The Taming of The Shrew (Saddleback's Illustrated Classics)
The Taming of The Shrew (Saddleback's Illustrated Classics)
The Taming of The Shrew (Saddleback's Illustrated Classics)
William Shakespeare
Three Watson
Irvine, CA 92618-2767
Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM
Three Watson
Irvine, CA 92618-2767
ISBN 1-59905-149-4
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William Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew
* tavern
** tramp
The Taming of the Shrew 11
What’s this? Is he
dead or drunk?
As Christopher
sly slept, a
nobleman* and
his servants
were returning
from a hunt.
When he does
wake up, you
must bow low
to him and
say, “What
can I do for
you, sir?”
That he is really a
* a sweet-smelling powder
The Taming of the Shrew 13
And who
are you?
And a beau-
tiful lady
who weeps
you are ill!
* a traveling merchant
The Taming of the Shrew 15
* actors in a play
The Taming of the Shrew 17
* sir, Mr.
** wages, money earned for work
Why, there must be good men If we find Katherina You are right,
who would marry her, knowing a husband, then one and I will help
how much money she is worth. of us will be free to in any way!
marry sweet Bianca! Come along!
Were you too over- Come, sir, wake up! If Yes! You
She was
come by her face to you love her, you must are right,
understand the talk make plans to win her! Tranio!
ful. . . and
that went on? sweet. . .
The older sister is Cruel! But That’s right! Yes, I see! I will
so bad-tempered did he not And now we be the school
that until she is off say he have our plan. master and
his hands, the fa- would get teach sweet
ther will keep your school- Bianca!
loved one shut up masters to
at home! teach her?
This should be
my good friend
As Lucen-
Hortensio’s house.
tio left,
Knock, Grumio!
also new
in Padua,
with his
Knock, sir? Knock
who? You or an enemy!
I know her father. . . You don’t know Come, take Wait, Petru-
he knew my father my master, me to her! chio!
well. I won’t sleep Signior Hortensio.
until I see this This girl doesn’t
woman! stand a chance!
Scolding will do
her no good, for
he can out-scold
* the money and property a young woman received from her parents when she married
The young- And by myself, And the older Then I will join
est daughter, Signior Hortensio. daughter is the suitors of
Bianca, is loved for me! Bianca! Let us
by myself, Sin- eat and drink
ior Gremio! together as
friendly rivals!
Then Pe-
as Licio,
a music
Your Pardon,
Please, Signior Gremio!
let oth-
ers speak!
I, too,
have gift
to offer
And you, Yes. . . I ask to I have heard And for your daugh-
good sir, become one of the great things ters’ education I
you are a suitors of your of him! You offer this musical
stranger daughter Bianca. I am are very instrument and these
here? Lucentio, son of vin-
welcome Greek and Latin books.
centio of Pisa.
Signior Baptista, I
cannot come courting
every day. You knew
my father well, and
I am heir* to all his
lands and goods.
Then Katherina came in. Oh, no! They call you plain Kate—
and pretty Kate—and sometimes
Good day, Kate, Those that talk Kate the Shrew!
for that’s your of me call me
name, I hear. Katherina!
to be my wife!
Take that!
The Taming of the Shrew 35
well agree that will? you she will continue to act like that
next Sunday! on
Sunday She does?
Once Petruchio
had gone, gremio
turned to Baptista.
Whoever can give my Well, Signior Gremio? What can you offer
daughter the most money her?
and property shall marry
well, first there’s my city house
with its gold and ivory and
chests filled with linens.
* gold coins
** money received from a job or investment
The Taming of the Shrew 39
Otherwise, if But he
May not Next Sunday, Katherina will
you should is old!
young be wed. The Sunday follow-
die before he I am
men die, ing, Bianca will be married to
does, what young!
as well as you—if your father backs up
would happen
old ones? your offer—to Gremio, if he
to bianca’s
does not!
* trading ship
Hic ibat simois; I am Lucentio, son I’ll try it. Hic ibat simois,
of Vincentio of Pisa, Sigeia tellus, I don’t know if I trust
I am here hop- you; Sigeia tellus; don’t
ing to win your let licio hear us!
* make-believe
** a line from the Roman poet Ovid; it means, “Here flowed the Simois (River); here is the Sigeian land.”
The Taming of the Shrew 41
* Look!
The Taming of the Shrew 43
* actions
* told of
** wedding
The Taming of the Shrew 45
* wed, married
Kate’s bridle*
was broken.
Another horse
ran away. But
at last they
reached Kate’s
new home.
Here, sir!
Food! Food!
Sit down
Kate, and
But, But,
Well, never- I will not let her eat or
husband. . .
mind. We’ll eat sleep. And everything I
tomorrow. do, I’ll tell her I do it
Your room is out of kindness!**
this way.
* teacher
The Taming of the Shrew 49
At this, Hortensio left, and I’ve found him! He’s Good! I’ll
Tranio joined Bianca and the an old shool- dress him up,
real Lucentio. teacher. he even tell him what
looks like Vincentio! to say, and
Bless you, Then I can
your mar-
Miss Bianca! marry her! All
riage will
Hortensio and we need is a
be guaran-
I have decided make-believe
not to marry father to talk
you. to Baptista!
I am starved I Dare not,
took the
for food, dizzy for my life!
old man
for lack of
home and
sleep. . . and all
taught him
in the name of
to play the
love! Please,
part of
Grumio, bring
me some food!
brought it here.
Why, it’s made like It like it! It’s the style! When you
a cereal bowl! It’s Gentlewomen* are gentle
foolish. . . a baby’s wear such caps. you shall
cap! Away with it! have one
not till then!
I am Vicentio of
Pisa, I am bound
for Padua to visit
my son, Lucentio.
Then we are
truly related.
Your son, Is this
Lucentio, is so?
marrying my
wife’s sister!
Who’s breaking Please tell You lie! I am his You are his
down the gate? Lucentio that father looking father?
his father is out the window!
here at the
* contract
The Taming of the Shrew 59
Oh, no, Then let No, I will kiss you. Come, sweet Kate!
only us go Love arrives better
ashamed home late than never!
to kiss! again!
When the meal was over, the Soon the talk turned to the
ladies left, and the men talked new brides.
among themselves.
Truth to tell, son Pe- I say
Let’s have a toast!** truchio, I fear you’ve no! I’ll
married a shrew! prove it
with a
* a large party
** a drink taken in honor of someone
The Taming of the Shrew 61
Now here’s
a good
wife! Come,
kiss me,
Taming of Saddleback’s
Illustrated Classics™
the Shrew
No one shall marry Bianca, claims Baptista of the
Minola, until her older sister Katherina is wed. Shrew
Bianca is sweet and gentle, while her older sister,
Kate, is an unruly shrew. Will anyone be able to SHAKESPEARE
Three Watson
Irvine, CA 92618-2767
Saddleback eBook