Cuthbert 2007

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URBAN DESIGN International (2007) 12, 177–223

r 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1357-5317/07 $30.00

Urban design: requiem for an era – review and critique

of the last 50 years

Alexander R. Cuthbert*

Faculty of the Built Environment, The Red Centre West Wing, The University of New South Wales,
UNSW, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

From the time cities first evolved, they have been subject to human intervention at every level of activity – in
other words they have been designed. The following paper argues that since this process was formalized at
the beginning of the 20th century as urban design, its rationale as a discipline has been fraught with
consequence. It has been continuously defined as other – half way between the two professions of
architecture and urban planning. This unjustified otherness has been reflected in approaches to urban
design theory. Even the middle ground which urban design is supposed to occupy is an amalgam of
architectural and planning ideologies and practices. The following paper takes a hard look at the last 50
years, exposing the most serious attempts to synthesize or theorize significant urban design paradigms.
While each attempt has much to commend it, variously exhibiting great insight, dedication, knowledge and
scholarship, I feel that the collective result has been a generalized anarchy of creative ideas that bear little
coherence, either internally or collectively. Whether this is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is beside the point, it is where
evolution has brought us. Nor does this situation signify any immunity on my part to the uses of disorder,
chance and chaos, in the spirit that ‘there is no idea, however ancient and absurd, that is not capable of
improving our knowledge’ (Feyerabend, 1975, p. 33). The hypothesis explored below proposes that the
failure has an obvious cause – there has been no concerted attempt within the discipline to link the material
creation or ‘designing’ of urban space and form to fundamental societal processes. More importantly, this
linkage is desirable, and can be made. The fracture has many causes – historical, professional, ideological,
academic, egocentric, as well as misplaced idealism. Rather than pursuing the quest for an integrated theory
which has little possibility of success, I argue that a better outcome already exists in spatial political
economy, itself a somewhat anarchistic pursuit, but one of better quality. The framework of ideas which it
encompasses offers urban design both legitimation and theoretical coherence. In so doing, urban design can
exit the nefarious middle ground allocated to it by architecture and planning. Instead, it can connect directly
to the economic, political, social and cultural processes which structure social life.
URBAN DESIGN International (2007) 12, 177–223. doi:10.1057/palgrave.udi.9000200

Keywords: urban; political economy; historical materialism; culture; symbolic capital; social space

They wanted to know, they wanted to learn, been ongoing for the best part of 50 years, offering
they wanted to understand the strange world unprecedented opportunity for debate and resur-
around them – did they not deserve better rection. Urban Design is a discipline where almost
nourishment? (Feyerabend, 1975, p. 264) without exception its major proponents have
failed to engage with any substantial theory in
the cognate disciplines of economics, social and
political science, psychology, geography, or the
Introduction: the problem humanities. We can push this idea even further
and say that it has not even embraced what today
Traditional Urban Design ‘theory’ is anarchistic would be recognized as significant sub-disci-
and insubstantial. This is a situation, which has plines, such as urban geography, urban econom-
ics, urban sociology, or cultural studies, the latter
*Correspondence: Tel: þ 61(2) 9332 2561, Fax: þ 61(2) 9385 only recently emerging as a major force in design
5613, E-mail: theory. Urban design practice is perilously close to
Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

a social technology without the grounding in and how does it fit within the philosophy, logic
social theory that would allow critical self-reflec- and rationality of scientific endeavour? Such
tion to flourish. Problematically, this effectively questions have no simple answers, and the
locates urban design as being several realms mystery that surrounds them will remain. My
removed from any substantial theory at all. At approach is therefore to offer some propositions
its weakest it could be seen as merely an about the current state of urban design knowl-
extension of the architectural imagination or edge, emerging from our best efforts over the last
the physical consequence of state planning poli- 50 years, with the sole purpose of increasing its
cies. Both of these are somewhat nihilistic integrity and legitimacy. I see this first and
attitudes that fail to accept, as I hope to foremost requiring a commitment by those who
demonstrate, that urban design can stand on its teach and practice the subject, to recognize that it
own as a legitimate theatre of activity with an needs a foundation which is presently lacking. At
acceptable theoretical signature. Nonetheless, the moment, urban design is largely fragmented
the enduring dependency on architecture and in its practices, theories and methodologies.
planning remains, largely due to the historical Following Alfred North Whitehead’s dictum that
relation of urban design to these two professions. it is more important that a proposition be
The first position one could take on this situation, interesting than that it be true (although a true
as indeed many practitioners and academics do, proposition is more apt to be interesting than
is to accept that: a false one) – I suggest five propositions below
that form the substrate of this paper. I maintain
Its power derives from the fact that, irrefutably,
that these are central both to the legitimation of
it is a deeply embedded social practice that
urban design and to its relevance as a social
societies have valued from time immemorial,
and therein lies its value. As such it does not
have to justify its existence through reference to
Proposition 1: Urban design is self-referential and
a discrete set of home grown theory (Cuthbert,
is neither informed by, nor committed to, any external
2003, p. 10)
authority in intellectual terms.
While at one level this is true, the question is not
how the practice of urban design is to be under- As a result, the discipline is denied any autonomy.
stood, but how one is to determine its object; To quote Paul Feyerabend:
either real or theoretical, on which basis the
How can we discover the kind of world we
discipline can establish its credibility. The next
presuppose when proceeding as we do? The
task is to generate some explanatory framework
answer is clear: we cannot discover it from the
rooted in substantial theory that explains this
inside. We need an external standard of
object. In order to do this we must begin by
criticism, we need a set of alternative assump-
defining what we mean by ‘Urban Design’, its
tions, or as these assumptions will be quite
relationship within a hierarchy of practices, from
general, constituting an entire alternative
architecture through urban design into urban and
world, we need a dream world in order to
regional planning, and the social function of each
discover the features of the real world we think
within a larger and more substantial social
we inhabityythe first step in our criticism of
context. While the stress here is on a theory of
familiar concepts and procedures, the first step
urban design rather than theories for urban
in our criticism of ‘facts’ must be an attempt to
design, the reason is simply because the former
break the circle (Feyerabend, 1975, p. 22)
has been ignored and the latter has suffered in
consequence. As both theory and praxis, urban design is caught
in such a circle, and this paper constitutes an
In pursuing this line of reasoning, significant attempt to find an appropriate way out. As it
propositions are suggested below which will stands, urban design has no external standard of
probably expand rather than confine debate, and criticism that complements or addresses its inter-
due to their nature will unlikely be answered. For nal fractures and inconsistencies. It is a real
example, is urban design an art or a science? If it scientific anomaly, a region of knowledge with
is an art, this removes the discipline entirely from an inside but no outside. Whatever legitimation it
the realm of scientific enquiry. On the other hand, does have is stitched together by imagination in
if it is a science, to which branch should it belong, academic life and regulation in practice. This

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

seems to me to be insufficient. Following from If indeed this proposition constitutes the very
this, essence of the discipline, then any urban design
education should revolve around these two
Proposition 2: Urban design must reorient itself to principles. It should begin by answering such
social science as its wellspring, specifically urban questions as – What are the fundamental princi-
sociology, geography, and economics. ples governing civil society? How did the concept
of civil society arise? What types of civil society
The simple rationale for this position is that the can be identified, what particular social forms
organization of cities reflects the organization of does civil society engender and how is it
society. Social space and form is our fundamental constructed? What are the specific relationships
object of concern. Abstract exercises in spatial that allow civil society to produce spatial forms,
form must weld to the demands of social process. specifically those of the public realm? How does
civil society project meanings into space through
In relating urban design to the social sciences, it is urban form? How is globalization affecting the
clear that the precepts of scientific enquiry apply, organization and design of the public realm and
and I am aware of the difficulties involved in this social life? – and other such questions. Finally, it is
position. Later we will see how the attempt to clear that if the above ideas are acceptable, then
create a specifically urban sociology during the logically there are some fairly substantial implica-
1980s was fraught with conflict, the normal tions for education and practice alike. It demands
situation when any serious scientific or philoso- for example a complete reassessment of urban
phical enquiry is undertaken. At least the concept design traditions as historically relevant, having
was debated for some 10 years, whereas in urban emerged from the material circumstances of the
design the term remains meaningless since most time, yet potentially irrelevant to the globalization
urban designers have been insulated from social of capital in the digital world of the third
theory by their education. Ask most urban design millennium. Once again I want to be clear that
practitioners what urban means and one falls this does not mean, as it might sound, that we
immediately into a morass of subjectivity and must throw out everything we have been taught
confusion. Borrowing from urban sociology, spe- and start again, or that we are faced with an
cifically Manuel Castells, we can suggest: either/or proposition – that the notion of a theory
of urban design stands in opposition to a theory
Proposition 3: To be scientific, a discipline must for urban design. Quite the opposite is implied. I
have either a real or a theoretical object of enquiry. see this not as an ‘either or’ proposition, but ‘both
and’. Emerging from this:
While this seems to be quite obvious, it is one
problem seldom if ever debated within Schools of Proposition 5: Our understanding of the produc-
Architecture or Planning where most urban tion of design outcomes must change from a modernist,
design programmes are located. Part of this is Beaux Arts obsession with form, the eureka principle,
due to the fact that the intellectual environment and the cult of master/disciple to one where the organic
within the social sciences and humanities does production of urban forms and spaces are homologous
not exist in professional built environment facul- with the production of society.
ties to anything like the same degree. Questions
related to the third proposition above become Devolving from this, several points need to be
irrelevant to urban design practice to the extent clarified in relation to the above propositions and
that ideologies are embedded in production, with observations, since they have certain wide-ran-
whatever inherent logic or consequences they ging implications. Nor am I suggesting that there
contain. In such a context this third proposition are no social or economic consequences to specific
becomes an unnecessary indulgence. This defi- types of spatial design practice. Of course, it
nitely leads to a happier life. Nonetheless, the would be nice to re-orient some research in urban
question of a real or theoretical object remains, design to discovering exactly what these are.
and can be suggested as follows: Re-orienting our analytic lens to spatial political
economy would not only allow a significant
Proposition 4: The theoretical object of urban assessment of projects before they are ordained,
design is civil society, and its real object is the public it would also permit a more user-centred
realm. approach via an in-depth appreciation of culture,

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

as well as appropriate methods of predicting of urban design. More recently, several new
or assessing outcomes of large-scale urban theoretical positions have emerged which chal-
redevelopment projects. Second, we must accept lenge knowledge to date with new ideas and
that the use of the term theory has a huge hypotheses. Following Karl Popper’s dictum that
archaeology of levels from the astronomy of black science advances through disproofs or falsifica-
holes to making the best cup of coffee. This is also tion, the creation of new theory demands that the
true within urban design. I have suggested below best of the old falls under the microscope.
some of the more powerful tools available to urban
designers via theories for urban design, and the Taken together the status quo in urban design may
actors central to their use, for example, Hillier’s be seriously challenged by a generational position
analysis of crime levels in complex layouts, in called political economy. This discipline emerged
deprived areas which exclude surveillance, Alex- in the work of Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith and
ander’s use of patterns as templates, etc (it is also David Hume, part of an intellectual ferment
instructive however that Hillier and Hanson (1984) originating in Scotland some 300 years ago, which
refer to their ‘space syntax’ as a A Configurational at least one author has sourced as ‘the wellsprings
Theory of Architecture not Urban Design). of the modern mind’ (Herman, 2002, p. v11).
Some of this history is traced and connected to the
While much urban design theory has considerable idea of a specifically spatial political economy, a
integrity, in other cases, it is clear that claims to discipline which up until now has been largely
‘theory’ are merely descriptions of common urban confined to aspatial phenomena, as was most
features or processes. They are axiomatic and social science until relatively recently. Taking this
have no universal application, qualities which I concept from aspatial phenomena into a sociology
feel pervades most of, for example, Kevin Lynch’s of space has been a daunting and worthwhile
work. Clearly there is a lot of theorizing that task, despite immense intellectual conflict. I then
remains to be done at this level, and the very best argue that in order to legitimize urban design as a
of it makes some effort to engage with more discipline, we must escape from the shackles of
substantial concepts in psychology, economics, personality cults and ideologies into a shared
and social theory. The important consideration theoretical base, with all its warts and flaws. In
here is that science demands a generally agreed conclusion, I suggest that if urban design theory is
rule system that rises above, for example, Alex- to progress, it must be by substantial interaction
ander’s pattern language yet relates to it. Both are between spatial political economy and urban
necessary, both should exist, but both need design, since space cannot be separated from its
significant integration if we are to succeed in social production in specific urban forms.
specific and coordinated urban design knowledge.

In order to do this I will adopt the following Urban design – definitions

process. To begin, I try to put to rest the endless
problem of ‘defining’ urban design. This covers As in all disciplines, the most difficult problems
the entire range of so-called ‘definitions’ that have arise over the simple question of definition – what
been ongoing for the best part of a century with is being defined? – an institution, a process, a
no resolution. The suggestion is made that the theoretical construct, or an object of investigation?
task has been fruitless to date for several good At the most elementary level, we have to consider
reasons that are then explored in some depth. the very fact of naming the discipline, and there
Such exploration leads directly to the inescapable are three related phrases that have had varying
question of appropriate theory, without which levels of use in signifying the design of cities,
any definition is insubstantial and largely content namely Civic Design, Urban Design and City
free. It also gives a clue as to why prevailing Design. Civic Design was the terminology used
definitions remain largely axiomatic and deprived in regard to modernist architecture, where large
of analytical rigour and interest. Discussion then urban projects were carried out for the state and
ranges over pre-existing ideas of theory in urban were therefore ‘civic’ in a very direct sense. The
design. I have selected the four most compelling term was predominantly used in Britain, prior to
efforts in two areas. First, that of attempts at Liverpool University establishing a foundation
synthesis, and second, individual positions which course in ‘Civic Design’ in 1909. This constituted
have in some manner attempted a unified theory the beginning of urban design as an academic

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

discipline, and the stimulus for all other pro- using concepts that now have little meaning such
grammes in the UK. By 1970 the concept had as city, and not having a concrete definition of
become outdated, since its close connotation to what urban signifies, let alone when it is tied to the
municipal government and functions such as equally problematic concept of design. In addi-
‘Civic Centre’, were seen to be too restrictive. tion, few people today would accord to Lynch’s
Concurrently, Harvard University in the United use of the term city design for other reasons. Lynch
States was the first to establish a programme in also correlated city design with environmental
Urban Design in 1960, and the term was then design, where the more commonly used phrase
imported into the UK. Hence the more general is now sustainable development, leading to addi-
term Urban Design came into use. In some senses tional confusion (see Cuthbert, 2006, Chapter 7).
this neutralized the discipline by removing its
inherent political significance – the new term did Nonetheless, the term urban has had a much more
not have any necessary connotation to citizenship, significant intellectual history than the general
the modern state and urban administration in descriptor city which has little residual value in
general that were implied in the term ‘civic’. In a communicating any meaningful functions, pro-
major sense, the emergent discipline was mysti- cesses, forms or symbolic content. In contrast, the
fied by apparently removing it from the social term urban, apart from the fact that it originates in
realm. One of the most applauded theorists in the Latin word urbs meaning city, has had
urban design, Kevin Lynch, had difficulty with significant accrued meaning since Lewis Wirth
both concepts. He preferred to use the term ‘city first wrote his legendary paper Urbanism As
design’ which to him was a more encompassing A Way of Life in 1938. Interrogating the term
term (Bannerjee and Southworth, 1990). He had ‘Urban’ also formed the basis for one of the most
this to say about city design: meaningful investigations into urban structure,
City or environmental design deals with the that of Manuel Castell’s now iconic book The
spatial and temporal pattern of human activity Urban Question, first published in French in 1972.
and its physical setting, and considers both its After its English debut in 1977, it set a debate in
economic-social and psychological effects (of motion for the next 10 years over the idea of a
which latter the sensuous aspect is one part). conceptually valid urban sociology, one that still
The concepts and techniques for manipulating resonates today, although much of the territory
this complex pattern, are as yet half formed. has now been captured by urban geography. So
The ambiguity of our graphic notation system, I will continue to deploy the term urban since it
its lack of inclusiveness, is one symptom of this remains a more relevant and conceptually chal-
inadequacy. The goals for which this pattern is lenging term than either civic or city when
manipulated are not clearly stated, and their applied to design, one whose meaning will
relation to pattern is imperfectly known. Our hopefully become clearer over the remainder of
vocabulary of city form is impoverished: the this monograph.
need for innovative ideas is correspondingly
strong. Yet it is clear that city form is a critical Therefore from its somewhat confused identity,
aspect of the human environment, and design the discipline of urban design is usually defined
it we must (Bannerjee and Southworth, 1990, without reference to any meaningful theory – and
p. 483) by analogy in its relation to physical scale, to
administrative matters, in regard to urban func-
While this statement was written in 1968, Lynch tions or to a skill-based process in support of
remained true to this basic ideology throughout urban planning. Definitions such as the following
his entire life, and frequently conflated the term underwrite most of the literature in urban design,
urban design to city design. Lynch had a significant and one searches in vain for anything of real
influence over several generations of architects, substance:
planners and others involved in the design of
cities, and his concept of urban design was one ‘Urban design is the art of three dimensional
synonymous with project design or the design city design at a scale greater than that of a
aspect of urban planning. There are, of course, a single building’; ‘Urban Design links planning,
whole series of flaws with this kind of analysis, architecture and landscape architecture
predominantly the question of defining any together, to the extent that it fills whatever
significant process merely in terms of its scale, gaps may exist among them’; ‘Urban design is

