Conjunctival Dermolipoma
Conjunctival Dermolipoma
Conjunctival Dermolipoma
10(01), 1187-1188
Key words:-
Dermolipoma, Benign Conjunctival
Tumour, Surgical Excision Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.
Case Report:
Dermolipoma is an ectopic skin formation, it’s a conjunctival lesioncomposed of adipose tissue and dense
connective tissue that develops at the level of the fornix of the external canthus. Such choristomas of dermal
elements are normally found at the outer canthus and have a gelatinous appearance. Classically, there is an indistinct
posterior border and a well-demarcated anterior border several millimeters posterior to the limbus. Histologically, a
lipodermoid is adipose tissue covered by connective tissue while a dermoid is comprised of collagen connective
tissue covered by epidermal epithelium.
If the dermoid or dermolipoma is accompanied by other systemic conditions or ocular anomalies in young children,
Goldenhar syndrome needs to be ruled out. This paper reports a unilateral conjunctival dermolipoma in a healthy
male child2.
Dermolipoma surgery is not without its dangers, there is essentially a risk of injuring the lateral rectus muscle and
the levator muscleof the upper eyelid; because there is no cleavage plane between the lesion and the adjacent normal
tissues to which it adheres. The anterior surface of the dermolipoma is inseparable from the temporal bulbar
conjunctiva. Its posterior surface is adjacent to the lateral rectus muscle and may extend upward to the levator-
Müller complex of the upper eyelid and to the lacrimal gland.
We report the case of a 2-years-old with who presented painless swelling in the lateral aspect of the left eye since
birth. He had no visual disturbances. He had no documented history of infection, trauma, or surgery to the orbit or
adjacent skin. On examination, the nonmobile, non-tender lesion was located in the temporal aspect of the left eye
(figure1)It could not be repositioned into the orbit. There was no associated feature of surrounding inflammation.
The other eye did not show any finding.The child had undergone an orbital CT scan to eliminate orbital extension
and clarify the relationship with the different ocular structures.
The main differential diagnoses are conjunctival cyst, Complex choristoma of the conjunctiva, and dermoid cyst.
The patient underwent surgical excision, the anatomo-pathological study confirmed the diagnosis of dermolipoma.
The post-operative follow-up was simple.
Competing interest:
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Authors’ contributions:
All authors have contributed to redaction, verification, and correction of this work.
1. Kim E, Kim HJ, Kim YD, et al. Subconjunctival fat prolapse and dermolipoma of the orbit: differentiation on
CT and MR Imaging AJNR. Am J Neuroradiol 2011;32(3):465-7.
2. Ding X, Wang X, Cao Y, et al. Goldenhar syndrome with blepharophimosis and limb deformities: a case report
BMC Ophthalmology 2018;18(1):206.