TX Bio Ch30
TX Bio Ch30
TX Bio Ch30
Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Nervous Tissue Muscle Tissue
FUNCTIONS Protection, absorption, and Binding of epithelial tissue to Receiving and transmitting Voluntary and involuntary
excretion of materials structures, support, and nerve impulses movements
transport of substances
Skin, lining of digestive Under skin, surrounding Brain, spinal cord, and Skeletal muscles, muscles
system, certain glands organs, blood, bones nerves surrounding digestive tract
and blood vessels, the heart
Epithelial Tissue The tissue that lines the interior and exterior Figure 30 –1 Types of Tissues
body surfaces is called epithelial tissue. Your skin and the lining of The four major types of tissues in the
human body are epithelial tissue,
your stomach are both examples of epithelial tissue.
connective tissue, nervous tissue, and
Connective Tissue A type of tissue that provides support for the muscle tissue. Predict Which organ
may not contain all four types of
body and connects its parts is connective tissue. This type of tissue tissue?
includes fat cells, bone cells, and even blood cells. Many connective
tissue cells produce collagen, a long, tough fiber-like protein that is the
most common protein in the body. Collagen gives tissues strength and
resiliency, helping them to keep their shape even under pressure.
Nervous Tissue Nerve impulses are transmitted throughout the
body by nervous tissue. Neurons, the cells that carry these impulses,
and glial cells, which surround and protect neurons, are both examples
of nervous tissue.
Muscle Tissue Movements of the body are possible because of
muscle tissue. Some muscles are responsible for the movements you
control, such as the muscles that move your arms and legs. Some mus
cles are responsible for movements you cannot control, such as the
tiny muscles that control the size of the pupil in the eye.
Organs A group of different types of tissues that work together to
perform a single function or several related functions is called an
organ. The eye is an organ made up of epithelial tissue, nervous tissue,
muscle tissue, and connective tissue. As different as these tissues are,
they all work together for a single function—sight.
Organ Systems An organ system is a group of organs that perform
closely related functions. For example, the brain and spinal cord are
organs of the nervous system. The organ systems interact to maintain
homeostasis in the body as a whole. The organ systems, along with their
structures and main functions, are shown on the next page.
Brain, Skin, hair, nails, Skeletal muscle, Heart, blood Bones, cartilage,
spinal cord, sweat and oil thymus, spleen, smooth muscle, vessels, blood ligaments, tendons
nerves glands lymph nodes, cardiac muscle
lymph vessels
Recognizes and Guards against Helps protect Works with Transports Supports the
coordinates infection and the body from skeletal system to oxygen, nutrients, body; protects
the body’s injury and disease; collects produce voluntary and hormones internal organs;
response to ultraviolet fluid lost from movement; helps to cells; fights allows movement;
changes in radiation from blood vessels and to circulate blood infection; removes stores mineral
its internal the sun; helps to returns it to the and move food cell wastes; helps reserves; contains
and external regulate body circulatory system through the to regulate body cells that produce
environments temperature digestive system temperature blood cells
Respiratory System Digestive System Excretory System Endocrine System Reproductive System
Nose, pharynx, larynx, Mouth, pharynx, Skin, lungs, liver, Hypothalamus, Testes, epididymis,
pituitary, thyroid, vas deferens, urethra,
Brings in oxygen needed Breaks down food; Eliminates waste Controls growth, Produces gametes; in
for cellular respiration absorbs nutrients; products from the development, females, nurtures and
and removes excess eliminates wastes body and metabolism; protects developing
carbon dioxide from maintains embryo
the body homeostasis
What is homeostasis?
Room temperature
Some things are easy to observe. When you run or swim decreases.
or even write the answer to a test question, you can see your
body at work. But behind the scenes, your body’s systems are
working constantly to do something that is difficult to see Thermostat senses
and that few people appreciate—maintaining a controlled, OFF temperature change and turns ON
stable internal environment. This stable environment is heating system on or off.
called homeostasis, which means “similar standing.”
Homeostasis describes the relatively constant
internal physical and chemical conditions that organ- Room temperature
isms maintain despite changes in internal and external increases.
environments. Homeostasis may not be obvious, but for a
living organism, it’s literally a matter of life or death.