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

that part of city planning that deals with nonetheless a self referential, ideologically biased
aesthetics, and which determines the order and atheoretical rendition of the genre, alienating
and form of the city’; ‘Urban design is the every major theorist concerned with urban devel-
design of the general spatial arrangement of opment, structure, and form, to the bleechers.
the activities and objects over an extended area, Similarly, potential ‘models’ of urban design, for
where the client is multiple, the program is example, defined through civil society or the
indeterminate, control is partial and there is no public realm, as a socio-spatial matrix, as sym-
state of completion’; ‘Urban design is primarily bolic representation, etc, are wrapped and made
concerned with the quality of the urban public accessible only in and through the work of
realm, both social and physical, and the architects and their critics.
making of places that people enjoy and
respect’; ‘Urban design is the art of making or So Gosling’s paper presented a picture of urban
shaping townscapes’, and so on (Cuthbert, design that could only be defined and understood
2003, p. 12) in reference to the entire payroll of modern and
postmodern architecture, beginning, as is the
In Popper’s terms, these sorts of statements are norm with Le Corbusier, and continuing through
structured for extremely low levels of refutability, the work of Oscar Niemeyer, Rob and Leon Krier,
the mark of insignificant theory. The literature on Robert Venturi, Lucien Kroll, Bernard Tschumi,
urban design is swamped by axioms such as Emilio Ambasz, Miguel Angel Roca, Aldo Rossi,
these, which are obvious even to the uninitiated. Matthias Ungers and a host of others. The paper
And so the search for an appropriate definition as closes with ‘a new definition of urban design’
the foundation for urban design theory has been which is not stated, but is inferred again with
ongoing over the last 50 years, a task doomed to reference to architectural projects such as Cergy-
failure in the absence of a substantial theoretical Pontoise (Lucien Kroll), the Byker Wall in New-
foundation. In spite of endless attempts at castle (Ralph Erskine) Carlos Nelson Dos Santos
defining the discipline over the intervening (Bras de Pina Favella, Rio de Janiero), all of it
period, progress towards developing a satisfac- wrapped into having something to do with fair
tory hypothesis, a set of guiding constructs or and equitable access to well designed state-
principles, or a reasoned manifesto of ideological sponsored housing. While most of the projects
practices has been absolutely glacial. Virtually all discussed are undeniably brilliant in formal
definitions begin and end in dogma, and the so- terms, their collective outcomes are not evaluated,
called ‘crisis in urban design’, like the endless nor does any meaningful definition of urban
‘crisis in urban planning’ continues, and nobody design emerge from any association.
asks the obvious question as to why the crisis is
seemingly continuous and endless, and what its Similar criticisms can be applied to Alistair
source might be. So urban design theory con- Rowley’s paper, which exhausts the superficial
tinues to be impelled by a dearth of critical and to such an extent that only substantial theory
dialectical thinking, an emballage of anarchistic remains to be addressed elsewhere. This is in
practices, an obsession with skill-based learning, itself a singular service, because in the 20 pages of
and a continuing belief in physical determinism. the paper, Rowley condenses virtually every kind
of definition of mainstream Urban Design since
Here two papers stand out simply because of their Spriergen’s seminal work in 1965, and there is
titles; David Gosling’s 1984 paper Definitions of nothing left to say. Most definitions are axiomatic
Urban Design, and Alistair Rowley’s paper of the to the point of humour. Even on the first page,
same name exactly 10 years later (an altogether and 20 years after the huge debates on the term
superior work can be found in Punter, 1996). In urban raged within urban sociology, involving
his paper, Gosling has adopted a wholly archi- some of the best social theorists of our time, we
tectural perspective, as if only architects had any are still presented with a definition of ‘urban’ as
right to define the discipline. While it may seem something (we know not what) in contrast to
unfair to criticize this paper, now 20 years old, it ‘rural’ development, a relationship demolished in
remains significant precisely because it embodies the postscript to The Urban Question by Manuel
one of the most powerful and enduring ideologies Castells in 1977. Quoting Ruth Knack, we are
still dominating the field of urban design. While informed that ‘Trying to define urban design is
beautifully written and executed, the work is like playing a frustrating version of the old

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

parlour game, twenty questions’ (Rowley, 1994, p. collectivity, the result is akin to running on the
181). In the section ‘The substance of urban surface of a sphere, at some point and on a
design’ we are offered two insipid definitions random basis you have to arrive back where you
that illustrate how notions of the subject have started. It is not that these observations are untrue
developed since the 1950s: or uninteresting, simply that they are trivially
correct, that is, so devoid of content that it is
‘The purpose of town design is to see that (the
almost impossible to devise any empirical test
urban) composition not only functions prop-
which would prove them false.
erly, but is pleasing in appearance’ and in
contrast, ‘Urban design is essentially about
In this sense they are also immune to Popper’s
place-making where places are not just a
concept of refutability, which would accord them
specific place, but all the activities and
some kind of theoretical justification (see Popper,
events that make it possible’ (Gibberd, 1953;
1959, 1974). As Thomas Kuhn has suggested, this
Buchanan, 1988 in Rowley, 1994, p. 182)
does not even consist in its proof but of its
Definitions of urban design in Rowley’s paper are probability in the light of evidence that is
also seen to be dependent on the repetition of available to us. Hence definitions such as those
endless taxonomies of various kinds that exhaust above contain no propositions of any real content.
the stock of available adjectives to describe urban Not only are they wholly isolated from significant
form such as theory, they also block the possibility that any will
ever emerge by perpetuating this kind of thinking
‘87 planning considerations grouped under 14
endlessly into the future, a process which has now
second tier headings which in turn were
been going on at least since 1945, and is still alive
grouped under six broadly based first tier
and well in the annals of the urban design
considerationsyy.Cook has written about the
literature (Schurch, 1999). One quote from Donald
four qualities that urban design, as process,
Appleyard however does stand out, that bound-
seeks to achieve – visual, functional, environ-
ary definition in the case of urban design is a
mental and urban experience’ and the essence of
negative activity. It is indeed more enriching ‘to
cities – ‘complexity, surprise, diversity, and activity
identify, clarify and debate the central beliefs and
andyyy.Kevin Lynch’s five performance
activities of a field than to hide behind a simplistic
dimensions, habitability, sense, fit, access and
mask’ (in Rowley, 1994, p. 181). What these are
control, Bentley’s seven qualities – permeability,
have not yet been stated with any real conviction.
variety, legibility, robustness, visual appropriate-
Given that the least meaningful definition of
ness, richness and personalisationyythe Prince
urban design used by professionals is that it
of Wales ten principles, the place, hierarchy, scale,
occupies the space between architecture and
harmony, enclosure materials, decoration, art, signs,
planning, it is worth pausing for a moment to
lights and community’ (Rowley, 1994, p. 185)
consider John Punter’s insightful paper of 1996,
In Definitions of Urban Design, Rowley concludes Urban Design Theory in Planning Practice: The
with 10 more characteristics (why not have 20), by British Perspective which traces its origins from
which point it should be apparent to the the Garden City Movement and Raymond
intelligent lay reader that the discipline is in Unwin’s classic text Town Planning in Practice: an
serious trouble. Once again another taxonomy Introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and
replaces any critical thinking on the subject. The Suburbs (1909).
last of these notes that urban design education
demands literacy in the social sciences, law, Before considering the implications of the above
economics, public policy and business adminis- situation which are clearly substantial, I will
tration, none of which are deployed in the paper. briefly amplify on the reasons why I feel that
The problem with all of these attempts to define urban design is in such a moribund position.
urban design is that they are content-free, depth- Rowley’s explanation of urban design vis-à-vis the
less and incapable of moving us forward, except British planning system concentrates on two
perhaps into another set of the so-called basic traditions. First, that of the picturesque, which
values, functional qualities, descriptive proper- had close ties to landscape painting. This in turn
ties, performance dimensions or other qualitative was closely related to the practice of English
groupings, usually claimed to have universal landscape gardening and such artists as Uvedale
significance which of course they don’t. As a Price, George Repton, and Capability Brown.

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Second, to the tradition that evolved from it called professional qualification in these disciplines
the Townscape Tradition, one that concentrated on (DETR, 2001, p. 1)
the idea of serial vision as the organizing
principle (Cullen, 1961, 1967 and Smith, 1974, The final paper encapsulates all of the above
1976). descriptors and because of the arcane problems
surrounding any reasonable definition, begins by
saying that ‘It is easier to say what urban design is
The definition that emerges from both of these is
not, – architecture, civil or highway engineering,
purely visual and experiential. There is a nostalgic
landscape architecture, surveying, town planning, –
fixation on appearances where the perfect model
than what it is: urban design is both more and less
would seem to be the idealized English village
located in a beautiful landscaped garden (of than any one of these long established profes-
somewhat limited application in a globalized sional activities’. This is a bit like saying that ‘an
elephant is definitely not a giraffe, a zebra, or a
world). This vision dominated planner’s defini-
camel. It’s much heavier than all of them but
tions of urban design at least until 1973 when the
cannot run as fast’. Moving on into even deeper
Essex Design Guide synthesized prevailing atti-
waters, many other definitions are given in the
tudes into the first comprehensive attempt to
paper, for example, ‘Urban Design is an inter-
embed urban design in the UK into planning
disciplinary process and activity’, ‘Urban design
practice. As with architectural definitions of
urban design, the ideas that evolved from should be taken to mean the relationship between
Raymond Unwin and Gordon Cullen also remain different buildings; the relationship between
buildings streets, squares, parks, waterways and
alive today. The principles of the British pictur-
other spaces which make up the public domain;
esque, visual, townscape tradition are enshrined
the nature and quality of the public realm itself;
in the highly publicized design interventions of
the relationship of one part of a village, town or
His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, sup-
city, with other parts; and the patterns of move-
ported by various architects such as Francis
ment and activity thereby established’; ‘There
Tibbalds, Quinlan Terry and Rob Krier (Hanson
and Younes, 2001). This neo-traditional move- are different styles or types of urban design.
ment is now sweeping the globe in the form of the The variations between each type reflect a range
of factors including the role of the urban designer
New Urbanism, a movement that seeks to construct
in the urban design process; the objectives of
the future based on nostalgic visions of the past.
those employing urban designers; the situation
and issues that will be addressed; and the criteria
Coming right up to the last 10 years, the fact that
used to measure success’. The paper concludes by
all of these definitions remain alive is well
paying a tribute to Jonathan Barnett’s ‘memorable
represented in the UK. In December 1999 the
description’ of urban design as ‘designing cities
Department of the Environment, Transport and
without designing buildings’ (DETR, 2001, p. 1).
the Regions (DETR) commissioned two reports on
urban design by Arup Economics and the Uni-
versity of Reading, respectively. These were Forget any meaningful theory, in every case the
combined in a final report in 2001. The completed above attempts to define urban design are
document estimated that there were some 180,000 seriously divorced from any theory at all. Var-
individuals in Britain who may be involved in iously, they constitute radically empiricist, func-
some way in urban design activity. The fact that a tional, technocratic, historicist, or practice and
large engineering practice was chosen to run the skill-based definitions. Many are deprived of any
project says a lot in itself. meaning whatsoever. Most are tautological or
axiomatic, where no learning is possible. What we
They include among the professions, architects, can assume from this, given that many highly
planners, surveyors, civil engineers, and land- intelligent minds have had a go over decades, is
scape architects, who together with the Urban that seeking a definition exemplified by the many
Design Group and Civic Trust, have formed the attempts given above is not only counterproduc-
Urban Design Alliance. The combined mem- tive but impossible, in the absence of a theoretical
bership of these five professions is 216,000 framework that would make them ‘real’. Like any
persons with about 5000 applicants commen- other social process, urban design does not
cing first degree courses at the universities and remain a static phenomenon, and the need to hit
colleges each year, potentially leading to a a moving target is also omnipresent. However,

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

this is not all bad, and it is quite clear paper. The central reason for such a distinction is
from the fairly extensive rubric above, that one to make it impossible to consider design indepen-
can indeed get a glimpse of how urban design dent to other processes (as exemplified in Gosling,
fits into the overall processes of urban develop- and Rowley, above). Overall, the arguably super-
ment while simultaneously being deprived of any ficial nature of urban design theory stems from
explanation at all as to how or why it occurs as this one fact, that is, the separation of form from
it does. content.

With few exceptions, traditional definitions con- Second, we need to set aside the professionaliza-
stitute descriptions of perceptible surface struc- tion of knowledge/process for the simple reason
tures in administrative, professional, aesthetic or that professions are by definition, territorial. They
other arrangements, a bit like trying to define capture regions of intellectual capital supported
gravitation in terms of apples falling to the by legislation, membership, and the arcane
ground, by what colour the apples are, what type languages of practice (Cuthbert, 2006, Chapter 10).
of apple, how they compare to apples falling Any emergent theory or even any satisfactory
off other trees etc, in the absence of a supporting explanation of the production of built form would
hypothesis. Overall, the processes of science, have to incorporate a critique of professions qua
critical thinking, and focused research are all ideological structures. Critical self-reflection is not
held in suspense. Even the basic principle of about to emerge from this source since profes-
formulating a significant hypothesis about the sions are knowledge monopolies linked to big
discipline, one to be tested as the foundation capital. Hence, developing a substantial theory of
for theory, is ritually avoided. One may search in urban design, might be experienced by the
vain for any author who begins an article ‘my architectural and planning professions as a form
hypothesis as to a satisfactory theory of urban of self-immolation.
design would be the following’. But as in all
theory, we are not looking for some immutable Third, to a large degree the same is true of the
or unchanging truth, just a satisficing summary academy and tertiary education in general. The
of the object in question that can be debated ideological nature of tertiary education is on
and tested, so that another horizon in the the one hand heavily penetrated by professional
development of knowledge can be established intervention via accreditation processes. On the
(Simon, 1969). other hand, neo-corporate interests intrude in the
general definition, production and ownership of
So the problem remains. In the absence of any intellectual property. In this sense, the boundaries
rigorous theoretical framework that links urban within tertiary education are no better than those
design activity to the historical process, to social within the professions themselves. Indeed, it can
development and to other professions, the same be easily argued that the professions play an
basic positions and approaches outlined above active part in maintaining territorial imperatives
will be recycled ad finitum. Conversely, explana- in tertiary education via accreditation (legitima-
tion using the method described, demonstrating tion) processes.
some theoretical coherence might begin by align-
ing urban design theory to the material produc- For the moment the thorny problem of what
tion of the built environment as an ongoing constitutes science and what does not, and whether
historical continuum. On this basis the need to urban design knowledge can be defined scientifi-
continually restate definitions would disappear, cally will be set to one side. What is required is
and the endless process of grinding out yet some significant framework or structures of
another taxonomy could terminate. But such an knowledge that satisfactorily account for the
approach demands that we consider at least three production of specific spatial arrangements, which
basic ideas. result in identifiable urban forms and systems
of representation. Since these will ultimately be
First, we should abandon any attempt to define proven false in the necessary development of
urban design in any of the forms outlined above, knowledge, science requires that such a formula-
and conflate the term urban design to the tion should be highly resistant to empirical
production and reproduction of urban form. In refutation. Fortunately, much of the required
general, this is how I will use the term in this infrastructure has already been addressed in other

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

areas of knowledge as we shall see, but with few performing the goals assigned to each city by
exceptions it remains invisible to urban design its historically defined urban meaning.
administrators, educators and professionals.
We therefore define urban form as the symbolic
To paraphrase the words of Scott and Roweis in expression of urban meaning, and of the
their seminal article Urban Planning in Theory and historical superimposition of urban meanings
Practice – A Reappraisal (1977), ‘we should attempt (and their forms), always determined by a
to discover the sociohistorical meaning, rational- conflictive process between historical actors.
ity and limits of urban design, rejecting defini-
tions of the type proposed above. Such definitions We call urban social change the redefinition of
are counter-productive in that they all configure urban meaning. We call urban planning the
urban design theory as essentially normative. negotiated adaptation of urban functions to a
Using an analogy to urban planning, what is shared urban meaning. We call Urban Design
implied is that to date, urban design has the symbolic attempt to express an accepted
presented itself as that reality, not so much one urban meaning in certain urban forms (Manuel
that is false, but one which is trivially correct or Castells 1983, pp. 303–304)
otherwise structured for a low level of refutability.
In contradiction, it is not an independent and Rather than resort to definitions of urban design
autonomous urban design theory that produces such as those previously discussed above, where
the various facts of actual urban design; it is the various qualities, properties, dimensions, etc
rather the realities of contemporary urbanization of cities are used to delineate urban design as
that give rise to urban design as a necessary social praxis, Castells’ great contribution was to define it
activity, and hence its explanation as a social fact’. theoretically as an embedded part of other urban
The only person to my knowledge that has functions and processes (notwithstanding the fact
actually tried to do this is Manuels Castells, and that what exactly constituted ‘urban’ remained
his propositions below bear comparison with the unresolved, and the fact that the concept of ‘urban
plethora of attempts to define urban design given meaning’ as a workable principle remained some-
above. what opaque). Importantly, Castells also assigns
the term ‘meaning’ (not economy as one might
In relation to spatial political economy, Castells expect) – as the ultimate measure of the perfor-
frames the fundamental question ‘on the basis of mance of cities, and associates such meaning with
the fundamental concepts of historical material- the outcome or representation of conflict. While
ism, how can we grasp the specificity of the forms Castells can be criticized for not making explicit
of social space?’ (Castells, 1977, p. 235). In concert what he meant by urban meaning, that is, turning it
with this question he also offers by far the most into a formula, the term is made in the context of
encompassing and theoretically rigorous defini- his own massive output of scholarly works. I take
tion of urban design to date, one which informed the term meaning here at its broadest compass to
both The Design of Cities and The Form of Cities signify the actual material expression of the
(Cuthbert, 2003, 2006). In contrast to every other history of capitalist development, writ large in
attempt documented earlier in this paper, he the built form of cities using the medium of urban
avoids the pitfall of any definition that is not design, or more succinctly, the accrued history of
situated within a hierarchy of socio-spatial con- its symbolic capital. This would include first and
cepts that allow context, relativity, and process to foremost in Castell’s terms, the idea of class
be included: struggle, collective memory, and the expression of
social distinctions. Inherent in this would be
We define urban meaning as the structural included war – oppression, liberation and recon-
performance assigned as a goal to cities in struction, representations in the realms of science,
general (and to a particular city in the inter- art and philosophy and other forms of semiosis.
urban division of labour) by the conflictive Physically we are dealing with the entire panoply
process between historical actors in a given of urban form, individual architectural elements,
society. monuments, street sculpture, including spaces
and places as well as their naming and associa-
We define urban functions as the articulated tions. In this regard Allen Scott’s classic paper of
system of organizational means aimed at 2001 ‘Capitalism, cities and the production of

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

symbolic forms’ offers additional insights. Prime Whereas most other definitions of urban design
also is the concept of the urban landscape, the discussed above are static observations that go
classic work in this last category being Dennis nowhere or are based on happy certainties that
Cosgrove’s Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape cannot be refuted, the complexity of Castells’
(1998). One may hazard that the urban designer’s insight automatically leads to other hypotheses or
central activity is in the production and consump- speculations rooted in substantial theory – ‘What
tion of symbolic capital through the medium of is urban meaning and how is it derived?’, ‘In
fixed capital investment, reproduction and ex- what manner does the redefinition of urban
change (Harvey, 1989). meaning result in changes to the built environ-
ment?’; ‘How does the symbolic expression of
Concepts of symbolic capital and symbolic space urban form relate to class and other societal
and form, are closely related ideas (Bourdieu, conflicts?’ Through which processes does such
1977; Schusterman, 1999). Bourdieu advanced the urban meaning materialize, using what kinds of
idea of symbolic capital, which he describes more content? Castells encompassing hypothesis there-
accurately as the symbolic effects of capital at great fore stands out as a singularly insightful attempt
length in Outline of a Theory of Practice and the to connect the process of designing cities to the
term remains in widespread use today. A crude overall process of the production of space within
way to look at symbolic capital would be say capitalism, or to paraphrase Scott and Roweis
that it is the value of the added symbolic once again:
expression and associations of a product, in
We cannot assume that Urban Design emerges,
contrast to its material cost. In many cases
acquires its observable qualities, and evolves,
this may outweigh its cash value which can
according to forces that reside solely within
become irrelevant over time. For example, the
itself. Urban Design is not invented in a
symbolic capital of the great pyramid of Cheops
vacuum, but is structurally produced out of
in Egypt is priceless but its material value is
the basic contradiction between capitalist social
zero. Bourdieu also introduced the concept
and property relations (and their specifically
of taste, exhibited through the ownership of
urban manifestations) and the concomitant
symbolic capital, Harvey points out that symbolic
necessity for collective action (Castells, 1977,
capital is both fetishistic and ideological since it
p. 1011)
conceals ‘the real basis of economic distinctions’.
Furthermore, In The Urban Question, Castells had already
offered a rare analysis of urban spatial forms as
Conjoining the idea of symbolic capital with
products of basic economic processes – produc-
the search to market Krier’s symbolic richness
tion, consumption, exchange and administration,
has much to tell us, therefore, about such
and the reflection of ideological structures in
phenomena as gentrification, the production of
symbolic configurations, elements and places.
community (real, imagined or simply packaged
Castells’ typology of urban space is extremely
for sale by producers), the rehabilitation of
well structured and is solidly grounded in an
urban landscapes and the recuperation of
extensive theoretical foundation. There is no
history (again real imagined or simply
doubt that it represents a qualitative advance on
reproduced as pastiche). It also helps us to
its predecessors by several levels of magnitude.
comprehend the present fascination with
This does not imply that it is ideal or cannot be
embellishment, ornamentation and decoration
improved, or that all of the epistemological
as so many codes and symbols of social
problems have been solved. Nonetheless, it was
distinction (Harvey, 1989, pp. 80–82)
the first serious attempt to incorporate urban
So concepts of urban meaning, symbolic capital, design and urban planning within a unified and
ideology, social reproduction and the actual coherent definition, linked to a significant body of
design of the built environment are all integrated social theory based on the morphing of political
and lie at the heart of urban design practice. By economy into the dimension of urban space and
relating function, form and meaning, Castells form.
provides us with a complex of relationships
where we can clearly see the interaction of Before moving these ideas forward, we will now
associated elements in the urban process, rather take a greater in-depth look at some of the more
than as the fixed properties of physical form. prominent mainstream ‘theories’ in urban design

