HP-UX Overview and Command Summary Bootup/Shutdown: Interupting The Boot Process
HP-UX Overview and Command Summary Bootup/Shutdown: Interupting The Boot Process
HP-UX Overview and Command Summary Bootup/Shutdown: Interupting The Boot Process
Configuration Menu
Information Menu
Service Menu
GSP Mode
1. shutdown -r 0
2. hit <space> during 10 sec window to interrupt reboot
3. enter: <b><o>
4. interact with ipl? yes
5. hpux -is (i=init, s=single user)
1. shutdown -r 0
2. <space> during 10 sec window
3. bo
4. interact with ipl --> yes
5. hpux -is (i=init, s=single user mode)
6. mount -a
7. init 3
Startup/Shutdown Scripts
/sbin/rc0.d These are all linked to actual scripts in /sbin/init.d
/sbin/rc2.d scripts with k are kill scripts and scripts with s are start scritps.
CIFS (Samba)
Device Management
HP-UX is a hardware path based operating system. When it boots up it does a hardware
detection. It then compares the hardware that it detects with the hardware that is listed in
/etc/ioconfig. If new hardware is detected, it is assigned the next available configuration
information in the proper hardware path.
insf -C disk -e <-- This command will re-install all of the device files for the class "disk"
ioscan <-- searches for all devices and displays their hardware path
ioscan -fnC disk <-- searches for all devices of class (C) disk
ioscan -fnH <LUN> <-- searches for a LUN
Disk Devices
scsictl -a /dev/rdsk/c?t?d? <-- display control parameter information about the disk device
scsictl -a -m queue_depth=4 -m queue_depth /dev/rdsk/c?t?d? <-- sets the queue depth
CD-ROM Devices
ls -l /dev/fc*
/etc/rc.log Startup Log
/var/adm/sw/swagent.log Software package installation log
/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log System Error Log
/etc/shutdownlog Shutdown Log
/var/tombstones/ts99 Crash log
Login Environment
export TMPDIR=/tmpsort
export TEMPDIR=/tmpsort
Changing prompt:
This gives a prompt that has the hostname followed by the current directory, ending in the #
(useful for root logins).
netstat -a <--ports
netstat -i <--interfaces
netstat -r <--routing table
netstat -rv <--routing table and subnet mask
ioscan -fnkC lan - shows ioscan information for device type "lan"
lanscan -i|awk '{print $1}'|xargs -i ifconfig {} -> does an ifconfig on all defined interfaces on
that server
set_parms ip_address
Then supply ip address and subnet mask when prompted. This process will require a
Changing the Default Gateway
cd rc.config.d
vi netconf
ntpq -p --> lists ntp peers and their time sync status
ntpq -p <server fqdn or ip address> --> lists time sync status with that server (slightly
different detail than ntpq -p)
/sbin/init.d/xntpd stop
/sbin/init.d/xntpd start
Command Description
cancel deletes print jobs from queue
hppi jet admin
ls -d<destination> prints a file
-o<optioni> file
lpsched -v
lpstat lists jobs in queue. -s -t
pr .profile | lp -n3 prints
pr -o10 -l64 -F -h prints using margins of 10, page length of 64, header on each
<HEADER> <file> | lp page
Migrating the printer configuration from one server to another server using SAM:
Performance Monitoring
j moves forward pages in the display
k moves backwared pages in the display
glance (if installed)
sar -q
sar -u
sar -d
Process Management
Command Description
inetd -c Causes inet to reload /etc/inetd.conf
inetd -l starts logging in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
ps -ef | grep PROD list all processes, but only show those processes that have
"PROD" in them
/sbin/init.d/<script> [start| If the script exists, this will stop and start the associated
stop] processes.
Remote Access
rcp <source> remote_machine:<path>
remsh <host>
rlogin <host>
.rhosts file needs to be configured or else you will be prompted for username and password
(located in home directory)
last -R - gives address information of last remote login, useful for troubleshooting
-x mount_all_filesystems=false
-x logdetail=true
-x loglevel=2
To install a depot you must specify the complete path to the depot and the depot name.
