Chapter 7b
Chapter 7b
Chapter 7b
iviners seek to uncover the hidden past and know
Divination Mastery
the course of future events. Their abilities allow them to look “We arm ourselves as you do, Master-at-Arms.. Our
into the Warp to find the answers they seek. For all that it weapons are not so obvious as yours, perhaps, but they are
may seem to be passive observation, however, the practice no less deadly.”
of divination lies heavily upon the souls of diviners, and – Searn Kelris, Senior Astropath of the Emperor’s Charge
many are sullen or morose individuals, driven to despair by
the futures they have seen, while others become impassive
and uncaring to the plight of others, viewing life and death as
iviners seek to discern the hidden past and know the
little more than variables in some grand game..
course of future events. Their abilities allow them to look into
the immaterium to find the answers they seek. Their art is
horribly taxing, though. The warp lies heavy on diviners;
many of them are morose and sullen individuals. Insanity is
common amongst their ranks. Divination is the most widely
known Psychic Discipline, mainly due to use of the
Emperor’s Tarot. Divination concerns itself with the
. prediction of future events, and seeing the truth in the
present. However, the warp is extremely fickle, making
accurate predictions highly difficult—and often dangerous.
is mind is free of the constraints of time, and his estiny and promise are merged into a single state of being
Divination Discipline
Warp Perception Aura Reading Precognition
Divination Powers Gain Unnatural Senses Read a target's aura to Gain Unnatural Senses
trait determine information trait
Willpower 35 Psyniscience Willpower 35
100 XP 100 XP 100 XP
Manipulate games of
Psyniscience Psychometry Personal Augury Compress Time Flash Forward
100 XP Glean emotions and Gain insight into your own Create pocket dimensions Leap through time
memories from objects future through divination or vicious singularities
Lucky Psyniscience +10 Perception 40
Willpower 35 Willpower 45
Manipulate the target's 200 XP 200 XP 600 XP 500 XP
Psy Rating 3 Auto-Séance Augury Timestream Shift Stasis Shield
200 XP
Enhance Divination Gain insight into another's Enter a faster or slower Create stasis fields that
Discipline powers future through divination timestream freeze time
Misfortune Psyniscience +10 Psy Rating 7
Willpower 40 Willpower 50
Inflict bad luck on target 200 XP 200 XP 1200 XP 1000 XP
Willpower 45
Lifting the Veil Divining the Future Paradox Warp Time
300 XP Relive past events of Hasten or Slow Time
Decrease the time of Pull past and future
objects or places divination to minutes incarnations of self Psy Rating 5
Psyniscience +20
Glimpse Willpower 40 Willpower 55
300 XP 200 XP 1800 XP 1500 XP
Gain a bonus to a non-
Evasion Test
Willpower 40 Winding Fate Walking the Path Time Trap Move through Time
Gain bonuses due to Send a target to a Gain immunity from
100 XP See target's past or future
divination different time temporal powers
Perception 50 Psyniscience+20 Psy Rating 10 Willpower 55
Scrier's Gaze 500 XP 200 XP 2400 XP 2000 XP
See event's elsewhere
Blessed by the Emperor Infinite Potential
Psyniscience+10 Detect Taint
Detect corruption in a Improve bonuses due to Freeze time completely
200 XP divination
Psy Rating 10
Psyniscience +10 Willpower 45
Dowsing 300 XP 2500 XP
100 XP
Locate a target with
Psycholocation Soul Sight
Psy Rating 3 Read multiple target's
300 XP
aura within an area
Psyniscience +20
Far Sight
Gaze upon a location 300 XP
from afar
Psyniscience +20 Preternatural In Harm's Way Foreboding Forewarning
400 XP Awareness Allies gain a bonus to Foresee and prevent Foresee and prevent
Gain Unnatural Weapon or Ballistic Skill incoming attacks attack on allies
Foreshadow Perception Trait
Willpower 40 Psyniscience Perception 45
Increase effectiveness of Perception 35 100 XP 100 XP 200 XP 400 XP
Feint Attacks
Willpower 40
100 XP Prescience Precognitive Shot Divine Shot
Perfect Timing
Allies gain a bonus to Gain a bonus to Weapon Make an unavoidable
Shot Allies gain the ability to
The Action Again Weapon or Ballistic Skill Skill or Ballistic Skill
Psyniscience +10 ignore cover
Perform a reroll within the Psyniscience Perception 40
200 XP 300 XP 300 XP Perception 55
next few rounds 300 XP
Perception 35
200 XP
The psyker causes a strange but pertinent omen to
appear within the hour that forebodingly warns of future
events that will bring either luck or misfortune to the psyker.
However, the psyker cannot determine such easily as the
omen appears vague or holds a double meaning.
The psyker causes some small form of fortune to befall
himself or another. Such a fortune is often of small value -
such as nice chrono, a lho-stick, or a few rounds of
ammunition for a favored weapon.
Empathic Perception
The psyker is able to fully interpret the emotion, moods,
and temperaments of another without reading apparent
symptoms, allowing him to understand introverts or discover
one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack
someone in a personal and emotional way since they know
exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can
use this knowledge to play against them.
Chrono Control
The psyker is able to manipulate and control the dials and
displays of watches, chronos, and other time pieces. While
considered a simple trick by many, few know that the
devices are in actuality being manipulated by temporal
distortions - speeding up or slowing down through accurate
The psyker has focused on the arts of Divination above all others. The psyker classes all the Focus Power test difficulty for
his powers within the Divination Discipline as one degree easier (making a Challenging test into an Ordinary test, for examp le).
The psyker may only take powers from the Divination Discipline, and may not have any non-Divination powers when this talent is
purchased. Additionally, the Diviner replaces the Perils of the Warp table with Table 11-10: Divination Perils of the Warp, on
page XXX. Should the Diviner suffer Perils of the Warp while attempting to manifest a Divination power,
Divination Discipline Powers GM Guidance: Divination
A number of Divination powers allow a psyker to see
visions of the future. Because these powers function primarily
Basic Techniques in a narrative fashion, their use could pose difficulties; no
matter how well he prepares, no GM can be certain of how
The following discipline powers form the basics of the the events of the game will proceed. GMs have options when
Divination Discipline, as well as the basis of Neonates and it comes to adjudicating players’ use of these powers. It is
helpful for the GM to first determine what the player is trying
Aspirants training in the Scholastica Psykana.
to accomplish through using the power. Depending on his
A psyker entering the Divination Discipline may start his goals, it may not be necessary for the GM to describe the
progression with any of these powers. character’s visions in detail. Just because the character
knows exactly what will happen, does not necessarily mean
Aura Reading the player needs to. In some cases, it is sufficient to grant the
psyker a bonus to any tests to which his vision is relevant.
