g2 Quick Start Guide File
g2 Quick Start Guide File
g2 Quick Start Guide File
Gravimetric Gateway
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
This manual includes specific and limited instructions for the Maguire
Weigh Scale Blenders, LIW and MGF controllers that relate to the G2
software. For further and more complete information about these
controllers, see their respective manuals. All manuals can be downloaded
from Maguire's website. http://www.maguire.com
Table of Contents
G2 Server ___________________________________________________________ 8
G2 Client ___________________________________________________________ 9
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
The information contained within this manual including any translations thereof, is the property of
Maguire Products Inc. and may not be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means
without the express written consent of Maguire Products Inc.
To every person concerned with use and maintenance of the Maguire Gravimetric Gateway Software
(G2) it is recommended to read thoroughly these operating instructions. Maguire Products Inc.
accepts no responsibility or liability for damage or malfunction of the equipment arising from non-
observance of these operating instructions.
To avoid errors and to ensure trouble-free operation, it is essential that these operating instructions
are read and understood by all personnel who are to use the software. Additional information
pertaining to the Maguire Weigh Scale Blenders can be found in their corresponding manuals. All
manuals can be found on our website, www.maguire.com.
Should you have problems or difficulties with the equipment or software, please contact Maguire
Products Inc. or your local Maguire distributor.
These operating instructions only apply to the equipment described within this manual.
Phone: 610.459.4300
Fax: 610.459.2700
Website: http://www.maguire.com
Email: info@maguire.com
The latest version of the G2 software can be downloaded from the Maguire website. For more
information on G2 program usage or additional reporting information see the complete G2 manual
located on the G2 installation USB. The G2 program as well as complete documentation can be
found on our website: www.maguire.com
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Gravimetric Gateway®
The G2 Software is a stand-alone communication, control and data collection software
package for use with the Maguire Weigh Scale Blenders (WSB), Maguire Loss-In-Weight
(LIW) and the Maguire Gravimetric Feeders (MGF). The G2 software installs on a Windows
Operating System and can communicate over Ethernet or MLAN (RS-232, RS-485).
The G2 Software consists of two programs, the G2 Server and the G2 Client. The G2 Server
should be installed on a dedicated computer and the G2 Server program must be running
in order to collect totals and send commands from the WSB, MGF or LIW machines. The
G2 Client is installed on the same computer and is the human interface with the program,
consisting of the control and reporting screens. The G2 Client can also be installed on
other computers located on the same network. These remote clients connect to the G2
Server and offer remote access to the data as well as control.
Standard features:
The G2 Server organizes and tracks your material usage, allowing you to gather accurate
information according to the following factors:
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
The G2 Server allows you to maintain a raw materials database, and then build recipes from this
database for all of the products you manufacture.
The G2 Server enables the user to build lines of WSBs, LIWs or MGFs as well as line recipes for
multiple simultaneous recipe downloads and material usage based on lines.
The G2 Server is menu driven, and very user friendly. The package is ready to go with very little
training or start up time required.
The G2 Server allows for multiple remote clients to connect to the server simultaneously for
controlling, monitoring and accessing data from the network of blenders. These connections can
be controlled by several levels of security limiting access to critical data.
Communication Network
The communication network to the Maguire WSB, LIW, MGF controllers can be serial or Ethernet
depending on how they are equipped. WSB Controllers produced from 1992 to 2006 (6811
processor, red display) are equipped with serial only. These controllers can be retrofitted with an
Ethernet to serial converter (part # G2-ES-11) if an Ethernet communication network will be used.
WSB Controllers produced from 2007 to present (12-12 processor, blue display) have both serial
and Ethernet. Ethernet installations are recommended.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
G2 Software Installation
1. From the installation USB (or download), run the installation executable.
2. Choose the install language.
3. Click Next, review/accept the License Agreement, click Next.
4. Review the G2 installation notes. Click Next.
5. Select the G2 installation folder. c:\g2 is recommended. Click Next.
6. Click Next to acknowledge the program shortcuts location.
7. Choose if you want desktop icons, click Next, Then Install.
8. Java Installation: The next step starts the Java Installer. This installation is
necessary to run G2 version 5.0 or later. Click Install to continue.
