The Taming of The Shrew (Saddleback's Illustrated Classics)

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The Taming of the

William Shakespeare

Three Watson
Irvine, CA 92618-2767
Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM

Three Watson
Irvine, CA 92618-2767

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ISBN 1-59905-149-4
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William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564, in
Stratford-on-Avon, England, the third child of John Shakespeare,
a well-to-do merchant, and Mary Arden, his wife. Young William
probably attended the Stratford grammar school, where he
learned English, Greek, and a great deal of Latin. Historians
aren’t sure of the exact date of Shakespeare’s birth.

In 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. By 1583

the couple had a daughter, Susanna, and two years later the
twins, Hamnet and Judith. Somewhere between 1585 and
1592 Shakespeare went to London, where he became first an
actor and then a playwright. His acting company, The King’s
Men, appeared most often in the Globe theater, a part of which
Shakespeare himself owned.

In all, Shakespeare is believed to have written thirty-seven

plays, several nondramatic poems, and a number of sonnets.
In 1611 when he left the active life of the theater, he returned
to Stratford and became a country gentleman, living in the
second-largest house in town. For five years he lived a quiet
life. Then, on April 23, 1616, William Shakespeare died and
was buried in Trinity Church in Stratford. From his own time
to the present, Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest
writers of the English-speaking world.

William Shakespeare

The Taming of the





The Taming of the Shrew 

This is a story of two young women, one sweet and

gentle, the other a shrew.* One marries for love,
the other for money. Who is happier? The answer may
surprise you!

* an arguing, scolding woman with a fiery temper


The story begins at an alehouse* in the English countryside.

Be gone We slys are

from here, no rogues!
you drunken

Unless you pay

for the glasses Call him, then!
you broke and
the beer you Let him come!
drank, I’ll call I’m not. . .
the sheriff! moving. . .
from here!


And Christopher sly

fell sound asleep.

* tavern
** tramp
The Taming of the Shrew 11

What’s this? Is he
dead or drunk?
As Christopher
sly slept, a
nobleman* and
his servants
were returning
from a hunt.

Asleep, sir. He’d

be very cold if he
were not warmed
with beer!

I have in mind a joke to Take him to

play on this beggar! my home.

* a wealthy man of high rank


Have soft music It will

Wash him and dress him and put
played, and seem
him to bed in my best bedroom.
incense* burned strange
on the fire to to him
make the air when he
sweet! wakes up!

When he does
wake up, you
must bow low
to him and
say, “What
can I do for
you, sir?”

Say that he only dreams We will play

he is Christopher sly. . . our part.

That he is really a

* a sweet-smelling powder
The Taming of the Shrew 13

As the servants took sly away, a We are actors who want to

group of actors arrived. perform for you!

And who
are you?

Take them to my house. Make

them welcome.
You come at a good We
time. You can help thank
Yes, sir.
with a joke I have you!
under way!

A glass of wine May I shave

The orders
Where am I? for you, sir? you, sir?
were car-
ried out.
Later, sly
awoke in a
will you
fine bed-

I’ve never drunk wine in my life. . . You must be sick What? Am

and I’ve only one set of clothes! if you think you I mad?
are poor when Am I not
you are so rich Christo-
and important! pher sly, a

But, sir! Look at Will you And fine

the servants who ride? You hounds if
wait to answer have fine you want
Ask the fat barmaid at to hunt!
your every wish! horses
Wincot! I owe her four-
teen cents for beer!

And a beau-
tiful lady
who weeps
you are ill!

* a traveling merchant
The Taming of the Shrew 15

Is it true? I’m not Why. . . I am a rich man! Your mind is

dreaming? I feel Bring my lady here! And well again! For
this hot water! a mug of beer! so many years
you’ve dreamed
you were a
poor man!

How are you, my I am well,

noble husband? now that
you are
Sly was
dressed as
a nobleman.
Then a page*
dressed as
his lady.

Noble sir, your doctors think that We will see it.

you should see a play. Fun and
laughter Will help to cure you.

* young male servant


This is the play they watched. This play takes place in

Padua, a town in italy.
Come, wife. Sit
by my side!

