QA/QC Section
Mass Concrete & Controlling Temperatures in the Mass Concrete
This mass concrete method statement covers the construction works of PACKAGE 1 HEADWORKS (RE-
BID II) for the TANAHU HYDROPOWER PROJECT, particularly the general site installation and the
works necessary for the construction of the 140 m high Concrete Gravity Dam and the appurtenant
It should be noted that it might be necessary to update this document if during detailed design other solutions
are proposed than the assumed at this stage. Extracts of the technical specification have been included in this
document where necessary.
It should be noted that it is important to complete the excavations of the dam dam foundation excavations at
river bed and right and left abutments till the end of 25 December 22. Failure to complete this would mean
following activities could not be followed intensively in 2023, which would cause significant delay to the time
schedule. Therefore excavation of the right and left abutment and bottom of the narrow valley down to 280 m.
elevation , leading to mass concreting, lies on the critical path.
Concreting of the spillway can be divided in 3 parts:
• Upper part, consisting of intake and ogee area, and step wise chute
• Middle part, consisting of the chute section
-Lower part, consisting of the bucket section
Each of above-mentioned parts of spillway can be constructed independently. It is desirable to start with the
upper part, then the middle part and finish with the lower part.
On narrower sites with steep abutments, particularly with a U or V shape, access and materials delivery will
often favour vertical, rather than horizontal construction. When concrete placement must be interrupted for an
extended wet season (monsoon season starting as of 1st July and 1st November for 4 months) the particular
dam arrangement implies that construction cannot continue at full capacity on other sections, the advantages
of vertical construction will significantly increase the time and cost competitiveness of a Concrete Gravity
Dam type.
For the dam concrete works , a construction plan shall be prepared in advance , and the dam concrete shall be
in accordance with the plan so that the performance requirements for the dam concrete is satisfied. Prior to the
construction of dam concrete , it shall be verified , as appropriate , that the required performance can be ensured
by the specified construction method. In the event that the conditions for construction assumed at the design
stage turned out to differ from the actual conditions , the construction plan shall be altered and the construction
method statement , if necessary , in accordance with the responsible engineer’s instructions so that the required
performance is ensured.
Many combinations of temperature control methods are used to produce similar end results; and they change
from season to season, month to month, or even day to day.
What is Mass Concrete? “Any volume of concrete in which a combination of dimensions of the member being
cast, the boundary conditions, the characteristics of the concrete mixture, and the ambient conditions can lead
to undesirable thermal stresses, cracking, deleterious chemical reactions, or reduction in the long-term strength
as a result of elevated concrete temperature due to heat from hydration” – American Concrete Institute (ACI),
2010 and 2016.
When is it Mass Concrete?
When rate of heat generation and thickness is such that heat is generated faster than it escapes.
A temperature control plan should be drawn up in order to prevent thermal crack. If conditions assumed at the
planning stage can not be realized at the construction stage , the prevention of thermal crack can not be assured.
The temperature distribution in the dam body , which may cause thermal crack , may vary with the specific
heat , heat generation characteristics and thermal conductivity of the concrete in use , lift , placement interval,
starting seasons of construction , concrete placing temperature , ambient temperature , and rock temperature
near surface or curing methods. In case the conditions at an actual construction differ from that assumed in the
temperature control plan , the temperature control plan should be altered if necessary and the construction
methods should be reexamined so that the altered temperature control plan is satisfied. Why do we need a
thermal control plan? Because concrete is susceptible to temperature changes. For example when it is cold
weather , concrete is going to cure slower and when it it is hot weather , concrete is going to cure faster.
Temperature change can have another effect on concrete. Temperature change can also increase the risk of
shrinking and cracking. There are two ways that this can happen. First is the extreme temperature environment
where it can be really cold or hot outside. The second way that can happen is when there is large temperature
differential between the center and the surface of the concrete. There is typically allowable differences
(maximum 20oC) that the Engineer shall set out at the beginning of a Project but it is really dependant on the
mix design and the actual temperatures that the concrete is experiencing. These two temperatures that the
concrete is experiencing are the ambient temperature and the ambient temperature of the concrete itself. When
is thermal control plan needed? There are three scenerios that the typical thermal control plan can be helpful.
The first is mass concrete. Mass concrete lifts are really thick pours of concrete. The second is cold weather.
Because when it is cold outside how do we manage curing the concrete and the third is hot weather. Similarly
when it gets too hot how do we make sure that the concrete is not above 160 oF. So what is typically included
in a Thermal Control Plan? First is a mix design. Sometimes an Engineer or a Consultant will say that there is
less or more of some amount of material in the mixture. Second is the duration that you need to be monitoring
the concrete. So how long do you need to be paying attention for the curing period in cold weather. Answer is
7 cumulative days in cold weather and 3 consecutive days under normal conditions when not hot and not cold
weather is existing:
Air temperature adjacent to the concrete surface should be more than 32oF for the first ten days of cold weather
Air temperature adjacent to the concrete surface should be more than 40oF for the first seven days of ten days
of cold weather.
Why should I care in cold weather? Because water in the concrete mix can freeze if it gets too cold. Frozen
pore water can not be used to hydrate cement. Water expands as it freezes, causing internal damage to concrete.
If fresh concrete faces only one freeze-thaw before its strength reaches 500 psi (35kg/cm2) then this concrete
shall have half ultimate strength as well as being a permeable concrete and half resistant to freeze and thaw
effects and shall need double time of the normal curing time.
If hot water is planned to be used as mix water in cold weather then the temperature of hot water shall be
maximum 26.66 oC (80oF) and not more than 26.66 oC (80oF). If you use hotter water than 26.66 oC (80oF) ,
you will give a shock to the concrete so pay attention for this temperature for hot water.
Concrete produces heat as it cures and if you can capture the heat (coming out of cement hydration) then you
can keep the concrete curing.
Third is the protection. So what do you need to do to protect the concrete while its curing and in associated
with that how do you protect it? Fourth is monitoring. Monitoring is an important part. What is actually
happening in concrete. If something is going wrong what can you do to fix it? In associated with that in thermal
control plans sometimes included is a troubleshooting section. So if something does go wrong what can you
do to make things better.
During production or transport, the concrete temperature should be less than 70oF (21.11oC) so that while
placing does not amount to 77oF (25 oC) as per the Technical Specification Part B.
At the time of placement the concrete temperature should be more than 53.6oF (12 oC) as per the Technical
Specification Part B but if the concrete temperature at the time of placement is inbetween (7-12 oC) it will be
welcome because (7-12 oC) is a desired temperature interval for concrete to avoid cracking.
Mixing water temperature shall be less than 100 oF (37.78oC).
Aggregate temperature shall be less than 100 oF (37.78oC).
We shall use commonly used conventional block construction method for constructing Tanahu Concrete
Gravity Dam in which the construction method set up for mixture design shall be used at construction stage.
Extended layer construction method as in picture below shall not be used.
• Large size aggregates shall be used to reduce surface area and the use of cementing content
• Coarse Aggregates shall be from single source to limit temperature differential to avoid cracking
• Initial set of the 50% low heat cement and 50% fly ash mass concrete is 2 hours not 1 hours and
Setting finish of the the 50% low heat cement and 50% fly ash mass concrete is 12 hours. This is due
to the fly ash effect as normally 1 hour and 10 hours are the initial setting time and setting finish time
of conventional concrete respectively.
• Effectiveness of fly ash from possible sources shall be tested with the particular cement or the
cements to be used as to carbon content (smaller than 6 %) and calcium content (smaller than 10 %)
Fineness of cement and and fly ash must be equal. A variable carbon content may effect concrete
water demand and workability.
Pre-Placement Meeting
• Agree on the mix design and mixing time
• Plants location, fleet summary (trucks and pumps)
• Date and time of placement
• Precautions for weather conditions
• Troubleshooting analysis and project preventive actions
• Agree on placement rate and checklists
• Provide curing and finishing procedure
• Provide list of employee with time line to accomplish the placement
• All communications between Client and Contractor flows through Consultant
• Contractor has direct contact with Construction Manager , and Construction Manager has no agreement with the
• Construction Manager is paid by the Contractor.
• Project Manager is liable for design.Quality Control Manager is only responsible to the Project Manager
• Construction Manager is responsible for design and construction work
• Contractor is responsible to Construction Manager for their work :
• The construction phase of a massive concrete structure is a very important period of the life time of the concrete
gravity dam. During the early ages, the hydration reaction releases heat that is responsible for several phenomena
that may originate cracking, compromising the safety and the durability of the structure. Before the construction
phase, the construction managers should decide the logistics of the lift-by-lift placing, i.e., the height of the concrete
lifts, the frequency of construction of the lifts, the concrete mix design, and the placing temperature of concrete.
Usually, the optimal construction scheme is chosen based on the experience of the engineers. Construction managers
must decide which concrete mix, placing temperature, and schedule, will be used to avoid thermal cracking and
minimize costs. Construction managers shall determine the optimal construction scheme, guaranteeing that the
structure will not present thermal cracks originated from the heat of hydration. In order to standardize block
identification , a criterion has recently been established which calls for the designation of blocks in the longitudinal
direction by number, starting with block 1 on the right abutment (looking downstream). The blocks in each
transverse row are to be designated by letter starting with the upstream block as the “A” block.
Coarse aggregate should consist of hard, dense, durable, uncoated particles. Rock which is very friable or which
tends to degrade during processing, transporting, or in storage should be avoided. Rock having an absorption greater
than 3 percent or a specific gravity less than 2.5 is not generally considered suitable for exposed mass concrete
subjected to freezing and thawing.
Source : Page 9/30 of the ACI Document at link : ACI207.1R-05 Guide to Mass Concrete (
Sand (below No 4 (4.75mm)) amount in concrete mix shall be 24 % for maxiumum aggragate diameter of 150 mm.
San amount in concrete mix shall be 27 % for maxiumum aggragate diameter of 76 mm. The more the sand the
less the concrete or mass concrete strength. So concrete mix with maxiumum aggragate diameter of 150 mm is
more advantageous in this aspect as well rather than lowering the cement amount so the hydration heat.
at link :
Source : Page 33/38 of Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for_Normal_Heavyweight_and_Mass
Concrete_ACI 211.1-91 at link :
Water demand for river (alluvial) aggregates with maximum aggregate diameter of (150 mm) varies inbetween
70kg/m3 and 90 kg/m3 for low slumped and air entrained mass concretes.
Water demand for quarry rock (crushed) aggregates with maximum aggregate diameter of (150 mm) varies inbetween
85 kg/m3 and 115 kg/m3 for low slumped and air entrained mass concretes.
Water demand for the mass concrete aggregates with 75 mm maximum aggregate diameter is 20% more than the
above given ones.
Total fine aggregate ratio to the total aggregate (mass concrete covering fine and coarse river (alluvial) aggregates with
maximum aggregate diameter 150 mm) can be as low as 21%.
Total fine aggregate ratio to the total aggregate (mass concrete covering fine and coarse quarry rock(crushed)
aggregates with maximum aggregate diameter 150 mm) can be as low as 25-27%.
Crushed rock causes less cracking than (alluvial) aggregates.
The amount of air-entraining agent used in each concrete mix shall be such as will effect the entrainment of the
percentage of air shown in the following tabulation in the concrete as discharged from the mixer:
Maximum size of coarse aggregate in inches Total air, percent by volume of concrete
at link :
Source is from Page 37/38 of Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for_Normal_Heavyweight_and_Mass Concrete_ACI 211.1-91
at link :
Source for A5.7.13 Trial Batch is from Page 38/38 of Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for_Normal_Heavyweight_and_Mass Concrete_ACI 211.1-91
at link :
Wear of mixer blades will adversely affect the consistency of the concrete mix. Mixer blades must remain within specified tolerances and have to be changed when wear
reaches the specified limits.
This is a picture of aggregate storage. This is an extended form. So this part (on the left side above) here can be pulled all the way here (on the right side above) in order to
create an enclosure which is like this and can be used to house the aggregate. Once we have enclosed the aggregate in a certain confined space like this it is easier and more
economical to maintain the temperature inside this enclosure and that goes a long way in maintaining the temperature of fresh concrete.
Cheapest way of cooling aggregates is excavating them during winter from the quarry and then storing them in a well protected aggregate store. You will want to use these
aggregates during summer time concreting beause their temperature shall be inbetween 6-10 degree celcius and shall get rid of the process of embedded-pipe refrigeration.
