
Background articles may be used as an
Truth is often stranger than fiction and sometimes it is difficult to introduction or preassessment
distinguish between the two. Newsstands are filled with tabloids before any lessons are started,
thriving on our fascination with the outlandish. Articles pertaining or it may be a final assessment
to space and associated subjects are common and sometimes sound after the units are completed.
plausible. Since many of the things scientists have learned from
meteorites are hard to believe, they lend themselves perfectly to this Materials
type of media. ❑ The Daily Shooting Star
(pgs. 19.3-19.8)
Procedure ❑ writing materials
Advanced Preparation ❑ blackboard and chalk
1. Copy articles from The Daily Shooting Star or prepare ❑ overhead projector and
transparencies. markers
Classroom Procedure
1. Instruct students to read articles and determine which are
fact or fiction. Each may privately record decisions and
keep for future reference if this is being used as a
2. If desired, take a true/false class vote and keep results
for later review.
Note: Just as the scientific study of meteorites leads us to
question the early origins of the universe, these
articles were designed to engender uncertainty.
Competition is not the focus of this exercise.
3. Ask students to justify their decisions on a
voluntary basis and allow non-judgmental
discussion — students just might have to eat their
words otherwise!
4. Upon completion of the unit, repeat steps 1 and 2.
Compare the two sets of responses. Requiring
justification for answers that changed would be a good
assessment tool.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 19 — The Daily Shooting Star 19.1

1. Is there one or more specific thing(s) in the article which influenced your decision about its truth
or falsehood?
2. Describe articles you have read in the past which remind you of those you just read. What topic
was addressed, did you believe the material presented, why or why not?
3. What difficulties might an author of articles about space encounter?
4. Identify concepts in any of the articles which might be considered to be beyond today’s
technology but within reason in the future.

1. Allow students to write their own sensational scientific articles, based upon truth or fiction.
Local newspapers often run material related to scientific topics which may be used for the “truth”
articles and “the sky is the limit” when composing the fiction. “Yellow journalistic” tabloid
articles provide useful models; however, care should be taken. Some of these articles tend to be
2. Allow students to prepare and present a dramatic presentation of either true or false articles. A
showcase might be presented for younger students where the audience votes on whether they
believe the dramas to represent truth or fiction. This could be followed by a “confession session”
in which actors emphasize the amazingly true vignettes and tell what was wrong with the
fictional ones.
3. If it is available, play a tape of the original “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast for the class. If
it is unavailable read a shortened version to them. Follow up with information about the panic
audiences experienced when this broadcast aired in the late 1930’s. Instruct students to compare
the response of that first audience to the response they would expect of a modern day audience.
4. Have groups create and perform commercials for products using meteorites, micro-meteorites,
etc., claiming an end to baldness, super-human powers, etc. Packaging and promotional
considerations may be included.

Tabloid Answer Key

1. True Amateur Astronomer Discovers Comet

2. True Annihilation Narrowly Avoided
3. False Intelligence Enhancing Meteorites No studies have been done, nor has the
need for any been confirmed.
4. False Extraterrestrials Hurl Rock at Earth No evidence has been found of
extraterrestrial life; however, 65 million years ago an impact did cause
massive destruction.
5. False Longevity Secret Revealed No studies have been done.
6. True Giant Impact Thought to Cause Mass Extinctions
7. False Huge Diamond Discovered in Meteorite Although diamond chips have been
found in meteorites, none of significant weight has ever been discovered.
8. True History of Solar System Revealed
9. True Oldest Meteorite Found
10. False Phenomenal New Energy Resource Discovered No technology exists
for the harnessing of either lightning or streaking meteors.
11. True Microbes from Mars

19.2 Lesson 19 — The Daily Shooting Star NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Shooting Star
SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

The Daily
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Amateur Astronomer Discovers Comet ANNIHILATION

A discovery by an amateur astronomer has focused the Scientists recently detected an
world’s attention on the most exciting astronomical event in asteroid, named 1993 KA2,
history. which passed within 145,000
David Levy, using an 18-inch telescope on Mount kilometers of Earth. It was
Palomar, California, discovered a comet which later collided spotted by David Rabinowitz, an
with Jupiter. Surprisingly, seventy percent of all initial astronomer in Arizona,
several hours after it passed
comet sightings are made
Earth. The asteroid was not
by amateurs. Professional detected earlier because of its
astronomers Carolyn and low visual magnitude. Its
the late Eugene Shoemaker estimated mass is about five and
co-discovered the comet onehalf tons—about the same
which was designated as as an oil tanker. The asteroid’s
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. speed was calculated at 77,000
As the comet approached km/hr., relative to Earth. Most
objects aimed at Earth burn up
Jupiter, it was torn apart to
in the atmosphere, but
resemble a “string of pearls” scientists speculate that 1993
with at least 17 chunks the size KA2 could have created a
of mountains and thousands of smaller fragments. significant crater had it entered
Scientists are now studying data on these collisions gathered our atmosphere, survived, and
by telescopes and spacecraft located in different parts of impacted. The affects of the
the solar system. The orbiting Hubble Space Telescope collision would have been felt
was aimed at Jupiter during the impact. The results of worldwide! In his paper
entitled “Collision of
the impact with Jupiter have far reaching implications for
astronomically observable
the planet Earth. Could we survive an impact of this bodies with the Earth,”
magnitude? ★ G. W. Wetherill concludes,
“. . . that impacts of half a
km-diameter Earth-crossing
objects, energetic enough to
produce a 10 km-diameter
crater, occur with a frequency
of about once every hundred
thousand years!” ★
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 19 — Meteoroid Tabloid 19.3
SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