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

in order to maintain a progressive historical Urban Sociology and Human Geography have
perspective on the discipline. A more substantial been the two key players since the early 1980s.
approach to theory will then be engaged, follow- Leslie Sklair’s recent articles The Transnationalist
ing Scott and Roweis lead into recent develop- Capitalist Class and Contemporary Architecture in
ments in spatial political economy. Globalising Cities and Iconic Architecture and
Capitalist Globalisation (Sklair, 2005, 2006) demon-
strate the extent to which significant explanations
Urban design – Theory? of urban design in the information age have
been abstracted out of the hands of urban
It is not my intention here to write a normative designers into urban economics and urban sociol-
history of urban design (one that is yet to be ogy. While the design process is not discussed in
assembled), but to illustrate some of the more any of this work, what constituted the real
influential and prototypical discourses that tradi- content of the urban (design) process was being
tional theory still clings to for support. All of articulated in all kinds of ways and from many
these texts are classics in their own right, and different sources. This progression has resulted
constitute significant markers in the journey in the undeniable observation that more
towards an improved understanding of urban significant theoretical paradigms about the shape
design. Historically, each represented a significant and form of urban space were originating
attempt to correct what was seen to be a dominant from outside the discipline of urban design than
problem at the time they were written. Much of from the inside, and not before time either. It also
what is contained between their covers will offers a partial explanation as to why so few key
remain valid for years to come, for the simple texts on urban design have emerged over the last
reason that even the simple principles embodied 20 years.
in, for example, Gordon Cullen’s Townscape (1961)
remain widely ignored 40 years after the book In Designing Cities (Cuthbert, 2003), I therefore
was written. As we approached the end of the made a clear distinction between what I consider
second millennium however, three things became to be normative theory in urban design over the
very clear. 30 years period from 1960 to around 1990 or so,
which I will summarize below, and other more
The first was that the ideologies represented in significant theory of urban design and urban form
the collective corpus of work traditionally asso- that addresses urban spatial theory, has been
ciated with modernist urban design had lost elaborated in significant detail in The Form of Cities
much of their explanatory power. Jon Lang’s (Cuthbert, 2006). In order to contextualize the
classic text Urban Design, The American Experience knowledge represented in mainstream urban
(1994), marked in a very real sense, the last design theory, I also suggested an elementary
significant breath of the modernist position. taxonomy of 40 scholars whose work had sig-
nificant influence over mainstream urban design
Second, since that time, that is roughly over the which I have slightly modified and upgraded to
last 10 years, a new era in urban design theory has 40 on the basis of feedback from colleagues over
surfaced, although this remains to be articulated the last few years (see Table 1).
in any empowering manner. Nan Ellin’s book
Postmodern Urbanism (1996) and Ross King’s In addressing mainstream theory, we must briefly
Emancipating Space (1996) represent two memor- look at the functional relationships between
able texts written in the intervening period, the architecture, urban design and urban planning
latter the only one that has a dialectical relation- that configure much traditional thinking about
ship to theory. the significance of each. To facilitate this compar-
ison, a systems view of the three related dis-
Third, the upsurge in things urban in disciplines ciplines, couched in terms of Herbert Simon’s
that had previously been wholly disconnected to irreducible elements of systems referred to in his
the design of cities began to produce a significant book The Sciences of the Artificial (1969) is given in
corpus of work. Urban sociology, economics and Table 2. Like all attempts to create a simple
geography, cultural studies, art history, landscape taxonomy or table of relationships one has to
architecture and other disciplines from anthro- resort to some fairly pragmatic statements.
pology to philosophy were all involved. Overall Nonetheless, clarifying the purpose of each in

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Table 1 Forty classic texts in urban design

1 Chermayeff and Alexander (1960) Community and Privacy
2 Lynch (1960) Image of the City
3 Mumford (1961) The City in History
4 Jacobs (1961) The Death and Life of Great American Cities
5 Cullen (1961) Townscape
6 Halprin (1963) Cities
7 Buchanan (1963) Traffic in Towns
8 Webber (1964) The urban place and the nonplace urban realm
9 Rudofsky (1964) Architecture without Architects
10 Spriergen (1965) Urban Design; Architecture of Towns and Cities.
11 Bacon (1967) The Design of Cities
12 McHarg (1969) Design with Nature
13 Rudofsky (1969) Streets for People
14 Sommer (1969) Personal Space
15 Halprin (1969) The RSVP Cycles
16 Proshansky et al (1970) Environmental Psychology
17 Lynch (1971) Site Planning
18 Newman (1973) Defensible Space
19 Banham (1973) The Architecture of Four Ecologies
20 March and Steadman (1971) The Geometry of Environment
21 Rapoport (1977) Human aspects of Urban Form
22 Venturi et al (1977) Learning from Las Vegas
23 Alexander (1977) The Pattern Language
24 Rowe and Koetter (1979) Collage City
25 Norberg-Schultz (1979) Genius Loci
26 Krier (1979) Urban Space
27 Lynch (1981) A Theory of Good City Form
28 Barnett (1982) An Introduction to Urban Design.
29 Hillier and Hanson (1984) The Social Logic of Space
30 Trancik (1986) Finding Lost Space
31 Alexander (1987) A New Theory of Urban Design
32 Broadbent (1990) Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design
33 Katz (1994) The New Urbanism
34 Lang (1994) Urban Design : The American Experience
35 Hillier (1996) Space is the Machine.
36 Ellin (1996) Postmodern Urbanism
37 Gehl (1987) Life Between Buildings
38 Madanipour (1996) Design of Urban Space
39 Dovey (1999) Framing Places
40 Gosling (2002) The Evolution of American Urban Design

Table 2 A systems view of professional boundaries

Discipline Architecture Urban design Urban planning

1 Structure Statics+human activity Morphology of space and form Government bureaucracy
(history+human activity)

2 Environment 3 dimensional (closed system) 4 dimensional (open system) The political economy of the state

3 Resources Materials+energy+design theory Architecture+Ambient space+Social Systems of legitimation and

theory communication

4 Objectives Social closure/physical protection Social communication and interaction To implement the prevailing
ideology of power

5 Behaviour Design parameters: Artificially Dynamics of urban land markets Dynamics of advanced capitalist
controlled environments societies

relationship to its social function allows a trans- clear that some significant distinctions between
parency of meaning denied to definitions that the three disciplines can be made even at this
conflate each to the other. On this basis it is fairly fairly rudimentary level of analysis.

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Within this arrangement, Architecture is limited technical and functional differences among and
to the design of individual buildings, which are between them, and neither architecture nor urban
conceived primarily in terms of the design planning can make facile assumptions about their
parameters of artificially controlled environ- own ability to expedite urban design strategies as
ments. Importantly, the term ‘artificial’ used in praxis. Within this general paradigm, we can
this context does not connote false, but man- make three kinds of distinction about urban
made. Despite the endless claims by architects design theory for the purposes of the ensuing
that their buildings integrate with nature and discussion.
interact with their environment, and whatever
aesthetic is adopted, buildings, for all practical
First, there have been several courageous
purposes are closed boxes. The essential function
attempts to synthesize the entire field of urban
of architectural components is private and
design: the most notable epitomized in the
defensive, predominantly from the weather and
following four examples:
from other people; hence buildings generally
operate as closed systems with human, electronic
 Rowe and Koetter’s Collage City (1979)
or physical means of surveillance used to mediate
 Gosling and Maitland’s Concepts of Urban
external relations. Urban design on the other
Design (1984)
hand is represented as an open system that
 Roger Trancik’s Finding Lost Space-Theories of
uses individual architectural elements and
Urban Design (1986)
ambient space as its basic vocabulary. Whereas
 Geoffrey Broadbent’s Emerging Concepts in
architecture is predominantly concerned with
Urban Space Design (1990).
social closure and protection, urban design is by
its very nature, focused on social interaction
and communication in the public realm. Urban Second, there are claims to primacy, by which
planning may then be conceived as something I mean some claim to a theory of urban design by
fundamentally different again, as the agent of individuals
the state in controlling the production of land
for the purposes of capital accumulation and  Kevin Lynch’s A Theory of Good City Form, (1981)
social reproduction, in allocating sites for the  Rob Krier’s Urban Space (1979)
collective consumption of social goods such as  Bill Hillier and Julienne Hanson’s The Social
hospitals, schools, religious buildings, and in Logic of Space (1984)
providing space for the production, circulation  Christopher Alexander’s A New Theory of Urban
and eventual consumption of commodities. Design (1987).

While Architecture represents the locus of ex- Third, there has been a significant movement in
change values locked into fixed capital assets, approaches to urban design over the last 10 years.
Urban Design qua the public realm appears as use Overall there have been two major trajectories,
values representing the space of civil society. both practice led. The first is the overall trend
Urban Planning is unique in the sense that it towards sustainability, largely considered the
exists only in the degree to which it is represented arena of architecture until relatively recently. As
as an ideological structure focused on two things, sustainability is by now generic to most profes-
social control and profit. It relies solely on the sional environmental disciplines, its implications
state for its existence and is legitimated through a are not directly related to any specific theory of
complex system of planning law that consolidates urban form, its principles being incorporated as
capitalist social relations in regard to space. As praxis into engineering, architecture, planning,
symbolic art forms and containers of history, none building, landscape and related disciplines. Sec-
of this infers that architecture and urban design ond, the movement called The New Urbanism is a
do not rise above these functional criteria, nor that fast maturing ideology with wide-ranging impli-
urban planning cannot focus on the greater social cations with specific theoretical implications for
good. Clearly it has played a significant role in urban design. As a movement, it may be argued
improving the general well being of labour while that the assumptions and practices of the New
simultaneously guaranteeing superprofits from Urbanism have the potential to overshadow most
land development in return for minimal regula- of the paradigms under consideration (Clarke,
tion. There are however significant philosophical, 2006).

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Attempts at synthesis feebly unsophisticated to allow for any but the

most minor productive results (Rowe and
The four major attempts at synthesis tried in Koetter, 1979)
various ways to generate typologies, even if the
Collage City is fundamentally a critique of urban-
idea of collage does not readily fit the category.
ism defined as the relationship between architec-
Taken together they offer an interesting summary
ture and planning. But the sense of failure that
of theory in urban design since the Second World
permeates the text is both unnecessary and
War. Each book is beautifully produced with a
misplaced. The reason for this is manifest – that
multitude of illustrations, collectively encompass-
architects are not responsible for the failure of the
ing most of the significant major urban projects
up until 1990. It is also telling however, that modern city (if indeed it is failing) and any
without exception, the authors are architects. Each perceived failure emerges from the modernist
arrogance that places architects at the centre of the
is rampantly modernist in his approach. Unsur-
world. Clearly architects are not responsible for
prisingly architectural ideologies dominate. Be-
the production of urban space, which is essen-
cause of this there is endless referencing of the
tially an economic and political process. Even
rationalist and contextualist schools of thought (as
their overall role in manufacturing built form is
well as neo-rationalist and neo-contextualist) –
minimal, given that architects are only involved in
and a continual recycling of the work of major
architects such as Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, some 15% of all construction processes. The idea
Frank Lloyd Wright, Aldo Rossi, Rob Krier and that cities are composed of fragments as in the
French concept of bricolage has exalted claims –
others. In two cases (Rowe and Koetter, 1979
‘together these fragments create a conceptual
and Broadbent, 1990) there is at least the acknow-
framework for our experience of the city as a
ledgement of some theory that exists outside
form of phenomenological cubist collage, in our
the aesthetic and formal aspects of architectural
individual and collective consciousness. Each
fragment was a lived world, the product of
history, which could be inhabited. The differences
Collage City by Rowe and Koetter (1979) is an
between fragments and their inhabitants made for
incredibly erudite piece of prose that derives the diversity and vibrancy of city life’ (Shane,
much of its creative impulse from associations
2000). Whether one could ever examine a phe-
with literature, poetry, painting, and philosophy,
nomenological cubist collage sufficiently to ren-
as well as architecture. While Collage City is on the
der even a bit of it operational is open to question.
one hand, totally committed to architecture as an
In addition, Collage City presents no manifestos,
original reference point, there is also an ingrained
theories, methods or taxonomies that would
pessimism and a deeply held sense of failure
actually assist in building some encompassing
about its accomplishments, an observation which
vision of architecture or urban design, nor is there
can nonetheless be welcomed as a positive any material presented that might support the
contribution. This paradox of celebration and
concepts. Its central thesis that the building of
failure that exists throughout the work is clearly
cities occurs in fragments that assemble into a
expressed at the outset:
collage of parts, each with its own identity, flies in
The city of modern architecture (it may also be the face of most urban geography as to how cities
called the modern city) has not yet been built. grow and change. Also the book has no outcome,
In spite of all the goodwill and the good even the title Collage City and what to do with it
intentions of its protagonists, it has remained remains a mystery. Ultimately the work is both a
either a project or an abortion; and, more and eulogy on modern architecture and a sermon on
more, there no longer appears to be any its demise, conflating in the process, architecture
convincing reason to suppose that matters will with urban design.
ever be otherwise. For the constellation of
attitudes and emotions which are gathered Given the free-floating nature of Collage City,
together under the general notion of modern Gosling and Maitland’s Concepts of Urban Design
architecture and which then overflow, in one (1984) is much more highly structured. In contrast
form or another, into the inseparably related to Gosling’s article discussed above, the book has
field of planning, begin – in the end – to seem much greater intellectual scope and depth. None-
altogether too contradictory, too confused and theless, it maintains the same basic relationship to

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

modern architecture as the source of all inspira- suggest that two predominant processes are at
tion for urban design, and in the very first chapter work, namely analogy and translation. Hence we
there is an immediate reference to urban design find a disparate collection of influences from
being a question of physical scale and of the architecture, mathematics, semiotics, psychology,
imperialist assumptions of architecture beyond anthropology, ecology and other disciplines.
that of the individual building These are rapidly set aside in favour of a retreat
to the Bauhaus at Dessau – (Siegfried Giedion,
We have suggested that urban design is con- Paul Klee, Gyorgy Kepes, Laslo Moholy-Nagy
cerned with the physical form of the public realm and others) – as the initiator of the whole trend
over a limited physical area of the city, and that it towards serial vision. This was to become one of
therefore lies between two well established the most dominant forces in picturesque urban
design scales of architecture, which is concerned design exemplified in the work of, for example,
with the physical form of the private realm of the Philip Thiel, Donald Appleyard, Kevin Lynch,
individual building, and town and regional and Gordon Cullen. Later in chapter four, Gosling
planning, which is concerned with the organisa- and Maitland give eight potential directions for
tion of the public realm in its wider context the future (which is now with us twenty years
(Gosling and Maitland, 1984, p. 9) later) as follows:
The book proposes a tripartite division of theory
 Urban Design as Political Statement
in chapter two into:
 Urban Design as Technique
 Natural Models  Urban Design as Mediation
 Utopian models  Urban Design as Private Display
 Models from the Arts and Sciences.  Urban Design as Public Presence
 Urban Design as Theatre
By natural models the authors basically mean  Urban design as the Guardianship of Urban
feudal or pre-feudal settlement forms that have Standards
grown organically on the basis of location,  Urban Design as Collage.
geography, defence, religion, ownership, natural
disasters, wars, etc, either in toto or in various Despite the popularity of Concepts in Urban
combinations. Utopian models translate into Design, based upon a singular contribution to
several different forms, but in essence refer to the field, the analytical position sketched out in
places that can exist only in the imagination: the appendix is somewhat more enlightening
(Javier Cenicacelaya Marijuan, 1978). Marijuan
So also Campanella, Bacon, Fourier, Le Corbu- suggests a series of approaches to urban design
sier, Wright and Howard all devised their consolidated into three broad groups:
utopian models during periods of either
enforced or voluntary obscurity and isolation  Dependent on a particular politico-cultural
yyywe could add the profound philoso- system
phical objections of Karl Popper to utopianism,  Marxist
namely that it is historicist in nature, unscien-  Utopian
tific, oppressive, unable to learn from its  Capitalist
mistakes, and based upon a number of doubt-
 Related to a variable politico-cultural system
ful propositions, such as ‘the colossal assump-
 Mathematical, economic
tion that we need not question the fundamental
 Descriptive, functionalist
benevolence of the planning Utopian engineer’
(Gosling and Maitland, 1984, p. 32)
Many of the utopias discussed are also included in
an entire book on the subject by C.A. Doxiadis  Not dependent on any politico-cultural system
(1966), who felt compelled to add a few more topias  Perceptual
(places) of his own (dystopia, eftopia, entopia). While Concepts of Urban Design constituted an
heroic attempt to consolidate the diversity of
The third category of models from the arts and urban design practices, it remained seriously
sciences is really a catch all for everything left confused as to how the design of urban form
over from the other two categories. The authors fitted into any larger paradigm in economics,

