Kothari Commission
Kothari Commission
Kothari Commission
The Government of India, ever since the attainment of independence, have given
considerable attention to the development of a national system of education rooted in the
basic values and the cherished traditions of the Indian nation and suited to the needs and
aspirations of a modern society. While some advances have been made in these directions,
the educational system has not generally evolved in accordance with the needs of the times,
and a wide and distressing gulf continues to persist between thought and action in several
sectors of this crucial field of national activity. In view of the important role of education in
the economic and social development of the country, in the building of a truly democratic
society, in the promotion of national integration and unity, and above all, for the
transformation of the individual in the endless pursuit of excellence and perfection, it is now
considered imperative to survey and examine the entire field of education in order to realize
within the shortest possible period a well balanced, integrated and adequate system of
national education capable of making a powerful contribution to all spheres of national life.
The attainment of independence ushered in a new era of national development founded upon
the adoption of a secular democracy, not only as form of Government but also as a way of
life; the determination to eliminate the poverty of the people and to ensure a reasonable
standard of living, for all, through modernization of agriculture and rapid development of
industry; the adoption of modem science and technology and their harmonizing with
traditional spiritual values; the acceptance of a socialistic pattern of society which will secure
equitable distribution of wealth and equality of opportunity for all in education, employment
and cultural advancement. Greater emphasis came to be placed on educational development
because of the realization that education, especially in science and technology, is the most
powerful instrument of social transformation and economic progress and that the attempt to
create a new social order based on freedom, equality and justice can only succeed if the
traditional educational system was revolutionized, both in content and extent.
Quantitatively, education at all levels has shown a phenomenal development in the post-
independence period. In spite of this expansion, however, there is widespread dissatisfaction
about several aspects of educational development. For instance, it has not been possible to
provide free and universal education for all children up to 14 Years of age. The problem of
mass illiteracy continues to be immense. It has not been possible to raise standards
adequately at the secondary and university stages. The diversification of curricula in
secondary and higher education has not kept pace with the times so that the problem of
educated unemployment has been intensified on the one hand while, on the other, there is an
equally acute shortage of trained manpower in several sectors. The remuneration and service
conditions of teachers leave a great deal to be desired; and several important academic
problems are still matters of intense controversies. In short, qualitative improvements in
education have not kept pace with quantitative expansion, and national policies and
programmes concerning the quality of education, even when these were well conceived and
generally agreed to, could not be implemented satisfactorily.
The Government of India are convinced that education is the most important factor to
national prosperity and welfare and that no investment is likely to yield greater returns than
investment in human resources of which the most important component is education.
Government have also decided to mobilize all the resources of science and technology which
can only be done on the foundation of good and progressive education and to that end, to
increase considerably their total investment in the development of education and scientific
research. The nation must be prepared to pay for quality in education, and from the value
attached to education by all sectors of the people it is clear 'that they will do so willingly.
It is desirable to survey the entire field of educational development as the various parts of the
educational system strongly interact with and influence one another. It is not possible to have
progressive and strong universities without efficient secondary schools and the quality of
these schools is determined by the functioning of elementary schools. What is needed,
therefore, is a synoptic survey and an imaginative look at education considered as a whole
and not fragmented into parts and stages. In the past, several commissions and committees
have examined limited sectors and specific aspects of education. It is now proposed to have a
comprehensive review of the entire educational system.
While the planning of education for India must necessarily emanate from Indian experience
and conditions, Government of India are of the opinion that it would be advantageous to draw
upon the experience and thinking of educationists and scientists from other parts of the world
in the common enterprise of seeking for the right type of education which is the quest of all
mankind, specially at this time when the world is becoming closely knit together in so many
ways. It has, therefore, been decided to associate with the Commission either as members or
as consultants, some eminent scientists and educationists from other countries. The United
Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation has provided three members for
the Commission viz., Mr. Jean Thomas, Inspector General of Education, France, and
formerly Assistant Director General of UNESCO, Prof. Shumovsky, Director,
Methodological Division, Ministry of Higher and Special Secondary Education, RSFSR,
Moscow, and Professor of Physics, Moscow University, and Prof. Sadatoshi Thara, Professor
of the First Faculty of Science and Technology, Waseda University, Tokyo, who have since
joined the Commission. It is expected that the collaboration of some eminent scientists, and
educationists as consultants, with the work of the Commission, will also be forthcoming.
Negotiations are in progress with some more specialists and additions of names of foreign
consultants will be notified from time to time. In addition, the Commission has been
authorized to invite from time to time such other consultants in India in relation to any aspect
of its enquiry as it may consider necessary.
