Compassion: Is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for the suffering of others accompanied by
a strong desire to alleviate the suffering?
Therefore, we can say it is being sensitive to the pain or suffering of others and a deep desire to
alleviate the suffering.
Respectful: Is the kind of care, in any setting, which supports and promotes, and does not
undermine a person’s self-respect, regardless of any differences
Compassionate, respectful and caring (CRC) - means serving patients, being ethical, living the
professional oath, and being a model for young professionals and students. It’s a movement that requires
champions who identify with their profession and take pride by helping people.
Criteria of a profession
Elements of profession
Is an occupation that requires usually skills and education program range from short
units (ten weeks or less) to long term program up to two years length
Though both vocation, as well as profession, indicates the career or the occupation
through which an individual makes a livelihood, vocation is a broader term than
Profession refers to the career that one opts for, getting extensive training and acquiring
special skills to become eligible for a job in it.
Vocation refers to an occupation for which god gives a calling to the individual.
Profession requires training and qualification whereas vocation is the innate ability in an
individual towards a particular occupation.
A vocation is generally a job that requires a particular set of skills acquired through
experience or through training but not necessarily dependent on a college degree. These
would include plumbing, electrician, mechanic, etc.
Ethics: is the science of moral value. It is composed of moral beliefs and rules about right
and wrong.
Can be defined as the branch of philosophy dealing with standards of conduct and moral
It refers to the practices or beliefs of a certain group (i.e. nursing ethics, Physicians'
Ethics is concerned what ought to be, what is right, or wrong, good or bad. It is the base on
moral reasoning and reflects set of values. It is a formal reasoning process used to
determine right conduct
Ethical principles
Promote health
Prevent harm
Remove evil or harm
It is the converse of beneficence. It means to avoid doing harm. When working with
clients, health care workers must not cause injury or suffering to clients.
It is to avoid causing deliberate harm, risk of harm and harm that occurs during the
performance of beneficial acts.
E.g. Experimental research that have negative consequences on the client.
No malficence also means avoiding harm as a consequence of good. In that case the
harm must be weighed against the expected benefit.
4. Justice (fairness)
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the
next page:
Write true if the statement is correct or write false if the statement is incorrect
1. Pharmacists/Druggist are legally allowed to practice the profession of pharmacy if
she/he is not registered?
2. Ethics is the science of moral value?
Multiple Choose
3. Which one of the following ethical principle is the promotion of independent choice,
self-determination and freedom of action?
A. Autonomy
B. Beneficence
C. Non-malficence
D. Justice
4. Why Pharmacy is a profession?
A. Has intellectual discipline and standard of knowledge
B. Has university degree/College diploma and a practical training
C. Has a representative body of practitioners
D. Standard of conduct as well as Service and advice:
E. All of the above
it is to mean the tenderness to reach out for those who are suffering
Justice is fair, equitable and appropriate treatment. Justice refers to fair handling and
similar standard of care for similar cases; and fair and equitable resource distribution among
Resource scarcity is the common issue in healthcare settings. For example, there may be
only one or two neurosurgeons and many patients on the waitlist who need the expertise
of these neurosurgeons. In this case we need to serve patients while promoting the
principle of justice in transparent way. Example, the rule of first come first serve could be
an appropriate rule.
Justice requires the treatment of all patients equally, irrespective of their sex, education,
income or other personal backgrounds.
Respect for others: human beings deserve respect; one important way of showing
respect is by preserving their privacy.
Trust: confidentiality promotes trust between patients and health workers
Confidential information can only be disclosed if the patient gives explicit consent or if
expressly provided for in the law. Information can be disclosed to other healthcare
providers only on a strictly "need to know" basis unless the patient has given explicit
All identifiable patient data must be protected. The protection of the data must be
appropriate to the manner of its storage.
Informed Consent
Informed consent is legal document whereby a patient signs written information with
complete information about the purpose, benefits, risks and other alternatives before he/she
receives the care intended. It is a body of shared decision making process, not just an
agreement. Patient must obtain and being empowered with adequate information and ensure
that he/she participated in their care process.
For consent to be valid, it must be voluntary and informed, and the person consenting must
have the capacity to make the decision. These terms are explained below:
Voluntary: the decision to either consent or not to consent to treatment must be made by the person
him or herself, and must not be influenced by pressure from medical staff, friends or family. This is to
promote the autonomy of the patient.
Informed: the person must be given all of the information in terms of what the treatment
involves, including the benefits and risks, whether there are reasonable alternative
treatments and the consequences of not doing the treatment.
Capacity: the person must be capable of giving consent, which means they understand the
information given to them, and they can use it to make an informed decision.
Refusal of treatment
Every adult with power to decide is entitled to refuse medical treatment. The healthcare
provider must respect a patient’s decision to refuse treatment, even if he or she disagrees
with the patient’s decision. In these circumstances, the care provider should clearly explain
to the patient the possible consequences of refusing treatment and offer the patient the
opportunity to receive a second medical opinion if possible.
