Installation Guide Sap Businessobjects Planning and Consolidation 7.5

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Installation Guide

SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 7.5

version for SAP NetWeaver

Target Audience
ê*µ˚†E System Administrators
ê*µ˚†E Technical Consultants

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Typographic Conventions

Example Description
<> Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words or characters with appropriate
entries to make entries in the system, for example, “Enter your <User Name>”.
Arrows separating the parts of a navigation path, for example, menu options
Example Emphasized words or expressions
Example Words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the
Example Textual cross-references to an internet address, for example,
/example Quick links added to the internet address of a homepage to enable quick access to specific
content on the Web
123456 Hyperlink to an SAP Note, for example, SAP Note 123456
Example IÔñ•TÌ Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field labels, screen titles,
push button labels, menu names, and menu options.
IÔñ•TÌ Cross-references to other documentation or published works
Example IÔñ•TÌ Output on the screen following a user action, for example, messages
IÔñ•TÌ Source code or syntax quoted directly from a program
IÔñ•TÌ File and directory names and their paths, names of variables and parameters, and
names of installation, upgrade, and database tools
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,
transaction codes, database table names, and key concepts of a programming language
when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE
EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard

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Document History

The following table provides an overview of the most important document changes:
Version Date Description
1.0 2009-12-15 First version
1.1 2009-12-28 Added information on IIS 7.0 and system.WebServer in Web.config to the
“Troubleshooting” section.
1.2 2010-01-06 In “Server Prerequisites”, clarified the requirement of SAP NetWeaver BW 7.0 EhP
1. In section 3.2 Configuring the ABAP Server Component, clarified the ABAP
service users and assigned roles, added the authorization
SAP_BW_CONTENT_ADMIN to activate business content, and made other minor
1.3 2010-02-23 In “Server Prerequisites”, added recommendation for English international version
of Windows.
1.4 2010-02-26 In “Verifying and Installing Client Prerequisites”, added reference to version
number of Visual C++ for the client machine. The required version number is 6.0.
In ”Installing the Prerequisite Software on the ABAP Application Server”, added
note to implement the correction instruction (indicated in SAP Note 1410973) to
ensure correct cube maintenance with BAPI.
Added a section within "Security Considerations and Connection Issues” to
highlight an Adobe Flash player limitation on ports that cannot be used for the
Planning and Consolidation Web server.
Added a reference to the Product Availability Matrix in the client and server
1.5 2010-03-23 Added a reference to the Product Availability Matrix in the client and server
1.6 2010-04-02 Added solution to “Troubleshooting” to describe how to specify the generation of
detailed error messages for IIS 7.0 with Windows 2008 on a 64–bit server and .NET
Framework 1.1.
1.7 2010-06-10 Added the option for using CMS user domains for ABAP configuration.
2.0 2010-06-15 This is the update for SP03. For detailed information, refer to the appropriate SAP
central note.
2.1 2010-07-13 Added a item to the “Verifying and Installing Client Prerequisites” for Adobe Flash
2.2 2010-07-20 In the section “Configuring the ABAP Server Component” modified the settings
for namespaces and software components in production.

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Version Date Description
2.3 2010-08-11 In the section “2.4.2 Installing the Prerequisite Software on the .NET Servers”,
changed the reference to the operating system to install so that the product
availability matrix (PAM) can be used as a reference.
2.4 2010-10-20 In the “Introduction”, added information about virtualization.
2.5 2010-11-19 This is the update for SP05. For detailed information, refer to the appropriate SAP
central note.
2.6 2010-12-09 Changed the ASP.NET version to 2.0. Changed .NET Framework requirement to
1.1 and 2.0 for SP00 to SP04.
2.7 2011-01-25 In the sections “2.3 Server Prerequisites” and “2.4.2 Installing the Prerequisite
Software on the .NET Servers”, changed the MSXML version to 3.0 SP5 or later, or
4.0 SP2 or later for Windows 2003; changed the MSXML version to 4.0 SP3 or later
for Windows 2008. In the section “4.1 Modifying machine.config Files”, changed the
information for modifying Machine.config for .NET Framework 1.1 and .NET
Framework 2.0.
2.8 2011-01-26 Added client hardware requirements to section “5.1 Verifying and Installing Client
2.9 2011-02-28 Updated required version of XceedZip.dll in “2.4.2 Installing the Prerequisite
Software on the .NET Servers” and “5.1 Verifying and Installing Client
3.0 2011-04-08 Updated the step for downloading the XceedZip Compression Library in the topic
“Installing the Prerequisite Software on the .NET Servers” to state that setting up
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption should be done for Internet-facing servers
3.1 2011-04-19 Updated the version of MSXML in the topic “Verifying and Installing Client
Prerequisites” to state that MSXML 4.0 SP3 is required for Windows 7.
3.2 2011-04-21 Added a note to the topic “9 Connecting to Solution Manager Diagnostics” to
explain the behavior of the PlanningAndConsolidationJobService service.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.1 SAP Notes for the Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 2 Planning the Server Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.1 Installation Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Server Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.1 Installing the Prerequisite Software on the ABAP Application
Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.2 Installing the Prerequisite Software on the .NET Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5 Acquiring the ABAP and .NET Server Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.1 Installing and Configuring SAP NetWeaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Installing the ABAP Server Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Configuring the ABAP Server Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.4 Installing the .NET Server Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.5 Configuring the .NET Server Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 4 Post-Installation of the Server Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.1 Modifying Machine.config Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2 Configuring COM+ Application Pooling Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Verification of Windows Authentication Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4 Adding a Firewall Exception to the Website Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.5 Setting Up for Large Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

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Chapter 5 Installing Planning and Consolidation Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.1 Verifying and Installing Client Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2 Uninstalling Previous Client Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.3 Installing the Admin and Office Client Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.4 Running the Silent Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Chapter 6 Basic Steps for Setting up an Initial Application Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Chapter 7 Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.1 Creating Start and Stop Batch Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.2 SMS for Planning and Consolidation Package Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Chapter 9 Connecting to Solution Manager Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Chapter 10 Security Considerations and Connection Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

10.1 Setting up SSL Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10.2 Checking for Open Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
10.3 Adobe Flash Player Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10.4 Proxy Server and Firewall Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Chapter 11 Terminal Services or Citrix Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

11.1 Installing Planning and Consolidation in a Terminal Services or Citrix Server
Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
11.1.1 Terminal Services Home Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
11.1.2 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
11.1.3 Installing Planning and Consolidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
11.1.4 Creating a Shortcut to the Launch Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
11.1.5 Terminal Services Considerations for Installing Microsoft Excel . . . . . . . . . . . 60

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This page is left blank for documents
that are printed on both sides.
1 Introduction
1.1 SAP Notes for the Installation

1 Introduction

The SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation Installation Guide is intended for system administrators and
technical consultants. It contains everything you need to know about installing the Planning and
Consolidation components.

New Installation Program Features in 7.5

These features are new to the Planning and Consolidation 7.5 installation program:
ð¯Ù2)µ Planning and Consolidation supports Central Management System (CMS) in addition to Active
Directory (AD). Users can also migrate their security from AD to CMS. For more information, see
Migrating Users to the Central Management System in the Upgrade Guide.
ð¯Ù2)µ You can run your production version of Planning and Consolidation in a virtualized environment.
For more information, see SAP Note 1098847.
ð¯Ù2)µ Planning and Consolidation supports Load Runner for performance testing.

1.1 SAP Notes for the Installation

Read the following SAP Notes before you start the installation. These SAP Notes contain the most
recent information on the installation, as well as additions to the installation documentation. Make
sure that you have the up-to-date version of each SAP Note, which you can find on SAP Service
Marketplace at the Internet address
Important SAP Notes
SAP Note Number Title Comments
1410517 SAP Planning and Consolidation 7.5 This is the Central Note for Planning and
SP00, version for SAP NetWeaver Consolidation 7.5.
1409989 SAP Planning and Consolidation 7.5 This is the Central Note for Planning and
SP01, version for SAP NetWeaver Consolidation 7.5, Service Pack 01.
1433411 SAP Planning and Consolidation 7.5 This is the Central Note for Planning and
SP02, version for SAP NetWeaver Consolidation 7.5, Service Pack 02.
1453797 SAP Planning and Consolidation 7.5 This is the Central Note for Planning and
SP03, version for SAP NetWeaver Consolidation 7.5, Service Pack 03.
1471662 SAP Planning and Consolidation 7.5 This is the Central Note for Planning and
SP04, version for SAP NetWeaver Consolidation 7.5, Service Pack 04.

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1 Introduction
1.2 Naming Conventions

SAP Note Number Title Comments

1497632 SAP Planning and Consolidation 7.5 This is the Central Note for Planning and
SP05, version for SAP NetWeaver Consolidation 7.5, Service Pack 05.
1527325 SAP Planning and Consolidation 7.5 This is the Central Note for Planning and
SP06, version for SAP NetWeaver Consolidation 7.5, Service Pack 06.

