Session Ending Examination - 2021-22, Class 8
Session Ending Examination - 2021-22, Class 8
Session Ending Examination - 2021-22, Class 8
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks have been mentioned against each question.
3. The Paper has been divided in three sections: A, B & C
4. Attempt questions as per specific instructions given in each section/question.
An owl is a bird. There are two basic types of owls: typical owls and bam owls. Owls live in almost
every country of the world. Owls are mostly nocturnal, meaning they are awake at night. Owls are
predators—they hunt the food that they eat. Owls hunt for mice and other small mammals, insects
and even fish. Owls are well adapted for hunting. Their soft, fluffy feathers make their flight nearly
silent. They have very good hearing which helps them to hunt well in the darkness. The sharp
hooked beaks and claws of the owl make it very easy to tear apart their prey quickly, although owls
also eat some prey whole. Owl’s eyes are unusual. Like most predators, both the eyes of the owl
face front. The owl cannot move its eyes. Owls are far-sighted, which means they can see very well
far away but they can’t see close very well at all. Fortunately, their distant vision is what they use for
hunting and they can see far away even in low light. Owls have facial disks around their eyes, tufts
of feathers in a circle around each eye. These facial disks are thought to help the Owl’s hearing.
Owls can turn their heads 180 degrees. This makes it look like they might be able to turn their heads
all the way around, but 180 degrees is all the owl needs to see what’s going on all around it.
Perhaps because of the Owl’s mysterious appearance, especially its round eyes and flexible neck,
there are a lot of myths and superstitions about owls. Many cultures believe that owls are unusually
wise. Because owls are nocturnal, some cultures associate owls with bad omens. The screech of
the bam owl is considered by many to sound eerily human, like a person screaming. However, owls
probably do not interact with the fates of humans at all. In fact, some owl species may become
extinct because of humans.
On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer any SIX of the following questions:
(a) Which of the following is not true about owls? (Choose the correct option)
1) Owls eat small animals
2) Owls are able to fly silently
3) Owls have the best hearing capacity of all birds
4) Owls have poor vision
(b) The eyesight of the owl is used for. (Choose the correct option)
1) Flying 2) hunting 3) sleeping d) none of these
(c) The purpose of this short article is. (Choose the correct option)
1) to entertain 2) to inform 3) to persuade d) none of these
(d) Which of the following statements is TRUE? (Choose the correct option)
1) The facial disks of the owl help them to see.
2) Owls have a strong, bent beak.
3) Most owls hunt for food during the day.
4) Owls are dangerous to humans.
(e) The animals which hunt and kill other creatures for food are called ........................
(f) The antonym of ‘predator’ is
(g) What are the basic types of owls?
Q.3. Develop a meaningful story with the help of the given outline with a suitable title. [5]
A village moneylender ... lost his purse ... announced a reward hundred rupees ... A poor farmer
found ... poor and needy ... an honest man ... went to the moneylender ... returned the purse ...
counted the money ... he said ... smart fellow ... taken your rewarded beforehand farmer angry ...
moneylender said ... purse contained eleven hundred rupees ... farmer said ... not taken any money
... went to the Sarpanch heard both the parties ... moneylender was dishonest ... purse not yours ...
Sarpanch gave ... to the farmer.
On the basis of the information given below, write a bio-sketch of Mahatma Gandhi.
Q.4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given [1 X 4 marks]
Q.7. Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 30-40 words: [2 x 5= 10 marks]
(a) Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?
(b) What is the scientist’s message for the disabled?
(c) Where do the snakes and the rodents take shelter? Why?
(d) What was the story attributed to the stone face?
(e) Ranji was not at all eager for a second fight. Why did he go back to the pool, then?
(f) Why did Framton rush out wildly?
Q8. Find the correctly spelt word from the given options. [1 x 3= 3 marks]