160 Extraterrestrials
Hurl Rock at Earth!
> 5 km
< 5 km
60 Scientists say they have proof the growth of all oceanic
20 that sixty-five million years organisms.” When asked
1969 1977 1987 ago extraterrestrials hurled a about the extraterrestrials,
massive rock at the Earth Dr. Brashier responded, “I
INTELLIGENCE and almost destroyed it! The know it sounds far fetched,
but Dr. Io has
ENHANCING c o nv i n c e d

A fifteen year study conducted Dr. Io, a

by an international team of
psychologists has deter- theoretical
mined that fetal exposure to physicist,
newly fallen meteorites could not be
increases I.Q. scores. reached for
Scientists became interested
in effects from meteorites after comment but
Mexican educators, working his assistant
with 7 child prodigies, told us about
discovered that all were born heat and pressure created by his theory. “The only force
shortly after the Allende
meteorite fell there in 1969.
the meteorite landing in the strong enough to hurl an
A world-wide study was set ocean injected a vast amount asteroid of that magnitude
up encompassing areas within of water vapor into the had to be extraterrestrial.
5 kilometers of meteorite falls atmosphere and caused a The Hubble telescope sent
occurring between 1977 and
1987. The results strongly
tsunami over a kilometer us some very interesting
indicate that intelligence is high. pictures of the planet Venus.
affected in developing fetuses On the surface of the planet
by one or more of the “The fossil record proves are many fossils. The fossil
atmospheric changes which
occur as a result of meteorite
the tsunami covered the remains clearly show the
impacts. I.Q. scores 20 points continent with water,” says signs of a planet at war.” ★
above average appear to be Dr. Charlene Brashier. “The
common in children whose tsunami instantly killed
mothers were exposed to
meteorite impact areas
several species of land plants
during the second trimester and animals, but created a
of pregnancy. Additional vast ocean full of life. The
studies are planned. ★ warm water caused by the
meteorite impact accelerated

19.4 Lesson 19 — Meteoroid Tabloid NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

LONGEVITY SECRET relationship between long life

and heavy micrometeorite
Revealed accident,” Jackson said. “We concentrations. “These people
were sitting around talking about have probably been ingesting
A geographical study our work and it suddenly hit me micrometeorites for years,”
conducted by graduate students Jackson added. Initial studies
has linked micrometeorites to indicate that a unique nutrient,
longevity. Researcher Doug found in the tissues of
Jackson, while reviewing data centenarians, is a component of
compiled by his longevity study most micrometeorites which
team, noted a significant appears to be the key to long
similarity to a study his wife, life. Systemic Supplies, Inc.
Karen, is working on. She is a that Karen’s data tables were has proposed a patent for
geology student specializing in almost identical to mine.” vitamins containing the newly
micrometeorites. Further investigation discovered nutrient. ★
It was really quite by revealed a significant
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Giant Impact
Thought to Cause
Mass Extinctions

Meteorologists and meteorite fall. Fossils found ies of corings of glacial ice,
geologists around the world in the area show that massive geological strata, and
Gulf Of Mexico have con- extinctions occurred as a mature trees to trace climate
firmed the result of the impact. Not changes. The percentage of
only land inhabitants but carbon dioxide found in
of a major also oceanic species were Antarctic ice from that
catastrophe endangered when the lower ancient time changed
in Earth’s organisms on the food chain dramatically following the
history which led to the began to disappear. Among impact of the huge meteor-
deaths of numerous life forms those unique creatures lost ite on Earth. Based on
including the giant sea forever was the giant sea current knowledge of
nautilus. nautilus, a valuable link to the “greenhouse” effect,
Scarring of the ocean understanding adaptations scientists recognized the
floor and land on the Yucatan of species. indications of the ancient
Peninsula identify that Scientists regularly change in climate. Along
area as the site of a huge undertake worldwide stud- Extinction continued on page 19.6
NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 19 — Meteoroid Tabloid 19.5
SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

