Joseph Pilates - 34 Classic Mat Exercises - Longversion

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Joseph Pilates: 34 Classic Mat Exercises

Time Image Pose Description

Hundred Lie on your back. Arms by sides with palms on the mat. Bend knees towards the chest. Curl up head, neck and shoulders. Hover
arms up to the height of the abdominal wall. Extend legs long to 45 degrees. Heels together and toes apart (pilates stance).
Vigorously pump arms up and down. Inhale through the mouth for 5 counts and exhale through the mouth for 5 counts (one
set). Bring head and feet down to the mat. Repeat.
Benefits: Increase blood circulation. Good warmup. Increase ab strength.
Precautions : Shoulder tightness.

Roll Up Lie flat on the back with legs together. Reach arms overhead shoulder-width apart. Palms facing forward. Inhale, reach overhead
and curl head and shoulders off the mat. Exhale, peel spine off the mat, rounding forward and bringing the crown of the head
towards knees. Keep arms parallel to the mat. Abdominals draw into the spine. Inhale, roll back down to start.
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Increase spinal mobility.
Precautions : Neck and shoulder tightness.

Roll Over Lie on the back with legs together. Arms by side. Draw abs towards the mat. Inhale, lift legs to 90 degrees. Exhale, reach legs up
and over (C curve in the spine). Slowly lower the legs one vertebra at a time to the mat.
Benefits: Strengthen abs. Increase spinal mobility.
Precautions : Shoulder and back pain.

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Time Image Pose Description

One Leg Lay flat on back with arms by side. One leg straight on the mat with foot flexed and the other leg up towards the ceiling. Circle
Circles top leg across the body, down, and around while keeping pelvis stable for 5 circles. Reverse circle in the other direction, circling
leg away from the body, down, and around. Repeat on the other leg.
Benefits: Pelvic stabilisation. Mobilisation of the hip joint. Strengthens quads and hamstrings. Engages the core.
Precautions : Lower back.

Rolling Sit with knees bent. Feet flat on the floor. Hands hold the front of knees (one hand on each knee). Bring forehead towards knees.
Back You now look like a ball. Stay a ball as you roll back to the tips of the shoulder blades. Return to the start by engaging
abdominals as the brake to the rolling. Balance in the start position. Repeat.
Benefits: Stimulates and massages the spine.
Precautions : Neck or spine injury.

One Leg Lie on your back. Curl head and shoulders off the mat. Bend both knees into the chest. Extend one leg straight as you place both
Stretch hands on the opposite shin. Outside hand places near the ankle. Inside hand places near the knee. Switch legs, extending the
opposite leg straight and pulling the opposite knee into your hands. Continue switching the legs.
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals.
Modifications: A) Circling the knee. B) Forehead to the knee.
Precautions : Back injury.

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Time Image Pose Description

Double Lie on your back. Stretch legs away from you. Keep legs squeezed together and toes pointed. Pull legs back into Tabletop
Leg Stretch Position. Repeat. Lower head and legs to mat.
Alternatives: Teaser. Roll Over.
Benefits: Strengthen abs.
Precautions : Neck and spine injuries.

Spine Sit tall. Straighten legs. Flex feet. Reach arms forward parallel to the mat. Palms face down. Exhale, roll forward through spine.
Stretch Draw abs in. Keep arms parallel to the mat. Inhale, roll up stacking spine to return to start.
Benefits: Spinal articulation. Strengthens hip extensors.
Precautions : Back injury.

Rocker Balance on sit bones. Knees bent. Grasp hands around ankles. Straighten one leg then the other into a V (legs are shoulder-
With Open width apart or wider). Tip pubic bone towards the nose to initiate rock back to shoulder blades and rock back to start position.
Legs Benefits: Stimulates and massages the spine. Strengthens abdominal muscles. Improves posture and balance.
Precautions : Back injury.

Cork Screw Lie on your back. Press arms into the mat. Legs together. Lift legs straight to the ceiling. Roll over bringing legs parallel to the
floor, with hips and feet level. Inhale, shift both legs to the right. Roll down through right side of back. Exhale, circle legs around
and roll over through left side of back, returning legs to start. Reverse.
Benefits: Strengthen abs and shoulders. Pelvis stabilisation. Hip flexor stretch. Lower back massage.
Precautions : Back injury.

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Time Image Pose Description

Saw Lie on your back. Legs together. Arms overhead. Palms face forward. Inhale, reach arms overhead and curl head and shoulders
off the mat. Exhale, peel spine off mat, rounding forward and bringing the crown of the head towards knees. Keep arms parallel
to the mat. Abs draw into the spine. Inhale, roll down to start position.
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Increases spinal articulation. Hamstring and hip stretch.
Precautions : Back injury.

