Ce 332 (Lab Manual)
Ce 332 (Lab Manual)
Ce 332 (Lab Manual)
Appendix 92
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Arrangement of Report
Scope of the Test/Theory
Materials used
Data Sheet
An Index Sheet must be provided at top of the report file. It should contain-
Experiment No.
Experiment Name
Date of Performance
Date of Submission
Separate Top Sheet should be attached with each report.
The Top Sheet should contain the following:
Course No.
Course Name
Group No.
Experiment No.
Experiment Name
Date of Performance
Date of Submission
Student No.
The report should be hand written by pen (black or blue) in A4 size paper in one
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The first step in any geotechnical engineering project is to identify and describe the
subsoil condition. For example, as soon as a ground is identified as gravel, engineer can
immediately form some ideas on the nature of problems that might be encountered in a
tunneling project. In contrast, a soft clay ground is expected to lead to other types of
design and construction considerations. Therefore, it is useful to have a systematic
procedure for identification of soils even in the planning stages of a project.
Soils can be classified into two general categories: (1) coarse grained soils and (2) fine
grained soils. Examples of coarse-grained soils are gravels and sands. Examples of fine-
grained soils are silts and clays. Procedures for visually identifying these two general
types of soils are described in the following sections.
ASTM D 2488
1) Identify the color (e.g. brown, gray, brownish gray), odor (if any) and texture (coarse
or fine-grained) of soil.
2) Identify the major soil constituent (>50% by weight) using Table 1.1 as coarse gravel,
fine gravel, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand, or fines.
3) Estimate percentages of all other soil constituents using Table 1.1 and the following
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b) Dilatancy Test: Make a sample of soft putty consistency in your palm. Then
observe the reaction during shaking, squeezing (by closing hand) and vigorous
tapping. The reaction is rapid, slow or none according to the test results given in
Table 1.3(b). During dilatancy test, vibration densifies the silt and water appears
on the surface. Now on squeezing, shear stresses are applied on the densified silt.
The dense silt has a tendency for volume increase or dilatancy due to shear
stresses. So the water disappears from the surface. Moreover, silty soil has a high
permeability, so the water moves quickly. In clay, we see no change, no shiny
surface, in other words, no reaction.
c) Plasticity (or Toughness) Test: Roll the samples into a thread about 1/8" in
diameter. Fold the thread and reroll it repeatedly until the thread crumbles at a
diameter of 1/8". Note (a) the pressure required to roll the thread when it is near
crumbling, (b) whether it can support its own weight, (c) whether it can be
molded back into a coherent mass, and (d) whether it is tough during kneading.
Describe the plasticity and toughness according to the criteria in Tables 1.3(c) and
1.3(d). A low to medium toughness and non-plastic to low plasticity is the
indication that the soil is silty; otherwise the soil is clayey. Based on dry strength,
dilatancy and toughness, determine soil symbol based on Table 1.4.
6) Identify moisture condition (dry, moist, wet or saturated) using Table 1.5.
7) Record visual classification of the soil in the following order: color, major constituent,
minor constituents, particle distribution and particle shape (if major constituent is
coarse-grained), plasticity (if major constituent is fine-grained), moisture content, soil
symbol (if major constituent is fine-grained).
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Examples of coarse-grained soils:
Soil 1: Brown fine gravel, some coarse to fine sand, trace silt, trace clay, well graded,
angular, dry.
Soil 2: Gray coarse sand, trace medium to fine sand, some silt, trace clay, poorly graded,
rounded, saturated.
Soil A: Brown lean clay, trace coarse to fine sand, medium plasticity, moist, CL.
Soil B: Gray clayey silt, trace fine sand, non-plastic, saturated, ML.
Note: Particles finer than fine sand cannot be discerned with the naked eye at a distance of 8 in (20
Description Criteria
Particles have sharp edges and relatively plane sides with unpolished
Subangular Particles are similar to angular description, but have rounded edges.
Particles have nearly plane sides, but have well-rounded corners and
Rounded Particles have smoothly curved sides and no edges.
Description Criteria
The dry specimen ball crumbles into powder with the slightest handling
The dry specimen crumbles into powder with some pressure form
The dry specimen breaks into pieces or crumbles with moderate finger
The dry specimen cannot be broken with finger pressure. Specimen will
break into pieces between thumb and a hard surface.
The dry specimen cannot be broken between the thumb and a hard
Very High
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Table 1.3(b) Criteria for Describing Dilatancy of a Soil Sample
Description Criteria
None There is no visible change in the soil samples.
Water slowly appears and remains on the surface during shaking or
water slowly disappears upon squeezing.
Water quickly appears on the surface during shaking and quickly
disappears upon squeezing.
Description Criteria
The thread is easy to roll and little time is needed to reach the plastic
Medium limit. The thread cannot be re-rolled after the plastic limit is reached. The
mass crumbles when it is drier than the plastic limit.
Note: The plastic limit is the water content at which the soil begins to break apart and crumbles
when rolled into threads 1/8” in diameter.
Description Criteria
Only slight pressure is needed to roll the thread to the plastic limit. The
thread and mass are weak and soft.
Moderate pressure is needed to roll the thread to near the plastic limit.
The thread and mass have moderate stiffness.
Substantial pressure is needed to roll the thread to near the plastic limit.
The thread and mass are very stiff.
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Note: ML = Silt; CL = Lean Clay (low plasticity clay); MH = Elastic Soil; CH = Fat Clay (high plasticity
clay). The terms ‘lean’ and ‘fat’ may not be used in certain geographic regions (midwest).