9. When the Java Installer has successfully completed, Click the Close button.
10. Review the Post Install notes. These notes are available in the G2 installation
folder in the file: Post-Install.txt for later review. Click Next, then Finish. The
installation is complete.
11. For Client only installations (G2 Server is located on a different computer), delete
the G2 Server shortcut in the start menu and/or desktop.
Upgrading G2 / Moving G2
Free G2 upgrades are available at www.maguire.com. When upgrading the G2 Program from an
earlier version, delete the shortcuts that start the G2 Server and the G2 Client programs. Then
install G2 directly over top of the original installation (c:\g2 by default). Shortcuts will be re-
When moving the G2 Server program from one computer to another, copy the c:\g2 folder and
contents from the original computer to the new computer and install the latest version directly over
top of the c:\g2 folder. New computers may require an RS-232 port for the G2-SA or G2-SK.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Serial Security Key - Maguire part # G2-SA or G2-SK. Connects to a COM port (RS-232)
on the G2 Server computer. Serves as both the security key in Licensed Mode and a serial
signal amplifier to blenders on a serial network. Plug the G2-SA (G2-SK) into an available
COM port on the G2 Server Computer.
USB Security Key - Maguire part # G2-SA-E or G2-SK-E. Connects to a USB port on the
G2 Server. Serves as the security key in Licensed Mode. For installations using Ethernet
only communication to the blenders. The USB security key should be plugged into a USB
port on the G2 Server computer. Some operating systems discover the USB TTL-232R
device and automatically installs the driver and creates a virtual COM port for security the
key connection. Some operating systems do not have the driver and will require that you
install the driver separately. The driver is available from Maguire.com or on the G2
Installation USB drive.
To verify that your driver is installed, open the Device Manager. If the driver is install
correctly you will find: USB Serial Port under "Ports (COM and LPT)". If the driver is not
found, please install the driver separately and check again. If the driver is needed, see
http://www.maguire.com/page.php/downloads.htm for TTL-232R Drivers.
G2 Server Start Up
The G2 Server program must be running at all times for the software to collect data from
the Blenders. The G2 Server is started with the G2 Server shortcut located in the start
menu and/or the desktop. Open the Server by double-clicking the shortcut.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
G2 Client Start Up
The G2 Client is the operator's interface to the G2 software. This part of the program is
where all of the G2 actions are executed including adding and monitoring blenders,
modifying settings, sending recipes and running reports. The G2 Client connects to the G2
Server either running on the same computer or a G2 Server on the computer network.
The G2 Client is started with the G2 Client shortcut located in the start menu and/or the
desktop or quick start menu. Open the Client by double-clicking the shortcut.
If Security had been enabled, the G2 Client will prompt for a username and password.
(Note: enabling security is an operation accomplished in the G2 Client in Setup).
Basic Setup:
• Adding the Maguire Blenders
• Setting the End of Day Time
• Setting the Retrieval Times
Advanced Setup:
• Adding Materials
• Creating Recipes
• Downloading Recipes to the Blenders
• Generating Reports
• Applying Certificates for additional WSB, LIW or MGF licenses
• Creating Lines, Line Recipes and downloading Lines
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Weigh Scale Blenders include Maguire WSB controllers with the keypad and a red display
(6811 controllers) or the blue display (12-12 controllers) and Touchscreen Controllers. LIW
Controllers will be the same configuration as the blue display 12-12 controller. These
controllers will communicate with the G2 software using either Ethernet communications or
Serial communications. All communications require setting the ID number. For Ethernet
communications including built-in Ethernet and use of Ethernet to Serial converters, an IP
address must be set. Follow these instructions for setting the ID number and IP address.
Setting the ID Number - The ID number is an identification number from 1 to 254. The ID
number identifies the device within the software and also labels the blender within reports.
• 12-12, 4088 Standard, LIW and 6811 Controllers (Red and Blue Display, Keypad) -
These controllers use a star function (*66) to set the ID number. On the controller
keypad, press *22222 (default program mode password), then *66.
Setting the IP address - The IP Address of a Maguire controller must be set as a static IP
address. DHCP is an option but the IP must remain static for ongoing communication from
the G2 software. The MAC address is available for DHCP use.