The first characters,* Lucentio, a

I will, Tranio. But That dark-
rich young student, and his ser-
what’s going on haired girl
vant Tranio, walked onstage.
here? must be mad!
So this is Padua! Yes, good mas-
I am looking ter. But I hope
forward to you’ll take
studying here! some time for
fun as well!

Gentlemen, beg me no more! My mind cannot be changed.

The girl Kath-

erina was not
mad, but she
was a shrew. Her
father, Baptista,
could never
control her,
although the
younger sister,
Bianca, was no
trouble at all.

* actors in a play
The Taming of the Shrew 17

Signior* Gremio and We’ll go home, Yes, father.

Signior Hortensio, I now, Bianca. Books and
am sorry. But I will But, sir! Things will music shall
not allow my young- work out. keep me
est daughter to company.
marry until my old-
est, Katherina, is wed!

It’s not fair to I will pay high salaries**

lock her up like Don’t worry. I for the best teachers for
that! will take care her! If you know any send
of her! them to me.

* sir, Mr.
** wages, money earned for work

Come, Bianca. I have more to What? Am I to be told to come and go

say to you. Katherina may and stay as if I knew nothing?
stay here.

I will go when I please!

You may go We are rivals*
to the devil! for Bianca’s
love. But
for now we
should work

We must find a hus- Then we must find a devil!

band for Katherina! Or a fool!

* two people who fight each other to obtain something

The Taming of the Shrew 19

Why, there must be good men If we find Katherina You are right,
who would marry her, knowing a husband, then one and I will help
how much money she is worth. of us will be free to in any way!
marry sweet Bianca! Come along!

Did you see

her? She’s an
and Tranio
angel! Can a
had been
man fall in
love all at
from the
side. But
now the I can see by
young your face
student that you have.

Were you too over- Come, sir, wake up! If Yes! You
She was
come by her face to you love her, you must are right,
understand the talk make plans to win her! Tranio!
ful. . . and
that went on? sweet. . .

The older sister is Cruel! But That’s right! Yes, I see! I will
so bad-tempered did he not And now we be the school
that until she is off say he have our plan. master and
his hands, the fa- would get teach sweet
ther will keep your school- Bianca!
loved one shut up masters to
at home! teach her?

But can it be done? No one Quick! Well. . . your

You must meet here knows Change father told me
your father’s us. You will hats and to serve and
friends here, en- take my cloaks with obey you.
tertain them, do place! You me!
business for him. will be the
The Taming of the Shrew 21

Biondello, Has Tranio stolen my Master’s Tranio has

another clothes? changed
servant of clothes with
Lucentio’s me to save
rushed up my life!
to them.

By accident I killed You will wait on Tranio as

a man in a quarrel! if he were I. . . and not a
Tranio will act like word of this to anyone!
me while I escape.
You understand?
Y-Yes, sir.
N-No, Sir!

This should be
my good friend
As Lucen-
Hortensio’s house.
tio left,
Knock, Grumio!
also new
in Padua,
with his
Knock, sir? Knock
who? You or an enemy!

Knock at the All right, Just then, Hortensio appeared.

gate, stupid, Master, but
or I will knock why not say
your head. My dear friend Such wind as
what you
Petruchio—and Grumio! sends young
What happy wind blows men out to
you to Padua? seek their

My father I could find This If she is rich Give him

has died. I you one woman is enough, I gold
have money who will be a shrew. would thank enough, and
in my purse, rich, very You would you, no he’ll marry
property at rich! But not thank matter what an old hag
home, and you are me for else she is! without a
I come to too good her. tooth in her
seek a wife! a friend. I head!
can’t do
that to you.
The Taming of the Shrew 23

Well, she is rich and young and Tell He is Baptista Minola,

beautiful—but so bad-tempered me her a gentleman. She is
that even I would not marry her father’s Katherina Minola,
for a gold mine! name. known for her scold-
ing tongue!

I know her father. . . You don’t know Come, take Wait, Petru-
he knew my father my master, me to her! chio!
well. I won’t sleep Signior Hortensio.
until I see this This girl doesn’t
woman! stand a chance!
Scolding will do
her no good, for
he can out-scold

Bianca, Katherina’s But until Katherina So, dear friend, You

younger sister, is is married, her can do me a favor!
the love of my life! father won’t allow
anyone to court

Take me with you. So that on the way to baptista’s house

Introduce* me you will they met gremio. the old man had
to Baptista as a have a come upon lucentio disguised** as a
music teacher for chance to schoolmaster and was bringing him
Bianca! see Bianca! to baptista.
Of course
Wait, Petruchio! Ah, Signior
I will!
Here is my rival Hortensio!
for Bianca’s love.