Another difficulty comes from the very nature of divination.
Value: 100 xp It wouldn’t do to allow a psyker to solve a mystery through the
Prerequisites: Psyniscience single use of a psychic power! Fortunately for the GM, the
Action: Full Action Warp and fate are fickle and mutable things. This fact also
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test deals with the aforementioned problem of the GM’s own
Range: 5 meters x psy rating imperfect foresight. Particularly in the case of Prescience, a
lower-tier power, visions are fuzzy and indistinct. The GM can
Sustained: Free Action
and should be vague in his descriptions of the vision; faces,
Subtype: Concentration environments, and other details may be hazy and indistinct.
Description: Diviners can read a person’s aura, the unconscious Bearing this in mind, the GM can provide enough information
projection of his being in to the warp. This is a very pale shadow, to assist the player, without giving away any plot breaking
beneath the notice of most beings, but the diviner can study this details. The GM should also remember that the psyker does
aura to learn about the person. not necessarily see visions pertaining to his goal. However,
GMs should take care to ensure that a player gains
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker can attempt
something through successful use of Divination powers. After
to read the aura of any person he can see as a Full Action. This all, any use of psychic ability includes an element of risk.
requires a successful Focus Power Test, with the level of Visions are often devoid of complete context, which poses the
information he gains depends on the Psy Rating at which he danger of a psyker acting against his best interests based on
manifests the power as detailed on Table 11–1: Reading. incomplete information.
A psyker can only maintain this power on one target. If he In the end, GMs should view players’ use of Divination not
wishes to divine the well-being of a different person, he must as a problem, but as an opportunity. The GM has complete
control, ultimately, over what information players obtain. By
activate the power again.
giving some thought to it, a GM can provide information to
keep the players on the right track, or even introduce new plot
Table 11-1: Aura Reading seeds, without making things too easy.
PR Results
1-3 The psyker gains superficial impressions about the Precognition
target person. This includes the three strongest
emotions that the subject is currently experiencing,
his race, whether or not he has any psychic powers, Value: 100 xp
and a rough idea of his state of mental and physical Prerequisites: Psyniscience
wellbeing. Lastly, the psyker determines whether the Action: Half Action
target is an Untouchable. Focus Power: Ordinary (+10) Psyniscience Test
4-5 As above, plus the psyker gets a deeper insight into Range: Self
all of the targets feelings, and gains +10 to all Sustained: Free Action
Fellowship Tests he makes against the target while
Subtype: Concentration
Reading is active. The psyker also gets a better idea
about the targets physical state, including his current Description: The psykers mind skims the warp for glimpses of the
Wounds and Fatigue levels. Finally, if the target has immediate future, seeking to discern threats to himself so that he
psychic abilities, the psyker can sense his power and may avoid them. Many latent psykers are unknowing of the gift they
find out his Psy Rating. possess, considering their survival to be a matter of luck, while
6-7 As all of the above, plus the psyker determines how Eldar seers describe it as an act of defiance against the fate-
many Insanity points the target has, as well as which weaving Crone Goddess, Morai-Heg.
addictions or madness he might be suffering from. If
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. While this power is in
the target has psychic abilities, the psyker determines
which discipline(s) he possesses. effect, the psyker is able to determine whether actions will be
8+ As all of the above, plus the psyker determines how successful or not before undertaking them. However, as this power
many Corruption points the target has. Also, the only allows the psyker to see a few moments into the future, each
psyker can determine if the aura is genuine, or has manifestation only allows him to determine the success of an action
been produced by some other means. that would take roughly six seconds. As an example, the psyker
could tell if entering a pass code into a secured door would set off
an alarm or not, but could not predict how a suspect would react Lucky
over the course of an interrogation.
Value: 200 xp
Warp Perception Prerequisites: Psy Rating 3
Action: Half Action
Value: 100 xp Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Prerequisite: Willpower 35 Range: Self
Action: Half Action Sustained: No
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test Subtype: Concentration
Range: Self Description: It is said that luck acts strangely around psykers, no
Sustained: Half Action doubt in part to powers like this one. The psyker manipulates the
Subtype: Concentration probability of an event to happen, making unlikely things occur
Description: The psyker opens his senses to the Warp, allowing more often or instantly and preventing liable events from occurring.
unnatural tendrils of energy to augment his own perceptions. His Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. W hile this power is in
flesh no longer limited, he casts his gaze wider and hungrily scents effect, unlikely events occur more frequently or instantly that favor
prey from farther afield. the psyker. The likelihood of events depends on the amount of
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker gains the Degrees of Success scored on the Focus Power Test as detailed
Unnatural Senses (X) trait, where the X value is equal to the psy on Table 11-2: Luck. This power may only be used once in within
rating multiplied by 10. a twenty four hour period of time.
Value: 100 xp
Prerequisites: Willpower 40
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience Test
Range: Self
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The psyker reaches into the warp to grasp a single
moment from the possible futures arrayed before him—a moment in
which he succeeds at a particular task— and the trials and travails
that could prevent that moment coming to pass. Unscrupulous
psykers have frequently used this technique to perform all manner
of illicit tasks, their uncanny proficiency in a vast range of tasks due
as much to prophetic talent as to any mundane skill.