1.2 Naming Conventions

In this document, the following naming conventions apply:
Variable Description
<PC_server:port> Server name or IP address and port number of the Planning and Consolidation application
<drive> The drive where Planning and Consolidation is installed.
The default for this is C:\PC_NW.

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.1 Installation Scenarios

2 Planning the Server Installation

Before installing Planning and Consolidation, complete the following planning activities.
1. Make sure your hardware is appropriate for the server tiers. See Hardware Requirements [page 11].
2. Verify that you have the required prerequisites installed on the server. If not, install them. See
Server Prerequisites [page 12] and Installing the Server Prerequisites [page 13].
3. Download the Planning and Consolidation server components from SAP Service Marketplace. See
Acquiring the ABAP and .NET Server Components [page 19].

2.1 Installation Scenarios

The Planning and Consolidation installation program consists of a standalone .NET server component,
an ABAP server component, and a client installation.
You can install the ABAP server component in one of two configurations:
!¶FÕÅ¿ On an existing NetWeaver 7.01 system (that meets minimum prerequisites)
!¶FÕÅ¿ On a completely new NetWeaver 7.01 system
Planning and Consolidation supports Central Management System (CMS) in addition to Active
Directory (AD). If you want to use CMS for Planning and Consolidation authorization, you must
download and install it on its own server. For more information, see Downloading Central Management
System in the Master Guide.

2.2 Hardware Requirements

Before starting the Planning and Consolidation installation, make sure you follow these hardware
requirements for the server tiers:
Tier Hardware required
ABAP Application Server The NetWeaver application server can run on any supported
NetWeaver platform. For information about the requirements for
this tier, see the NetWeaver Master Guide and Installation Guide at

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.3 Server Prerequisites

Tier Hardware required

.NET Application/Web Server The .NET server can run on a 32 bit or 64 bit platform. However, .NET
natively runs 32 bit.

2.3 Server Prerequisites

You must install the following requirements on the ABAP application server and .NET application and
Web servers before installing the Planning and Consolidation server components:


A list of the supported operating systems and database systems is also available in the Product
Availability Matrix on SAP Service Marketplace at Search on
Planning and Consolidation.

Server Requirements
ABAP Application Server �W°4ÁN SAP EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (SP05 and above)
�W°4Á! Application Server ABAP – PI_BASIS 7.01
�W°4Á! Application Server ABAP – SAP ABA 7.01
�W°4Á! Application Server ABAP – SAP BASIS 7.01
�W°4Á! Application Server ABAP – SAP BW 7.01
�W°4Á! Kernel (32-bit or 64-bit)
�W°4ÁN An operating system supported by SAP NetWeaver
�W°4ÁN A database supported by SAP NetWeaver

For information on installing the prerequisite software, see
Installing the Prerequisite Software on the ABAP Application Server [page
.NET Application Server and Web Server �W°4ÁN A list of supported operating systems is available in the Product
Availability Matrix on SAP Service Marketplace at http:// Search on Planning and Consolidation.
�W°4ÁN Microsoft Windows Script 5.6 (for Windows Server 2003) or 5.7
(for Windows Server 2008)
�W°4ÁN SP00 to SP04: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0
SP05 or later: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5
�W°4ÁN Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
�W°4ÁN SP00 to SP04: Microsoft IIS 6.0 or 7.0
SP05 or later: Microsoft IIS 6.0, 7.0 or 7.5
�W°4ÁN Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Run-Time SP5 or later**
�W°4ÁN For Windows 2003:
�W°4Á! MSXML 3.0 SP5 or later**
�W°4Á! MSXML 4.0 SP2 or later**
For Windows 2008:

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites

Server Requirements
ù−ä&ôÜ MSXML 4.0 SP3 or later**
ù−ä&ô³ SAP GUI 7.10 (or only LIBRFC32.DLL (and its dependent DLLs)
ù−ä&ô³ Dundas Chart*
ù−ä&ô³ Farpoint*
ù−ä&ô³ Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library V1.5**
ù−ä&ô³ Xceed Zip Compression Library 6.5.9417.0 or later**

Install the Planning and Consolidation servers on the English
international version of Windows rather than on localized
versions. For details, see SAP Note 362379.

The requirements with an asterisk (*) are third party
components installed during the server installation.
The requirements with two asterisks (**) must be downloaded
prior to the server installation program.
For information on installing the prerequisite software, see
Installing the Prerequisite Software on the .NET Servers [page 14].

2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites

2.4.1 Installing the Prerequisite Software on the ABAP
Application Server
You can install SAP NetWeaver 7.01, or you can install Enhancement Package 1 on your existing
NetWeaver 7.0 installation.
For information about installing SAP NetWeaver, the required software, and the supported databases
for the ABAP application server, see See SAP Notes
1248905 and 1175848 for support package information.


It is important that you also refer to SAP Note 1410973 and apply the indicated correction. This
ensures that maintaining a cube with BAPI (BAPI_CUBE_CREATE or BAPI_CUBE_CHANGE) functions

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites

2.4.2 Installing the Prerequisite Software on the .NET

This section contains information on installing the prerequisite software for the .NET servers. It contains
the following subsections:
1. Installing the Operating System and its related components
2. Installing MSMQ
3. Installing Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Run-Time
4. Installing the Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library
5. Installing SAP GUI 7.10
6. Downloading XCeedZip.dll

1. Installing the Operating System and its related components

Install the desired operating system on each application and Web server. To verify the operating system
version, you can check the Windows system properties. If necessary, download the required operating
system software from the Microsoft download site.
Do the following for Windows 2003:
RfiçxŒ Install Windows Script 5.6 on each application and Web server. You can obtain the software from
the Microsoft download site. Windows Script is installed if the scrrun.dll file is located in the
SYSTEM32 directory.

RfiçxŒ Make sure you have MSXML 3.0 SP5 or MSXML 4.0 SP2 installed.
To verify that MSXML 3.0 SP5 has been installed, check that the correct version of msxml3.dll,
and msxml3r.dll exists in the system folder (typically C:\Windows\system32 for a 32bit system or
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for a 64bit system).
To verify that MSXML 4.0 SP2 has been installed, check that the correct version of msxml4.dll and
msxml4r.dll exists in the system folder (typically C:\Windows\system32 for a 32bit system or C:
\Windows\SysWOW64 for a 64bit system).
You can find details of the correct versions of the DLLs by going to http://
You can check the availability of MSXML 3.0 SP5 and MSXML 4.0 SP2 in the Add or Remove Programs
area of Windows Control Panel.
RfiçxŒ Install Microsoft IIS 6.0 on each application server and Web server:
1. Go to Control Panel Add or Remove Programs Add/Remove Windows Components .
2. Double-click Application Server.
3. Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS).
4. Check that IIS, World Wide Web Services are selected, and choose OK.

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites

n½ù¨L Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP00 – SP04: Install .NET Framework version 1.1 and 2.0 (if not installed
with your operating system) on each application and Web server. Install the required .NET
Framework 1.1 hotfix by going to
Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP05 or later: Install .NET Framework version 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5 (if not installed
with your operating system) on each application and Web server.
You can check the version in the Add or Remove Programs area of Windows Control Panel. You can obtain
the .NET Framework software from the Microsoft download site. For Windows Server 2003, install
both 237428_ENU_i386_zip.exe and 237718_ENU_i386_zip.exe.
n½ù¨L If you are running Windows 2003 on a 64–bit server, you must enable IIS to run 32–bit applications.
Do the following:
1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the <drive>\Inetpub\AdminScripts directory.
2. Type cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 “true”.
3. Press Enter .
4. Restart IIS.
For more information, see
Do the following for Windows 2008:
n½ù¨L Install Windows Script 5.7 on each application and Web server. You can obtain the software
from the Microsoft download site. You can check whether Windows Script is installed if the
scrrun.dll file is in the SYSTEM32 directory. If it exists there, Windows Script is installed.

n½ù¨L Make sure you have MSXML 4.0 SP3 installed.

To verify that MSXML 4.0 SP3 has been installed, check that the correct version of msxml4.dll
exists in the system folder (typically C:\Windows\system32 for a 32bit system or C:\Windows
\SysWOW64 for a 64bit system).
You can find details of the correct version of the DLL by going to
You can check the availability of MSXML 4.0 SP3 in the Add or Remove Programs area of Windows Control
n½ù¨L Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP00 – SP04: Install Microsoft IIS 6.0 or 7.0 on each application server and
Web server
Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP05 or later: Install Microsoft IIS 6.0, 7.0 or 7.5 on each application server
and Web server.
n½ù¨Ln Install IIS according to the following procedure:

n½ù¨Ln When installing Microsoft IIS 7.0, make sure all Role Services are installed.