Feedback Inhibition If you’ve ever watched someone Figure 30 – 3 Feedback Inhibition
driving a car down a relatively straight road, you may have A home heating system uses a feedback
loop to maintain a stable, comfortable
noticed how the person constantly moves the wheel left or
environment within a house.
right, adjusting direction to keep the vehicle in the mid Interpret Diagrams What is the stimulus
dle of the lane. In a certain sense, that’s how the systems of in this feedback loop?
the body work, too, keeping internal conditions within a
certain range, and never allowing them to go too far to one
side or the other.
A Nonliving Example One way to understand homeo
stasis is to look at a nonliving system that automatically
keeps conditions within a certain range like a home heating
system. In most homes, heat is supplied by a furnace that
burns oil or natural gas. When the temperature within the
house drops below a set point, a thermostat sensor switches
the furnace on. Heat produced by the furnace warms the
house. When the temperature rises above the set point, the
thermostat switches the furnace off, keeping the tempera
ture within a narrow range.
A system like this is said to be controlled by feedback
inhibition. Feedback inhibition, or negative feedback, is
the process in which a stimulus produces a response that BUILD Vocabulary
opposes the original stimulus. Figure 30–3 summarizes ACADEMIC WORDS The
the feedback inhibition process in a home heating system. noun inhibition means “the
When the furnace is switched on, it produces a product act of blocking the action of.”
Therefore, feedback inhibition
(heat) that changes the environment of the house (by refers to a response that blocks
raising the air temperature). This environmental change further actions of a stimulus.
then “feeds back” to “inhibit” the operation of the furnace.
In other words, heat from the furnace eventually raises the
temperature high enough to trigger a feedback signal that
switches the furnace off. Systems controlled by feedback
inhibition are generally very stable.
Analyze and Conclude
Maintaining Temperature
1. Compare and Contrast Compare this experi
You will receive a thermometer and three ment to what happens in your own body during
beakers of water at the following temperatures: temperature regulation.
25°C, 35°C, and 40°C. Develop a method to
keep the temperature of the 35°C water within 2. Interpret Visuals Make a feedback loop similar
one degree for a period of fifteen minutes. You to the ones in Figure 30 – 4 that shows how feedback
may use the contents of the other two beakers. mechanisms were involved in this activity.
Key Question
The Digestive System TEKS 10A
What are the structures and What are the functions of the digestive system?
functions of the digestive system,
excretory system, circulatory The need for food presents every animal with at least two challenges—
system, lymphatic system, and how to obtain it and how to convert that food into molecules the body
respiratory system? can use. In humans and many other animals, this is the job of the
digestive system. The digestive system converts food into small
Taking Notes molecules that can be used by the cells of the body. Food is pro-
Outline Before you read, make cessed by the digestive system in four phases—ingestion, digestion,
an outline of the major headings absorption, and elimination.
in the lesson. As you read, fill
in main ideas and supporting
The first step in the process is ingestion, the act of putting food
details for each heading. into your mouth. Food in the digestive system is broken down in two
ways—by mechanical and chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion
is the physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces.
These smaller pieces can be swallowed and accessed by digestive
enzymes. During chemical digestion, enzymes break down food into
the small molecules the body can use. Some of the enzymes used in
digestion are shown in Figure 30–5. Once food has been broken into
small molecules, it can be absorbed by cells in the small intestine.
From the small intestine, the molecules enter the circulatory system,
which transports them throughout the body. The digestive system can-
not digest and absorb all the substances in food that enter the body.
Some materials, such as cellulose, travel through the large intestine
and are eliminated from the body as feces.
Figure 30–5 Digestive Enzymes
Small Maltase, sucrase, lactase Breaks down remaining disaccharides into monosaccharides
Peptidase Breaks down dipeptides into amino acids
Figure 30–6 Food travels through many organs
as it is broken down into nutrients your body can
use. The time needed for each organ to perform its
role varies based on the type of food consumed.
4 Small Intestine Chyme is slowly
Gallbladder released into the small intestine.
Bile, which is made in the liver, is
released from the gallbladder into
Large intestine the small intestine and aids in fat
digestion. Enzymes from the pan-
creas and duodenum complete
digestion. Nutrients are absorbed
through the small intestine wall.
3–5 hours
Circular folds
Villi Epithelial
Lymph vessel
Renal cortex
Renal artery
Waste-laden blood
enters kidney.
Filtered blood
Renal vein
leaves kidney.