If the mixture is proportioned so that the cementitious materials content is limited to not more than 139 kg/m3 , the temperature rise for most concretes will not exceed 35 F
(19 C)
Aggregates are being embedded pipe refrigeration.
The temperature of the precooled fresh concrete does not exceed 50 F (10 if both refrigerated aggregate and crushed ice are used to achieve this low temperature. By means of
only embedded-pipe refrigeration, the maximum temperature of hardening concrete can be kept below 75 F (24 C). Postcooling is sometimes required in concrete gravity dams
that contain transverse joints, so that transverse joints can be opened for grouting by cooling the concrete after it has hardened. Postcooling is also done for control of peak
temperatures, to control cracking.
When no special provisions are employed, concrete placing temperatures will be very close to the mean monthly air temperature, ranging from 4 to 6 higher than the mean air
temperature in the winter time and this same amount lower than the mean air temperature in the summer time.
The problem in Concrete Handling, Placing and Consolidation is to transport it to the dam with the least possible segregation or change in its consistency so it may be compacted
uniformly into the dam without unreasonable effort. The use of a belt conveyor has also been considered, but problems occur in keeping the belt temperature stable in warm
weather and also in windy conditions. The conveyors are usually covered and cold air is blown over the concrete to lower its placing temperature.
The slump of the concrete as determined in accordance with ASTM C 143 , after the concrete has been deposited but before it has been compacted, shall not be greater than
the following values :
Please see Page 23/39 and 24/39 of the ACI 309R-96_Guide for Consolidation of Concrete at link :
9.2—Vibration equipment Mass concrete containing aggregate larger than 11 /2 in. (38 mm) and low cement contents presents a unique vibration problem when low slump
consistencies are used. This condition requires that powerful equipment meeting the requirements of Group 5 in Table 5.1.5 be available for proper consolidation.
Pneumatically driven vibrators are generally used in the United States. The air supply must be ample and the force at the vibrator must be sufficient for adequate
consolidation. In heavily reinforced areas, vibrators with small diameters may be needed to penetrate between the bars and achieve proper consolidation.
An alternate method that has been successfully used is as follows. The vibrator should penetrate rapidly to the bottom of the layer and at least 6 in. (150 mm) into the
preceding layer. The vibrator should be manipulated in an up and down motion, generally for 5 to 15 sec, to knit the two layers together. The vibrator should then be
withdrawn gradually with a series of up and down motions. The down motion should be a rapid drop to apply a force to the concrete which, in turn, increases internal pressure
in the freshly placed mixture.
Evidence strongly indicates that the effectiveness of an internal vibrator depends mainly on the head diameter, frequency, and amplitude. The amplitude is largely a function of
the eccentric moment and head mass.
Selecting an internal vibrator for the job—The principal requirement for an internal vibrator is effectiveness in consolidating concrete. It should have an adequate radius of
action, and it should be capable of flattening and de-aerating the concrete quickly. Insofar as possible, the vibrator should also be reliable in operation, easy to handle and
manipulate, resistant to wear, and be such that it does not damage embedded items. Some of these requirements are mutually opposed, so compromises are necessary.
However, some of the problems can be minimized or eliminated by careful vibrator design. For example, it is known that very high frequencies and high centrifugal force tend
to increase maintenance requirements and reduce the life of vibrators.
5.1.7 Data to be supplied by manufacturer—The vibrator manufacturer’s catalog should include the physical dimensions (length and diameter) and total mass of the vibrator
head, eccentric moment, frequency in air and approximate frequency in concrete, and centrifugal force at these two frequencies. The catalog should also include certain other
data needed for proper hookup and operation of the vibrators. Voltage and current requirements and wire sizes (depending on the length of run) for electric vibrators should
be given. For pneumatic vibrators, compressed air pressure and flow capacity should be stated, as well as size of piping or hose (also depending on the length of run). Speed
should be given for gasoline-engine driven units. Information for hydraulic vibrators should include recommended operating pressures and a chart showing frequency, at
various flow rates.
Please see Page 6/39 of the ACI 309R-96_Guide for Consolidation of Concrete at link :
Pneumatic vibrators having a capacity of 150 m3 per hour mounted on a backhoe may be used for the compaction of mass concrete. The vibrator shall have a diameter of 150
mm and a length of 1.1 m . For one cubic meter of concrete , the time requirement for the compaction is 25 to 30 seconds.
The concrete should be at the lowest possible slump that can be effectively consolidated.
Low frequency (below 6000 vibrations per min [100 Hz]), high amplitude (over 0.005 in. [0.13 mm]) vibration is normally preferred, at least for stiffer mixtures.
Please see Page 21/39 of the ACI 309R-96_Guide for Consolidation of Concrete at link :
• Forming material—Steel is the preferred forming material because it has good structural strength and fatigue properties, is well suited for attachment of vibrators, and
when properly reinforced provides good, uniform transmission of vibration. Wood, plastic, or reinforced concrete forms are generally less suitable, but will give
satisfactory results if their limitations are understood and proper allowances are made.
- If you water the formworks of the mass concrete targeting the lateral surfaces block with cold water continuously you can remove the formworks without any
concern after 3 days in normal weather conditions and hot weather conditions. Concrete close to the formworks gains strength faster and its temperature is
reduced if the formworks are cold-watered from outside. This practice shall be applied in Tanahu Concrete Gravity Dam mass concrete formworks which will
guarantee the 3 days waiting time for sure. I mean you can comfortably without any fear you may remove the formworks if the formworks are cold-watered.
Vibration practices The lifts should be built up with multiple layers 12 to 20 in. (300 to 500 mm) thick, depending on the aggregate size. Such lifts can be reliably consolidated
with some penetration of the vibrator into lower layers. Heavily reinforced sections may need thinner layers and proper attention to insure the encasement of reinforcement
by concrete. Each layer is constructed in strips 6 to 12 ft (1.8 to 3.6 m) wide. The forward edge of each upper layer should be held back 4 to 5 ft (1.2 to 1.5 m) from the one
below so that it will not move when vibrating the adjacent strip of lower-layer batches placed along the edge. This procedure produces a stair-step effect of the layers [see Fig.
9.4(a)]. The placement is thus completed to full thickness and area with minimum surface exposure. This practice minimizes warming of precooled concrete and cold joint
problems between layers in warm weather. It also makes the placement easier in wet weather. Details for manufacture and placement of mass concrete may be found
elsewhere (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual, 1981; ACI 207.1R). For effective consolidation of mass concrete, the vibrator crew should follow a systematic
• Over vibration and under vibration is harmful and should be avoided. Over vibration causes separation of coarse aggregates towards the bottom of the form and
cement slurry towards the top. Inadequate compaction leads to honey- combing.
The crew should work closely together and move as a unit, rather than each operator working separately with widely spaced, random insertions. The vibrators should be
inserted nearly vertically into the tops of the deposited piles at fairly uniform spacings and then reinserted as necessary to flatten the pile to the proper depth and spread it to
the area it should occupy [see Fig. 9.4(b)]. Then the subsequent placements should be systematically vibrated with the vibrator penetrating the full depth of the layer and into
the preceding layer, but staying away from the forward edges [see Fig. 9.4(c)]. The edges in contact with the previous strip and previous batch should be very thoroughly
knitted together. Each vibrator operator should have his particular area of attention. Vibration at each point should continue until entrapped air ceases to escape. Depending
on mixture and slump, this time will usually range from 10 to 15 sec. The insertions must be spaced and timed to achieve thorough consolidation, not only near the surface but
for the full depth of the layer and below it. The completed top surface of the block should be left fairly even and free of footprints and vibrator holes, to facilitate the
subsequent joint cleanup. The final vibration should be done by a vibrator operator on plywood snowshoes using a small vibrator if necessary. When consolidation is
completed, the top of the coarse aggregate should be approximately at the level of the concrete surface. The amount of concrete that can be handled by one vibrator will
depend on the capability of the vibrator, the experience and diligence of the operator, and the response to vibration of the particular concrete mixture being used. Under
optimum conditions, an efficient crew may handle as much as 50 yd3 (40 m3) per hr per vibrator. Around embedded items and in complicated formwork, the amount handled
might be less than half this amount. Concrete shall be consolidated to the maximum practicable density, so that it is free from pockets of coarse aggregate and entrapped air,
and closes snugly against all surfaces of forms and embedded materials. Consolidation of concrete i n structures shall be by electric- or pneumatic-drive, immersion-type
vibrators. Vibrators having vibrating heads 4 inches or more in diameter shall be operated at speeds of at least 6,000 revolutions per minute when immersed in the concrete.
Vibrators having vibrating heads less than 4 inches in diameter shall be operated at speeds of at least 7,000 revolutions per minute when immersed in the concrete.
Immersion-type vibrators used in mass concrete shall be heavy duty, two-man vibrators capable of readily consolidating mass concrete of the consistency specified: Provided,
that heavy-duty, one-man vibrators may be used if they are operated in sufficient number, and in a manner and under conditions as to produce equivalent results to that
specified for two-man vibrators: Provided further, that where practicable in vibrating mass concrete, the contractor may employ gang vibrators, satisfactory to the Engineer,
mounted on self-propelled equipment in such a manner that they can be readily raised and lowered to eliminate dragging through the fresh concrete, and provided all other
requirements of these specifications with respect to placing and control of concrete are met.
Consolidation of concrete in the sidewalls and arch of grouting gallery lining shall be by electric- or pneumatic-driven form vibrators supplemented where practicable by
immersion-type vibrators. Form vibrators shall be rigidly attached to the forms and shall operate at speeds of at least 8,000 revolutions per minute when vibrating concrete. In
consolidating each layer of concrete the vibrator shall be operated in a near-vertical position and the vibrating head shall be allowed to penetrate and revibrate the concrete in
the upper portion of the underlying layer. In the area where newly placed concrete in each layer joins previously placed concrete, particularly in mass concrete, more than
usual vibration shall be performed, the vibrator penetrating deeply and at close intervals into the upper portion of the previously placed layer along these contacts. In all
vibration of mass concrete, vibration shall continue until bubbles of entrapped air have generally ceased to escape. Additional layers of concrete shall not be superimposed on
concrete previously placed until the previously placed concrete has been vibrated thoroughly as specified. Care shall be exercised to avoid contact of the vibrating head with
surfaces of the forms.
• Mass concrete is best placed in successive layers. The maximum thickness of the layer depends upon the ability of the vibrators to properly consolidate the
• Six-in. (150-mm) diameter vibrators produce satisfactory results with 4 to 6-in. (100 to 150-mm) nominal maximum size aggregate (NMSA) and less than
11/2 in. (40-mm) slump in layers 18 to 20 in. (460 to 510 mm) thick placed with 4 to 8- yd3 (3 to 6-m3) buckets. Smaller diameter vibrators will produce
satisfactory results with 3 to 4-in. (75 to 100-mm) NMSA and less than 2-in. (50-mm) slump placed in 12 to 15- in. (300 to 380-mm) layers with smaller
buckets. Shallower layers, rather than deeper layers, give better assurance of satisfactory consolidation and freedom from rock pockets at joint lines,
corners, and other form faces, as well as within the block itself.
• 4.3.9—The layer thickness should be an even fraction of the lift height or of the depth of the block. The layers are carried forward in a stair-step fashion in
the block by means of successive discharges so there will be a setback of about 5 ft (1.5 m) between the forward edges of successive layers. Placement of
the steps is organized so as to expose a minimum of surface and to lessen warming of the concrete in warm weather and reduce the area affected by rain in
wet weather.
• A setback greater than 5 ft (1.5 m) unnecessarily exposes cold concrete to heat gain in warm weather and, in rainy weather, increases the danger of water
damage; a narrower setback will cause concrete above it to sag when the step is vibrated to make it monolithic with the concrete placed later against that
step. This stepped front progresses forward from one end of the block to the other until the form is filled and the lift placement is completed.
• 4.3.10—Vibration is the key to the successful placement of mass concrete, particularly when the concrete is low slump and contains large aggregate
(Tuthill 1953). Ineffectual equipment is more costly to the builder because of a slower placing rate and the hazard of poor consolidation. Vibration must be
systematic and should thoroughly cover and deeply penetrate each layer.