* to allow two people to meet one another

** made to look like someone else
The Taming of the Shrew 25

More important, I have found a

I have found a Good! And I
friend who wishes to marry Kath-
teacher for Bi- have found
erina and her dowry!*
anca. This young someone
man, Cambio, can to teach
Have you I know
instruct her in her music.
told him all she is a
her faults? shrew.
That’s no

I have heard lions I’ve heard great A woman’s tongue

roar, and the wild cannons in the field can’t frighten me!
sea beat against the of war, and thun-
rocks! der rage in the sky!

* the money and property a young woman received from her parents when she married

It is lucky this Then Tranio arrived, dressed as Lucentio.

gentleman has Biondello followed!
come here, for his
sake and ours! Greetings, sirs! The one with the two
Please tell me the beautiful daughters!
way to the house
of Signior Baptista

Sir—are you What’s wrong

a suitor* of with that?
one of the

The young- And by myself, And the older Then I will join
est daughter, Signior Hortensio. daughter is the suitors of
Bianca, is loved for me! Bianca! Let us
by myself, Sin- eat and drink
ior Gremio! together as
friendly rivals!

* someone planning to marry

The Taming of the Shrew 27

Meanwhile, in Baptista’s house. . . Believe me, I’ve

not yet seen You lie! It’s
Good sister, Tell me which that special Hortensio,
please untie my of your person. isn’t it?
hands! Anything I suitors you
own I will gladly love best.
give you!

Then it’s Just then Baptista entered the

No, no! If you Gremio and room.
prefer him, sister, his riches
Katherina! What are you doing?
you shall have you want!
Why do you treat your sister so

Leave us, Bianca. Her Was ever a gentleman so

Katherina, when did silence troubled as I?
she ever say a cross angers
word to you? me!

Good day, Welcome, neighbor

neighbor Gremio! And you,
Baptista! Gentlemen.

At that And you,

moment, good sir!

I. . . uh. . . have

a daughter
Have you Katherina.
not a
and good?
The Taming of the Shrew 29

I am a gentle- I knew him Having heard of your Katherina’s

man of Verona well. You are great beauty, wit, and good na-
named Petruchio, welcome for ture, I have come to see her for
Antonio’s son! his sake! myself.

To earn my welcome, I of- Thank you. But I fear

fer you someone to teach my Katherina will
her music and mathematics. not suit you!
his name is licio.

Then Pe-
as Licio,
a music

Your Pardon,
Please, Signior Gremio!
let oth-
ers speak!
I, too,
have gift
to offer

A thousand thanks, Gremio!

I offer you Welcome, good Cambio.
this young
student of
Greek, latin,
and other
Please accept
his services.
His name is

And you, Yes. . . I ask to I have heard And for your daugh-
good sir, become one of the great things ters’ education I
you are a suitors of your of him! You offer this musical
stranger daughter Bianca. I am are very instrument and these
here? Lucentio, son of vin-
welcome Greek and Latin books.
centio of Pisa.

You take the lute,* and you, Cambio, the

books. My servant will lead you to my

* a stringed instrument like a small guitar

The Taming of the Shrew 31

Let us walk in the garden, and then go

a servant to dinner! You are all most welcome!
led the
ers” away.
turned to
his guests.

Signior Baptista, I
cannot come courting
every day. You knew
my father well, and
I am heir* to all his
lands and goods.

If I win your Why, I am as proud Good

Twenty thou-
daughter’s love, as she is! If she luck!
sand crowns,**
what dowry will and after my roars like a fire, I
come with her as death, one-half will be a fire too.
my wife? of my lands. But All will be well!

first she must

agree to
marry you!

* one who receives money or property after someone’s death

** gold coins

Just then Hortensio rushed into When I corrected What a

the room. Miss Katherina’s woman!
playing, she broke I can’t

Well, will my I think she’d the lute over my wait to

daughter be make a better head. then she meet her!

a musician? soldier! drove me away

with bad names!