To the bladder
capsule Capillaries
Glomerulus 1 Filtration takes place in the glomerulus, a
dense network of capillaries encased in
Bowman’s capsule. Blood pressure forces
Tubule much of the fluid from the capillaries into
Bowman’s capsule. The result is a filtrate
Vein containing water, urea, glucose, salts,
amino acids, and some vitamins.
To ureter
3 Urine Excretion The fluid entering collect-
ing ducts is now known as urine. From the
Loop of collecting ducts, urine flows to the ureter
Henle of each kidney. The ureters carry urine to
the urinary bladder for storage until the
urine leaves the body through the urethra.
Carries oxygen-rich
blood from the left Pulmonary Arteries
ventricle to the body Carry oxygen-poor
blood to the lungs
Superior Vena Cava
Brings oxygen-poor blood LEFT ATRIUM
from the upper body to Accepts oxygen-rich
the right atrium blood from the lungs
Mitral Valve
Accepts oxygen-poor Pulmonary Valve
blood from the body Aortic Valve
Pumps oxygen-poor
Pumps oxygen-rich
blood to the lungs
blood to the body
Tricuspid Valve
Blood Vessels
Blood leaving the heart passes through the aorta, the pass through them in single file. Their thin walls allow
first of a series of vessels that carries blood through oxygen and nutrients to diffuse from blood into tissues,
the systemic circulation. As blood flows through the and carbon dioxide and other waste products to move
circulatory system, it moves through three types of from tissues into blood.
blood vessels—arteries, capillaries, and veins.
Veins After blood passes through the capillaries, it
Arteries Arteries are large vessels that carry blood returns to the heart through veins. Many veins are
from the heart to the tissues of the body. Except for located near and between skeletal muscles. When you
the pulmonary arteries, all arteries carry oxygen-rich move, the contracting skeletal muscles squeeze the
blood. Arteries have thick elastic walls. veins, pushing blood toward the heart. Many veins
contain valves, which ensure blood flows in one direc-
Capillaries The smallest blood vessels are the capil- tion through these vessels.
laries. Most capillaries are so narrow that blood cells
Smooth muscle
Smooth Muscle
Regulates the Endothelium
diameter of arteries; Lines the walls of
only a thin layer all blood vessels
present in veins Endothelium Valve
Red Blood Cells The most numerous cells in blood are red blood cells,
or erythrocytes (eh rith roh syts). The main function of red blood cells is to
transport oxygen. They get their crimson color from the iron in hemoglo-
bin, a protein that binds oxygen. Red blood cells are produced by cells
in the bone marrow. As they mature and fill with hemoglobin, nuclei and
other organelles are forced out.
White Blood Cells White blood cells, or leukocytes (loo koh syts), are
the “army” of the circulatory system. White blood cells guard against
infection, fight parasites, and attack bacteria. A sudden increase in white
blood cells is a sign that the body is fighting a serious infection. Different
types of white blood cells perform different protective functions. For ex-
ample, macrophages engulf pathogens. Lymphocytes are involved in the
immune response. B lymphocytes produce antibodies that fight infection
and provide immunity. T lymphocytes help fight tumors and viruses. In a
healthy person, white blood cells are outnumbered by red blood cells by
almost 1000 to 1.
Platelets As you know, a minor cut or scrape may bleed for a bit, but
then the bleeding stops. Why? Because blood can clot. Blood clotting is
made possible by plasma proteins and cell fragments called platelets.
When platelets come in contact with the edges of a broken blood vessel,
their surfaces becomes sticky, and they release proteins called clotting fac-
tors that start reactions to produce a solid clot.
Blood Clot (SEM 2200×)
1 Nose As air enters, the lining of
the nose starts the filtering process
by trapping large particles.
Epiglottis Pharynx Incoming air is warmed in the
inner nasal cavity and sinuses.
These areas produce mucus that
Trachea moistens the air and catches even
Lung more dust particles.
2 Pharynx, Larynx, and Trachea
Bronchioles The pharynx serves as a
passageway for both air and
food. Air moves from the pharynx
into the trachea, or windpipe.
When you swallow food or
liquid, a flap of tissue called the
epiglottis covers the entrance to
the trachea, ensuring that the
food or liquid goes into the
esophagus. The larynx contains
Diaphragm two highly elastic folds of tissue
known as the vocal cords. When
muscles pull the vocal cords
together, the air moving between
Pulmonary artery them causes the cords to vibrate
Bronchiole Alveoli and produce sounds.