Effect: The psyker gains a bonus equal to 5 x Psy Rating on the
first non-Evasion Skill Test he performs before the end of his next
Scrier's Gaze
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisite: Psyniscience +10
Action: Special
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test
Range: Self
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The most accomplished diviners are not only able to Table 11-3: Scrier's Gaze Results
see into the future, but also the present. Unbound by the limits of DoS Results
mere physical vision, his mind peers far and wide, with little able to 1 Single Threat: The psyker manages to focus his
view on a single key action his foe is either planning
hide from his sight.
or currently enacting. This could be launching an
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. To begin the ritual, the ambush, hiding a heretical tome, or enacting a
psyker must spend at least thirty minutes using assorted psychic blood-soaked sacrifice.
foci to concentrate his vision— drawing Tarot cards, casting runes, 2 Enemy Movements: The psyker's visions stretches
gazing deep into fire, or other methods as varied as the stars of the over a wide area, able to see all activity within an
Imperium. At the end of this time, he makes his Focus Power test entire battlefield or hive level. However, he is unable
to focus his vision enough to see the exact details at
to project his vision over the area, with the GM revealing
an individual level.
information based on the degrees of success, as described on 3 Enemy Numbers: The psyker controls the focus of
Table 11–3: Scrier’s Gaze Results. his vision. He is aware of all previous effects and is
also able to discern details as to individual activities
and exact enemy numbers.
4+ Enemy Plans: The psyker breaks through the veil of
time, seeing an area and the countless possible
outcomes of conflicts within it. He is aware of all
previous effects, and also knows details of the plots
any enemy leaders are planning.
Dowsing Subtype: Concentration
Description: The psyker unravels the veil dividing the material and
Value: 300 xp the immaterial, and casts his gaze upon some distant place.
Prerequisites: Psy Rating 3 Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. This power may be used
Action: Full Action to perceive a single space anywhere within range. The psyker does
Focus Power: Routine (+10) Psyniscience test not have to be aware of the destination – the psyker merely needs
Range: 1 kilometer x psy rating to identify how far away and in which direction he wishes to see.
Sustained: Free Action Should the point selected be within a solid object, the power fails
Subtype: Concentration immediately, but this power may otherwise be used to look
anywhere without impediment.
Description: The psyker reads the ripples in the warp to locate his
Once the psyker has determined the target location, he can
quarry. The psyker must know who he is searching for, either in
person, from a pict-capture, or by their true name. observe the area as if he were there in person, but may not move
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. Before making the Focus more than Psy Rating meters from his initial location. To observe a
Power Test, the psyker must choose a specific item or person to be different location, the psyker must use the power again. The power
the subject of this power. For example, the psyker could seek a key does not permit sight in any manner which the psyker does not
to a specific lock, but could not search for keys in general. If naturally possess, and only conveys visual information – the psyker
seeking a person, it must be a person that the psyker has seen cannot hear or smell events occurring in that location While this
before (possibly remotely, or in a pict) or whose real name is power remains in effect, the psyker suffers a –30 penalty on all
known to him. Attempting to find an unknown assailant or someone Tests due to the concentration needed to maintain this power and
the confusion caused by viewing two locations simultaneously.
using a fake alias will not work. Once this has been determined,
make the Focus Power Test, with the following additional modifiers:
• The psyker is familiar with the subject – an object he has Probability Manipulation Techniques
possessed, or a person he knows well; +10
• The psyker has a piece of the subject (a lock of a person’s hair, a This sub-branch of Divination Manipulation Techniques focuses
chip of stone from a statue, etc.); +5 on the arts of scrying the myriad possibilities and manipulate the
• The subject is within 100m; +5 most likely outcomes to benefit the psyker and his allies.
• The subject is more than 500m away; –10
• The subject is surrounded by others of its kind (a person in a Foreshadow
crowd, a key in a box full of keys, etc.); –10
If the psyker successfully uses the power and the subject is both Value: 100 xp
a valid target and within the power’s range, then he will have an Prerequisites: Willpower 40
idea of the subject’s location depending on the Degrees of Success Action: Full Action
scored on the Focus Power Test: Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test
Range: Self
Precognitive Strike
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Perception 40
Action: Free Action
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Psyniscience Test
Range: Self
Sustained: No
Description: To discern one's own future is sometimes deemed
easier than discerning the futures of others—to look for the echoes
of one's own soul, rather than those of unfamiliar foes. However,
the psyker has learned to do just that, seeing the way his foes fight
and discerning moments of weakness, discerning opportunities to
strike. Eldar Warlocks often turn this technique to their advantage,
striking with uncanny accuracy.
Effect: The psyker gains a bonus on the first Weapon Skill or
Ballistic Skill Test during this turn, equal to +5 x his Psy Rating.
Divine Shot
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Psyniscience +10
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience Test
Range: Self
Sustained: No
fire a shot.
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. For the duration of this
Description: The psyker seeks out the possible futures of a single
power, a number of allies within range equal to the Psyker’s Psy
gunshot, and finds the outcome that leads to a perfect hit.
Rating, plus the psyker himself, gain a bonus to all Evasion Tests
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. This action includes a
equal to twice the psyker’s Psy Rating. Allies affected by this power
single shot from a single Pistol, Basic or Thrown weapon. If the
lose its benefits as soon as they move out of range.
Focus Power Test is successful, then the shot automatically hits
any one target within line of sight that is within a distance equal to
Precognitive Offense Techniques the weapon’s range multiplied by the psyker’s Perception Bonus.
This shot cannot be avoided using Evasion reactions, and hits a
This sub-branch of the Divination Manipulation Techniques location of the psyker’s choice, bypassing all cover. For all
focuses on enhancing the psyker's ability to determine the best purposes, the shot is considered to have hit by a number of
future pattern to enact physical harm upon his enemies. Degrees of Success equal to the psyker’s Psy Rating or the
Degrees of Success from the Focus Power Test, whichever is
Prescience greater.
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Psyniscience +10 by which the psyker opens up his mind and analyses the auras and
Action: Full Action; Extended (10+) psychic resonances around him. Through this power, he is able to
Focus Power: Ordinary (+10) Psyniscience test augment and enhance the powers of another psyker. By doing this,
Range: Self he also acts as a buffer—preventing the worst parts of any psychic
Radius: 1 meter x Willpower Bonus feedback or attacks as a result of using other psychic powers.