To install patches you must specify the complete path to the directory that has the
patch files.
cleanup -c n <-- commits patches that have been superseded n number of times. Useful to
free up disk space in /var/adm/sw/save.
cleanup -p <-- previews the actual cleanup tasks but does not actually perform the cleanup
From the directory that has all of the individual depots run this command line script:
for i in PH*.depot
swcopy -x enforce_dependencies=false -s ${PWD}/$i \* @ /tmp/patch_depot <--
/tmp/patch_depot is the destination directory
System Information
Note: See section on STM, detailed system information is available with this utility
Also SAM -->Performance Monitors --> System Properties
OS Information
uname -a - display general information e.g. OS release, node name, machine ID number, etc
Memory Information
dmesg|grep Phy <-- List amount of physical ram in server
cat syslog|grep Phy <-- List amount of physical ram in server
echo phys_mem_pages/D|adb -k /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem <-- Lists amount of 4K Memory
pages in HPUX 11.x
echo "memory_installed_in_machine/D" | adb -k /stand/vmunix /dev/mem |tail -1 | awk '$2 >
0 { print $2 / 256 }' <-- Lists memory in MB.
echo "physmem/D" | adb /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem <-- Lists amount of 4K Memory pages in
HPUX 10.x
sam --> Performance Monitors --> System Properties --> Memory Tab
CPU Information
ioscan -fnC processor <-- shows information about each processor found
echo "itick_per_usec/D" | adb -k /stand/vmunix /dev/mem | tail -1 <-- Shows CPU Speed in
Using set_parms --> may not work correctly for multiple nics
o set_parms hostname ( a reboot is required for the change to take effect)
It will prompt you for the new hostname
It will prompt you to reboot (answer no if you are also changing the ip
o set_parms ip_address ( a reboot is required for the change to take effect)
It will prompt you for the new ip address
It will prompt you to reboot
Manually makiing the change:
o vi /etc/hosts
o vi /etc/rc.config.d/netconf <-- ** Make sure that no extra files are in the
/etc/rc.config.d directory - it gets sourced on bootup
o reboot
Other files that may need to checked/changed
o /etc/resolv.conf
o /etc/nsswitch.conf
System Tuning
cstm -f /tmp/disk.stm
Terminal Environment
$TERM = xterm
stty -all
Terminal Ports
o Port 1
25 Pin - use this to connect to the N class server with a 25 pin to 9 pin
o Port 2 - used to connect to an external peripheral
25 Pin
o Port 3
9 Pin - use this port to connect to the A class server with a 9 pin to 25
pin cable
Terminal Configuration Settings
o Press User/System function key
Remote Mode must have an asterisk in it's box (indicating it is
config keys
datacomm config
baud rate 9600
parity: none/8
terminal config
serial (2)/parallel(1) - 25 pin console port
serial (1)/parallel(1) - 9 pin console port
Term ID - vt100
Term Mode - em100
ansi config
Users Administration
Creating Users
Creating Groups
sam --> user and group accounts
groupadd Groupname
Useful Commands
Command Description
<esc><esc> or <esc>\ autocompletion
file * Show file types, such as "ascii".
find <path> -name <name> Finds a file in the OS at the starting path on down
groups <username> Shows groups for a user
kmtune Displays kernel tunable parameters
listusers -g <group> Lists the users in a group
ln -s <file or directory> Creates a symbolic link to a file or a directory
<symbolic link>
pr -o10 -l64 -F -h prints using margins of 10, page length of 64, header on each
<HEADER> <file> | lp page
rcp <source> remote copy
remsh <host> opens a remote command shell on the host machine
rlogin <host> remote login to host machine
set_parms Change host name (/etc/set_parms)
tail -f <file> Looks at end of file and keeps it open to watch changes
top realtime display of processes
uname -a information about the system
print $(uname -i)16op|dc prints hex system id
who -u, who -Rm who is using the system
Oracle Procedures:
I have a need to remove some semaphores and a memory segment from a sun box to clean up
a failed Oracle instance. The server has several Oracle Instances and allocated memory
segments and I need to identify the proper one to 'ipcrm -m' on.....Does anyone know how I
get more detail as to the owner of the segments?
Unfortunately I was using that syntax to begin with and only gets me limited data, however by
ipcs -pmb and ipcs -sa I was able to identify all oracle semaphore id's and memory segment
id's. Then by connecting to the surviving instances, doing a dump of that instance memory
and semaphore maps, I was able to determine which id's not to remove from memory, thus
enabling me to clean up the failing instance memory.