AI in Agriculture
AI in Agriculture
AI in Agriculture
We take this opportunity to express our profound sense of gratitude and to all those who
helped us throughout the duration of this seminar.
We devote our success in this effort to our project guide MS.MEGHNA VITHLANI for
giving us the opportunity to undertake thee seminar and providing crucial feedbacks that
influenced us and provided opportunity to undertake the project work in the esteemed
We offer our sincere thanks to the manager and officers of the unit for providing us necessary
information reguired for the seminar ARTFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN AGRICULTURE
which we have incorporated in duration of the seminar.
Last but not the least,we are also thankful to staff members and compony for supporting in
seminar for their guidance,constant encouragement and sustained motivation,also we would
like to extend our profound thanks to all our esteemed colleagues and friends at collage level
who helped us in the specific areas of this seminar.
Usama patel(19B050)
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Agriculture plays a significant role in the economic sector. The automation in agriculture is
the main concern and the emerging subject across the world. The population is increasing
tremendously and with this increase the demand of food and employment is also increasing.
The traditional methods which were used by the farmers, were not sufficient enough to fulfill
these requirements. Thus, new automated methods were introduced. These new methods
satisfied the food requirements and also provided employment opportunities to billions of
people. Artificial Intelligence in agriculture has brought an agriculture revolution. This
technology has protected the crop yield from various factors like the climate changes,
population growth, employment issues and the food security problems. This main concern of
this paper is to audit the various applications of Artificial intelligence in agriculture such as
for irrigation, weeding, spraying with the help of sensors and other means embedded in robots
and drones. These technologies saves the excess use of water, pesticides, herbicides,
maintains the fertility of the soil, also helps in the efficient use of man power and elevate the
productivity and improve the quality. This paper surveys the work of many researchers to get
a brief overview about the current implementation of automation in agriculture, the weeding
systems through the robots and drones. The various soil water sensing methods are discussed
along with two automated weeding techniques. The implementation of drones is discussed,
the various methods used by drones for spraying and crop-monitoring is also discussed in this
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1 Introduction 4
2 Impacts Of AI In Agriculture 5
3 Robots In Agriculture 7
4 Drones In Agriculture 10
5 AI In Agriculture 16
7 Conclusion 18
8 References 19
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The agriculture industry now is experiencing rapid growth and adopting advanced
technologies in order to bolster the overall yield of the crops. Accessibility of a large number
of equipment and state-of-the-art technologies like intelligent monitoring system, drones,
robots, among others has totally revolutionized this sector.
Artificial Intelligence is one such vital technology in today’s digital agriculture that is being
implemented and deployed on a large scale for more sustainable use of available resources.
In 2017, the global market for artificial intelligence in agriculture was valued at around US$
545 million, which is now increased and predicted to reach nearly US$ 2,075 million by 2024.
The market will rise at a growing CAGR of 21% throughout the forecast period.
By leveraging AI, farm enterprises and farmers will be able to enhance agriculture production
to meet the food demands in need of the hour. Since humans work hard and can only perform
for some hours, machines have no fixed time to work. Every person’s mind has not strong
decision-making abilities that can lead the inadequate and indecorous decisions. Conversely,
AI-powered machines better learn the situations or environment and make strong decisions.
Today, AI has a huge impact on agriculture space, so, look at these trends how it
revolutionizes this sector.
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1.Impacts of AI on agriculture:-
The technologies which are AI-based help to improve efficiency in all the fields and also
manage the challenges faced by various industries including the various fields in the
agricultural sector like the crop yield, irrigation, soil content sensing, crop- monitoring,
weeding, crop establishment.Agricultural robots are built in order to deliver high valued
application of AI in the mentioned sector. With the global population soaring, the agricultural
sector is facing a crisis, but AI has the potential to deliver much-needed solution. AI- based
technological solutions has enabled the farmers to produce more output with less input and
even improved the quality of output, also ensuring faster go-to- market for the yielded crops.
