Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Coordinator Telemedicine: (this job and above job, same but different o
July 2004-June 2008,
Senior Nurse Practitioner and trainer of new employees in diabetes management fo
r Informed Care, Inc. Trained Nurse Practitioners in advanced diabetes care and
the management of co morbidities via telemedicine. Managed the care of 120 dia
betic patients referred by their physicians due to non-compliance. Nationally C
ertified Diabetes Educator. Licensed in NY, Virginia, Texas, ND, Florida, GA, an
d PA.
EMSI, Saber Insurance:
Overlapping Job with several home evaluation companies providing in-home assessm
ents of Medicare patients involved with case management and establishing care pl
Owner The BodyMind Connection
1989 to Present See
Nurse Practitioner Area Free Clinics
November, 2001 - December, 2003 (part time)
Managed the care of patients with diabetes, heart disease, HTN, COPD for the Fra
nklin County Free Clinic and the Rockbridge County Free Clinic. Ran workshops
in health maintenance, worked independently diagnosing and treating, writing pre
scriptions etc for this diverse population.
Nurse Practitioner Montgomery Internal Medicine
2001- 2003
Medical provider for adult population with strong geriatric mix. Collaborating
physician, Dr. Arthur Roberson was hospitalist while I managed the office patien
ts. Responsible for recertifying patients in nursing home and doing wound care.
I held educational workshops with nurses on depression, diabetes and urinary i
ncontinence. Responsible for Workmans Comp reviews, minor surgical procedures, d
iabetes management, chronic pain management, depression and anxiety.
Nurse Practitioner Braeburn Family Practice
Worked 3 days in urgent care and 2 days a week managing the care of 300 patients
in Salem Health and Rehab as House Doctor. Precepted Nurse Practitioner and Ph
ysician Assistant students
Nurse Practitioner Carilion Health Systems & Franklin County Free Clinic
July 97to Dec 01
Managed the care of indigent population with severe chronic diseases primarily d
iabetes, Congestive Heart Failure, COPD, obesity and substance abuse.
Taught nurses proper techniques for glucose monitoring when administration found
a discrepancy between the nurses finger sticks and the subsequent serum glucose
measurements. Regularly lead Stress Management Classes for Nurses throughout ho
spitals and nursing homes.
Excelsior College, Albany NY RN
BS, Major in Psychology, Excelsior College, Albany, NY
Family Nurse Practitioner, Community Hospital, Syracuse, NY
National Certification by American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
MSN, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
Certified Diabetes Educator
Enrolled in Course to become nationally certified Chronic Disease Ma
nagement Specialist