For the purposes outlined in the foregoing paragraphs, Government of India have decided to
set up an Education Commission
The most urgent reform needed in education is to transform it, to endeavour to relate it to the
life, needs and aspirations of the people and thereby to make it a powerful tool of social,
economic and cultural transformation necessary for realisation of our national goals.
For this purpose, education should be developed as to increase productivity, achieve social
and national integration, accelerate the pace of modernisation and to strive to build character
by cultivating social, moral and spiritual values.
(A) INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY: The link between education and productivity can
be created through the development of the following programmes -
(i) Science Education: Science education must become an integral part of the school
education and ultimately study of science should become a part of all courses in the
humanities and social science at the university stage. Science and mathematics should be
taught on a compulsory basis to all pupils as a part of general education during the first ten
years of schooling.
Every primary school should have a science comer to keep specimens, models and charts
with necessary storage facilities. Every higher primary school should be provided with one
laboratory-cum-lecture room.
(iii) Application of Science to Productive Process: Every effort should be made to link
programmes realistically to technology, industrialization, and the application of science to
productive processes including agriculture.
recommendations of the commission for achieving unity and solidarity of the nation:
(i) Common School System: In the words of commission, “If the educational system is to
become a powerful instrument of national development in general, and social and national
integration in particular, we must move towards the goal of a common school system of
public education—which will be open to all children irrespective of caste, creed, community,
religion, economic conditions or social status”. Therefore, a common school system of public
education should be introduced in a phased manner spread over twenty years.
(ii) Social and National Service: In order to remove the gulf between the educated and
uneducated or between the intelligentsia and masses, some form of social and national service
should be made obligatory for all students at all stages of education. This can become an
instrument to build character, improve discipline, inculcate a faith in the dignity of manual
labour and to develop a social responsibility. For making it a success, the commission
suggested two forms:
(i) Education should be concerned with awakening of curiosity, the development of proper
interests, attitudes, and values and the building up essential skills as independent study and
capacity to think and judge for one self.
(ii) Education must try to create an intelligentsia of adequate size and competence, which
comes from all strata of society and whose loyalties and aspirations are rooted in the Indian
The commission says, “One of the important social objectives of education is to equalize
opportunity enabling the backward or under-privileged classes and individuals to use
education as a lever for the improvement of their condition…………. It observes, “The
education of the backward classes in general and of the tribal people in particular is a major
programme of equalisation and of social and national integration. No expenditure is too great
for the purpose”.
(ii) A Primary Stage of 7 to 8 years dividing into lower primary (4 to 5 years) and higher
primary stage (3 or 2 years).
(iv) A higher secondary of 2 years of general education or one to three years of vocational
(v) A higher education stage having a course of 3 years or more for the first degree and
followed by a course for second degree of varying durations.
(c) First public examination to come at the end of first ten years of schooling.
(d) The streaming system to be made beyond class X in case of general education.
(e) Two types of secondary schools—high schools providing a ten year course and higher
secondary schools providing a course of 11 or 12 years.
(f) Bigger and more efficient schools about 1/4th of the total number to be upgraded and
attempts to upgrade every secondary school to the higher secondary to be abandoned.
(g) New higher secondary course at class XI to be instituted and class XI and XII to provide
specialised studies in different subjects; existing higher secondary schools with integrated
courses in classes IX, X, XI running satisfactorily to be continued until class XII is added.
(h) Transfer of the PU course from the universities and affiliated colleges to secondary
schools by 1975-76 and the duration of the course to be lengthened to two years by 1985-86;
UGC would be responsible for the transfer of the above course.
(i) Starting of higher secondary class or classes in selected schools by state education
departments as self-contained units and assisted with adequate recurring grants.
(j) Reconstituting Boards of Secondary Education to accept the onus for the higher secondary
stage also.
(k) Vocationalisation at the secondary stage at the end of class VII or VIII and of the end of
class X and provision to be made for the introduction of different types of vocational courses
at the lower and higher secondary stage, the duration of these courses varied from one to
three years which would prepare young person’s for employment.
(l) Ten years of schooling should cover a primary stage of 7 or 8 years and a lower secondary
stage of 3 or 2 years providing a course of general education without any specialisation.
(m) Classes XI and XII should provide for specialised studies in different subjects at the
higher secondary stage.
(n) The higher secondary stage should be extended to cover a period of 2 years and to be
located exclusively in schools.