Description Criteria
Moist Soil is damp, slight moisture; soil may begin to retain molded form
Saturated Water is easily visible and drains freely from the sample
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1. Color : Gray
2. Odor : None
3. Texture : Coarse
4. Major soil constituent : Sand
5. Minor soil constituents : Gravel, Fines
Approx. % by
Gravel 80
Sand 15
Fines 5
Dry Strength :
Dilatancy :
Plasticity :
Toughness :
Soil Symbol :
Gray sand, little fine gravel, trace fines, poorly graded, rounded, dry
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1. Color : Gray
2. Odor : None
3. Texture : Fine-Grained
4. Major soil constituent : Fines
5. Minor soil constituents : Fine Sand
Approx. % by
Fines 95
Fine Sand 5
Gradation :
Particle Shape :
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Soil Number :
Classified by :
Date :
1. Color :
2. Odor :
3. Texture :
4. Major soil constituent :
5. Minor soil constituents :
Approx. % by
Gradation :
Particle Shape :
Dry Strength :
Dilatancy :
Plasticity :
Toughness :
Soil Symbol :
8. Moisture Condition :
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The particle size analysis of a soil sample involves determining the percentage by mass of
particles within the different size ranges. The particle size distribution of a coarse soil can
be determined by the method of sieving. The soil sample is passed through a series of
standard test sieves having successively smaller mesh sizes. The mass of soil retained in
each sieve is determined and the cumulative percentage by mass passing each sieve is
The particle size distribution of a soil is presented as a curve on a semi logarithmic plot,
the ordinates being the percentage by mass of particles smaller than the size given by the
abscissa. The flatter the distribution curve the larger the range of particle sizes in the soil;
the steeper the curve the smaller the size range. A coarse soil is described as well graded
if there is no excess of particles in any size range and if no intermediate sizes are lacking.
In general, a well-graded soil is represented by a smooth, concave distribution curve. A
coarse soil is described as poorly graded (a) if a high proportion of the particles have sizes
within narrow limits (a uniform soil) or (b) if particles of both large and small sizes are
present but with a relatively low proportion of particles of intermediate size (a gap-
graded or step-graded soil).
Particle size is represented on a logarithmic scale so that two soils having the same
degree of uniformity are represented by curves of the same shape regardless of their
positions on the particle size distribution plot. The particle size corresponding to any
specified value on the ‘percentage smaller’ scale can be read from the particle size
distribution curve. The size such that 10% of the particles are smaller than that size is
denoted by D10. Other sizes such as D30 and D60 can be defined in a similar way. The size
D10 is defined as the effective size.
The general slope and shape of the distribution curve can be described by means of the
coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and the coefficient of curvature (Cc), defined as follows:
The higher the value of the coefficient of uniformity the larger the range of particle sizes
in the soil. A well-graded soil has a coefficient of curvature between 1 and 3.
The distribution of different grain sizes affects the engineering properties of soil. Grain
size analysis provides the grain size distribution, and it is required in classifying the soil.
Soil permeability (the ease with which a fluid will flow through the soil) and capillarity
(the attraction or the retention of water above the water table) are related to an effective
particle diameter. The method of designing filters for dams, levees etc. uses the particle
size distribution of the soil involved.
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ASTM D 422
Standard set of sieves
Cleaning brush
Sieve shaker
1) Write down the weight of each sieve as well as the bottom pan to be used in the
2) Take 500 gm of dry soil sample.
3) Make sure that all the sieves are clean, and assemble them in the ascending order of
sieve numbers (#4 sieve at top and #200 sieve at bottom). Place the pan below #200
sieve. Carefully pour the soil sample into the top sieve and place the cap over it.
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4) Place the sieve stack in the mechanical shaker and shake for 10 minutes.
5) Remove the stack from the shaker and carefully weigh and record the weight of each
sieve with its retained soil. In addition, remember to weigh and record the weight of
the bottom pan with its retained fine soil.
1) Obtain the mass of soil retained on each sieve by subtracting the weight of the empty
sieve from the mass of the sieve + retained soil, and record this mass as the weight
retained on the data sheet. The sum of these retained masses should be
approximately equals the initial mass of the soil sample. A loss of more than two
percent is unsatisfactory.
2) Calculate the percent retained on each sieve by dividing the weight retained on each
sieve by the original sample mass.
3) Calculate the percent passing (or percent finer) by starting with 100 percent and
subtracting the percent retained on each sieve as a cumulative procedure.
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Sieve Materials % of
Sieve Cumulative Percent
Opening Retained Materials
Number % Retained Finer
(mm) (gm) Retained
No. 4
No. 8
No. 16
No. 30
No. 50
No. 100
No. 200
D10 =
D30 =
D60 =
Co-efficient of Uniformity, Cu
Co-efficient of Curvature, Cc
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For those soils, which are nearly all finer than a No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm), the
hydrometer analysis is done.
√ √ √
√ √ √
When a hydrometer is placed in the soil suspension at a time t, measured from the start
of sedimentation it measures the specific gravity in the vicinity of its bulb at a depth L.
The specific gravity is a function of the amount of soil particles present per unit volume of
suspension at that depth. Also, at a time t, the soil particles in suspension at a depth L will
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have a diameter smaller than D. The larger particles would have settled beyond the zone
of measurement. Hydrometers are designed to give the amount of soil, in grams, that is
still in suspension. They are calibrated for soils that have a specific gravity, Gs of 2.65;
for soils of other specific gravity, a correction must be made.
By knowing the amount of soil in suspension, L, and t, we can calculate the percentage of
soil by weight finer than a given diameter. Note that L is the depth measured from the
surface of the water to the center of gravity of the hydrometer bulb at which the density
of the suspension is measured. The value of L will change with time t. Hydrometer
analysis is effective for separating soil fractions down to a size of about 0.5 m.
ASTM D 422
152H Hydrometer
Sedimentation cylinder
Control cylinder
Timing device
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1) Take the fine soil from the bottom pan of the sieve set, place it into a beaker, and add
125 mL of the dispersing agent (sodium hexametaphosphate (40 g/L)) solution. Stir
the mixture until the soil is thoroughly wet. Let the soil soak for at least ten minutes.
2) While the soil is soaking, add 125 mL of dispersing agent into the control cylinder and
fill it with distilled water to the mark. Take the reading at the top of the meniscus
formed by the hydrometer stem and the control solution. A reading less than zero is
recorded as a negative (-ve) correction and a reading between zero and sixty is
recorded as a positive (+ve) correction. This reading is called the zero correction. The
meniscus correction is the difference between the top of the meniscus and the level of
the solution in the control jar (Usually about +1). Shake the control cylinder in such a
way that the contents are mixed thoroughly. Insert the hydrometer and thermometer
into the control cylinder and note the zero correction and temperature respectively.
3) Transfer the soil slurry into a mixer by adding more distilled water, if necessary, until
mixing cup is at least half full. Then mix the solution for a period of two minutes.
4) Immediately transfer the soil slurry into the empty sedimentation cylinder. Add
distilled water up to the mark.