By 2020, farmers will be using 75 million connected devices. By 2050, the average farm is
expected to generate an average of 4.1 million data pointsevery day. The various ways in
which AI has contributed in the agricultural sector are as follows:
Lee et al. (2017) said that in recent years, an increasing interest has been seen in
autonomous UAVs and their applications including recognition and surveillance,
human body detection and geolocalization, search and rescue, forest fire detection
(Bhaskaranand and Gibson, 2011; Doherty and Rudol, 2007; Tomic et al., 2012;
Merino et al., 2006). Because of their versatility as well as amazing imaging
technology which covers from delivery to photography, the ability to be piloted with a
remote controller and the devices being dexterous in air which enables us to do a lot
with these devices, drones or UAVs are becoming increasingly popular to reach great
heights and distances and carrying out several applications.
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Maximize the output:-
Ferguson et al. (1991) said in his wok that Variety selection and seed quality set the
maximum performance level for all plants. The emerging technologies have helped
the best selection of the crops and even have improved the selection of hybrid seed
choices which are best suited for farmer's needs. It has implemented by understanding
how the seeds react to various weather conditions, different soil types. By collecting
this information, the chances of plant diseases are reduced. Now we are able to meet
the market trends, yearly outcomes, consumer needs, thus farmers are efficiently able
to maximize the return on crops.
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2. Robots in agriculture:-
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) are introduced in large sectors of the economy
with relatively low productivity such as Agri-Food. According to UK-RAS White papers
(2018) ,the UK Agri-Food chain, from primary farming through to retail, generates over
£108bn p.a., and with 3.7 m employees in a truly international industry yielding £20bn of
exports in 2016. Robotics has played a substantial role in the agricultural production and
management. The researchers have now started emphasizing on technologies to design
autonomous agricultural tools as the conventional farming machineries lacked in efficiency.
The main purpose of coming up with this technology is to replace human labor and produce
effective benefits on small as well as large scale productions.In this sector, the room for
robotic technologies has amplified productivity immensely. The robots are performing
various agricultural operations autonomously such as weeding, irrigation, guarding the farms
for delivering effective reports, ensuring that the adverse environmental conditions do not
affect the production, increase precision, and manage individual plants in various unfamiliar
The idea of coming up with such a technology came with the introduction of a machine called
Eli Whitney's cotton gin. It was invented in 1794 by U.S. - born inventor Eli Whitney (1765–
1825), a device which revolutionized cotton production by significantly accelerating the
process of extracting seed from cotton fiber.It created 50 pounds of cotton in one day. Thus
this gave birth to the autonomous agricultural robots. A basic automated model was
introduced to determine the actual position of seeds. Ultra high precision placement of seed
was also established. Mechanisms that ensure that the seeds planted has zero ground
velocity.This is important as it ensures that the seed does not bounce from its actual position
after the soil impact. The status or the development of plant was recorded by automated
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The agriculture sector consumes 85% of the available freshwater resources across the
world. And this percentage is increasing rapidly with the population growth and with
the increase in food demand. This leaves us with the need to come up with more
efficient technologies in order to ensure proper use of water resources in irrigation.
The manual irrigation which was based on soil water measurement was replaced by
automatic irrigation scheduling techniques. The plant evapotranspiration which was
dependent on various atmospheric parameters such as humidity, the wind speed, solar
radiations and even the crop factors such as the stage of growth, plant density, the soil
properties, and pest was taken into consideration while implementing autonomous
irrigation machines.
The technology of smart irrigation is developed to increase the production without the
involvement of large number of man power by detecting the level of water,
temperature of the soil, nutrient content and weather forecasting. The actuation is
performed according to the microcontroller by turning ON/OF the irrigator pump.
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Drip/trickle irrigation systems are methods of
microirrigation wherein water is applied through
emitters to the soil surface as drops or small streams.
The discharge rate of the emitters is low so this
irrigation method can be used on all soil types
Weeds are a curse to agricultural production and lead to diminished crop yield and
quality. Weed management and control are thus essential to the production of high-
yielding and high-quality crops. Advancements in weed control technology have had a
huge impact on agricultural productivity. Meeting the food and fiber demands of the
world’s growing population will only be possible with highly productive agricultural
systems in which weed management is a critical component.
