Home Health Clinician Training Manual: July 2021
Home Health Clinician Training Manual: July 2021
Home Health Clinician Training Manual: July 2021
July 2021
Table of Contents
LOGGING IN ........................................................................................................ 4
AXXESS PLANNER.............................................................................................. 5
DASHBOARD ....................................................................................................... 7
My Schedule Tasks ........................................................................................... 8
EDIT PROFILE ................................................................................................... 10
RESET SIGNATURE .......................................................................................... 11
MY MONTHLY CALENDAR ............................................................................... 11
PATIENT CHARTS ............................................................................................. 12
VISIT DETAILS ................................................................................................... 13
QUICK LINKS ..................................................................................................... 14
Allergy Profile .................................................................................................. 14
Medication Profile ............................................................................................ 15
Immunization Profile ........................................................................................ 17
Infectious Disease Profile ................................................................................ 18
Preadmission Notes ........................................................................................ 19
Communication Notes ..................................................................................... 20
Orders and Care Plans .................................................................................... 20
Plan of Care Summary .................................................................................... 21
Vital Sign Charts .............................................................................................. 21
Authorizations Listing ...................................................................................... 22
Episode Summaries ........................................................................................ 22
Triage Classification ........................................................................................ 23
Deleted Tasks/Documents............................................................................... 23
PATIENT CHART TABS ..................................................................................... 23
New - Order ..................................................................................................... 23
New - Aide Care Plan ...................................................................................... 25
New - Communication Note ............................................................................. 25
PDGM Dashboard ........................................................................................... 26
Documents ...................................................................................................... 28
Go to www.axxess.com, and select LOGIN, located in the upper right-hand
The username is the email address assigned to the user’s account when it was
created. The password was created by the user, from a link that was sent to this
email address. This password will also be the user’s electronic signature. If the
user forgets their password, select Forgot your Password? and a link will be
sent to this email address. Here, the user can reset their password, however the
electronic signature will remain the same. After the correct username and
password are entered, the following message will display:
• Today’s Visits Map – View directions for user’s daily visits or plan out their
Green – Current Location
Red – Visit Location
Blue – Selected Visit
Select Get Directions and this will take the user to Google Maps, giving turn-by-
turn directions and a visual map.
On the left-hand side of the screen is a list of organizations that the user works
with, as well all the products to which their organization is subscribed.
The Dashboard opens upon login. Five tiles will appear, but four more may
appear based on permission settings for the roles/duties in the organization (see
Admin Overview). Below are the five default tiles for all clinicians:
My Schedule Tasks
Select the View All Tasks hyperlink in the bottom left-hand corner of the tile to
view the entire list of scheduled tasks.
• Notice this list will only go three months into the past and two weeks into
the future. For older items, view the Schedule Center or the Patient’s
• You can also export this data into an Excel with the Excel Export button.
There are three ways to group data: Patient Name, Date and Task.
Sticky Notes:
Red – Missed/Return reason from either QA Center or another clinician.
Yellow – A note pertaining specifically to this visit that communicates to other
Blue – A note that has information for every visit in an episode (ex. A gate
code or where to park). This information will appear in a sticky note on every visit
in that episode.
Missed Visit Form - When a visit is missed for any reason, select the Missed
Visit Form hyperlink. A window will pop up, asking for a reason, comments, the
Staff Signature (the user’s) and the Signature Date. Then select Submit. Once
the form is complete, the visit will fall off their Scheduled Tasks and the status will
be Completed (Missed Visit).
Home/My Account/Edit Profile
If the user knows their current password and/or signature, they can use this
screen to update with new information. If they do not remember their current
signature, it will have to be reset.
Home/My Account/Reset Signature
When users select Reset Signature, a link will be sent to the email address
listed in the message, allowing them to create a new signature.
Home/My Monthly Calendar
Another view of all visits/tasks. Users can select a task that is not yet complete
(Task hyperlink) and chart. Missed Visit Forms are also available to complete
Patients/Patient Charts
The patient’s snapshot at the top of the screen gives a quick view of the patient’s
demographics and information. Select the Patient Profile button to see more
details. A list of visits in the current episode will display at the bottom of the
screen. Filter the Show and Date drop-down menus to change viewing
Select the icon to expand the task view. Select the visit/note if they are not
complete. If they are still a hyperlink in blue, select the task and start charting.
Selecting Menu (under the Actions column) will allow viewing of the Visit Details,
information that is permission based.
• Scheduled Date - The date the visit was scheduled on the calendar.
• Actual Visit Date - The date the visit was completed. This pulls from the
note the clinician completes.