5) Cover the open end of the cylinder with a stopper and secure it with the palm of your
hand. Then turn the cylinder upside down and back upright for a period of one
minute. (The cylinder should be inverted approximately 30 times during the minute.)
6) Set the cylinder down and record the time. Remove the stopper from the cylinder.
After an elapsed time of one minute and forty seconds, very slowly and carefully
insert the hydrometer for the first reading.
(Note: It should take about ten seconds to insert or remove the hydrometer to minimize any
disturbance, and the release of the hydrometer should be made as close to the reading depth
as possible to avoid excessive bobbing).
7) The reading is taken by observing the top of the meniscus formed by the suspension
and the hydrometer stem. The hydrometer is removed slowly and placed back into
the control cylinder. Very gently spin it in control cylinder to remove any particles
that may have adhered.
8) Take hydrometer readings after elapsed time of 2 and 5, 8, 15, 30, 60 minutes and 24
√ √
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8) Calculate percent finer as follows:
10) Plot the grain size curve D versus the adjusted percent finer on the semi logarithmic
Table 3.1 Variation of L with Hydrometer Reading
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Table 3.2 Temperature Correction Factors, CT
Factor CT
15 -1.10
16 -0.90
17 -0.70
18 -0.50
19 -0.30
20 0.00
21 +0.20
22 +0.40
23 +0.70
24 +1.00
25 +1.30
26 +1.65
27 +2.00
28 +2.50
29 +3.05
30 +3.80
Specific Gravity of
Correction Factor,
Soil Solids,
2.85 0.96
2.80 0.97
2.75 0.98
2.70 0.99
2.65 1.00
2.60 1.01
2.55 1.02
2.50 1.04
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The Moisture Content or Water Content of soil is defined as the ratio of the mass of pore or
free water to the mass of solids in a given volume of soil. It is usually expressed as
Mass of Water
For many soils, the water content may be an extremely important index used for
establishing the relationship between the behavior of soil and its index properties. The
consistency of a fine-grained soil largely depends on its water content. The water content is
also used in expressing the phase relationships of air, water, and solids in a given volume of
For fine-grained or clayey soils, the consolidation settlement is affected by amount of pore
water present in the soil.
ASTM D 2216
Drying Oven
Capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 110 ± 5°C throughout the
drying chamber
Moisture Can/Specimen Container
Container Handling Apparatus
Gloves, tongs etc.
Knives, spatulas, scoops, quartering cloth, sample splitters, etc. as required
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Figure 4.1 Determination of Moisture Content
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Sample No. 01 02 03
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The specific gravity of a soil is defined as the ratio of its mass in air to the mass of an equal
volume of distilled water at a temperature of 4°C. The specific gravity of a soil is used in the
phase relationship of air, water, and solids in a given volume of the soil. Knowing the Void
Ratio, the Degree of Saturation and the Specific Gravity, the Unit Weight of a moist soil can
be determined. The Unit Weight of soil is required in almost all pressure, settlement and
stability problems in Geotechnical Engineering. It is also used in the computations of most
of the laboratory tests.
This lab is performed to determine the Specific Gravity of soil by using a Pycnometer.
Specific Gravity is the ratio of the mass of unit volume of soil at a stated temperature to the
mass of the same volume of gas-free distilled water at same temperature.
ASTM D 854
In the computation of the Specific Gravity of a soil sample in laboratory, the weight of the
Pycnometer filled with distilled water at the test temperature is needed. This value is
usually taken from a plot of Temperature versus Weight of Bottle plus Water. The plot or
calibration curve can be determined either by experimental or by theoretical means.
This procedure consists of obtaining at least three sets of concurrent temperature and
weight measurements about 4°C apart and within the temperature range of 20°C to 30°C.
Each set of coordinates for a point on the calibration curve is obtained as follows –
1) Add deaired, distilled water in a clean Pycnometer at room temperature until the
bottom of the meniscus is at the calibration mark.
2) Carefully dry the outside of the bottle and the inside of the neck above the water
3) Weight the Bottle plus Water to 0.01 gm.
4) Measure the water temperature to 0.1°C. Hold the tip of the thermometer at different
elevations within the water to see if the temperature is uniform.
5) If the temperature is non-uniform, place the thumb over the open end of the bottle and
turn it upside down and back to mix the water thoroughly for a temperature
6) Heat the Bottle of water slightly by placing it in a warm water bath and repeat steps 2-
5, each time removing enough water to bring the meniscus down to the calibration
mark. Repeat this procedure until enough points are obtained to plot the calibration
Points for the calibration curve can be obtained by successively substituting different
temperatures in the following equation-
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Specific Gravity Determination
Cohesionless Soil
Cohesive Soil
1) Work a sample of the soil to be tested into a smooth paste by mixing it with distilled
water. The sample used should contain approximately 50 gm in dry weight.
2) Pour the paste into a calibrated pycnometer.
3) Remove the entrapped air, cool and obtain the weight and temperature as was done in
steps 2-7 of the procedure for the cohesionless soil.
4) Pour the entire mixture of soil and water into a large evaporating dish of known weight;
rinse the pycnometer to ensure the collection of all the soil.
5) Dry the soil in the oven, cool and weigh. The dry weight of soil grains can be obtained
by subtracting the weight of the empty dish from the weight of the dish with soil in it.
The boiling should not be too vigorous since soil may be carried out the neck of the
The heating of a pycnometer to a high temperature is unwise because of the possibility
of changing the shape of the bottle.
Two sources of important experimental errors are nonuniform temperatures and
incomplete removal of air entrapped in the soil.
The Specific Gravity of the soil, , can be obtained from the following equation.
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Pycnometer Calibration
(Experimental Procedure)
Pycnometer Calibration
(Theoretical Procedure)
Temperature of Calibration, Tc = ºC
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Specific Gravity Determination
Weight of Bottle+Water+Soil, W1
Temperature, T (ºC)
Weight of Bottle+Water, W2
Dry Weight of Soil
Specific Gravity of Water at T ºC,
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A fine-grained soil can exist in any of several states; which state depends on the amount of
water in the soil system. When water is added to a dry soil, each particle is covered with a
film of adsorbed water. If the addition of water is continued, the thickness of the water film
on a particle increases. Increasing the thickness of the water films permits the particles to
slide past one another more easily. The behavior of the soil, therefore, is related to the
amount of water in the system.