Huge Diamond History of the

Discovered Solar System
in Meteorite REVEALED
Meteorite researchers at a
prestigious scientific institute
in Houston, Texas have Scientists at the Lunar and Planetary Institute
discovered a massive 6.74 carat
diamond in an Antarctic
have released startling information which
meteorite. Scientists have been supports the theory that the solar system arose
collecting meteorites in from gaseous and particulate matter. This
Antarctica for several years. information was obtained through intensive study of
After collection the samples meteorites from the Moon, Mars, and the asteroid belts. Dr. Allan
are packaged and shipped to H. Treiman states, “Meteorites are the best clues to how the solar
Houston for scientific system formed. In our labs, we can take meteorites apart and learn
analysis. A number of just how they were put together, whether it was on the Moon, on
diamond chips have been Mars, or in a dusty gas cloud orbiting a very young Sun.”
recovered from meteorites, but
Previous studies of rocks have helped scientists understand
the largest total weight to date
had been less than .07 carats. the Earth’s formation. Materials and structure found in Earth
Dr. Lynn Allen, investiga- rocks and meteorites are very similar. Those similarities led
tive team leader, expressed researchers to the conclusion that, as they are learning about
mixed feelings over the find. how meteorites were formed, they were also learning how other
“Funding for the Antarctic planetary bodies were formed. Just as planets have layers (core,
project will not be such a mantle, crust), meteorites discovered on the Earth’s surface
problem now,” she told this reveal samples of the same types of layers from other celestial
reporter. “This stone is bodies. Though small in size, meteorites provide windows to
obviously very valuable and
explore the processes that formed the solar system.
will enhance the viability of
our research. Scientific As more meteorites are discovered and studied, scientists feel
knowledge is important to confident that more information about the origins of the solar
many people, but when a system and perhaps life itself will be understood. ★
dollar figure can be assessed,
financiers are more willing to
support our work. The sad part Extinction continued from page 19.5
is that people who might with the change in weather patterns, food chains broke down
have willingly relinquished and massive extinctions resulted.
meteorites to the scientific
In response to a reporter's questions about what would
community may be more
reluctant to do so now.” happen if a similar impact were to happen in modern times,
Officials have made no geologist Dr. Virgil L. “Buck” Sharpton quipped, “It would
decisions as to the disposition be a real bad day. But it would solve the problems of nuclear
of the diamond.★ proliferation and global warming!” ★

19.6 Lesson 19 — Meteoroid Tabloid NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

Masako Shima and of “observed falls.” “It

OLDEST associates recently presented appears to us that observa-
tion of this meteorite fall has
METEORITE information to
Meteoritical Society about
been handed down by word
FOUND the Nogata-Shi meteorite, a
chondrite. The Nogata-Shi
of mouth,” states Akihiko
Okada of the Institute of
meteorite fell at a Shinto Physical and Chemical
shrine on May 19, 861, by Research in Japan.
the Julian calendar. It has Scientists had previously
been preserved at the considered the Ensisheim
religious site as a treasure of stone, which fell in Germany
the shrine in a specially in 1492, to be the oldest
marked wooden box . witnessed fall. The Nogata-
Many meteorites have Shi predates the Ensisheim
A meteorite which fell in been on the Earth’s surface stone by over 600 years and
Japan in 861 has been for thousands of years. renews speculation about
identified as the oldest However, only specimens the existence of other
witnessed fall of which pieces whose sightings have been undiscovered, preserved
are preserved. documented may be meteorites. ★
considered in the category

Phenomenal New depends upon whether or has been placed “on line.”
Energy Resource not utility companies are No official comments
willing to make this drastic a were offered by utility
DISCOVERED change in their operations.” industry representatives, but
Based on techniques one was heard to remark
Lewis Berkeley Lab used in collecting electricity after the news conference
(LBL) has announced the from lightning flashes, LBL with LBL, “This is a hare-
development of a new has projected the harnessing brained scheme — a waste
process which will harness of billions of kilowatts of of public resources.” ★
the vast energy available power, during periods of
from streaking meteors. active meteor showers. This
“The technology could be equivalent to the
necessary to construct a production of three nuclear
functioning plant utilizing power plants. It is estimated
this type of power is that the savings to
available now,” Dr. Robert the consumer would be
Faradey states. “Much substantial once the system

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Lesson 19 — Meteoroid Tabloid 19.7

SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

Microbes from Mars !

