The Schematics of The Experimental Set Up Is Given Below
The Schematics of The Experimental Set Up Is Given Below
The Schematics of The Experimental Set Up Is Given Below
No.‐1: Measurement of Diffusivity of Carbon Tetrachloride in Air
The schematics of the experimental set up is given below:
Figure: (a) Experimental Schematics (b) Digital photograph of Experimental set up in MT Lab
Following data are obtained from one such experiment. Calculate diffusion coefficient of an
organic vapour and study the effect of temperature on the diffusion coefficient using the
data. If you need additional data, get the data from the handbook. You can assume any
physical data related to the experimental set up. See the manual for additional
50 0 6.697 0 0
100 6.630 0.067 1492.53
200 6.570 0.060 3333.33
60 0 6.685 0 0
100 6.615 0.070 1428.57
200 6.550 0.065 3076.92
70 0 6.668 0 0
100 6.603 0.065 1538.46
200 6.543 0.060 3333.33
Experiment No.‐2: Verification of Rayleigh’s equation for batch distillation
1. The schematics of the experimental set up is given below:
Feed Solution
Figure: (a) Experimental Schematics (b) Digital photograph of Experimental set up in MT Lab
Following data are obtained from one such experiment. Verify the Rayleigh’s equation for
the following data found out after conducting a batch distillation for a binary liquid mixture.
If you need additional data, get the data from the handbook. You can assume any physical
data related to the experimental set up. See the manual for additional help/hints/theories.
Table: Calibration data for toluene/acetone mixture
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Experiment No.‐3: Sieve Plate Distillation Column
1. The schematics of the experimental set up is given below:
Figure: (a) Experimental Schematics (b) Digital photograph of Experimental set up in MT Lab
Following data are obtained from one such experiment. Please
a. Calculate theoretical number of plates using Mc-Cabe Thiele’s method when
the column is operating in total reflux ratio.
If you need additional data, get the data from the handbook. You can assume any physical
data related to the experimental set up. See the manual for additional help/hints/theories.
Observation Table:
T1(OC) T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10
77 66 78.9 81.7 87.7 75.3 73.1 71.2 67.6 64.5
Refractive index
Reboiler 1.338
Distillate 1.363
Plate 1 1.3505
Plate 2 1.360
Plate 3 1.346
Plate 4 1.346
Plate 5 1.348
Plate 6 1.350
Plate 7 1.357
Plate 8 1.353
Required Information
Data (Methanol‐ Water)
Relative volatility α = 3.32
Molecular weight of methanol MM = 32 g/mol
Molecular weight of Water MW = 18 g/mol
Actual number of plates NA = 8
Enthalpy of feed HF = 0 kJ/kmol
Specific heat of methanol CPA = 2721 J/kg K
Specific heat of Water CPB = 4187 J/kg K
Latent heat of vaporization of methanol λA = 104607 J/kg
Latent heat of vaporization of Water λB = 2284 J/kg
Density of methanol ρm = 0.803 g/cm3
Density of Water ρw = 1.0 g/cm3
Symbol used
xD = Mole fraction of ethanol in distillate
xB = Mole fraction of ethanol in residue
R = Reflux ratio
x = mole fraction of light key component in liquid phase
y = mole fraction of light key component in vapour phase
Conditions of the experiments
Type of Plates: Sieve
Number of Plates: 8
Temperature: 77oC
Table: Calibration curve
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Experiment No.‐7: Studies on Batch Drying and Generation of Drying Curve
1. The schematics of the experimental set up is given below:
Figure: (a) Experimental Schematics (b) Digital photograph of Experimental set up in MT Lab
Following data are obtained from one such experiment. Develop the drying curve for the
sample provided. If you need additional data, get the data from the handbook. You can
assume any physical data related to the experimental set up. See the manual for additional
Data Provided
Weight of empty petridish = 30.71 g
Weight of dry sand = 50 g
Amount of water = 10 ml
Initial weight of wet sand = 90.02 g
Temperature = 45⁰C
Air flow rate = 7 m/s
Diameter of the petridish = 7 cm
Observation Table
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To study the extraction of benzoic acid from toluene (dispersed phase) by ater (continuous
phase) in a packed bed.