Come with me to my Petruchio, will I will wait

younger daughter. She you go with us, here for
will be thankful for your or shall I send her. . . and
teaching! Katherina here? court her with
spirit when
she arrives.
The Taming of the Shrew 33

Left alone, Petruchio planned what he would say to Katherina.

If she scolds, I’ll When she frowns, If she refuses to

tell her she sings I’ll say her face marry me, I’ll set
as sweetly as a is sweet as roses a wedding date as
songbird. washed with dew! if she had agreed!

Then Katherina came in. Oh, no! They call you plain Kate—
and pretty Kate—and sometimes
Good day, Kate, Those that talk Kate the Shrew!
for that’s your of me call me
name, I hear. Katherina!

And so, hearing Then let You think

Come, sweet
your sweetness whoever so?
Kate! I will marry
praised in every moved you
you, for I am a
town—and your here move
beauty, too—I am you away

moved to ask you again!

to be my wife!

I swear I’ll hit If you strike

you back if you me, you are
strike me again! no gentleman!

Take that!
The Taming of the Shrew 35

Let me Never, Kate, for I have I am the one born to tame

go! found you gentle, you—to change you from a

sweet and fair—and I wild Kate to a sweet Kate!

will marry you!

Well, Petruchio, Very well, sir! How can you

how did you get on call me your
with my daughter? daughter?

Have you shown Don’t listen to her, sir! Katherina is

a father’s love, just putting on an act. Those who
wishing me wed call her a shrew are sadly mistaken!
to this crazy

In fact, we so You I’ll see Don’t worry. We’ve agreed that

well agree that will? you she will continue to act like that

we will be married hanged in public. But she loves me!

next Sunday! on
Sunday She does?

When we are alone, you would I don’t

Order a feast and
not believe how sweet she is, know what
invite the guests.
hanging about my neck and to say. . .
We will be married
kissing me! but I wish
on Sunday!
you joy!
The Taming of the Shrew 37

Good luck to We will be witnesses*

At this, you both! at your wedding.
out of
the room.
also left,
that he had
clothes to

Once Petruchio
had gone, gremio
turned to Baptista.

This is the day we have

waited for. Your Katherina
will be married. What of
your younger daughter?

I am your But I am the Youngster, you Wait, gentlemen!

neighbor, and one who can never love I will settle
was the first to loves her her as well as I! this!
court Bianca! most!

* observers, people who will swear that an event took place


Whoever can give my Well, Signior Gremio? What can you offer
daughter the most money her?
and property shall marry
well, first there’s my city house
with its gold and ivory and
chests filled with linens.

I’ll leave Bianca Two thou-

Then there’s my That’s
three of four sand duc-
farm, with a hun- nothing!
houses as good as ats! All my
dred milk cows and I am my
old Gremio’s—plus land does
a hundred twenty father’s
2,000 ducats* not bring
fat oxen! If I die only son.
yearly income** in so much!
tomorrow, all this
from fruitful land.
will be hers!

* gold coins
** money received from a job or investment
The Taming of the Shrew 39

But I will give her My father has three great mer-

my big merchant chant ships, and several smaller
ship* now in the ones. Bianca shall have them. . . and
harbor! twice as much whatever you offer!

I’ve offered Then Bianca is mine—by Yes, if your father

all I have! your promise! confirms your offer.
There is no

Otherwise, if But he
May not Next Sunday, Katherina will
you should is old!
young be wed. The Sunday follow-
die before he I am
men die, ing, Bianca will be married to
does, what young!
as well as you—if your father backs up
would happen
old ones? your offer—to Gremio, if he
to bianca’s
does not!

* trading ship

Thank you gentlemen, Wait, neighbor, Hm. . . If I want to help my

and goodbye. I will go with master, I must find a “sup-
you. posed”* father to back up
his “supposed” son.

Hic ibat simois; hic est sigeia The girl

During the tellus.** has studied
week that
enough Latin.
It’s time for a
the supposed
music lesson!
Cambio and
Licio gave
lessons to

We’ll finish here while

you tune your lute.

Hic ibat simois; I am Lucentio, son I’ll try it. Hic ibat simois,
of Vincentio of Pisa, Sigeia tellus, I don’t know if I trust
I am here hop- you; Sigeia tellus; don’t
ing to win your let licio hear us!