In August 1996, a panel of scientists Reaction of other scientists to the
revealed a secret held for two years. discovery has been skeptical, and in
They unveiled the first evidence of some cases, downright hostile.
possible life on the Red Planet. The Some scientists, who have studied
Mars meteorite research team, led the meteorite, say that the carbonate
by Dave McKay and Everett minerals containing these features
Gibson, described startling findings formed at temperatures too high for
in an ancient meteorite which was life to exist. Ralph Harvey suggests
blasted off Mars and landed in the worm-like forms aren’t
Antarctica. This rock contains microfossils, but are elongated iron
organic molecules and microscopic oxides, formed in volcanic fumaroles
bits of iron oxides like those too hot to support life. Luann Becker
produced by bacteria. Even more suggests that the organic molecules
amazing are images of worm-like are produced by contamination in
forms so small that they can only be Antarctica.
seen by the most powerful electron evidence— the fossil-like forms are
microscope. Even though there are The debate rages hot and cold. The too small to hold a molecule of
other interpretations of each of the Life on Mars team continues to DNA. Tim Swindle, who took an
pieces of evidence, taken together, collect more data—magnetics and informal poll of planetary scientists,
“we believe that these tiny guys can isotope chemistry suggest a cold says it came out even, with most
be interpreted as (fossil) bacteria,” origin. Meanwhile, the naysayers scientists sitting on the fence waiting
says McKay. add more lines of negative for more data. ★

19.8 Lesson 19 — Meteoroid Tabloid NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries

Words that appear in italic type within a definition

also are defined in the Glossary.

Absorbent: able to suck up liquid like a sponge. pyroxene; other minerals such as olivine and opaques
Accrete (accretion): accumulate under the influence are usually present.
of gravity and some minor forces. Basaltic achondrite: a type of meteorite consisting
Achondrite: stony meteorite without chondrules. of the minerals feldspar and pyroxene; they are
Amino Acids: organic acids that are the components similar to basalts from lava flows on Earth.
of proteins. Bleb: a small, usually rounded inclusion of one material
Angular: a shape description that indicates an object in another.
has one or more angled edges rather than rounded Breccia: rock consisting of angular, coarse fragments
edges. embedded in a fine-grained matrix.
Anorthosite: an igneous rock made up almost entirely Carbonaceous chondrite: a primitive type of
of plagioclase feldspar. meteorite usually with chondrules; they contain
Aphelion: the point of a celestial body’s orbit most water and carbon compounds, including organic
distant from the Sun. molecules.
Asteroid: one of thousands of small (diameters under Carbon compounds: forms of carbon combined with
1000 km) solid planetary bodies orbiting the sun; most other elements, includes organic molecules such as
orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, but a few amino acids.
come closer as they cross the orbits of Earth or Mars. Catastrophe: a great disaster or misfortune.
Asteroid belt: area between Mars and Jupiter where Chromatography: separation of complex solutions into
thousands of asteroids orbit the Sun. chemically distinct layers, usually different colors, by
Astronomer: one who studies the science of celestial seepage through an absorbent material.
bodies and their origins, magnitudes, motions, and Chondrite: stony meteorite containing chondrules
compositions. embedded in a fine grained matrix of pyroxene, olivine,
Atmosphere: mixture of gases that surround a planet. and metallic nickel-iron.
Attrition: the amount of material worn away during Chondrule: a small rounded body of various materials,
sample preparation; small losses. chiefly olivine or pyroxene, found embedded in a
Bachelor’s degree: usually the lowest academic usually fragmental matrix in certain of the stony
degree given by a college or university. meteorites.
Basalt: fine-grained, dark-colored igneous rock Classification: the formal system of arranging objects
composed primarily of plagioclase feldspar and or information into like groups.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Glossary A.1