Sustained: Free Action Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The most common use of
Subtype: Concentration the auto-séance is to enhance another psyker’s use of
Description: Intense displays of emotion leave a psychic “residue” Psychometry to read the auras of other objects and to detect any
on objects and places exposed to them. Similarly, anything that has taint of warp-craft or other warp-intrusions. However, it can be used
been actively carried or used by an individual for a long time will to enhance any power from the Divination Discipline.
eventually pick up similar psychic impressions. With this power, the When using this power, the psyker clears his mind and makes a
psyker can read the psychic traces that others leave behind, giving Focus Power Test. Should the Focus Power Test succeed, the
him images directly connected to the place or object in question. other psyker that is being enhanced activates any divination power
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker may use this that he knows. If that power succeeds, then that psyker gains a
power in one of two ways. First, he may use it to divine the bonus to his Psy Rating equal to half of the Psy Rating of the
impressions of an object, or, second, he may use it to divine psyker using the auto-séance power. In addition, up to half of any
psychic impressions in an area. In the case of the former, the damage suffered by the other psyker from either the use of other
psyker must be handling the object. In the case of the latter, he divination powers or through any Psychic Phenomena or Perils of
may divine any pertinent details that occurred within a number of the Warp events may be transferred to the psyker maintaining the
meters equal to his Willpower Bonus. The quality and nature of the auto-séance power.
information depends on how long the psyker sustains the power.
The psyker derives a new piece of information for every ten
Rounds he spends handling an object or concentrating on an area.
These numbers are modified by the raw strength of the psyker, and
he may subtract a number of rounds equal to his Psy Rating from
each result level. Example: A psyker with Psy Rating 5 will get the
first result in 5 rounds, the second result in 10, etc.
Lifting the Veil
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Psyniscience +20
Action: Extended (5)
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test
Range: Self
Radius: 10 meters x psy rating
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The psyker is able to extend his psychometric
abilities to relive past events.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. Lifting the Veil is an
extension of the art of Psychometry and allows the psyker to look
beyond individual psychic traces and relive the past of a place or
item. As with Psychometry, the psyker can gain rough impressions
from an object or a general area as long as it falls within the
power’s radius. The level of information gained is dependent on the
level of power used.
• PR 1–3: The psyker detects the strongest emotion associated in
the area or object.
• PR 4–5: As above, plus the psyker sees the general features of
the people who experienced the emotion, and a rough impression
of the events that transpired.
• PR 6–7: As all of the above, plus the psyker gets a clear image of
the events from the area that left the strongest psychic
• PR 8–9: As all of the above, plus the psyker can identify all
participants from that strongest event, including their careers,
ranks, and names.
• PR 10+: As all of the above, plus the psyker determines other
events that may have occurred in the area, in order of the relative
strength of their psychic impressions, and gets a clear image of
each event.
Personal Augury
Winding Fate
Value: 200 xp
Value: 500 xp Prerequisites: Willpower 35
Prerequisite: Perception 50 Action: Special
Action: Full Action Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience Test
Focus Power: Difficult (–10) Psyniscience test Range: Self
Range: Self Sustained: No
Sustained: No Subtype: Concentration
Subtype: Concentration Description: By reading the Emperor’s Tarot (or other foci) for
Description: By touching a character or item, the psyker sees himself, the psyker can grant insight into what troubles lay ahead
visions into that subject’s future and past. Though ghostly and for him.
laced with tendrils of Warp-smoke, these images reveal not only Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. To begin with, the psyker
what was, but what is yet to be. must specify a circumstance that he wishes to have divined. This
Effect: The vision lasts for a number of seconds equal to twice the may be as detailed as “What forces defend the Mechanicus
psy rating, and can be from the subject’s future or past a number of Basilica on Belacane that I must overcome?” or as vague as “How
days equal to the psy rating. The higher the psy rating, the more can I attain glory and power in the name of the Dark Gods?” The
the psyker can control what his flashes focus on (at the GM’s more precise the question, the more specific the reading may be.
discretion). Once the question is established, the psyker spends the next thirty
minutes using assorted psychic foci—drawing Tarot cards, sifting
The Emperor's Tarot Techniques through the entrails of exotic beasts, casting runes, gazing deep
into fire or toxin-saturated water, or any of countless other
methods. At the end of this time, the psyker makes his Focus
This sub-branch of the Extra-Sensory Perception Techniques
Power Test to discern the weave of his future. Each Degree of
utilizes the Emperor's Tarot (or similar foci) as a focus to perform
Success reveals more information, as explained on Table 11–6:
Personal Augury Results.
Table 11-6: Personal Augury
DoS Results
1 Doom: The psyker receives a symbolic warning of
the greatest peril or obstacle that he will face in
question. This is a vague hint about what is to come.
2 Malign Influences: The psyker gains intuition of the
his own doom, and a further two negative influences
that he will face.
3 Benign Factors: The psyker gains an additional
impression of the greatest advantage or weapon he
has in their possession.
4+ Fate: The psyker is aware of all the previous effects,
and may also glean some hint of his own fate.
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Psyniscience +10
Action: Special
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test
Range: 1 meter
Sustained: No
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The psyker’s gaze is cast upon the infinite tides of the
warp, to seek out the future of a single, specific individual. While
supposedly something of a staple of soothsayers and other petty
seers, it takes real skill to gain more than the vaguest impressions.
The Emperor’s Tarot is a common method within the Imperium,
while Eldar Farseers typically employ tiny, psychically conductive
runes to divine the future, but untold billions of different methods
exist within the myriad civilizations across the galaxy.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. A specific question must
be asked, though it can be as detailed as “What must we overcome
Divining the Future
to defeat the xenos on Choir?” or as broad as “How can I turn a
greater profit?” After that, the psyker will read the Emperor’s Tarot
Value: 200 xp
for the subject as they both concentrate on the question asked. At
Prerequisites: Willpower 40
the end of this time, typically 30 minutes—though some readings
Action: Special
take longer to interpret—the psyker makes his Focus Power Test.
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test
Every two degrees of success reveals more information. However,
Range: 1 meter
any rolls on the Psychic Phenomena chart that are provoked from
Sustained: No
this technique also add +10.
