Week 5: Application Layer - HTTP Protocol - : Revision
Week 5: Application Layer - HTTP Protocol - : Revision
Week 5: Application Layer - HTTP Protocol - : Revision
Protocol - Revision
1. Repeating Analysis of HTTP request and response headers.
2. Using HTTPWiresharkTrace.pcapng for experiment.
4. After the browser has displayed the web page, stop the Wireshark packet capture and then
answer the following:
Note: Ignore the HTTP request/reply captured packets and related to favicon.
Using Analyze Follow HTTP Stream, in Wireshark, find out the length of the
following with proof: (1 point)
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Week 5: Application Layer – DNS
1. Understand of the role of the DNS service.
2. Use of NSLookup command to interact with the DNS server.
3. Understand the role of DNS resource records and local DNS cache.
4. Analyze DNS protocol.
Network Parameters
Below are the network parameters that should be configured in your computer:
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Student Notes (2 points)
Take useful and meaningful notes while the instructor is explaining the lab as well as important
points acquired during your lab work and report them down. Each note out of 0.3 point.
1. HTTP header size can be found in analyze->follow->http stream, and in the packet details by
selecting HTTP which will provide the size in the bottom.
4. Nslookup can be used to create an interface to request dns queries and see results
7. ipconfig /displaydns is useful to obesrve cached dns files and see their TTL.
9. In wireshark, we can use packets with dns protocol to observe useful information such as the
protocol used within the DNS, reply code, TTL..etc.
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Student Lab Work (10 points)
1. Ping the IP address of your classmate’s computer and then report the following:
2. After clearing both the Preferred and Alternate DNS IP addresses, as shown above in the
Network Parameters section, ping the FQDN of the computer of your classmate (See the
appendix for the list of FQDNs). (Check Network Parameter Section above before
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3. Configure your computer to act as a DNS client of the DNS server of the domain name
nwlab.edu (See Network Diagram for the IPv4 address of the nwlab.edu DNS server).
4. Using nslookup in interactive mode, resolve the FQDN of your classmate’s computer into its
IPv4 address
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5. Using the nslookup in interactive mode to query the nwlab.edu DNS server table, list the
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Show the obtained output. (0.25 point)
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6. In this part, it is required to display the local DNS cache of your computer. First clear your
local machine DNS cache and then resolve the FQDN of your classmate’s computer into its
IPv4 address:
Show the output obtained that includes the queried FQDN. (0.25 point)
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Explain the obtained output. (0.5 point)
The output contain information such as TTL which determines how long the dns cached
file is stored and the ip addresses of both the dns and the FQDN address.
Repeat re-displaying the local DNS cache and observe the change in the TTL value
related to the queried FQDN entry.
What happens when the TTL value reaches the value 0? (0.5 point)
The cache will be flushed.
What will happen in case you want to communicate with a computer whose entry details
(FQDN and IPv4 address) were flushed from your computer’s local DNS cache?
7. Using Wireshark, capture DNS query and DNS response messages between your computer
and the nwlab.edu DNS server while resolving the FQDN of any computer in the lab into its
IPv4 address under nslookup in interactive mode (make sure you clear your local DNS
Find out the following:
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8. Using the same nwlab.edu DNS server as before, design and implement an experiment to
generate a DNS response following a DNS query to:
iii. Interpret the output based on the reply code. (0.6 point)
It provides the domain name without the IP address since it doesn’t exist under the
b. A non-existing FQDN under a non-existent domain name.
iii. Interpret the output based on the reply code. (0.6 point)
It can not find the domain nor the ip address since they don’t exist.
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