Forensic Odontology in Pediatric Dentistry: A. Dental Identification

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Volume 7, Issue 2, February – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Forensic Odontology in Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Mahima Panwar Dr. Madhukar Yadav
MDS, Post Graduate Trainee (PGT) MDS, Post Graduate Trainee (PGT)
Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Kanti Devi Dental College Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India Kanti Devi Dental College Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India

Dr. Sonal Gupta

Head of the Department
Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Kanti Devi Dental College Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India

Abstract:- Forensic odontology is a new and growing phase The pedodontist performs a key position in forensic
of medical speciality. Keiser-Nielson was described in 1970 odontology via his understanding in diverse fields like
as a forensic pathology specialist, in the interests of justice unintended and non-verbal abuse, child abuse and forgets, age
concerned with the proper management and evaluation of willpower, dental records, and main failures by analyzing
dental evidence and the proper evaluation and enamel and jaw structure for clues. These dental findings/facts
presentation of dental findings. Spy science refers to areas could also be helpful in felony identity.
of effort that can be used in the judiciary and approved by
the court and the general science committee to distinguish II. EASE OF USE
truth from falsehood.
A. Dental identification
Keywords:- Age Estimation; Child Abuse; Bite Marks; A pediatric dentist is a specialist dentist related to the
Cheiloscopy; Palatal Rugoscopy; Pediatric Dentist. treatment of dental problems in children. This forte is used to
perceive human beings with visible results, clinically and
I. INTRODUCTION radiographically and dental caries affecting the enamel, root
canal treatment, kinds of tooth replacement, dental sealants,
Forensic odontology (dentist) may be a new and growing electrical appliances, oral and maxillofacial pathologies and
section of medical distinctiveness.[1] Forensic odontology is developmental defects related to dental harm and dental
defined by way of Keiser-Nielson in 1970 as "that medical examination. [6]
department that investigates instances that within the hobbies
of justice manage with the right coping with and exam of B. Comparative identification
dental validation but as right assessment and presentation of The prognosis of mortal enamel is wished in special
dental investigation." Forensic technology refers to instances for a range of reasons. post-mortem enamel lives with
experimental areas to be able to be employed in a judicial antemortem dental data comparable to assure possession.
placing and authorized via the court docket and also Antemortem data, comparable as internal/ fresh oral
the popular science committee to tell aside fact from fiction. radiographs, scientific photos, exploration declares, ortho/
prostho electronics, oral guards can also be used. beginning and
obtained signs are compared. Comparisons are usually made
Mortal identity is the dependence on civilization, and grounded on individual tooth and enamel recuperation related
hence the identity of unknown individualities always has been to the presence/ absence of teeth, enamel decay, current
of consummate significance to society. Now not the simplest eruptions and eruptive situation. The morphology of coronal/
is it vital to spot the departed to ensure relevant burial, but dental root elements, root length/ role, foramina, sinuses, and
additionally there are issues like lawless examinations, TMJ can additionally be compared. [7]
insurance agreements, and military lawsuits if you want to be
resolved only with a recognition. Standard, in the course of C. Dental age estimation
a global environment, professional dentists play a pivotal part Determining age unearths its use in a variety of
in diagnosing human beings, analysing biting signs and situations, comparable because of the identity of nonnatives,
symptoms, severe trauma, and abnormalities. [3] in felonious and dangerous scenes, and is notably used to
measure children's age series of unknown delivery record.
In line with FDI, a forensic dentist is described as a Other approaches consist of bone improvement, physical
department of dentistry that, inside the interests of justice, examination, the usage of anthropometric measures, and a
is chargeable for the right dealing with and evaluation of combination of most of these. Tooth eruption in the oral cavity
dental evidence, additionally as for the right assessment and is usuallly affected by authentic elements, comparable as lack
illustration of dental acquisitions.[4] Forensic odontology has of space and systemic features, while tooth decay is taken into
emerged as a particularly strong point supported dental and consideration as the maximum accurate index of development
jaw expertise, macroscopic anatomy, histology, radiography, in kids as it's much less suffering from nutritive and endocrine
pathology, dental materials, and increased confusion. [4] situations. (8)