Important considerations in selecting lift heights are the form system, including anchorages, pressures, and methods
for raising the forms, and the initial strength gain of the concrete. Forms must have sufficient anchorage into concrete
of the previous lift to support construction and form pressure loads while being raised, secured, and filled with the
subsequent lift. Smaller lifts with faster theoretical turnaround times are useless if the concrete does not gain enough
strength fast enough to allow this turnaround to occur in practice. In the past, the problem was minimal, but with more
efficient construction techniques, lower cement factors, extended schedules into cooler weather, very cool initial
placing temperatures, water reducers that also retard, and high fly ash contents, early strength levels can be much
lower than what was normal in the past.
One of the more important aspects of lift height selection and turnaround time is the delay that occurs while a lift sets
sufficiently to allow lift joint preparation. In practice, this could take as long as 2 days for very lean and cool mixes with
high fly ash and/or retarding admixtures. In the past, mixes of this type have not been "normal," and the potentially
disruptive problem of unpredictable and/or extended set times has not been a real consideration in construction.
However, when it does occur, its cumulative effect on schedules can be very significant. Deeper lifts minimize the
number of surfaces to prepare and the resulting delays. Fortunately, mixes of this type are compatible with higher
lifts.Technically, the problems of slow strength gain and its effect on turnaround time can be corrected by using a
higher-strength mix at the form faces and at the top of the lift. This adds to direct cost, heat, and brittleness, which
are predictable, but the main problems of field coordination, indirect cost, and overuse of the mix are less predictable
and may not be fully appreciated. Because of the stairstep manner in which layers of any large lift are placed, switching
back and forth between the facing and internal mixes is necessary. Controlling the delivery of separate buckets of the
mixes as they are transferred from mixer to delivery mechanism to the placement is difficult. Realistically, some of
each type of mix can be expected to end up in part of the placement where it was not intended to be, and undoubtedly,
it will remain there. Also, although the necessary thickness of facing mix is minimal, delivery equipment normally does
not permit placement of a very narrow zone; so a larger amount of facing mix is used.
A number of innovations in form systems have evolved that are adaptable to new dams and rehabilitation or the raising
of old existing structures. These include concepts for precast stay-in-place form panels and self-raising systems.
In practice, self-raising systems do not entirely eliminate the need for external lifting capability. Experience has shown
that in some instances these forms still need to be externally set, raised, or realigned. This is usually done with the
assistance of a small crane on the dam or by a whirley or other major lifting mechanism. Taking one of these main
production units out of service to help with forms on an "as needed" or "on demand" basis usually is not cost-effective
compared with having a small utility crane always available.
Self-raising systems can use a hydraulic or mechanical device to lift or slide the form panels upward along strongbacks,
guides, or tracks to the next lift level. This can be done only after the previous lift has attained sufficient strength to
support the shear and tensile loads transmitted to its embedded anchors. The forms and/or strongbacks should have
built-in methods of adjusting form alignment and verticality.
Concepts have been developed for using embedded pipe or a closed channel in the concrete near the upstream face
as a support and guide for the form panel. The pipe technique has been used where the pipe and form are pulled
alternately using air-operated screw jacks. The pipe leaves a void that may be either grouted or left for
instrumentation, observation, or drainage.
Faster surface hardening to allow faster turnaround times is very important. As designers use leaner and more
sophisticated mixes in an effort to reduce cost and control heat, contractors need to more carefully evaluate these
mixes and their potential for slow surface setting, which delays activity on the lift : If you water the formworks of the
mass concrete targeting the lateral surfaces block with cold water continuously you can remove the formworks without
any concern after 3 days in normal weather conditions and hot weather conditions. Concrete close to the formworks
gains strength faster and its temperature is reduced if the formworks are cold-watered from outside. This is a highly
recommened practice to be applied in Tanahu Concrete Gravity Dam mass concrete formworks which will guarantee
the 3 days waiting time for sure. I mean you can comfortably without any fear remove the formworks if the formworks
are cold-watered.
• The potential concerns regarding high pozzolan in mass concrete may not be a problem in warm environments,
or with mixes that produce enough early heat to develop adequate hydration for the strength needed.
Conditions of low cement contents with high fly ash at cool mix and ambient conditions may result in mixes
that do not set enough to allow cleanup of lift surfaces to proceed within normal time limits. Extended
turnaround times for placements of successive lifts may be the result. The predictability of scheduling the start
of effective lift joint cleaning may also affected. Potential problems with delayed set times can be compounded
by high dosages of water-reducing admixtures (WRAs) that are not adjusted to account for the pozzolan
content. At high pozzolan replacements such as 50 %, the admixture becomes double-dosed in proportion to
the amount of cement if adjustments are not made. This usually works well from a water-reducing standpoint,
but it can have a significant set-retarding effect with most Water Reducing Admixtures, which also act as
retarders when used in high proportions to the cement alone.
• In order to standardize block identification , a criterion has recently been established which calls for the
designation of blocks in the longitudinal direction by number, starting with block 1 on the right abutment
(looking downstream). The blocks in each transverse row are to be designated by letter starting with the
upstream block as the “A” block.
This drawing above belongs to Hoover Dam.
This drawing above belongs to Hoover Dam.
The horizontal joint between two successive lifts is known as construction joint.
As can be seen from the figure below there shall also be staggering between the horizontal joints namely
construction joints.
Please find below a section through Vertical Longitidunal Joint of the Dam with metal seals in which grouting shall be
executed after 3 to 1 year of time when mass concrete blocks had taken their shrinkage.
Please find Grouting Contraction Joints at Page 461/538 of Grouting Technology
EM 1110-2-3506 of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dated 31March2017 at link :
EM 1110-2-3506, Grouting Technlogy (
25-4. Grouting Contraction Joints or Between First and Second Stage Concrete Placements. Mass concrete structures
such as concrete gravity dams, high arch dams and lock walls are typically constructed in blocks separated by
contraction joints. In dam structures, the contraction joints are vertical, extend from the foundation to the crest of the
dam, and are normal to the axis while in lock walls, the monolith joints run perpendicular to the length of the wall.
Contraction joints are used to facilitate construction, accommodate embedded metals and machinery, reduce damage
and control cracking caused by shrinkage stresses, and permit secondary backfilling or placement of concrete.
Contraction joints are grouted in concrete gravity and high arch dams to bind the individual blocks together so that
the structure acts as one monolithic mass. This same grouting procedure, which is performed on lock walls between
the gate monoliths and the adjacent downstream monoliths to transfer the stresses imposed by the water load on the
gates, is intended to alleviate cracking of the concrete around the gate machinery.
Methodology. (1) During construction of the first stage concrete placement, or the first block, a metal seal is in
embedded in the joint face. The metal seal is then extended into the second stage concrete placement in the adjacent
block and will serve to contain the grout within the joint later when grouting is performed. (2) A system consisting of
supply pipes, return pipes, and vent pipes are installed within the area of the seals. The system configuration depends
on the number of lifts that will be performed in the grouting process and the design of the structure (Figures 25-3 and
25-4). Special care should be taken to ensure that the piping system is clear, leak-free, and properly anchored before
the secondary placement or the placement of the adjacent monolith block. Monolith joint grouting of lock walls is
typically conducted for the entire cross-sectional area of the wall, whereas for high dams, it is desirable to grout from
the foundation up in 50- to 60-ft lifts and preferably uniformly across the length of the dam. Before the start of
grouting, the system is checked for any leakages by running water through the system so that leaks may be treated or
caulked. However, it is not unusual for additional leakages to occur during grouting and provisions should be in place
to address and treat any breakouts. Usually, a grout mix of 2 to 1 w:c by volume is used to start the grouting and is
thickened to a 1 to 1w:c by volume until the return exhibits the same consistency. When grouting has progressed to a
point of approximately 75% complete, the mix may be thickened to a 0.8:1 or 0.75:1 w:c by volume mix. Pumping is
continued until the desired pressure is reached and the supply header valve is closed. Grouting is considered to be
complete when the maximum pressure is held for 30 minutes. Contraction joint grouting should be performed only
after the mass concrete of the monoliths has adequately cured and has cooled to the desired temperature so that the
joint space has reached its maximum.
Water-cement ratios should be minimized to increase strength and reduce shrinkage. Water-reducing agents and other
admixtures are commonly used to modify the properties of the grout mix.
4.9—Grouting contraction joints With increasingly effective use of cold concrete as placed, and especially when narrow
shrinkage slots are left and later filled with cold concrete, some may question whether contraction-joint grouting
serves much purpose for high thin-arch dams because a little downstream cantilever movement will bring the joints
into tight contact. Nevertheless, grouting relieves later arch and cantilever stresses by distributing them more evenly,
and it remains general practice to grout contraction joints in such dams. In recent decades, the transverse contraction
joints in most gravity dams have not been grouted. It was considered that an upstream waterstop backed up by a
vertical drain would prevent visible leakage, that grout filling was unnecessary because there was no transverse stress,
and that money would be saved. In recent years, however, the appearance of some transverse cracks, generally parallel
to the contraction joints, has prompted reconsideration of the grouting of contraction joints in gravity dams.
Intermediate cracks can start on the upstream face and be propagated farther into the dam, and sometimes through
it, due to the cold temperature and high pressure of deep reservoir water. Its coldness cools the interior concrete at
the crack and further opens it. Transverse cracks should be repaired before reservoir filling if at all possible. If the
transverse joints are filled with grout, a surface crack opening somewhere on the upstream face may have effective
resistance against propagation and further opening. Where there is reason to grout contraction joints, a program of
precooling and postcooling should be arranged to provide a joint opening of at least 0.04 in. (1 mm) to ensure complete
filling with grout even though, under special test conditions, grout may penetrate much narrower openings. The
grouting system can be designed in such a way as to allow either just one or two grouting operations (when the width
of the opening is near its maximum) or several operations when the first joint filling has to be performed before the
maximum opening is reached and there is no provision for postcooling. Warner (2004) describes the grouting systems
and grouting operations for grouting contraction joints. Silveira et al. (1982) describe a grouting system that employs
packers to permit reuse of the piping system. The use of embedded instrumentation across the
joint is the only way to accurately determine the magnitude of the joint opening (Carlson 1979; Silveira et al. 1982).
The construction phase of a massive concrete structure is a very important period of the life time of the concrete
gravity dam. During the early ages, the hydration reaction releases heat that is responsible for several
phenomena that may originate cracking, compromising the safety and the durability of the structure. Before
the construction phase, the construction managers should decide the logistics of the lift-by-lift placing, i.e., the
height of the concrete lifts, the frequency of construction of the lifts, the concrete mix design, and the placing
temperature of concrete. Usually, the optimal construction scheme is chosen based on the experience of the
engineers. Construction managers must decide which concrete mix, placing temperature, and schedule, will
be used to avoid thermal cracking and minimize costs. Construction managers shall determine the optimal
construction scheme, guaranteeing that the structure will not present thermal cracks originated from the heat
of hydration.
In order to standardize block identilication on all future dams, a criterion has recently been established which
calls for the designation of blocks in the longitudinal direction by number, starting with block 1 on the right
abutment (looking downstream). The blocks in each transverse row are to be designated by letter starting with
the upstream block as the “A” block.
Initial Set – The bottom lift is placed and once the initial set is reached (between 5 to 6 hours after mixing),
the top 13 mm of the concrete is scraped off and the surface cleaned with compressed air. The surface of the
concrete is kept damp with burlap for minimum 3x24 hours at which time the top lift was placed. Immediately
prior to placing the top lift, the joint surface is wetted and sprinkled with a thin layer of cement which is
broomed into the surface.
Experience and investigations demonstrate that where bond and watertightness at construction joints are
desired, the surfaces of existing concrete should be wet sandblasted and washed thoroughly and completely
dried immediately prior to placement of fresh concrete. Construction joint cleanup by wet sandblasting,
followed by thorough washing, is standard Bureau practice for placement of mass concrete and structural
concrete where watertight joints are required. For wet sandblasting, small streams of water can bc admitted
to the sand through a suitable attachrncnt on the nozzle. This device has a limited capacity for sandblasting
but gives rcsults superior to thosc obtainable with an air water jet alone.Workman wearing "snowshoes" on a
fresh joint surface. Snowshoes minimize undesirable working of the concrete and facilitate cleaning of the
surface. Wet-sandblasting equipment should be operated at an air pressure of approximately 100 pounds per
square inch (7 kg/cm2 = 7 atm).
Grouting galleries inside the dam body shall be covered 50 cm. far around with rubber waterstops in a round
shape at contraction joints while passing through the concrete blocks contraction joints.
After shuttering are removed , the lateral surfaces of each section of the concrete block shall be painted with
an asphaltic emulsion paint to prevent its adherence to adjoining section and thus to seve as construction
joints to reduce cracking in concrete. Cracks will be closed by this bitumen painting as well.