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

politics, social science, or even a reasonably  Linkage Theory

coherent social theory of architecture. Many of
the examples given in the eight potential direc- Group form
tions for the future are themselves utopian, but Megaform
many of the projects illustrated, both fantasy and Compositional form
reality, are nonetheless brilliantly conceived and
ingenious in their synthesis of complex physical  Place Theory
design problems. The central hiatus is that no
matter how ingenious the examples, they do not Figure ground theory is basically a two-dimen-
add up to a satisfactory explanation of how urban sional concept allied to the idea of Gestahlt where
form comes about. Despite the avalanche of black and white, positive and negative, solid and
creativity displayed in the chosen examples, the void or in Taoist terminology, Yin and Yang, are
work as a whole remains deeply empiricist and formed by opposites that define the other. The
historicist in its message. This is most clearly Gestalt concept has had many applications, and is
demonstrated in the relationship between the probably best known in relation to the psy-
proposed Theories of Urban Design in chapter one, chotherapeutic method developed by Fritz Perls
and the Directions for the Future in chapter four, and his wife Laura in the 1940s, and the Gestalt
where the designated theories bear no relation to theoretical psychology of Hans-Juergen Walter. In
where urban design may be heading. Somehow urban design the figure–ground concept consti-
the future became totally unplugged from devel- tutes the fabric of the city where a harmonious
opment as a continuum, and the seeming detach- ground plan may be arrived at through a balancing
ment of the production of urban form from the of spatial relationships and contexts in order to
reproduction of society remained intact. generate requisite variety within a larger whole.
The classic application of this idea (and also the
Roger Trancik’s Finding Lost Space (1986) comes epitome of contextualist principles) was Gian
two years after Concepts of Urban Design (1984). He Battista Nolli’s 1748 map of Rome. Rowe and
begins with the five causes that he says have Koetter resort to the use of this idea throughout
contributed to the lost space of our cities, spaces Collage City (see, eg, pp.74, 75, 82, 131, 168–171),
that have basically disappeared from the drawing and a special issue of the Architectural Design was
board because of urban dereliction in some form devoted to Nolli’s plan in 1979.
or another. He denotes these as our failure to deal
with the automobile; the Modern movement in So architects have used the concept of Gestahlt for
design; zoning and urban renewal practices of centuries as a method of seeing their designs
urban planning; the denial of responsibility for more clearly. In essence, what it does is reverse
the public realm, and the problem of abandoned the impact of the visual image which usually
land in and adjacent to central business districts delineates buildings over spaces, akin to produ-
in American cities. While this is no doubt true, the cing a negative image of this page, whereby the
arbitrary collection of problems, no matter how letters appear as white shapes, but in fact are
accurate, does not constitute theory in any mean- defined by the black background. In the figure–
ingful sense. Despite this, Trancik’s book makes ground relationship, the spaces tend to predomi-
an invaluable contribution to the process of nate, thus heightening the impact of the public
documenting in some coherent manner, the realm. Trancik defines this situation well in regard
physical manifestation of space in the 20th to Nolli where he says ‘In Nolli’s map the outdoor
century and the designers concern with what he civic space is a positive void and is more figural
refers to as Three Theories of Urban Spatial Design. than the solids that define it. Space is conceived as
He denotes the three theories as: a positive entity in an integrated relationship with
surrounding solids. This is the opposite of the
 Figure Ground Theory
modern concept of space where the buildings are
Grid figural, freestanding objects, and space is an
Radial concentric uncontained void. In Nolli the void is figural’
Angular (Trancik, 1986, p. 98). He then enunciates six typo-
Axial logical patterns of solids and voids (grid, angular,
Curvilinear curvilinear, radial concentric, axial and organic as
Organic a method whereby some more analytical rigour

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

can be obtained. Much of this is a restatement of Lynch, Leon Krier, Hans Hollein, Lucien Kroll,
Camillo Sitte’s writing of 1889 (see also Collins and Donald Appleyard. The book concludes with
and Collins, 1986). four urban case studies that serve as laboratories
for the spatial design theories enunciated above
The second element in his equation is what he (Boston, Washington D.C., Gothenburg, Sweden,
terms linkage theory or: and Byker in Newcastle, England).
the organization of lines that connect the parts
Overall Trancik’s book is interesting and useful
of the city and the design of a spatial datum
with a clear exposition of the ideas through which
from these lines that relate buildings to spaces.
he configures his approach to urban design.
The concept of datum in spatial design is
However, it sustains the normal practice of
analogous to the staff in music, upon which
recycling the concepts and practices of Modern-
notes are composed in an infinite number of
ism, all of which embraced the philosophy of
ways. The musical staff is a constant datum,
physical determinism while paying lip service
providing the composer with continuous lines
now and then to ‘social and other factors’. Despite
of reference. In urban spatial design, the
Trancik’s promotion of three theories of Urban
determinant lines of force on a site provide a
Design in figure ground, linkage, and space
similar kind of datum from which a design is
theory, each fails to rise above a fairly rudimen-
created (Trancik, 1986, p. 106)
tary attempt to justify urban design theory solely
The subgroups identified here are what are in terms of its spatial arrangements. Nor do they
termed Groupform – arising from an incremental constitute theory in any meaningful sense, being
and historical accumulation of urban fabric, largely detached from any larger picture of
usually organically structured on the basis of society, explanations as to how such forms come
roads, pathways or open space armatures. Mega- about, or indeed to any substantial theory within
form is the artificial version of groupform, where the related disciplines of architecture or urban
hierarchic linear frameworks are consciously planning. Figure–ground is not so much a theory
designed and imposed on the landscape. The as an interesting graphic volte-face which allows a
classic version of this design idiom is Candilis, more accessible analysis of the public realm in
Josic and Woods famous project for Toulouse- terms of its spatial organization. There are no
le-Mirail in France, or Kenzo Tange’s unrealized assumptions of any significance that can be made
project for Tokyo Bay. Compositional Form is from figure–ground relationships apart from
derived from functionalist planning methods throwing geometry, form, and structure into
such as those advanced by Ludwig Hilberseimer, higher relief, none of which means anything
Le Corbusier and other modernist architect- without some supporting concepts.
planners, whereby the actual two dimensional
graphic organization of space is implied rather Questions also need to be asked about how
than overt, in other words it plays a secondary particular forms of space are more functionally
role to the architects’ chosen building blocks. suited to specific uses, what psychological or
physiological assumptions can be formed on the
The third category is what Trancik calls Place basis of specific two-dimensional shapes on a
Theory (undefined, not to be confused with Walter plan, or how social meanings might be trans-
Christaller) where he proposes a theory of place mitted and recognized on the basis of Gestalt
derived from its cultural or geographic context; relationships. The same is true of linkage theory
‘For designers to create truly unique contextual and hierarchic structures, which demand similar
places, they must more than superficially explore levels of explanation as to efficiency in use and
the local history, the feelings and needs of the flexibility in organization. Taken together, the first
populace, the traditions of craftsmanship and two theories, figure ground and linkage, are
indigenous materials and the political and eco- useful devices used by designers that have some
nomic realities of the community’ (Trancik, 1986, interesting historical and contemporary referents.
p. 114). There are no subgroups in this section and But in no sense do they constitute ‘theory’ in any
meanings must be inferred in reference to an meaningful way. The last category place theory, is
eclectic grouping of various theorists and practi- almost wholly detached from the first two, and
cing architects, for example, the work of Alison tentatively suggests that ‘cultural and human
and Peter Smithson, Herman Herzberger, Kevin characteristics’ might have some relevance, with-

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

out actually defining what these might be. the functionalist philosophy of modernism, ri-
Modernist architects apart, a few sentences are tually emptying the production of urban form of
devoted to Phenomenology (Martin Heidegger its economic, social, political and symbolic con-
and Christian Norberg-Schulz), followed by re- tent. This is also reflected in the curious fact that
ferences to Ian McHarg, Kevin Lynch, Donald 18 years after the emergence of postmodernism,
Appleyard and Gordon Cullen. While the first there is no mention of it in the index to Broad-
two theories stand as good expositions of design bent’s book, although the distinction is made
techniques, there is no coherence to ‘place theory’, between rationalists and empiricists, and neo-
despite the fact that quite a lot could have been rationalists and neo-empiricists. Despite this criti-
deduced even at that time, from the work of cism, there was a kernel of awareness that
Amos Rapoport (1969, 1977, 1981), Jane Jacobs something important was being ignored. Part
(1961), Oscar Newman (1971, 1973, 1976, 1980), one is a fairly straightforward enunciation of the
Herbert Gans (1962), E.T. Hall (1959, 1969, 1976) historical evolution of urban form emphasizing
and others. the 20th century city. Part three is almost
completely dedicated to an exhaustive presenta-
Geoffrey Broadbent’s book Emerging Concepts in tion of architectural projects up until the time the
Urban Space Design (1990) follows the general book was written. While both parts recycle the
pattern established above, allocating primacy to same historical and contemporary examples, at
architectural rather than social or other concepts. the conclusion of part two, which carries over
So the text is a fairly straightforward rendition of eight pages into chapter three, there is a brief and
ideas, which had already been well expressed, for belated recognition that designers might just
example in the three previous syntheses dis- require some additional theoretical assistance.
cussed above, and in significantly greater detail
by individual scholars who have specialized Under ‘Urban Realities’ Broadbent discusses the
knowledge of the selected material. In a very real work of a few scholars not directly connected to
sense, this was probably the last book on urban modernist orthodoxy – Jane Jacobs, Christopher
design that could perform this task, for two main Alexander, Nicholas Taylor, March and Trace,
reasons. First, because Broadbent’s book is the Peter Cowan, Oscar Newman and Alice Coleman.
best of its kind and does not leave much left to be This collection is a pot-pourri of the scholarship of
said within its chosen paradigm. Second, because the time, a mixture of architects and non-
the entire deterministic construct of modernist architects that were concerned variously with
urbanism has finally been exhausted of its social cohesion, system theory, mathematical
ideological and aesthetic content. The great modelling, environmental psychology, social
planning disasters of modernist architecture housing and other factors. Their work was not
recounted in P. Hall (1982) and Dunleavy (1981) connected in any meaningful way to mainstream
which came to a catastrophic and symbolic finale architectural design, but overall it reflected a
in the dynamiting of the Pruitt-Igoe housing concern with the production of humane environ-
estate in St Louis Missouri, have slowly given ments on the basis of at least some scientific
rise to a new consciousness. In essence, the knowledge grounded in substantial theory. Simi-
architectural imagination has had to realize its larly, section three begins with a discussion of
significant limitations, which were impacted by ideologies. Broadbent offers an extremely brief
new knowledge emerging from other disciplines summary of the work of Marx and Engels,
such as environmental psychology, urban geogra- Charles Baudelaire, and George Simmel, whom
phy and urban sociology. Beyond the design of he considers were instrumental to the intellectual
individual buildings, it started to dawn on many foundation of La Tendenza, probably one of the
architects that a wholly different kind of knowl- most theoretically informed of all movements in
edge is required to understand the modern city modern architecture. Its name derived from its
and the production of urban form, and that the tendency towards an emerging neo-rationalism,
vocabulary of architecture was seriously lacking later manifested most powerfully in the work of
in this respect. Aldo Rossi, although the intellectual powerhouse
behind the movement was Manfredo Tafuri, a
Urban Space Design is therefore symbolic of the historian who became Chairman of the Institute of
end of an era, and it is unlikely that another book History at the School of Architecture in Venice in
of this kind would require to be written. It reflects 1968. Broadbent is dismissive of what he calls

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

‘Lamborghini Marxists’ and ‘bourgeois Marxism’, in ways wholly unrecognized by any synthesis. In
due to a demonstrable ignorance of the develop- addition, research in other areas such as proxe-
ment of Marxist thought since 1887. mics, environmental psychology, architectural
anthropology, and social theory, is nowhere men-
As this is not the place to debate his position in tioned. Here we would have to include many
this respect, reference can be made to a more authors who had a singular focus on the organiza-
sympathetic critique of La Tendenza by Massimo tion and design of urban space such as Sommer
Scolari (in Hays, 2000, p. 124). From La Tendenza, (1969), Hall (1969, 1976), Proshansky et al (1970),
Broadbent then progresses to a detailed study of Perrin (1970), Rapoport (1981), Jameson (1988).
Aldo Rossi and Carlo Aymonimo whose work is
Not only this, but the revolution that was taking
representative of that school of thought. Apart
place in urban social theory throughout the 1980s
from these brief excursions into paradigms not
that we will discuss later, goes wholly unrecog-
directly related to architecture, Urban Space Design
nized. The problem here however, is the danger of
remains firmly rooted to an architectural defini-
throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and
tion of urban space and form, one that is largely
unwittingly consigning modernist architectural
impervious to any external influences. Its basic
urban theory to the scrap heap in its entirety,
philosophy is encapsulated in an insightful
quotation from Massimo Scolari about modern insofar as it provides any substantial explanation
of the urban dimension. This is not my intention.
architecture in general and the debates held
The aesthetics of architecture have an unparal-
within Tendenza in particular
leled place in all societies, and there is nothing so
What clearly emerges from this is first of all, an uplifting to the human spirit as direct contact with
overall critical vision. One realizes that in the an architectural masterpiece such as King’s
university architecture departments – because College Chapel, Cambridge, the chapel at Ronch-
of, on the one hand, the objective marginality of amp or Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim museum in
their institutional and economic role and the Bilbao. Indeed, there are many astounding in-
subsequent lack of development of an explicit sights in the four texts just discussed, and each
demand for research aimed in this direction, has been selected because at the time it was the
and on the other, the cultural backwardness of best available attempt at presenting some coher-
professional arrangements within the disci- ent synthesis of the urban prospect in terms of its
pline – no comprehensively organized and formal arrangements.
systematic work of research has ever been
developed that might fit into the whole as a In the last instance however, not only have these
way of advancing the dispositions of the ideas failed to produce a synthesis, there remains
discipline (Scolari in Hays, 2000, p. 135) a general reluctance to accept that modernist
ideology was on many fronts, a wholesale disaster
This statement could equally apply to urban zone. Not only did it generate an astounding
design today. Overall, what emerges from an array of bad buildings and planning disasters, it
assessment of the four major attempts at synthe- exhibited a serious incapacity to accommodate
sizing urban design theory up until 1990, either the explosion of highly relevant theoretical de-
wholly or partially, is a stunning insistence that bates and discoveries in related fields. Within the
architecture as art, technology or science repre- same period that the above attempts at synthesis
sent the only potential pathways. While each were being set out, four individuals were to stake
author attempts to broaden his position in regard claims to unified theories of urban design in
to the problem with occasional reference to a various areas. Their work in many ways still
favourite philosopher, to associated disciplines represents the core of mainstream urban design
such as landscape architecture or urban planning, theory for many academics and practitioners over
or to some enlightened critics such as Jane Jacobs the last half century, and it is to this contribution
or Alice Coleman, there is an unshakeable we now turn.
commitment to modern architecture and its
adopted ideologies. It is also notable that every
work was written after postmodernism had been Unified theories
officially christened, and that there is a singular
refusal to recognize that epochal changes in the Through the analysis of the work of many
world economy were affecting society and space scholars and practitioners, the above texts all

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

attempt some synthesis of urban design theory Notwithstanding his last book A Theory of Good
with almost exclusive reference to architecture. In City Form (1981) it is arguable that his first two
addition, there have also been four quite clear books The Image of the City (1960) and Site Planning
attempts by individuals to propose theories of (1971) had by far the greatest impact of all his
their own – unified theories. The four theories that writing. Despite this significant influence, his
I refer to are Kevin Lynch’s A Theory of Good City work is extremely difficult to categorize. There
Form, (1981), Rob Krier’s Urban Space (1979), appears to be two main reasons for this. Firstly, he
Christopher Alexander’s A New Theory of Urban chose to discuss a huge range of topics, making
Design (1987), and Bill Hillier and Julienne any overall categorization difficult, covering
Hanson’s Social Logic of Space (1984). Each is everything from horticulture to nuclear war.
fascinating and unique, proposing altogether Secondly, most of his writing is eclectic and self-
different theoretical paradigms for understanding referential, with homage paid to few other
urban design. In addition and without exception, individuals. Even after 30 years of writing, the
each text that embodies the basic argument is both bibliography to A Theory of Good City Form, lists
preceded and succeeded by other important authors using their first names, rendering the
contributions in the form of books, articles and/ entire book somewhat inaccessible. His eclecti-
or empirical research of some kind. We now turn cism is no doubt an outcome of his education.
to the first of these, a person who has an After leaving high school he went to study
enormous following in the professions and whose architecture at Yale, which he gave up after his
work is frequently taken as being synonymous sophomore year to work with the world famous
with the field of urban design. Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin. After 18 months
he became disenchanted with Wright, then stu-
died engineering at Renssellaer Polytechnic
Kevin Lynch Institute for a short time, and soon switched to
studying biology at the same institute, prior to
Kevin Lynch probably shares the laurels with being drafted into the army in 1944. By this time
Christopher Alexander as the most cited scholar Lynch had studied architecture, engineering and
in the field of urban design. Lynch died in 1984 biology over a 4-year period without completing a
and his life work has been edited by Tribid degree. These interests however continued to
Bannerjee and Michael Southworth (1990) into a influence his writing. For example, the biological
massive collection containing his writings and analogy is evident in his two 1958 papers
projects called City Sense and City Design. The Environmental Adaptability and A Theory of Urban
collection is arranged in seven thematic group- Form (with Lloyd Rodwin), two of the best papers
ings dealing with city design – form, experience, he ever wrote. Even his experience in the military
analysis, theory, etc and covers the 30 years of his is reflected in an article published in the year of
professional life from 1954. On the cover credits his death entitled Coming Home: The Urban
Philip Langdon states that ‘Lynch has made the Environment after Nuclear War, where he places
greatest personal impact of any planning teacher himself in the existential position of a survivor of
in the past thirty years; he established the ways in a nuclear holocaust (Bannerjee and Southwarth,
which urban designers examine a city’s physical 1990). Lynch eventually graduated with a
form, and he stimulated two decades of produc- Bachelor of City Planning from MIT in 1947.
tive research in a variety of disciplines’ (my
italics). Ignoring the fact that Langdon conflates In referencing City Sense and City Design it is
planning and urban design, the editors, both extremely difficult to classify his work due to the
former students of Lynch (who in turn was a fact that in the 850 pages of the book there is no
student of the great American architect Frank chronological statement of what he wrote, or the
Lloyd Wright) – state in the introduction that projects he was involved with. There is no Lynch
Lynch ‘was the leading environmental design bibliography that allows the reader to track the
theorist of our time’. Lynch wrote seven books changes in his interests or indeed the develop-
and some 25 articles over the course of his life, ment of his intellect. Similarly, and probably more
and indeed there is no doubt that he had a telling, is the fact that one can range hundreds of
profound influence over several generations of pages through the book without finding a single
environmentalists, architects, planners, urban bibliographic reference or serious discussion of
designers and landscape architects. any substantial theory or theorist. This creates the

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

impression that much of the writing is intuitive had already been accomplished in The Chicago
and anecdotal, pieced together from a variety of School of human ecology, beginning with Robert
interests and experiences, but largely deprived of Park’s seminal statements in 1916, thereafter
any significant theoretical foundation. Little ho- developed by Louis Wirth and Roderick Mackenzie.
mage is paid to anyone. This basic weltanschauung But by 1950, Park’s ecological approach to the city
permeates his opus magnum regarding urban had almost completely expired (Saunders, 1986).
design, namely A Theory of Good City Form, The problem was that Lynch was writing in 1981:
published in 1981. In enunciating his own
The third normative model is much more
approach, Lynch offers what he calls ‘three
recent, even if it is already two centuries old.
normative theories’ which he says have struc-
This is the notion that a city may be thought of
tured city form since time immemorial, namely
as an organism, a notion that came with the rise
the cosmic, the mechanical and the organic:
of biology in the eighteenth and nineteenth
The form of any permanent settlement should centuries. It was one expression of the nine-
be a magical model of the universe and of the teenth century reaction to the stress of indus-
gods. It is a means of linking human beings to trialization, gigantic new cities, and the
those vast forces and a way of stabilizing the unprecedented leaps in technology. The force
order and harmony of the cosmos. Human life of this current persists, as evidenced in the
is thereby given a secure and permanent place; spreading political influence of the idea of
the universe continues its proper sacred mo- ecology, or in the academic struggles over
tions. The gods are upheld, chaos is kept off, subsuming human culture into the new field
and, not incidentally, the structure of human of sociobiology (Lynch, 1981, p. 89)
power – of kings and priests and nobility – is
He cites few examples of this model, but refers to
maintained (Lynch, 1981, p. 73)
Tapiola (Finland), Hampstead Garden Suburb,
Lynch cites India (Madurai) and China (Beijing) and Greenbelt, Maryland as prototypical (all the
as the two best-developed branches of ‘cosmic product of artifice and as far from the organic as
theory’ (curiously, Beijing had become singularly one can get).
non-cosmic and atheist with a large museum at its
core). Lynch describes his mechanical model (a A catalogue of models of settlement form in
favourite of many architects from Saint’ Elia and Appendix D reinforces these three basic norma-
Le Corbusier to Archigram and beyond) as tive theories. All three theories suffer to a greater
follows: or lesser degree from a combination of essentialist
thinking with modelling. Any form of modelling
Thinking of the city as a practical machine, on
is a negotiation between the model and reality (in
the other hand is an entirely different concep-
Sayer, 1976), the relevance of urban modelling is
tion. A machine also has permanent parts, but
systematically demolished). The flaw throughout
those parts move and move each other. The
is that rather than starting with how cities actually
whole machine can change, although it does so
grow and function, some dominant feature of
in some clearly predictable way, as by moving
cities is adopted, suppressing all other features to
along some predetermined track. The stability
this single concept. The idea that any contempor-
is inherent in the parts, but not in the whole-
ary settlement should correspond to a ‘magical
y.The machine model is not simply the
model of the universe’ is quite absurd and does
application of a grid layout, but rather a
not warrant discussion. Similarly the concept of
characteristic view about parts and wholes
the city as a molar machine is also ridiculous. The
and their function (Lynch, 1981, pp. 81–83)
mechanical model has more currency but still
Despite this qualification, most of the examples collapses round the analogy that cities are
given have gridiron frameworks (Greek machines and can therefore be treated function-
Colonial towns, Roman military camps, towns ally, objectively and in accordance with simple
created under The Law of the Indies, New York and predictable laws. People do not enter into the
City, etc). equation. Definitive urban processes such as
urban politics are simply ignored. The organic
Finally, Lynch offers the biological model, where model probably arose from Frank Lloyd Wright’s
human life, consciousness and action, is conflated influence over Lynch when he was a student,
to that of the plant and animal kingdoms. This Wright being the father of ‘Organic Architecture’.

