Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature On Ochratoxin A Adsorption Mechanisms and Kinetics by Cashew Nut Shell Biochars
Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature On Ochratoxin A Adsorption Mechanisms and Kinetics by Cashew Nut Shell Biochars
Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature On Ochratoxin A Adsorption Mechanisms and Kinetics by Cashew Nut Shell Biochars
DOI: 10.25177/JFST.4.7.RA.565
Received Date: 22nd Aug 2019 Copy rights: © This is an Open access article distributed
Accepted Date: 05th Sep 2019 under the terms of International License.
Published Date:10th Sep 2019
Abderahim Ahmadou 1,2,4, Nicolas Brun 5, Alfredo Napoli 3, Noel Durand 1,2, Didier Montet1,2
1. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), UMR
QualiSud, 73 rue Jean-François Breton, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
2. Qualisud, Université de Montpellier, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro, Université d'Avignon, Université de
La Réunion, Montpellier, France.
3. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), UR
Biowoeb, 73 rue Jean-François Breton, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
4. Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et Recherche Appliquée (IPR/IFRA) de Katibougou, 45 Route
de Koulouba, Annexe de Dar-Salam Bamako, Mali
5. Institut Charles Gerhardt, ENSCM, 34296 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Abderahim Ahmadou
E-mail: abderahim.ahmadou@cirad.fr ; ORCID of the author: 0000-0002-9130-0767
Abderahim Ahmadou, Nicolas Brun, Alfredo Napoli, Noel Durand, Didier Montet, Effect of pyrolysis temper-
ature on ochratoxin A adsorption mechanisms and kinetics by cashew nut shell biochars (2019)Journal of Food
Science & Technology 4(7) p:877-888
Biochars were produced from cashew nut shell at 400, 600 and 800°C. Production temperature significantly
affected biochar properties and consequently the adsorption mechanisms of ochratoxin A. Biochars produced
at higher temperatures had significantly higher specific surface areas, resulting in higher OTA adsorption ca-
The isotherms and kinetics of the adsorption were used to identify the adsorption mechanisms. For the kinetics
study, experiments were carried out after adjustment of the parameters influencing the system, such as pH,
biochar quantity and OTA initial concentration. Experimental results were modelled according to isotherm
equations representing Langmuir model and Freundlich model. Langmuir model matched best with the experi-
mental data. The chemical surface reaction was fitted to a pseudo-second order equation, with very high re-
gression coefficients.
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SIFT DESK Abderahim Ahmadou et al.
ins by preventing their passage into the animal’s scribed by Bordoloi et al. (2015) [26]. Twenty g of
blood and organs via complex formation between biomass samples were placed into the reactor at ambi-
adsorbents and mycotoxins [18]. ent temperature. The heating rate of the reactor was
5°C per min to rise the selected peak pyrolysis tem-
Biochar is a carbon-rich substance produced by sub- perature of 400, 600, 800°C, under constant flow rate
jecting biomass to pyrolysis (i.e., in the absence of of nitrogen at 30 L/min. Residence time into the reac-
oxygen) [19], playing an important role in controlling tor was fixed at 1 h after reaching the peak tempera-
transport and bioavailability of organic contaminants. ture. The cooling step of biochar was done by natural
Recently, biochar has drawn substantial attention as a convection.
promising adsorbent and an effective means of se-
questering pesticide residues in soil [20], [21], [22] Mass yield of biochar was calculated using the fol-
and thus biochar may help to reduce human risk to lowing equation [27]:
environmental pollutants [19]. However, the effec- X 100
Mass yield (%) =
tiveness of biochar for sequestering pesticides from
contaminated soil varied in many aspects, e.g., de- Where, Wf is the mass (g) of the dry biochars and Wo
pending on biochar properties, soil properties, and is the mass (g) of the dry biomass.
environmental factors [23]. Biochar properties can
vary dramatically depending on both the temperature 2.3. Biochar characterization
and biomass source used for its production, and the Before any analysis and tests, the different biochars
properties can substantially impact the capacity to were ground and sieved at 200 µm.
absorb pesticides [24], [25]. Moisture and ash contents analysis were done by
heating the samples in oven air at 105°C for 24 h and
The objective of this research was to study the effect to 710 ± 10°C for 2 h, respectively, and weighing the
of production temperature on ochratoxin A adsorption residue.
capacity by various biochars obtained from cashew
nut shell produced in three pyrolysis conditions. Cor- Volatiles analyses were done by heating the samples
relations between pyrolysis temperature on biochar without air to 900°C for 7 min using Nabertherm ov-
properties and its OTA adsorption capacity were esti- en.
The total content of C, N and H were determined us-
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS ing a dry combustion method using Variomacrocube
2.1. Biomass CHN analyzer. The O + S content was determined by
The cashew nut shell is a co-product resulting from subtracting the ash and C, N and H contents from the
kernel extraction activity. It was purchased from total mass of the sample.