Clast: a broken piece of rock formed by the breakup items such as in a museum.
of a larger object. Deposition: the process of accumulation of a
Clay: a size term denoting particles, regardless of sedimentary layer of rock or precipitate.
mineral composition, with diameters less than 1/256 Diameter: the length of a line that goes from edge to
mm. edge of a circle or other shape and also passes
Comet: a small body of ice and dust circling the sun in through the center of that shape.
an elliptical orbit; when it comes near the Sun gases DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid; functions as the transfer
are released to form a tail that points away from the of genetic information from cells in living organisms.
Sun. Dense: means the mass of an object is relatively high
Composition: the amounts of all the elements in a per unit volume of the object; object could be
rock or mineral. described as “heavy for its size”.
Condensation: to form a liquid or solid from the Density: mass per unit volume; how much material is
gaseous state. in a given space.
Core: the central region of a planet or moon, frequently Differentiation: chemical zonation caused by
made of different materials than the surrounding differences in the densities of minerals; dense
regions (mantle and crust); Earth and the Moon are materials sink, less dense materials float.
thought to have cores of metallic iron and nickel. Diffracted: when light beams are deflected or bent by
Cosmic spherules: melted droplets of meteorites, less interaction with an object (diffraction).
than 1mm in size, found in ocean sediments and ice. Doctor of Philosophy: usually the highest academic
Crater : a hole or depression (see impact); most are degree given by a university or college in any field of
roughly circular or oval in outline; on Earth most academic study (Ph.D. or doctorate).
natural craters visible at this point in geologic time Ecliptic plane: the plane defined by the orbit of the
are of volcanic origin; on the Moon most craters are Earth around the Sun; most planets orbit in or near
of impact origin. the ecliptic plane.
Cretaceous: the period of geologic time from Ejecta: material thrown out from and deposited around
approximately 140 million years ago to about 65 million an impact crater.
years ago; abbreviated symbol is K. Electromagnetic spectrum: energy ranges from
Cross section: a profile portraying an interpretation gamma-rays through x-rays, ultraviolet, visible light,
of a vertical section of the Earth explored by infrared, microwave, all radio waves (all having
geophysical and/or geological methods. specific energy).
Crust: the outermost layer of a planet or moon, above Ellipse: (elliptical) a closed curve of oval shape.
the mantle. Emit: to give off, such as light or sound.
Crystallization: to form crystals. Erosion: process of physically changing and or moving
Cumulate: collection of minerals that have been rocky material; on Earth this especially includes
separated from molten rock by density settling. weathering and transport of material by water and
Curation: taking care of collections of samples and wind.
distributing information on those samples. Expedition: a journey for a particular purpose such
Curator: one in charge of a collection or exhibit of as research or discovery.

A.2 Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Glossary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Fall: is a designation for a meteorite that was observed Impact: the forceful striking of one body, such as a
as it came through Earth’s atmosphere and was meteorite, against another body such as a moon or
retrieved soon afterward. planet (crater).
Find: is a meteorite that was not observed to fall; it Impact crater: hole or depression formed by a
may have been on Earth for a long time. meteorite colliding with a surface.
Fireball: the streak of light and loud noise of a large Impactor: object that strikes (impact) a surface, may
meteor going through the Earth’s atmosphere. create a crater (projectile, meteorite).
Friable: easily crumbled rock fragments. Incandescent light: light which came from an
Fusion crust: dark glassy coating on the surface of a electrically heated filament.
meteorite, caused by heating as the meteorite enters Incident light: light that has struck an object (see
the atmosphere. also reflected light).
Geochemist: a scientist who studies the chemical Inclusions: a fragment of another rock enclosed in a
composition of, and chemical changes in the Earth rock.
or other planetary bodies. Infrared: the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
Geologist: scientist who studies Earth, its materials, with wavelengths of from 0.7 to about 1.0
the physical and chemical changes that occur on the micrometers, just beyond the red end of the visible
surface and in the interior, and the history of the planet spectrum.
and its life forms; planetary geologists extend their Inorganic: compounds that are not formed by living
studies to the Moon, planets, and other solid bodies organisms.
in the solar system. Interplanetary dust particles: microscopic bits of
Geophysics: extensive experimental and modeling asteroids or comets; these particles can be collected
studies of the Earth and other planetary bodies with from high in the atmosphere.
respect to their structure and development. Iridium: a hard, brittle, very heavy, metallic chemical
Gravity: a force of attraction pulling any two things element used in alloys; found in greater percentages
toward each other, dependent on the mass of the in meteorites as compared to Earth rocks.
objects. Iron meteorite: meteorite consisting of metallic iron
Heterogeneous: composed of several different types and nickel.
of material. Isotope: elements having an identical number of
Highlands: oldest exposed areas on the surface of protons in their nuclei but differing in their number
the Moon; extensively cratered, and chemically of neutrons.
distinct from the Mare. Kinetic energy: the energy of a body or mass in
Homogeneous: composed of one type of material. motion; with greater speed and mass the kinetic
Hypothesis: an idea or group of ideas that attempt to energy increases.
explain an observed or predicted event or Latitude: the angular distance North or South from
occurrence. the Earth’s equator measured in degrees; Equator
Igneous: rocks or processes involving the formation being 0° and the poles 90°N and 90°S.
and solidification of hot, molten magma on the surface Lava: fluid magma that flows onto the surface of a
of a planetary body or below the surface. planet or moon; erupted from a volcano or fissure;