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Here Lynch falls into the standard trap of many also in his comment that ‘It is a peculiar fact that
architects, planners and urban designers in two much of the literature on the theory of city form is
ways. First, in adopting the idea that a city is outstanding for its stupefying dullness’. It is also
merely a somewhat larger building, and second, quite possible that the dullness that Lynch refers
in assuming that buildings and cities can be to, just might result from a theory of good city
compared by analogy in some significant manner form being normatively generated in the absence
to the natural world, as in the architecture of of some profound links to ‘how cities came to be
Wright, the writing of Lewis Mumford, and the and how they function’ (Lynch, 1981, p. 342).
research of The Chicago School of Human
Ecology. Somehow Lynch missed out on the most
overwhelming model of all, that cities are the Rob Krier: Urban space
stage where the class struggles of capitalism are
played out. Rob and Leon Krier, both brothers and architects
alike, are two of the most popular of the European
Origins apart, Lynch’s ‘theory’ is founded at two Avant-Garde in contemporary architectural theo-
levels. First, there are the characteristics on which ry. While they share a similar intellectual focus,
the performance dimensions of any city should be Rob Krier is older and more utopian than his
established – ‘The characteristics should be as brother Leon. Also his written work is more
general as possible, while retaining their explicit prolific and politically left of centre (Krier, 1978;
connection to particular features of form’ (Lynch, Krier and Culot, 1979). But here we are concerned
1981, p. 113). Second, he states the six basic with a single work by Rob Krier first published in
elements of his system as follows: the original German under the title of Stadtraum in
1975, followed by the English version in 1979.
1. Vitality While Krier makes no claim to a new theory of
2. Sense urban design, his book was quite revolutionary
3. Fit when it appeared, offering urban designers a
4. Access complete interpretation of urban form in actual
5. Control graphic examples. The book’s subtitle Typological
6. Efficiency and Justice. and Morphological Elements of the Concept of Urban
Space indicates his contained approach to urban
Each of these dimensions has some secondary design theory, and this is laudable. Krier’s
breakdown or subsidiary classification, for exam- hypothesis is that all forms of urban space are
ple of ‘Control’ into five subgroups – the right of already in existence and therefore no new forms
presence, the right of use and action, the right of can be created. Over the passage of historical
appropriation, the right of modification and the time, every physical relationship between form
right of disposition. Each of these is explained in and space has been worked out, possibly thou-
detail both relationally and how they would be sands of times over in some cases. The assump-
applied in practice. There is probably no single tion we can glean from this statement is that we
grouping of elements in urban design that has must pay our respects to history for providing us
had a greater impact on the consciousness of with the essential vocabularies we need to
urban designers than these six. construct meaningful urban spaces for the fore-
seeable future. Krier states his intention simply
Lynch’s theory of urban form then unfolds on the and directly ‘It is not my intention here to
basis of an extended explanation of what he generate a new definition (of urban space), but
means by each of these terms and how they are rather to bring its original meaning back into
deployed in analysis. For example, he says of ‘Fit’ currency’ (Krier, 1979, p. 2).
that ‘Simple quantitative adequacy is the elemen-
tary aspect of fit. Is there enough housing of Stadtraum constitutes the most complete state-
standard quality? A sufficiency of playgrounds? ment of urban space typology that we have to
Room enough for the factories that will be built?’ date, and it simultaneously offers a theory of
(Lynch, 1981, p. 153). The limitations of the theory urban form that is more both limited and unified
are anticipated by Lynch himself when he notes than that of Lynch and Alexander, but without the
the lack of a complementary theory on how cities claims to prominence. Despite Krier’s politics, his
came to be and how they function, and perhaps approach is highly functional, trying to clarify the

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

concept of urban space independent to aesthetic priate urban forms to fit any specific site, without
criteria, and therefore arguably from all applied agonizing over symbolism. Despite his funda-
meaning. One might question why this seems a mentalist approach, it is difficult to be so absolute
reasonable thing to do, since depriving anything about the designer’s role. After all, the designer is
of meaning would appear to render it catatonic – a social product as well, and embodies a
incapable of expressing anything at all. Krier constellation of meanings that drive their actions.
makes his case as follows: Krier is clearly ambiguous about this when he
says – ‘It is certainly worth trying to establish why
If we wish to clarify the concept of urban
certain kinds of urban space were created in the
space without imposing aesthetic criteria, we
17th century which we now identify with that
are compelled to designate all types of space
period. And it would be even more interesting to
between buildings in towns and other localities
examine the real reasons why 20th century town
as urban spacey.Every aesthetic analysis runs
planning has been impoverished and reduced to
the risk of foundering on subjective questions
the lowest common denominator’ (Krier, 1979,
of taste. As I have been able to observe from
p. 10, see also Shane, 1976).
numerous discussions on this topic, visual and
sensory habits, which vary from one individual
to the next, are augmented by a vast number of As an urban design theorist, Krier therefore
socio-political and cultural attitudes, which are denies the simple classification of rational/con-
taken to represent aesthetic truthsy.However textual by simultaneously occupying both camps
my observations indicate that they are almost at once. On the one hand he argues for a historical
always identified with the social structure and contextual urbanism, criticizing Le Corbu-
prevailing at the time in question (Krier, 1979, sier’s ‘confused historical sense’, yet at the same
pp. 2–3). time he adopts a wholly functionalist stance to his
analysis of urban form. The advantage that Krier
Krier’s argument is that we must ab initio seek a has over both Lynch and Alexander is that he is a
social foundation for urban form, for the simple practicing architect of significant international
reason that while historically derived urban forms reputation and has managed to apply his own
may be defined and used rationally as a vocabu- theoretical concepts in major projects across
lary, their meanings are wholly contextual. The Europe (Amiens, Luxembourg, Berlin, Amster-
implication behind this is that meanings are not dam, The Hague, etc). Curiously, and on the one
given to buildings and spaces by designers, but hand, while his theory of urban form is much
are semanticized by populations. Since meanings more limited than that of Lynch or Alexander, on
are historically and socially reproduced, one the other, it is founded on a much deeper
would have to think in significant depth as to understanding of how society actually functions
the correctness of borrowing any urban form using many of the concepts of political economy
along with its historically designated meanings. as intellectual sources. To this extent his ideas, like
This situation was brought home to me quite those of Rem Koolhaas, are seriously driven by
vividly in 1984 on a visit to Shanghai while concepts which lie outside his immediate focus of
walking with a Chinese friend on the Bundt. On attention, and represent one of the most sophis-
the other side of the road I saw an exquisite ticated attempts to combine the social with the
building designed in the Classical Greek style, physical.
and asked what the banner meant that was
hanging outside it – the banner read ‘The Head-
quarters of the Communist Party of the People’s Bill Hillier and Julienne Hanson
Republic of China’. After a long analysis of
the symbolism of the façade and the functions Bill Hillier, former Professor of Architecture at the
that were going on behind it, I decided rather Bartlett College, London University, is probably
reluctantly that they were not altogether inap- the least known and cited of the four individuals
propriate. theorists under discussion, for the simple reason
that his work is extremely difficult to understand,
But in separating form from meaning in Stad- much of it buried in mathematical concepts and
traum, Rob Krier emphasizes that the real task of formulae. On the other hand, it constitutes one of
the urban designer, having been handed the the most erudite and scholarly expositions of
vocabulary of form, is to select the most appro- urban spatial theory. In his first major book Space

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Syntax (with A. Leaman, 1976), a basic framework there is a definite link between Hillier and
of ideas is sketched out. The concepts are further Alexander, and also to the idea of urban patterns
elaborated with Julienne Hanson in The Social as fractals (Batty and Longley, 1994; Batty and Xie,
Logic of Space (1984), which concludes with notes 1996), and to the Theory of the Urban Web
towards a general theory of social space. These (Salingaros, 1998).
ideas are also condensed in a fine article called
The Architecture of the Urban Object (1989), and are Hillier’s concerns begin and end with architec-
pursued in significantly greater depth in Space is ture, which he views as the only discipline that
the Machine – A Configurational Theory of Architec- has the capacity to take account of the underlying
ture (1996). It is also notable that in the massive morphological structures in the relationship be-
800 page Architecture Theory Since 1968 (Hays, tween society and space. Hillier and Hanson
2000), Hillier’s work goes unmentioned, indicat- maintain that the reason why the socio-spatial
ing that at least one editor does not consider his integration remains problematic is because of the
work part of the last thirty five years of theory in missing link between the domain of society and
architecture, despite his three books and numer- the purely physical nature of urban space,
ous articles on the subject. This is unsurprising, between the social element in the physical and
since the word social is anathema to most the physical element in the social. The objectives
architects. Hillier’s work is in many respects of the syntax model are noted as follows:
remote from specific disciplinary boundaries,
and is not easily confined to academically or  To find the irreducible objects and relations or
professionally defined territories. ‘elementary structures’ of the system of interest
– in this case, human spatial organization in all
However, as Hillier and Hansen state in the of its variability.
preface to The Social Logic of Space, ‘The book is  To represent these elementary structures in
thus a statement of a new theory, and a sketch of some kind of notion or ideography, in order to
new methods of spatial analysis’ pointing out that escape from the difficulty of always having
further case studies are necessary which would to use cumbersome verbal constructs for sets of
include ‘the social logic of settlements, the social ideas which are used repeatedly.
logic of housing, and the social logic of complex  To show how elementary structures are related
buildings’ (Hillier and Hanson, 1984, p. xi). In to each other to make a coherent system.
greater detail, they suggest that what might  To show how they may be combined together to
appear to be associated fields of research such form more complex structures (Hillier and
as Alexander’s Pattern Language (above) actually Hanson, 1984, p. 52).
have limited relevance to their notion of funda-
mental syntactic generators.
The proposed theory is purely descriptive
Alexander’s notion of a pattern is too bound to (as opposed to analytical, methodological, pre-
the contingent properties of the configurations dictive, etc), and builds a relational conceptual
to be useful for us; while at a more abstract model of pattern types, thereafter.
level, his preoccupation with hierarchic forms
of spatial arrangements (surprising in view of
‘The argument then turns to society, and extends
his earlier attack on hierarchical thinking in a
the same morphological argument into the do-
City is not a tree (1965) – would hinder the
main of social relations, by considering them as
formation of non-hierarchical, abstract notions
restrictions to random encounter patterns. From
of spatial relations, which in our view, are
this naı̈ve spatial view of society, a theory is
essential to giving a proper account of spatial
developed of how and why different forms of
organization (Hillier and Hanson, 1984, p. xi)
social reproduction require and find embodiment
Curiously, Hillier does not mention Alexander’s in a different type of social order’ (Hillier and
analysis of an Indian village in the last chapter of Hanson, 1984, p. xi). Hillier and Hanson’s
A Synthesis of Form, which appears to bear a approach to urban space is heavily influenced
singular resemblance to Hillier’s analysis of the overall by general systems theory and mathe-
Tallensi people of Northern Ghana and the matics. Mathematical models result in computer-
Ndembu of Northern Zambia (Hillier and generated images, many of which are art works in
Hanson, 1984, Chapter 8). In spite of the denial, themselves.

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

The concept of syntactic structures which is Giddens notes that he does not wish to adopt the
heavily accessed, is derived from Noam Choms- odd mixture of nominalism and rationalism
ky’s book of the same name (Chomsky, 1957, advocated by Levi-Strauss, he argues that
1975), and despite their criticism of Alexander’s although structure has a virtual existence as
obsession with hierarchic systems, there is a instantiations or moments, that ‘this is not the
similar concern running throughout the text. The same as identifying structure merely with models
book is riddled with highly complex mathema- invented by sociologists or anthropological ob-
tical, computer and other jargon such as geno- servers’ (Giddens, 1979, p. 63).
types, phenotypes, morphic languages, cluster
syntax, clump processes, bi-polar systems, gam- The models are in effect, the perfect counterpart
ma analysis, etc, where ‘the principle axiom for to those in neo-classical economics, where models
the whole syntax theory of space is that spatial work because all of the parameters which might
organization is a function of the form of social otherwise impinge on the purity of the abstraction
solidarity, and different forms of social solidarity are left out of the equation, and socialized
are themselves built on the foundations of a production does not take place. While Hillier
society as both a spatial and a transpatial system’ and Hanson accord great significance to philoso-
(Hillier and Hanson, 1984, p. 142). Also Hillier phy and social science, the adopted models are
and Hanson’s approach is unavowedly structur- sanitized of any social content, where their
alist, making it in principle, singularly indifferent mechanical and functionalist nature reduces
to any human qualities at all (Boudon, 1968; individuals to the atoms of Newtonian mechanics.
Piaget, 1971; Robey, 1973; Levi-Strauss, 1978). In addition, structuralism as a basic philosophical
platform went out of fashion at least 30 years ago,
Overall, across the three books in which he has and the kind of modelling of human behaviour
been involved, Hillier has made a unique con- based on mathematical and other formulae has
tribution to our understanding of urban space been subject to considerable and extended criti-
based on substantial theory (mathematics) and in cism over decades.
generating his own unique vocabulary to support
his ideas. Within the limits he has set himself, his the discovery that a model is free from
project is a tour de force in logical thinking. The mathematical errors says nothing about
parameters he sets out are so clear that in many whether it is applicable in the real worldyy.
ways the ‘social logic of space’ presented, is a A further example of this kind of resonance is
perfect match for the established criteria. None- evident in the tendency of users of mathema-
theless, the kind of thinking necessary to the tical models of social phenomena to reify
model is rooted to a specific paradigm that is human practice by interpreting it as mechan-
asocial, apolitical, and devoid of any basis in ical and regular, rather than always contingent
economics or ideology. It is an exercise in and liable to transformation (Sayer, 1984,
abstraction based on a model of human relations pp. 158, 181)
that are so removed from the social that its In addition, all of the studies are confined to
usefulness in any sphere of human development patterns, that is, to two dimensions, whereas
must be seriously questioned. Despite the exten- urban design is always modulated in the third
sive content of much of his work, people are and fourth dimensions, where transformation
reduced to atoms moving about in urban space, over time is highly significant. The models are
and with about as much character. Space syntax also deprived of meaning, which Castells has
becomes a social technology with potentially indicated should be the central concern of urban
Benthamite and Orwellian implications for sur- design.
veillance and social control. Not only this, but the
heavy emphasis on structuralism, general systems
theory, computer modelling and mathematics Christopher Alexander
leaves the model wide open to many levels of
quite serious criticism. For example, the structur- Arguably, Christopher Alexander and Kevin
alist model assigns primacy to structures, without Lynch share the laurels for the most influential
an appropriate consideration of what Anthony and popular urban design theorists since the early
Giddens refers to as agency in his Central Problems 1960s, and both have had a huge impact on
in Social Theory (Giddens, 1979, Chapter 2). While mainstream urban design theory. Interestingly,

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

neither has a first degree in architecture. Alex- Plato’s Phaedrus; ‘First, the taking in of scattered
ander and Lynch graduated in mathematics (MA particulars under one idea, so that everyone
Cambridge), and Urban Planning respectively, understands what is being talked abouty.
with Alexander currently Professor Emeritus at Second, the separation of the idea into parts, by
the University of California at Berkeley (Faculty dividing it at the joints, as nature directs, not
of Architecture). Alexander’s (2003a–d) publica- breaking any limb in half as a bad carver might’.
tions have been prolific, from Notes on a Synthesis Alexander notes the reluctance of designers in
of Form, his first book published in 1964, to his general to recognize the limitations of their own
current four-volume opus magnum 40 years later intuition and the fetishization that occurs when
in 2003, The Nature of Order, a work of 2150 pages they refuse to recognize the need to qualify
which few can afford to purchase. intuition with rationality, an attitude that imbues
most mainstream theory. He draws the important
The reviews for this work (published on his own distinction, one upon which he has built his
website) are quite extraordinary and wholly reputation, between what he terms the self-
unbelievable on the basis of his past perfor- conscious and the unselfconscious design process.
mances, for example ‘It may prove to be one of The former is the product of the individual artist
the most consequential works Oxford has pub- or designer, while the latter is tied to the
lished in all of its 500 years’ and ‘having produced traditional relationship between nature and cul-
the first credible proof of the existence of God’ or ture. Despite his comment on rationality, he says
‘I don’t expect that many of the people I talk to in of the self-conscious process that:
these pages will be known in the year 2500.
‘There is no legitimate sense in which deduc-
Christopher Alexander may be an exception’.
tive logic can prescribe physical form for us’,
Such accolades are quite surreal. Rather than
and in greater detail; ‘A man who sets out to
encourage the book’s purchase, they tend to make
achieve this adaptation in a single leap is not
one question the sanity of the reviewers, and by
unlike the child who shakes his glass-topped
association the content of the work in question.
puzzle fretfully, expecting at one shake to
The remainder of Alexander’s work has usually
arrange the bits inside correctly. The designer’s
been published in cooperation with other partici-
attempt is hardly random as the child’s is; but
pants, arguably the most important of these being
the difficulties are the same. His chances of
The Pattern Language published in 1977 with co-
success are small because the number of factors
authors Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein,
which must fall simultaneously into place is
volume two in a sequence of publications dealing
so enormous’ (Alexander, 1964, pp. 8, 59, my
with Alexander’s position vis-à-vis the production
of urban form. The text I will focus on here, called
A New Theory of Urban Design (1987) is volume six Alexander argues that whereas the self-conscious
in the same sequence. Since Alexander has process is inherently fallible, the unselfconscious
concerned himself throughout his life with a few process is homeostatic. Not only is it capable of
key themes, it is impossible to discuss A New generating the correct form but also of adaptation
Theory in isolation, so a very brief statement of to future change. This basic idea has been at the
these ideas is necessary. For those wishing to heart of Alexander’s work since 1964 – the
pursue his entire lifework in greater depth, he has tendency of the unselfconscious process towards
his own website at homeostasis and equilibrium in the course of
evolutionary development, and therefore the
Originally, Alexander’s approach to design was correct basis upon which to design the component
significantly influenced by the discipline of elements of our environment. Intellectually, this
mathematics, particularly hierarchy and set theo- position is quite courageous, since it places
ry. His Notes on the Synthesis of Form (1964) Alexander fairly and squarely against architectur-
remains to many scholars, one of the classic al design, not merely in terms of a single style or
statements of design principles, culminating in tradition, but modern architecture in its entirety,
the analysis of an Indian village of six hundred the total package; ‘with the invention of a
people. Even at this time, Alexander’s concern teachable discipline called ‘‘Architecture’’, the
with patterns, relationships and structure as the old process of making form was adulterated and
basis for design is quite apparent. The frontispiece its chances of success destroyed’ (1964, p. 58). Not
to Notes is also instructive, a quotation from only this but Alexander also rejects modern