Under clause e , it is stated that 15% of the cement weight shall be silica fume. And there is no fly ash
planned to be used. Silica fume stated to be 15% of the cement weight should be lowered to 5% and 15% fly
ash should be included. Because there are problems in case silica fume is not used together with fly ash.
The mass concrete to be produced with 15% silica fume needs high amounts of water in concrete mix. Yes
we have super plasticizer at clause f but that superplasticizer is not enough to lower the high amounts of
water in concrete mix. Silica fume has extremely tiny particles compared to fly ash and Portland cement and
this not only increases the water amount needed in concrete mix but also degreases the bleeding and causes
difficulties while forming a smooth surface. In addition to this more plastic cracks are potential to develop
on the surface of the spillway mass concrete. Workability of mass concrete with silica fume 15% is very
difficult due to the high contact of extremely tiny particles of silica fume with high cohesion among them.
Using only 5% silica fume and 15% fly ash for spillway abrasion resistance concrete with 15oC concrete
placement temperature is satisfactory. Without fly ash it is impossible to get the smooth face. Also under the
clause i it is stated that the temperature of the fresh concrete shall be less than 20 oC at the time of concrete
placing. This 20oC at the time of concrete placing should be revised so that the temperature of the fresh
concrete shall be less than 15oC at the time of concrete placing. Otherwise due to crack formation potential a
smooth surface can not be obtained. One can not use silica fume without fly ash in such a critical spillway
high strength concrete where no crack and polished smoothness is desired to avoid cavitation. Otherwise
faces troubles in mass concreting.
Higher the cement content higher will be the heat generation during hydration. The rate of heat dissociation is
very slow in the interior portion of the dam compared to the exterior part. Hence , we shall reduce the cement
content used for the construction of the interior portion of the dam. In general , if X amount of cement is used
for the exterior portion of the dam (3 m thick upstream and downstream faces) , then 20% reduction which is
0.8X amount is preferred for the interior portion of the dam.
- Interior concrete of M15 grade with a grade with a cement content of 100 kg/m3 and fly ash content
of 100 kg/m3 and a nominal maximum size of aggregate (NMSA) of 150 mm , applied in dam interior.
- Upstream and downstream facing and base concrete (contact concrete) of M20 grade with a cement
content of 120 kg/m3 and fly ash content of 120 kg/m3 and nominal maximum size of aggregate
(NMSA) of 40 mm , applied for the dam upstream facing as 3m thick and for dam base (contact
concrete) as 2 m thick on rock surface.
- For the concrete to be casted on top of the contact concrete : Sub-base concrete of M20 grade with a
cement content of 110 kg/m3 and fly ash content of 110 kg/m3 and a nominal maximum size of
aggregate (NMSA) of 76 mm applied for sub-base area of dam with 4 m. Thickness between the
base(contact concrete) and interior concrete.
- For the concrete to be casted adjacent 5 m to right and left abutments ‘’ M20 grade with a cement
content of 110 kg/m3 and fly ash content of 110 kg/m3 and a nominal maximum size of aggregate
(NMSA) of 76 mm is applied.
- For the concrete to be casted surrounding 4 m of sediment sluice and lowering conduit M20 grade with
a cement content of 120 kg/m3 and fly ash content of 120 kg/m3 and nominal maximum size of
aggregate (NMSA) of 40 mm
- Structural concrete with reinforcement is needed for the concrete to be casted surrounding 4 m of
sediment sluice valve(gate) chamber. Concrete to be used is M20 grade with a cement content of 120
kg/m3 and fly ash content of 120 kg/m3 and nominal maximum size of aggregate (NMSA) of 40 mm.
- Please note that no fly ash shall be used for the heel (upstream toe) of the dam as this area may be weak
in tension during earthquakes.
We are planning to cast the only first 45 cm (50 cm as stated in technical specification) concrete layer at bottom
of 1.5 and 2 m high lifts with the concrete having 76 mm maximum aggregate diameter and upper layers of
1.5 m and 2 m high lifts shall have maximum aggregate diameter of 150 mm. The reason for this is that
consolidation of upper concrete lift with maximum aggregates 150 mm into the first 45 cm (50 cm as stated in
technical specification) concrete layer in 1.5 and 2 m high lifts. This will increase the quality of the concrete.
Compressive strength shall be measured on cylindrical samples with 450 mm diameter by 900 mm high. The
maximum water/cement ratios shall be respectively 0.60 and 0.55 in the interior of the main concrete gravity
dam and in the concrete used as upstream and downstream facing. In order to achieve these ratios , water
reducing and plasticizing admixtures shall be used.
Definition of Cold Weather Concrete : As per ACI 306 , cold weather is defined as a period when , for
more than 3 consecutive days , the following conditions exist :
1. The average daily temperature is less than 5oC and
2. The air temperature is not greater than 10 oC for more than one-half of any 24 hour.
The temperature of the concrete at the time of placing shall not exceed the following values :
A large pour is defined as a pour in structural element of which the least dimension is greater than 1.5 meters.
When needed , adequate facilities shall be provided to ensure that the temperature of the concrete when
discharged from the mixers is low enough to meet the above specified temperatures at placing. Such facilities
may include :
• Cooling the mixing water
• Replacing part of the mixing water with ice , ensuring that the ice is completely melted by the time
mixing is completed.
• Insulating water tanks and pipes , painting exposed surfaces white.
• Spraying clean , cool water over the aggregate stockpiles , carrying out regular tests on the aggregates
to ensure that concentrations of sulphate or chlorides do not rise to unacceptable levels , and ensuring
that moisture content determinations allow for such spraying.
• Concreting at night.
Maximum Temperature is often limited. There is no consensus in specifications. The safe limit is 158/160°F
(70°C) . Europe uses 149°F (65°C) . Maximum Temperature is dependent on concrete mixture design and
Cement type and quantity and Supplementary Cementitious Materials type and percentage.
The temperature of any part of the concrete shall not exceed the following values :
2.Temperature Difference
The difference in temperature between any concrete face and the interior of the concrete at a distance of 1
meter from that face shall not exceed 20oC at any stage after placing.
Temperature measurement cells with remote read-out units , of a type and manufacture approved by the Owner
shall be used to read and record concrete temperatures. Cells shall be placed at positions within the concrete
not more than 60 mm from the face. Further cells shall be placed at a distance of 1 meter from the face. Such
pairs of cells shall be placed at locations ordered by the Owner and shall be at an approximate overall average
of one pair for each 20,000 cubic meters of concrete.
For large pours in the concrete gravity dam , spillway headworks (including the piers) and spillway flip bucket
, lift heights shall be no greater than the following values :
M15 2.5 m
Large pours placed on concrete more than 21 days old or on rock shall have lift heights no greater than 1.5 m.
For large pours the minimum time between successive lifts shall be 3 days and the minimum time between
adjacent lifts shall be inbetween 3 to7 days.
During the summer months, the ambient temperatures will norm ally be higher than the concrete temperatures
for the first few days after placement and a heat gain will result. Under these conditions, higher placement lifts
and minimum periods of time between placements would be beneficial.
Concreting may proceed in cold weather provided special precautions are taken to ensure that the surface
temperature of the concrete at the time of placing is not less than the following :
Minimum pour dimension
More than 2.00 m 5 Degree Celcius
1.0 to 2.0 m 7 Degree Celcius
0.3 to 1.0 m 10 Degree Celcius
Antifreeze admixtures are used in cold weather concreting.
All exposed exterior angles on the finished concrete of 90o or less shall be given 20 mm by 20 mm chamfers.
Like contraction joints, expansion joints are constructed so that no bond exists between the adjacent concrete
structures. A corkboard, mastic, sponge rubber, or other compressible-type filler usually separates the joint
surfaces to prevent stress or load transferal. The thickness of the compressible material will depend on the
magnitude of the anticipated deformation induced by the load.
Recommended Practice
Planning :
• Prior to the pour , clearly define the cold weather concreting methods that will be used.
• A pre-placement meeting with the Contractor , specifier , producer , laboratory , and other interested
parties is highly recommended.
• Where a specified concrete strength must be attained in a few days or weeks , protection at
temperatures above 10oC (50oF) is required.
As a rule of thumb , for every 10 oC reduction in concrete temperature , the setting time of concrete almost
doubles. Thus duration over which concrete is vulnerable to damage due to freezing increases. It should be
remembered that when warm concrete is placed on cold sub-grade , it will lose heat and its temperature will
drop. Adequate precautions needs to be taken during curing to ensure that the concrete is not damaged in
early stages and hydration allowed to continue , which will ensure appropriate strength development.
Accelerating hydration in cold weather
• The reduction of setting time and the acceleration of strength gain often result in substantial savings
due to shorter protection periods , faster form reuse , earlier removal of shores and less labor in
finishing flatwork.
• Setting time is more important in flatwork finishing.
• Early strength gain is more important for early form removal.
Acceleration may be encouraged by using :
• Type III Portland Cement
• 20% additional Type I or II cement to provide Type III response
• Set- accelerating admixtures.
In our technical specification it is stated that CaCl2 is forbidden to be used in mass concrete as an admixture.
Actually CaCl2 may be used in mass concrete as an admixture. Because Cloride ions from CaCl2 causes
corrosion in reinforcement and we have no reinforcement in our mass concretes.
For cold weather we shall use anti-freeze admixture that prevents the water in the mix from freezing allowing
the concrete to gain strength at negative temperatures and does not have the same negative effect of
accelerators on workability.
Temperature Records
Temperature of the concrete determines the effectiveness of protection , regardless of air temperature.
Maintaining temperature records of concrete in place is essential and shall be carried out.
Exposure to Freezing and Thawing
Concrete should be air entrained if it is likely to be saturated and exposed to freezing and thawing cycles
during construction or during service.
All else being equal , lower slump and/or lower water/cement ratio mixes are particularly desirable in cold
weather for flatwork. This reduces bleeding and degreases setting time.
The distance from the batching plant to the point of concrete placement can have a severe effect on the
temperature of concrete.
Curing of concrete after protection period : Extent of drying in concrete depends on temperature of concrete
and ambient air , wind speed and relative humidity.
Limiting evaporation rate : higher than 1kg/m2/hr protective measure required. Using curing compound or an
impervious cover is recommended. Water may normally be used if no further freezing is expected (cold
weather condition does not prevail) till curing period is over.
Preparation before concreting
• All snow , ice and frost should be removed
• Concrete should not be placed on frozen sub-grade. It must be thawed and if required compacted.
Thawing can be done by
-Spreading a layer of hot sand or gravel
-Removing and replacing with unfrozen fill
-Covering subgrade with insulation for a few days
-Using heater under insulated blankets.
Temperature of surface in contact with fresh concrete should be at least 2oC but not more than 5oC higher
than concrete temperature.
Heating of constituent materials
Heating of water
• Temperature of water may be raised but not more than 80oF (26.66oC)
• Pipeline and storage tank need to be properly insulated to avoid any heat loss from the water till it
reaches the batching plant mixer.
Heating of aggregate
• Coarse and fine aggregate could be frozen having lumps of ice in them. The aggregate need to be
thawed before batching. There needs to be a maximum temperature to which they can be heated like
heating of water is restricted by 26.66 oC
• Conveyor belts , batching plant bins need to be appropriately insulated.
Spacing of Joints. The location and spacing of transverse contraction joints should be governed by the
physical features of the damsite, details of the structures associated with the dam, results of temperature
studies, placement methods, and the probable concrete mixing plant capacity. Foundation defects and major
irregularities in the rock are conducive to cracking and this can sometimes be prevented by judicious location
of the joints. Although cracks may develop normal to the canyon wall, it is not practicable to form inclined
joints. Consideration should be given to the canyon profile in spacing the joints so that the tendency for such
cracks to develop is kept to a minimum. Outlets, penstocks, spillway gates, or bridge piers may affect the
location of joints and consequently influence their spacing. Consideration of other factors, however, may lead
to a possible relocation of these appurtenances to provide a spacing of joints which is more satisfactory to the
dam as a whole. Probably the most important of these considerations is the permissible spacing of the joints
determined from the results of concrete temperature control studies. If the joints are too far apart, excessive
shrinkage stresses will produce cracks in the blocks. On the other hand, if the joints are too close together,
shrinkage may be so slight that the joints will not open enough to permit effective grouting. Contraction joints
should be spaced close enough so that, with the probable placement methods, plant capacity, and the type of
concrete being used, batches of concrete placed in a lift can always be covered while the concrete is still plastic.
