1 SM
1 SM
1 SM
The increase of moeslem tourist sum triggers the growing halal tourism business
in Japan. Japan is succeeding to reach the award as “World Best Non OIC Emerging
Halal Destination” in World Halal Tourism Award 2016 that was implemented in Abu
Dhabi, UEA. The moeslem tourist of Indonesian is interested to visit Japan because of
two things, namely, first, internal factor, the service and the preparation of
infrastructure are built and prepared for the moeslem people. The second, external
factor.The middle society of Indonesian moeslem from the economy site with travelling
hobby. Theory are used in this research is city branding theory of Terrence Schimp. The
method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data were collected through
observations and documentations. The technique of data analysis which used in this
research was qualitative method and descriptive approachment. Japan makes effort to
develop world halal tourism in interest Indonesian moeslem tourist through the concept
of halal supply chain management. This concept is implemented by cooperating with the
influencer that has so many follower such as the blogger travel from Indonesian. Next,
Increasing the facility and the service based on the concept of moslem friendly and
putting into effect the visa free for the the tourist of Indonesian, Malaysia and Thailand.
Furthermore, Japan determines the halal certification, standard operational and halal
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