* make-believe
** a line from the Roman poet Ovid; it means, “Here flowed the Simois (River); here is the Sigeian land.”
The Taming of the Shrew 41

Miss, your father Oh, yes! I

Licio (Hor-
asks that you help must leave.
tensio) used
music in the prepare for your
same way to sister’s wedding
tell Bianca tomorrow.
his true
name and
his purpose.
then on sat-
urday. . .

And the wedding I told you he

day arrived! was a fool!

This is the time,

but where is my
Will we stand
before the
priest with no

They’ll point at me No, no

and say, “There’s mad some-
Petruchio’s wife. . . if thing has
He sets the day, invites friends,
he would please to kept him
yet never means to marry!
come and marry her!” away!
well! He
but he is

but katherina I wish I had For once I don’t blame

rushed into the never seen him! her for her bad temper!
house, weeping.

Master! Master! Pe- He’s wearing funny I am glad

truchio is coming. old clothes and he’s coming,
riding on an old no matter
horse. His servant how he’s
is dressed just dressed!
the same!

In a few moments Behold,* I Not so well Come, sir. . . this

Petruchio arrived. am here! dressed as is your wedding
I wish you day! Change
were! your clothes!

* Look!
The Taming of the Shrew 43

Go to my room. Not I! Kate will be I must find my lovely

Put on some of married to me, not bride. . . then it’s on to
my clothes. to my clothes. the wedding!

At the church, Petruchio continued his strange behavior.*

He shouted out his He knocked the He even frightened

wedding vows. . . priest to the his bride!
floor. . .

All agreed that such a mad wedding

was never seen before!

* actions

Returning to Baptista’s house, Petruchio announced* his plans.

Friends, you have gathered for a wedding What? You mean to

feast. I am sorry I must hurry away! leave?

If you love me,

stay, I beg you!

Grumio, my He’s ready, sir. I will not go. . . not Come,

horse! until I am ready! Go Kate. . .
yourself! The door don’t be
No! angry.
is open!

On with the bridal** dinner! A woman Yes, obey the bride! Go to

could be made to look like a fool the feast. But Kate comes
if she weren’t smart enough to with me!
fight back!

* told of
** wedding
The Taming of the Shrew 45

I will be master of what belongs Fear not, dear Kate! Help!

to me! Who dares to stop me? No one shall touch
Grumio, draw your sword! you! Come along!

Had they Of all My sister, And so Petruchio and Kate

not gone, mad being mad traveled to his country home.
I would matches, herself,
have died never is madly Oh! Oh! Grumio, you fool! Why
laughing! was one mated!* have you picked such a
like this! poor horse for my wife?

* wed, married

You see? He has Take that Please, sir, don’t

stumbled and thrown you, fool! hurt him, I pray you!
her in the mud! It was not his fault!

But, Master, I. . .

What, no man at the door to Here, sir!

take my horse? Nathaniel!
Gregory! Philip!
Here, sir!

Kate’s bridle*
was broken.
Another horse
ran away. But
at last they
reached Kate’s
new home.

Here, sir!

Knaves!** Didn’t I tell Yes sir!

you to meet me in the
park? Bring us our
supper! At once,

* leather straps used for guiding a horse

** rascals
The Taming of the Shrew 47

Food! Food!
Sit down
Kate, and

What’s this? Please, husband, It was burned—and hot – tempered

Mutton?* It’s it’s not that people like us should never eat
burned! How bad! overcooked meat!
dare you serve
it to me?

But, But,
Well, never- I will not let her eat or
husband. . .
mind. We’ll eat sleep. And everything I
tomorrow. do, I’ll tell her I do it
Your room is out of kindness!**
this way.

* a roast similar to a leg of lamb

** being sweet and gentle

This is how I’ll teach He didn’t stop for a moment.

her to control her
temper! This blanket is too rough. . .
the pillow is too hard. . . the
bed is not made properly!

Petruchio pulled Kate’s bed to pieces. He

scolded the servants all night.

What? You Yes, I do. Stay

Meanwhile, think Bianca out of sight and
in Padua, loves someone watch her with this
Tranio and else? tutor* Cambio!

What I want to I’m sure you

And as
teach you is the are master
Bianca and
art of love! of that art!
walked in the
garden. . .

