Hawassa University Institute of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Hawassa University Institute of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Hawassa University Institute of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering
DATE: 28/8/21
Clearance management system is an online system that makes students able to get clearance from
Universities. The system is aimed at reducing the amount of time and effort wasted on student’s
clearance as well as cost spent on paper by the institution. In this system students can initiate and
monitor their clearance status from any location they are therefor they are not required to travel or be
physically present. It is also aimed at developing a system for making clearance process to be fast and
effective. The designed software will serve as a more reliable and effective means of undertaking
student’s clearance and remove all forms of delay and stress as well as how to do your clearance
online. This project work made use of data collected from the University, materials and journals from
various authors.
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY......................................................................................1
1.3 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM..............................................................................................1
1.4 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT...............................................................................................2
1.4.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE.....................................................................................................2
1.4.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................2
1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT...................................................................................2
1.5 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT..................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................3
2.2. Data Collection...........................................................................................................................3
2.2.1 OBSERVATION..................................................................................................................3
2.3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................4
2.3.2 ACTORS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM............................................................................4
2.3.3 THE EXISTING SYSTEM CLEARANCE FORM PREPARATION..................................4
2.3 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION..........................................................................................6
2.3.1 FUNCTIONAL REQURIEMENT.......................................................................................6
2.3.2 NONFUNCTIONAL REQURIEMENT...............................................................................7
2.3.3 SYSTEM REQURIEMENT.................................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE...............................................................................................................................7
SYSTEM MODELING.........................................................................................................................7
3.1 ESSENTIAL MODELING..........................................................................................................7
3.2 USE CASE SELECTION............................................................................................................8
3.3 USE CASE DIAGRAM..............................................................................................................9
3.3.1 ESSENTIAL USE CASE DESCRIPTIONS.........................................................................9
3.4 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM..........................................................................................................13
3.5 CLASS DIAGRAM...................................................................................................................15
3.6 Activity Diagram.......................................................................................................................16
It is mandatory for students of an educational institution to pass a year in orderly manner. The
students usually do this through the mandatory clearance process. The clearance must be carried out
in order to verify if the student do not own anything at the university that supposed to be returned to
the appropriate body of the university. The manual process is time-consuming and stressful as the
students have to move from place to place to get their clearance document endorsed. It has also been
found to be vulnerable to fraud and other vices. This study therefore proposes a system that
overcomes the issues with manual processing.
The collected data help to identify attributes, relationships, classes, entities/objects that describe,
relate and interact with the system.
While I have observed the existing system, there have been improper handling of files that are too
difficult to access it, and these make the decisions invalid. The teams know the way of signing
clearance form during the end of each year, at that time I understands how much the process is tedious
and require high human power to accomplish the process. What I understand from the observation
analysis and summarized in the following manners:
Based on the data gathering the current clearance system of the Hawassa University, IOT is a manual
one. When the students of the university leaves the university the take clearance form from registrar
and go to different office to sign clearance form. The students may sign clearance form when they
want to fill withdrawal, to take ID card for the second time, during the end of each year and finally
when they graduate and leave the university. This makes the system so tedious and time consuming.
Here, students have to visit all the clearance offices with a form for them to sign. Once these forms
are signed, it proves that the student have been cleared and validate as they return the materials they
borrowed. This process takes a lot of time to be completed and possess a lot of stress for all staff and
students involved. Before sign in the clearance form each officer first check all the property borrowed
by the student whether return or not. If that is return he/she signs in to the clearance otherwise he/she
didn’t sign in to the clearance form. In order to control the list of students who borrow the property
from the office they use document paper which contain the information about borrower and borrowed
material like name of borrower, identification number of borrower , types of borrow material etc.
In the manual system, the clearance forms are documented in a file cabinet. Each time the clearance
form is needed, a search operation is conducted on the file cabinets to locate a particular student’s
clearance form.
Clearance form is prepared to each program for the students of the university. Each Clearance
form consists of the following thing.
The purpose of clearances with three options:
1. Clearance Form:-it is seasonal for the students, because the process takes places at the end of
academic year. At the end of academic year each student gets clearance from various office of the
2. Withdrawal Form:-it takes places at any time in the academic year. If one student wants to leave
the university for different purpose before the end of academic year so he/she get clearance from
various office of the university.
3. ID Form: - is takes places at any time when the student want to take ID card of the university.
In students’ clearance system based on program, the lists of offices are different. The following table
shows some of program within respective list of sign office.
After the students sign in each office and cleared, they go to registrar and give one piece of signed
paper and take the remaining one. Then they are cleared from any responsibilities and can go to their
During signing into the clearance form
The following condition must check before sign in to the clearance form
Each officer check whether all property borrows by the student returns to the
offices or not. While students signing the clearance form, the clearance process is done by
the hierarchy. For example they must sign in different libraries and book
store office before they go to sign in to the main libraries.
Based on hierarchy. Upper office must check whether the lower office sign or not.
The systems will have ID form page to allow the student to sign for ID card recovering.