In the early 1900s, a Swedish soil scientist named Atterberg developed a method to
describe the consistency of fine-grained soils with varying moisture contents. At a very low
moisture content, soil behaves more like a solid. When the moisture content is very high,
the soil and water may flow like a liquid. Hence, on an arbitrary basis, depending on the
moisture content, the behavior of soil can be divided into four basic states- solid, semisolid,
plastic and liquid.
The moisture content, in percent, at which the transition from solid to semi-solid state
takes place, is defined as the shrinkage limit. The moisture content at the point of transition
from semisolid to plastic state is the plastic limit and from plastic to liquid state is the liquid
limit. These parameters are also known as Atterberg Limits.
A wide variety of soil engineering properties have been correlated to the liquid and plastic
limits, and these Atterberg limits are also used to classify a fine-grained soil according to
the Unified Soil Classification system or AASHTO system.
This lab is performed to determine the Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit and Shrinkage Limit of a
fine-grained soil. The Liquid Limit (LL) is arbitrarily defined as the water content, in
percent, at which a pat of soil in a standard cup and cut by a groove of standard dimensions
will flow together at the base of the groove for a distance of 13 mm (1/2 in.) when
subjected to 25 shocks from the cup being dropped 10 mm in a standard liquid limit
apparatus operated at a rate of two shocks per second. The Plastic Limit (PL) is the water
content, in percent, at which a soil can no longer be deformed by rolling into 3.2 mm (1/8
in.) diameter threads without crumbling.
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Figure 6.2 Volume Change of Soil with Moisture Content
( )
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Figure 6.3 Casagrande Apparatus
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Figure 6.5 Determination of Plastic Limit
Liquid Limit
1) Take about 100 gm of moist soil mix it thoroughly with distilled water to form a
uniform paste, assuming that the soil was previously passed through a No. 40 sieve,
air-dried, and then pulverized. Thoroughly mix the soil with a small amount of distilled
water until it appears as a smooth uniform paste.
2) Place a portion of the previously mixed soil into the cup of the liquid limit device.
3) Use the grooving tool carefully to cut a clean straight groove (1/2 inch or 13 mm width
and depth) down the center of the cup. The tool should remain perpendicular to the
surface of the cup as groove is being made.
4) Make sure that the base of the apparatus below the cup and the underside of the cup is
clean of soil.
5) Turn the crank of the apparatus at a rate of approximately two blows per second and
count the number of blows (N) necessary to close the groove in the soil for a distance of
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13 mm (1/2 inch). The groove should be closed by a flow of the soil and not by slippage
between the soil and the cup.
6) If the number of blows is less than 10, then add some soil and if the number of blows
exceeds 40, then add some water.
7) Mix the sample in the cup and repeat steps 3 to 6 until the number of blows required to
close the gap is substantially the same and between 10 to 40. A difference of two or
three blows probably indicates poor mixing of the sample.
8) When a consistent value in the range of 10 to 40 blows has been obtained, take
approximately 10 gm of soil in a moisture can (previously weighed) from near the
closed groove for a water content determination.
9) Weigh the moisture can plus wet soil sample.
10) Keep the can with sample in dry oven for 24 hours and weigh the moisture can plus dry
soil sample.
11) Determine the water content of the sample.
12) By altering the water content of the soil and repeating previous steps, obtain five water
content determinations in the range of 10 to 40 blows.
13) Make a plot of water content vs. number of blows (log scale) in a semi log graph paper.
Such a plot is known as a flow curve and it is approximated as a straight line. From the
flow curve determine the water content corresponding to the number of blows 25
which is the Liquid Limit.
14) Also determine the Liquid Limit using following equation:
( )
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Plastic Limit
Shrinkage Limit
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Determination No. 1 2 3 4 5
Determination No. 1 2 3
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Test Temperature, =
Determination No. 1 2
Dish No.
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The dry density of soil is an important parameter for calculating bearing capacity of
foundations and in designing laterally loaded foundations, retaining walls, bracing etc.
This test is used to determine the in-place density of soils. This test can also be used to
determine density of compacted soils used in the construction of structural fills, highway
embankments, or earth dams. This method is not recommended for organic or friable soils.
Calibration of Apparatus
The method given below should be followed for the determination of the weight of sand in the
cone of the pouring cylinder:
1) The pouring cylinder should be filled so that the level of the sand in the cylinder is
within about 10 mm of the top. Its total initial weight (W1) should be maintained
constant throughout the tests for which the calibration is used. A volume of sand
equivalent to that of the excavated hole in the soil (or equal to that of the calibrating
container) should be allowed to run out of the cylinder under gravity. The shutter of the
pouring cylinder should then be closed and the cylinder placed on a plain surface, such
as a glass plate.
2) The shutter of the pouring cylinder should be opened and sand allowed to run out.
When no further movement of sand takes place in the cylinder, the shutter should be
closed and the cylinder removed carefully.
3) The sand that had filled the cone of the pouring cylinder (that is, the sand that is left on
the plain surface) should be collected and weighed to the nearest gram.
4) These measurements should be repeated at least thrice and the mean weight (W2)
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The method described below should be followed for the determination of the bulk density of
the sand ( ):
1) The internal volume (V) in ml of the calibrating container should be determined from
the weight of water contained in the container when filled to the brim. The volume may
also be calculated from the measured internal dimensions of the container.
2) The pouring cylinder should be placed concentrically on the top of the calibrating
container after being filled to the constant weight (W1). The shutter of the pouring
cylinder should be closed during the operation. The shutter should be opened and sand
allowed to run out. When no further movement of sand takes place in the cylinder, the
shutter should be closed. The pouring cylinder should be removed and weighed to the
nearest gram.
3) These measurements should be repeated at least thrice and the mean weight (W3)
The following method should be followed for the measurement of soil density:
1) A flat area, approximately 450 sq. mm of the soil to be tested should be exposed and
trimmed down to a level surface, preferably with the aid of the scraper tool.
2) The metal tray with a central hole should be laid on the prepared surface of the soil
with the hole over the portion of the soil to be tested.
3) The hole in the soil should then be excavated using the hole in the tray as a pattern, to
the depth of the layer to be tested up to a maximum of 150 mm. The excavated soil
should be carefully collected, leaving no loose material in the hole and weighed to the
nearest gram (Ww). The metal tray should be removed before the pouring cylinder is
placed in position over the excavated hole.
4) The water content (w) of the excavated soil should be determined as discussed earlier.