To determine overall mass transfer coefficient based on continuous phase (water),Kwa.
To determine overall mass transfer coefficient based on dispersed phase (toluene),Kta.
To determine overall ‘Height of Transfer Unit’ based on continuous phase
(water),HTUow & based on dispersed phase (toluene), HTUot
To determine Individual ‘Height of Transfer Unit’ based on continuous phase (water),
HTUw and dispersed phase (toluene), HTUt
Liquid extraction, sometimes called solvent extraction, is the separation of the constituents of
a liquid solution by contact with another insoluble liquid. If the substances constituting the
original solution distribute themselves differently between the two liquid phases, a certain
degree of separation will results, and this can be enhanced by use of multiple contacts or their
equivalent in the manner of gas absorption and distillation.
Towers filled with some random packing (say rasching rings) are widely used for extraction of
valuable chemicals from dilute solutions by liquid-liquid extraction. The packing provides a
larger extract area for mass transfer and also reduces the axial mixing to some extent.
The extraction rate in such columns depends on:
Choice of either continuous or dispersed phase
Packing and column variables
Velocity of the liquid phases in the tower
The tower performance is generally based on extraction rate data and evaluated in terms of
over all height of transfer unit, based on continuous phase, HTUow and the extraction factor
expressed in terms of flow rate ratios of the liquid phases, mVw/Vt These two variables are
plotted against each other on Cartesian co-ordinates. As suggested by Colburn, the slope and
intercept of such a plot would represent the resistance of the individual films as:
HTU ow HTU W HTU t w 1
HTU ot HTU t HTU w t 2
Where, m is the slope of equilibrium curve, m = dCw/dCt
V is the superficial velocity of the liquid phase based on empty cross section of the column,
subscript w for continuous phase (water) and t for dispersed phase (toluene).
Rate of mass transfer from dispersed phase to the continuous phase is defined as:
C w*1 C w1 C w* 2 C w2
K w aV
ln C w1 C w1 / C w2 C w2
* *
N C1 C 2
K w aV
lnC1 / C 2
The capacity coefficient based on continuous phase (water), Kwa, is thus defined as:
KW a 3
V CW ln
C w1 C w2
Where, C w ln
C w1
C w 2
Similarly, the capacity coefficient based on dispersed phase (toluene), Kta, is defined as:
Kt a 4
V C t ln
As per Chilton and Colburn, the over all height of transfer unit based on continuous phase
(water), HTUow is defined as:
HTU ow 5
K wa
And the over all height of transfer unit based on dispersed phase (toluene), HTUot
is defined as:
HTU ot 6
Kt a
The set up consists of two feed tank. In this system two different liquids are used in which the
one is heavier (water) which is used as solvent and the other is lighter in which the solute is
present (toluene). The heavier liquid is inserted from the top and the lighter from the bottom.
The interface maintained in the column between the lighter phase and the heavier phase at the
top of the column can be adjust up or down as necessary by regulating the arrangement
provided at the water stream leaving the column. Flow rate of both the liquids is measured by
the rotameters provided. The samples are taken from the top for lighter liquid and bottom for
heavier liquid.
1. Compressed Air Supply @ 0.5 CFM at 2 Bar,.
2. Drain required.
3. Laboratory Glassware.
4. Weighing Balance (least count + 1 gm)
Toluene = 20 L
Benzoic acid = 488 gm
Distilled water = 20 L
N/5 NaOH in alcohol = 500 ml
N/20 NaOH in water = 500 ml
Phenolphthalein as indicator = 10 ml
1. Prepare a mixture of Toluene and Benzoic Acid as a feed mixture, with the
concentration of Benzoic Acid 488gm in 20Ltrs (i.e. N/5).
2. Fill the column with the continuous phase (water).
3. Allow the dispersed phase (toluene + benzoic acid) to enter from the bottom of the
column at some minimum flow rate.