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites

=ØÎ&ÑÞ Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP00 – SP04: Install .NET Framework version 1.1 and 2.0 (if not installed
with your operating system) on each application and Web server. Install the required .NET
Framework 1.1 hotfix by going to
Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP05 or later: Install .NET Framework version 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5 (if not installed
with your operating system) on each application and Web server.
You can check the version in the Add or Remove Programs area of Windows Control Panel. You can obtain
the software from the Microsoft download site.
=ØÎ&ÑÞ If you are running Windows 2008 on a 64–bit server, you must enable IIS to run 32–bit applications.
Do the following:
1. Go to Start Control Panel Administrative Tools .
2. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
3. Select ASP.NET 2.0 in application pools of local web site, then click Advanced Settings in the actions
4. Verify that the value of Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to true.
Similarly, you must configure the XMLA application pool to run 32-bit applications. The XMLA
site uses ASP.NET 2.0 so in this case, you should select ASP.NET 2.0 and verify that the value of
Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to true.
For more information, see

2. Installing and Setting Up Microsoft Message Queue

You must install and set up Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) on each application and Web server.
The system uses the queue to store process states for administrative tasks.
You must create at least one message queue. We recommend that this is a Private queue, as the system
uses the path specified during the installation, and does not use Active Directory to look up the message
A message queue can be accessed locally or remotely and can be shared by one or more Planning and
Consolidation application servers. When referencing a message queue that has been created on the
same server as the application server, use the following syntax to connect to a message queue named
bpcmessagequeue: .\Private$\bpcmessagequeue.
When referencing a message queue that is located on a different server, use the following syntax to
access the message queue remotely:
<MessageQueue value="FormatName:DIRECT=OS:<machine_name>\Private$\bpcmessagequeue"/>
<MessageQueue value="FormatName:DIRECT=TCP:<ip_address>\Private$\bpcmessagequeue"/>

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites

You can change the message queue name in the Server Manager's Server > Maintain MS Message Queue
dialog box. For more information, see the Operations Guide.
To create the message queue:
1. Log on to the server as a local administrator and do the following:
—\qXŠ= If running Windows Server 2003:
1. Choose Start Control Panel Add or Remove Programs Add/Remove Windows Components.
2. In the Windows Components Wizard dialog box, choose Application Server Details, and then
choose Message Queuing Details. .
3. Select the two default subcomponents of MSMQ.
4. Choose OK Next Finish.
—\qXŠ= If running Windows Server 2008:
1. Choose Start Control Panel Programs and Features Turn Windows Features on or off Features
Add Features Message Queuing.
2. Select the following subcomponents of MSMQ:
—\qXŠR Message Queuing Server
—\qXŠR Directory Service Configuration
—\qXŠR Message Queuing Triggers
—\qXŠR Multicasting Support
3. Choose OK Next Finish .
2. Create a nontransactional message queue and set the appropriate permissions:
1. Go to Message Queuing (as described above for your operating system), then right-click Private
Queues and select New Private Queue .
2. Enter the queue name, such as BPCStatusMessageQueue, select Nontransactional, then click OK.

Make sure the message queue path in the ServerConfiguration.config file resembles
<MessageQueue value=".\Private$\BPCStatusMessageQueue"/>. That is, the setting
for MessageQueue value must start with .\.
We recommend that you write down the name of the message queue (MessageQueue
value), as you need to know it later in the installation.
3. Set permissions to the queue by right-clicking the new queue, then selecting Properties.
4. Select the Security tab, select the Everyone group, set the following permissions, then click OK:
—\qXŠ= Receive Message
—\qXŠ= Peek Message

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.4 Installing the Server Prerequisites

¤V˜™�! Get Properties

¤V˜™�! Set Properties
¤V˜™�! Get Permissions
¤V˜™�! Set Permissions
¤V˜™�! Send Message
5. If using a remote message queue, the ANONYMOUS LOGON account must be granted to the
message queue with Send Message, Receive Message, and Peek Message privileges.

3. Download and install Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Run-Time

Download and install Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Run-Time SP5 or later from the Microsoft Download
Center. No special installation or configuration settings are necessary. You can verify that it is installed
correctly by locating msvbvm60.dll in the Windows system folder, which is typically C:\WINDOWS
\system32\ for Windows Server 2003 and C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64 for Windows Server 2008.

4. Download and install the Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library

1. Download the Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library setup program

AntiXssLibraryV1.5Installer.msi from
2. Run the setup program.
3. Verify that the setup program created the subfolder \Library\.NET 1.1 under the destination
folder and that the file AntiXssLibrary.dll is there. For example, if you installed the Library to the
default destination folder, verify that AntiXssLibrary.dll exists in <system drive>:\Program Files
\Microsoft Corporation\Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library V1.5\Library\.NET 1.1.
You can ignore the subfolder \Library\.NET 2.0 and any files in it, if created.

5. Install SAP GUI 7.10

Install SAP GUI 7.10 (or only LIBRFC32.DLL and its dependent DLLs manually). You can obtain
information on how to download it from the SAP Library at
When enabling the Logon Group (which is done during the .NET component installation described
later in this document) on Windows Server 2003 or 2008, the application tries to connect to two ports
of the ABAP server. We recommend that you first confirm that the following two items are defined in
sapgw<instance number> (for example, sapgw78, where 78 is the instance number)
sapms<SID> (for example, sapmsPE2, where PE2 is the system ID (SID))

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2 Planning the Server Installation
2.5 Acquiring the ABAP and .NET Server Components

6. Download the XceedZip Compression Library

Download XCeedZip.dll (version 6.5.9417.0 or later) from by selecting

Download SAP Cryptographic Software . You are prompted for this file location during the server install.


Make sure that the server is configured on the domain or a trusted domain by going to My
Computer Properties Computer Name Change . Make sure the correct domain is specified.
We recommend that you set up Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption on a single server or on
each application and Web server that is part of a multiserver configuration. This applies to Internet-
facing servers only, as performance may be affected.

2.5 Acquiring the ABAP and .NET Server Components


Downloading the ABAP and .NET Server Components

1. Go to
2. Go to SAP Support Packages and Patches Entry by Application Group SAP Application Components SAP
Planning and Consolidation for SAP NetWeaver 7.5 (NW). and select the latest support package file.
3. Download the ABAP and .NET server components to your Download Basket, then download the
components from the basket using SAP Download Manager.

For information about installing of using the SAP Download Manager, go to https:// and choose my Download Basket from the my Personalized Information

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that are printed on both sides.
3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.1 Installing and Configuring SAP NetWeaver

3 Installing Planning and Consolidation


The main steps for installing Planning and Consolidation servers are the following:
1. Install and configure SAP NetWeaver — see Installing and Configuring SAP NetWeaver [page 21]
2. Install and configure the Planning and Consolidation ABAP addon — see Installing the ABAP Server
Component [page 21]
3. Configure the Planning and Consolidation ABAP addon — see Configuring the ABAP Server
Component [page 22]
4. Install Planning and Consolidation .NET server — see Installing the .NET Server Component [page 25]
5. Configure the Planning and Consolidation .NET server — see Configuring the .NET Server Component
[page 28]

3.1 Installing and Configuring SAP NetWeaver

Based on your configuration, you can install Planning and Consolidation on an existing SAP NetWeaver
7.0 technology platform (upgraded to EHP1), or you can install it on a new SAP NetWeaver 7.01 platform.
The Business Intelligence usage type is required.

If you are installing on a new SAP NetWeaver technology platform, follow the steps outlined in the
SAP NetWeaver documentation – see
After you install SAP NetWeaver, configure it based on the guidelines in the SAP NetWeaver

3.2 Installing the ABAP Server Component

You have downloaded the ABAP server component from SAP Service Marketplace. See Acquiring the
ABAP and .NET Server Components [page 19].

To install the ABAP server component, use the transaction SAINT.

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.3 Configuring the ABAP Server Component

For information about using SAINT, see


3.3 Configuring the ABAP Server Component

You must configure the ABAP server component after installing it.
Included in this procedure is information about running the UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT program,
which is how the default application set, ApShell, is created. It installs the ApShell application set by
leveraging parts of the Planning and Consolidation transport framework. This program also supports
the installation of many other table entries that are required in order for the system to work correctly
such as, default users, formulas, client options, language settings, BW Business Content, and data
manager instructions.


The UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT program cannot be used to activate a pre-existing application

set migrated from 7.0 to 7.5.

The program also supports data loading into the ApShell application set. This option triggers data
manager packages to run and creates the default transactional and master data for ApShell. The delete
option is useful when the installation of ApShell fails, and leaves orphaned objects and table entries in
the system. The deletion function cleans up all BW objects as well as clear all Planning and Consolidation
UJ* metadata tables.
If you are upgrading your ABAP server component from Planning and Consolidation 7.0 and have
already configured it, these steps are not necessary.

The ABAP server component has been installed.


