Standardisation Policy
Standardisation Policy
Standardisation Policy
1. Purpose
1.1 To provide a policy and procedure for the standardisation of Higher National student
assessed work to ensure that lecturers are marking consistently, to an appropriate academic
standard and providing individualised feedback.
1.2 To ensure that student assessment meets the requirements of the QAA UK Quality Code
and of Pearson as the Higher National awarding organisation.
2. Background
2.1 Regent College London (the College) operates a robust assessment process across its
higher education provision and has met the requirements of Pearson, as the awarding
organisation for the Higher National courses, and the QAA Higher Education Review (AP) and
QAA Annual Monitoring requirements. Both organisations regard the assessment of student
work as being conducted at the appropriate academic standard and that the assessment
process overall is being effectively managed by the College.
2.2 Standardisation meetings are concerned with achieving consistency of marking and the
provision of feedback to students. This policy and procedure is designed to address the
specific aspects of student assessment and the provision of feedback.
2.3 This standardisation policy and procedure should be read and used in conjunction with
the most recent Pearson External Examiner Report.
3.1 This Policy aligns with the UK Quality Code core and common practices in
This Policy also incorporates the following Guiding Principles set out in
the Advice and Guidance for Assessment:
•1. Assessment methods and criteria are aligned to learning outcomes and teaching activities
•2. Assessment is reliable, consistent, fair and valid
•4. Assessment is inclusive and equitable
•5. Assessment is explicit and transparent
•6. Assessment and feedback is purposeful and supports the learning process
4.1 The Cohort Leaders and Programme Leaders are responsible for convening, organising
and running standardisation meetings.
4.2 Standardisation meetings should take place at least once each semester and should
include the following areas for discussion and agreement with all lecturers who have
responsibility for setting and/or marking and providing formal written feedback to students:
(a) Pearson assessment criteria for pass, merit and distinction and how these are
represented in assignment tasks
(b) Consistency of marking by lecturers who mark the same assignment for the same unit,
especially in relation to ensuring that all learning objectives are met to award a pass and
clarification on the requirements for Merit and Distinction grades to be awarded
(c) The requirement to provide constructive feedback to students that relates specifically to
the assignment task and to avoid generic feedback
(d) To ensure all lecturers marking student work are aware of, and understand the relevant
policies of, the College
4.3 Standardisation meetings must operate by providing lecturers with the following:
(a) The latest report by the Pearson External Examiner and the College’s plan to address
areas where enhancement is identified
(b) Examples of assignment briefs where the assessment criteria are clear for pass, merit and
(c) Examples of marked student work, anonymised, with feedback representing good
practice and in line with the Feedback Policy and requirements of Pearson.
4.4 Part-time hourly paid lecturers involved in marking student work must attend
standardisation meetings.
4.5 Standardisation meetings should be planned to take place over scheduled timeslots to
ensure all lecturers are included. An agenda for each meeting should be produced to ensure
all necessary areas are covered in the allocated time period.