You can control your breathing almost any time you want, to blow up a bal-
loon or to play a trumpet. But this doesn’t mean that breathing is purely volun-
tary. Your nervous system has final control of your breathing muscles whether
you are conscious or not. This is why people who drown have water in their
lungs. When they lose consciousness, they “breathe” water into their lungs.
Breathing is initiated by the breathing center in the part of the brain stem
called the medulla oblongata. Sensory neurons in or near the medulla and in
some large blood vessels gather information about carbon dioxide levels in
the body and send the information to the breathing center. When stimulated,
the breathing center sends nerve impulses that cause the diaphragm and chest
muscles to contract, bringing air into the lungs. The higher the blood carbon
dioxide level, the stronger the impulses. If the blood carbon dioxide level
reaches a critical point, the impulses become so powerful that you cannot
keep from breathing.
1. a. Review Explain the function of the digestive d. Review List the main function of plasma,
system. red blood cells, white blood cells, and
b. Apply Concepts What impact do the folds and platelets.
villi of the small intestine have on absorption? 4. Describe What is the role of the lymphatic
2. a. Review List the organs involved in excretion. system?
b. Explain How do the kidneys maintain water 5. a. Review Explain the function of the respi-
balance? ratory system.
3. a. Review List the structures of the circulatory b. Review Describe the process of gas
system and explain their roles. exchange in the lungs.
b. Review Describe the two paths of blood circula- c. Review Explain the process of breathing.
tion through the body.
c. Explain Describe the functions of three types
of blood vessels in the circulatory system.
Neurons can be classified into three types. Sensory neurons carry impulses from
sense organs, such as eyes and ears, to the central nervous system. Motor neurons
carry impulses from the central nervous system to muscles and glands. Interneurons
process information from sensory neurons and send commands to other interneu-
rons or motor neurons. All neurons have certain features in common. These include
a cell body, dendrites, an axon, and, in many neurons, a myelin sheath.
The cell body contains the nucleus The myelin sheath is an insulating membrane that surrounds
and much of the cytoplasm. some axons, leaving gaps called nodes that expose the axon
membrane. Impulses jump from node to node, traveling faster
than they would through an axon without a myelin sheath.
Axon terminals at the end of the axon
Dendrites receive impulses transmit information to other nerve cells,
from other neurons and carry The axon carries impulses glands, or muscles.
impulses to the cell body. away from the cell body.
The Nerve Impulse
Outside of Cell
Inside of Cell
The peripheral nervous system contains nerves and associated cells that are not part of the
brain or spinal cord, and has two major divisions—sensory and motor. The sensory division
consists of receptor cells that gather information, and sensory neurons, which transmit im-
pulses from sense organs to the central nervous system. The motor division transmits impulses
from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands. These messages are relayed
through networks called the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
Bones are living tissue made up of a solid network of Near the ends of bones where force is applied, spongy
living cells and protein fibers surrounded by deposits of bone forms latticework structures that resemble sup-
calcium salts. Bones are surrounded by tough connective porting girders in a bridge. This adds strength without
tissue called periosteum (pehr ee ahs tee um). Beneath excess mass.
the periosteum is a thick layer of compact bone. Nerves
and blood vessels run through compact bone in chan- Inside many bones are cavities containing one of two
nels called Haversian canals. A less dense tissue known types of bone marrow. Yellow marrow consists primar-
as spongy bone may be found under the compact ily of cells that store fat. Red marrow contains stem cells
bone, especially in the ends of long bones. Despite its that produce most types of blood cells.
name, spongy bone is quite strong.
A place where one or more bones meet each other is called a joint. Joints
contain connective tissue that holds bones together and permits bones to move
without damaging each other. Joints can be classified as immovable, slightly
movable, or freely movable.
Freely Movable Joints Freely movable joints, like the shoulder joint, permit
movement in two or more directions. Freely movable joints are grouped ac-
cording to the shapes of the surfaces of the adjacent bones. Several types of
freely movable joints are shown below.
