Validation Guide Ulta Prime GF Capsule and Cartridge Filters
Validation Guide Ulta Prime GF Capsule and Cartridge Filters
Validation Guide Ulta Prime GF Capsule and Cartridge Filters
Validation guide
capsule and cartridge filters
28-9094-72 AA
Table of contents
Introduction 3
Quality policy 3
Quality assurance 3
Product traceability 4
Summary of test methods 5
Preparation of pharmaceutical grade filters 6
Pharmaceutical grade standard 6
Quality of purified water used in the preparation of pharmaceutical grade filters 6
Certificate of Quality 7
Product coding and range for ULTA Prime GF cartridges 8
Product coding and range for ULTA Prime GF capsule filters 8
Capsule dimensions 9
Product specifications 9
Application 9
Materials of construction for ULTA Prime GF cartridges and capsules 9
Filter media 9
Flow Characteristics 10
Operating temperatures and pressures 11
Steam sterilization 11
Autoclave 11
Steam in Place (SIP) 11
Tests for BioCompatibility 11
Guidelines for validation can be sourced from publications issued GE Healthcare’s responsibility as a manufacturer of quality
by the FDA, EMEA, USP, EP, BP, PDA1 etc. This Validation extends beyond the manufacturing site, through a world-wide
Document has been produced with these guidelines in mind to network of filter and separation specialists.
enable the end user to incorporate this information within their
The Quality Assurance Department operates with a well-equipped
own validation documentation or standard operating instructions
Laboratory Services Department, in which specialized personnel
for the process.
are employed to perform the essential quality inspections. The
This Validation Document shows that ULTA™ Prime GF surpasses manufacturing site has been assessed by the British Standards
the product specification requirements that have to be imposed Institution and is registered to BS EN ISO 9001:2000, which defines
on pharmaceutical grade filters. the standards for quality systems, model for quality assurance in
design, development, production, installation and servicing.
FDA, EMEA, USP, EP, BP, PDA – Food and Drug Administration, European Medicines Evaluation Agency, United States, European, and British
Pharmacopoeia, Parenteral Drug Association.
ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation
ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials
ACFTD – AC Fine Test Dust
– Test for bacterial endotoxins using a gel clot LAL • A Membrane Filtration Method Standard Plate Count Technique,
(Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate). to establish the microbial content.
– Test for particulates. • A gel clot LAL (Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate) test, for detection
of bacterial endotoxins at 0.125 EU/ml sensitivity.
– Test for TOC (Total Organic Carbon).
• All P-grade filters are flushed with a high flux of purified water
prior to despatch, as a guarantee of product cleanliness.
Device Type Media Type Special Detail Special Micron Rating Size Code Cartridge O-ring
Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Example: ULTA™ Prime GF, 0.6 µm, 10” 226, Silicone O-ring
CGF-A-96170S Hyphen 4 7 0 Disc
Device Type Media Type Special Detail Special Micron Rating Size Size End Fittings
Inlet Outlet
Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Example: ULTA™ Cap PP, 1.0 µm, 4”, 1/2 Hosebarb inlet, 1.5 inch TC outlet * Stepped Hose Barb 1/4”
0.6μm Grade includes a dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate surfactant.
Steam sterilization
Autoclave temperature Number of Cycle time
Product format °C °F cycles Minutes at temp.
Cartridges 121 250 10 30
Capsules 121 250 10 30
To maximize the life of the cartridge, the differential pressure across the cartridge should
not exceed 0.30 bar (4.4 psi) at 121°C (250°F). For new applications it is recommended
that GE Healthcare guidance for the method of steam sterilization be followed.
Table 1. ACFTD Specification (SAE J 726 Fine ISO 12103 Pt 1 A2 Fine) s.g. 2.6 – 2.7 g/cm3
Particle size Volume % smaller than Approximate number of particles per gram in band
1 2.5 - 3.5 5 x 1010
2 10.5 - 12.5 3 x 1010
3 18.5 - 22.0 1 x 109
4 25.5 - 29.5 4 x 109
5 31.0 - 36.0 1 x 108
7 41.0 - 46.0 8 x 108
10 50.0 - 54.0 1 x 107
20 70.0 - 74.0 4 x 106
40 88.0 - 91.0 4 x 106
80 95.5 - 100 7 x 10
This chemical compatibility chart is intended for use as a guide only. Factors such as temperature, pH, concentration, system pressures and exposure times can all have an effect on
the chemical compatibility of our filter products. Though we believe this information to be current and of value in screening the filter media against liquid solutions for general com-
patibility, no warranty is given or implied with respect to this information.
Note that the temperature at which these recommendations were given is 25C. For compatibilities at higher temperatures please contact GE Healthcare technical services.
Note that compatibility recommendations for each cartridge apply only to the filter media of that cartridge. Liquid compatibility for core and o-ring materials must be determined by
following the compatibility for those core and o-ring materials.
C= Compatible
LC= Limited Compatibility
NC=Not Compatible
GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB
Björkgatan 30
751 84 Uppsala
28-9094-72 AA 06/2007