For average conditions, a spacing of 50 feet has proved to be satisfactory. In dams where pozzolan and
retarders are used, spacings up to 80 feet have been acceptable. An effort should be made to keep the spacing
uniform throughout the dam.
The practice of spacing longitudinal joints follows, in general, that for the transverse joints, except that the
lengths of the blocks are not limited by plant capacity. Depending on the degree to which artificial temperature
control is exercised, spacings of 50 to 200 feet may be employed. 8-6. Keys. -Vertical keys in transverse joints
are used primarily to provide increased shearing resistance between blocks; thus, when the joints and keys are
grouted, a monolithic structure is created which has greater rigidity and stability because of the transfer of load
from one block to another through the keys. A secondary benefit of the use of keys is that they minimize water
leakage through the joints. The keys increase the percolation distance through joints and, by forming a series
of constrictions, are beneficial in hastening the sealing of the joints with mineral deposits. Keys are not always
needed in the transverse contraction joints of concrete gravity dams. Because the requirement for keys adds to
form and labor costs, the need for keys and the benefits which would be attained from their use should be
investigated and determined for each dam. Keys may be used to transfer horizontal loads to the abutments,
thereby obtaining a thinner darn than would otherwise be possible. Foundation irregularities may be such that
a bridging action over certain portions of the foundation would be desirable. Keys can be used to lock together
adjacent blocks to help accomplish this bridging action.
In blocks where large openings are provided for penstocks, gate chambers, or other large features, keys can be
used to improve the stability of the block. The transverse joint key developed by the Bureau has been
standardized. The standard key offers minimum obstruction to the flow of grout, provides a good theoretical
shear value, eliminates sharp corners which commonly crack upon removal of forms, improves the reentrant
angles conducive to crack development associated with volume changes, and is well adapted to the
construction of forms.Shear keys are important accessories in longitudinal contraction joints and are provided
to maintain stability of the dam by increasing the resistance to vertical shear.
Contraction Joints. If a conventionally of detrimental cracking placed concrete dam is appreciably longer
than 50 feet, it is necessary to divide the structure into blocks by providing transverse contraction joints. The
spacing of the joints is determined by the capabilities of the concrete equipment to be used and considerations
of volumetric changes and attendant cracking caused by shrinkage and temperature variations. The
possibilities can be greatly reduced by the selection of the proper type of cement and by careful control of
mixing and placing procedures. For normal conditions, a 50-foot spacing of contraction joints in constructing
concrete dams is usually sufficient. Where foundation conditions are such that undesirable differential
settlement, or displacement between adjacent blocks can occur, shear keys should be formed in the contraction
joints. These may be formed vertically, horizontally, or in a combination of both, depending on the direction
of the expected displacement. Leakage through the contraction joints is controlled by imbedding waterstops,
usually made of rubber , across the joints.
Height of lifts and time intervals between lifts. From the standpoint of construction, the higher the lift, the
fewer the construction joints; with 7.5 ft (2.3 m) lifts, there are only two-thirds as many joints as when 5 ft
(1.5 m) lifts are used. With regard to past experience of hardened concrete temperature in cold weather, the
shallower the lift, the higher the percentage of the total heat of hydration that will escape before the next lift
is placed. In hot weather with lean mixtures and precooling, the opposite may be true. When lift thickness is
increased above 10 ft (3 m), heat losses from the upper surface become a decreasing percentage of the total
heat generated within the full depth of the lift. Hence, with very deep lifts, the internal temperature reached by
the concrete is not significantly influenced by the length of the time interval between lifts. In such extreme
cases, continuous placing in high lifts may be preferable, especially as a means of minimizing joint cleanup,
preventing cracking, or permitting the use of slipforms, such as for massive piers. In large blocks, such as in
dam construction, the loss of heat from a lift surface in cold weather does not justify extended exposure. A
long exposure of lift surfaces to changes in ambient temperature may initiate cracking. This can defeat an
otherwise successful crack-prevention program. Where thermal-control crack-prevention procedures are being
used, the best construction schedule consists of regular placement on each block, at the shortest time interval,
with the least practical height differential between adjacent blocks.
The most common cracking in mass concrete occurs when large blocks of concrete are placed on the
foundation in the fall of the year, after which concreting is stopped for the winter. Under these conditions,
foundation restraint is high, large drops in temperature are possible because concrete placing temperatures and
peak temperatures are relatively high, and concrete temperatures will be dropping quite rapidly due to exposure
conditions. For blocks not larger than 50 by 50 feet, cracking under these conditions has no particular pattern.
In larger blocks, and where the length-to-width ratio is over 2, cracking under the above conditions often
occurs at or near the third points of the longer side.
Temperature control of mass concrete1 is necessary to prevent cracking caused by excessive tensile stains that
result from temperature differential within the concrete mass. Cracking can be controlled by methods that limit
the peak temperature to a safe level. This method statement has been prepared to provide a general guide,
special considerations to be given in relation to the heat of hydration for concrete pours. This method statement
describes the work procedures to be carried out during the execution stage of Tanahu Concrete Gravity Dam
mass concreting, of which the character of the concrete is technically specified as a mass concrete viz. they
are concrete structures with large dimensions simply figured of greater than 1.50 meters for all dimensions.
The entire procedure can be organized into 3 steps. First step is a pre-cooling procedure which will be applied
at the concrete batching plant to achieve a minimum concrete temperature supply. Second step is to minimize
time delivery of concrete since being dispatched from batching plant to the workface and to minimize time
spending before concrete placement at the workface and third step is a post-cooling procedure which will be
applied during concrete curing upon the completion of concrete placement. A temperature differential between
the center of the concrete mass and any about the outside faces will be kept minimum ( Basically , heat on the
surface of the concrete is easily released toward the ambient whereas the center remains its high temperatures
, this follows that the temperature differential will induce the internal restraint and subsequently introduce
thermal contraction cracks. The method statement also includes details of temperature differential control
procedure during concrete placement related to pouring sequence. Special care and planning is required as the
volume of pour is large in relation to those normally being placed on the workface.
ACI 116R : Cement and Concrete Terminology concrete, mass—any volume of concrete with dimensions
large enough to require that measures be taken to cope with generation of heat from hydration of the cement
and attendant volume change, to minimize cracking.
ACI 207 ,4R-93 : Cooling and Insulation System for Mass Concrete—2.3-Structure dimensions Where
the least dimension of a concrete unit is not large, the concrete mixture is low in heat evolution, and the heat
of hydration can escape readily from the two boundary surfaces (forms not insulated), the maximum
temperature rise will not be great.
Note : Because the definition does not provide a specific measure, many agencies have developed their own
definitions of mass concrete.
This method statement includes e.g. pre-cooling procedure before & during concrete mix, supply & delivery
of concrete, inspection of concrete at the workface and postcooling by a proper cooling upon the completion
of concrete placement.
Cooling of Concrete - The method of cooling concrete during the first few days after placing can be of the
utmost importance if cracking is to avoided. It is essential to give attention to both internal and external factors
that may induce cracking;
• Temperature rise, which will depend upon the heat of hydration of the cement, the quantity of cement
per cubic metre, the concrete placing temperature and the rate of construction;
• Heat dissipation, which will depend upon the conditions of exposure - including the temperature of the
underlying concrete and the thermal diffusivity of the concrete.
• The local weather conditions - humidity, temperature and wind.
• Cement type affects the hot weather performance of concrete.
• Generally use of slower setting Portland Cement having abundant of C2S and low amount of C3S+C3A
with a limitation of 58% on the tricalcium aluminate plus tricalcium silicate (C3A + C3S) content of
the Type II cement may improve the handling characteristics of concrete in hot weather.
• When using slower hydrating cements , the slower rate of heat development and the simultaneous
dissipation of heat from the concrete result in lower peak temperatures leading to less thermal
expansion and reduced risk of thermal expansion.
• Cement content shall be limited to that required to provide strength and durability as temperature
increase from hydration of cement is directly proportional to cement content.
• Concretes that have high strength at early stages (having abundant of C3S) , also tend to develop high
concrete temperatures during the initial curing. Such concretes , therefore , should be provided thermal
protection to ensure gradual cooling. Gradual cooling is what we want from all mass concretes
everytime. So gradual cooling is an important term here. There are two parameters that define this hot
weather mass concreting subject is the peak temperature and the time it takes for this temperature to
reach. If we are somehow able to reduce this peak temperature or we are able to delay the peak , our
problems on account of common stresses will be much easier and fly ash achieves both of these targets
namely reducing the peak temperature and the time it takes for this temperature to be reached.
• Supplementary cementitious materials include fly ash , ground granulated blast furnace slag , etc. Use
of such materials as partial replacements for Portland Cement lead to a slower rate of setting and of
early strength gain to the concrete which is desirable in hot weather concreting.
• In cases when rapidly setting cements are being used , supplementary cementitious materials may be
used to improve performance of concrete.
• Use of fly ash may also reduce the rate of slump loss of concrete under hot weather conditions.
• Admixtures that have both water reducing and set retarding properties are used widely under hot
weather conditions. They can be used to avoid strength loss that may otherwise result from high
concrete temperatures.
• Superplasticizers are used to produce flowing concrete under hot weather conditions , and this
improved property of concrete permits a more rapid placement and consolidation of concrete. This is
the reason we shall be using superplasticisers at Tanahu Concrete Gravity Dam mass concretes and
other concretes.
• Gradation , particle shape , etc of the aggregate should be such that the water demand is minimized.
Blending of aggregates shall be considered.
• It may be remembered that whereas on the one hand crushed coarse aggregates contribute to higher
water demand , they also provide better resistance to cracking on the other hand.
• Slump loss at a particular temperature shall be properly accounted for when we are making the concrete
mix design.
• Concrete is being produced at the batching plant. It is being transported and is being placed at dam site.
Unless the placing rate or the the rate of consumption at dam site , the rate at which it has been
transported , the rate at which it has been produced in the batching plant ; these three parameters are
properly synchronized , there will be problems as far as getting the concrete of the right properties and
at right place.If there is a breakdown due to mechanical problems at batching plant and any stoppage
of mechanical breakdown can be more serious under hot weather conditions than in moderate weather
or normal weather. Thus we shall cast mass concrete at night shifts in hot weather.
• Temperature of concrete of usual proportions can be reduced by 0.5oC by any of the following :
• Aggregate temperature shall be kept a slow as possible by means of sprinkling and fog spraying of
coarse aggregates stock piles.
• Using actual materials and proportions , slump loss between batching plant and dam site shall be
established. Use of chemical admixtures may facilitate adjusting required slump. The performance of
such admixtures in hot weather including a tendency to promote segregation shall be independently
• Any water addition after the mass concrete has been mixed and transported to dam site is strictly
prohibited. Chemical admixtures shall be used but never ever water addition shall be allowed.
• We shall follow local weather reports from internet and erect a temporary shelter to protect fresh mass
concrete from sun and wind. Wind has the most negative effect in terms of taking the water of fresh
concrete away. Transportation , placing , consolidating and finishing of the mass concrete shall be at
fastest possible rate.
• Formworks of the mass concrete shall be completely watered and the subgrade shall be moist yet free
of standing water.
• Mass concrete shall be protected from high temperature , direct sunlight, low humidity and drying
winds. I am repeating again that wind is the most effective in terms of taking away the water inside the
fresh mass concrete.
• High initial curing temperatures are detrimental to the ultimate strength to a greater degree than high
placing pemperatures.
• Mass concrete shall be carefully cured for at least the 7 days by taking the special precautions (such as
covering with water proofing layers namely curing compounds for example parafin wax) in cases
when there are large difference between day and night temperatures. Tanahu Dam site is in a land
climate region and in land climate regions there are large differences between day and night
Pouring: Concrete will be placed in a predetermined sequence to avoid any possibility of an excessive
temperature differential and cold joint formation within the foundation.
Quality Control: Sufficient quality control measures will be set up in place for checking concrete supply and
deliveries throughout the duration of the pour.
3.2) Concrete Placement: Due to one-go casting of each blocks of the concrete pouring should be executed
during the night time in order that the workface temperature can be minimized during the entire placement
Sufficient concrete pumps (if used) will be engaged for concrete placement in order that a flow pouring can
be achieved. If parking time of the concrete trucks (if used) waiting for pouring can be kept at a minimum then
the required placing temperature will be maintained.
