Selection Criteria of Packings
Selection Criteria of Packings
Selection Criteria of Packings
A packed bed provides a mechanism for mass or heat transfer through which the
gas & liquid phases usually flow counter currently in the column. The presence of tower packing elements
provides a resistance to the flow of these fluids that is greater than it would be in an empty column shell.
Packing tends to be used selectively for the following applications:
a) Small tower diameters – When a tower diameter is less than 0.9m (3 feet), it is dif cult to access the tower
from inside to install and maintain trays. Packing is normally a cheaper and more desirable alternative for small
diameter towers. However in special cases cartridge trays are used for diameters less than 0.9m (3 feet)
b) Low pressure drop applications – Packing pressure drop is usually much lower than trays. The open area of
each tray is typically 5 % to 10 % of the tower cross sectional area while the open area in a packed tower is
usually greater than 50 %.
c) Corrosive systems – The range of packing materials is wider than that of commonly available for trays.
Ceramic and plastic packing is cheap and effective for handling corrosive fluids.
d) Existing tower revamps – Frequently, packing is used to replace trays in order to increase the capacity of an
existing tower.
Based on the geometrical construction, packings are classi ed as follows.
a) Random Packings: These are the discrete pieces of packings of a speci c geometrical shape, which are
simply dumped into the column. Random packings are further classi ed according to their three generations of
evolutions. The rst generation (1907 to 1950) produced two basic simple packings, the Raschig ring & Berl
saddles. These packings have all been superseded by more modern packings & seldom used. The second
generation (late 1950’s to 1970’s) produced two popular packings- the Pall ring, which evolved from the raschig
ring & the Intalox saddle, which evolved from the berl saddle. The third generation (the mid 1970’s until
present) has produced a multitude of popular geometries like IMTP, CMR, Snowflake, Super Intalox saddle as
Following are the points to be considered while selecting the proper type of packing for particular service.
Speci c surface area (m2/m3): This is the surface area per unit volume of packing. This maximizes vapour
liquid contact area & therefore ef ciency. Hence for random packings ef ciency generally increases with
decrease in packing size. For structured packings ef ciency increases as the space between adjacent layers is
decreased & for grid packings it increases as the lattice opening are narrowed. Modern ef cient third generation
random packings have speci c surface area of 300 as compared to latest wire gauze structured packings of 700
Spreading of surface area uniformly: This improves the vapour liquid contact & therefore ef ciency. For e.g., a
raschig ring & pall ring of similar size have identical surface area per unit volume, but the pall ring has a superior
spread of surface area & is therefore much more ef cient as compared to raschig ring.
Uniformity of distribution: Random packing particles that interlock with other particles can lead to channelling
& therefore lowers the ef ciency.
Draining of liquid: Packing shall freely drain any liquid so that stagnant liquid pockets are minimized. In case of
latest type of saddles liquid pockets are minimized which are there in older berl saddle type of packings.
Wetting rate: The minimum-wetting rate is the lower stability limit of packings. It is the liquid load below,
which the falling liquid lm breaks up & the liquid shortage causes dewetting of the packing surface. Dewetting
of packing surfaces at low liquid rates reduces ef ciency & restricts the turndown requirement.
Below are the values of minimum wetting rates for different packings based on material of construction.
Voidage (Void fraction): Maximising the voidage minimizes the resistance to vapour upflow & therefore
enhances packing capacity by decrease in pressure drop. Hence for random packings, capacity increases with
particle size. For structured packings, capacity increases with the space between adjacent layers & for grids it
increases as the lattice openings are widened. Comparing ef ciency & capacity of a packing, the ideal size of
packing is a compromise between maximising ef ciency & capacity.
Material of construction: As already explained above in 6.2.e, packings are available in different material of
constructions ranging from metal (carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, titanium), plastics (polypropylene,
PTFE, PVC), glass & ceramics (glazed & unglazed). Metal packings offers higher capacity & ef ciency, a wider
range of geometries, higher turndown, are unbreakable & have a high compression resistance. Ceramic
packings are speci ed for applications where their high chemical inertness and resistance to high temperature
gives them the edge (e.g. in sulphuric acid absorption). Ceramic packings have lower capacity, breakable & are
unavailable in many of the popular geometries. Plastics (polypropylene) packings are inexpensive & is most
used when temperature do not exceed 122oC (250oF) – depending on its grade. Plastic packings tend to
degrade in oxidizing atmospheres & when solvents are used, & are avoided in such application. A disadvantage
of plastic packing is their poor wettability.
Friction: Minimising the friction favours as open shape that has good aerodynamic characteristics, this in turn
increases the capacity.
Strength: Packing shall have a maximum resistance to mechanical deformation or breakage under the weight of
Other than above points it should be of low cost & shall have good resistance against fouling & corrosion.