It refers to the practice of people or greater entities working in common with commonly
agreed upon goals and possibly methods, instead of working separately in competition.
Is a co-working system; the work of pharmacy vocational is insignificant unless it is
augmented by other health practitioners. Therefore health practice must be team work
Kindness and firmness
Being loyal: Health practice is wide in nature involving many people and many activities. For the
people to be beneficiary and activities to be accomplished successfully being an honest is the primary
asset to achieve
Responsibility: Is the condition or the fact that one can shoulder obligations.
Accountability: Is the condition or fact that one can be called to answer for his wrong
Transparency: This is a case in which things must run by the book (based on rules,
regulations etc) rather than by what is comfortable and beneficial to one self.
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the
next page:
Write true if the statement is correct or write false if the statement is incorrect
1. Confidentiality promotes trust between patients and health workers?
2. Kindness is the act or state of charitable behavior to other people?
3. Accountability is the condition or the fact that one can shoulder obligations?
Smuggling or Trafficking
Illegal transport of goods, in particular across a border OR
Taking from one country to another country unlawfully, especially goods without
paying necessary tax.
1.3.2. Corruption
with drug(theft)
1.4. The comprehensive use of psychoactive drugs, to that point where the user has no
effective choice but to continue use.
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the
next page:
Multiple choose
1. _____ is illegal transport of goods across a border unlawfully without paying
necessary tax.
a. Corruption
b. Mistreating the patient
c. Trafficking
d. Drug dependence
2. All of the following is Components of unethical behavior except.
A. Alcohol-dependence
B. Drug dependence
C. Autonomy
D. aggressive
Short Answer Questions
3. What is Drug dependence?
To promote high standard of conduct and practice among pharmacy professionals and
patients and pharmacy professionals and other health professionals.
To state publicly the principles that forms the fundamental basis of the duties and
responsibilities of the Pharmacists/Druggists.
To safeguard the public from unethical and substandard professional practice.
To foster the good relationship that would prevail among Pharmacists/Druggists, other
health professionals and patient or the society.
Code – is a set of rules about how people should behave or about how something must be
Code of practice – is a set of written rules which explains how people working in a
particular profession should behave.
Is the moral principle which should guide members of the pharmacy profession in their
dealing with their job, patients, fellow professionals, public and other profession
management of pharmaceuticals?
It is a governing conduct of all Pharmacy personnel both within and outside the
practice of pharmacy.
Name of medicine
Batch number
Expiry date
Frequency of dosing
Duration of treatment
It is free to make generic substitution.
Do not alter prescriptions in any way
Do not fill prescriptions of drugs written by a prescriber for his own use.
Do not dispense for prescribers self-use.
Have appropriate knowledge and skills for patient education and counseling.
Adapt messages to fit patients.
Give ample verbal and written information on dispensed drugs.
Conduct counseling or education in a conductive environment. Premises
Premises should allow ease access and service and to disabled persons.
Do not supply any medicinal products to children unless satisfied that the product
will be used safely. Compounding
Effectiveness:- a drug should produce a therapeutic effect for the disorder with the patient
Safety: - a drug should not produce intolerable side effect /adverse effect.
Appropriate: - a drug should be suitable with the individual patient condition.
Example: - drug utilization of patients with hepatic or renal problem is not exactly identical
with that of healthy liver & kidney patients for the same disease.
Economic: - unnecessary expenditure for drugs or costly use of drugs should be avoided as
much as possible.
Drugs should only be used when they are necessary, and in all cases the benefit of
administering the medicine should be considered in relation to the risks involved. It is better
not to use drugs if their benefit - to - risk ratio is smaller.
The aim of any drug management system is to deliver the correct drug to the patient who
needs that medicine
The rational drug use requires that patients receive medications appropriate to their
clinical needs, in doses that meet their individual requirements, for an adequate period of
time and at the lowest cost to them and their community.
The term rational drug use in a biomedical context includes the following criteria:
a. Correct drug
b. Appropriate indication
c. Appropriate dosage
d. Appropriate patient
e. Correct dispensing
f. Patient adherence to treatment Handling of narcotics, psychotropic and other dangerous drugs.
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the
next page:
Multiple choose
1. Labeling of pharmaceutical product should contain all of the following except one?
A. Name
B. Dosage
C. Expiry date
D. None
2. Which one the following is false the rational drug use Correct drug
A. Appropriate indication
B. Appropriate dosage
C. Appropriate patient
D. incorrect dispensing
3. which of the following word is implies drug should produce a therapeutic effect for the
disorder with the patient
A. Effectiveness
B. Safety
A. Appropriate
B. Economic
Short Answer Questions
4. What are the role of pharmacist/druggist for Pharmaceutical supply management and
rational drug use?
Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points
You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet
Score = ___________
1. _________
2. _________ Rating: ____________
3. _________
4. _________