Alternatively, the whole of the excavated soil should be dried and weighed (Wd).
5) The pouring cylinder, filled to the constant weight (W1) should be so placed that the
base of the cylinder covers the hole concentrically. The shutter should then be opened
and sand allowed to run out into the hole. The pouring cylinder and the surrounding
area should not be vibrated during this period. When no further movement of sand
takes place, the shutter should be closed. The cylinder should be removed and weighed
to the nearest gram (W4).
1) The weight of sand (Wa) in gm, required to fill the calibrating container should be
calculated from-
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3) The weight of sand (Wb) in gm, required to fill the excavated hole should be calculated
4) The bulk density ( ) , that is, the weight of the wet soil per cubic meter should be
calculated from-
5) The dry density ( ) , that is, the weight of the dry soil per cubic meter should be
calculated from-
Calibration of Apparatus
Determination No. 01 02 03
Weight of wet soil from the hole, Ww (gm) 2,310 2,400 2,280
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Calibration of Apparatus
Determination No. 01 02 03
Dry density,
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The shear strength of a soil is its resistance to shearing stresses. It is a measure of the soil
resistance to deformation by continuous displacement of its individual soil particles. Shear
strength in soils depends primarily on interactions between particles. Shear failure occurs
when the stresses between the particles are such that they slide or roll past each other.
Therefore, the shear strength of a soil mass can be defined as the internal resistance per
unit area that the soil mass can offer to resist failure and sliding along any plane inside it.
The knowledge about the strength of soil is a must in order to analyze soil stability
problems such as bearing capacity, slope stability and lateral pressure on earth retaining
Internal Friction Angle ( ) is the measure of the shear strength of soils due to friction.
This theory states that a material fails because of a critical combination of normal stress
and shear stress, and not from their either maximum normal or shear stress alone.
According to this theory, the Shear Strength ( ) of a soil can be expressed as:
Depending on the source of its strength, soil can be divided in following two types:
Cohesive soil
Cohesionless soil
Cohesive soils are those in which individual particles exhibit inter-attraction among them.
There is no cohesion or attraction among the particles of Cohesionless soils. The shear
strength of a Cohesionless soil is derived from the friction between particles or grains and
the interlocking of them. In general, Sandy soils are Cohesionless soil and Clayey soils are
Page | 44
Cohesive soils. Therefore, for Sandy soils, ; and for Clayey soils, . If the two types
of soils, i.e. clay and sand are mixed, then both the cohesion and friction angle contributes
to the shear strength of the mixed soil.
ASTM D 2166
Page | 45
Figure 8.1 Unconfined Compression Test
1) Extrude the soil sample from Shelby tube sampler. Cut a soil specimen so that the ratio
(L/d) is approximately between 2 and 2.5; Where L and d are the length and diameter
of soil specimen, respectively. Take L=3” and d=1.5”
2) Measure the exact diameter of the top of the specimen at three locations 120° apart,
and then make the same measurements on the bottom of the specimen. Average the
measurements and record the average as the diameter on the data sheet.
3) Measure the exact length of the specimen at three locations 120° apart, and then
average the measurements and record the average as the length on the data sheet.
4) Weigh the sample and record the mass on the data sheet.
5) Calculate the deformation ( L) corresponding to 15% strain ( ).
6) Carefully place the specimen in the compression device and center it on the bottom
plate. Adjust the device so that the upper plate just makes contact with the specimen
and set the load and deformation dials to zero.
7) Apply the load so that the device produces an axial strain at a rate of 0.5% to 2.0% per
minute, and then record the load and deformation dial readings on the data sheet at
every 20 to 50 divisions on deformation the dial.
8) Keep applying the load until the load (load dial) decreases on the specimen
significantly, the load holds constant for at least four deformation dial readings, or the
deformation is significantly past the 15% strain that was determined in step 5.
9) Draw a sketch to depict the sample failure.
Page | 46
1) Convert the dial readings to the appropriate load and length units, and enter these
values on the data sheet in the deformation and total load columns. (Confirm that the
conversion is done correctly, particularly proving dial gage readings conversion into
2) Compute the sample cross-sectional area.
6) Plot the stress versus strain curve. Show qu as the peak stress (or at 15% strain) of the
test. Be sure that the strain is plotted on the abscissa.
7) Draw Mohr’s circle using qu from the last step and show the undrained shear strength,
su = c (or cohesion) = qu/2.
Page | 47
Sample Height, L :
Sample Diameter, d :
Initial Cross-Sectional Area, A :
Deformation Dial : 1 unit =
Proving Ring No :
Load Dial : 1 unit =
Sample Corrected
Deformation Load Dial Deformation Strain % Area Load Stress
Dial Reading Reading L ( ) Strain A'
Page | 48
1) Moisture Content
2) Dry Unit Weight (Dry Density)
3) Compaction Effort
4) Soil Type and Gradation
Compaction is the densification of soil by removing air voids using mechanical equipment.
The degree of compaction is measured in terms of its dry unit weight. When water is added
to the soil during compaction, it acts as a softening agent on the soil particles. The soil
particles slip over each other and move into a densely packed position. The dry unit weight
after compaction first increases as the moisture content increases. When the moisture
content is gradually increased and the same compactive effort is used for compaction, the
weight of the soil solids in a unit volume gradually increases. Beyond a certain moisture
content, any increase in the moisture content tends to reduce the dry unit weight. This
phenomenon occurs because the water takes up the spaces that would have been occupied
by the solid particles.
The moisture content at which the maximum dry unit weight is attained is referred to as
the Optimum Moisture Content.
At a moisture content, , the moist unit weight is equal to the dry unit weight
, or
Page | 49
At the dry unit weight is the maximum. After addition of more water, the dry unit
weight decreases.
This laboratory test is performed to determine the relationship between the moisture
content and the dry density of a soil for a specified compactive effort and to obtain the
Maximum Dry Unit Weight and the Optimum Moisture Content.
ASTM D 698
5.08 cm (2 inch) Diameter Face
2.5 kg (5.5 lb) Mass
#4 Sieve
Straight edge and Knife
Large Mixing Pan
Page | 50
Drying Oven
Moisture Can
Mechanical Extruder/Rejector
Page | 51
6) Repeat the procedure with a second and third layer. After compaction of the third layer,
the surface of the soil should be slightly above the rim of the mold.
