SSRN Id3576342
SSRN Id3576342
SSRN Id3576342
Conrado B. Panerio, Jr. & 2Edmundo R. Albay
UM Digos College
Commission on Human Rights XI
This descriptive research study aimed to determine the level of awareness of female residents in Digos
City towards Republic Act 9262 or legally known as “Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of
2004.” This utilized a total of 491 female respondents randomly chosen from the different barangays of the said
parameter. A self-made questionnaire was administered consisting of 22 items which were retrieved verbatim
from the certain provisions of the said legal document. Based on the data analysis, it was revealed that female
respondents were moderately aware on the existence of Violence Against Women and may simply means no
engagement to such related cases in terms on information awareness. Thus, it was recommended that an actional
plan shall be implemented in terms of enhancement program on RA 9262. This refers to seminars and/or human
rights education information drive to yield 100% full awareness on this Act.
Violence against women (VAW) has been part of the many significant issues in society. It has been
stipulated on the daily story of every individual on how they experienced such societal disease that even up to this
day still one of the unsolved problems of the State. It has been considered that the most reprehensible human
rights violation was violence against women (Santiago & Aya, 2014) and considered to be the first global public
health problem (Morris, 2007).
In the international scenery, violence against women (VAW) may be brought somewhat by gender
vulnerability and inequality (Santiago & Aya, 2004). This is because of the traditional factor that women were
structurally underlined as in weaker positions in all aspects of societies in terms of education, occupation, and
The World Health Organization (1996) as cited by Morris (2007) defined violence as,
"the intentional use of physical force or power threatened or actual,
against oneself, another person, or a group of community, that either result in
or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,
maldevelopment or deprivation.”
Waller (1994), as cited by Carlson et al. (2003), violence has been addressed as a public health issue.
This may either be interpersonal violence, collective violence, abuse of child, sexual crime, street crime, elder or
disabled person, an act of war, and neglect (Morris, 2007).
Similarly, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) Report on Violence and Health in 2002,
violence has been considered to be the first global public health problem (Morris, 2007). This was because of the
increase in the prevalence and effects of partner violence, growing awareness of the impact of violence against
women on health care utilization, and the efforts of advocacy groups.
Based on the Ecological Model in the contextual aspect of roots of violence, violence has been classified
into individual, relationship, community, societal, and complex interactions. Individual factors may refer to the
demographic and biological factors such as the history of abuse, substance abuse, and education. Moreover,
relationships may refer to the family patterns, proximity to and acceptability of violence. Then, the community
was considered to be as institutions of abuse, which may apply to the neighborhood, transient communities, loss
of social support/social fabric, and social isolation. Furthermore, societal may refer to the cultural acceptance of
violence, damage to cultural restraints, and social power discrepancy. Lastly, complex interactions may refer to
war, societal collapse, sectarian violence, disaster, and famine.
According to Morris (2007), the possible consequences of violence may be morbidity, mortality,
economic loss, social disruption, diminished quality of life, loss of potential, family disruption, and psychological
trauma. According to WHO, as cited by Morris (2007), there were about 1.66 million violence-related deaths and
out of which were divided into three main cases, such as suicide (815,000), homicide (520,000) and war-related
(310,000). Moreover, of these millions of deaths, 1.51 million happened in the below and average-income
countries, and the rest occurred in the high-income countries.
This study employed a descriptive research design which sought to underline the demographic profile of
the respondents and the extent of their awareness towards Violence Against Women and their Children. Moreover,
this aimed to describe the data gathered to yield a sound recommendation of the action plan as the basis for the
community intervention program/s. Furthermore, this study utilized a total of 491 female respondents randomly
selected around the entire City of Digos (see table 1 below).
Table 1 reflects the distribution of the respondents who are randomly selected. Based on the descriptive
statistical table, it was highlighted that there are equally number of respondents who have age 18 – 27 (n=102)
and 48 – 57 (n=102). More so, there were more married (n=188) female residents participated in the said survey
as well. In terms of educational attainment, most of the respondents were high school graduate (n=92). Lastly,
many of them were housewives (n=256).