Myosin Sarcomere
Hair follicle
When the body needs to conserve
heat on a cold day, the blood
vessels in the dermis narrow. This Muscle Sebaceous glands
helps bring blood closer to the Fat in the skin release an oily
body’s core and prevents heat forms an insulating substance that
from escaping through the skin. Sensory nerves helps keep the skin
in the skin detect layer that retains
On hot days, the blood vessels body heat. flexible and
widen, bringing heat from the pressure, heat, waterproof.
body’s core to the skin. cold, and pain, Because it is
and transit that acidic, it can kill
information to Sweat glands help in bacteria on the
the nervous temperature regulation. surface of the skin.
system. Excess heat is released when
sweat glands produce
perspiration. When sweat
evaporates, it takes heat
away from body.
The hypothalamus makes hormones
that control the pituitary gland and
hormones that are stored in the
pituitary gland.
Pituitary Gland
The pituitary gland produces hormones Pineal Gland
that regulate many of the other endocrine The pineal gland releases
glands and some organs. Hormones melatonin, which is
released: Follicle-stimulating hormone involved in rhythmic
(FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), activities, such as daily
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), sleep-wake cycles.
Adreno-corticotrophic hormone
(ACTH), Growth hormone (GH), Thyroid
Prolactin, Melanocyte-stimulating The thyroid produces
hormone (MSH) thyroxine, which regulates
metabolism throughout the
body. The thyroid also
produces calcitonin.
Parathyroid Glands
These four glands release Pancreas
parathyroid hormone, The pancreas produces
which regulates the level of insulin and glucagon,
calcium in the blood. which regulate the level of
glucose in the blood. The
pancreas also secretes
digestive hormones.
During childhood, the
Ovaries produce estrogens
thymus releases thymosin,
and progesterone.
which stimulates T cell
Estrogens are required for
development and proper
the development of female
immune response.
secondary sex
characteristics and for the
development of eggs.
Progesterone prepares
Adrenal Glands the uterus for a
The adrenal glands fertilized egg.
release hormones
that help the body Testes
respond to stress. Hormones The testes produce
released: More than two dozen testosterone, which is
steroid hormones called responsible for sperm
corticosteroids (including production and the
aldosterone and cortisol), development of male
epinephrine, norepinephrine secondary sex
When blood water content rises, the pituitary releases less ADH. TEKS 3E, 11A
As ADH concentrations fall, the kidneys remove more water from
the blood, restoring its proper concentration. This homeostatic
system sets both upper and lower limits for blood water content. Figure 30–17 Blood Glucose
Regulation Insulin and glucagon
Blood Glucose Regulation Glucose concentration in the blood- are opposing hormones that
ensure blood glucose levels stay
stream is controlled by insulin and glucagon. When blood glucose
within a normal range.
concentration rises, the pancreas releases
insulin. Insulin stimulates liver and
skeletal muscle cells to convert blood
glucose to glycogen, and stimulates fat
Food intake increases
cells to convert glucose to lipids. These blood glucose level.
actions together prevent blood glucose
concentrations from rising too rapidly.
They also store energy for future use.
In-between meals, when blood glu- GLUCAGON
Pancreas releases insulin INSULIN
cose concentration drops, the pancreas (promotes
or glucagon in response to (promotes
releases glucagon. Glucagon stimulates breakdown of glucose uptake)
blood glucose levels.
liver and skeletal muscle cells to break
down glycogen and release glucose into
the blood. Glucagon also causes fat cells
to break down fats so they can be con-
verted to glucose. These actions raise Between meals, blood
blood glucose concentrations back to glucose level drops.
normal. Figure 30–17 shows this feed-
back loop.
Urinary bladder
vesicle Vas deferens Rectum
Prostate Seminal
gland Urethra
Bulbourethral Penis Prostate
gland gland
Seminiferous gland
Urinary bladder
Gastrulation forms three germ
layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and Amniotic
endoderm. The ectoderm will cavity
develop into the skin and the
nervous system. Mesoderm cells Ectoderm
develop into many of the body’s Mesoderm
internal structures, including bones,
muscle, blood cells, and gonads.
During gastrulation, some cells
Endoderm forms the linings of Endoderm
migrate from the ectoderm
organs in the digestive system, such Yolk cavity and form the mesoderm.
as the stomach and intestines, as
well as respiratory and excretory
1. a. Review Describe the functions of the nervous 5. a. Review What is the function of the endo-
system. crine system?
b. Review What happens when a neuron is stimu- b. Apply Concepts Use what you learned
lated by another neuron? in Chapter 7 about how materials cross cell
c. Explain Is a reflex part of the central nervous membranes to explain the actions of steroid
system, the peripheral nervous system, or both? hormones and nonsteroid hormones.