We recommend that you set the ABAP buffer size to at least 2 GB to minimize the risk of errors
during the UJA_ACTIVATE_CONTENT step (step 10 below). You can set the buffer size using the
parameter abap/buffersize in the instance profile with transaction RZ10.
After completing the step, you can change it back. After changing the parameter, you must restart
the ABAP instance, for example, with the SAP Management Console.
For more information about changing the buffer size, see SAP Note 1273283.

These steps are required for proper functioning of the Planning and Consolidation software:

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.3 Configuring the ABAP Server Component

1. For maximum flexibility, you can make the following namespaces and software components
²˛~ Namespaces:
²˛ /CPMB/
²˛ /1CPMB/
²˛ /B28/
²˛ Customer Name Range
²˛ General SAP Name Range
²˛~ Software Components:
However, in a production environment, you may want to minimize the number of components
that can be modified. If this is the case, you can set the following namespaces and software
components to unchangeable:
²˛~ Namespaces:
²˛ /1CPMB/
²˛ Customer Name Range
²˛ General SAP Name Range
²˛ /CPMB/ after you have applied notes 1448525 ,1312139, and 1437880 to the system
²˛ /B28/ after you have applied notes 1448525 ,1312139, and 1437880 to the system
²˛~ Software Components:
Use the following procedure to set the components to Modifiable or Unmodifiable:
1. Go to transaction SE06 and choose System Change Option.
2. Make sure that the Planning and Consolidation Addon is set to Restricted Modifiability.
3. Set the namespaces and software components to Modifiable.
2. Using transaction SU01, create the following ABAP service users with a user type of Communications
Data, then assign each of them to the appropriate role:
ABAP service user Role

Use transaction PFCG to check that the correct user profiles are created in the system.

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.3 Configuring the ABAP Server Component

If these roles have not been created, generate them manually. For more information about creating
and maintaining profiles, see SAP NetWeaver Library on SAP Help Portal at http://
3. Ensure ALEREMOTE is created with appropriate authorization as outlined in the NetWeaver
documentation, which is available at
4. Using transaction RSTPRFC, set up transports by creating the RFC destination for the After
Import method. Save the password, then assign the BW client. For more information, see http://
If the transport fails, see SAP Note 1329561 for information.
5. Using transaction SM59, run a connection test on the RFC destination MDX PARSER.


If this fails, apply SAP Note 1032461. After applying this note, you must restart the ABAP
6. Assign the authorization SAP_BW_CONTENT_ADMIN to the user installing ApShell as the Planning
and Consolidation system administration user to activate business content (such as default BW
7. Assign profile S_RS_ALL to the Planning and Consolidation system administration user.
We recommend that you also assign the SAP_ALL profile during the installation process of ApShell.
You can remove the SAP_ALL profile after the installation.
8. If they do not already exist, create entries in the BPC Transports table by doing the following:
1. Go to transaction SM30.
2. Enter the table name UJT_TRANS_CHG, then click Maintain.
3. Choose New Entries.
4. From the TLogo Object column, select one of the available entries from the listbox, then select
Development in the adjacent column.
5. Repeat step 8d for each available item in the listbox in the TLogo Object column.
6. After all entries have been added, click Save.
9. Install ApShell by doing the following:
1. Run the program UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT.
2. In the Content Activation window, set the AppSet ID toApShell and the Content Version to 1.
3. Choose the following options:
”r˛þ Update Default Users
”r˛þ Update Default Formula Table

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.4 Installing the .NET Server Component

X−}¸c Update Client Options

X−}¸c Update Language
X−}¸c Activate SAP NetWeaver BW content objects for Planning and Consolidation
X−}¸c Update Default DM (Data Manager) Instructions
X−}¸c Activate ApShell
4. Run UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT again, this time choosing only the Load Data Into AppSet option.
5. Select Program Execute in background .
6. Check the logs by selecting System Own Jobs .
7. Select the job and display the spool.
10. Define the .NET service user that is needed to log on to ApShell and run Server Manager by doing
the following:
1. Stop the IIS and SAP Planning and Consolidation instances using the stoposoft.bat file. For
more information, see Tips [page 45].
2. Go to transaction SE38 and run program UJA3_WRITE_SYS_USERS.
This updates the settings in table UJA_SVR_DEFAULT with the Planning and Consolidation users
defined earlier (step 2).
3. Assign a single domain user to each user type:
Planning and Consolidation System Enter <Domain>\<user name> in AD mode, or <CMS enterprise
Administrator User name> in CMS mode

Planning and Consolidation Administration Enter <Domain>\<user name> in AD mode, or <CMS enterprise
User name> in CMS mode

Planning and Consolidation User Enter <Domain>\<user name> in AD mode, or <CMS enterprise
name> in CMS mode

3.4 Installing the .NET Server Component

X−}¸c You have installed all prerequisites. See Installing the Prerequisite Software on the .NET Servers [page 14].
X−}¸c You have downloaded the .NET server component. See Acquiring the ABAP and .NET Server
Components [page 19].
X−}¸c You have uninstalled any previous version of the Planning and Consolidation server and restarted
the server.

To uninstall Planning and Consolidation 7.0 SP00 (with or without patches 1 or 2), run the
installer of Planning and Consolidation patch 2 to make sure all the dlls are unregistered.

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.4 Installing the .NET Server Component

‡Š,SyÕ You are logged on to the .NET server with the domain user with sufficient rights. See Configuring
the ABAP Server Component [page 22].

Do the following on each .NET application and Web server:
1. Start the installation program for the .NET server component.
You can download the installation file from the service marketplace.
2. Select Next from the Welcome screen.
3. From the license agreement screen, select Agree to continue with the installation or Disagree to stop
the installation.
4. Choose the location of the Xceedzip.dll and AntiXSSlibrary.dll files, then select Next.
5. Specify your user name and company name, then select Next.
6. Enter the System Administrator ID and password for the Windows Server that you are logged on
to, then select Next.

You should have specifically added the System Administrator ID that you use into the local
administrator group.
7. Choose your target installation location (the default, and preferred, location is C:\PC_NW) then
select Next.
8. Select the authentication method. You can choose Windows or CMS (Central Management System).
If you select CMS as an authentication method, you are required to enter some additional
identification information, including:
‡Š,SyÕ CMS identification information
‡Š,SyÕ CMS Cluster: CMS server address or IP
‡Š,SyÕ Cache out time: by default 300 min
‡Š,SyÕ Authentication Type: authentication type used by CMS server side
Select Next.
9. Choose the appropriate logon group:
Enabling logon groups allows the Planning and Consolidation .NET server to connect to ABAP
logon groups to use the logon groups for load balancing in the ABAP tier.
Select Next.
10. Enter the following information, then select Next:
Site Port Set the IIS port. If the port you set for the Planning and Consolidation site is
also used by other sites, go to Internet Information Services and do one of the

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.4 Installing the .NET Server Component

Q”·˝ Stop the other sites that have the same port as the Planning and
Consolidation site, and start the Planning and Consolidation site
Q”·˝ Change the port of the other sites that have the same port as the Planning
and Consolidation site, and start the Planning and Consolidation site
Message Queue The path, including the server name, where MSMQ is installed. For example,
If you want to change this location, you can change it in the Server Manager
at Server Maintain MS Message Queue .
If the operating system is Microsoft Windows 2008, you must run Server
Manager as an administrator (right-click the icon and select Run as
For more information, see Installing and Setting Up Microsoft Message Queue
(MSMQ). [external document]
Message Server The name of the application server where you installed the ABAP server
component. Check the System Entry properties of the ABAP application
server, and enter one of the following:
Q”·˝ If Connection Type is Group/Server Selection, enter the address of the Message
Q”·˝ If Connection Type is Customer Application Server, enter the address of the
Application Server.
If you want to change this location, you can change it in the Server Manager.
From Server Manager, select Server Maintain ABAP System Server Host.
If you are using Logon Groups to connect to multiple ABAP application
servers, use the Server Manager to modify the parameters. From Server
Manager, select Server Maintain ABAP System Logon Group.
If the operating system is Microsoft Windows 2008, you must run Server
Manager as an administrator (right-click the icon and select Run as
System ID The System ID the ABAP server component configuration. For more
information, see Configuring the ABAP Server Component [page 22].
Client The client number of the NetWeaver BW client (application server).
Since the NetWeaver BW client only supports one client instance, you can
only install one instance of Planning and Consolidation on a single BW client.
Language The language of the NetWeaver BW client (application server).
System Number The system number of the NetWeaver instance (application server). Typically,
this is 00, unless you have several instances with different numbers. It is the
same number as indicated in the logon properties of SAP GUI, if you want to
connect to the ABAP back end, for example, to execute transactions.

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.5 Configuring the .NET Server Component

11. Enter the System Administrator, Administrator, and User user IDs, together with their
passwords, for the ABAP service users that were created during the ABAP server component
configuration. For more information, see Configuring the ABAP Server Component [page 22].
12. Click Install, and then Finish.