Steps should be taken to implement these through a phased programme spread over the
next 20 years (1965-85).
(ii) English or Hindi (if English has already been taken as the mother-tongue)and
(b) Mathematics;
(c) Science;
(e) Art,
(i) Any two languages including any MIL, modern foreign language and any classical
(a) History,
(b) Geography,
(c) Economics,
(d) Logic,
(e) Psychology,
(f) Sociology,
(g) Art,
(h) Physics,
(i) Chemistry,
(j) Mathematics,
(k) Biology,
Teachers should be oriented to the revised curricula through in-service education. Schools
should be given freedom to devise and experiment with new curricula suited to their needs.
State Board of Education should prepare advanced curricula in all subjects and introduce
them in a phased manner in the schools. Science and mathematics should be compulsory in
the first ten years of schooling.
An effective programme of social studies is essential for the development of good citizenship
and emotional integration. Work experience, social service programmes, physical education
and education in moral and spiritual values, co-curricular activities etc. should form integral
parts of the school curriculum.
(c) Modern Indian or European language not covered order (a) and (b) and other than that
used as a medium of instruction.
Further, the principles of basic education, viz. productive activity, correlation, contact with
local community etc. should guide and shape the educational system at all levels and this is
the essence of the proposals made in the report.
The commission viewed that the main factors responsible for the dull, monotonous and
uninspiring school teaching are the rigidity of the education system, poor competency of the
teacher, lack of research on teaching methods and failure of administrative machinery to
diffuse new and dynamic methods of teaching.
Therefore, the commission suggested that elasticity and dynamism in the educational system
will help the institutions and teachers to proceed along different levels of development.
The educational administration can hasten diffusion of new teaching methods for bringing out
elasticity by combining permissiveness and persuasion, approaching new methods according
to the ability of schools, giving necessary in-service training to teachers through workshops,
seminars, refresher courses, demonstrations etc. and providing revised guide materials.
Besides, lists of minimum teaching aids and equipment needed by each category of schools
should be prepared. Teachers should be helped and trained to use in-expensive and local
available improvised teaching aids. Teaching aids and equipment will be prepared through
Above all, it was suggested that there should be the co-ordination between Education
Department and All India Radio for maximisation of teaching and optimisation of learning.
The commission fell that in order to raise standards of education, quality text books should be
written by a qualified and competent specialist in the subject and produced with due care as
for as printing quality and general get up and illustrations are concerned.
At the national level, it is essential that the best talent available in the country should be
mobilised to produce the text books and other literature needed both at the school and at the
university stage. The Ministry of Education should take steps to establish, in the public
sector, an autonomous organization functioning on commercial lines for the production of
text books.The ministry should set up a small committee to work out the modalities for the
preparation of text books.
(i) The effort at the national level should be augmented by the state efforts.
(ii) The preparation, try out and evaluation of text books should be the responsibility of State
Education Department.
(iii) The sale and distribution of text books are better to be left to student co-operatives.
(iv) The production of text books and teaching aids should be entrusted to an autonomous
agency functioning in close alliance with the Education Department.
(vi) Provision of multiple choice of text books even for a given class and even if, there is a
common syllabus for all the schools.
(vii) There should be the adoption of liberal policies for remuneration for attracting the best
talents to write books.
(viii) The entire organisation of state production of text books should run on a no-profit or
no-loss basis.
(ix) Manuscripts should be invited, evaluated and approved by a high level committee of
professional persons.
(xi) Text-books should be supplemented by teacher’s guides and other instructional materials.
For the qualitative improvement of teacher education, there should be reorientation of subject
knowledge both independently and in collaboration with university departments, and where
necessary, with the arts and science colleges doing post-graduate work. There should be two
years duration of the programme for the primary teachers and one year duration for the
secondary teachers.
Vitalisation of professional studies should be done to purge its off inadequacy. There should
be the necessity of improving methods of teaching and evaluation in training institutions.
Individual library work, preparation of review report, case studies, project work, discussions
and seminars should form an integral part of the work of training institutions. The
examination system needs continuous reform. There must be a comprehensive programme of
internship instead of block teaching.
The pupil teacher should be given opportunities to observe good teaching. There should be
continuous practice teaching for a period of at least eight weeks under actual school
Special courses for teacher educators of primary and secondary training institutes should also
be developed and untrained graduate teachers, who are being employed in the schools, need
to be oriented in special courses. Further, curriculum should be revised at all levels of teacher
education keeping in view the emerging needs of the society.