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Glossary A.3

the rock formed by solidification of magma. Meteor: relatively small body of matter traveling
Layer: a bed of stratum or rock. through interplanetary space.
Longitude: the angular distance East or West, Meteorite: a metallic or stony (silicate) body that
between the meridian of a particular place on Earth has fallen on Earth, Moon or other planetary body
and that of Greenwich, England, expressed in degrees from outer space (see Impactor, Projectile).
or time. Meteor shower: group of meteors or comet dust,
Lunar meteorites: meteorites that have been traveling together, which enter the atmosphere within
identified through their chemistry and minerals as a few hours.
being from the Moon. Meteorite shower: a large number of similar
Magma: term applied to molten rock in the interior of meteorites falling together; caused by the breakup
a planet or moon; when it reaches the surface, of a large meteorite in the atmosphere.
magma is called lava. Meteoriticist: someone who studies meteorites.
Magnetism: a property possessed by certain bodies, Micrometeorites: meteorites smaller than 1 mm.
whereby under certain circumstances, they repel or Mineral: naturally occurring inorganic solid with a
attract one another according to determined laws. definite chemical composition and crystal structure.
Magnetic field: a force that acts over a region of Mineralogy: the mix of minerals which make up a
space around a magnetically charged body. rock.
Mantle: a mostly solid layer of Earth lying beneath Orbit: the path of an object in space moving about
the crust and above the core; consisting mostly of another under gravitational attraction.
iron and silicate minerals. Ordinary chondrites: the most common class of
Maria: dark areas on the Moon covered by basalt meteorites, consisting of variable amounts of metal
lava flows (singular Mare). and chondrules in a matrix of mostly silicate
Martian meteorites: meteorites that have been minerals.
identified as pieces of Mars by a combination of their Organic molecules: compounds of carbon, hydrogen
relatively young age and their chemical similarity to and oxygen, that form complex molecules (may or
Viking data from Mars. may not be from living organisms).
Mass: the amount of matter in a given object. Perihelion: the point of a celestial body’s orbit closest
Master’s Degree: academic degree higher than a the Sun.
bachelor’s degree but lower than a doctoral degree. Planetary geology: the study of the planets in our
Matrix: the smaller sized grains in a rock, where the solar system concerning the history and formation
rock consists of large grains or fragments surrounded of the interior and surface.
by smaller grains. Planetary meteorites: a class of igneous or
Metal: any of a class of substances that typically are brecciated meteorites from other planets; currently,
opaque, are good conductors of electricity, and often meteorites have been found that come from the Moon
have a shiny luster like gold. and Mars.
Metamorphic (metamorphosed): rocks that have Platy: the texture of a rock that is composed of flat
recrystallized in a solid state as a result of changes minerals or rock fragments.
in temperature, pressure, and chemical environment. Porous: contains open or void spaces between solid

A.4 Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Glossary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

material. near an impact crater.
Post doc: researcher who has completed a Doctor Silicate: minerals that contain the elements Si and O,
of Philosophy degree and has a temporary position plus one or more metals: Mg, Fe, Ca, Na, Al.
such as a fellowship to pursue a specific type of Solar nebula: gravitational accumulation of solid
research. particles and dust around the Sun.
Projectile: object that impacts a surface. Solar power: energy derived from the Sun or sunlight
Quartz: a common, often transparent crystalline for use as a source of electricity.
mineral that is a form of a silica. Solar system: the Sun and all the objects such as the
Research: studious and critical inquiry aimed at the planets, moons, asteroids, and comets that orbit the
discovery and interpretation of new knowledge. Sun.
Reflectance: the amount of light of a particular color Solar wind: the stream of charged particles, mainly
reflected by a surface, divided by the amount of light ionized hydrogen, moving outward from the Sun with
of the same color that strikes the surface. velocities in the range of 300-500 kilometers per
Reflectance spectroscopy: the study of the colors second.
of light reflected from a surface. Soot: a black substance that is formed when
Reflected light: light which strikes a surface and something burns.
bounces back, as happens with a mirror. Specimen: a sample, as a rock, fossil, or ore.
Regmaglypt: any of various small indentations or pits Spectroscopy: the excitation of the spectrum, its visual
on the surface of meteorites. or photographic observation, and the precise
Regolith: loose, unconsolidated rock, mineral, and determination of wavelengths.
glass fragments; on the Moon and some other Sphere: an object that is round or almost round in all
planetary bodies, this debris is produced by impacts dimensions like a ball.
and blankets the surface. Static electricity: stationary charges of electricity.
Retrograde: an orbit that moves in the opposite Stony-iron: a class of meteorites composed mostly
direction of Earth’s orbit. of an intimate mixture of silicates and iron metal.
Rim: the border of a land form, such as the curved Stony meteorite: a class of meteorites composed
edge surrounding the top part of a crater. mostly of silicate minerals.
Scale model: an object that gives the size of the sample Strewn field: a generally elliptical pattern of
in proportion to the size of the actual thing. distribution of recovered meteorites, formed when
Sediment: solid rock or mineral fragments transported a meteor is fragmented as it passes through the
and deposited by wind, water, gravity, or ice; atmosphere.
precipitated by chemical reactions; or secreted by Superstition: beliefs or practices resulting in fear of
organisms; accumulated as layers in loose, the unknown, ignorance and trust in magic or chance.
unconsolidated form. Technician: a person who has acquired the technique
Sedimentary: rock formed when sediment is of a specialized skill or subject.
compacted and solidified. Tektites: small fragments of melted and
Shock: a sharp impact or violent shake; evidence of aerodynamically shaped rock that were ejected from
large shocks may be seen in the rocks and minerals a large impact crater.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Glossary A.5

