Biography and Autobiography: Text Analysis Workshop
Biography and Autobiography: Text Analysis Workshop
Biography and Autobiography: Text Analysis Workshop
biography autobiography
sources sources
• letters to and from the subject • memories
• interviews with the subject • thoughts and feelings
and/or others • family, friends, or associates
• books about the subject • memorabilia
• diaries or journals
forms forms
• biographical books • autobiographical books
• encyclopedia entries • diaries and journals
• feature articles in newspapers • personal essays
and magazines or on Web sites • memoirs
the wright brothers
Biography by Russell Freedman
Orville was more impulsive, “bubbling over with ideas,” according Close Read
to his niece. Among family and friends, he had a reputation as a tease 1. What clues tell
and a practical joker. Among strangers, however, he seemed uncomfortably you that this is a
shy. He would clam up and fade silently into the background. biography rather than
an autobiography?
5 Orville’s greatest pleasure was to take something apart, see how
it worked, and put it back together. Wilbur was more of a visionary, 2. How were Wilbur and
Orville different? Cite
fascinated by the big picture rather than its individual parts. He was
details to support your
the one who first dreamed of building an airplane. . . . answer. Also note who
provided the author
with some of these
model 2: autobiography
Now read this excerpt from the autobiography of a Japanese-American
author. What do you learn about her thoughts and feelings?
I was born in California, recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag Close Read
each morning at school, and loved my country as much as any other 1. What clues in the
American—maybe even more. boxed sentences
Still, there was a large part of me that was Japanese simply because signal that this is an
5 Mama and Papa had passed on to me so much of their own Japanese autobiography?
spirit and soul. Their own values of loyalty, honor, self-discipline, love, 2. Name two things
you learn about Uchida
and respect for one’s parents, teachers, and superiors were all very much
from her description
a part of me. of her own thoughts
There was also my name, which teachers couldn’t seem to pronounce and feelings.
10 properly even when I shortened my first name to Yoshi. And there was my
Japanese face, which closed more and more doors to me as I grew older.
How wonderful it would be, I used to think, if I had blond hair and
blue eyes like Marian and Solveig.
biography autobiography
When you read a When you read an
biography, you . . . autobiography, you . . .
• get information from a variety of • get the subject’s interpretation of
sources events, written from a subjective
• discover how other people view the point of view
subject • learn the subject’s private thoughts and
• might get a more objective picture of feelings
the subject’s life • hear the subject’s voice and get a sense
of his or her personality
Eleanor Roosevelt The Noble Experiment
by William Jay Jacobs by Jackie Robinson as
pages 786–797 told to Alfred Duckett
pages 834–843
Another outstanding quality is that he [Reeve] brings the same Close Read
energy and enthusiasm to his recreations that he does to acting: he owns 1. Look at the boxed
both a $350,000 private plane and a glider; he is an accomplished sailor details. How would
who, upon completing Superman, gathered a six-man crew and sailed you describe the author’s
attitude toward Reeve?
5 a boat from Connecticut to Bermuda; and he has played classical piano
since adolescence, usually practicing ninety minutes every day, and also 2. What source does the
author use for quotes
composes music. His hobbies, moreover, include skiing, ice-skating, and by and about Reeve?
playing tennis. But nothing takes precedence over his work, as Aljean
3. Based on this article,
Harmetz told readers of the New York Times (August 20, 1979), “He how would you
10 thrives on acting. . . .” According to her, Reeve admitted: “. . . describe Reeve?
[I am] still at the stage where I’m taking care of myself, my career, first.”
The driver [J. F. Blake] repeated his order: “Look, woman, I told you Close Read
I wanted the seat. Are you going to stand up?” 1. How can you tell that
In a firm, steady voice, Parks questioned him. “Why should I have this excerpt is from a
to get up and stand? Why should we have to be pushed around?” biography? Cite details
to support your answer.
5 The driver slammed on the brakes and pulled the bus over to the curb.
He walked back to her seat and stood over her. He asked her if she
was going to move, and Parks said, “No.” He told her he would call 2. Consider how the
the police if she did not move. “Go ahead. You may do that,” Parks author describes Parks’s
answered. Blake left the bus angrily and went for the police. Several words and actions in
10 passengers—all of them black—followed, reluctant to become involved lines 3–13. How does
in an incident that invited trouble with whites. While everyone else the author seem to feel
aboard the bus waited to see what would happen next, Parks looked about Parks?
out the window at Montgomery.
Parks had a right to be scared, for she recognized the driver. Twelve
3. What do you learn
15 years earlier, she had refused to enter a bus through the rear door and
about Parks’s upbringing
had been evicted from the bus by this same driver. Although Parks had from this biography?
seen him before while waiting at bus stops, she never boarded a bus
if she knew he was driving. In all these years she had never forgotten his
face. That evening, Parks had not looked at the driver when she boarded, 4. One of the sources
20 but when he stood over her, there was no mistaking who he was. for this biography
Parks’s mother and grandparents had always taught her not to regard was Rosa Parks’s own
herself as inferior to whites because she was black, but she admitted that autobiography.
until that fateful December day on the bus “every part of my life pointed As a result, the author
was able to include
to the white superiority and negro inferiority.” She was uncertain about details about Parks’s
25 what exactly had provoked her not to move on the bus driver’s order, thoughts and feelings.
but her feet certainly hurt, her shoulders ached, and suddenly everything One example is boxed.
became too much. “I had had enough,” Parks later said. She was tired Find one more.
of giving in. “I wanted to be treated like a human being.”
Rosa Parks:
My Story
Autobiography by Rosa Parks
(with Jim Haskins)
One evening in early December 1955 I was sitting in the front seat Close Read
of the colored section of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. The white people 1. Reread the boxed
were sitting in the white section. More white people got on, and they filled sentences. Would
up all the seats in the white section. When that happened, we black people you say that this
autobiography was
5 were supposed to give up our seats to the whites. But I didn’t move.
written in the 1950s,
The white driver said, “Let me have those front seats.” I didn’t get up. or later? Explain.
I was tired of giving in to white people.
“I’m going to have you arrested,” the driver said.
“You may do that,” I answered. 2. How can you tell that
10 Two white policemen came. I asked one of them, “Why do you all the author of the
push us around?” biography used Parks’s
He answered, “I don’t know, but the law is the law and you’re under arrest.” autobiography as a
source? Cite similar
details in both excerpts
For half of my life there were laws and customs in the South that
to support your answer.
kept African Americans segregated from Caucasians and allowed white
15 people to treat black people without any respect. I never thought this
was fair, and from the time I was a child, I tried to protest against
3. By revealing her
disrespectful treatment. But it was very hard to do anything about thoughts and beliefs
segregation and racism when white people had the power of the law in lines 13–25, Parks gives
behind them. readers a real sense of
20 Somehow we had to change the laws. And we had to get enough her personality. How
white people on our side to be able to succeed. I had no idea when would you describe her?
In your opinion,
I refused to give up my seat on that Montgomery bus that my small
do you get this same
action would help put an end to the segregation laws in the South. sense from reading
I only knew that I was tired of being pushed around. I was a regular the biography about her?
25 person, just as good as anybody else. Support your answer.