In case of high temperature during the pouring day is encountered the pouring shall be preferred to be carried
out during the night time. In case of sudden rain, plastic sheeting or canvas will be used to cover the mass
concrete surface yet to set during concrete pouring. The plastic sheets will be provided sufficiently both for
emergency case of sudden rain and for fully covering the whole concrete surface immediately once the
concrete is reached its initial set.
• Materials availability: Water source (Well, tankers, etc..)
Aggregate (Fine and Coarse)
Cement silo and bulker
• Store materials 2 days before placement for QC and Temperature Control
• Sufficient team to ensure proper quality in production, at least :
a) One QC Engineer b) Two concrete technicians
• Check mixer performance i.e Uniformity test
Mix Design
• Batch trial to check the mixing time needed
• Ensure the desired slump is achieved
• Verify mix proportioning to yield 1m3
• Calculate the Placement rate
• Total working hours to place concrete
Concrete Temperature
For final temperature control studies , the heat generation for a particular concrete mix should be obtained by
laboratory tests using the actual cement , fly ash , concrete mix proportions and mass-cure temperature cycle
for the concrete to be placed in the dam.
Most suppliers of high-range water reducers or superplasticizers have overcome early difficulties with slump loss,
dosage rates, cement sensitivity, and loss of entrained air, but extra care is still advisable with their use. However,
those admixtures are more suitable to higher-strength, high-cement, smaller aggregate mixes. The effectiveness of
superplasticizers decreases so greatly in mass concrete mixes that they are not now an effective tool with these mixes.
High-range water reducers or superplasticizers are effective for special mixes used in areas of dam construction such
as high-velocity outlets, special stilling basin mixes, placements around congested reinforcement, and gate guides.
Curing Procedure:
The set of foams and plastic sheets will be used for curing purposes. This will be done immediately once the
concrete is reached its stiffening time by fully cover the whole concrete surface and spread the sand
(approximately 10 mm. thick.) onto the whole area of plastic sheets to prevent concrete temperature loss too
quick and result high temperature differential between the surface and at the middle. Care must be taken during
the entire curing to ensure by reading its temperature through a set of thermocouples that the temperature at
the middle of the concrete and any outer surface to be kept minimum.
Height of lifts and time intervals between lifts From the standpoint of construction, the higher the lift, the
fewer the construction joints; with 7.5 ft (2.3 m) lifts, there are only two-thirds as many joints as when 5 ft
(1.5 m) lifts are used. With regard to past experience of hardened concrete temperature in cold weather, the
shallower the lift, the higher the percentage of the total heat of hydration that will escape before the next lift
is placed. In hot weather with lean mixtures and precooling, the opposite may be true. When lift thickness is
increased above 10 ft (3 m), heat losses from the upper surface become a decreasing percentage of the total
heat generated within the full depth of the lift. Hence, with very deep lifts, the internal temperature reached by
the concrete is not significantly influenced by the length of the time interval between lifts. In such extreme
cases, continuous placing in high lifts may be preferable.
Horizontal or sloping unformed surfaces of mass concrete can be maintained continuously wet by water
spraying , wet sand or water saturated fabrics (wet hessian). For vertical and other formed surfaces , after the
concrete has hardened and the forms are still in place , the form ties may be loosened and water supplied to
run down the inside of the form to keep the concrete wet. Immediately following form removal , the surfaces
can be kept continuously wet by a water spray or water saturated fabric (wet hessian). Curing water should not
be more than approximately 11 C (20 F) cooler than the concrete , because induced surface strains may cause
It is common to permit termination of curing measures when the compressive strength of the concrete has
reached 70% of the specified strength.
3.4) Test and Monitoring of the Concrete Mass after Poured As soon as the concrete has reached its
stiffening time approximately 1 hour after pouring a set of plastic sheet will be covered fully the concrete
surface. Sand will be filled fully onto the whole area where the plastics sheet cover with approximately 10mm.
thick. The plastics cover and the side forms will be maintained to ensure that the temperature differential
between the middle of concrete mass and any outer surface can be kept minimized.
To ensure that the temperature differential will be controlled a set of measuring apparatus will be set. The
measurement purposes are to finding the temperature development within the concrete mass. The results will
show peak temperature and the temperature differential for such measuring points. As previously explained,
sets of thermocouples will be installed and embedded to the concrete at the bottom, middle and. Top and
bottom sets will be approximately 30 cm of measuring from the edges. The heat generated will be converted
to the circuit and sent to the digital thermometer which will record and show information of temperature
measure. In general case the maximum temperature of mass concrete will peak at 48 hours after pour and will
be constant for 7 days and will decrease to the air temperature after 14 days.
Equipment Installation: Temperatures will be measured at 3 levels e.g. top, middle and bottom. The end of
each thermocouple wire(s) are fixed to the designated position to the concrete mass prior to pouring. The others
ends are linked to the rear panel of the digital thermometer which is set to read the temperature at every 60
minutes for at least 3 day.
Control Concrete Mix at the Batching Plant
At the concrete batching plant approximately 3-4 hours in advance pre-cooling of the mixing components shall
be done as follows :
• Temperature Control of Water before Concrete Mixing
Pre-Cooling Water Tank : At the earliest stage of water pre-cooling the cube ice are filled to the water tanks.
Thus to be the most effectiveness just 1-2 hours prior to concrete mixing the crushed ice has been placed
directly into the water tanks as part of mixing water. The crushed ice is maintained adding to the water for the
entire concrete placing.
Pre-Cooling water to the water tanks for 3-4 hours in advance has been done prior to concrete mixing in order
to effect a moderate reduction in concrete placing. Pre-Cooling in water temperatures are accomplished by
mechanical refrigeration, using ice as part of mixing water.
Because on melting alone it absorbs heat at the high rate, just 1-2 hours prior to concrete mixing is more
effective than the crushed ice are placed directly into the mixing water in the tanks. The ice will be added until
8-10 Celsius Degree of water temperature is reached and to maintain until the total volume of concrete is
• Pre-Cooling Coarse Aggregate
At the batching plant, approximately 2-3 hours in advance prior to concrete mixing, the coarse aggregates are sprayed continually at every 30 minutes interval
with water to minimize its temperature.No sprayed water shall be applicated on the fine aggregate as per PART B Technical Specification.
• Pre-Cooling Cement in the Silo
Cement in the silos shall be pre-cooled with water sprayed at every 30 minutes interval. This shall be done at approximately 2 hour in advance prior to concrete
• Control Concrete Temperature prior to Concrete Placing
A set of thermocouple shall be installed at the selected locations. The thermocouples shall be installed at the
nominated exterior and interior points. All the concrete prior to pouring at the workface shall be handled at
the QC Inspection Station to test and keep records for their slumps and temperatures. The allowable slump is
between 0-5 cm. and the allowable arrival temperatures are not beyond 30 degree Celsius.
Infrared thermometers shall be used for cold weather concrete temperature measuring.
• Control Concrete Temperature after Placement (Post-Cooling)
On a completion of concrete placement, as soon as the concrete reached a stiffening point, the entire surface
area of concrete shall be immediately covered with 2 inch thick foams, plastic sheet and 10 cm. thick layer
of sand for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer respectively. The side form shall be left un-dismantled for 2 weeks.
The temperatures shall be recorded for every 1 hour at the first 48 hours after concrete placement and at
every 2 hours for the rest.
One of the most effective and positive temperature control measures is that which reduces the placing
temperature of the concrete. Methods of reducing the placing temperature which would otherwise be obtained
at a site can be varied from restricting concrete placement during the hotter part of the day or the hotter months
of the year, to a full treatment of refrigerating the various parts of the concrete mix to obtain a predetermined,
maximum concrete placing temperature. The method or combination of methods used to reduce concrete
placing temperatures will vary with the degree of cooling required and the contractor’s equipment and previous
experience. For some structures, sprinkling and shading of the coarse aggregate piles may be the only
precooling measures required. The benefits of sprinkling depend largely on the temperature of the applied
water and on the contractor’s operations at the stockpile. A secondary benefit, evaporative cooling, can also
be obtained but is restricted to areas with a low relative humidity. Insulating and/or painting the surfaces of
the batching plant, water lines, etc., with reflective paint can also be beneficial. Mixing water can be cooled to
varying degrees, the more common temperatures being from 32o to 40o F. Adding slush or crushed ice to the
mix is an effective method of cooling because it takes advantage of the latent heat of fusion of ice. The addition
of large amounts of ice, however, may not be very practical in some instances. For example, if the coarse
aggregate and sand both contain appreciable amounts of free water, the amount of water to be added to the
mix may be so small that replacement of part of the added water with ice would not be appreciable. Cooling
of the coarse aggregates to about 35oF. can be accomplished in several ways. One method is to chill the
aggregate in large tanks of refrigerated water for a given period of time. Relatively effective cooling of coarse
aggregate can also be attained by forcing refrigerated air through the aggregate while the aggregate is draining
in stockpiles, while it is on a conveyor belt and while it is passing through the bins of the batching plant.
Spraying with cold water will also cool the aggregate. Sand may be cooled by passing it through vertical
tubular heat exchangers. Cold air jets directed on the sand as it is transported on conveyor belts can also be
used. Immersion of sand in cold water is not practical because of the difficulty in removing the free water from
the sand after cooling. Cooling of the cement is seldom practicable. Bulk cement in the quantities used for
dams is almost always obtained at relatively high temperatures, generally from 140o to 180o F. Seldom will it
cool naturally and lose a sizable portion of the excess heat before it is used. Use of the above treatments has
resulted in concrete placing temperatures of 50o F in a number of instances. Concrete placing temperatures as
low as 45o F have been attained, but these can usually be achieved only at a considerable increase in cost. The
temperature of the concrete at the mixing plant should be 3o to 4o F lower than the desired placing temperature.
This will compensate for the heat developed and absorbed by the concrete during mixing and transporting.
Formation of large temperature gradients from the warm interior to the colder exterior in the fall and winter is
particularly conducive to cracking. Mass concrete structures require lesser amounts of cement than the
ordinary size concrete structures because of a lower strength requirement. Because of their dimensions,
however, less heat is lost to the surfaces and a greater maximum temperature is attained. Since the heat
generated within the concrete is directly proportional to the amount of cement used per cubic yard (m3), the
mix selected should be that one which will provide the required strength and durability with the lowest cement
content. The cement content in mass concrete structures has varied in the past from 4 to 6 sacks of cement per
cubic yard (m3), but present-day structures contain as low as 2 sacks of cement (2*50kg) plus other cementing
materials(fly ash). The heat-producing characteristics of cement play an important role in the amount of
temperature rise. Although cements are classified by type as type I, type II, etc., the heat generation within
each type may vary widely because of the chemical compounds in the cement. Types II and IV were developed
for use in mass concrete construction. Type II cement is commonly referred to as modified cement, and is used
where a relatively low heat generation is desirable. Type IV cement is a low-heat cement characterized by its
low rate of heat generation during early age. Specifications for portland cement generally do not state within
what limits the heat of hydration shall be for each type of cement. They do, however, place maximum
percentages on certain chemical compounds in the cement. They further permit the purchaser to specifically
request maximum heat of hydration requirements of 70 or 80 calories per gram at ages 7 and 28 days,
respectively, for type II cement; and 60 or 70 calories per gram at ages 7 and 28 days, respectively, for type
IV cement.
In most instances, type II cement will produce concrete temperatures which are acceptable. In the smaller
structures, type I cement will often be entirely satisfactory. Other factors being equal, type II cement should
be selected because of its better resistance to sulfate attack, better workability, and lower permeability. Type
IV cement is now used only where an extreme degree of temperature control is required. For example, it would
be beneficial near the base of long blocks where a high degree of restraint exists. Concrete made with type IV
cement requires more curing than concrete made with other types of cement, and extra care is required at early
ages to prevent damage to the concrete from freezing during cold weather. Often, the run-of-the-mill cement
from a plant will meet the requirements of a type II cement, and the benefits of using this type of cement can
be obtained at little or no extra cost. Type IV cement, because of its special composition, is obtained at
premium prices.
Pozzolans are used in concrete for several reasons, one of which is to reduce the peak temperature due to heat
of hydration from the cementing materials in the mix. This is possible because pozzolans develop heat of
hydration at a much lower rate than do portland cements. Pozzolans can also be used as a replacement for part
of the portland cement to improve workability, effect economy, and obtain a better quality concrete. The more
common pozzolans used in mass concrete include calcined clays, diatomaceous earth, volcanic tuffs and
pumicites, and fly ash. The actual type of pozzolan to be used is normally determined by cost and availability.