7) Carefully detach the collar without disturbing the soil inside the mold and trim off the
compacted soil so that it is completely even with the top of the mold using the straight
edge. Replace small bits of soil that may fall out during the trimming process.
8) Remove the base and determine the weight of the mold and compacted soil.
9) Take two samples (approximately 20-30 gm each): one from the top and another from
the bottom of the compacted soil specimen and keep them in two moisture cans
weighed before. Keep the samples in dry oven for 24 hours.
10) Weigh the moisture cans with dry soil and determine the water content of each and
average them.
11) Break up the remainder of the molded soil, thoroughly remix it with the original sample
and raise its water content approximately 3 % by adding water to the sample.
12) Repeat steps 3 to 9 each time raising the water content approximately 3 % until five or
six runs have been made and the soil becomes very wet and sticky.
2) Plot Dry Unit weight vs. Moisture Content curve (Smooth curve).
3) Determine the Optimum Moisture Content, which corresponds to the maximum dry
unit weight, from the plot.
4) Also plot the zero air void curve using the following-
Page | 52
Sample Datasheet & Curve
Sample No. 01 02 03
Moisture Can/Specimen Container
12 15 87 45 34 13
Mass of Moisture Can/Specimen
45.0 44.0 51.0 49.0 43.0 53.0
Container (gm), M1
Mass of Moisture Can/Specimen
100.0 101.0 112.0 107.0 96.0 113.0
Container + Wet Soil (gm), M2
Mass of Moisture Can/Specimen
95.0 95.4 104.7 100.0 88.0 104.0
Container + Dry Soil (gm), M3
Mass of Water (gm),
5.0 5.6 7.3 7.0 8.0 9.0
Mw = M 2 – M 3
Mass of Dry Soil (gm),
50.0 51.4 53.7 51.0 45.0 51.0
Ms = M 3 - M 1
Moisture Content (%),
10.0 10.9 13.6 13.7 17.8 17.6
Sample No. 04 05 06
Moisture Can/Specimen Container
9 56 76 63 21 54
Mass of Moisture Can/Specimen
48.0 47.0 53.0 50.0 44.0 47.0
Container (gm), M1
Mass of Moisture Can/Specimen
104.5 105.3 117.0 112.0 100.0 99.0
Container + Wet Soil (gm), M2
Mass of Moisture Can/Specimen
95.0 95.4 104.7 100.0 88.0 87.6
Container + Dry Soil (gm), M3
Mass of Water (gm),
9.5 9.9 12.3 12.0 12.0 11.4
Mw = M 2 – M 3
Mass of Dry Soil (gm),
47.0 48.4 51.7 50.0 44.0 40.6
Ms = M 3 - M 1
Moisture Content (%),
20.2 20.5 23.8 24.0 27.3 28.1
Page | 53
Determination of Dry Density
Sample No. 01 02 03 04 05 06
Page | 54
Sample No. 01 02 03
Sample No. 04 05 06
Page | 55
Mold Volume =
Sample No. 01 02 03 04 05 06
Page | 56
The term Relative Density is commonly used to indicate the in situ denseness or looseness
of granular soil. Relative density or density index is the ratio of the difference between the
void ratios of a cohesionless soil in its loosest state and existing natural state to the
difference between its void ratio in the loosest and densest states. It is expressed as-
The values of may vary from a minimum of 0% for very loose soil to a maximum of
100% for very dense soils. In-place soils seldom have relative densities less than 20 to 30%.
Compacting a granular soil to a relative density greater than about 85% is difficult.
0 – 15 Very loose
15 – 50 Loose
50 – 70 Medium
70 – 85 Dense
85 – 100 Very dense
The relationships for relative density can also be defined in terms of porosity.
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The relative density can be expressed in terms of maximum and minimum dry unit weights.
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ] [ ]
Relative density and percent compaction are commonly used for evaluating the state of
compactness of a given soil mass. The engineering properties, such as shear strength,
compressibility, and permeability, of a given soil depend on the level of compaction.
ASTM D 2049
Cylindrical Mold
Determination of
Determination of
1) Fill the mold with the soil again in 5 layers; each layer having 20 blows of hammer all
around the mold.
2) Trim off the excess soil level with the top by carefully trimming the soil surface with a
3) Determine and record the weight of the mold and compacted soil (M2).
Determination of
2) For this test, the dry density will be given in the class.
1) Determine as follows-
2) Determine as follows-
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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Page | 60
[ ] [ ]
Page | 61
The definition and importance of shear strength of soil have been discussed earlier in the
unconfined compression test.
The Direct shear test is one of the oldest and simplest forms of shear strength test methods.
This method is used to determine the shear strength of both cohesive soil and cohesionless
soil. From the plot of the shear stress versus the horizontal displacement, the maximum
shear stress is obtained for a specific vertical confining stress. After the experiment is run
several times for various vertical-confining stresses, a plot of the maximum shear stresses
versus the vertical (normal) confining stresses for each of the tests is produced. From the
plot, a straight-line approximation of the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope curve can be
drawn, may be determined, and, for cohesionless soils (c = 0), the shear strength can be
computed from the following equation:
ASTM D 3080
Page | 63
7) Complete the assembly of the direct shear device and initialize the three gauges
(Horizontal displacement gage, vertical displacement gage and shear load gage) to zero.
8) Set the vertical load (or pressure) to a predetermined value, and then close bleeder
valve and apply the load to the soil specimen by raising the toggle switch.
9) Start the motor with selected speed so that the rate of shearing is at a selected constant
rate, and take the horizontal displacement gauge, vertical displacement gage and shear
load gage readings. Record the readings on the data sheet. (Note: Record the vertical
displacement gage readings, if needed).
10) Continue taking readings until the horizontal shear load peaks and then falls, or the
horizontal displacement reaches 15% of the diameter.