• 12-12, 4088 Standard, LIW Controllers (Blue Display, Keypad) - These controllers
use a star function (*65) to set the IP address, subnet and gateway. On the
controller keypad, press *22222 (default program mode password), then *65. The
TCP Port is 9999 with all 12-12 controllers.
• MGF, see the MGF-ST manual for more information on setting ID and IP address.
The TCP Port is 9999 with all MGF controllers.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Additional Notes:
Communication by serial (MLAN) will route through the G2-SA (G2-SK, MLAN-SA) "black
box". When communication is active, the red LEDs will blink. Left LED is communication
sending commands, right LED is the response from the blender.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
End of Day
In the G2 Client menu under Main / Setup on the System tab is End of Day. Set End of day
to the time that you want the day to end for reporting purposes. Example: If 3rd shift ends
at 7am and you want to include all of 3rd shift's accumulated totals in the date (day) that 3rd
shift began, set End of Day to 7:00 AM. This will offset the end of the date to end at this
time rather than midnight (12:00 AM).
Retrieval Times
In the G2 Client menu, under Edit / Retrieval Times is the list of times that G2 will log data
automatically. By default G2 has 24 retrieval times, one per hour at the top of the hour.
Logged retrieval times summarize totals in the database for reporting limited by retrieval
times. If you wish to modify the logging frequency of time based totals, add or remove
retrieval times from this screen.
• Summarized totals based on time intervals, logged at the retrieval time. These reports are
accessible from the Client menu Reports / Material Usage Reports. All Material Usage
reports will identify logged material usage by the hopper number (hopper 1, hopper 2, etc).
• Cycle by Cycle Summary - G2 attempts to collect a summary of every cycle per blender.
Cycle data is stored in the Cycle by Cycle database and can be viewed under the menu
Reports / Cycle Reports. Cycle data is also accessible from View / Trend.
• Activity Logging - G2 collects: G2 to Blender activity, Blender detected activity and Alarms.
This data is accessible from the menu Reports / Activity Logger or the Activity Logger icon
on the right of the Client screen.
After adding the Code (name), material type and an optional description, click Add/Update.
Add all of the materials that are used in the blenders.
The row number on the left side of the screen represent the
hopper number in the blender. Material name placement in
recipes must match the actual material in the blender hopper.
To place a material in the recipe, click the field in the material
column that you want to place the material. Your Materials list 4-Software Recipe
will appear on the left. Click the desired material in the list.
If prompted with a material type, select the material type. type
Color in 12-Software recipes becomes type Additive. Enter the
desired setting for that material. Settings follow the rules of the
Maguire blenders. Regrinds, colors and additives by default
use a setting with whole numbers and tenths. If the setting
uses 100ths (i.e. 6.75), the field will highlight in yellow
indicating G2 will also adjust that components XT parameter,
adjusting the decimal place to 100ths.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
To change the recipe to a new recipe, click the Select Recipes Button. Your recipes will be
displayed across the top of the screen. Find and click on the recipe you wish to send to the
currently selected blender. The right side of the screen will populate with the selected recipes
material names, types and settings. Click Hide Recipes.
With recipes hidden, you can optionally set an Operator name/number and a Work Order number.
At this point you can click on any of the recipe's settings field to display a keypad and change the
setting prior to sending the recipe.
The "No Settings" checkbox allows you to disable the recipe sending function so that the recipe's
settings are not sent to the blender but the G2 software tracks the material usage under that
recipe and that recipe's material names. This can be selected "checked" by default in Setup.
When the selected recipe has been reviewed and you are ready to send it to the blender, click the
"Send to Blender" button. A warning prompt will appear, click yes to continue, no to cancel. If any
components settings are in 100ths requiring an adjustment of the XT parameter, a prompt will
display. Press OK to acknowledge. On download, the event monitor will display with the time,
recipe name, the blender ID number and the download status. A green check mark indicates a
successful download. A red X indicates a failed download.