2. a. Review List the different functions of the skel- c. Explain Describe how the endocrine sys-
etal system. tem helps maintain homeostasis.
b. Explain Describe the structure of a typical 6. a. Review Describe the function of the male
bone. reproductive system.
c. Use Analogies Which type of freely moveable b. Review Describe the function of the
joint would you compare to a doorknob? Explain female reproductive system.
your answer. c. Relate Cause and Effect How do the
3. a. Review List the three types of muscle tissue. outcomes of gastrulation and neurulation
b. Explain Describe how a muscle contracts. contribute to human development?
4. Review List the functions of the integumentary
Key Questions Think About It What causes disease? People once believed that
What causes infectious diseases were caused by curses, evil spirits, or vapors rising from foul
disease? marshes. In fact, malaria was actually named after the Italian word for
“bad air.” These bad guesses shouldn’t be all that surprising, because
What are the body’s non-
until microscopes were invented, most causes of disease were invisible
specific defenses against patho-
to the human eye!
Nonspecific Defenses TEKS 10A
See the Modeling
Disease Transmission
What are the body’s nonspecific defenses against pathogens? lab on p. 984. A
TEKS 3E, 4C, 10A, 11C NDBO
With pathogens all around us, how do we stay healthy most of the
time? The reason is that our bodies have a series of defenses that
protect us against infection. The first of these are called nonspecific
defenses because they act against a wide range of pathogens.
Nonspecific defenses include the skin, tears and other
secretions, the inflammatory response, and fever.
First Line of Defense The most widespread nonspecific defense is
the physical barrier we call skin. Very few pathogens can penetrate the
layers of dead cells that form the skin’s surface. But openings in the
skin are protected, too. Saliva, mucus, and tears contain lysozyme, an
enzyme that breaks down bacterial cell walls, while stomach secre-
tions destroy many pathogens that are swallowed.
Second Line of Defense If pathogens make it into the body,
through a cut in the skin, for example, the body’s second line of
defense swings into action. These mechanisms include the inflamma-
tory response and fever.
The inflammatory response causes infected areas to become red
and painful, or inflamed. The response begins when pathogens stimu-
late cells called mast cells to release chemicals known as histamines
Figure 30–21 The Inflammatory
that increase the flow of blood to the affected area (Figure 30–21). Response The inflammatory response
White blood cells then move into infected tissues, engulfing and is a nonspecific defense reaction to
destroying bacteria. tissue damage caused by injury or
The immune system also releases chemicals that increase body infection. When pathogens enter the
temperature, producing a fever. Increased body temperature may slow body, phagocytes move into the area
and engulf the pathogen. Infer What
down or stop the growth of some pathogens. Higher body tempera- part of the inflammatory response
ture also speeds up several parts of the immune response. leads to redness around a wounded
Skin Splinter
Capillary Phagocytes
1 In response to the wound and 2 Local blood vessels dilate. Fluid 3 Phagocytes engulf and destroy
invading pathogens, mast cells leaves the capillaries and causes the bacteria and damaged cells.
release histamines, which stimulate swelling. Phagocytes move into
increased blood flow to the area. the tissue.
divide rapidly. el
3 B cells produce plasma cells and memory B cells. 3 Helper T cells activate B cells, activate cytotoxic
T cells, and produce memory T cells.
Infected T cell
4 Plasma cells release antibodies that capture antigens T cell
and mark them for destruction.
4 Cytotoxic T cells bind to infected body cells and
destroy them.
Memory Same virus T cell
B cell invades body
Secondary Response
Helper T cells
5 Memory B cells respond more quickly than 5 Memory T cells respond more quickly than
B cells in the primary response. helper T cells in the primary response.
Viral RNA transcriptase
1. a. Review List the types of organisms that can c. Apply Concepts Why would a dis-
cause disease. ease that destroys helper T cells also
b. Review What are the ways in which infectious compromise the humoral response?
diseases are spread? 4. Review What are three immune system
2. a. Review List the body’s nonspecific defenses against disorders?
pathogens. 5. a. Review What virus causes AIDS?
b. Sequence Describe the steps of the inflammatory Describe how it is spread.
response. b. Infer What aspect of HIV infection
3. a. Review How does the immune system identify a causes difficulty in fighting off other
pathogen? infections?
b. Describe What are the two main styles of action
of the specific immune response?