• Assigned To - The clinician who is currently assigned to this visit.
• Service Location - This is the Q Code that pulls to the claim.
• Personal Notes - Anything documented by the clinician on a mobile
• Comments (Yellow Sticky Note) - Any notes that pertain to this specific
visit and are needed to communicate with other organization users.
• Return Reason (Red Sticky Note) - Any notes from either QA Center or
another clinician for returned visits.
• Attachments - Upload documents associated with the scheduled task.
Allergy Profile
This pulls a list of all added allergies for the patient. To add an allergy, select
Add Allergy.
Type in the Name of the allergy and the Type of allergy. Select Save & Exit and
the allergy will be added to the report. If there are additional allergies, select the
Save & Add Another button.
Medication Profile
Add Medication:
• Start Date – Enter manually or select the calendar icon to choose date.
• DC Through Date - Enter manually or select the calendar icon to choose
• Medication & Dosage - Begin typing the description of the medication,
then select Search for Medication. A drop-down box will appear with all
Once any updates are made to the Medication Profile, it will need to be signed.
Select Sign Medication Profile in the upper left. A window will pop up with the
Medication Profile, allowing users to enter their Clinician Signature and Signature
Date. Finish by selecting the Sign button.
To view any prior signed Medication Profiles, select Signed Medication Profiles
and a list will generate.
Select the printer icon to view and/or print the signed Medication Profile.
Immunization Profile
in or select the calendar day it was given. Once completed, select the Save
button. Select Save & Add Another if more than one is being entered.
Select the View hyperlink to display the results or select the Delete hyperlink to
Select the View hyperlink to see the previous screenings or select the Delete
hyperlink to remove. Select the COVID-19 Screening button to add a new
screening. Choose the Person Screened from the drop-down menu. There is a
checkbox if the user Refused Screening. Enter the Reported Temperature.
Answer the Yes or No questions and choose a Risk Level. Templates and
Additional Screening Requirements may be entered. Select the Screening
Acknowledgment checkbox. Enter the Clinician Signature and confirm the
Signature Date and Time (both auto-generate the time the window was opened).
Users can then Sign Screening, or if there is more than one screening to add,
select the Sign & Add Another to continue with another blank “COVID-19
Screening” window.
Preadmission Notes
Preadmission notes enable organizations to document notes in a patient’s chart
before admitting the patient. Select the View hyperlink to see notes or select the
Delete hyperlink to remove.
Select the Add New Note button to create a note. Enter a Title, Comments and
select the Save button when complete.
Communication Notes
This report will give a list of all Communication Notes created for this patient.
The report will show who created the note, the date and a PDF to view and/or
Select the printer icon and a PDF document will generate with the ability to print:
Verify that this is the correct date range. Select the printer icon and a PDF
document will appear with the ability to print.
Authorizations Listing
This report shows all current Authorizations listed for the patient. Authorizations
are typically added by the Biller/Scheduler (Office Staff).
Episode Summaries
This report will list any Intra-Episode Summary that has been auto generated
when a clinician signs an OASIS Recertification, Discharge or Transfer and it has
been reviewed by QA. To narrow down the results, filter by Episode or start
typing the employee who performed the visit, signature or the physician’s name.
Create auto summary by selecting the Create Episode Summary button. The
summary can also be printed as a PDF by selecting the printer icon on the far
right or removed by selecting the Delete hyperlink.
Triage Classification
This quick report will pull up a PDF version of the patient’s Emergency
Preparedness Plan/Triage Classification based on what was answered during the
assessment. Select the Print button at the bottom to get a copy of the form.
Deleted Tasks/Documents
See Deleting a Visit below
New - Order
To add a new order to a patient’s chart, select New/Order tab at the top of the
patient’s chart and the window below will appear:
Patient’s name and physician will autofill in the designated fields. Select the
episode this order goes with.
• Date - The date will default to today’s date but can be changed if
• Time - Fill in the time.
• Effective Date - This date will default to today’s date but can be changed if
• Order is for Next Episode - Check this box if the order will go to the next
• Summary/Title - Give this order a title.
• Order Types -
o Medication Orders - The Medication Profile will populate, allowing
users to add a new medication.
o Plan of Care Orders - The POC Summary will populate, allowing
users to update the Plan of Care.
o Wound Care Orders – Opens the Wound Orders Profile window.