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Volume 7, Issue 2, February – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. Reconstructive identification (dental profiling) oneself. The forensic odontologist collects, records, evaluates,
Dental profiling refers to the event of a dental profile that and compares evidence of bite marks. Biting symptoms are
has a collection of specific or minor features associated with considered to be an important alternative to fingerprinting and
the oral fissure and/or teeth. Sometimes dental identification is DNA testing in specialist tests. Symptoms of bite marks are
employed not only to spot an unknown person but also to often found in almost any a part of the physical structure,
determine a known identity. [9] common areas of the face, arms, neck, hand, shoulder, fingers,
nose, ear, chest, legs, buttocks and genitals. Sexual abuse
E. Craniofacial identification affects the face, lips, breasts, shoulders, neck, thighs, genitals,
Craniofacial identification is a forensic process where a and testicles. To spot the perpetrator, suspected human dental
picture of a missing person is compared with a model of a tests are performed using dental equipment and matched.
skull to see its identity. There are various methods of Symptoms of bites if properly analyzed can confirm the
sculpting, all of which are supported facial expressions involvement of an individual or persons in an exceedingly
(Phillips and Smuts, 1996). Facial reconstruction could be particular crime. [14]
a method utilized in forensic research to help in diagnosis. [10]
C. Cheiloscopy
F. Sex determination Cheiloscopy is about the identification of individuals
The first step in relating existent is a sexual exposure. supported by the lips. The word “Cheilos ” maybe a Greek
The determination of a sex using cadaverous remains presents signified “lip” and “Copy” means to look at. Everyone's lip
an excellent problem to forensic experts especially when only print is different. The liner of the lips (sulci labiorum ) is
fractions of the body are recovered. The Forensic Dentist can different for everybody and might be used for individual
help to determine the sex of the residue by using the teeth and identification. In professional identification, the lip print
a cranium. Multiple of dental characteristics, such as pattern gives us valuable information and helps in identifying
morphology, a crown size, the root length, etc., is an element the individual. Lip prints are natural lines and fissures within
within the male and female gender. There also are differences the kinds of wrinkles and grooves found within the zone where
in cranium patterns. New developments like enhancing a PCR the inner oral labial mucosa meets the outer skin or vermilion
etc., will help to directly determine the gender of the border of the human lip. The study of those grooves or
remainders. The forensic odontology plays a significant part furrows is thought of as Cheiloscopy. A motivating feature of
in establishing the fornication of victims with unseen Cheiloscopy is that the wrinkles and features of the lips retain
mutations due to disastrous events. [11] individuality and may be used as a record during the question
of gender determination or in cases of self-identification.
G. Tooth morphology It's possible to spot lip patterns at the start of the 6th week of
During a dental examination, a forensic odontologist intrauterine life. They're unique, permanent and don't change
plays an important role to spot an individual as accurately as even after death whereas are unique to every other apart
possible from existing natural teeth in the oral cavity. Well- from monozygotic twins. [15]
formed dental data are typically used for diagnostic
purposes.[12] D. Palatal Rugoscopy
Identification of someone is that the basis of civilization,
III. CRIME INVESTIGATION whether he's alive or dead, and therefore the identification of a
stranger has always been important in our society. Human
A. Child abuse identification depends on the scientific principles, especially
Child abuse is a serious violation of the fundamental those containing dental records, fingerprints, and DNA
rights of the child and could be a significant public health comparisons. Occasionally, it becomes necessary to use a lesser
concern worldwide. It does not discriminate between classes known and less common technique like palatoscopy.
and masses and pervades all sectors of society. Paediatricians
are at the forefront when it involves to diagnosing child abuse. Palatoscopy are often of interest group in those cases
The literature indicates that around 70% of child abuse victims when no fingers are available to be studied like burnt bodies or
usually presents with a face, head and mouth injuries. bodies in severe decomposition. Palatal rugae form a pattern on
Additionally, pedodontists meet regularly with the children the anterior part of the palate that's considered unique to every
and caregivers and thus have the chance to assess not only their individual, resembling fingerprints. Rugoscopy finds use
physical and mental condition but also their family situation. within the fields of anthropology, anatomy, genetics, forensic
odontology , prosthodontics , and orthodontics. Within the field
of forensic odontology , rugoscopy remains in its infancy.
B. Bite marks Despite the continuing problem of defining the palatal rugae
Forensic odontology could be a branch of forensic pattern, in quantity and quality, their diversity in individuals
pathology within interests of justice deals with dental evidence has been recognized as providing a strong source of
presented within the courts of law. The oldest method of identification.[16]
investigation supported forensic science was bite marks. A
bite mark might be a kind of injury that features a pattern,
which may well be a physical results of the bite action applied
to the skin or other things like food or other non-living parts.
Bites are employed by a person as an irritant and to protect

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Volume 7, Issue 2, February – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
E. Forensic orodental radiology the age of maturity. For adults, records should be kept for 7-
Forensic radiology is asserted almost completely on X- 10 years. The dental record includes a range of clinical trials,
rays and radiographs. Advanced methods, like CT (CT), cone- laboratory tests, research frames, artificial limbs, photographs,
beam computed tomography (CBCT), and resonance imaging and radiographs. [19]
(MRI), are added to the forensic tool kit. The X-ray method of
fingerprints referred to as X-ray fluorescence radiography VI. CONCLUSION
(XFR) has been improved to detect hidden prints within the
area. A forensic odontologist diagnoses and divulges teeth of From personal identification to child abuse, there is a
unknown bodies and is simpler with radiographs. The dental special role played by the pedodontist in the field of forensics.
charts of missing persons can then be compared with the It is very important to keep written and dental records that can
forensic odontologist 's report for physical examination. If the be used as evidence in public and criminal proceedings.
body decomposes, bone marrow is split, burned, or cut for the Dentists have a responsibility to protect the rights and
other reason, it's quite common that dental implants are going protection of children in intelligence investigations based on
to be complete and can provide a vital diagnostic tool. This is age, identity, and abuse related to dental skills. As crime and
often very true for victims of fireside and disaster. [17] law enforcement improve with the ever-increasing crime rate,
forensic odontology has emerged as a forensic expert. Its
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