Swan Dive Lie on stomach with legs together. Hands by head. Lift abs away from floor while sending tailbone to the floor. Press through
hands into Swan, maintaining a long spine and lengthened neck. Release arms to side as body rocks forward. Maintaining the
arc position of the body, the legs will lift up. Rock back onto thighs, lifting chest, and maintaining extension and arc position of
body. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthen back and hip extensors.
Modifications: Swan Dive For Prenatal: If you’re expecting, practice a modified Swan Dive. Begin on all fours with hands under
shoulders and knees under hips. Raise one arm and opposite leg to shoulder height. Hold briefly. Come back to starting position.
Alternate and repeat.

One Leg Lie on stomach with legs straight and together. Prop yourself onto forearms, bringing elbows underneath shoulders. Kick one
Kick heel into your seat two times, reach the leg straight, and place it on the mat. Switch legs.
Benefits: Back extensors, hamstrings, glutes.
Precautions : Lower back injury.

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Time Image Pose Description

Double Lie on stomach. Turn head to place one cheek on mat. Place hands clasped and high up on back, with elbows dropping towards
Kick the mat. Kick both heels to the seat 3 times. Extend both legs straight as hands reach to feet while finding a back extension.
Lower torso down and turn head to place opposite cheek on mat. Repeat.
Benefits: Stretches upper body. Tones lower body. Back and hip extensors.
Precautions : Neck and spine injuries.

Neck Pull Lie on back. Glue spine to mat. Place both hands at base of neck. Inhale, lift head and shoulders. Exhale, roll off mat bringing
crown of head to knees. Inhale, stack spine up to seated. Exhale, tuck chin to chest, tuck tailbone, round spine down to mat.
Benefits: Strengthen abs and back extensors.
Precautions : Neck and shoulder injury.

Scissors Lie on back. Bend both knees in, and roll through spine, reaching both legs straight and parallel to the floor, and bend knees
towards chest. Place hands high on back. Reach both legs to ceiling. Lower one straight leg to mat as you draw opposite
straight leg towards your chest. Pulse the top leg towards you two times. Switch legs.
Benefits: Abdominal, shoulder, and hip flexibility.

Bicycle Lie on your back. Arms at the side. Straighten legs to the ceiling. Peel spine off the floor one vertebrae at a time. Hands at top of
the pelvis (fingers point towards knees). Split legs with knees straight and toes pointed (legs like scissors). Bend front knee
towards the face. Exhale and pedal front foot away from the face. Straighten the knee as you bring your back leg towards the
face. Switch directions. To release bring both legs together and roll to start position.
Benefits: Increases spine mobility. Core control.
Modifications: Use foam roller to prop pelvis off ground.
Precautions : Osteoporosis. Glaucoma. Neck or shoulder injuries.

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Time Image Pose Description

Shoulder Lie on back with knees bent. Feet hip distance apart. Peel tailbone and spine off the mat. Extend right leg to ceiling with foot
Bridge pointed. Lower right leg towards the ground, flex foot and bring leg back to the ceiling. Repeat. Place right foot down onto mat.
Repeat with left leg. To finish, roll spine and tailbone down to the mat.
Benefits: Strengthen hamstrings and glutes.

Spine Twist Sit with legs together in front of body. Feet flexed. Raise arms to the side at shoulder height. Sit tall. Inhale, reach crown of head
to ceiling. Exhale, twist torso to right, growing taller on the twist and pulsing twice. Inhale, return torso to centre. Exhale, twist
torso to left, pulsing twice. Inhale, return to centre. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthen obliques and back extensors.

Jack Knife Lie on back. Arms by sides. Palms down. Press backs of arms into mat. Legs together. Extend both legs to ceiling. Draw abs in.
Roll over through spine to take both legs almost parallel to floor. While maintaining lift of pelvis and tailbone to ceiling, reach
both legs straight to ceiling. Keeping feet over hips, articulate through spine to roll down to the mat, returning legs to start
position. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, back, arms, legs, shoulders.
Precautions : Neck and shoulder injury.

Side Kick Lie on right side in a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Prop head on right hand. Place left palm flat on the mat in front of
your chest. Move both legs in front of hips on a slight diagonal. Lift top leg off bottom leg, and kick it forward twice. Lengthen leg
as you sweep it to kick back. Perform 5 reps. Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Strengthen glutes, hips, abs, back extensors.

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Time Image Pose Description

Teaser Lie on back. Elevate legs so thighs are perpendicular with body and knees are bent and parallel with body. Extend arms behind
you. Inhale, lift arms towards legs, while lifting head for max reach; at same time, straighten legs in the air. Exhale, make body a
V shape. Inhale, return to start by rolling body back.
Benefits: Abdominal and back extensor strength. Trunk stabilization.

Hip Twist Sit tall with legs straight and together. Place hands on floor behind you. Point fingers away form body. Float both legs off mat to
Teaser position. Circle both legs right, down, around, and back to start. Reverse circle in other direction.
Alternatives: Corkscrew
Benefits: Strengthen abs, obliques and back extensors.
Modifications: Lift opposite hip off mat as legs circle.
Precautions : Shoulder tightness

Swimming Lie flat on belly with arms stretched out in front. Legs outstretched behind. Squeeze inner thighs and heels together. Pull navel
up off mat. Raise upper back and head off mat slightly and simultaneously lift right arm and left leg off the mat. Squeeze
buttocks and press pubic bone down into the mat. Switch arms and legs and begin swimming, alternating arms and legs. Extend
body as much as possible.
Benefits: Strengthens muscles on back of body: buttocks, thighs, back.