1. Identify The lab test of Andrew’s urine sample 4. Apply Concepts As part of the nutrient absorp-
showed an abnormal amount of a certain sub- tion process, ketones are produced by the break-
stance. What substance do you think it was? down of fat for energy. Ketones in the urine can
be an indication of diabetes. Why do you think
2. Describe Urine is a product of the excretory sys-
this is?
tem, but it reveals interactions that occur among
that and other body systems. How does urine 5. Form an Opinion Most drug urine tests per-
reveal so much about human body systems? formed for schools do not test for alcohol or
tobacco. Why do you think this is the case? Do
3. Describe A few healthy athletes drank a great
you agree or disagree? Explain.
deal of water before and during practice. What
color do you think their urine was?
TEKS Practice
Biology Chapter 30
27. Relate Relate the levels of organization in bio-
logical systems to the whole system. Why is it Lesson 1
important for the systems of an organism to work The levels of organization in the body include
together? What might be the result if the different cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Basic
systems did not coordinate with one another? structure and function for each of the body systems
28. Analyze What are the levels of organization in was explained. Body systems must work together
biological systems, starting with the simplest to maintain homeostasis—the relatively constant
internal physical and chemical conditions that
level? Analyze how organs and organ systems are
organisms maintain despite changes in internal
and external environments.
29. Describe In what ways do the digestive and respi- Supporting TEKS: 10C, 11A
ratory systems depend on the circulatory system
to carry out the functions of obtaining nutrients?
30. Relate How do the levels of organization in Lesson 2
biological systems relate to each other? Use the This lesson provides an overview of the digestive,
example of the stomach’s role in the digestive excretory, circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic
system in your answer. systems. Details about the structure and function of
the system as well as how it contributes to overall
31. Relate How can your lungs be considered part of homeostasis in the body was also reviewed.
both the circulatory system and respiratory sys-
Readiness TEKS: 10A
tem? Relate the levels of organization in biological Supporting TEKS: 11A
systems to each other.
32. Infer When there is too much fluid in the blood, Lesson 3
the heart must pump harder. Diuretics are sub- This lesson provides an overview of the nervous,
stances that stimulate the kidneys to remove more skeletal, muscular, integumentary, endocrine, as
fluid from the body. Why do you think diuretics well as the male and female reproductive systems.
are used to treat high blood pressure? Details about the structure and function of the
system as well as how it contributes to overall
33. Communicate Valid Conclusions Although homeostasis in the body was also reviewed.
exercising can increase your strength and endur-
Readiness TEKS: 10A
ance, over-exercising can have adverse effects on
Supporting TEKS: 11A
the body. Use resources in the library or on the
Internet to find out what these adverse effects are.
Lesson 4
Communicate your conclusions in a brief report,
This lesson discusses the various causes of disease.
supported by the data you found. In addition, how the immune system responds
34. Predict Explain how the removal of someone’s to pathogens and disease was covered. Finally,
lymph nodes can affect his or her ability to fight immune disorders including allergies, asthma, and
disease. HIV infection were covered.
35. Describe Describe the role of internal feedback Readiness TEKS: 4C, 10A
mechanisms in the maintenance of homeostasis.
Use the example of blood glucose regulation in
your answer.
36. Describe Describe the interactions that occur
among systems that perform the function of
reproduction in animals. Use humans as your
37. Describe Describe the interactions that occur
among systems that perform the function of de-
fense from illness in humans.
Using the information in the graph, what can be inferred about concentrations of cytotoxic
T cells during the same time period?
A The cytotoxic T cell concentration would decrease until year 4 and then begin to increase.
B The cytotoxic T cell concentration would follow a trend similar to the trend for helper
T cells.
D The cytotoxic T cell concentration would follow a trend similar to the trend for HIV
F Endocrine system
G Reproductive system
H Immune system
Room temperature
Thermostat senses
OFF temperature change and turns ON
heating system on or off.
Room temperature
What change would be required to adapt this model to show how the human body regulates
body temperature to maintain homeostasis?
B Change the information about the thermostat to information about the hypothalamus.
When metabolism decreases, the body’s need for resources such as food declines.
How does dormancy improve the evolutionary fitness of ground squirrels?