4. Adjust the Rotameter readings for Continuous and dispersed phase to same values.
5. The interface between the lighter phase and the heavier phase at the top of the column
must be worked up or down as necessary by adjusting the sliding arrangement provided
in the water stream leaving the column. The position of the interface is to be maintained
at about 1 inch above the point of introduction of the heavier liquid (water) into the
6. Take the first observation after the steady state has been established i.e. after ≈ 10to 20
7. Collect known amount of sample of Extract(water) and raffinate (Tolune).
8. Titrate the sample of tolune against N/5 NaOH in alcohol using phenolphthalein as
9. Titrate the sample of water against N/20 NaOH in water using phenolphthalein as
10. Repeat the experiment for different flow rate of liquids.
C w 0.0745C t 0.0019
S.No. Qt, LPH Qw, LPH V1, ml VTT, ml VTB, ml VWB, ml
1) At bottom: (feed concentration)
N1 ______________ gmol / L
Ct1= CF = N1 g mole/L
2) Similarly At Top:
N1 __________ ____ gmol / L
Ct2= N1 g mole/L
A1 C t1 C t 2 Qt __________ ____ gmol / h
Cw1 = N1 g mole/L
A2 C w1 C w 2 Q w __________ ____ gmol / h
N A1 A2
______________ gmol / h
Kt a
At bottom:
H1 w
using equilibrium data
C t atCt Ct 1
At Top:
H2 w
using equilibrium data
C t atCt C t 2
C t 2 C t1
Ct ln ______________ gmol / L
lnC t 2 / C t1
V DC2 Z ______________ ml
N /
Kt a ______________
V C t ln
C w2 C wt1
C w ln ______________ gmol / L
lnC w2 / C w1
N /
K wa ______________
V C w ln
AC DC2 ______________ m 2
Vw ______________ m / h
HTU ow ______________ m
KW a
HTU ot ______________ m
Kt a
Plot the graph (HTU)ow vs. on a simple graph. Determine the slope & intercept.
HTUt = Slope of graph = --------- m
HTUw = Intercept of graph = --------- m
A1 = Amount of benzoic acid extracted by water, g mol/h
A2 =Amount of benzoic acid recovered by water, g mol/h
Ac =Column cross sectional area, m2
Cw1 =Concentration of benzoic acid in water at bottom, g mol/L
Cw2 =Concentration of benzoic acid in water at top, g mol/L
Ct1 =Concentration of benzoic acid in toluene at bottom, g mol/L
Ct2 =Concentration of benzoic acid in toluene at top, g mol/L
Cw =Equilibrium solute (benzoic acid) concentration in water phase, gmol/L
CF =Concentration of benzoic acid in feed. g mol/L
Ct =Equilibrium solute (benzoic acid) concentration in toluene phase, gmol/L
Dc =Column diameter, m
H =Equilibrium distribution coefficient,H1,H2 (CW / CT)
HTUw = Individual height of transfer unit based on continuous phase(water), m
HTUt =Individual height of transfer unit based on dispersed phase (toluene), m
HTUow=Overall height of transfer unit based on continuous phase (water), m
HTUot=Overall height of transfer unit based on dispersed phase (toluene), m
Kw a =Overall mass transfer coefficient based on continuous phase
Kt a =Overall mass transfer coefficient based on dispersed phase
N/θ =Average amount of Benzoic acid recovered, g mol/h
N1 =Normality of sample
NTT,NTB =Normality of NaOH used(for Tolune).
NWB =Normality of NaOH used(for Water).
Qt =Volumetric flow rate of toluene, LPH.
Qw =Volumetric flow rate of water, LPH.
V1 =Volume of sample, ml
VTT =Volume of NaOH used in titration of top sample for Tolune, ml
VTB =Volume of NaOH used in titration of bottom sample for Tolune, ml
VWB = Volume of NaOH used in titration of bottom sample for Water, ml
V =Effective volume of packed section, ml
Vt =Superficial velocity of water phase, LPH/m2
Vw =Superficial velocity of toluene phase, LPH/m2
Z =Packed height, m
1. Coulson & Richardson’s, “Chemical Engineering”Vol-2, 4th ed, Asian Books Pvt.
2. Binay K.Dutta, “Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes”, Prentice Hall