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Time Image Pose Description

Leg Pull Start on knees. Place hands on floor in front of you. Keep arms straight and elbows unlocked. Engage abs. Lean forward to put
Front weight on hands. Shoulders over wrists. Keep a lot of space between shoulders and ears. With abs lifted, extend legs back so
that they are straight and together. Toes curled under. Ears, shoulders, hips and heels in one long line. Extend one leg up as far
as you can without rotating hips. Return foot to mat and extend other leg.
Benefits: Core strength builder.
Precautions : Neck and shoulder injury.

Leg Pull Sit with legs crossed. Bring hands behind back. Fingers point towards buttocks. Extend legs long and lift hips. All weight is
supported by wrists. Lift right leg up and down. Lift left leg up and down. When lifting legs, engage inner thighs and lower abs.
Benefits: Core strength builder.
Precautions : Neck and shoulder injury.

Side Kick Kneel onto right knee. Place right hand on mat underneath right shoulder. Left knee in line with left foot. Right hip directly over
Kneeling right knee. Place left hand behind head. Kick left leg forward and back while keeping torso stable. After a number of repetitions,
place left knee onto the mat and repeat on other side.
Benefits: Strengthen torso and glutes. Improve balance.

Side Bend Sit sideways with legs bent to one side. Top foot in front of bottom foot (or stacked one on other). Place supporting hand in line
with seated hip a few inches in front of shoulder. Press into supporting hand, straighten legs to lift pelvis away from mat, making
rainbow shape with body.
Benefits: Abdominal strength. Shoulder stabilisation.

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Time Image Pose Description

Boomerang Sit tall. Extend legs. Right ankle crossed over left. Palms by hips. Lift both legs. Rollover to a 90-degree angle. Open and close
legs, switching cross of ankles. Backs of arms press into the mat for stability. Roll down through spine without dropping legs to
balance in Teaser with the arms parallel to legs. Clasp hands behind tailbone and, while abs are drawn in and close to thighs,
maintain Teaser position as you lower legs to mat. Circle arms overhead. Bring hands to ankles. Roll to sitting position.
Alternatives: Teaser. Roll Over.
Benefits: Strengthen abs. Stabilise hips. Massage spine.
Precautions : Neck and spine injuries.

Seal Sit with hips close to feet, knees bent. Lace hands between legs. Hold on to outsides of ankles. Feet together. Knees shoulder
distance apart. Make C-curve with spine. Gaze into abs. Balance with feet off mat. Clap feet together 3x. While in C-curve shape,
inhale, roll back to balance on shoulder blades with hips over shoulders. Clap feet 3x. Exhale, roll through spine to return to start
with feet off mat.
Benefits: Trunk stabilisation. Spinal massage.

Crab Sit with legs crossed. Core engaged. Hold onto feet without losing upright posture. Tilt pelvis. Roll sit bones under with a
posterior pelvic tilt. Roll back maintaining this shape and leg position. Go no further than tops of shoulders. Keep heels pressed
towards backs of legs. Return to balance position without feet touching floor.
Benefits: Spinal mobility. Strengthens core, rectus abdominus, obliques.
Precautions : Neck and spine injuries.

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Time Image Pose Description

Rocking Lay on stomach. Arms by side. Head to one side. Bend knees. Hold onto both ankles. Press ankles into hands. Lift chest and
knees away from mat by engaging backs of legs and back extensors. Maintain shape as you rock forward and back.
Benefits: Strengthen back extensors, glutes, hams. Increase spinal mobility.
Precautions : Shoulder, back or neck injury.

Control Lay on back with arms by side. Extend both legs to ceiling. Roll over and place balls of feet into mat. Circle arms around and
Balance place both hands on right foot. Extend left leg up. Without changing position of hips or torso, place ball of left foot onto mat and
extend right leg to ceiling.
Alternatives: Teaser. Roll Over.
Benefits: Strengthens hip extensors, core. Improves hip flexibility.
Modifications: Omit scissoring.
Precautions : Neck and spine injuries.

Push Up Stand with feet together. Roll down through spine and place hands on mat. Walk hands out until shoulders are over wrists and
body is in plank position. Bend elbows towards ribs in a tricep push up. Repeat 5x. Lift pelvis. Walk hands back to feet. Roll up
through spine to standing.
Benefits: Strengthens triceps, chest, & upper back.
Precautions : Injuries to your shoulder, wrist, elbow, or neck.

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Lesson Plan Description:

This lesson plan has the 34 classical Pilates mat exercises exactly as they are presented in Joseph Pilates book: Return to Life Through Contrology.  Joseph Pilates
created this order of exercise to go through a sequence that he believed to be the most logical. The beginning of routine warms up the body. It then progresses to more
challenging exercises once the body is warmed up and ready for them, and finishes with cool-down exercises.

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