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

planning methods on the same basis, since self- In between, the remaining 251 patterns specify a
conscious master plans are no less self-conscious myriad of activities and situations from
than individual architectural designs, and there- agricultural valleys to density rings, night life,
fore equally prone to failure. While these remarks birth places, grave sites, parking lots, hierarchy
were written 39 years ago, they may not be of open space, six foot balcony, tree places,
representative of his position today. On the other dressing rooms and a myriad of building details.
hand, this seems unlikely, since a single glance at Each pattern is set out in the same manner,
his entire oevre indicates that it is infused with the first, a picture or diagram of the pattern, second, a
same basic philosophy, minus the heavy reliance brief account of the problem with the rationale
on mathematical modelling that was exhibited in for the pattern, and third, a statement of
his early work. what is required with suggested links to other
patterns. All patterns are interrelated. Patterns
This basic principle of unselfconscious design first can begin anywhere, at any time, are seen to be
expressed in 1964 has been elaborated in a series dynamic and evolving, and ‘if you like, each
of works up until the present time. It was next pattern may be looked upon as a hypothesis
developed in what is arguably his most influential like one of the hypotheses of science. In this
work, an article called A City is Not a Tree sense, each pattern represents our current best
(1965: republished in Bell and Tyranhitt, 1972), in guess as to what arrangement of the physical
an interesting unpublished article with Barry environment will work to solve the problem
Poyner called The Atoms of Environmental presentedy.and are therefore all tentative, all
Structure (1965), and in one published the follow- free to evolve under the impact of new experience
ing year – The City as a Mechanism for Sustaining and observation’ (Alexander, 1977). The patterns
Human Contact (1966). By 1977 Alexander had are a maturing of Alexander’s original termino-
fully developed his concept of designing from logy The Atoms of Environmental Structure. In
patterns in A Pattern Language – Towns, Buildings essence, the patterns remain precisely that, a
Construction, a text described by Tony Ward as conception of elementary particles outside of
‘The most important book on architectural design any governing theory.
published this century’ (1979, p. 17). Whether one
agrees with this assessment or not, I would What A New Theory of Urban Design does, is move
speculate that A Pattern Language must accept one or two steps beyond the pattern language by
the laurels for being the largest selling book synthesizing seven basic rules and a single
on urban design ever written. Another of his principle that underwrite the theory in its entirety.
books The Timeless Way of Building that was However, the idea that each pattern is analogous
supposed to have been published before A Pattern to a hypothesis of science requires a singular leap
Language and establish the context, was actually of the imagination. Somewhat paradoxically, A
published 2 years later in 1979. By 1987 Alexander New Theory reverts back to two basic principles of
and three associates (Hajo Neis, Artemis General Systems Theory (GST), that of wholeness
Anninou and Ingrid King), were able to state; and self-regulation (Bertalanffy, 1968; McLoughlin,
‘We realized that what we had was, quite simply, 1970). During the evolution of the Pattern
a new theory of urban design’ (Alexander, 1987). Language, Alexander states that he became aware
Whether this was true or not remains to be of a deeper level of structure lying behind the
explored. patterns:

This claim to theory was built in three steps. The At this level of structure it was possible to
Timeless Way of Building established the basic define a small number of geometric properties
ideology of planning and building that was in which seemed to be responsible for wholeness
essence a formalization of pre-capitalist, pre- in space. Even more remarkable, it was
commodified (unselfconscious) architecture that possible to define a single process, loosely then
reflected age-old traditions across the planet. The called ‘the centering process’, which was
Pattern Language (a tome of some 1200 pages) – capable of producing this wholeness (with its
then established a language for planning and fifteen or so geometric properties), at any scale
building in 253 templates or patterns from at all, irrespective of the particular functional
independent regions (pattern 1), to how to select order required by the particularities of a given
pictures for your bedroom wall (pattern 253). scale (Alexander, 1987, pp. 4–5)

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Unfortunately, the statement of the new theory 7. Every whole must be a ‘centre’ in itself,
was somewhat premature, and in the introduction and must also produce a system of wholes
there is an additional comment that ‘so far the around it.
theory of these spatial properties and of the
centring process remains unpublished (it will
appear in a later volume in this series, The Nature The new theory was tested in relation to a site of
of Order’ (Alexander, 1987, p. 5)). Twenty years 30 hectares on the San Francisco waterfront
later we await the revelation of the centring through a simulation process of gaming or
process, although reading between the lines, it growing the site over a 5-year period. A graduate
must directly impinge or otherwise define the class of 18 students played the game from UC
concept of wholeness. This is indicated by the Berkeley, and on this basis the authors declared
statement of a single overriding rule ‘Every that the experiment was a success and that the
increment of construction must be made in such theory was therefore vindicated (a far more
a way as to heal the cityy.most simply put, every sophisticated simulation was carried out by Frank
new act of construction has just one basic Hendricks at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo for many
obligation: it must create a continuous structure years without any claims to new theory). Those
of wholes around itself’ (1987, p. 22). The ‘healing’ interested will have to undertake a detailed
depends on the construction method. While this reading of the book to assess the author’s claims
missing element remains absent, at least the to ‘A New Theory’, but certain observations need
seven basic rules, which delineate wholeness, to be made here in order to place this theory
were stated from pages 32 to 99 in the text as alongside the other three, and to come to some
follows: general conclusions.

1. This rule establishes the piecemeal character of As a qualification of Alexander’s work in advance
growth as a necessary precondition of whole- of some fairly serious criticism of this ‘theory’, let
nessy. and furthermore, that the idea of me say at the outset that there is no question as to
piecemeal growth be specified exactly enough Alexander’s brilliance and the contributions he
so that we can guarantee a mixed flow of small, has made to urban design. Considering only one
medium and large projects in equal quantities. of his books, A Synthesis of Form was a revelation,
2. Every building increment must help to form at an exercise in clarity and logical thinking, and on
least one larger whole in the city, which is both this first book alone, Alexander staked a claim to
larger and more significant than itself. Every- originality and leadership. His writing to date has
one managing a project must clearly identify an elegance and simplicity that is rare, and his
which of the larger emerging wholes this scholarship is grounded in considerable theore-
project is trying to help, and how it will help tical knowledge in mathematics, philosophy,
to generate them. social science, psychology and related disciplines,
3. Every project must first be experienced, and much of this muted and hidden in his writing, but
then expressed, as a vision, which can be seen more apparent in some of his unpublished
in the inner eye (literally). It must have this papers. Not only this but he has always had the
quality so strongly that it can also be commu- courage to challenge orthodoxy in all of its forms,
nicated to others, and felt by others, as a vision. and examples of this have been given above in
4. Every building must create coherent and well- relationship to the architectural and planning
shaped public space next to it. professions. Challenging prevailing norms is a
5. The entrances, the main circulation, the main required part of critical thinking in any arena, and
division of the building into parts, its interior Alexander has done more than his share in this
open spaces, its daylight and the movement regard. However it is tragic that such a challenge
within the building, are all coherent and to prevailing authority was not based on some-
consistent with the position of the building in thing other than a general return to a medieval
the street and in the neighbourhood. past, and an unnecessary revisiting of the bio-
6. The structure of every building must generate logical analogy and the ‘healing’ process.
smaller wholes in the physical fabric of the
building, in its structural bays, columns, walls, Beginning with The Pattern Language however,
windows, building base, etc – in short, in its Alexander’s projects have become increasingly
entire physical construction and appearance. utopian where the process of centering not only

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

implies certain assumptions about physical space,  Invention of forms replaces conventions of
it demands that society should be reinvented as form.
well, so that the correct moral attitude will prevail  Instruction of the builder in how to build
for building the new age. This attitude was replaces dependence on craft conventions.
pointed out at length in three reviews of The
Pattern Language, which were written for the Rabeneck points out that in the process of trying
Journal of Architectural Design (Buchanan, 1979; to humanize and de-brutalize our urban environ-
Rabeneck, 1979; Ward, 1979). Ward comments on ments, and to obviate some of the worst con-
the fact that anyone with Alexander’s views sequences of this process of social change;
cannot remain a professional and simultaneously ‘Alexander and his colleagues have created a
act as a medium for social change because totalitarian moral framework into which their
professions de facto are in the business of prescriptions slot so neatlyyyBut today with
preventing such change from occurring. He goes close regulation of the economy and freedom of
on to point out the dilemma in Alexander’s individual morality, a positive initiative like the
thinking that ‘if the changes implied in the book pattern language stands little chanceyit is a
were to be realized, it would imply nothing short treasure trove of esoteric evidence brought to
of a total inversion of the current power structure the support of firmly held personal prejudices’
over the environment’ (Ward, 1979, p. 17). One of (Rabeneck, 1979, p. 20). Although Ward and
the major problems with the patterns is their Rabeneck are critical of The Pattern Language as a
claims to be archetypes, and of having cross- total package, Buchanan goes even further when
cultural application, which is clearly not the case. he says:
I myself have lived in many places round the The reasons for the neglect of Alexander’s
world and it is an arrogance that the concept of pattern language are obvious. Though it pur-
Jungian archetypes can be applied universally to ports to be a working tool outlining a process
support his thesis. Nothing is further from the to a better environment, it is hopelessly
truth. Like much of the logic in the books from impractical. It ignores and cannot even accom-
that point, ideologies, principles and practices are modate such basic constraints as planning
presented as true, yet constantly in a state of flux, controls and building regulations. There is no
modifications being the responsibility of the word on finance; and modern tools, materials
users. On the basis that everything in this and conveniences are shunned. The world it
Weltanschauung is adaptable, much substantial implies is paradoxically both too primitive and
criticism can be evaded – its all up to environment too utopian. It smacks of a shaggy; idealistic
and evolution. and unsustainable hippiedom (Buchanan,
1979, p. 21)
Andrew Rabeneck disagrees strongly with
Alexander and his colleagues entire approach, Because there has been a pursuit of the same basic
that is, one which more or less writes off the ideals and principles in Alexander’s work since A
design process as we know it, since it does not Timeless Way of Building the same kinds of
generate the desired medieval qualities in urban criticism apply to A New Theory of Urban Design.
form. He points out that the traditional design Indeed, much of the criticism contained in the
process has developed many strategies over the above comments is freely admitted in the self-
years to minimize risk and reduce uncertainty. He evaluation by the participants ‘All in all then, the
cites three basic methods. First, mimesis or imitat- unity of the project is not quite as deep as we had
ing past forms, second, the idea of rule systems hoped. There is a partial unity. But the profound
such as those used to generate requisite variety in simplicity and unity which was often achieved in
classical buildings, and third, the strategy of old towns has not yet been achieved herey.for
explicit prediction in regard to the generation example in our experiment, there was a tacit
of urban form. He argues that as a consequence of agreement among students and teachers, that we
rapid social and technological change, three major were trying to get a large scale order out of
changes have happened to the act of designing nothing’ (Alexander, 1987, p. 235). The denial of
(Rabeneck, 1979, p. 19). reality noted by Ward and Rabeneck, which
permeated the Pattern Language, also under-
 Analysis of needs replaces accepted conven- writes the claimed success of the new theory
tions of need. which ‘depends on the fact that we intentionally

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

ignored present rules of urban planning, zoning, urban design theory. In a paper with major
urban administration, financing and economics implications for urban design education, Anne
yy.But of course, in order for the theory to Vernez-Moudon has made the most comprehen-
succeed, these problems must ultimately be dealt sive statement to date about the relationship
with’ (Alexander, 1987, p. 240). between Urban Design theory and the education
of urban designers. Her paper A Catholic Approach
A New Theory of Urban Design can therefore safely to Organizing What Urban Designers Should Know
be written out of the history books and nothing (1992) is a classic of its kind, and remains
can really come of it. In fact, it does not advance mandatory reading for anyone wishing to under-
much beyond the idealistic and utopian student stand the foundation for mainstream Urban
project that set the groundwork. Unlike A Synth- Design theory. At the time it was published, it
esis of Form, which was scientific, sourced sub- provided a precise summary of the end of an era,
stantial theory and was significantly referenced, A and the commencement of significant confusion
New Theory has exalted claims to fame. Based as to where urban design was heading. While no
upon a single simulation exercise, a technique new texts have emerged that either attempt a
popular in planning schools in the mid-1970s – synthesis or propose a new theory, there have
the results are commensurate with that technique. been several articles that question mainstream
The book has neither footnotes, endnotes, an concepts. Most have been either published or
index nor a bibliography and is totally self- discussed in the Journal of Urban Design that
referential. So most of its claims have to be focuses specifically on extended articles about key
accepted on the basis of an evangelistic and urban design issues. In order to get some
undiluted faith that its authors have got it right. perspective on current trends in the field, I
They may argue that all of the theoretical analysed all of the published works since the
arguments had already been expressed in pre- inception of the journal in February 1996. Exclud-
vious work (which of course they had not), but ing editorials and reviews, etc, this amounted to
this would be escapist in the extreme, since it is some 160 articles up until 2004. Overall, I derived
reasonable to expect A New Theory of any kind to eight simple categories which accommodated
be self contained, and not, as noted above, to be the predominant concern of the article, despite
even missing its key hypothesis of ‘centring’. As the fact that some could have qualified for three
in most utopian schemes, current realities such as categories at once:
the information age, globalization, neo-corporatist
ideologies, fiscal crises, the commodification of  Case Studies: Locations
culture and traditions, etc are all ignored, not to  Case Studies: Typologies
mention more grounded facts such as prevailing  Methodological Typologies
legislation, land ownership, existing environ-  Theoretical investigation
ments, political interests and aspirations, urban  Theoretically driven case studies
planning practice, building economics and the  Qualitatively driven case studies
myriad of factors that constitute daily life in the  Practice
modern world. The project is a well meaning but  Education.
unfortunate fantasy that inverts the historical
process and locks urban design into medieval Ten articles focused on specific places, for
logic, traditions, processes and morality. In the example, Rome, Auckland, Magnitogorsk, Syd-
last instance, A New Theory of Urban Design has no ney, and Tehran, etc. Sixteen dealt with physical
relation to the world we live in, other than the typologies such as city centre blocks, new towns,
collective and no doubt well-meaning aspirations pavement cafes, linear parks, neighbourhoods,
of the participants. English hill towns and other areas of interest.
Some took a small cut at a large subject Emerging
Form Types in a City of the American Middle West
New theoretical positions (Maller, 1998). Others took a very big cut at a
whole country Implementing Urban Design in
Recent theory America: Project Types and Methodological Implica-
tions (Lang, 1996). Seven articles concentrated on
Over the last 10 years there has been a growing what I could only term ‘methodological typolo-
awareness that all is not right with the state of gies’ because of the focus on applying a particular

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

methodology to urban design problems, for problem we face here is a return to mathematical
example, Using Conjoint Analysis to Formulate User modelling of the kind Alexander himself rejected
Centered Guidelines for Urban Design, The Example of 30 years ago, and no new ground is explored.
New Residential Development in Israel (Katoshevski More interesting is some consideration of post-
and Timmermans, 2001), or Help for Urban modern themes such as gender (Day, 1999),
Planning: The Transect Strategy (Talen, 2002). Out phenomenology (Aravot, 2002; Jiven and Lark-
of the total, only 13 articles were directly focused ham, 2003), authenticity (Salah Ouf, 2001), power
on theory, for example, Back to Phenomenological and resistance (Dovey, 2001), globalization and
Placemaking (Aravot, 2002), Theory of the Urban ‘locale’ (Gospodini, 2002), and memory and
Web (Salingaros, 1998, 1999, 2000), From Abstract collective identity (Neill, 1997). Overall however,
to Concrete – Subjective Reading of Urban Space the picture has become even more fragmented
(Kallus, 2001), although this category expanded than previously.
into 11 theoretically driven case studies such as
Memory, Democracy and Urban Space: Bangkok’s If these articles are any guide to interests, one
Path to Democracy (Dovey, 2001). I used the term significant event seems to have taken place,
‘qualitatively driven’ in order to distinguish those namely the loss of a wholesale dependency upon
articles which focused on qualities of urban space orthodox architectural theory and practice, man-
as distinct from quantitatively driven research much ifested in virtually all of the writing discussed to
of which relies on empirically based, interviews this point. This appears to have been replaced
or surveys. The 12 works in this category were with a dominant theme of regulation, both
largely confined to the Townscape tradition where development and design control, and so the move
keywords such as townscape, identity, decoration, seems to have been one from architecture to
character, aesthetic, authenticity, privacy, experi- development and policy planning. This has
ence, etc loomed large in articles such as materialized in a universally incipient movement
Authenticity and the Sense of Place in Urban Design called ‘The New Urbanism’, the only practice
(Salah Ouf, 2001), and The Urban Picturesque, having a special issue since the inception of The
An Aesthetic Experience of Urban Pedestrian Places Journal of Urban Design 7 (3) October 2002. Overall,
(Isaacs, 2000). As one might expect, the largest I view this as a significant development, since it is
category, practice, included 23 articles that the perfect physical instrument for a new direc-
directly addressed professional activity of some tion in urban design, one which concentrates on
kind, with issues such as design control (more increased instrumental command over urban
than half), policy, the appeal process, stake- form. Whether this constitutes a positive strategy
holder interests, etc. Only two articles dealt for urban design remains to be seen, since there
directly with education (Cuthbert, 2001; Hanson has been singular criticism of its dark side – social
and Younes, 2001). segregation, class and racial distinctions, con-
straints on creativity, a misplaced historicism and
As in most classifications, some articles could other considerations. While one could argue that
easily have occupied three categories at once, for the new urbanism is architectural determinism in
example in Structuring a Landscape, Structuring a a different form yet again, the whole foundation
Sense of Place: The Enduring Complexity of Olmsted upon which the new urbanism stands represents
and Vaux’s Brooklyn Parkways (Macdonald, 2002). a rejection of modernist and postmodernist
This is simultaneously qualitative (sense of place), architectural design. It relies heavily on locally
a case study (Brooklyn) and a typology (Park- derived, historically dependent, unified architec-
ways). So while there are some overlaps, none- tural styles that lend themselves precisely to the
theless the picture that emerges is one where only highly developed controls epitomized in the work
10% of the articles were directly concerned with of Carmona (1996).
theory of some kind. Three of these, roughly 25%,
were written by one person, Nikos Salingaros What concerns us here however is theory, and
who is a mathematician in the Division of taking the theoretical content of the journal to date,
Mathematics at the University of Texas at San very few authors have even broached the idea of a
Antonio. Salingaros’ paper Complexity and Urban new theoretical position, let alone some overall
Coherence acknowledges that Christopher Alexan- synthesis. Alone among these is the New Urbanism
der’s ideas have influenced his work ‘to an which claims to be based on the theoretical
enormous extent’ (Salingaros, 2000, p. 315). The principle of the Transect. This in turn owes its