Tectonic: pertaining to rock forms due to deformation to a gaseous state as in rock that is completely altered
in the crust of Earth and other planetary bodies. to gas during large impacts.
Terrain: area of the surface with a distinctive physical Velocity: rate of motion in a specific direction.
or geological character. Vesicle: bubble-shaped cavity in a volcanic rock formed
Tertiary: the period of geologic time between 65 and by expanding gases.
2 million years ago, abbreviation is T. Volatiles: chemical elements that enter a gas phase
Texture: general physical appearance of a rock. at relatively low temperatures.
Triangulation: method of finding the distance to an Volcanism: the physical processes of a volcano.
object or location of an event in the sky by creating a Volcano: mountain formed from the eruption of
triangle, with two vertices the ground, and the object igneous matter through a vent; volcanism refers to
at the third vertex. all natural processes resulting in volcanoes and other
Ultraviolet: having a wavelength shorter than visible igneous surface events.
light and longer than x-rays. Voltage: electromotive force measured in volts.
Unconsolidated: materials loosely pack but not Volume: space occupied, as measured by cubic units.
cemented to each other. Weathering: the mechanical breakdown and chemical
Unfractured: does not contain breaks or cracks. alteration of rocks and minerals.
Uniform: having always the same form, manner, or Wick: (verb) to draw a liquid on to or up a solid
degree. (i.e. a towel).
Vaporize: to change something from a liquid or a solid Zoologist: scientist who studies animals.

A.6 Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Glossary NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
Education Resources

Meteorite Resources Posters:

Meteorites Poster (#328)
Teacher’s Guide: The Planetary Society
The following companion volume is available from Sales Department
NASA Educator Resource Centers or NASA 65 North Catalina Avenue
Central Operation of Resources for Educators: Pasadena, California 91106-2301
Exploring the Moon, G. Jeffrey Taylor et al, 1994,
NASA EP-306. Comet Chart (#31-0) and Cosmic Catastrophies
Video: Hansen Planetarium Publications
Meteorites-Vol. 1: Menace from the Sky. Vol. 2: 1845 South 300 West, #A
Witnesses from Beyond the Times, Austrian Salt Lake City, Utah 84115-1804
Broadcasting Corporation, 1993, 84 minutes.Atlas 1-800-321-2369
Video, Inc. Bethesda, Maryland.
Web Sites:
Slides: http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/curator/curator.htm
Accompanying Exploring Meteorite Mysteries slide http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/curator/antmet/
set is available from NASA CORE. antmet.htm
Terrestrial Impact Craters, set of 26 slides with guide http://www-sn.jsc.nasa.gov
and A Spacecraft Tour of the Solar System, 40 http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/pao/educators/
slides with guide. http://www.ewu.edu/CNRU/Dept/Antsci/geol/
Lunar Planetary Institute ANSMET/ANSMET.htm
3600 Bay Area Boulevard http://hurlbut.jhuapl.edu/NEAR/
Houston, Texas 77058-2186 http://pdcsrva.jpl.nasa.gov/stardust/home.html
281-486-2172 or FAX 281-486-2186 http://nssdc.gsfc.gov/planetary/planets/

Children’s Books:
Asteroids, Comets and Meteors, Gregory L. Vogt, 1996, Millbrook Press, 32 p.
Comets and Meteors, Isaac Asimov, 1990, Dell Publishing, 32 p.
Magical, Mysterious Meteorites, Madelyn Wood Carlisle, 1992, Barron’s Educational Series Inc., 32p.

Introductory Book:
Meteorites: The Key to Our Existence, Robert Hutchison and Andrew Graham, 1992, Natural History
Museum Pub. 60p.

In Depth Books:
Rocks from Space, O. Richard Norton, 1994, Mountain Press, 449p.
Thunderstones and Shooting Stars: The Meaning of Meteorites, Robert T. Dodd, 1986, Harvard University
Press, 196p.
Meteorites and Their Parent Planets, Harry Y. McSween, Jr., 1987,Cambridge University Press, 236p.

NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Education Resources B.1

NASA Resources for Educators
NASA’s Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) Regional Educator Resource Centers (RERCs) offer more
was established for the national and international distribution of educators access to NASA educational materials. NASA has formed
NASA-produced educational materials in audiovisual format. partnerships with universities, museums, and other educational
Educators can obtain a catalogue and an order form by one of the institutions to serve as RERCs in, many states. A complete list of
following methods: RERCs is available through CORE, or electronically via NASA
• NASA CORE Spacelink.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School
15181 Route 58 South NASA On-line Resources for Educators provide current
Oberlin, OH 44074 educational information and instructional resource materials to
• Phone (440) 774-1051, Ext. 249 or 293 teachers, faculty, and students. A wide range of information is
• Fax (440) 774-2144 available, including science, mathematics, engineering, and
• E-mail nasaco@leeca8.1eeca.ohio.gov technology education lesson plans, historical information related
• Home Page: http://spacelink.nasa.gov/CORE to the aeronautics and space program, current status reports on
NASA projects, news releases, information on NASA educational
programs, useful software and graphics files. Educators and
Educator Resource Center Network students can also use NASA resources as learning tools to explore
To make additional information available to the education the Internet, accessing information about educational grants,
community, the NASA Education Division has created the NASA interacting with other schools which are already on-line, and
Educator Resource Center (ERC) network. ERCs contain a wealth participating in on-line interactive projects, communicating with
of information for educators: publications, reference books, slide NASA scientists, engineers, and other team members to experience
sets, audio cassettes, videotapes, telelecture programs, computer the excitement of real NASA projects.
programs, lesson plans, and teacher guides with activities.
Educators may preview, copy, or receive NASA materials at these Access these resources through the NASA Education Home Page:
sites. Because each NASA Field Center has its own areas of http://www.hq.nasa.gov/education
expertise, no two ERCs are exactly alike. Phone calls are welcome or, for more information send an e-mail to:
if you are unable to visit the ERC that serves your geographic area. comments@spacelink.msfc.nasa.gov
A list of the centers and the regions they serve includes:
NASA Television (NTV) is the Agency’s distribution system for
AK AZ, CA, Hi, ID, MT NV, OR UT, WA, WY MS live and taped programs. It offers the public a front-row seat for
NASA Educator Resource Center NASA Educator Resource Center launches and missions, as well as informational and educational
Mail Stop 253-2 Building 1200
NASA John C. Stennis Space Center
programming, historical documentaries, and updates on the latest
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-8000 developments in aeronautics and space science. NTV is transmitted
Phone: (415) 604-3574 Phone: (601 ) 688-3338 on the GE-2 satellite, Transponder 9C at 85 degrees West longitude,
AL, AR, M, LA, MO, TN NASA Educator Resource Center vertical polarization, with a frequency of 3880 megahertz, and
U.S. Space and Rocket Center JPL Educational Outreach audio of 6.8 megahertz.
NASA Educator Resource Center Mail Stop CS-530
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
P.O. Box 070015 Huntsville, AL 35807-7015 4800 Oak Grove Drive Apart from live mission coverage, regular NASA Television
Phone: (205) 544-5812 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 programming includes a News Video File from noon to 1:00 pm, a
Phone: (818) 354-6916
NASA History File from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, and an Education File
Rl, VT CA cities near the center from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (all times Eastern). This sequence is repeated
NASA Educator Resource Laboratory NASA Educator Resource Center for at 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 9:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The
Mail Code 130.3 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 45108 N. 3rd. Street East NTV Education File features programming for teachers and students
Greenbelt, MD 20771-0001 Lancaster, CA 93535 on science, mathematics, and technology. NASA Television
Phone: (301) 286-8570 Phone: (805) 948-7347
programming may be videotaped for later use.
JSC Educator Resource Center Virginia Air and Space Museum For more information on NASA Television, contact:
Space Center Houston NASA Educator Resource Center for
NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Langley Research Center NASA Headquarters, Code P-2, NASA TV, Washington, DC
1601 NASA Road One 600 Settlers Landing Road 20546-0001 Phone: (202) 358-3572
Houston, TX 77058-3696 Hampton, VA 23669-4033
Phone: (757) 727-0900 x 757
Home Page: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/ntv.html
Phone: (281) 483-8696

FL, GA, PR, Vl VA and MD’s Eastern Shores

NASA Educator Resource Laboratory NASA Educator Resource Lab Education
Mail Code ERL Complex - Visitor Center Building J-1 How to Access NASA’s Education Materials and Services,
NASA Kennedy Space Center NASA Wallops Flight Facility EP-1996-11-345-HQ This brochure serves as a guide to accessing
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899-0001 Wallops Island, VA 23337-5099 a variety of NASA materials and services for educators. Copies
Phone: (407) 867-4090 Phone: (757) 824-2297/2298
are available through the ERC network, or electronically via NASA
IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI Spacelink. NASA Spacelink can be accessed at the following
NASA Educator Resource Center
Mail Stop 8-1
address: http://spacelink.nasa.gov.
NASA Lewis Research Center
21000 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44135-3191
Phone: (216) 433-2017

B.2 Exploring Meteorite Mysteries — Education Resources NASA EG-1997-08-104-HQ

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