Any effective weed control technology needs to be both robust and adaptable. Robust
weed control technology will successfully control weeds in spite of variability in the
field conditions. Adaptable weed control technology has the capacity to change its
strategy in the context of evolving weed populations, genetics, and climatic
conditions. Conventional weed control practices, such as chemical weed control or
mechanical cultivation, tend to be robust with the input of agricultural producer
experience and management decisions.
Agricultural robots have great potential to deliver weed control technologies that are
much more adaptable even down to the plant scale. They potentially could direct
chemical or cultivation tools to directly target weed plants. Agricultural robots can
have these characteristics because they bring recent advances in artificial intelligence
(AI) to bear on the control of weeds in crop fields. However, bringing AI and robotics
technology to weed control has several challenges that may limit robotic weed control
robustness, at least with the current state of technology.
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(Fig.3 weed management with robotics)
3.Drones in agriculture:-
Drones are being implemented in agriculture for crop health monitoring, irrigation
equipment monitoring, weed identification, herd and wildlife monitoring, and disaster
management.Remote Sensing with the use of UAVs for image capturing, processing,
and analysis is making a huge impact on agriculture.The rural business appears to
have grasped ramble innovation with great enthusiasm, utilizing these propelled
instruments to change current agricultural methods.The complete addressable
estimation of automation fueled arrangements in every single relevant industry is
critical – more than USD 127 billion, as indicated by an ongoing PwC analysis.
They can be contrasted with a normal simple to use camera for unmistakable pictures,
yet while a standard camera can give some data about plant development, inclusion
and different things, a multispectral sensor extends the utility of the procedure and
enables farmers to see things that can't be found in the noticeable range, for example,
moisture content in the soil, plant health monitoring. These could help defeat the
different restrictions that obstruct agrarian production. The development of the UAS is
incorporated with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The data recovered by the WSN
enables the UAS to advance their utilization for instance to restrict its spraying of
synthetic compounds to carefully assigned regions.
The agricultural drone market is expected to grow over 38% in coming years. It is
believed that the need for efficient agriculture is only going to become more important
due to increasing population levels and changing climate patterns.
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Table.1 Summary of various applications of drones in agriculture:-
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Crop spraying:-
The UAVS, otherwise called drones, are chiefly established on the innovations of
sensors and microcontrollers which are grown especially with an expectation to make
up for the nonattendance of the pilot and accordingly empower the trip of unmanned
vehicles and their independent conduct.These drones have been utilized as substance
sprayers by farmers since numerous years now and they are considered as effective
and of great importance in the situations of cloudy climate and has also solved the
problem of inaccessibility to a field of tall crops.
Based on vitality required to atomize and to toss out the shower liquid, sprayers are
arranged into four categories namely: The hydraulic energy sprayer, the gaseous
energy sprayer, the centrifugal energy sprayer and the kinetic energy sprayer.
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4. Kinetic energy sprayer:-
In Kinetic Energy Sprayer the spray liquid streams by gravity to a vibrating or
swaying spout which delivers a coarse fan like spray design. This is explicitly
utilized for the spraying of herbicides.
Crop monitoring:-
The advanced sensors and imaging capabilities have provided the farmers with many
new ways to increase yields and reduce crop damage.Unmanned airplanes which are
used for practical purposes in recent years have taken a bizarre flight. New sensors
mounted on UAV, with high-tech cameras being the eyes of the client on the ground
and optimal procedures for survey, data acquisition and analysis are continuously
developed and tested. As a matter of fact, the use of aerial surveys is not new to the
agricultural world. Satellites have been used for a decade to inspect large croplands
and forestry but a new level of precision and flexibility has been obtained with the
use of UAVs. To carry out UAV flights, one does not need to depend on the position
of the satellite or having the correct weather conditions and as UAV pictures are
taken 400–500 ft. from the ground level, they result in better quality and provide
A low cost multispectral imaging system was designed and developed for application
to crop monitoring.It consists of a microcontroller along with two cameras embedded
into the drone. One camera is sensitive to Infrared radiation while the other is a
common RGB camera. This system provides images and information which are used
by a software to compute the NDVI and subsequently the health status of a crop.