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The psyker's growing affinity allows him far greater
Table 11-7: Augury speed and precision when performing his divinations.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. Just like Augury, a
DoS Results
0 Opposition: The psyker can determine the greatest specific question must be asked, though it can be as detailed as
opposition that the subject will face. “When will Da Wurldbreaka return to this planet?” or as broad as
2 Fears: The psyker also can determine other “How can I turn a greater profit?” However the time involved is
negative forces that may be in play—the number of considerably less—only one minute is required for a use of this
these is equal to the Psy Rating used in this power. technique. The psyker makes his Focus Power Test. Every two
4 Hopes: The psyker can now determine the greatest
degrees of success reveals more information. However, any rolls
advantage or tool the subject has at hand.
6+ Outcome: The psyker may offer a single sentence on the Psychic Phenomena chart that are provoked from this
of advice to the subject about the clearest path to his technique also add +10.
Allies beyond this range are outside of the scope of his power to
Table 11-8: Divining the Future foresee. All Ballistic Skill Tests against those so warned suffer a –
DoS Results 10 penalty. This technique may not be used at the Fettered Psychic
0 Opposition: The psyker can determine the greatest Strength.
opposition that the subject will face.
2 Fears: The psyker also can determine other
negative forces that may be in play—the number of Aura Perception Techniques
these is equal to the Psy Rating used in this power.
4 Hopes: The psyker can now determine the greatest This sub-branch of the Extra Sensory Perception Techniques
advantage or tool the subject has at hand. allows the psyker to perceive auras, normally invisible fields of
6+ Outcome: The psyker may offer two sentences of
energy that surround every living thing. This can be used to sense
advice to the subject about the clearest path to their
answer. This grants the subject a +10 bonus on a emotions, health, taint, or the target's moral alignment.
number of Tests equal to the psyker’s Psy Rating for
the next month or until the question is resolved, Detect Taint
whichever occurs first.
Value: 100 xp
Prerequisites: Psyniscience +10
Walking the Path Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test
Value: 200 xp Range: 1 meter x psy rating
Prerequisites: Psyniscience +20 Sustained: No
Action: Half Action Subtype: Concentration
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test Description: Psykers, by their very nature, are attuned to the
Range: Self warp. They channel the power of that realm in order to make use of
Radius: 1 meter x psy rating their powers. With this power, the psyker is able to detect the tell-
Sustained: Free Action tale ‘odor’ of the warp on objects, places, and even people.
Description: At this level of skill, the psyker has learned how to Depending on the ability of the psyker, it can even be used to
explore multiple outcomes to different choices and actions, and to detect possession, psychic ability, and more.
be able to sort through them in less than a heartbeat. Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker makes a
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker must succeed Focus Power Test and the degrees of success on that Test
at a Focus Power Test. If successful, the psyker gains a +10 bonus determines how well he can discern the touch of the Empyrean on
to all Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests, and Ballistic Skill Tests things (see Table 11-9: Detect Taint). This power does not go into
against him are at a –20 penalty—these benefits apply for one great detail (i.e. it will detect Dark Pacts, but not the nature of
round, unless the psyker sustains this technique. Additionally, he them), however, it can be useful in determining the location of
can see glimpses of the dangers in his immediate vicinity and shout psykana devices, witches, warp gates, etc.
warnings to his comrades within 1 meter x Psy Rating to warn them
of incoming attacks. Allies beyond this range are outside of the
scope of his power to foresee. All Ballistic Attacks against those so Table 11-9: Detect Taint
warned suffer a –5 penalty. This technique may not be used at the DoS Results
Fettered Psychic Strength. 1 The psyker is able to detect whether or not an object
has been in contact with the warp, psychic powers,
or other warp-related abilities as long as contact has
Blessed by the Emperor been within a number of hours equal to the psyker’s
Psy Rating.
Value: 300 xp 2 The psyker can determine the exact nature and type
Prerequisites: Willpower 45 of contact an item has had with the warp –whether it
was used as part of a ritual, held by another psyker,
Action: Half Action
etc. This taint can be detected up to a number of
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Psyniscience test hours equal to the psyker’s Psy Rating.
Range: Self 3 The psyker can detect the touch of the warp on
Radius: 5 meters x psy rating people. It does not provide any other detail other
Sustained: Free Action than they have been touched somehow by the warp
Subtype: Concentration 4 The psyker can determine the nature of a person’s
Description: At this level of skill, the psyker has learned how to relationship with the warp. It can detect if they are a
psyker, sorcerer, or possessed.
explore multiple outcomes to different choices and actions, and to
5+ The psyker can now discern the nature of any
be able to sort through them to choose the safest course. person, place, or object’s connection with the warp.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker must succeed It can detect the presence of warp gates, Dark
at a Focus Power Test. If successful, the psyker gains a +20 bonus Pacts, possession, etc.
to all Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests, and Ballistic Skill Tests
against him are at a –30 penalty. Additionally, he can shout
warnings to his comrades within 5 meters x Psy Rating and warn
them of incoming attacks.
Soul Sight
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Psyniscience +20
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test
Range: Self
Radius: 10 meters x psy rating
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Description: Diviners are said to be able to read a person’s
shifting aura, the ghost self they unconsciously project into
the warp. From observing the nature of this aura, they can
learn many things about a person’s emotions and feelings:
from their current emotions, to habitual moods, to their levels
of injury, and even any addictions or madness they may
suffer from.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker can
attempt to read the aura of a number of people within the
radius of this power as a Full Action. This requires a
successful Focus Power Test, with the level of information
he gains depends on the Psy Rating at which he manifests
the power as detailed on Table 11–1: Reading.
Chronokinetic Techniques
That the warp can have an effect on the passage of time
is well known. It is a phenomena experienced by those
starship captains who have travelled short times in the
immaterium, only to arrive at their destination and discover
centuries have passed in the rest of the galaxy.
Less known and understood are those few psykers who
use this aspect of the warp to twist time to their own ends.