The commission emphasised that necessary efforts should be taken to raise the economic
social and professional status of teachers and to feed back talented youth into the profession
Therefore, there is the urgent need of reform to upgrade the scale of pay of teachers. At the
school stage, the Govt. of India should lay down the minimum scales of pay for school
The states and Union Territories should then adopt equivalent or higher scales to pay to suit
their local conditions. There should be parity in the pay scales irrespective of difference in
management Liberal central assistance should be given to state governments for improving
the salaries of school teachers.
For the promotion, trained graduate teachers having outstanding work should be promote to
the next posts carrying salaries of teachers with post graduate qualification. Advance
increment may be given to such teachers.
The UGC should give grants to such teachers to do research in various fields. Normal
retirement age for teachers should be 60 years and there should be the provision for extension
up to 65 years provided the person is physically fit and mentally alert to discharge his/her
duties efficiently.
Retirement benefits should be extended to all the teachers in the service of the State
Governments. There should be encouragement of women teachers at a stages of education
and teachers working in tribal areas should be given special training and allowance,
assistance for the education of their children and residential accommodation.
The commission realised that the provision of school buildings is extremely unsatisfactory at
present and felt that it is necessary to take steps to clear the backlog of unconstructed school
buildings as well as to provide additional buildings for new involvement. The commission
suggests earmarking of funds in the budget of centre and states, mobilising community
resources, encouraging loans and grants-in-aid for construction of building.
Each primary school should be integrally related to ten lower primary schools that exist in the
neighbourhood so that they form one complex of educational facilities. The headmaster of the
higher primary school should provide extension service to the lower primary schools in this
The second tier would be a committee under the chairmanship of headmaster of the
secondary school which will plan the work and give guidance to all the schools in the area.
The search for talent must be a continuous process which should be pursued at all stages. A
variety of extra-mural programmes should be organised for the talented boys and girls such as
summer schools, visit to place of educational interest, provision of hostels and day centres for
those whose home environment is not conducive for study.
Guidance and counselling should be regarded as an integral part of education, meant for all
students and aimed at assisting the individual to make decision and adjustments from time to
time it should help in the identification and development of the abilities and interests of
adolescent pupils.
The ultimate objective should be to introduce adequate guidance services in all secondary
schools with a trained counsellor in charge of the programme.
Steps should be taken immediately to devise suitable techniques for identifying talent at this
stage. Each state should organise a testing service at the end of the primary stage (class VII or
VIII) and also at the end of lower secondary stage and make the assistance available to all the
Thus, it helps t only to measure educational achievement but also to improve it. There is the
necessity of improving written examinations and other methods such as observation
techniques, oral tests and practical examinations for assessing the student’s performance.
The commission made the following suggestions with regards to evaluation at different stage
1. It would be desirable to treat the lower primary stage covering class I to IV as an ungraded
unit, because this would help the children coming from different backgrounds to advance at
their own pace.
2. Teachers should be appropriately trained for the ungraded system through regular training
courses and orientation programmes.
3. Observation techniques should be used by the teachers in a planned and systematic
1. In addition to written examinations weightage should be given to oral tests, which should
form a part of internal assessment.
2. Introduction of simple cumulative record card in a phased manner for indicating of pupil’s
growth and development, his/her academic and emotional problems, his/her difficulties in
adjustment, etc.
4. By .making use of the standardized or refined test material, the district educational
authorities may arrange for a common examination at the end of the primary stage for schools
in the district.
5. There should be provision for giving certificate along with cumulative record card at the
end of the primary class.
6. Special tests may be conducted for the award of scholarships or certificates of merit and
for identification of talent.
2. The certificates issued by the State Board should give the candidate’s performance in
different subjects and there should be no remark or the effect that he/she has passed or failed
in the whole examination. Permission should also be given for re-appearance or improvement
in subjects.
3. A few selected schools should be given freedom of assessing their students themselves and
holding their own final examinations at the end of class X, which will be considered as
equivalent to the external examination of the State Board.
4. Internal assessment by schools should be comprehensive and should evaluate all aspects of
student growth including personality traits, interests, attitudes which cannot be assessed by
the external examination system. It should be descriptive as well as quantitative.
The use of standardized achievement test is strongly recommended. There is need for
developing tools for internal assessment such as interest inventories, aptitude tests and rating
scales. The internal assessment should be shown separately in the mark-sheets and
5. The commission recommended that the first external examination should be held at the end
of class X and the second after class XII which will be end of the higher secondary stage.