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1. Yield mapping and monitoring:-
One of the key segments of the unprecedenting progressions in exactness cultivating
frameworks, yield mapping, enables the farmer to see spatial variety over the field
perceiving zone for future activities and outcome of the past sessions, management. It
alludes for the most part to the way toward gathering geo-referenced information on
harvest yield and qualities, for example, showing in-field fluctuation, and the soil
moisture content of the yield giving a benchmarking apparatus, when the yield is
being harvested. In combination with soil examining data, yield maps empowers the
arrangement of variable compost maps which considers soil supplement levels just as
the supplement which was expelled in the collected harvest. Last result of yield
mapping is typically a tonal or shaded guide showing scopes of yield inside a field.
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3. Yield calculation and calibration:-
Yield is characterized as harvest weight (lbs for cotton) or volume (bu for grains)
reaped per unit region, which is in a roundabout way estimated by the yield sensor
stream rate/(speed x swath width). Yield stream rate is commonly determined each
1–2 s during collecting. The begin and end times for each line pass are balanced
relying upon the measure of time the harvest takes to travel through sifting, isolating,
and cleaning to the area of the yield sensor. The deferrals for beginning of-pass and
end-of-pass will rely upon the yield and speed of the consolidate. Scientific
interjection systems have been utilized to expel commotion because of blunders and
regular spikes in the crude sensor and area information.
Typically a couple of focuses toward the start and toward the finish of a pass ought to
be expelled too. These focuses are alluded to as begin and end-pass delays. Begin
pass postponements happen when the grain stream has not balanced out in light of the
fact that the lift is bit by bit topping off yet the consolidate begins gathering the yield.
Moving of raw information to address for grain stream postponement and exclusion
of focuses that speak to header status up and begin and end-pass deferrals is the
essential information separating method incorporated with programming provided
with yield mapping frameworks.
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4.AI start-ups in Agriculture:-
Below is the list of popular start-ups in Agriculture:
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5.Advantages and Disadvantages of AI in Agriculture:-
The advantages of Artificial intelligence in agriculture applications are enormous and
can revolutionize agriculture sector. Let’s see some of them
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By seeing the advantages of AI for sustainable farming, implementing this
technology may seem like a logical step for every farmer. However, there are still
some serious challenges that everyone knows, which are as follows:
The future of AI in farming largely depends on the adoption of AI solutions.
Although some large-scale researches are in progress and some applications are
already in the market, yet industry in agriculture is underserved. Moreover, creating
predictive solutions to solve a real challenge faced by farmers in farming is still in
progress at an early stage. Corresponding to the current social situation of decreasing
manual labor, limited usable agronomic land and a greater gap between total food
produced and the world population, AI has been regarded as one of the most feasible
solution to those problems and has been developed and improved for years by
scientists worldwide. In this review, the definitions of AI are first introduced, in
which the highlight is the Turing Test. Then two sub fields that AI has been playing
an important role in are demonstrated, which are in soil management, weed
management, and Internet of Things (IoT), a useful data analysis and storing
technology that has wide application in agriculture, is introduced.
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H.S. Abdullahi, F. Mahieddine, R.E. Sheriff
Technology Impact on Agricultural Productivity: A Review of Precision
Agriculture Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and
Telecommunications Engineering (2015), pp. 388-400
B.S. Faiçal, F.G. Costa, G. Pessin, J. Ueyama, H. Freitas, A. Colombo, T. Braun, P.H.
Fini, L. Villas, F.S. Osório, P.A. Vargas
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles and wireless sensor networks for spraying
J. Syst. Archit., 60 (4) (2014), pp. 393-404, 10.1016/j.sysarc.2014.01.004
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