Miscellaneous Measures. (a) Shallow Construction Lifts. Shallow construction or placement lifts can result
in a greater percentage of the total heat generated in the lift being lost to the surface. Such a temperature benefit
exists only during periods of time when the exposure temperatures are lower than the concrete temperature.
Unless the site conditions are such that a sizable benefit can be obtained, shallow placement lifts are generally
limited to placements over construction joints which have experienced prolonged exposure periods, or over
foundation irregularities where they are helpful in the prevention of settlement cracks.
Lift Thickness. Economy of construction should be considered in determining the heights of placement lifts
in mass concrete. Shallow lifts not only slow up construction but result in increased construction joints which
have to be cleaned and prepared for the next placement lift. Secondarily, the thickness of lift should be
considered and related to the temperature control measures proposed for the structure. When no precooling
measures are used, the placing temperature of the concrete will approximate the ambient temperature at the
site. With this condition, a considerable portion of the total heat of hydration in a placement lift can be lost
through the top exposed surface before the next lift is placed. Shallow lifts and longer delays between
placement lifts will result in the minimum temperature rise in the concrete under these conditions. The opposite
condition may occur, and should be studied, when precooling measures are used. During the summer months,
the ambient temperatures will normally be higher than the concrete temperatures for the first few days after
placement and a heat gain will result. Under these conditions, higher placement lifts and minimum periods of
time between placements would be beneficial.
Water Curing. Water curing on the top and sides of each construction lift will reduce the temperature rise in
concrete near the surfaces. Proper application of water to the surfaces will cause the surface temperature to
approximate the curing water temperature instead of the prevailing air temperatures. In areas of low humidity,
the effect of evaporative cooling may result in a slightly lower surface temperature than the temperature of the
curing water.
Curing. Drying shrinkage can cause, as a skin effect, hairline cracks on the surface of a mass concrete
structure. The primary objection to these random hairline cracks of limited depth is that they are usually the
beginning of further and more extensive cracking and spalling under adverse exposure conditions. Following
the removal of forms, proper curing is important if drying shrinkage and resulting surface cracking are to be
avoided. Curing compounds which prevent the loss of moisture to the air are effective in this respect, but lack
the cooling benefit which can be obtained by water curing. In effect, water curing obtains a surface exposure
condition more beneficial than the fluctuating daily air temperature. With water curing, the daily exposure
cycle is dampened because the daily variation of the water temperature is less than that of the air temperature.
A benefit also occurs from the evaporative cooling effect of the water on the surface. The evaporative cooling
effect is maximized by intermittent sprays which maintain the surface of the concrete in a wet to damp
condition with some free water always available. In general, water curing should be used instead of membrane
curing on mass concrete structures. Where appearance is of prime importance, other methods of curing may
be considered because water curing will often result in stains on the faces. Water curing during periods of cold
weather also can be a safety problem because of icing hazards.
Retarding agents added to the concrete mix will provide a temperature benefit when used in conjunction with
pipe cooling. The retarding agents reduce the early rate of heat generation of the cement, so that the total
temperature rise during the first 2 or 3 days will be 2o or perhaps 3o F. lower than for a similar mix without
retarder. The actual benefit varies with the type and amount of retarder used. The percentage of retarder by
weight of cement is generally about one-fourth to one-third of 1 percent. Percentages higher than this may
give added temperature benefit but can create construction problems such as delay in form removal, increased
embedment of form ties required, etc.
Surface Treatments. If the near-surface concrete of a mass concrete structure can be made to set at a relatively
low temperature and can be maintained at this temperature during the early age of the concrete, say, for the
first 2 weeks, cracking at the surface can be minimized. Under this condition, tensions at the surface are
reduced or the surface may even be put into compression when the interior mass of the concrete subsequently
drops in temperature. Such surface cooling can be accomplished by circulating water in closely spaced
embedded cooling-pipe coils placed adjacent to and parallel with the exposed surfaces and by use of cold water
sprays on noninsulated steel forms and on the exposed concrete surfaces, or by use of special refrigerated
Rate of Temperature Drop. Cooling should be gradually and less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.44oC) in 24
hours. Temperature stresses and the resultant tendency to crack in mass concrete can be minimized by
controlling the rate of temperature drop and the time when this drop occurs, In thick sections with no artificial
cooling, the temperature drop will normally be slow enough as to present no problem. In thin sections with
artificial cooling, however, the temperature can drop quite rapidly and the drop may have to be controlled.
This can be accomplished by by raising the cooling water temperature. In thin sections where no artificial
cooling is employed, the temperature drop during periods of cold weather can be controlled by the use of
insulated forms and insulation placed on exposed surfaces. Such measures not only reduce the rate of change,
but also reduce the temperature gradients near the surface resulting in a definite reduction in cracking.
Insulation. During the fall of the year when placing temperatures are still relatively high, and during periods
of cold weather, the temperature of the surface concrete tends to drop rapidly to the exposure temperature.
This may occur while the interior concrete is still rising in temperature. Such conditions will cause high tensile
stresses to form at the surface. Surface treatments previously described can reduce these temperature gradients,
particularly when used in conjunction with artificial cooling, but the use of insulation will give greater
protection. Such insulation may be obtained by measures varying from simply leaving wooden or insulated
forms in place, to the use of commercial-type insulation applied to the forms or to the surfaces of the exposed
concrete. Tops of blocks can be protected with sand or sawdust when an extended exposure period is
anticipated. Unless required immediately after placement to prevent surface freezing, the insulation should be
placed after the maximum temperature is reached in the lift. This permits loss of heat to the surface and will
cause the near-surface concrete to set at a relatively low temperature. Normally, during periods of cold
weather, the insulation is removed at such time as required for placement of the next lift. Otherwise, it may be
removed when the cold weather has abated or when interior temperatures have been reduced substantially
below the peak temperatures. Whatever the type of insulation, measures should be taken to exclude as much
moisture from the insulation as practicable. The insulation should also be as airtight as possible. For a short
period of exposure, small space heaters may be used, either by themselves or in conjunction with work
enclosures. Care should be taken when using space heaters in enclosed areas to avoid drying out the concrete
Protection. The contractor shall protect all concrete against injury until final acceptance by the Owner. Fresh
concrete shall be protected from damage due to rain, hail, sleet, or snow. The Contractor shall provide such
protection while the concrete is still plastic and whenever such precipitation, either periodic or sustaining, is
imminent or occurring, as determined by the Engineer. Immediately following the first frost in the fall the
Contractor shall be prepared to protect all concrete against freezing. After the first frost, and until the mean
daily temperature in the vicinity of the worksite falls below 40o F (4.44oC) for more than 1 day, the concrete
shall be protected against freezing temperatures for not less than 48 hours after it is placed. After the mean
daily temperature in the vicinity of the worksite falls below 40o F (4.44oC) for more than 1 day, the following
requirements shall apply :
Mass concrete shall be maintained at a temperature not lower than 40° F (4.44oC) for at least 96 hours after it
is placed. Mass concrete cured by application of curing compound will require no additional protection from
freezing if the protection at 40 oF (4.44oC) for 96 hours is obtained by means of approved insulation in contact
with the forms or concrete surfaces; otherwise, the concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures
for 96 hours immediately following the 96 hours protection at 40 oF (4.44oC). Mass concrete cured by water
curing shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 96 hours immediately following the 96 hours of
protection at 40 oF (4.44oC). Discontinuance of protection of mass concrete against freezing temperatures shall
be such that the drop in temperature of any portion of the concrete will be gradual and will not exceed 20° F.
(6.66 oC) in 24 hours. After the date , when the mean daily temperature rises above 40° F for more than 3
successive days, the specified 96-hour protection at a temperature not lower than 40° F. for mass concrete may
be discontinued for as long as the mean daily temperature remains above 40° F : Provided, that the specified
drop in temperature limitation is met, and that the concrete is protected against freezing temperatures for not
less than 48 hours after placement.
(b) Concrete Other Than Mass Concrete. All concrete other than mass concrete shall be maintained at a
temperature not lower than 50o F (10oC) for at least 72 hours after it is placed. Such concrete cured by
application of curing compound will require no additional protection from freezing if the protection at 50 oF
(10oC) for 72 hours is obtained by means of approved insulation in contact with the forms of concrete surfaces;
otherwise, the concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 72 hours immediately following
the 72 hours protection at 50oF. Concrete other than mass concrete cured by water curing shall be protected
against freezing temperatures for 72 hours immediately following the 72 hours protection at 50 oF.
Discontinuance of protection of such concrete against freezing temperatures shall be such that the drop in
temperature of any portion of the concrete will be gradual and will not exceed (6.66 oC) in 24 hours. After the
date, when the mean daily temperature rises above 40oF (4.44oC) for more than 3 successive days, the specified
72-hour protection at a temperature not lower than 50oF. may be discontinued for as long as the mean daily
temperature remains above 40° F (4.44oC) : Provided, that the specified drop in temperature limitation is met,
and that the concrete is protected against freezing temperatures for not less than 48 hours after placement.
(c) Use of Unvented Heaters. Where artificial heat is employed, special care shall be taken to prevent the
concrete from drying. Use of unvented heaters will be permitted only when unformed surfaces of concrete
adjacent to the heaters are protected for the first 24 hours from an excessive carbon dioxide atmosphere by
application of curing compound: Provided, that the use of curing compound on such surfaces for curing of the
concrete is permitted. (Include this provison only when the use of sealing compound is not permitted on some
concrete surfaces.)
Concrete shall be cured either by water curing or by application of wax base curing compound, except as
otherwise hereinafter provided. The unformed top surfaces of walls and piers shall be moistened by covering
with water-saturated material or by other effective means as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to
prevent damage by water. These surfaces and steeply sloping and vertical formed surfaces shall be kept
completely and continually moist, prior to and during form removal, by water applied on the unformed top
surfaces and allowed to pass down between the forms and the formed concrete faces. This procedure shall be
followed by the specified water curing or by application of curing compound.
(b) Water Curing. Concrete cured with water shall be kept wet for at least 21 days for concrete containing
pozzolan and for at least 14 days for concrete not containing pozzolan. Water curing shall start as soon as the
concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage by moistening the surface, and shall continue until
completion of the specified curing period or until covered with fresh concrete: Provided, that water curing of
concrete may be reduced to 6 days during periods when the mean daily temperature in the vicinity of the
worksite is less than 40° F (4.44oC) : Provided further, that during the prescribed period of water curing, when
temperatures are such that concrete surfaces may freeze, water curing shall be temporarily discontinued. The
concrete shall be kept wet by covering with water-saturated material or by a system of perforated pipes,
mechanical sprinklers, or porous hose, or by any other approved method which will keep all surfaces to be
cured continuously (not periodically) wet. Water used for curing shall be furnished by the contractor and shall
meet the requirements of water used for mixing concrete.
(c) Wax Base Curing Compound. Wax base curing compound shall be applied to surfaces to form a water-
retaining film on exposed surfaces of concrete, on concrete joints, and where specified, to prevent bonding of
concrete placed on or against such joints. The curing compound shall be white pigmented and shall conform
to Bureau of Reclamation “Specifications for Wax-Base Curing Compound,” dated May 1, 1973. The
compound shall be of uniform consistency and quality within each container and from shipment to shipment.
Curing compound shall be mixed thoroughly and applied to the concrete surfaces by spraying in one coat to
provide a continuous, uniform membrane over all areas. Coverage shall not exceed 150 square feet per gallon
(3.68 square meters per liter) , and on rough surfaces coverage shall be decreased as necessary to obtain the
required continuous membrane. Mortar encrustations and fins on surfaces designated to receive finish F3 or
F4 shall be removed prior to application of curing compound. The repair of all other surface imperfections
shall not be made until after application of curing compound.
When curing compound is used on unformed concrete surfaces, application of the compound shall commence
immediately after finishing operations are completed. When curing compound is to be used on formed concrete
surfaces, the surfaces shall be moistened with a light spray of water immediately after the forms are removed
and shall be kept wet until the surfaces will not absorb more moisture. As soon as the surface film of moisture
disappears but while the surface still has a damp appearance, the curing compound shall be applied. Special
care shall be taken to insure ample coverage with the compound at edges, corners, and rough spots of formed
surfaces. After application of the curing compound has been completed and the coating is dry to touch, any
required repair of concrete surfaces shall be performed. Each repair, after being finished, shall be moistened
and coated with curing compound in accordance with the foregoing requirements.