6. For the evaluation machinery at the state level, the present secondary boards of school
education will earn its sobriquet ‘State Boards of School Education’ with enhanced powers
and functions. At the centre, there will be a National Board of School Education which will
deal with evaluation programmes at the central level.
There should be streamlining of adult education to liquidate illiteracy in the country. As such,
the Commission recommended the following:
(i) There should be a nationwide, coherent and sustained literacy campaign with the
involvement of central, state, and local governments, all governmental agencies, all voluntary
agencies and private organisations and industries, all educational institutions from
universities to primary schools and above all educated men and women n the country.
(ii) The programme should be very carefully planned and that all necessary preparations
should be made well ahead in time.
(iii) Early efforts should be taken to liquidate illiteracy within a time-frame. Two-fold
strategy should be taken to combat illiteracy.
(iv) In order to promote literacy among women, condensed courses for women sponsored by
the central social welfare board should be adopted. Appointment of village teachers should be
encouraged to teach the village women.
(v) The mass media of communication should be effectively used for liquidating illiteracy.
(vi) In order to retain the literacy achieved, literacy campaigns must have adequate follow-up.
(vii)All types of educational institutions should be encouraged and helped to open their doors
outside the regular working hours to provide such course of instruction to the people desirous
of receiving education.
(viii) Ad-hoc courses should be organised by the leading institutions to help people
understand and solve their problems; and acquire wider knowledge and experience.
(ix) Special institutions as run by the central social welfare board for adult women should be
set up to spread education among the illiterate people.
(x) The universities should assume responsibilities for educating the adults by resorting to a
heap of programmes and they should be adequately financed for establishing department of
adult education and Board of Adult education.
(i) In order to bring education to those who are unable to attend even part time courses, wide-
spread organisation of correspondence courses should be organised.
(iii) These courses should be supported by well coordinated radio and television programmes.
(iv) These courses should not be confined to preparing students for the university degree but
also provide agricultural, industrial and other workers such special courses of instruction as
would help them to improve production,
(v) Correspondence courses should be made available for those who desire to enrich their
lives by studying subjects of cultural and aesthetic value,
(vi) These courses should be developed for the teachers in schools to keep them abreast with
new knowledge and new methods of teaching,
(vii) The Ministry of Education in collaboration with other Ministries should establish
National Council of Home Studies,
(viii) Opportunity to take examination conducted by Education Board and Universities in the
country should be made available to those who wish to work on their own without any
It should be possible to have at least one good institution for the education of handicapped
children in each district. The NCERT should have a cell for the study of the handicapped.
19. PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION: The commission said that pre-primary education is of
great significance to the physical, emotional and intellectual development of children,
especially those with unsatisfactory home background.
(i) The target to be set as an enrolment of 5% in the age groups 3 to 5 and 50% in the age
group 5 to 6 in pre-school classes will be a reasonable target by 1986.
(ii) For the development of pre-primary education during the next twenty years, it was
suggested that pre-primary education development centres should be set up one in each of
state institutes of education and one in each district for the development, supervision and
guidance of pre-primary education in the area.
Private enterprise should be made largely responsible for setting up and running pre-primary
centres. Encouragement should be given to experimentation in devising less expensive
methods of expanding pre-primary education. Children’s play centres should be attached to
as many primary schools as possible.
The state should maintain at state and district level play centres, train pre-primary teachers,
conduct research, assist in the preparation and development of material and literature, provide
supervision and guidance to pre-primary schools and training institutes, assist private
agencies with liberal grant-in-aid and run model pre-primary schools.
The programme should be flexible and consist of various types of play, manual and learning
activities having sensory experiences. Proper co-ordination should be maintained among
different agencies that work in the field of pre-primary education.
The creation of the Indian Education service is a step in the right direction and if organised
on a proper lines, such a service would help the progress of education.
The number of instructional days in a year should be increased to about 234 (or 39 weeks) for
schools and 216 for colleges and pre-primary schools.
It is desirable to begin the academic year on the same day throughout India.
Another recommendation of the commission for the alignment of the educational system on
10+2+3 pattern has been achieved by the government on a national level. The education has
been modelled as per commission's recommendation to stratify the sector with state and
national bodies and a central board, Board of Higher Secondary Education was set up in
Kothari commission, fourth education commission in the independent India, and its
recommendations are also reported to have influenced the 1986 revision of the National
Policy on Education by the Rajiv Gandhi ministry. The guidelines laid out by the commission
were revisited by the National Knowledge Commission headed by Sam Pitroda in 2005.