"Agribusiness Mali" located in Bamako, Mali and
conditioned in a room at 20°C and at a hygrometry of The pH of biochar was determined according to No-
66 % HR for more than 72 h in order to have a homo- vak et al. (2009) [28] and Cheng and Lehmann (2009)
geneous biomass; its moisture and elemental compo- [29]. Two grams of biochar (ground and sieved at 200
sition was measured before pyrolysis. Biomass µm) were shaken with 40 mL distilled water for 30
(cashew nut shell) was pyrolyzed without prior grind- min. This suspension was allowed to stand for 10 min
ing. before measuring the pH with a pH electrode pH Lab
(Mettler Toledo).
2.2. Biochar production technology
Pyrolysis experiments were conducted in a horizontal The Hitachi-S4800 was used for scanning electron
fixed-bed tubular reactor (Fig. 1) in which the tem- microscope (SEM) to evaluate the morphology of the
perature was controlled using a PID controller as de- different biochars.
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SIFT DESK Abderahim Ahmadou et al.
of 500 vibrations / min during 45 min. Samples were (1 µg/mL; ref PD 226 R. Biopharm Rhône Ltd, Glas-
taken at different intervals time and final OTA con- gow, UK).
centration was determined by HPLC after filtration.
2.4.6. Study of OTA concentration effect on bio- 3.1. Biochar characterization
chars The moisture content of the cashew nut shell after
In order to build a sorption isotherm for each biochar, stabilization in climatic room was 5.35% at 20°C and
250 mg of biochar was added to 5 mL water- the standard deviation was 0.28. Its Carbon, Hydro-
methanol solution (w/w) containing different OTA gen and Nitrogen contents were respectively 50.04,
concentrations (25, 35, 55, 75 and 100 ng/ mL) at pH 3.89, and 0.42%.
6.54 under constant stirring of 500 vibrations / min
during 45 min. Samples were taken at different inter- As shown in Table 1, biochar yield decreased logical-
vals time and after filtration the final OTA concentra- ly with increasing pyrolysis temperature. It may be
tion was determined by HPLC. due to the conversion of compounds such as cellu-
lose, hemicellulose and lignin into carboneous prod-
Pseudo first order, pseudo second order are two of the ucts, water and CO2.
most commonly used kinetics models to reveal the
time-dependence of adsorption [30]. They were used Biochar yield decreased from 25.02 % for the biochar
to simulate the kinetics data: produced at 400°C to 21.54 % for the biochar pro-
qt = qe (1-e-k1t) (1) duced at 800°C (Table 1).
qt = (k2 qe t ) / (1 + k2qet) (2)
Ash content increased with the increase of tempera-
Where k1 (min ) is the constant rate of pseudo first tures from 8.85% at 400°C to 12.65% at 800°C
order adsorption, k2 (g/mg/min) is the pseudo second (Table 1). This was due to the increase in the relative
order constant rate. abundance of the minerals that were stable during
In Eq. (2), qe (mg/g) is the equilibrium adsorption carbonization [32].
capacity, and qt (mg/g) in each equation is the ad-
sorbed ochratoxin A at time t. The results of the proximate, ultimate analyses of the
biochars are summarized in Table 1. They revealed
The equations were linearized to facilitate constants that carbon content increased with pyrolysis tempera-
determination and the application results of these dif- ture. The biochar produced at 800°C had a highest
ferent models allowed us to identify the main step carbon content of 87.42% and Biochar produced at
that leads OTA global adsorption mechanism of the 400°C had the lowest carbon content (70.04%).
different biochars.
In contrast to carbon content, the volatile matters log-
2.5 Ochratoxin A analysis ically decreased with increasing pyrolysis tempera-
OTA was quantified by HPLC using a fluorescence tures from 400 to 800°C. Recovered volatiles were
detector (Shimadzu RF 20A, Japan) [31]. The operat- highest with 21.90% in biochar produced at 400°C
ing conditions were as follows: injection volume of and 10.22% for biochar produced at 800°C.
100 µL; C18 reverse-phase HPLC column, Upti- Biochar solution pH varied from pH 10.61 (400°C) to
sphere type, ODS, 5 µm particle size, 5 ODB, 250 x pH 9.81 (800°C). Our biochars were thus strongly
4.6 mm, with identical pre-column, thermostatically alkaline. Previous literature reported biochar pH val-
controlled at 35°C; isocratic flow rate of 1 mL/min ues (without further processing of biochars) between
(mobile phase: methanol/water/acetic acid, 69/30/1); pH 4 and pH 12, with typical values being above pH
excitation wavelength of 333 nm and emission wave- 7. Zhao et al. (2013) found biochar pH levels between
length of 460 nm. The contents were calculated from 8.8 and 10.8, depending of biomass feedstock type.
a calibration curve established from an OTA standard
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SIFT DESK Abderahim Ahmadou et al.