Equipment for applying curing compound and the method of application shall be in accordance with the
provisions of chapter VI of the eighth edition of the Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual Part 1. Traffic
and other operations by the contractor shall be such as to avoid damage to coatings of curing compound for a
period of not less than 28 days. Where it is impossible because of construction operations to avoid traffic over
surfaces coated with curing compound, the film shall be protected by a covering of sand or earth not less than
1 inch in thickness or by other effective means. The protective covering shall not be placed until the applied
compound is completely dry. Before final acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall remove all sand or
earth covering in an approved manner. Any curing compound that is damaged or that peels from concrete
surfaces within 28 days after application, shall be repaired without delay and in an approved manner.
Why are we using 150 mm maximum nominal aggregate diameter
and 50% fly ash replacement in our mass concretes?
The compressive strengths of dam concrete with 50% of fly ash in 90 days are higher than those with 30% of
fly ash or without fly ash. Fly ash may decrease the deformation of dam concrete with 50% of fly ash, and
the shrinkage and expansive strain is reduced significantly-about 33% and 40% less than the specimens
without fly ash, respectively. For that reason technically and economically right replacement ratio with fly
ash is 50% of cement by mass. Furthermore, using fly ash in concrete reduces bleeding, heat of hydration,
permeability and porosity of concrete. It increases abrasion resistance of concrete, and reduces alkali.
Replacing 35–50% of cement with fly ash, there exists 5–7% reduction in the water requirement for
obtaining the designated slump, and the rate and volume of the bleeding water is either higher or about the
same compared with the control mixture.
1.Cited from 34/37 at Appendix 5 Mass Concrete Mix Proportioning at link to Standard
Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete (ACI
211.1-91) Reported by ACI Committee 211 at link below :
A5.5 Placement and workability -- Experience has demonstrated that large aggregate mixtures, 3 in. (75 mm)
and 6 in. (150 mm) nominal maximum size aggregate, require a minimum mortar content for suitable placing
and workability properties. Table A5.6 reflects the total absolute volume of mortar (cement, pozzolan, water,
air, and fine aggregate) which is suggested for use in mixtures containing large aggregate sixes. These values
should be compared with those determined during the proportioning procedure and appropriate adjustments
made by either increasing or decreasing the trial mixture mortar contents for improved workability.
Main problem in mass concrete is heat coming out and causing cracks.
• Using fly ash or other pozzolan (for example silica fume + fly ash+plasticizer is used in
spillway surface concrete for high strength. Silica fume gives the concrete high strength.)
Water demand for river (alluvial) aggregates with maximum aggregate diameter of (150 mm) varies inbetween
70kg/m3 ila 90 kg/m3 for low slumped and air entrained mass concretes. Water demand for quarry rock(crushed)
aggregates with maximum aggregate diameter of (150 mm) varies inbetween 85 kg/m3 ila 115 kg/m3 for low slumped
and air entrained mass concretes. Water demand for the mass concrete aggregates with 75 mm maximum aggregate
diameter is 20% more than the above given ones.
When fine aggregate amount in concrete mix is reduced then the strength of concrete increases : Total fine aggregate
ratio to the total aggregate (mass concrete covering fine and coarse river (alluvial) aggregates with maximum aggregate
diameter 150 mm) can be as low as 21%. Total fine aggregate ratio to the total aggregate (mass concrete covering fine
and coarse quarry rock(crushed) aggregates with maximum aggregate diameter 150 mm) can be as low as 24-28%.
Concrete Manual Bureau of Reclamation ConcreteMan-8th_Ed-rev.pdf (
6. Please see Page 68/151 and 69/151 of Hanbook on Concrete Mixes of Indian Standards
SP 23 (1982): Handbook on Concrete Mixes (
While a number of relations between the various mix parameters and workability of fresh concrete are available, a
rational approach to unify the effects of different mix variables can be sought in the cement-aggregates-water
system. Aggregates occupy nearly 70 to 75 percent of the total volume of concrete and economy demands that the
volume of aggregates in the concrete should be as large as possible. The particle interference as well as the total
specific area of the aggregate are to be minimized to the extent possible by the proper choice of size, shape and
proportion of fine and coarse aggregates. Different size fractions are to be so chosen as to minimize the voids
content. Such a dry mixture of aggregates having minimum voids content will not be mobile and will need water for
lubricating effects. The water-cement ratio in itself determines the intrinsic properties of the cement paste and the
requirements of workability are such that there should be enough cement paste to surround the aggregate particles
as well as to fill the voids in the aggregates. On an engineering scale. the water content of the mix is the primary
factor governing the workability of the fresh concrete. The workability increases with the water content as shown in
Fig. 20',' and displays a relationship as follows
C = term which depends on the composition of the concrete (cement content, air content, aggregate grading, etc)
and method of measuring consistency;
This relationship implies that the amount of change in the measured value of workability (for example, slump or
compacting factor) due to relative change of water content in concrete is independent of the composition of
concrete within wide limits. As an example, Table 21 10 indicates the changes in the workability in terms of slump
that can be expected with relative changes in the water content in the mix, taking the water requirement for a 40
mm slump as unity.
Next in importance are the aggregate properties, the effects of which can be summarized as follows:
a) For the same volume of aggregates in the concrete, use of coarse aggregates of larger size and/or rounded
aggregates gives higher workability because of reduction in the total specific surface area and particle interference.
Use of flaky/elongated aggregates results in low workability primarily because of increase in particle interference.
b) The use of fine sand with corresponding increase in specific surface area increases the water demand for the same
workability or conversely for the same water content, workability decreases. If the sand is very coarse, the net effect
on workability is. increase in particle interference and decrease in specific surface area.
c) Because of the greater contribution to the total specific area, the grading of the fine aggregates is more critical
than the grading of coarse aggregates. Nevertheless, the proportion of fine to coarse aggregates should be so chosen
as neither to increase the total specifie surface area (by excess of fine aggregate) nor to increase the particle
interference (due to deficiency in fine aggregate) .
d) Once the water content in the mix is fixed, there is some relation between the water-cement ratio and the grading
of the aggregates. It is seen in practice that there would be one optimum combination of coarse and fine aggregates
resulting in the highest workability for a given water-cement ratio). Generally, mixes with higher water-cement ratio
would require a somewhat fine grading and for mixes with low water-cement ratio (as in the case of high strength
concrete), coarser grading is preferable. From the consideration of workability, the mix parameters are expressed in
terms of water content, water-cement ratio and proportion of fine to coarse aggregates; once this is done, the
aggregate-cement ratio is automatically fixed. Influence of the factors like grading and maximum size of aggregates
and aggregates-cement ratio on the workability is discussed in more detail in Section 5.
The maximum nominal.size of aggregates to be used in concrete is governed by the size of the section and spacing of
the reinforcement. Both IS: 456-1978' and IS : 1343-198~. specify that the nominal maximum size of coarse
aggregate should not be greater than one-fourth of the minimum thickness of the member. and it should be
restricted to 5mm. less than the minimum clear distance between the main bars or 5mm. less than the minimum
cover to the reinforcement and 5 mm less than the spacing between the cables, strands or sheathing in case of
prestressed concrete. Within these limits, the nominal maximum size of coarse aggregates may be as large as
possible. In general, it is found that larger the maximum size of aggregate, smaller is the cement requirement for a
particular water-cement ratio (See Fig. 40).
ThIs arises mainly from the fact that workability of concrete increases with increase in maximum size of aggregate.
However, the maximum size of aggregates also influences the compressive strength of concrete in that, for a
particular volume of aggregate, the compressive strength tends to increase with decrease in the size of coarse
aggregate. This is due to the fact that smaller size aggregates present a larger surface area for bonding with the
mortar matrix; it also results from the fact that the stress concentration in the mortar-aggregate interfaces increase
with increase in the maximum size of aggregate. There is thus an interaction of the maximum size of aggregate as
well as the grade of concrete which determine the 'strength efficiency' of the cement and. therefore, the
requirement of cement for a particular compressive strength is to be specified (Fig. 41).
From Fig. 41 it is seen that for concrete with higher water-cement ratio, larger maximum size of aggregates may be
beneficial whereas for high strength concretes 10 or 20 mm size of aggregates is preferable. It is because of such
reasons that IS: 4S6-19783 and IS : 1343-19804, while recommending that nominal size of coarse aggregates be as
large as possible. also suggest that for reinforced and prestressed concrete works, aggregates having a maximum
nominal size of 20 mm or smaller are generally considered satisfactory.
7. In concrete technology , minimum cement factor in order to fill the gaps between the fine aggregates(sand) and
coarse aggregates (gravel) and aggregates greter than gravel say it be ballast is equal to
As can be seen from the above given formula of minimum cement in concrete mix , mathematically the cement
factor degreases as the D (maximum aggregate diameter) increases.
The gaps between the fine aggregates(sand) and coarse aggregates (gravel) and aggregates greter than gravel say it
be ballast degreases as D (maximum aggregate diameter) increases.
• As can be seen from the Table 14 , sand percent of 6 inch (150 mm) Max. size of coarse aggregate is 24.
• As can be seen from the Table 14 , sand percent of 3 inch (76 mm) Max. size of coarse aggregate is 28.
If sand percentage of concrete mix is increased then the 28-90-365 day strength degreases and all other properties
of the concrete including permeability worsen.
1. As can be seen from the Table 14 , the average water content with WRA of 6 inch (150 mm) Max. size of
coarse aggregate is 155 lb/yd3 (91.96 kg/m3)
2. The average water content with WRA of 3 inch (76 mm) Max. size of coarse aggregate is 190 lb/yd3 (112.70
If water amount in concrete mix is increased then the 28-90-365 day strength degreases and all other properties of
the concrete including permeability worsen. Because water/cement ratio increases so the 28-90-365 day
compressive strength degreases and compressive strength of concrete is a determiner of all concrete properties
including thermal properties, volume change properties tension strength and permeability. Cracks in mass concrete
occur due to low tension strength of concrete I mean as it is exceeded.
• As can be seen from the Table 14 , the average water content of 6 inch (150 mm) Max. size of coarse
aggregate is 165 lb/yd3 ( 97.89kg/m3)
• The average water content of 3 inch (76 mm) Max. size of coarse aggregate is 205 lb/yd3 (121.60 kg/m3)
• If water amount in concrete mix is increased then the 28-90-365 day strength degreases and all other
properties of the concrete including permeability worsen
• Because water/cement ratio increases so the 28-90-365 day compressive strength degreases and
compressive strength of concrete is a determiner of all concrete properties including thermal properties,
• volume change properties , tension strength and permeability. Cracks in mass concrete occur due to low tension strength of concrete I mean as it is exceeded.
• AS can be seen from table 16 above , compressive strength at 28 days degrease significantly as water/cement ratio increases from 0.40 to 0.70.
• I cited this as a proof to statements in earlier texts , to show that increased water degreased concrete strength at 28-90-365 days.
Please see below Page 170/661 of CONCRETE_MANUAL 1_BUREAU_of_RECLAMATION at link
The main Factor affecting the thermal properties of a concrete is the mineralogic composition of the aggregate.
This demonstration is for 50% fly ash addition to concrete mix instead of the 0-20-30% amount of fly ash given in the
technical specification at bottom undermost of this text.
Please see P 18 / 25and P 19 / 25 of the ACI Education Bulletin E3-01 CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS FOR CONCRETE
Developed by Committee E-701 Materials for Concrete Construction at link :
Why are we using 50% fly ash replacement?
In addition to ACI Documents , Bureau of Reclamation Documents are effective in our specifications (Please see Page
6A-2-28 of PARTA General Specification).
Where an Engineer (ACI) is speaking about the interior part cement content of a concrete gravity dam is 109 kg
which he says that it is a matter of 20 years and after 2010 a lot had changed.
Please find attached the Document of Bureau of Reclamation numbered DSO-2015-02 (8530-2016-01) and named
Updating Thermal Data Sets to Better Evaluate Thermal Effects of Concrete from link :
DSO-2015-02.pdf (
of the Document of Bureau of Reclamation numbered DSO-2015-02 (8530-2016-01) and named Updating Thermal
Data Sets to Better Evaluate Thermal Effects of Concrete.
Please see Page 33/56
Please see Page 25/56
Please see Page 55/56
Please see Page 55/56
Please see P 324/462 of the BIDDING DOCUMENT Procurement of Works TANAHU HYDROPOWER PROJECT