Users should then select the Add New Wound Order button.
o Discipline Frequency - Discipline Frequency fields will appear at the
bottom of screen to fill in. Remember to check the “If this is an
interim order” box if the new frequency will override the original
o Supply Manager - The Supply Manager box will appear, allowing
users to fill in the supplies.
o Other - Anything that does not fit in the four types listed will fall in
this field. Anything entered in this type will not flow to the POC
Choose and/or enter the Aide Care Plan, Things to Report, Special
Considerations, Plan Details and Notifications. Electronically sign after all
information has been chosen/entered and then select the CREATE &
COMPLETE button to complete.
PDGM Dashboard
The PDGM Dashboard empowers organizations with continuous access to real-
time episode data, so users can evaluate key aspects of care delivery for
streamlined intra-episode management. The PDGM Dashboard is accessible to
all users with a role of Case Manager or higher (Clinical Managers,
Administrators, etc.). Financial information on the PDGM Dashboard is visible
based on the user’s financial permissions. To give a user permission to view
financial information, navigate to:
Admin/Lists/Users/*User*/Permissions/Clinical/View Expected Payment for
HHRG_Case-Mix Analysis.
Below the top is the Time Period Information which displays the patient’s name,
MRN and the following time period information:
To manage documents in the patient’s chart, select the Documents tab at the
top of the patient’s chart and the window below will appear.
Choose files from the computer, give the document a name that will appear in the
patient’s chart and choose the Document Type. Then select Submit when
complete. The attached documents will all display with the ability to Edit or
Delete them by selecting the hyperlinks on the far right.
The current episode defaults at the top of the screen. All Visits/Tasks assigned to
this episode are listed at the bottom of the screen. Color-coded visits appear on
the calendar and are the print color of the task.
Select the correct discipline’s tab to find a specific visit. Choose the Task and
User in the drop-down menus and fill in the Date. Select Save and the visit will
appear within the list of other Tasks/Visits below. To schedule multiple visits
(same type) for the same user, select the blue Schedule Manager tab at the top
of screen. Select Schedule Employee, and the box below appears.
Select the specific User/Employee and the Visit Type in the drop-down menus to
schedule. Then select each box in the calendar to assign. If a box is selected
accidentally, select the box again to uncheck. Select Save & Exit and the visits
will display on the patient’s schedule. Select Save & Add Another to schedule
more visits to the same patient.
Visit Details - On the right-hand side of the screen (under the Action column)
you’ll see a Menu drop-down for all visits (these options are permissions based).
Once you select Menu, there will be a Details option. The window will open,
displaying the details of the visit (see Visit Details).
Select OK and the visit will be deleted but still stored in the Deleted
Tasks/Documents in the patient’s chart in case it needs to be restored.
• Green Boxes – Information in the green boxes are the M questions that
will be exported to CMS.
• Purple Boxes – These questions generate Plan of Care pathways.
• Grey Boxes – These questions will pull to the Plan of Care (sent to
physician for signature).
• Blue Boxes – Physical Assessment questions.
SOC Orders: Enter orders at bottom of each tab in the SOC. Enter orders,
interventions, goals, homebound status, and medical necessity based on
previous assessment answers. Several boxes will display **. This mark means
the system is requiring customized information, based on this patient’s visit.
When all information is complete, select the CHECK FOR ERRORS button. A
window will open showing any warnings, errors or conflicts.
Warnings will have a yellow triangle icon. This message is letting users
know of things they may want to look at before submitting the OASIS, not a hard
stop. An error will be a red stop icon. This message lets users know this
question either needs to be answered or answered differently. Users cannot
finish an OASIS with red error messages. The final screen will show the
calculated Home Health Resource Group (HHRG) and OASIS Case-Mix
Analysis. Once the OASIS is complete, the system will automatically create a
485 Plan of Care if the Create Medicare Plan of Care toggle is selected.
Before finishing the OASIS, users can run the OASIS Scrubber by selecting the
button in the bottom left (PDF will be generated). Axxess has an
integration/interface in place with SHP for OASIS Audits. This will look for any
inconsistencies or flags that the organization may want to address. These audits
are not necessarily wrong, the scrubber is looking for inconsistencies.
After all audits have been addressed, ensure Time In and Time Out is completed.
NOTE: If the organization tracks travel time, then surcharges and mileage must
also be entered.
Enter the Clinician Signature, confirm Signature Date and Signature Time, then
select Finish. Once the OASIS is finished, it will be sent to the QA Center for
approval. The Plan of Care will then generate in the patient’s schedule.
A great resource available any time, any day is our Help Center. Get answers to
frequently asked questions and watch tutorial videos on all our Axxess products.
Our Help Center can be accessed by going to Help/Help Center or