1) Calculate the density of the soil sample from the mass of soil and volume of the shear
2) Convert the dial readings to the appropriate length and load units and enter the values
on the data sheet in the correct locations. Compute the sample area A, and the vertical
(Normal) stress-
Page | 64
Horizontal Horizontal
Horizontal Dial Load Dial Shear Stress
Displacement Shear Force
Reading Reading (psi)
(in) (lb)
0 0 0 0.000 0.000
10 0.01 4 3.360 0.696
20 0.02 4.3 3.522 0.729
30 0.03 4.8 3.792 0.785
40 0.04 5 3.900 0.807
50 0.05 7 4.980 1.031
60 0.06 8 5.520 1.143
70 0.07 13.5 8.490 1.758
80 0.08 15 9.300 1.925
90 0.09 17 10.380 2.149
100 0.1 19 11.460 2.373
110 0.11 20 12.000 2.484
120 0.12 22 13.080 2.708
130 0.13 22.5 13.350 2.764
140 0.14 23 13.620 2.820
150 0.15 23.5 13.890 2.876
160 0.16 25 14.700 3.043
170 0.17 25.5 14.970 3.099
180 0.18 26 15.240 3.155
190 0.19 27 15.780 3.267
200 0.2 27.5 16.050 3.323
210 0.21 28 16.320 3.379
220 0.22 25 14.700 3.043
Page | 65
Normal Stress: 4.40 psi
Horizontal Horizontal
Horizontal Dial Load Dial Shear Stress
Displacement Shear Force
Reading Reading (psi)
(in) (lb)
0 0 0 0.000 0.000
10 0.01 8 5.520 1.143
20 0.02 12 7.680 1.590
30 0.03 13.5 8.490 1.758
40 0.04 15 9.300 1.925
50 0.05 18.5 11.190 2.317
60 0.06 21 12.540 2.596
70 0.07 23 13.620 2.820
80 0.08 26 15.240 3.155
90 0.09 30 17.400 3.602
100 0.1 33.5 19.290 3.994
110 0.11 36 20.640 4.273
120 0.12 39 22.260 4.609
130 0.13 41.5 23.610 4.888
140 0.14 44.5 25.230 5.224
150 0.15 47 26.580 5.503
160 0.16 49 27.660 5.727
170 0.17 47 26.580 5.503
180 0.18 44 24.960 5.168
Horizontal Horizontal
Horizontal Dial Load Dial Shear Stress
Displacement Shear Force
Reading Reading (psi)
(in) (lb)
0 0 0 0.000 0.000
10 0.01 12 7.680 1.590
20 0.02 18 10.920 2.261
30 0.03 24 14.160 2.932
40 0.04 28 16.320 3.379
50 0.05 32.5 18.750 3.882
60 0.06 36.5 20.910 4.329
70 0.07 40 22.800 4.720
80 0.08 44 24.960 5.168
90 0.09 48 27.120 5.615
100 0.1 50.5 28.470 5.894
110 0.11 55 30.900 6.398
120 0.12 60 33.600 6.957
130 0.13 64 35.760 7.404
140 0.14 67.5 37.650 7.795
150 0.15 71 39.540 8.186
160 0.16 68 37.920 7.851
170 0.17 64 35.760 7.404
Page | 66
180 0.18 59 33.060 6.845
Page | 67
Date Tested :
Tested By :
Project Name :
Sample Number :
Visual Classification :
Normal Stress:
Horizontal Horizontal
Horizontal Dial Load Dial Shear Stress
Displacement Shear Force
Reading Reading (psi)
(in) (lb)
Page | 68
Normal Stress: Normal Stress:
Page | 69
The consolidation properties determined from the consolidation test are used to estimate
the magnitude and the rate of both primary and secondary consolidation settlement of a
structure or an earth-fill. Estimates of this type are of key importance in the design of
engineered structures and the evaluation of their performance.
This test is performed to determine the magnitude and rate of volume decrease that a
laterally confined soil specimen undergoes when subjected to different vertical pressures.
From the measured data, the consolidation curve (pressure-void ratio relationship) can be
plotted. This data is useful in determining the compression index, the recompression index
and the pre-consolidation pressure (or maximum past pressure) of the soil. In addition, the
data obtained can also be used to determine the coefficient of consolidation and the
coefficient of secondary compression of the soil.
ASTM D 2435
Consolidation device (including ring, porous stones, water reservoir, and load plate)
Dial gauge
Sample trimming device
Glass plate
Metal straight edge
Moisture can
Filter paper
Page | 70
Figure12.1 Consolidation Device
4) As the trimming progresses, press the sample gently into the ring and continue until the
sample protrudes a short distance through the bottom of the ring. Be careful
throughout the trimming process to insure that there is no void space between the
sample and the ring.
5) Turn the ring over carefully and remove the portion of the soil protruding above the
ring. Using the metal straight edge, cut the soil surface flush with the surface of the
ring. Remove the final portion with extreme care.
6) Place the previously weighed Saran-covered glass plate on the freshly cut surface, turn
the ring over again, and carefully cut the other end in a similar manner.
7) Weigh the specimen plus ring plus glass plate.
8) Carefully remove the ring with specimen from the Saran-covered glass plate and peel
the Saran from the specimen surface. Center the porous stones that have been soaking,
on the top and bottom surfaces of the test specimen. Place the filter papers between
porous stones and soil specimen. Press very lightly to make sure that the stones adhere
to the sample. Lower the assembly carefully into the base of the water reservoir. Fill
the water reservoir with water until the specimen is completely covered and saturated.
Page | 71
Figure12.2 Consolidation Test
9) Being careful to prevent movement of the ring and porous stones, place the load plate
centrally on the upper porous stone and adjust the loading device.
10) Adjust the dial gauge to a zero reading.
Page | 72
11) With the toggle switch in the down (closed) position, set the pressure gauge dial (based
on calibration curve) to result in an applied pressure of 0.5 tsf (tons per square foot).
12) Simultaneously, open the valve (by quickly lifting the toggle switch to the up (open)
position) and start the timing clock.
13) Record the consolidation dial readings at the elapsed times given on the data sheet.
14) Repeat Steps 11 to 13 for different preselected pressures (generally includes loading
pressures of 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, and 16.0 tsf and unloading pressures of 8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0
and 0.5 tsf)
15) At the last elapsed time reading, record the final consolidation dial reading and time,
release the load, and quickly disassemble the consolidation device and remove the
specimen. Quickly but carefully blot the surfaces dry with paper toweling. (The
specimen will tend to absorb water after the load is released.)
16) Place the specimen and ring on the Saran-covered glass plate and, once again, weigh
them together.
17) Weigh an empty large moisture can and lid.
18) Carefully remove the specimen from the consolidation ring, being sure not to lose too
much soil, and place the specimen in the previously weighed moisture can. Place the
moisture can containing the specimen in the oven and let it dry for 12 to 18 hours.