3.5 Configuring the .NET Server Component

You must configure the .NET server component after installing it.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Planning and Consolidation, and have already
configured it, these steps are not necessary.

The .NET server component is installed on the .NET tier.

1. Update your IIS properties as follows:
1. Go to Control Panel Administrative Tools Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager .
2. Update your IIS properties (Web Service Extensions).
[È˝ÁXW Allow ASP .NET 2.0 by finding the Web Service Extensions property (the path to it differs
for different operating system versions), and update it to allow ASP .NET 2.0.

If using Windows 2008, navigate to Start Control Panel Administrative Tools Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager . Choose the appropriate computer, then open ISAPI and
CGI Restrictions. Make sure that ASP.NET v2.0.50727 is allowed. If not, choose Edit to
enable them.
2. Add the group Users to the Windows temp folder, and give them the following permissions:
[È˝ÁXW Read&Execute
[È˝ÁXW List folder contents
[È˝ÁXW Read
3. Restart IIS.
4. If you want to use Logon Groups to connect to multiple ABAP application servers, go to Server
Server Options and enter the required information.
5. Specify the domain to be used by the .NET server. Do the following:
1. Start Server Manager, and select Options Define System Users Group .
2. Enter a system user group name, Active Directory as the domain type, and the domain name.

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3 Installing Planning and Consolidation Servers
3.5 Configuring the .NET Server Component


For more information, see the Managing your Planning and Consolidation
Servers section of the Operations Guide.

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4 Post-Installation of the Server Components
4.1 Modifying Machine.config Files

4 Post-Installation of the Server


After you have installed and configured the server components, do the following:
1. Modify the machine.config file. See Modifying machine.config Files [page 31].
2. Set the application pooling values for the COM+ components. See Configuring COM+ Application
Pooling Values [page 33].
3. If you are running Windows Server 2008, do the following:
BÆ¥3Ëö Make sure that the related Windows authentication providers are configured properly. See
Verification of Windows Authentication Providers. [page 33]
BÆ¥3Ëö Add a firewall exception for the Planning and Consolidation Web site port. See Adding a Firewall
Exception to the Website Port [page 34]
4. Set up the SLD Data Supplier, which is the central directory of all of your system landscape
information. For more information, see Configuring the SLD Data Supplier in the Operations Guide.


If your queries contain large amounts of data, you can optionally update the metabase.xml file to
improve performance. See Setting up for Large Requests [page 34].

4.1 Modifying Machine.config Files

The machine configuration file, Machine.config, contains settings that apply to an entire computer.
This file is located in the runtime <install path>\Config directory and contains configuration settings
for machine-wide assembly binding, built-in remoting channels, and ASP.NET.
This section describes some of the changes you can make to optimize your Planning and Consolidation
software after installing it, for example:
BÆ¥3Ëö To ensure that the right balance is loaded between the number of “working” threads
BÆ¥3Ëö To prevent a “sleep” process that comes from a deadlock occurrence
It also describes how to adjust your HTTP TCP/IP connections settings in case your application and
Web servers are on separate machines.

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4 Post-Installation of the Server Components
4.1 Modifying Machine.config Files

If using Windows Server 2008, the user making modifications to this file must have special permissions
to change the file.

If using .NET Framework 2.0 or later, do not change the ProcessModel property AutoConfig. Leave it set to
its default value of TRUE. The properties described in the following procedure will be set automatically
for optimal performance.
If using .NET Framework 1.1, make the following changes to Machine.Config:
1. Set both the <maxWorkerThreads> and <maxIOTheads> to 100 as follows:
,,,, (Other settings)
2. Adjust <minFreeThreads> such that its value is equal to that of multiplying the factor 88 to that of
the number of CPUs on the server (that is, minFreeThreads=88 x # of CPU).
Similarly adjust <minLocalRequestFreeThreads> such that its value is equal to that of multiplying the
factor 76 to that of the number of CPUs on the server (that is, minLocalRequestFreeThreads=76 x
# of CPUs).
Finally, make sure that the value of <appRequestQueueLimit> is increased to 500.

The following settings are for a server with two processors:

For both .NET Framework 1.1 and .NET Framework 2.0 or later, make the following changes:
1. Set <machineKey> options properly.
The <machineKey> tag in Web.config or Machine.config tells the .NET framework how to create
the hash on forms tickets (which is the proof that you have been authenticated). The default is for
each Web application to create its own hash key. So, if you took your authentication cookie created
on one machine and try to access another machine, it would fail when checking the hash code to
ensure that it had not been tampered with.

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4 Post-Installation of the Server Components
4.2 Configuring COM+ Application Pooling Values

Therefore, if you are using a Web farm (multiple Web servers where you can automatically be
routed to any one of them within a particular session), the hash key must be the same on all the
machines. This way, when the authentication cookie is checked, the authentication ticket used
on one Web server can still be valid on another server. Note that this is a requirement for the Web
servers, not the application server. You can specify it for just the Planning and Consolidation IIS
application in its Web.config file; you do not have to specify it for all IIS applications in the general
Machine.config file. If you are not using a Web farm, you do not need to change the
<machineKey> element.
2. For a deployment where the Web servers do not reside on the same servers as the application
servers, adjust HTTP TCP/IP connections settings in the Machine.config file of each Web server
as follows:
<add address="app server ip" maxconnection="48"/>
<add address="*" maxconnection="2"/>

4.2 Configuring COM+ Application Pooling Values

For load balancing purposes, set the application pooling values for the COM+ components
OsoftLogging, OsoftUserManage, and OsoftWebFileManage.

1. Choose Start Administrative Tools Component Services COM+ applications .
2. Right-click the application.
3. Choose Properties, then on the Pooling & Recycling tab, change the application pooling pool size to 4.

4.3 Verification of Windows Authentication Providers

If using Microsoft Windows Server 2008, use this procedure to ensure that the related Windows
authentication providers are configured properly.

1. Open <drive>\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config.
2. Search for <location path="BPC">.
3. Ensure the following Windows authentication providers are configured:
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true">

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4 Post-Installation of the Server Components
4.4 Adding a Firewall Exception to the Website Port

<clear />
<add value="Negotiate" />
<add value="NTLM" />

4.4 Adding a Firewall Exception to the Website Port

This procedure ensures that the client can connect to the .NET server, by adding a firewall exception
to the Planning and Consolidation Web site port.
To add a firewall exception:
1. Go to Control Panel Windows Firewall Allow a Program through Windows Firewall Add Port .
2. Name the exception. For example, Plan_Consol.
3. Add the port number for the Plan_Consol Web site. (This was specified during the .NET installation
4. For the protocol, choose TCP.
5. Click OK.

4.5 Setting Up for Large Requests

To allow users to request/query large amounts of data, you can edit the metabase.xml file located at
C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\. Set the following parameters to the stated values:


If your system has more than 4 GB of memory and your operating system is Windows 2003, you must
install a hotfix. You can install it from:;en-

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5 Installing Planning and Consolidation Clients
5.1 Verifying and Installing Client Prerequisites

5 Installing Planning and Consolidation


The basic steps for installing Planning and Consolidation clients include:
1. Verify and install client prerequisites. See Verifying and Installing Prerequisites [external document].
2. Uninstall any previously installed Planning and Consolidation clients. See Uninstalling Previous Client
Components [page 36].
3. Install the Administration and Office clients. See Installing the Admin and Office Client Components [page
4. Run the silent installation. See Running the Silent Installation [page 38].

5.1 Verifying and Installing Client Prerequisites

Planning and Consolidation requires the following software before installing the client components:
‹cˇõï¬ A list of supported operating systems available in the Product Availability Matrix on SAP Service
Marketplace at Search on Planning and Consolidation.
‹cˇõï¬ XceedZip.dll (version 6.5.9417.0 or later)

You must use same version of XceedZip.dll for the client as for the .NET server.
You can download this component from the SAP Software Download Center (see Installing the
Prerequisite Software on the .NET Servers [page 14]).
‹cˇõï¬ Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 or later
‹cˇõï¬ SP00 to SP04: Microsoft Office 2003 or Microsoft Office 2007
SP05 or later: Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2010
‹cˇõï¬ Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 runtime and Visual C++ 6.0 runtime
These third party components must be installed prior to the client installation.
‹cˇõï¬ All supported operating systems, except Windows 7: MSXML 4.0 SP2
Windows 7: MSXML 4.0 SP3
‹cˇõï¬ SP00 to SP04: .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0
SP05 or later: .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5

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5 Installing Planning and Consolidation Clients
5.2 Uninstalling Previous Client Components


For Windows Vista or Windows 7, it is not necessary to install .NET Framework 2.0 as a later
version (.NET framework 3.0 or 3.5) is provided with the operating system.
ł4_nM˝ Microsoft Windows Script (version based on the operating system)

If the operating system in the client machine is Microsoft Windows XP, the Microsoft Windows
Script for the Microsoft Windows XP should be installed before the client installation.
ł4_nM˝ Adobe Flash, 10.0 or later
This is required to support business process flows.
Hardware Requirements
These are the minimum requirements for the client components:
ł4_nM˝ Pentium IV (1 GHZ CPU)
ł4_nM˝ 512 MB RAM
ł4_nM˝ 100 MB of free hard disk space in the My Documents folder
ł4_nM˝ 30 MB of free hard disk space for the installed Client files

5.2 Uninstalling Previous Client Components

To uninstall versions of the Administration and Office client components from a previous release or
support package, go to Control Panel Add/Remove Programs .
If the client is installed silently, it must be uninstalled silently, as well, through run
BPCClient7.5.exe /s /x /z”Uninstall” in a command prompt. You cannot use Add/remove
Programs to remove the installer.