Conventional wisdom of the Calixian representatives of the
Scholastica Psykana holds that such psykers simply ‘speed Compress Time
up’ or ‘slow down’ the perceptions of themselves and their
fellows, rather than actually manipulating time. Perhaps they Value: 300 xp
can also see glimpses of future events, granting them a far Prerequisites: Willpower 45
better chance of success in certain actions, but no more. Action: Half Action
Their arguments are unconvincing, however the majority of Focus Power: (Opposed) Difficult (-10) Willpower test
the Calixian Conclave accepts them—perhaps because the Range: Special or 5 meters x psy rating
potential ramifications of the alternatives are too terrible to Radius: Special
contemplate. Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Chronokinetic Manipulation Techniques Description: The psyker can compress the flow of temporal
energy, stacking the currents into multiple layers, creating a
This sub-branch of Chronokinetic Techniques focuses on pocket dimension of extremely high density of time. Inside
manipulating time. Since "time" exists and flows within this subspace dimension of increased density of time flows
"space", the two are interrelated, and by manipulating time, differently than that of the outside dimension, either by a
one is basically distorting space proportionally. The effects of much faster rate dependent on the proportional density, or
this relative distortion can vary, such as controlling time of a so dense that it stops entirely.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Conjuration. When this
mere object or person may not affect the space they reside
power is used, the psyker must announce whether he will
in, but to twist the time-stream of a region of space can
cause the area itself to warp. Due to time existing in one create a pocket dimension or create a singularity
space, manipulating it cannot affect another dimension. inducement.
Pocket Dimension: While this power is sustained, the
psyker can create a pocket dimension, a small personal
world in which the psyker has absolute control over the
aspects. The psyker can nominate a number of targets equal
to his Willpower Bonus that can be pulled into his pocket
dimension, who may resist with an Opposed Willpower Test. exerts on others while moving in the faster timestream (e.g.
If they fail to resist, they will be dragged into the Pocket a finger poke could break an arm). While subject to this
Dimension. While the psyker has full control of his pocket power, the psyker physical actions gain +1d10 damage to
dimension (having the ability to shape it to his desires, their normal attack profiles.
creating temporal constructs and accelerating time to his The psyker may nominate up to his Willpower Bonus in
whims), the psyker has no direct control over those who other characters to join him in the timestream as long as
enter from outside this pocket reality. This power is often they maintain physical contact with him.
used to induce torment upon others, or to hold conversations
with others without risk of discovery. When used as a form of Paradox
torment, this power inflicts 1d5 + Psy rating in Insanity
Points. Value: 1,800 xp
Singularity Inducement: The psyker is able to induce a Prerequisites: Willpower 55
suction or vacuum effect on the target due to a compression Action: Full Action
of gravitational or spatial forces where matter and energy are Focus Power: Hellish (-60) Willpower test
absorbed and sent away to nothingness. This is treated as Range: 1 meter x psy rating
Psychic Blast that inflicts 1d10 +3 Rending Damage within a Sustained: No; Persistent (1d10 rounds)
3 meter radius from the point of origin. This attack has the Subtype: Concentration
Crippling (X) and Felling (X) special weapon qualities, where Description: The psyker is able to pull past and future
X is equal to the Psy Rating of the power. incarnations of himself out of his own timestream. This is an
incredibly dangerous
Timestream Shift Effect: This power is a Psychic Conjuration. The psyker is
able to 'pull' past or future incarnations of himself from his
Value:1,200 xp own timestream. He may pull up one incarnation equal to his
Prerequisites: Psy Rating 7 Willpower Bonus. These temporal duplications may have the
Action: Free Action psyker's profile from previous exploits, or may be amended
Focus Power: Arduous (-40) Willpower test by the Gamemaster to reflect potential future experiences.
Range: Self These temporal phantoms remain in the present for 1d10
Sustained: Free Action rounds, +1 round per Degree of Success on the Focus
Subtype: Attack, Concentration Power Test. While present, the duplicates perform actions
Description: The psyker can dispatch himself into a independently from the psyker - and with the GM's
different time-stream and back at will. The timestream they discretion, may aid or hinder his 'present' self depending
dispatch themselves into could be a faster version, allowing confluences of personality.
them to move and act at a much faster rate than their usual
timestream and perceive things at a slower rate. The Time Trap
timestream could also be a slower version, allowing them to
perceive things at a faster rate and act in a slower fashion. Value: 2,400 xp
Effect: This power is a Psychic Conjuration. Before using Prerequisites: Psy Rating 10
this power, the psyker must announce whether he is entering Action: Special
a faster or slower timestream. Within this different Focus Power: Opposed Challenging (+0) Willpower test
timestream, the psyker no longer depends on essential Range: Touch
bodily needs and may not tire or require food in this state. Sustained: No
They can spend long periods of time in the different Subtype: Attack, Concentration
timestream while only a few days or more have passed in Description: The psyker can send and trap anyone in
real time. another time by opening a miniature warp rift.
Chronopathy: The psyker has a fine tuned sense of precise Effect: This power is a Psychic Malediction. By laying hands
time (current time, and the passage of time, personally, upon a target, the psyker can open a warp rift that hurtles
objectively and locally). The psyker can even determine the the target throughout the expanse of time itself. For
exact time an event has taken place or will take place, or example, he can send another 300 years into the past and
how long it took or will take (as long as he knows the event the victim cannot return to the present. The psyker has no
has happened or will happen). control to when or where the warp will deposit the victim.
Accelerated Perception: The psyker's mind and senses When this power is used, the psyker and his target make a
process information at such speeds that time appears to series of Opposed Willpower Tests. The first to fail five tests
have slowed down, allowing them to perceive what would succumbs to the powers of the warp, being dragged through
normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly. the madness of the warp where time and space have no
While under the effects of this power, the psyker gains a bearing. When and/or where the target is deposited is up to
number of additional Reactions equal to his Perception GM's discretion - although the psyker can influence whether
Bonus that may be used against any attacks within the his target is propelled forward or backwards in time if his
radius of this power. These Reactions gain a +10 x Psy extended Focus Power Tests have double or more Degrees
Rating Bonus. of Success over his target.
Temporal Velocity: They could also cause damage to
others by using the relative velocity and inertia that they
Effect: This power is a Psychic Conjuration. When this
Chronokinetic Acceleration Techniques power is manifested, the psyker selects a spherical area
roughly three meters in diameter that is fully within range of
his power. Anything fully within this area is effectively frozen
This sub-branch of Chronokinetic Techniques focuses on
in time, and may not take actions, move, speak, or do
manipulating the time in a general area or a specific target in
anything. In turn, however, they may not be harmed or
various manners, the basics revolving around accelerating,
affected by any means. Anything outside the area of the
slowing, stopping and even rewinding or looping. The range
stasis shell may not enter or pass through the area affected
of area affected is proportional to the mastery of the psyker.
by the shell, which is treated as an invulnerable barrier.