Cashew 400 70.04 3.65 0.61 21.90 69.85 8.25 10.61 25.02
Nut Shell
Cashew 400 83.51 2.06 0.59 14.08 77.39 8.53 9.83 23.13
Nut Shell
Cashew 400 87.42 0.85 0.89 10.22 77.13 12.65 9.81 21.54
Nut Shell
VM: Volatile Matters
FC: Fixed Carbon
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Fig.6. Effect of contact-time on OTA adsorption Where KF and 1/n are the Freundlich constants which
represent the adsorption capacity and adsorption
3.3.5. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics strength, respectively. The magnitude of 1/n quanti-
OTA adsorption at different concentrations (35, 55, fies the degree of heterogeneity of the adsorbent sur-
75 and 100 ng / mL) experimental data was fitted face and the favorability of adsorption [36]. KF and n
with the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. can be obtained from the intercept and slope of the
It is assumed by Langmuir isotherm model that the linear plot of ln qe versus ln ce.
adsorption process is monolayer, which means that
no further adsorption occurred once adsorption took Table 3 presents the values of Langmuir and Freun-
place on specific sites of the adsorbent. The relation- dlich constants, extrapolated from the equations of
ship is expressed as follows: these two models. By adjusting the experimental
points on both models, and based on the values of the
(1) R2 coefficient, it appears that the Langmuir one ex-
presses better the adsorption type for all three bio-
Where qe is the equilibrium adsorption capacity (mg/ chars (R2 = 0.98). Thus, the OTA molecules could be
g), Ce represents the equilibrium concentration in so- adsorbed in monolayers, without interactions be-
lution (mg/L), KL is the Langmuir constant (L/mg) tween them.
and qm represents the maximum adsorption capacity
of the adsorbent (mg/g). Experimental values of qm
and KL are calculated from the slope and intercept of
the linear plot of Ce/qe against Ce.
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Table 3 Isotherm parameters for OTA adsorption on biochars issued from cashew nut shell
Adsorbent Langmuir model Freundlich model
Qmax (ng/mg) KL R2 K 1/n R2
The favorable nature of the adsorption can be ex- the adsorbed quantities qe, the pseudo-first order con-
pressed in terms of a dimensionless constant called stants k1 and the regression coefficients R2 for the
the separation factor or equilibrium parameter (RL), three biochars are given in Table 5. The values of R2
which is defined by: were found relatively low and between 0.5079 and 0,
9007. The calculation of qe for the three biochars
shows that the amounts of OTA adsorbed are rather
small compared to the experimental quantities. These
The RL values indicate the isothermal type as being observations lead us to say that the adsorption of the
irreversible (RL = 0), favorable (0 <RL <1), linear (RL OTA did not follow the pseudo first order equation.
= 1) or unfavorable (RL> 1) The application of the pseudo-second-order kinetics
The RL values are shown in Table 4: model to the results obtained for the OTA adsorption
allowed us to calculate the values of the adsorbed
Table 4. Values of the dimensionless separation fac- quantities qe, the pseudo-second-order constants k2
tor or the equilibrium parameter and the regression coefficients R2 for the three bio-
chars used and the results are given in Table 5. In
Initial concentration RL- B400 RL- B600 RL- B800
(ng / mL) view of these results, it appears that the equilibrium
35 0.063 0.083 0.084
adsorbed quantity increased with the increase of bio-
55 0.041 0.054 0.041 char production temperature. On the other hand, the
75 0.030 0.040 0.031 R2 values are very high and far exceed those obtained
100 0.023 0.030 0.031 with the pseudo-first order model. The amounts fixed
at equilibrium qe are 0.15, 0.23, 0.82 ng / mg respec-
B400 = Biochar 400°C, B600 = Biochar 600°C, B800 = Biochar 800°C tively for the three biochars produced at 400, 600 and
800°C and are very close to the values found experi-
The values of RL for OTA adsorption on the three mentally (Fig. 7).
biochars (400,600 and 800°C) are less than 1 and
very close to 0, which indicates a favorable adsorp- These last two observations lead us to assume that
tion (also the desorption tests have shown that OTA the adsorption process follows the pseudo-second-
adsorption on biochars is irreversible). order model. The plot of t/qt vs. t, for the three bio-
chars, allowed to determine, by extrapolation, the
Pseudo-first-order constants were determined by ex- constants of the pseudo-second order, at different
trapolation of the Log (qe-qt) vs plot. t. The values of contact times.
Table 5. Kinetics parameters for OTA adsorption by cashew nut shell biochars (250 mg of each biochar in 5 mL
of water-methanol solution (w/w)) with OTA at different concentrations
Biochar Pseudo first order Pseudo second order
qe (ng/mg) K1 R qe (ng/mg) K1 R2
400°C 0.06 0.1425 0.9007 0.15 1.225 0.9544
600°C 0.06 0.0414 0.5079 0.23 1.237 0.9697
800°C 0.03 0.0138 0.6777 0.82 1.446 0.9712
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