5.3 Installing the Admin and Office Client Components

Typical installations include either the Admin client or the Office client on a single client machine,
although you can install both if necessary.

ł4_nM˝ Make sure all prerequisites are installed as described in Verifying and Installing Client Prerequisites [page
ł4_nM˝ Close Microsoft Office and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

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5 Installing Planning and Consolidation Clients
5.3 Installing the Admin and Office Client Components

&P˘˜¶Ö Check the registry of the client machine to verify that no entry contains the value
OSoftDMClientTools.DMTools. If it does exist, remove it. For more information, see the Client
Installation Issues in Troubleshooting [page 49].
&P˘˜¶Ö Ensure that all users have write access to the registry table.
&P˘˜¶Ö Uninstall the previous clients and restart the client machine.

To install the Administration client, the Office client, or both, perform the following steps:
1. Start the client component installation on the client machine in one of the following ways:
&P˘˜¶Ö Go to http://<PC_server:port>/osoft/ to open the Launch Page and choose Client Software
&P˘˜¶Ö Run the client installation file BPCClient7.5.exe you can download from the SAP Service
Marketplace Software Distribution Center.
The Planning and Consolidation system checks the installation prerequisites. Choose Next.
2. Choose whether to install the AdminClient, the OfficeClient, or both.

A set of required components is also chosen and installed by default.

3. Choose Next to install the selected components in the default location, or choose Browse to install
them in an alternate location. If you choose Browse, specify the location, then choose OK, then
4. Select one or more languages, then choose Next. (English is the default.)
5. From the license agreement screen, select Agree to continue with the installation or Disagree to stop
the installation.
6. Specify the location of the XCeedZip.dll cryptographic library you downloaded.
According to the recommendation in Verifying and Installing Client Prerequisites [page 35], this location
is likely to be C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\PC_NW.
7. Choose Next to begin the installation.
8. After the installation is complete, choose Finish.


For Office client installations, you must log on to the Office client as an administrator before the
business user of the local machine logs on for the first time to create the registry key for

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5 Installing Planning and Consolidation Clients
5.4 Running the Silent Installation

5.4 Running the Silent Installation

1. Download the Planning and Consolidation Install program file BPCClient7.5.exe from the SAP
Service Marketplace Software Distribution Center to a local drive on your computer.
2. Uninstall the previous version of the software, if applicable, using this format:
<installername> /s /x /z“Uninstall”
3. Open a command window.
4. In the command window, change directories to go to location of the installer.
5. Install the Planning and Consolidation Client using this command format:
<installername> /s /z“<install-dir>&<Xceedzip.dll path>&<language-
For example:
bpcclient75.exe /s /z“c:\test&c:\installshield\xceedzip.dll&FR&ALL"
The language selections are shown below:
Language Selections Description
EN English (United States)
ZH Chinese (Simplified)
FR French (France)
DE German
IT Italian
JA Japanese
KO Korean
PT Portuguese (Brazil)
RU Russian
ES Spanish
NL Dutch
DA Danish
NO Norwegian
SV Swedish
FI Finnish
PL Polish
SK Slovakian
CS Czech
ALL Selects all languages

The feature selections are shown below:

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5 Installing Planning and Consolidation Clients
5.4 Running the Silent Installation

Feature Selection Description

Admin Specifies that you only want to install the Admin client
Office Specifies that you only want to install the Office client
ALL Specifies that you want to install both clients

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6 Basic Steps for Setting up an Initial Application Set

6 Basic Steps for Setting up an Initial

Application Set

This section describes how to create an initial application set, and then how to start setting up security.


Creating an Initial Application Set

These are the basic steps for setting up an initial application set. You create this application set by copying
the application set, ApShell, that is provided with Planning and Consolidation.


Do not make any changes to ApShell directly.

»ò/í`÷ The server components and Administration client are installed.
»ò/í`÷ The user who creates the initial application set must be the domain user specified in the sysadmin
field of the UJA3_WRITE_SYS_USERS program.
To create an initial application set:
1. Log on to the Administration client. In the Connection Wizard screen, specify the Planning and
Consolidation server name or IP address. Click Next.
2. Specify the user credentials for logging onto Planning and Consolidation. The first time you log
on, enter the sysadmin domain user. Click Next.
3. Select APSHELL. Click Next. A summary of the connection details appears.
4. Click Finish. The Logon dialog box appears.
5. Select APSHELL, then click OK. The Administration Console loads the application set and then
displays it.
6. From the Action pane, click Add a New Application Set.
7. Enter a name and description for the new application set, and click Go to Next Step 2 of 2.
8. Select all records to copy, and click Add a New Application Set to start the copy process. The new
application set is created; this might take several minutes.

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6 Basic Steps for Setting up an Initial Application Set


Before you can view and edit the newly created application set after copying the ApShell
application set, you must close the Administration client and then open it again. You can
then make changes to it in the Administration Console.

Setting up Initial Security

To set up security for Planning and Consolidation, do the following:

1. Set up a domain
2. Add a new Admin user
3. Assign task and member access
Setting up a Domain
To assign users in Planning and Consolidation, you must set up a domain. Log on to Server Manager
and create a domain in Options Define System User Groups. See the Operations Guide for more information.
Adding a New Admin User
In the new, copied application set, add an Admin user.
To add an Admin user:
1. In the Logon dialog box, select the new application set, then click Connection Wizard.
2. In the Connection Wizard screen, specify your user credentials for logging onto Planning and
Consolidation, then click Finish.
3. In the Logon dialog box, click OK. The Administration Console displays the application set.
4. In the hierarchical list, expand the application set.
5. Select Security Users .
6. From the action pane, choose Add new user.
7. In the User Setup screen, select a domain, and then select the user to which you want to grant Admin
access. Click Next.
8. From the Assignments screen, click Next.
9. From the Finish screen, click Apply.
Assigning Task and Member Access
Do the following to add the Admin user to the ADMIN team, then assign full member access and task
access to this team.
1. In the Administration Console, in the hierarchical list, select Security Teams ADMIN .
2. From the action pane, choose Modify Team.
3. From the Modify Team screen, click Next.
4. From the Users screen, select the new user. Click Next.

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6 Basic Steps for Setting up an Initial Application Set

5. From the Access screen, in Task Profile, select FULL_TSK. From Member Access Profiles, select the
Enable check box for AdminMbrAccPrf. Click Next.
6. From the Finish screen, review the summary and click Apply.


For more information, see the Administration section in the application help.

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7 Tips
7.1 Creating Start and Stop Batch Files

7 Tips

7.1 Creating Start and Stop Batch Files

Follow these steps to create start and stop batch files for the server components.

1. Create a batch file called StartOsoft.bat and ensure the contents of the batch file are as specified
below. Place this batch file on the desktop.
Ht4³ð‹ NET START World Wide Web Publishing
Ht4³ð‹ NET START IIS Admin
Ht4³ð‹ NET START IIS Admin Service
Ht4³ð‹ NET START Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Ht4³ð‹ iisreset /start
2. Create a batch file called StopOsoft.bat and ensure the contents of the batch file are as specified
below. Place this batch file on the desktop.
Ht4³ð‹ iisreset /stop
Ht4³ð‹ NET STOP World Wide Web Publishing
Ht4³ð‹ NET STOP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Ht4³ð‹ NET STOP IIS Admin
Ht4³ð‹ NET STOP IIS Admin Service

7.2 SMS for Planning and Consolidation Package Delivery

Use these instructions for SMS usage in the Planning and Consolidation installer and for patch

Client and SMS server are installed and configured.