When a recipe is downloaded to a blender and settings are sent to the blender, the mechanical
blender thumbwheels are disabled and settings are stored in the blender's settings registers. The
settings registers are accessible at the blender by pressing the SET key. Setting downloads to
blenders with digital thumbwheels do not disable the digital thumbwheels and both the digital
thumbwheels and internal settings registers are updated.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Start Date and Stop Date - The calendar date to begin and
end the report. if no time is specified, the time is from the
earliest time with the start date to the final ending time of the
stop date. To specify the time, check the box Select start/stop
Exact Tags can be specified using the "where" feature in the
Material Usage screen. To use this feature, after selecting
the report criteria from the dropdown menus above, check the
box labeled "where...". The tags selected above will be
available from the first field. Choose the limiting tag. Select
a logical operator: > (greater than), >= (greater than or
equal), = (equal to), <= (less than or equal to), < (less than).
Specify the tag value in the value field (example, a blender ID
number or recipe name).
In the Logical connector, use "END" to complete the report criteria limiter. Use "OR" to specify a
new tag on the next line. Use "AND" if this tag and the next tag have to both be true for a report
record to display (example if you want a report that includes both a specific blender ID as well as a
specific recipe, use AND to connect these two tags and display only that usage.
When your report criteria is complete, click Begin Report to generate the onscreen report.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
The second type of data that G2 automatically records per blender is data specific to individual
cycles. G2 attempts to collect each cycle from the blender as the cycle occurs. A Cycle by Cycle
report includes: date and time, cycle count, cycle time, data for each of up to 12 components
including: material names, material types, hopper settings, and accumulated total of each material.
Cycle by Cycle reports can be viewed on screen in a table format, formatted into a printable
report, or exported to an Excel friendly CSV file.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Scheduled Reports
Scheduled Reports are the same reports as Material Usage Reports with the addition of automatic
generation of the report on a time schedule. Scheduled Reports can be limited by the same
criteria as Material Usage Reports and automatically saved to a file or printed to the computer’s
default printer. Multiple Scheduled Reports can be created and enabled to run concurrently.
Select the tag you wish to limit the report by. Tag options
are: Retrieval Time, Recipe, Work Order, Operator, Line,
Line Recipe, Day. For more information on limiting reports
and further limiting the criteria with the “where” command,
see Generating Data Reports.
On the Scheduler tab, select the time frame that the report
should run. Time Frame options are: Minutes, Hourly, Daily,
Weekly or Monthly.
When selecting the Time Frame option from the Run Report
dropdown menu, the report interval options will display to
the right of the screen. For example, selecting minutes will
allow selection of the minutes to repeat running the report.
Daily will allow selection of the time of day. Weekly, days of
the week and time to run the report. Monthly will allow
selection of month, day and time to run.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
If the G2 Server computer has multiple network adapters or multiple IP addresses on a single network
adapter, a modification may be needed to the G2 Server shortcut that launches the G2 Server program.
The G2 Server listens for G2 Client connections on a network adapter on the computer. When there are
multiple network adapters installed on a computer (or possibly even one adapter with multiple IP
addresses), G2 listens for the Client connections on the adapter with the lowest metric number meaning
the highest priority adapter. By default, Windows uses an automatic metric and the adapter that G2 uses to
listen for Client connections may not be the one with the lowest metric. Therefore, there is a command line
option that can be added to the G2 Server shortcut that specifies which adapter by IP address to listen for
G2 Clients on.
Right-click on the shortcut that starts the G2 Server. Add this to the Target line replacing x.x.x.x with the IP
address used by the network adapter that is on the same network as the G2 Clients. Be sure to separate
the existing text in the Target field with a space and then the ip=x.x.x.x followed by clicking Apply, then OK.
By adding this to the shortcut, you can specify which NIC or which IP address the G2 Server will listen for
G2 Clients on.
G2 Client Default Host modification - When specifying the IP address at the G2 Server command line in
the shortcut, enter the IP address into the Gateway Edit screen in the G2 Client, and select Default Host.
Click Add/Update to save.
G R A V I M E T R I C G A T E W A Y M A G U I R E P R O D U C T S , I N C .
Maguire Europe
Tame Park
Tel: + 44 1827 265 850
Fax: + 44 1827 265 855
Email: info@maguire-europe.com