Anything partially within the barrier when it manifests rolls
Flash Forwward 1d10, on a 6 or higher, they are treated as inside the shell,
on a 5 or lower, they are treated as outside the shell. The
Value: 500 xp stasis shell lasts for 1d5 rounds, +1 for every two Degrees of
Prerequisites: Perception 40 Success on the Focus Power Test. A psyker may only
Action: Full Action manifest one stasis shell at a time. Should the psyker
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test attempt to manifest the shell on something that is too large
Range: Self to fit within it (such as one section of a Leman Russ Battle
Sustained: No Tank, the power does not take effect. Instead, the psyker is
Subtype: Concentration treated as being within a stasis shell for 1d5 rounds, as time
Description: The psyker removes himself briefly from the backlashes against him. (GMs may provide a certain amount
normal flow of space and time, flickering briefly out of of leeway here. For instance, the stasis shell may
existence like a failing holo-lantern slide. encapsulate part of the floor of a hab-building without a
Effect: This power is a Psychic Conjuration. After passing a problem, even though technically the shell does not envelop
Focus Power Test, the psyker immediately disappears…and the entire building.
returns to exactly the same spot 1d5 + Psy Rating Rounds
later. If this location is now occupied, a repulsion effect
Warp Time
occurs; the psyker must pass a further Challenging (+0)
Toughness Test. If this Test is successful, he is thrown
Value: 1,500 xp
backwards 1d5 meters away from the offending object and is
Prerequisites: Psy Rating 5
Stunned for 1d5 Rounds. If this Test is failed, he is still
Action: Free Action
hurled back and Stunned as previously described, but also
Focus Power: Arduous (-40) Willpower test
take 1d10 X Damage (Body Location), which is not reduced
Range: 5 meters x psy rating
by Toughness Bonus or armor. If the solid object
Sustained: No
encountered is another living thing, it too must pass a
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or become Stunned.
Description: The most powerful psychic adepts of the
Special: This power can have a profoundly disturbing and
temporal arts are able to speed and slow the passage of
dislocating effect on the psyker. If successfully used, he
time, both for themselves, their allies, and their enemies.
must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test in order to
Effect: This power is a Psychic Conjuration. Before using
be able to act in the Round that he returns. If this Test is
this power, the psyker must announce whether he is going to
failed by more than three degrees, the psyker must roll on
Slow Time or Hasten Time.
the Shock Table as if this had been a failed Fear Test.
Slow Time: The psyker selects a number of targets within
Advice to GM: If it is possible, one way of handling this is to
range of the power equal to his Willpower Bonus. Each
get the player of the Acolyte to leave the room you are
target loses one half action during their next turn.
playing in until their character reappears. This gives him a
Hasten Time: The psyker selects a number of targets
genuine gap in his knowledge of what has occurred during
(including himself, if he wishes) within range of the power
the time that he has been away.
equal to his Willpower Bonus. Each target (including the
psyker) must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test at
Stasis Shell the beginning of their next turn. If they fail, nothing happens.
If they succeed, however, they gain an additional full action
Value: 1,000 xp during their turn. All the normal limits to taking actions during
Prerequisites: Willpower 50 a turn apply, with the exception that they may make an
Action: Free Action additional attack action with this extra full action.
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Both of these powers end at the beginning of the psyker’s
Range: 2 meters x psy rating next turn. If the psyker manifests Psychic Phenomena and
Radius: 1 meter x Willpower Bonus then rolls Perils of the Warp, in addition to suffering all
Sustained: No; Persistent (1d5 rds) effects of the roll, the psyker may not take any actions for the
Subtype: Attack, Concentration following 2d5 turns, as reality takes back the time he stole
Description: The psyker creates a spherical area in which with interest.
time seems to completely stop, leaving whatever is inside
perfectly frozen in time. When the affect ends, the occupants
do not realize any time has passed.
Move Through Time
Value: 2000 xp
Prerequisites: Perception 55
Action: Free Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test
Range: Self
Radius: 5 meters x psy rating
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Description: Psykers who have mastered the temporal arts
are able to stop time while being unaffected. They can also
allow others to be unaffected, however, doing so may
require physical contact.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Blessing. The psyker is able
to ignore the debilitating effects of temporal powers (such as
Stasis Shield, Warp Time, etc) while this power is sustained.
The psyker may nominate a number of allies to share this
immunity with up to his Willpower Bonus, but must maintain
physical contact when the power is first manifested. For
each additional target after the psyker himself, the Degree of
Difficulty of the Focus Power Test worsens by one Degree
(i.e. granting the effects of this power to one other character
changes the Challenging (+0) Willpower test to Difficult (-10)
Willpower test instead).
Infinite Potential
Value: 2,500 xp
Prerequisites: Psy Rating 10
Action: Half Action or Reaction
Focus Power: Punishing (-50) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Attack Concentration
Description: In the ultimate display of temporal
manipulation, the psyker is able to stop time completely
while still being able to move around normally.
Effect: This power is a Psychic Conjuration. Manifesting this
power allows the psyker to stop time while being unaffected.
While under the effects of this power, the psyker's attack
simply cannot miss - as his targets are helpless to defend
themselves. Evading attacks is equally easy for the psyker
as he can simply step aside from even the most terrible
forms of aggression. The psyker is able to manipulate his
surroundings. When the duration of this power is ended, to
on-lookers the psyker will have seemed to teleport out of
harm's way, or his enemies will suddenly find themselves
rent apart helplessly unseen blows. This great feat of
psychic strength is incredibly dangerous, however, and each
time the psyker manifests this power he suffers 1 level of
Fatigue, gaining an additional level of Fatigue for every 5
rounds the power is sustained.
Table 11-10: Divination Perils of the Warp
1D100 Effect
01-05 Dark Foreboding: A faint, chilling breeze whispers past the psyker and those near him, and everyone shudders as they know
somewhere else in the galaxy, something too terrible to fully contemplate has just occurred.