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7 Tips
7.2 SMS for Planning and Consolidation Package Delivery

1. Log on to the server on which SMS is installed.
2. Create a folder for placing published packages.
3. Create the folders SMSPACK and AP001 on D:\, where SMSPACK is the parent folder for publishing
packages with subfolders such as AP001, 002, and so on, for each package.
4. Place the Planning and Consolidation setup files in D:\SMSPACK\AP001\.
5. To publish the Planning and Consolidation setup files or to advertise them to the clients, create a
package for the setup file as follows:
1. Open the SMS Admin console from Programs Systems Management Server SMS Administrator
console .
2. Right-click on the packages folder, then select New Package .
3. Enter the required data.
4. On the General tab, click the data source and choose This package contains source files.
5. Set the directory of the source files to the local drive D:\, then choose Apply/OK.
6. To run this package, create a program as follows:
1. Expand the packages folder in the Admin console, right-click the programs, and select New
Program .
2. Enter the Program Properties as required.

If you have command line options for the setup, you can browse to choose the package
and add the command line parameters next to it. If not, you can simply choose the setup
You can use the After Running dropdown to configure the action once the package is
On the Environment tab, you can choose how the package should run and whether the user
must be logged in or not and with what rights. If the user does not have administrator
rights, select Run with administrative rights and Allow users to interact with this program.
3. Choose Apply to save the settings, then choose OK.
7. To notify client machines that a package is available, create an advertisement as follows:
1. Right-click on the Advertisements folder and choose New Advertisement .
2. Provide a name and appropriate details, and choose the package and the program.
3. Choose the systems to which the package is available.
4. Indicate whether to advertise the package at a specific time or set a mandatory assignment by
choosing the yellow star button.

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7 Tips
7.2 SMS for Planning and Consolidation Package Delivery

The checkbox allows users to run the package installation independently, whenever
convenient, from Control Panel or Add/Remove Programs.
5. On the Advanced tab, set the location from which you want to run the program, then choose
Apply and OK.
8. Create a distribution point for this program as follows:
1. Expand the packages folder in the Admin Console, expand the package you created, and right-
click the distribution point folder.
2. Choose New Distribution point , and set the distribution point.
3. Update this with the package you created by right-clicking on the distribution points folder,
selecting all tasks, and updating the distribution points.
4. Choose Yes at the confirmation message.
9. Verify that the package is available on the client side.

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8 Troubleshooting

8 Troubleshooting

Server Installation Issues

By default, the installation program runs a diagnostic program. Here are some potential error messages
that display during the server installation:
vº¨Ê; “Windows Script is not installed”
Download the Windows script for your operating system and then run it.
vº¨Ê; “IIS x.x is not installed”
Install the relevant version of IIS with FrontPage Extensions using Add/Remove Programs in the Control
vº¨Ê; “.NET Framework x.x is not installed”
Install the relevant version of .NET Framework before continuing.


For more information about installing these prerequisites, see Installing the Server Prerequisites [page

Issues with IIS 7.0

vº¨Ê; IIS 7.0 combines with ASP.NET to provide an integrated request pipeline. Using IIS 7.0 may require
minor changes to your Web.config file. However, these changes may not be compatible with .NET
Framework 2.0 and lead to Error 500 server access problems.
For a solution to this problem, see

vº¨Ê; IIS 7.0 adds the section system.webServer to the file Web.config. As a result, when using IIS 7.0 in
Classic mode with LDAP authentication, logging on to Planning and Consolidation generates an
internal server error. To solve this issue, you must manually remove the section
system.webServer from Web.config, then run iisreset.

vº¨Ê; For IIS 7.0 with Windows 2008 on a 64–bit server and .NET Framework 2.0: When a Planning and
Consolidation web service throws an exception, IIS 7.0 generates 500 — Internal Server
Error messages. You can change the IIS settings to generate error messages that are more detailed,
as follows:
1. Log on to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

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8 Troubleshooting

2. Under OSoft, double-click Error Pages.

3. In the Actions pane, choose Edit Feature Settings.
4. In the Edit Error Pages Settings window, under Error Responses, choose Detailed errors.

Client Installation Issues

By default, the installation program runs a diagnostic program. Here are some potential error messages
that display during the client installation:
‹6ñµ� “Visual Basic 6.0 SP5: Run-Time Redistribution Pack not installed”
Download vbrun60sp5.exe, then run it.
‹6ñµ� “Visual C++ 6.0 Run-Time not installed”
Download vc6redistsetup_enu.exe, then run it.
‹6ñµ� “OSoftDMClientTools.DMTools found in registry. Please refer to system administrator
before installation”
Open the registry table, find the key OSoftDMClientTools.DMTool under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
\SOFTWARE\\Classes and delete this key.

‹6ñµ� “.NET Framework x.x is not installed”

Install the relevant version of .NET Framework before continuing.

Server Manager Issues

Always run Server Manager as the administrator. To do this, right-click the Server Manager icon and
select Run as administrator.
If modifying the C:\PC_NW\Websrvr\web\ServerConfiguration.config file, you must also choose
Run as administrator from the right-click menu.

Service-Level Accounts

Planning and Consolidation 7.5 has a new Windows service named OutlookSoft ServiceManager Service, which
manages the System Landscape Directory (SLD) service, logging service and shard query engine caches.
Since the service should be able to access to the FileShare server, a system administrator account is
assigned automatically to the service during the installation of tehPlanning and Consolidation server
program. Even though system administrator account has been assigned to the server correctly, the
service may not start with the error message, The service did not start due to a logon
failure. The reason for this is that the system administrator account is not registered as a service.
When installing a service to run under a domain user account, the account must have the right to
logon as a service on the local machine. This logon right strictly applies only to the local computer
and must be granted in the Local Security Policy.
To edit the Local Security Policy of the computer you want to define the logon as a service
permission, perform the following actions:

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8 Troubleshooting

1. Start the Local Security Settings Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in.
2. Expand Local Policies, and then click User Rights Assignment.
3. In the right-hand pane, right-click Log on as a service, and then click Security.
4. Add the user to the policy, and click OK.
5. Close the Local Security Settings MMC snap-in.
For more details, see How to Troubleshoot Service Startup Permissions: http://

Other Potential Issues

The ABAP service users can be locked as a result of the install. Check and unlock any locked ABAP
service users after performing the install. To do so, perform transaction SU01, enter each service user
ID (PC_SYSADMIN, PC_ADMIN, and PC_USER), then press Ctrl+F5.
You can run the Diagnostic program in Server Manager at any time. Review the steps below to
determine the source of the issue.
See the procedure below for more information.

1. Run the Server Manager Diagnostic program.
2. Check that the COM+ Components exist.
3. Check the interfaces for COM+ Components.
4. Check that the librfc32.dll is set up appropriately.
5. Check the IIS Port.
6. Check the ServerConfiguration.Config file for the correct username and system information.
7. Check the Registry Entries on 32 bit and 64 bit locations.
8. Check the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file to ensure that a fully qualified domain
and an IP resolution exists.

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9 Connecting to Solution Manager Diagnostics

9 Connecting to Solution Manager


The diagnostics functions in SAP Solution Manager allow identification, analysis, and resolution of
problems. This procedure provides the steps required to connect Planning and Consolidation to
Solution Manager Diagnostics.

1. Install the Diagnostics Agent according to SAP Note 1234387 on all servers where Interface for the
Web and Application Servers are installed.

Installation files for Diagnostics Agent are available on Service Marketplace by navigating to
Support Packages and Patches — Entry by Application Group SAP Technology Components SAP
for managed systems DIAGNOSTICS AGENT 7.11 .
Download an installation file based on one of the following system landscapes:
˛k•2ü\ Windows Server on IA32
˛k•2ü\ 32bit Windows Server on IA64
˛k•2ü\ 64bit Windows Server on x64 64bit
2. Set up your system for Diagnostics.
Refer to End-to-End Root Cause Analysis System Landscape Setup Guide, which is available on Service
Marketplace at, and follow
the chapters that apply to Planning and Consolidation.


After installing or upgrading to service package (SP) 6, the service

PlanningAndConsolidationJobService fails to start and generates an error message. This service
is not required by Planning and Consolidation and has no effect on its operation. To avoid receiving
error messages, you can safely disable this service.
The service PlanningAndConsolidationJobService is designed to be part of the Solution Manager
analysis and log collection function in a future release.

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10 Security Considerations and Connection Issues
10.1 Setting up SSL Encryption

10 Security Considerations and

Connection Issues

Your client/server configuration is unique as it relates to security, so you may experience connection
problems with SSL, proxy servers, or programs and settings that interact with these components. If
you are having any issues related to connection, review the following recommendations and
troubleshooting tips.

10.1 Setting up SSL Encryption

We recommend that you set up Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption on a single Planning and
Consolidation server, or on each Application and Web server that is part of a multiserver configuration.

You have an SSL certificate for your Planning and Consolidation IIS Server.

1. Assign the SSL certificate:
1. From IIS, open the Web site properties, and select the Directory Security tab.
2. Choose Server Certificate, click Next, then select Assign an existing certificate.
3. Choose your SSL certificate, and click Next.
4. Check the summary and click Finish to complete the process.
2. Set the SSL port:
1. Select the Web Site tab.
2. Change the port number to the SSL port, for example, 443.