A self-made questionnaire was employed, consisting of 21 questions. These items were retrieved
verbatim from certain provisions of the Republic Act 9262. It underwent a reliability analysis using Cronbach`s
Alpha, which measures its internal consistency. The obtained Cronbach alpha is 0.934, which is above the
acceptable index of 0.70. To obtain as well the validity of the items assuring that the items were legally cited in
the said legal document, legal counsel was consulted to address the content validity. Furthermore, to address and
to answer the research objectives, this research employed descriptive statistics to scrutinize the items gearing
towards the provision of sound and authentic recommendation through an action plan.
Below are the obtained results found in this study. The following items were retrieved verbatim from RA
9262 or legally known as "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004. The respondents if
they were aware of the following items if these were indicators of Violence Against Women (VAW).
Table 2 presents the distribution of female respondents who voluntarily participated in the said survey.
Based on the descriptive analysis, more female respondents from urban barangays participated compare to the far-
flung communities. This is for the reason that there was a more significant population in these urban barangays
compare to the remote villages. These refer to Barangay Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Matti, San Jose, Tiguman, etc.
Few of the identified far-flung locales were Balabag, Ruparan, Lungag, Kapatagan, Soong, Binaton, etc.
Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics of the responses of the respondents on the following items in this
study. It was stipulated that there was an overall mean rating of 3.71, which was verbally described as Agree. This
implies that respondents were highly aware of the existence of VAW in the locality. Specifically, there were
seventeen (17) items were residents were highly aware. These are about causing physical harm to the woman or
her child, threatening to cause the woman or her child physical harm, attempting to create the woman or her child
physical harm, placing the woman or her child n fear of imminent bodily harm, trying to compel or compelling
the woman or her child to engage in conduct which the woman or her child has the right to desist from or desist
from conduct which the woman or her child has the right to engage in, attempting to restrict or restricting the
woman`s or her child`s freedom of movement or conduct by force or threat force, physical or other harm or threat
of bodily or other injury, or intimidation directed against the woman or child, threatening to deprive or actually
depriving the woman or her child of custody to her/his family, providing the woman`s children insufficient
financial support, depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of financial support legally due
her or her family, depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her child of a legal right, controlling the
victim`s own money or properties, or solely controlling the conjugal or common money, or ownership, inflicting
or threatening to inflict physical harm on oneself for the purpose of controlling her actions or decisions, causing
or attempting to create the woman or her child to engage in any sexual activity, destroying the property and
personal belongings or inflicting harm to animals or pets of the woman or her child, participating in any form of
harassment or violence, and causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation to the woman or
her child, including, but not limited to, repeated verbal and emotional abuse.
Furthermore, four (4) items reflected that respondents were undecided on the existence of the item as
indicators to VAW. These were preventing the woman in engaging in any legitimate profession, occupation,
business or activity, stalking or following the woman or her child in public or private places, peering in the window
or lingering outside the residence of the woman or her child, and entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the
property of the woman or her child against her/his will. Lastly, one (1) item reflected were respondents showed
strong agreement on the topic, which is the denial of financial support to wife and family.
However, these results found to be below the threshold of the target of the Commission on Human Rights
in emphasizing and intensifying 100% awareness of their human rights. This was reflective of the different
researches with a similar report.
the geographical set up of the community. An example is Balabag, Lungan, and Soong, which are far-flung
communities from urban barangays like Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3.
It has been concluded that most of the respondents were housewives and considered to attain until high
school level only. Based on the analysis, it was revealed that female residents of the City of Digos were moderately
aware on the existence of VAW. Moreover, resident from the far – flung areas ranging its awareness from unaware
to undecided leading to greater contributory on the below the threshold awareness towards violence against
women (VAW). Thus, the Commission on Human Rights shall utilize the said results of the study to establish a
concrete and authentic action plan which highlights the conduct of the different enhancement program in terms of
information dissemination drive and/or seminar – workshop in relation to VAW. This refers to seminars or human
rights education drive to provide them full awareness about the advocacy of CHR in terms of the rights of every
women and their children and to their human rights as a whole.
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Global Database on Violence Against Women (2004). Prevalence Data on Different Forms of Violence Against
Women. Retrieved last September 15, 2019, from http://evaw-global-
Morris, S. C. (2007). The causes of violence and the effects of violence on community and individual
health. Global Health Education, Consortium.
SANTIAGO, C. S., & AYA, E. B. (2014). Awareness and Perception of Housewives in Selected Municipalities
of Palawan Regarding RA 9262 (Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004). Asia
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