19) Weigh the dry specimen in the moisture can.
1) Calculate the initial water content and specific gravity of the soil.
2) For each pressure increment, construct a semilog plot of the consolidation dial readings
versus the log time (in minutes). Determine D0, D50, D100, and the coefficient of
consolidation (cv) using Casagrande’s logarithm of time fitting method. See example
data. Also calculate the coefficient of secondary compression based on these plots.
3) Calculate the void ratio at the end of primary consolidation for each pressure increment
(see example data). Plot log pressure versus void ratio. Based on this plot, calculate
compression index, recompression index and preconsolidation pressure (maximum
past pressure).
4) Summarize and discuss the results.
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Consolidation Test
Example Data Sheets
Before test
After test
Page | 75
4 tsf 2 tsf (unloading) 1 tsf (unloading)
Page | 76
32 tsf
Page | 77
Page | 78
Page | 79
Page | 80
Page | 81
Page | 82
Page | 83
Analysis of Consolidation Test Data
Time for
∆H Coefficient of
50% D0 D100 Hj =
Pressure D50 = (from Σ ∆H H Hd consolidation Hv
consolidation (from (from D50 x 0.0001 e
(tsf) (D0+D100)x 0.5 graph) (in) (in) (in) Cv (in)
t50 graph) graph) (in)
(in) (in2/min)
0 1.06299
0.5 10 8 159 83.5 0.00835 0.01530 0.01530 1.04769 0.52385 0.00540595 0.34218 0.485
1 11.5 173 254 213.5 0.02135 0.00800 0.02330 1.03969 0.51985 0.00462931 0.33418 0.474
2 30 254 301 277.5 0.02775 0.00480 0.02810 1.03489 0.51745 0.00175822 0.32938 0.467
4 3.3 310 362 336 0.03360 0.01560 0.04370 1.01929 0.50965 0.01550557 0.31378 0.445
2 1.9 496 492.5 494.25 0.04943 -0.00040 0.04330 1.01969 0.50985 0.02695187 0.31418 0.445
1 3.5 493 472.5 482.75 0.04828 -0.00200 0.04130 1.02169 0.51085 0.01468847 0.31618 0.448
0.5 6 472 442 457 0.04570 -0.00290 0.03840 1.02459 0.51230 0.00861698 0.31908 0.452
1 1.2 441 442.4 441.7 0.04417 0.00020 0.03860 1.02439 0.51220 0.04306809 0.31888 0.452
2 0.6 443 446.5 444.75 0.04448 0.00040 0.03900 1.02399 0.51200 0.08606893 0.31848 0.451
4 2.4 446 489 467.5 0.04675 0.00430 0.04330 1.01969 0.50985 0.0213369 0.31418 0.445
8 3 504 650 577 0.05770 0.01430 0.05760 1.00539 0.50270 0.01659412 0.29988 0.425
16 2 660 861 760.5 0.07605 0.02000 0.07760 0.98539 0.49270 0.02391071 0.27988 0.397
32 3 869 1060 964.5 0.09645 0.01920 0.09680 0.96619 0.48310 0.01532534 0.26068 0.369
∑ ∑
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Final Results
Page | 85
Date Tested :
Tested By :
Project Name :
Sample Number :
Visual Classification :
Before test
After test
Page | 86
(Same before and after test and
Height of water before test,
Page | 87
Table : Time-Settlement Data (1 unit on dial guage = 0.0001 inches)
Page | 88
Page | 89
Analysis of Consolidation Test Data
Time for
∆H Coefficient of
50% D0 D100 Hj =
Pressure D50 = (from Σ ∆H H Hd consolidation Hv
consolidation (from (from D50 x 0.0001 e
(tsf) (D0+D100)x 0.5 graph) (in) (in) (in) Cv (in)
t50 graph) graph) (in)
(in) (in2/min)
∑ ∑
Page | 90
Final Results
Page | 91
Table A-1
ºC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.9999 0.9999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9999 0.9999 0.9998
10 0.9997 0.9996 0.9995 0.9994 0.9993 0.9991 0.9990 0.9988 0.9986 0.9984
20 0.9982 0.9980 0.9978 0.9976 0.9973 0.9971 0.9968 0.9965 0.9963 0.9960
30 0.9957 0.9954 0.9951 0.9947 0.9944 0.9941 0.9937 0.9934 0.9930 0.9926
40 0.9922 0.9919 0.9915 0.9911 0.9907 0.9902 0.9898 0.9894 0.9890 0.9885
50 0.9881 0.9876 0.9872 0.9867 0.9862 0.9857 0.9852 0.9848 0.9842 0.9838
60 0.9832 0.9827 0.9822 0.9817 0.9811 0.9806 0.9800 0.9795 0.9789 0.9784
70 0.9778 0.9772 0.9767 0.9761 0.9755 0.9749 0.9743 0.9737 0.9731 0.9724
80 0.9718 0.9712 0.9706 0.9699 0.9693 0.9686 0.9680 0.9673 0.9667 0.9660
90 0.9653 0.9647 0.9640 0.9633 0.9626 0.9619 0.9612 0.9605 0.9598 0.9591
Table A-2
(Values are in millipoises)
ºC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 17.94 17.32 16.74 16.19 15.68 15.19 14.73 14.29 13.87 13.48
10 13.10 12.74 12.39 12.06 11.75 11.45 11.16 10.88 10.60 10.34
20 10.09 9.84 9.61 9.38 9.16 8.95 8.75 8.55 8.36 8.18
30 8.00 7.83 7.67 7.51 7.36 7.31 7.06 6.92 6.79 6.66
40 6.54 6.42 6.30 6.18 6.08 5.97 5.87 5.77 5.68 5.58
50 5.49 5.40 5.32 5.24 5.15 5.07 4.99 4.92 4.84 4.77
60 4.70 4.63 4.56 4.50 4.43 4.37 4.31 4.24 4.19 4.13
70 4.07 4.02 3.96 3.91 3.86 3.81 3.76 3.71 3.66 3.62
80 3.57 3.53 3.48 3.44 3.40 3.36 3.32 3.28 3.24 3.20
90 3.17 3.13 3.10 3.06 3.03 2.99 2.96 2.93 2.90 2.87
100 2.84 2.82 2.79 2.76 2.73 2.70 2.67 2.64 2.62 2.59
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