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

heritage to Patrick Geddes’ Valley Section (1915) Outside this single unified strategy, the remaining
and Ian McHarg’s sieve mapping principles (1969), concerns with theory focus on mathematical
adopting a ‘natural’ urban section based upon the modelling, the picturesque, and one or two
morphology of traditional towns and cities: aspects of postmodern thinking. Having reviewed
160 articles in The Journal of Urban Design, one
Beyond being a system of classification, the could be forgiven for thinking that urban design
Transect has the potential to become an consisted in practice-based methodological think-
instrument of design. The correlation of the ing and case studies, with a minimal emphasis on
various specialized components by a common theory and education. One or two articles flirt
rural-to-urban continuum provides the basis with some kind of theory, most of which is
for a new system of zoning, one that creates insubstantial, with few if any lateral connections.
complex, contextually resonant natural and As a general principle, there continues to be no
human environmentsyy.There are benefits concerted attempt within urban design to connect
to such an integrated system of zoning. First, it with the reality of social life in any of its major
would eradicate the self referential standards dimensions. The entire arena of politics, econom-
of specialists. Second, each transect zone would ics, social development, culture or psychology in
be an immersive environment, a place where an age of globalization, the information age,
all the component elements reinforce each symbolic economies and neo-corporatism would
other to create and intensify a specific character appear to have had little impact on most urban
(Duany, 2002, p. 253) design theorists. While there are a few minimal
incursions into new theories in urban design, any
While some may argue that the New Urbanism is theory or theories of urban design appear to be
a post hoc rationalization of the work of a single largely absent from the literature as a whole, not
American architectural practice (Duany and merely from The Journal itself. I could only find
Plater-Zyberk, 1992), it is undeniable that the three articles that started to question this phe-
movement now has a huge international follow- nomenon, that is of the general disconnection of
ing. However, the New Urbanism does not social life and urban form, each being significant
constitute theory in any meaningful sense, and for its basic rejection of a generalized conformity
remains a methodologically based practice with to several well worn themes (Aravot, 2002;
some rather dubious assumptions about the Gospodini, 2002; Inam, 2002).
growth of cities and the generation of urban form
(eg the parallel with fractals for example). It can Each of these authors sense that all is not right in
be seen as a continuation of the types of ‘theory’ regard to urban design theory. Inam suggests that
discussed above. It derives from the work of a we need to move away from a 50-year obsession
single collaboration; is not the outcome of any with aesthetics and the picturesque, and focus
primate theory; is a product of inductive reason- more on ‘the urban’ than on the ‘design’,
ing; and is practice and methodologically based. requiring ‘a more profound interdisciplinary
In the last instance the New Urbanism is a approach that addresses fundamental causes.
successful marketing strategy coupled with a yy urban design should be driven by purposes
conservative ideology, which provided the archi- rather than defined by conventional disciplines;
tectural profession with yet another charismatic being catalytic (i.e. generating or contributing to
leader, or more accurately, leaders in Andres long term socio-economic development pro-
Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk (currently cesses) and being relevant (i.e. grounded in first
Dean of the School of Architecture at the causes and pertinent human values’ (Inam, 2002,
University of Miami). While the New Urbanism p. 37). Supporting this position, Inam goes on to
has been singularly successful in this, no explana- specify three critical aspects of a teleologically
tion of how urban design comes about can based urban design approach, and it is appro-
possibly emerge from it. Overall it is a template priate to quote extensively from this paper:
for practice, not a theory, although Patrick Geddes
Valley section is used as a justification for zoning the relationship between the city and the
practices. The valley section first appeared in economy considers the economic functioning
Geddes’ book ‘Cities in Evolution’ in 1915, but of the city, including the city as a point in the
was also rooted to the work of Elisee Reclus, Paul production landscape as well as a site for
Vidal de la Blache and Frederic Le Play. investment, the changing international division

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

of labour, and the consequent effects on the consumption and entertainment’ (Aravot, 2002,
specific urban economies. The relationship p. 204). While this kind of critique is both rare and
between the city and society focuses on the welcome, it is not new. Aravot hints at this in the
city as an arena for social interaction, the context of several theorists that have post-Marxist
distribution of social groups, residential segre- sympathies, for example, Manfredo Tafuri, Aldo
gation, the construction of gender and ethnic Rossi, Rob and Leon Krier, to which we could
identities, and patterns of class formation. The add Colin Rowe, Mario Gandelsonas, Kenneth
relationship between the city and power is the Frampton, Christine Boyer, Sharon Zukin,
representation of urban structure and political Anthony Ward and many others. It has a long, if
power, and considers the city to be a system of sparse tradition within urban design, as well as a
communication, a recorder of the distribution powerful external theoretical base in urban
of power and an arena for social struggles over studies encompassed by spatial political economy.
the meaning and substance of the urban
experience (Inam, 2002, p. 39) The need at this point is to move from an
intellectual position which discriminates inside
Without doubt, urban design theory needs a lot from outside as suggested by the various positions
more of this kind of thinking, one that tries to described above, towards a more unified logic.
bridge the gap between power, politics and urban This does not mean that everything previously
form. Gospodini amplifies this need with the written about the subject needs to be forgotten,
simple but powerful view that ‘throughout the quite the contrary. Nor does it propose a return to
history of urban forms, major urban design reliance on a single dominant paradigm. What is
schemes and avant-garde design of space have suggested is that most of the traditional areas of
been mostly an outcome of economic growth of mainstream urban design have been exhaustively
cities. Marking the era of globalization, a reverse mined of significant content, and we need to
procedure has taken place in the last decade or so; move forward into more fruitful and rewarding
urban design appears to be consciously used as a areas of research. As in many other regions of
means of economic development of cities in the urban studies, I suggest that urban design should
new competitive milieu’ (Gospodini, 2002, p. 59). also adopt the theoretical content of spatial
Gospodini then goes on to present an explanation political economy as a rhizomatic conceptual
of the contemporary production of urban design grid. It represents a powerful and enduring
as an economic phenomenon that is embedded intellectual framework, which allows us to inte-
in global processes. The argument is situated grate the ideas and principles discussed above by
within the context of European urbanization as a writers such as Inam, Gospodini and Aravot,
whole, where classes and groups of cities have incorporate historical referents, and is capable of
‘fitted’ new uses of urban design. Furthermore, continuous transformation over time. I will there-
this process is deterministic of urban form fore continue with a brief assessment of this
through the overall volatility of capital, where ‘sparse tradition’ to date.
urban design schemes are dictated by specific
financial mechanisms, and are capable of both
servicing and manipulating market requirements
through a well-chosen vocabulary of symbolic
and other referents. Finally, although Aravot
So far we have considered mainstream urban
supports a phenomenological approach to ‘place-
design theory in some depth. While there is much
making’, she is aware that the traditional urban
to learn from it, overall significant problems
design discourse has all but excluded the concept
remain. The main criticisms would appear to be
that recycling the city is not due to any intrinsic
the following:
values, but is dependent on the various thresh-
olds of investment in what Harvey calls ‘the 1. Urban Design theory is not formulated scien-
second circuit of capital’. tifically. To do this would require either a
theoretical object or a real object, round which
Recalling Boyer, Aravot suggests that the outcome discussion revolved (Table 3). Architecture for
is ‘localities have a surprising resemblance to each example has a real object – the building, that
other, arousing the suspicion that they are forms the core of its investigations. Urban
commodifications of history, just the decor of planning I would maintain has neither a real

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Table 3 The theoretical constraints on the Environmental disciplines

Architecture Urban design Urban Planning

Theoretical object ? Civil society ?

Real object The building The Public Realm ?

nor a theoretical object. Urban design has both tions with social science through the mechan-
a real object (the public realm) and a theoretical ism of political economy, a synthesis discipline
object (civil society). If this is indeed true, it is which already has a history of two and a
possible to argue that urban design has a half centuries. The more recent form – spatial
greater claim to science than either of the political economy offers promise in that its
disciplines that have traditionally claimed the fundamental concern with the processes
territory. This is probably better expressed as through which social space is produced,
follows. reproduced, transformed and exchanged, in-
2. Mainstream theory in urban design is anar- tersects neatly with how specific forms of social
chistic in the sense that there is no cement space arise.
binding the pieces together. For example, there
is nothing significant held in common between
But to take this argument forward we have to
its major theorists. Key players discussed
begin with discoveries in philosophy in the
above – Kevin Lynch, Rob Krier, Christopher
middle of the 17th century.
Alexander and Bill Hillier define urban pro-
blems in their own manner and share almost
nothing in common. The same is true of
Political economy
attempts at synthesis. In no case does the
synthesis address the same basic object, either
Political economy can be defined as the study of
real or theoretical. This is not a plea to discard
aggregate economic activity and the political
difference, remove intellectual conflict or adopt
aspects of government, particularly in regard to
a totalitarian position on ideology. The need
resource allocation. The addition of the term
here is to recognize where we are and to work
‘spatial’ refines and directs this endeavour to
towards an overall framework that has the
address urban space, place, and the production
capacity both to contextualize and to rationa-
of form – how and why land and fixed capital
lize urban design theory.
in the form of the built environment are
3. Claims to primacy as well as attempts at
located, regulated, exchanged, transformed, and
synthesis do not address the material and
reproduced. Remaining within political economy
symbolic organization of civilized life. Urban
at the moment, the tradition can be traced
design tends to be viewed overall as an
back to its origins in French socialism (Voltaire,
independent factor in urbanization, subject to
Rousseau, Diderot), German philosophy (Hegel
whatever laws of form, aesthetics, proportion
and Feuerbach), to British Political economy (John
and function that individuals chose to impress
Locke, Adam Smith and David Hume), and to the
upon it at any historical moment. Hence almost
18th century Enlightenment in Scotland (Herman,
all explanations of urban design are detached
2002), where
from the laws through which society is
constructed – ideologies, class structure, forms A group of Scottish Philosophers, carrying on a
of consciousness, urban politics, the material teacher-student succession through the cen-
distribution of wealth, relationships between tury, created a body of work constituting the
fixed and fluid capital, etc. origins of social science, which they called
4. In consequence, it seems reasonable overall political economy. They produced collectively
that the discipline of urban design should not and cumulatively the idea of human history
seek to justify its existence through any of the going through stages of growth, with the key to
normal channels adopted by mainstream the- each stage, as well as the transition from one
ory. It should avoid the vain attempt to stage to another, the mode of obtaining
generate an internally coherent theory and subsistence in any society (Bottomore, 1983,
instead reorient its efforts to making connec- p. 376)

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

This was the tradition that Marx borrowed relationship between society and space, we
heavily from in framing his three volumes of deliberately make a choice between two contra-
Capital more than a century later, specifically dictory views of society, represented in the
Adam Smith, while at the same time refuting his differences between Classical economic theory
ideas. In addition, it represented a serious break (Marx and Ricardo) and Neo-Classical Theory
with the positivist position that the method of the (Jevons, Smith, Keynes). The differences between
natural sciences and the social were alike. The each ideology are so great that they define an
rationale behind this was that ‘it is impossible to individual’s existential position in relation to their
make legitimate generalizations because human fellow human beings. Neo-Classical theory may
actions are not subject to the regularities that best be described as an individualistic and
govern the world of nature’(Coser, 1977, p. 219). subjectivist view of the world. According to this
So here we have framed for the first time in a formulation, society is composed of individuals
concerted body of knowledge, the concept of whose nature is predetermined. Social structure
historical materialism, an idea that was to shake may therefore be explained in terms of the
the 20th century to its foundations. A historical individual, their personal psychology and
materialist interpretation of social life begins with the choices they make. The best known dictum
the assumption that human consciousness and all of the Neo Classicist is ‘a dollar is a dollar to
forms of human relations emerge from the mode whomever the dollar accrues’. In many ways
of production of any society, the means by which society is split around the acceptance or rejection
its material life is reproduced. This includes the of this idea.
production of space, architecture and the specific
formal arrangement of places. Economic laws and
physical structures do not exist in a vacuum and This is what Marx scathingly termed ‘vulgar
must be seen as congruent with a historically economy’ – the systematization of what is
determined and evolving complex of contingent immediately visible in the sphere of market
social relations. relations, individual preferences, prices and ex-
change. In such a society, only two sectors are
Formative of this concept were the philosophers recognized, namely households and firms.
David Hume, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Households maximize their utility vis-à-vis their
Adam Ferguson, Frances Hutcheson, John Millar choice of particular goods and services. Firms on
and others. Significantly, it was from Adam Smith the other hand supply goods, which require three
that Hegel drew the concept of civil society, basic factors in the production process, land,
possibly also Adam Ferguson’s Essay on the labour and capital. Firms attempt to maximize
History of Civil Society (1767). Hegel’s subsequent profits and maintain efficiency by exploiting the
Philosophy of the state argued that the funda- relative interchangeability of one factor with
mental cause of social conflict was the separation another, and through technological advance.
between civil and political society and the Equilibrium is maintained by paying each factor
respective interests of each. Hegel suggested that according to its contribution to output. The total
‘supra-class’ institutions, or the state, were re- system is therefore viewed as being both homeo-
quired to mitigate ensuing class struggles. Marx’s static and democratic, and ‘as a consequence of
great contribution to knowledge was in the this framework and the particular emphasis on
collective synthesis and development of these equilibrium conditions, features such as unem-
traditions in the three volumes of Capital which ployment, excess profits and inflexibility of
were subtitled ‘A Critique of Political Economy’ production are relegated to the position
(1887). In volume two Marx devotes chapter 10 of deviations from the norm, or as phenomena
and much of chapter 11, to regale against Adam of only secondary importance’ (Bassett and Short,
Smith and the Scottish philosophers in general, 1980, p. 26). The most common criticisms levelled
holding that the former had ‘the inexpressibly at the neo-classical paradigm may be reduced to
narrow-minded point of view of a bank clerk’ the following 10 general observations:
(Marx, 1956, p. 231).
1. Neo-classical theory is a partial view of
In choosing political economy and its extension man and society. It is not a social science
into spatial political economy as a guiding and is therefore incapable of explaining social
intellectual framework for understanding the process.

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

2. Whereas neo-classical models may accurately and organization confronting capitalist enter-
replicate economic activity within Western prises or the state’ (1974, p. 63). The same general
society, such processes are not traced to their criticisms may be extended into neo-classical
origin within the underlying social and models of the urban land market, originating in
political structure. Moreover, the models the work of Alonso (1964), Muth (1969) or Mills
exclude all qualitative and subjective criteria (1972), in particular the observation that simula-
which do not fit the construct, therefore tion and understanding are not the same thing.
distorting the true nature of the social. Whereas the logic of the models is virtually
3. Extending from this is the myth of a self- flawless in their own terms, they ascribe to
regulating market mechanism, which if true consumer behaviour an effectivity that consumers
would deny the existence of the state, among do not actually possess. In the final analysis, it is
whose central functions is to support private the overall system that dictates the available
capital (the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the matrix of choice and not the pattern of individual
support of the United States Central Bank for decision-making. This is not to argue that perso-
failing corporations is but one example nal choice does not exist within the urban system,
among many). or that individuals do not trade off for example,
4. In particular, class conflicts emerging from personal space against travel time, to rent and
the social and property relations of capitalism other factors. This is indeed the case. The error
are either completely ignored or relegated to lies in the assumption that an efficient and
a temporary digression from the basic equili- virtually watertight description of the functioning
brium of the system. of the urban land market somehow substantiates
5. When property relations are considered, they the political economy of space upon which the
relate to the distribution process and not to model is based. As Frank Stilwell says in his
the labour process. Production is viewed as recent book, Political Economy: The Contest of
asocial and divorced from the fact of human Economic Ideas
6. It may be argued that markets do not allocate A frequently recurring charge against this
resources according to relative efficiency but economic orthodoxy is that it is ‘unrealistic’.
according to relative power. Models of market exchange under competitive
7. The concept of ‘personal freedom’ ignores the conditions fail to illuminate the world in which
considerable influence of the ideological we live. Such models, it is commonly said,
apparatuses of the state and the private sector prioritise elegance over relevance. There is
to influence individual ‘preferences’ via the much in that criticism. However the theoretical
legal system, mass media, education, etc. models have a strong influence on economic
8. The only social relation that bonds such a policies in practice; and they therefore have an
society together is the purchase and sale of awesome relevance – for better or for worse.
commodities. This has been particularly evident in the last
9. The considerable mathematical vocabulary two decades, which have seen the ascendancy
developed in this field in no way validates of neo-liberalism. Orthodox economic reason-
its pretensions (or in fact its ideological ing has given rise to particular policy prescrip-
project). After all, the conceptual framework tions such as the liberalization of trade, the
remains static. deregulation of capital and labour markets,
10. The institution of the state is tolerated only the privatisation of public enterprises and the
insofar as it is necessary to undertake tasks extension of ‘user pays’ principles to the public
unprofitable to the private sector and to services that have not been privatized. The
mitigate conflicts between the various capitals. proponents of these policies seem relatively
untroubled by the failure of the real world to
All of these observations have been precisely exhibit the features assumed in the abstract
condensed in the following statement by Row- theories. It is as if the real world is being
thorn when he says ‘Although useful as a system reconstructed in the image of a particular
of thought serving to justify the capitalist mode of theory. Either way, – as a rarified theoretical
production and inhibit fundamental enquiry into exercise, or as a vulgarized version used for
its functioning, Neo-Classical economics is incap- political purposes – conventional economics
able of handling the problematic of social control has deep problems (Stilwell, 2002, pp. 3–4)

