Evaluating Hydrogen Rich Fuel Gas Firing
Evaluating Hydrogen Rich Fuel Gas Firing
Evaluating Hydrogen Rich Fuel Gas Firing
A sudden shift to hydrogen rich fuel gas firing may not be prudent if a fired heater is
not designed for it
ired heaters are designed to tions struggling with their carbon specialised item requiring intricate
combust refinery fuel gas which footprints and may become a way of know-how, and should be suited to
may contain a wide array of keeping greenhouse gas emissions a wide range of fuel gases. Dumping
components including hydrogen. at bay. However, there are various hydrogen into the fuel gas header
Generally, hydrogen content in other factors which should be kept may lead to the fuel gas composi-
refinery fuel gas is limited to 10-30 in mind when planning to shift to tion breaching the range for which
vol% depending on the refinery con- hydrogen rich fuel gas firing. the burners were initially designed.
figuration and hydrogen recovery Such excursions, if they persist for
technologies employed. Hydrogen, Why worry about high hydrogen in a long time, will impact the per-
being a fuel with appreciably higher fuel gas? formance and operation of process
heating value and low energy per Petroleum refineries burn a wide fired heaters. Thus it is imperative
unit volume, has to be treated differ- array of fuel gas mixtures depend- that a detailed study of process fur-
ently. In general, maximum recov- ing on the group of units operating naces is undertaken to evaluate the
ery of hydrogen is attempted across or under shutdown. Accordingly, impact of changing fuel gas com-
the refinery complex due to its high the fuel gas composition can vary position. Hydrogen concentration
commercial value. However, there to a large extent. In general, refin- in fuel gas plays a prominent role
can be instances when a gas stream eries have a complex hydrogen bal- as it sharply alters the molecular
rich in hydrogen has to be routed ance across the complex to ensure weight of the fuel gas mix. Methane,
to the fuel gas header. This article that minimal hydrogen is routed to the other main component, should
addresses the impact on thermal flare or for other non-process uses. also be considered in conjunction
design and performance evaluation Hydrogen being a valuable utility, with hydrogen to work out various
of a fired heater for hydrogen rich its recovery and re-use is maximised scenarios.
fuel gas firing (hydrogen content up to the extent that it is economically
to 90 vol%). As a sample case, a nat- feasible. Basis of case study: parameters and
ural draft furnace of moderate heat However, there can be certain considerations
duty in hydrotreating service has instances due to operational upsets In order to evaluate the impact of
been selected for the study. of certain units or failure of critical hydrogen burning in the fired heater,
The study shows that shifting equipment which may end in dump- there are a few aspects to consider,
from conventional refinery fuel ing precious hydrogen into the fuel like the suitability of the fired heater
gas to hydrogen rich fuel gas may gas header. To add to this concern, design for hydrogen rich fuel gas, the
affect the thermal design and per- operational upsets may last for days suitability of the burner design, and
formance parameters of the furnace while the fuel for a fired heater has a the suitability of fuel piping, control
only marginally, unless the furnace rich composition of hydrogen across valves and other equipment. The
is fired near to metallurgical limits the refinery. When designing fired suitability of the fired heater design
or designed with too little margin to heaters, the gamut of fuel composi- for hydrogen rich fuel gas firing
manoeuvre. tions expected to be fired in the fur- demands thorough evaluation; this
There are enough reasons, nace is well defined. Burners are a article focuses on this aspect through
explained in the following sec- a case study.
tions, for the need for a detailed Combustion parameters of hydrogen and methane The generic combustion
study. It is seen that hydrogen parameters of methane and
rich gas firing helps the environ- Parameter Methane Hydrogen hydrogen are shown in Table
mental cause by reducing carbon Molecular weight, kg/kmol 16 2 1. Several of the parameters
dioxide emissions significantly, Lower heating value, kcal/kg 11 972 28 710 shown in Table 1 are critical
thereby helping the refinery with Energy density, kJ/Nm3 35 831 10 801
when applied to fired heaters.
Standard density, kg/Nm 3
0.716 0.09
carbon credits. Thus, hydrogen Flame speed, m/s 0.55 7.7 For example, hydrogen has a
rich fuel gas firing may be an Air to fuel ratio, kg/kg 20.78 41.2 much higher heating value than
alternative to carbon capture methane. Hence, for the same
and sequestration for installa- Table 1 fired duty the mass of hydrogen
0 20 40 60 80 100 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Hydrogen vol% in fuel gas mix (90% Methane + (50% Methane + (10% Methane +
10% Hydrogen) 50% Hydrogen) 90% Hydrogen)
Fuel LHV in Kcal/kg
Vol. energy density in Kcal/Nm3 Figure 2 Comparison of fuel efficiency translated as fuel firing rate
Figure 1 Heat content analysis ing. In the long run, such fouling high coking service like a delayed
may prove to be a deterrent in the coker.
Table 3 shows, volumetric flow rate smooth operation of the fired heater. Due to higher heat release poten-
for Case 3 is almost 2.5 times that of This fact is also very well captured tial and lower air flow rate in Case 3
Case 1. Hence, the existing piping in the relative coking rate. As can be fuel gas compared to Case 1, the adi-
and valve systems may become lim- seen from Table 3, the relative cok- abatic flame temperature increases
iting for the additional flow require- ing rate for Case 3 is almost 1.4 times by almost 140°C (see Figure 4) for
ment if the same rate of firing is to be higher. A corollary but very impor- which the software reported value
sustained. tant inference is that the run length of the NOx emission rate is almost
The total flue gas generated for could be reduced by almost 1.5 times doubled. This can be a hurdle when-
Case 3 is almost 15% lower com- had the heater been employed in a ever the emission rates of developed
pared to Case 1. This lower flue gas
flow rate results in lower convective
heat pick-up, resulting in a require- 600
ment for higher radiant heat inten- 580
Max film temp in ˚C Max TMT in ˚C
sity. Thus, the radiant duty pick-up 574
for Case 3 is increased by 3% to
560 568
compensate for the loss in convec- 540
tive duty. This additional radiant 520
duty is also depicted by the increase 516
in radiant flux. However, the arch 503
temperature is not affected much by 480
this increase in radiant flux which 460
means that hardware components
such as tube supports might not
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
need to change. However, the maxi- (90% Methane + (50% Methane + (10% Methane +
mum tube metal temperature, which 10% Hydrogen) 50% Hydrogen) 90% Hydrogen)
happens to be experienced in the
shock section tubes, is elevated by Figure 3 Film temperature and TMT comparison
almost 20°C when Case 3 fuel is fired.
Although this may be acceptable for
fired heaters which are designed
with a certain cushion at the design
Adiabatic flame temperature, ˚C