* teacher
The Taming of the Shrew 49

I am Hortensio, a You are Here’s my hand on And I’ll

gentleman, not a right! Let us it! Instead, I’ll not marry
musician! I’ll no swear that marry a rich widow Bianca,
longer court a neither of who loves me! even if she
maid who favors us will wed Kindness is better should
a low-born* tu- Bianca! than beauty! beg me!

At this, Hortensio left, and I’ve found him! He’s Good! I’ll
Tranio joined Bianca and the an old shool- dress him up,
real Lucentio. teacher. he even tell him what
looks like Vincentio! to say, and
Bless you, Then I can
your mar-
Miss Bianca! marry her! All
riage will
Hortensio and we need is a
be guaran-
I have decided make-believe
not to marry father to talk
you. to Baptista!

* someone not of the noble class

** certain, sure

Meanwhile, at Petruchio’s home, the “taming” continued.

I am starved I Dare not,
took the
for food, dizzy for my life!
old man
for lack of
home and
sleep. . . and all
taught him
in the name of
to play the
love! Please,
part of
Grumio, bring
me some food!

My love, I have Even the poorest I thank

prepared some service is repaid you, sir.

Then, give
food for you with thanks! So
it to me!
myself and shall mine be.

brought it here.

And now, my love. . . I have Here is the cap

ordered you some clothes you wanted, sir.
for your sister’s wedding.
The Taming of the Shrew 51

Why, it’s made like It like it! It’s the style! When you
a cereal bowl! It’s Gentlewomen* are gentle
foolish. . . a baby’s wear such caps. you shall
cap! Away with it! have one
not till then!

This is the dress? But this But come, my Kate! We will go

It’s terrible! Sleeves is what to your father’s in our old
like Cannons. . . cut they’re clothes! Our purses will be
up like an apple tart! wearing proud and our clothes poor!
Take it away! now!

* women of the noble class


Let’s see. . . It’s But, sir. . . it is

Whatever I say, or do, or think,
early morning almost two
you contradict* me! Then I won’t
now. We shall o’clock! It will
go today! And when I do go, it
easily reach Padua be suppertime
will be what time I say it is!
by dinnertime. before we get

Signior Baptista, Since my son and your

Meanwhile, In here is my father, daughter love each Sir, I
Padua, Tranio Vincentio. other, I am willing to am well
took his make- let them marry. pleased!
believe father
to meet Bap-
tista, who still
believed Tranio
to be the real

Let us go to my house to sign Go, Most

the papers. I’ll send for a Cambio! gladly sir! So Tranio and

clerk. Send your servant to Baptista left

bring your daughter there. for Tranio’s

The real Lu-
centio hurried
to Bianca with

* argue with; say the opposite of what another is saying

** a rented room or house
The Taming of the Shrew 53

Cambio! Wait! My While Baptista is To marry

master sends safe with Tranio, her? Will
me with orders You must take she be
for you. What are they? Bianca to the old willing?
priest who waits Why now?
for you at st.
Luke’s Church!

Because at any That same day, Petruchio and

time our plans Then I’ll do Katherina had begun the trip to
may be found out it! And I know Baptista’s house.
and you may lose my Bianca will
her! See how bright The moon?
the moon shines! It is the sun!
It is not

I say it is the Then let us Call it a candle Then let

moon ! It shall go. It shall be if you wish! And us go
be the moon, or sun, or moon, whatever you call forward!
stars, or whatever or whatever it, I will call it too.
I choose, or we you please!
won’t go to your
father’s house!

On the way, Good day, miss. Tell me, Indeed, she is

Katherina and Kate, have you ever seen lovely. Happy the
Petruchio such a beautiful face as parents of such a
met an old this young girl’s? beautiful child!

Come Kate, I hope you

are not mad! This is a
man, old and wrinkled!

Why, I beg your

pardon. The
sun must have
blinded me! now
I see. indeed
he is an old
The Taming of the Shrew 55

If you are going our way, we’ll be glad of your company.

I am Vicentio of
Pisa, I am bound
for Padua to visit
my son, Lucentio.

Then we are
truly related.
Your son, Is this
Lucentio, is so?
marrying my
wife’s sister!

When they reached Padua. . .