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

It is therefore necessary to address a larger and In postmodern society, the relation between
more encompassing view of the world in order to culture, economy and space has taken on a
obtain a synoptic understanding of urban space fundamental role in the economy of cities and
and form, as well as its central features such as their physical expression, bringing into heigh-
location, rent, density, and other factors as they tened significance elements of gender, ethnicity,
interact within the dynamic of the urban political sexuality, language, and various aspects symbolic
economy. So in contrast to the apparent limita- expression (Cuthbert, 2006). Notwithstanding the
tions outlined above, which render impossible contribution of the Chicago School to urban
any coherent view of urban form and design as a spatial analysis from 1930 to 1960, it was not
social product, a historical and material inter- until the ‘Paris School’ of the late 1960s and early
pretation of social life rooted to spatial political 1970s that any significant and theoretically in-
economy, begins with the assumption that human formed debates over the theory of urban space
consciousness and all forms of human relations took place. Beginning around 1965, the revolu-
emerge from the adopted mode of production. By tionary contributions made by Alain Touraine,
extension, the same is also true of the production Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells, Edmond Pre-
of urban form and design as part and parcel of teceille and others, cemented the importance of
human consciousness and the resulting genera- political economy to urban spatial analysis, and
tion of built form in all of its manifestations, that their contribution to the general field of urban
is, what we like to call Urban Design. sociology remains profound even today. It was on
the basis of two ground breaking texts – La
Revolution Urbaine by Henri Lefebvre (1970), and
La Question Urbaine by Manuel Castells (1977),
Spatial political economy and that the debate on the theory of space became
urban design central to the development of social science.
To say that space has absolute properties is to
say that structures, people and land parcels To his credit, Castells broke through the cocoon
exist in a manner that is mutually exclusive surrounding traditional aspatial social theory into
each of the other in a three dimensional, a new dimension of spatial urban theory. For
physical (Euclidean) space (Harvey, 1973, the first time, and within this new paradigm, he
p. 168) integrated fundamental relationships between
society, space and form. This has also been
Marx’s vast influence over the development of referred to as Postmarxist theory; one that retains
human knowledge has been legion, and his legacy some important Marxist concepts but which also
remains powerful even today. While it is clear that extends significantly beyond them, probably best
his work should be judged in the context within personified in the work of theorists such as David
which it was written, the power of his intellectual Harvey, Mark Gottdiener, Ed Soja, Alan Scott and
construct has been so great that most contempor- others. The Paris School, among whom Lefebvre
ary thinkers are forced to come to terms with his was probably the most significant figure,
logic, and its transformation over the last century launched the concept of spatial political economy,
and a half, even if it is ultimately rejected (Gibson- demonstrating the evolutionary nature of the
Graham, 1996). Spatial Political Economy, is an Marxian legacy and its continuing influence.
extension of political economy, or more accu- Shortly after, these and other works stimulated a
rately, of Marx’s critique of political economy, for great debate in social science over the possibility
the very simple reason that none of the great of ‘an urban sociology’. This occurred between
masters of classical or neo-classical economic 1975 and 1985, and was dominated by Neo-
theory were the least concerned with space. It Marxist thinkers such as Touraine, Lefebvre,
also moves beyond a simple historical material- Castells, Preteceille, fully 150 years after Capital
ism to recognize that individuals are not mere was published.
purveyors of potential surplus value, and that
other important dimensions of modern life have a In this sense, spatial political economy can be
huge influence on urban space. Primary among considered a metalanguage or metanarrative, and
these is the dimension of culture that Marx this may be as close as one can get to a succinct
relegated to the superstructure, meaning that it definition. It constitutes a loose coalition of ideas
was real but relatively unimportant. with a powerful intellectual base that goes back to

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Adam Smith, Hegel and Marx, and today in- and took 20 years to mature, this has only allowed
corporates the spatial interests of social science, a 10-year period for other disciplines to fully
geography, cultural studies, economics, architec- engage with its concepts. Second, and over the
ture, art history and other disciplines. Impor- same period, the debate between structuralism
tantly, it also includes existential positions such as and postmodernism as grand and fragmented
feminism and sustainability. A central theme of narratives respectively, has to an extent, over-
spatial political economy is its wholesale rejection shadowed considerations of synthesis between
of any division of knowledge based upon profes- disciplines. In many instances it has gone in the
sional and academic boundaries. Taking the other direction, fragmenting even the disciplines
profession of urban planning as an example, themselves. If anything, Postmodernism further
McLoughlin said ‘One of my main conclusions removed this possibility with its focus on frag-
is that the dominance of the town planning mentation, difference, discursive practices, the
tradition in the academy is a serious and wholesale rejection of totalizing constructs and
ideologically driven limitation on our ability to a reorientation away from synthesis towards
understand urban problems and policies deconstruction. Sayer scathingly comments that
which might improve our cities and the lives of ‘the move from Marxism to postmodernism and
their people’ and what he referred to as ‘the concerns with difference could be interpreted as a
shear intellectual incoherence of the whole means by which the left could abandon Marxism
businessy.’(McLoughlin, 1994, p. 1113, see also and shift its radicalism onto new terrain without
Huxley’s elaboration and critique (1997)). His having to acknowledge or make concessions to
position was that the core–periphery relationship the right’ (Sayer, 1995). Third, tertiary education is
currently existing in urban planning, and to a bounded by its own administrative and profes-
large degree throughout tertiary education, sional constraints that do not recognize spatial
should be reversed. The ideological role of political economy, and so the academy has as
professional influence and the somewhat arbi- usual done its bit in constraining the emergence of
trary nature of academic programmes should be new forms of knowledge. Nonetheless, it is
relegated to the periphery, with a focus on social- possible to denote some of the more important
scientific perspectives. This argument would of individual contributions to this paradigm, which
course encompass the built environment disci- become more coherent and focused as we
plines, including urban design. McLoughlin approached the new millennium.
maintained that the discipline occupying a key
role at the centre of spatial political economy must Overall, the adoption of spatial political economy
be human geography since it is at the centre of the has been much more highly articulated in the
socio-spatial dialectic as defined by Ed Soja realm of urban planning than it has been in
(1989), but is nonetheless part of a coalition architecture or urban design, most likely because
discourse which ‘is multi-faceted and includes of its closer proximity to social science (keeping in
(at least) insights which are drawn from (critiques mind the considerable overlap between these
of) positivist geography and neoclassical econom- somewhat arbitrary professional realms). Indeed,
ics, as well as neo-Marxist and Neo-Weberian many of the key scholars driving what was called
social theory, feminist geography, the ‘‘Green’’ ‘the New Urban Studies’ whose task was to
movement, and much else. It is a puzzling, reconstruct urban social theory during the 1980s,
contradictory and sometimes conflictual set of concerned themselves with urban planning as
discourses’ (McLoughlin, 1994, p. 1114). part of the state apparatus because of its role in
the social control and regulation of urban space;
While various scholars over the last 50 years may Pahl (1970, 1975, 1983), Castells (1977, 1978, 1983,
have been sympathetic to Marxist or neo-Marxist 1996, 1997, 1998), Harvey (1979, 1982, 1985), Scott,
thought and other critical perspectives, the rela- (1980, 2000b), Mingione (1981), Saunders, (1986),
tionship between spatial political economy and Dear (1986), and many others.
the specificity of urban form/design has been
weakly and unconsciously developed for three Over the same time period, the critical extension
main reasons. of social theory into the arena of architectural and
urban form – what has been called The Powers of
First, if we accept that the literature on spatial Architecture (Knesl, 1984) began to develop. To
political economy only has a history of 30 years this end, seminal papers by Scott and Roweis

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Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

(1977), and Harvey (1979) cannot be underesti- example, transportation, conservation, redevelop-
mated, as well as influential writing by others ment, public housing, recreation necessarily be-
such as Maxwell (1977), Tafuri (1979, 1980), come atomized ‘planning problems’. Just
Korilos (1979), Rubin (1979), Dickens (1979, describing these problems using planning as a
1981), Frampton (1983, 1988), Knox (1982), Knesl descriptor instantly mystifies their interrelated-
(1984), King (1984, 1996). Several of my own ness within the system we call capitalism, since
papers collectively provide an in-depth study of planning itself has little or no coherence other
Hong Kong from this perspective around the than as a social technology in the service state
same period (Cuthbert, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, regulation. I would argue that all so-called
1992a, b). The general trajectory of this writing is ‘planning problems’ are actually social or eco-
exemplified in Castell’s the City and the Grassroots nomic problems in disguise. What the disguise
(1983), and articles, such as The Economic Currency serves to mask is the profoundly political nature
of Architectural Aesthetics by Paul Walker Clarke of urban planning practice. This disguise is
(1989), as well as Sharon Zukin’s writing that further enhanced by the ideology of professions
most architects and planners will be familiar with. in general, whose mandates are always couched
More recently, a book I recently reviewed called in the obfuscating language of liberalism, for
Enduring Innocence: Global Architecture and its example working in the best interests of the
Political Masquerades by Keller Easterling (2005), community, encouraging awareness of best prac-
see review, Cuthbert (2007), and two articles by tice, raising awareness of social issues, etc.
Leslie Sklair (2005, 2006) are excellent examples of
the genre. But because planning professions are usually
licensed either by the state (or in Britain through
Paul Walker Clarke’s 1989 article also provided a a Royal Charter) and are also contracted by
relatively rare synthesis of the general Wel- private capital, no real critique is possible from
tanschauung at the end of the 1980s ‘It is a simple the inside. The corollary of course is that if the
assertion that architecture costs money and profession did not exist, ‘planning’ would still
occupies space. It is therefore integral to the continue, but the mystification of the planning
production of space and to the spatial configura- process would be lifted, and its prime function in
tions of the urbanism of our political economy’ the service of political interests would become
(1989, p. 28). Paying homage to David Harvey transparent. Similarly, Urban Design comes to be
(1973, 1985, 1989), Clarke then goes on to expound viewed as ‘the middle ground’ between architec-
what Sayer (1984) would refer to as the necessary ture and planning, fitting into the regulatory
and contingent aspects of architectural form in system focused on development control and
relation to this theoretical framework. Six years design guidelines, to what I would suggest is its
later in 1995, another landmark paper by Jacob C lowest common denominator. Its true function in
Goldberg moved the materialist perspective an- the reproduction of symbolic and other capital
other big step forward: Corporate Capital and the from improvements on land, the perpetuation of
Techniques of Modernity – problems in the mass memory, the representation of history and its
production of space, image and experience. For consequences, and the celebration of civilized life
most architects, urban designers and urban in built form, are all sacrificed to building
planners, the urban process has little coherence envelopes, site setbacks, the appropriate use of
primarily because of an educational process that materials and the adequate provision of parking.
is ideologically biased towards professional mem-
bership. Learning is detached from any funda- This mystification of function in the creation of
mental social or economic theory, with the urban form is what Clarke seeks to dispel,
resultant stress on aesthetics, technology, regula- bringing together the work of Harvey, Rowe,
tion and professionalism. Tafuri, Knesl and others previously mentioned. At
the same time, Sharon Zukin (1988, p. 45; 1991)
Hence the urban political economy and its spatial has summarized the Postmodern Debate over Urban
expression are necessarily perceived as a myriad Form which had taken place during the 1980s,
individual and unrelated problems, if indeed it is where the postmodernization of disciplines such
recognized at all – there has been little conscious- as architecture, social science, philosophy, cultural
ness transmitted in the educational process as to studies and human geography had been maturing
socio-political nature of the urban process. So for on the basis of structural economic and social

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

Table 4 Properties of industrial and cultural forms and practices

Industrialism Post industrialism Modernism Post modernism

Qualities Regulation Deregulation Order Anarchy

Rigidity Flexibility Control Chance
Fusion Diffusion Direction Indeterminacy
Standardization Diversification Need Desire
Material base Information base Product Process
Hierarchies Grids and networks History Destiny
Legitimation Discretion Function Signification

Properties State power Corporate power Construction Deconstruction

Class politics New class politics Society Ethnicity
Mass production In time production Community Locality
Strategic planning Contextual planning Monoculturism Pluralism
Development Adaptation Class culture Commodity culture
Nationalism Ethnic fission Permanence Transience
Econ. of scope Econ. of scale Similarity Diversity
Welfare statism Individual accountability
Specialization Synergy in labour
Unionization Individual bargain

Philosophical Scientific rationality Neo-Darwinism Structuralism Post structuralism

Attributes Keynesianism Functionalism Realism Hyper reality

Taylorism Flexible specialisms Romanticism Mysticism
Fordism Diversification Formalism Imagery
Narrative Discursive
Contiguity Difference

Spatial effects and implications Massification Demassification Urban functions Urban landscape
Concentration Diffusion State symbols Corporate symbols
Centralization Dispersal Arch ‘styles’ Arch rhetoric
Community base Locality based Paradigmatic Eclectic
Zoning Complex integration Syntactic Metaphoric
Suburban focus Urban focus Design Codification

change (Harvey, 1989). While Harvey draws occupied a somewhat marginal relationship to
fundamental distinctions between the economy urban development. So the material practices
and culture, their interaction is synergistic, so I of postmodernity have extended the compass of
have used his terminology of industrialism spatial political economy into considerations
and modernism (culture) and post-industrialism which includes impacts on gender, ethnicity,
and postmodernism (culture) to encapsulate their disability, language, race, poverty, conservation,
various characteristics and spatial outcomes in homelessness, sustainability, animal rights, public
Table 4. From this it should be fairly clear that the art, tourism and other facets of the urban
aims of spatial political economy are to map the prospect. Zukin points to the significance of
interactions between historical dimensions and culture in the creation of urban form when she
socio-spatial practices in the context of significant says that ‘the liminal space of postmodern urban
theoretical paradigms, and to trace the relations forms is socially constructed in the erosion
between them. of autonomy of cultural producers from cultural
consumers’. Despite this, Zukin remains
What characterizes the period since 1990 is the convinced that certain fundamentals remain
phenomenal rise in the significance of culture – unaltered:
the recombination of aesthetics with economics –
in ways either not previously encountered or The constant rebuilding of cities in core
alternatively, considered real, but relatively un- capitalist societies suggests that the major
important (Featherstone 1990, Scott, 2000a). While condition of architectural production is to
urban sociology and human geography still play create shifting material landscapes. These land-
central roles, this has resulted in expanded scapes bridge space and time; they also directly
credibility for cultural studies that had previously mediate economic power by both conforming

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

to and structuring norms of market driven contribution to the history of urban form, fol-
investment, production and consumption lowed two years later by Ross King’s Emancipat-
(Zukin, 1988, p. 47) ing Space (1996), an intellectual tour de force
subtitled Geography, Architecture and Urban Design.
Of course, since 1990 we have been fully engaged Kim Dovey’s Framing Places- Mediating Power in
with processes of urbanization driven by the Built Form (1999) explores how the built environ-
mandates of the information age, when concepts ment mediates and represents the social practices
of development, progress and history have all of power. Joseph Rykwert’s The Seduction of Place –
been challenged as to their relevance. While it is The City in the Twenty First Century (2000) is badly
impossible to prioritize texts in relation to the titled because we have to wait until chapter eight
general field of spatial political economy over this to arrive at considerations of the new millennium,
period as they relate to urban space and form, but until that point the book is a fascinating
nonetheless, some typify or otherwise encapsulate account of the creation of place in the twentieth
the critical issues of the time. In this regard, century. Gender Space and Architecture edited by
honours for the most encompassing text must be Rendell, Penner and Borden (2000), subtitled An
shared between Postmetropolis – Critical Studies of Interdisciplinary Introduction, demonstrates exactly
Cities and Regions (Soja, 2000), and Nan Ellin’s how many different disciplines, and therefore
Postmodern Urbanism (1996). The latter is an different perspectives now focus on urban and
astounding summary of the overall development other spaces (a text that should be read in concert
of the period (and much more), and will remain with Colomina’s Sexuality and Space, 1992). Simi-
the critical distillation of the ideas, philosophies larly Easterling’s Enduring Innocence (2006) sets a
and practices of postmodern urbanism for some new benchmark in studies of urban form, in what
time to come. The same is true of Claudio Minca’s can only be described as a postmodern analysis
edited collection Postmodern Geography – Theory which tests the limits of spatial political economy
and Praxis (2001). The volume provides a ‘begin- and its assumptions.
ning of millennium’ statement of the concerns of
human geography, with contributions from lu-
minaries such as Michael Dear, Dennis Cosgrove, Conclusion
Cindy Katz, Gunnar Olson, Ed Soja, Neil Smith
and others. Landmark texts have also been After finishing this paper I realize that despite its
written in many areas, for example Doreen length, it has probably raised more issues than it
Massey’s Space Place and Gender (1994), Scott Lash has solved. Also it has not come up with any
and John Urry’s Economies of Signs and Space happy certainties guaranteeing that spatial poli-
(1994), Sharon Zukin’s The Cultures of Cities (1995) tical economy will provide any formulaic answers
and Landscapes of Power (1991), Mike Davis’ The to specific urban design problems. What it will do
Ecology of Fear (1998), Castells’ trilogy beginning after a significant amount of new learning is
with the Rise of the Network Society (1996), Allen improve our capacity for substantial engagement
Scott’s The Cultural Economy of Cities (2000a) and with theory, improve the breadth of our knowl-
Metropolis (1988), Michael Dear’s The Postmodern edge and therefore our understanding, and
Urban Condition (2000), and David Harvey’s Spaces generate an enhanced capacity in analytic and
of Hope (2000). creative thinking about urban problems. It will
also contextualize the discipline in terms of its
These examples are an injustice to the many other urban claims. Almost the only questions I ever
phenomenal texts in the area of spatial political receive in discussions on this topic relate to
economy/urban geography/feminism/culture. design issues and practices – how will this
However there is a marked contrast if we try to improve my design ability? What does spatial
locate a specific literature on the political econo- political economy have to contribute to my office
my of urban design, for a multitude of reasons and practical projects, etc (can we make money
amplified above. Here we are dealing with a fairly out of it). Seldom if ever are responses focused on
rarified field. Nonetheless, there are a significant the ‘urban’ part of urban design. This requires a
number of exemplary works sufficient to suggest different kind of question, one that realizes that
a new consciousness of urban design coalescing improvements in design and practice can be
more or less in the last 10 years. Christine Boyer’s substantially enhanced by not addressing design
The City of Collective Memory in 1994 is an original issues at all. In most offices the capacity to

URBAN DESIGN International

Urban design: requiem for an era
A.R. Cuthbert

‘design’ far outstrips the capacity to understand Using spatial political economy, we can begin to
the socio-spatial, political, cultural and economic reconstruct theory in urban design by having a
environment of the problems to be solved. Simply common theoretical base that is rooted to sub-
stated, it is clear from the last 50 years of urban stantial discourses in urban sociology, economics,
design ‘theory’, that improvements in design geography and cultural studies. Urban design can
must come from the outside. After all, what is and indeed should be viewed as the outcome of
there left on the inside of mainstream urban the social production of urban form, which in turn
design that has the capacity to move us forward? is the outcome of the social production of space in
Can any of the four major attempts at synthesis or its material and symbolic dimensions. In so doing,
the four serious claims to primacy be taken any theorists, practitioners and academics can move
further than they are at the moment? What more towards more integrated explanations of urban
can we squeeze out of contextualism, functional- form as a basis for establishing the credibility of
ism, figure ground relationships, design regula- urban design as an independent discipline, and to
tions, case studies, serial vision, etc? Has improve quality across the entire range of urban
mainstream urban design in fact collapsed around design activity through improved understanding of
its own limitations and is it now in need of a the world in which we live. More importantly, there
paradigm shift towards a deeper theoretical will be a common base which will liberate creativity
engagement with the world? and round which ideas may circulate, rather than
the anarchy that we currently experience.

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