Our system will also have withdrawal form page, that allow students to sing for withdrawal
The system will also have clearance form page that allow to sing the clearance when the
student leave the university
Non-Functional requirements describe user visible aspects of the system that are not designated to
the functional behavior of the system. The requirement includes from user interface, documentation,
performance characteristics, error handling and extreme conditions, Security issues.
Hardware specification Processor: Intel Pentium Processor Clock speed: 2.20 GHz
Monitor: 1024 * 768 Resolution Color
Keyboard: QWERTY RAM: 1 GB Input Output Console for
Software specification SQL Server 2008 Operating system: Windows10
A use case is a set of scenarios tied together by a common user goal. A scenario is a sequence of steps
describing an interaction between a user and a system. A use case describes a sequence of actions that
provide a measurable value to an actor. A use case is particular purpose that a user actually uses a
system to accomplish. A use case describes a function provided by the system that yields a visible
result for an actor.
An actor is an idealization of the external person, process or the thing interacting with the system and
subsystem or a class. An actor characterizes the interaction that the outside user may have with the
system. From the analysis of the document and the interview we undergo and as well with the group
members discussion we have identified the current system’s actors as follows:
Officer: are different office employees who sign clearance form. Like School head,
Dormitory chief , Student service, Library , chief of circulation, University book store keeper,
Sport master, Office of the student academic service, Student Council, Campus Security
Registrar: are officers who administer our system, manage student’s information and
approve the student clearance at the end and take a backup to student clearance form.
Once we identify the system user [Actors], the next thing will be to specify the various types of
functionality that the system will offer to this actors and the various functionality that they initiate
from the system.
1. Student Actor
Fill form
Request a special need/ask for clearing
Submit to registrar
2. Officer
Borrow prosperities for the students and check whether they are return or not
After that they sign on the form and cleared the students
3. College Dean
Check whether the course coordinator sign to the clearance form and the sign to the
clearance form if the course coordinator signs.
Check whether the students fill coast sharing form and complete their responsibilities
Sign and cleared the students
4. Course Coordinator:
Check whether the students fill coast sharing form and whether the instructors
complete their responsibilities such as submitting grade report.
Sign and cleared the students and instructors
5. Registrar
Prepare and Distribute student clearance form
Cleared the student clearance and take backup
6. Students Services office
Include café and dormitory service officers
Check whether the students return the meal card and dormitory materials
Sign and cleared the Students
Request Clearance
Fill clearance form
Take clearance
Manage User account
Manage Property
Check status
Clear student
Manage Student Information
Check the form filled by the student
1. The user open the system
2. The user click login link
3. The system display the login page
Flow of event 4. The user enter his/her identification (user type user name and
5. The user click on login button
6. The system takes the user to his/her page.
Step 5, If the identification is not correct the system display
incorrect user type, user name and password try again message
Alternative Flow of event
and the system display the login page. The system give chance to
try again.
Exit condition The system user logged in to the system
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1. Student login into their own page
2. Students click the clearance form link
Flow of event
3. The system displays the clearance form
4. Students fill the required information on the clearance form
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1. Click record student information link
2. The system display the record student information form
Flow of event 3. The user fill the required field and click add button
4. The system validated the user input and save the data
into the database
Description for lend book management use case it is general use case for
Record lend book Information use case description
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4. The system display student clearance Form
5. The students fill the required information in students clearance form
6. The student click the approve button
7. The system checks the student information on the
registrar Database
8. The system clears the student and displays the cleared clearance
9. The Student save and print the cleared clearance
10. Students go to Registrar and cleared at the end.
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Sequence Diagram for Signing Clearance Form Use case
This sequence diagram shows the steps how the students of HU, IOT follow to sign clearance online.
To sign clearance online the student of the university must be registered and later login based on the
previous registration. The user open the system and fill the login form field , click login button, then
the system display clearance form page. Students fill the required filed on their own page and click
the submit button. The users input validated by the system and creates clearance form controller
which allow executing the users input from the database. The systems database validates the query
and returns the result to clearance form controller. Then if the users input are valid in systems
database the system display the cleared and printable page and create print controller to execute the
users command. The system user clicks the print button and takes the cleared clearance form. But if
the user’s information
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Class diagram describe our system in terms of objects, attributes, operations and relationships.
To draw the class diagram, I followed the following steps
1. describing the system functionality shortly, this helps us to identify the class
2. preparation of class responsibility collaborators[CRC]
3. identify the abstraction or class
4. identify the responsibility of each class
5. translating the responsibility of each class in to its attribute and operations needed to
perform those responsibility
6. identify the relationship between class
7. finally draw the class diagram of the system based on the above information
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3.6 Activity Diagram
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the system.
Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow from one activity to another activity.
The activity can be described as an operation of the system.
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Object Oriented Software Engineering using UML, Patterns and Java Second Edition by
Bernd Burgge and Allen H.DutoitS
Design and Implementation of Student Clearance System (A Case Study of Caritas
STAN MAGEE, CCP and LEONARD L. TRIPP Guide to software engineering
standards and specifications PART II
Alain Abran, École de technologiesupérieureJames W. Moore, The MITRE Corp. (2004
Version) Guide to software engineering body of knowledge 2004 Version
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