She is a worthy wife And they will

We will leave No, no! You must
for your son, Well be happy to
you here. This come in and have
brought-up, with a see you!
is Lucentio’s a drink before
good dowry.
house. you go!

Then this is indeed a happy


Who’s breaking Please tell You lie! I am his You are his
down the gate? Lucentio that father looking father?
his father is out the window!
here at the

So his Come, now! It is Oh-oh! It’s my old

mother wrong to take an- master, Vincen-
says, if I other man’s name! tio! Now we are in
may believe trouble!

Biondello, come Help! Here’s a madman Help, son! Let’s stand

here! Have you who’ll murder me! Help, Signior aside, Kate, and
forgotten me? Baptista! see how this
The Taming of the Shrew 57

Who are you, sir, who tries

to beat my servant?

No, who are

you — dressed in my
son’s clothes? You
have murdered him!

You are wrong, sir! He is Tranio, my Call a

You are mad!
What do you think is son’s servant, police-
His name is
his name? raised by me man!
Lucentio and
since he was Take this
he is my son!
three years old! madman
to jail!

just then biondello returned with bianca Pardon me,

and the real lucentio. dear father.

Now we are My son—you

ruined! are alive!

But. . . Here I am. The But. . . Cambio is I made Tra-

where is right Lucen- is this changed into nio change
Lucentio? tio, son of the not my Lucentio. places with
right Vincentio, Cambio? me! Pardon
and who has him, dear
just married father, for
your daughter! my sake!

Let us go inside, Baptista. Together

we will make a proper marriage
agreement* between our children.

* contract
The Taming of the Shrew 59

Everyone hurried away. Only Kate

Are you
and Petruchio were left on the
What? Here in
of me?
the street?
Husband, Let’s First kiss me,
follow them to Kate, and then
see the end of we will.

Oh, no, Then let No, I will kiss you. Come, sweet Kate!
only us go Love arrives better
ashamed home late than never!
to kiss! again!

Brother Petruchio, sister

Not long afterward, three
Katherina. . . you, Hortensio,
newly-married couples met for a
with your loving widow. . .
banquet* at Lucentio’s house.
welcome to our house!

When the meal was over, the Soon the talk turned to the
ladies left, and the men talked new brides.
among themselves.
Truth to tell, son Pe- I say
Let’s have a toast!** truchio, I fear you’ve no! I’ll
married a shrew! prove it
with a

* a large party
** a drink taken in honor of someone
The Taming of the Shrew 61

Let each one Good! What’s I’d bet that much on

of us send for the bet? my hawk or my hound!

his wife. Who- On my wife, twenty

ever arrives times as much!

first shall win crowns! Good! A hundred then!
the bet for her

I’ll begin. Biondello, Yes, sir. Biondello left, but soon he

go ask your mistress returned alone.
to come to me.
Sir, she sends What kind of
word that she answer is that?
is too busy to

Go and beg my Oho! Beg

Again Biondello returned alone.
wife to come her! Then
to me at once! she must
She says Now go to
come, of where’s
you must my wife; say
course! my wife?
come to I command
her! her to come
to me.

It is! What does

Then, all of a sudden. . .
Here’s a it mean?

It’s Katherina! Go get wonder,

your sis- I never

What is it It means peace,
ter and expected!
you wish, my and love, and a
husband? quiet life—
sio’s wife
and bring
that’s sweet
them here.
and happy!

You’ve won your

bet, Petruchio!
The Taming of the Shrew 63

Soon the ladies What foolish Such foolishness has cost

returned. duty is this that me 500 crowns tonight,
we should come Bianca!
at your call?

Now here’s
a good
wife! Come,
kiss me,

We won the bet. Petruchio has indeed tamed

Good night, a shrew!

Taming of Saddleback’s
Illustrated Classics™

the Shrew
No one shall marry Bianca, claims Baptista of the
Minola, until her older sister Katherina is wed. Shrew
Bianca is sweet and gentle, while her older sister,
Kate, is an unruly shrew. Will anyone be able to SHAKESPEARE

stand Katherina long enough to marry her,

Taming of the Shrew

allowing Bianca to be happily wed herself? A
plan to win Bianca’s love leads to a match for
Katherina. But can a shrew be tamed?

Three Watson
Irvine, CA 92618-2767

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