If you change the port number in IIS, you must also change the port number the Web
and Server Manager configuration files. Otherwise, the Interface for the Web and Server
Manager programs do not work correctly.
To change the port number for the Web configuration file, open the Web.config file:
<Server install folder>\Websrvr\web\Web.config, and change the value of the port
number in the AppServer_URL key.

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10 Security Considerations and Connection Issues
10.2 Checking for Open Ports

To change the port number for the Server Manager configuration file, open the <Server
install folder>\Server Managment\OsoftInstall.xml file, and change the value of
the port number in the <PORT> key.
3. Enable secure communications between server and client:
1. Select the Directory Security tab.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Secure Communication window, enable the Require secure channel (SSL) and Require 128-bit
encryption checkboxes, then click OK.
4. Click OK.
5. Change the server settings:
1. Open the Web.config file: <drive>\Websrvr\web\Web.config.
2. Change the value of key AppServer_URL to https mode:
<!-- … … -->
<add key="AppServer_URL" value="https://<PC_server:port>/osoft/app"/>
<add key="AppServer_AUTH" value="1"/>
6. Restart IIS.

After setting up SSL security, users must enter the server name and the SSL port in the Connection
Wizard when logging on to the Planning and Consolidation client applications.


When logging on to Interface for the Web, users must use.https://<PC_server:port>/osoft.


The specified server name must be the same as the server name setting in the Web.config file.

10.2 Checking for Open Ports

You must ensure that all required ports are open for inbound/outbound traffic. By default, Planning
and Consolidation requires that Port 80 (used by http) is open.
To test whether the required port is open, go to a command prompt and enter Telnet serveripaddress. For
example, Telnet 80. If the system returns a blank command window, the port is open. If it
returns a message stating that it cannot connect, the port is not open.

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10 Security Considerations and Connection Issues
10.3 Adobe Flash Player Issues


You can use to scan for the normal ports. It allows
you to manually enter a port number to test.
You can change the name of a port.

10.3 Adobe Flash Player Issues

The Planning and Consolidation Flex Client uses the Adobe Flash player to generate the user interface.
A limitation in the Adobe Flash player prevents the installation of the Planning and Consolidation Web
server on some ports as the Flex Client cannot perform http calls on these ports.

From Adobe Flash player, a security control blocks commonly reserved ports to prevent
malicious activity. If a port number is specified at the end of a URL, such as
80, the system checks the port against a list of commonly reserved ports. If the port is on this list, the
network request is rejected and a security error event is generated.
The Adobe Web site ( has a Knowledge Base page, entitled URL requests to certain
ports throw security errors in Adobe Flash Player and higher, that lists the ports that Adobe Flash player
considers to be reserved. You should not use the ports listed in this Knowledge Base page.

10.4 Proxy Server and Firewall Issues

For questions about specific proxy servers, contact SAP Support.

General Considerations

;ˆÜ'ý© If you connect to the Internet through a firewall or proxy server, you need to add the IP address
of the Planning and Consolidation server as an exception. You can do this at the client level
( Internet Explorer Tools Internet Options Connections LAN Settings ) or at the server level.
;ˆÜ'ý© Enabling content filtering on the proxy server or firewall may cause connection problems.
;ˆÜ'ý© If external users are having trouble connecting to the server, make sure the proxy server connects
using a fully qualified domain name. Fully qualified domain names typically resolve both internal
and external IP addresses.
;ˆÜ'ý© Each secure Planning and Consolidation server name must be identified on the proxy server. For
example, if the Web server and OLAP server components both connect to a proxy server, make
sure both names are identified on the proxy server.
;ˆÜ'ý© Proxy servers may or may not require authentication, which could conflict with Planning and
Consolidation authentication. Do not use authentication on the proxy server. The system

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10 Security Considerations and Connection Issues
10.4 Proxy Server and Firewall Issues

synchronizes the user name and password on the remote server with the local user name and


For more information about setting up an ISA proxy server, contact SAP Support to request a
copy of the Setting up ISA Proxy Server white paper.

Internet Explorer Settings Issues

Internet Explorer settings must be set correctly to prevent errors and problems when you attempt to
access the Planning and Consolidation server using the Connection Wizard. Change the settings by
taking the following steps:
1. From Internet Explorer, select Tools Internet Options .
2. From the General tab, delete all temporary Internet files, cookies, and history.
3. From the Security tab, set security to Default level for Internet and local intranet.
4. From the Connections tab, choose the LAN settings button. If you select Use a proxy server for your LAN,
then insert the IP address or fully qualified server name of the Planning and Consolidation server
as an exception by choosing the Advanced button.
5. From the Advanced tab, choose the Restore Defaults button, Apply, then OK.

Microsoft Office Issues

There should only be one instance of Excel installed on the client machine. You can check this by using
Add/Remove Programs. Multiple instances of Office may cause errors when you perform administrative
functions in Planning and Consolidation.

Microsoft Windows Issues

If you have Windows XP SP2, disable the Windows firewall.

Norton AntiVirus Issues

Having Script Blocking enabled in Norton AntiVirus can cause the following issues:
¤%G/². You cannot view the contents of the installation page in Interface for the Web.
¤%G/². Errors downloading dimension files when logging into the Office client.

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11 Terminal Services or Citrix Server
11.1 Installing Planning and Consolidation in a Terminal Services or Citrix Server Deployment

11 Terminal Services or Citrix Server

11.1 Installing Planning and Consolidation in a Terminal

Services or Citrix Server Deployment
This section describes best practices and instructions for installing Planning and Consolidation in a
Terminal Services or Citrix Server deployment.

11.1.1 Terminal Services Home Directories

We recommend using Terminal Server home directories rather than using the user’s profile directory.
The profile directory downloads a minimal amount of information about the dimensions of the
application set you are logging on to and may be as large as 2 MB per user. The profile directory is on
the system drive and has limited space. By specifying a home directory, you can manage the disk space
If you have a farm of servers, put the profile information in a common home directory rather than on
each individual server, so that all users consistently use the current download of dimensions.

11.1.2 System Requirements

The following programs are required on the Terminal Services or Citrix Server computer:
öÍdÄ1. Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP00 – SP04: Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007
Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP05 or later: Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 or 2010
öÍdÄ1. Microsoft XML 4
öÍdÄ1. VB Runtime 6.0 SP5
öÍdÄ1. VC++ Runtime 6.0
öÍdÄ1. Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP00 – SP04: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Planning and Consolidation 7.5 SP05 or later: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5

11.1.3 Installing Planning and Consolidation

The server installation files have been downloaded from SAP Service Marketplace and installed.

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11 Terminal Services or Citrix Server
11.1 Installing Planning and Consolidation in a Terminal Services or Citrix Server Deployment

The following steps outline how to install the Planning and Consolidation clients in a Terminal Services
(TS) or Citrix Server deployment:
1. Make sure the Terminal Services or Citrix Server machine has the system requirements installed.
2. Log on to the Terminal Services or Citrix Server machine with a user ID that has the rights to
install on that server.
3. At a command prompt, enter Change user/install.
4. Open a browser and connect to the URL http://<PC_server:port>/osoft.
5. Log on to the web site with the service account, password, and domain.
6. Go to the Software Center and install the Planning and Consolidation Administration and Planning
and Consolidation for Office clients.
7. Go back to the command prompt and enter Change user/execute or Restart the server.
8. For the Citrix Server, you must publish each client application. Take the following steps:
ˇgÙÍ¢• To publish the Planning and Consolidation Launch page: Iexplore.exe http(s)://<ServerName>-
NetBIOS or FQDN/osoft
ˇgÙÍ¢• To publish Planning and Consolidation Administration: C:\Program Files\PC_MS
ˇgÙÍ¢• To publish Planning and Consolidation for Office: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Excel.exe

11.1.4 Creating a Shortcut to the Launch Page

If you use published desktops instead of published applications, the Planning and Consolidation desktop
file (which is installed on the current user’s desktop) must be moved to the All Users/Desktop folder.

11.1.5 Terminal Services Considerations for Installing

Microsoft Excel
The Windows Installer, used to set up and configure programs and components of Office, uses a
transform file to allow a network administrator to designate the options and features to install.
Since the Terminal Server environment is different from the usual network environment, Microsoft
has supplied a transform file handle the Terminal Server installation. If you attempt to use a customized
transform not designated for use with Terminal Server, the system does not install Office.

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11 Terminal Services or Citrix Server
11.1 Installing Planning and Consolidation in a Terminal Services or Citrix Server Deployment

The transform file is named Termsrv.mst and is available with the ORK (office resource kit). Although
Termsrvr.mst can be customized to include options and features that you wish to make available to
Terminal Server client users, modification of the TermSrvr.mst is not supported by Microsoft.

Documentation in the SAP Service Marketplace

You can find this document at the following address:

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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained
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