06-09 Spinechill: Animals within 2d10 meters of the psyker become spooked for 1d5 rounds. If a character uses a psychic power in
the affected during that time, he triggers a psychic phenomenon regardless of his focus power test’s result.
10-13 Inscrutable Omen: The psyker notices a pattern of shadow, a drifting smog cloud, or some other mundane effect in the exact
shape of a sign of inevitable doom. If he attempts to point this sign out to anyone else, it vanishes. The psyker is Stunned for 1
round and must make a Ordinary (+10) Willpower test or suffer 1 Insanity.
14-18 Nightmare Sign: The psyker is wracked by a dread vision. He must immediately make a Hard (–20) Perception test; if he
succeeds, he receives foreknowledge of an event to come and suffers 1 Insanity, but also gains a +10 bonus on his next test
this encounter. If he fails, he is overwhelmed by the horrible vision, and suffers 3 Insanity.
19-24 Swallowed by Darkness: Shadows surge forth and devour the psyker’s vision temporarily, leaving him in sightless for a
moment. The psyker is Blinded for 1d5 rounds and suffers 1d5 Insanity.
25-30 Bloody Tears: For 1d10 rounds, trails of dripping crimson weep from statues, stones, and trees within 3d10 meters of where
the psyker received this result. If a character uses a psychic power within the affected area during that time, he triggers a
psychic phenomenon regardless of the result of his focus power test, adding +5 to the roll on the Perils of the Warp table.
31-38 Distorted Reflection: All mirrors and reflective surfaces within 2d10 meters of the psyker display him as an eldritch terror
whenever the he peers into them. The psyker suffers 1 Insanity every time he sees his twisted reflection until the end of the
39-46 Weapon Jinx: With an ominous set of clicks, the interior mechanisms of all firearms and explosives are upset by the Warp’s
caprices. For the next 1d5 rounds, ranged weapons in 1d10+5 meters of the psyker Jam on any failed Ballistic skill test.
47-55 Ætheric Synesthesia: The psyker’s senses become scrambled; he hears battlefield cacophonies as a splatter of shuddering
colors and feels the stench of the Warp crawling under his eyeballs. The psyker suffers 1d10 Perception Characteristic
Damage and 1d5 Insanity.
56-58 Obsessive Fear: The psyker perceives countless tiny, daemonic hands tugging at his skin and comes to believe that without a
constant repetition of a minor, meaningless ritual, his very soul will be dragged screaming into the Warp. For 2d10 rounds, the
psyker must spend a Half Action on each of his turns satisfying this minor compulsion or suffer 2 Insanity at the end of that
59-67 The Tarot Shuffles!: The psyker watches the skeins of fate unweave themselves before winding into a new pattern. For each
character within 1d10 meters (including the psyker), the psyker rolls once on the Divinations table. The psyker then chooses
which fortune or misfortune applies to each affected character; these immediately replace any previous divinations.
68-69 There Lurks Despair: The psyker spots the portent of his final doom! Choose an inanimate object within 1d100 meters at
random; until the end of the encounter, whenever the psyker moves toward the object (or it moves toward him), he suffers 1d5
70-72 Rain of Blood: The heavens tear open and blood pours forth. Until the end of the encounter, blood falls from the skies within
30 meters of where the psyker received this result. If a psyker uses a psychic power within the affected area during that time,
he triggers a psychic phenomenon regardless of the result of his focus power test, adding +5 to the result.
73-78 Irrepressible Fear: A dark sign briefly burns its way into being upon the psyker’s brow, and primal instinct clutches at the
minds of everyone around him. The psyker gains the Fear (3) trait until the end of the encounter.
79-82 The Gibbering: The psyker’s speech is corrupted and fraught with foul blasphemies. Until the end of the encounter, at the end
of each of his turns in which the psyker spoke or used a psychic power, each other character who can hear him suffers 1
Corruption and must make a –30 Willpower test or be Stunned for 1 round.
83-86 Catastrophic Hex: The psyker suddenly realizes that he has made a hideous miscalculation in his divinations, but does not
know when or where. For the next 2d10 rounds, all ranged weapons within 1d100 meters of the psyker automatically Jam and
become Damaged on any failed Ballistic Skill test. Grenades that jam in this way instantly explode.
87-90 Vicious Loathing: Hatred wells up in the minds of all around the psyker, and each person independently draws the conclusion
that the psyker is at fault for all of their current problems. All other characters within 4d10 meters must make a Fear (0) test.
Any character who fails this test gains the Frenzy condition and must attempt to bludgeon the psyker to death (or at least into
submission) for a number of rounds equal to his degrees of failure on the test.
91-92 Damning Spot: The psyker sees a seething Warp-stain on his arm, a mark of irrefutable damnation, and attempts to part
himself from this curse—violently. He must make a Very Hard (–30) Perception test to pinpoint the maddening illusion. If he
succeeds, he must choose either to suffer 1d10 Insanity or to hack off the “affected” flesh, suffering 1d10+5 Rending wounds
on one of his arms (chosen at random) and three levels of Fatigue. If he fails, suffers both effects.
93-94 Struck Blind: The psyker’s eyes fall upon the visage of a Daemon within the Warp and are blasted from his head, leaving only
seared flesh-pits. The psyker suffers the Lost Eye condition for both (or all) of his eyes, 1d5 Corruption, and 1d10 Insanity.
95-99 Horrendous Knowledge: The true name of a Daemon springs fully-formed into the mind of the psyker. The psyker suffers
1d10 Insanity and 1d10 Corruption and must immediately make a –30 Willpower test. If he fails, he becomes Stunned for 1d10
rounds, during which time he ceaselessly chants the name. At the end of each of the psyker’s turns spent this way, each
character who heard his infernal chanting suffers 2 Corruption and 2 Insanity.
00 Beyond the Veil of Sanity: The psyker sees into the root of the universe itself, beholding the hideous truth hiding behind
sanity-preserving lies such as time and reason. The psyker goes irrevocably mad, and begins to endlessly babble a horrid
torrent of words. The psyker’s Insanity becomes 100, and any character who can hear the psyker’s reality-shattering truths
must make a Very Hard (–30) Willpower test or suffer 1d10 Insanity at the beginning of each round until the psyker is silenced.