Amount of Investment Bonus Method: Than Investment Greater Than Investment
Amount of Investment Bonus Method: Than Investment Greater Than Investment
Amount of Investment Bonus Method: Than Investment Greater Than Investment
Admission of a partner
Amount of Investment
Bonus method
Correction of Errors
Withdrawal, retirement or
death of a partner
Retirement of a Partner-
Personal account
Incorporation of a partnership
Admission of partner
• The admission of a new partner may be effected either through:
1. Purchase of interest in the partnership, or
2. Investment in the partnership
Purchase of interest
• A personal transaction between and among the partners
• Any consideration paid or received is not recorded in the partnership books
• Only a transfer within equity is made to establish the capital account of the new partner
and decrease the capital account(s) of the selling partner(s).
• No gain or loss shall is recognized in the partnership books.
Revaluation of assets
• When a partnership is dissolved but not liquidated, a new partnership is created. The
assets and liabilities carried over to the new partnership are restated to fair values.
• Any adjustment to the assets and liabilities is allocated first to the existing partners
before recording the admission of the new partner.
Requirements: Provide the entry and determine the capital balances and P/L ratio of the
partners after Carrot’s admission.
Case 1:
Carrying amts. Fair values Increase (Decrease)
Cash 30,000 30,000 -
Accounts receivable 140,000 120,000 (20,000)
Inventory 200,000 160,000 (40,000)
Equipment 500,000 450,000 (50,000)
Accounts payable (80,000) (80,000) -
Accrued liabilities (20,000) (20,000)
Net assets 790,000 660,000 (130,000)
Requirements: Provide the entry and determine the capital balances of the partners after
Carrot’s admission.
Date Apple, Capital (437K adj. cap. see above x 20%) 87,400
Banana, Capital (223K adj. cap. x 20%) 44,600
Carrot, Capital 132,000
Requirements: If no bonus is allowed, how much should Carrot invest, and what would be the
new P/L ratio of the partners after Carrot’s admission?
Before Admission of
Partner admission Carrot After admission
A 60% (100% - 20%) x 60% 48%
B 40% (100% - 20%) x 40% 32%
C 20% 20%
100% 100%
Requirements: Provide the entry and compute for the capital balances of the partners after
Carrot’s admission.
Requirements: Provide the entry and compute for the capital balances of the partners after
Carrot’s admission.
2. Partners A, B and C had the following capital balances on Jan. 1, 20x1: A, Capital (50%)
P320,000; B, Capital (30%) P 192,000; and C, Capital (20%) P128,000. Partner a decided to
retire on Sept. 1, 20x1. The partnership earned profit of P800,000 from Jan. 1 to Aug 31, 20x1
and the partners had the following capital withdrawals during the period: A, P40,000; B,
P60,000; and C, P30,000.
Requirements: Provide the entry and compute for the capital balances and P/L ratio of the
partners after A’s retirement.
A B C Total
Capital - Jan. 1, 20x1 320,000 192,000 128,000 640,000
Profit 50:30:20 400,000 240,000 160,000 800,000
Drawings (40,000) (60,000) (30,000) (130,000)
Capital - before retirement 680,000 372,000 258,000 1,310,000
A B C Total
Capital - before retirement 680,000 372,000 258,000 1,310,000
Sale from A to B (680,000) 680,000 - -
Capital - after retirement - 1,052,000 258,000 1,310,000
Requirements: Provide the entry and compute for the capital balances and P/L ratio of the
partners after A’s retirement.
A B C Total
Capital - before retirement 680,000 372,000 258,000 1,310,000
Payment to A (700,000) (700,000)
Bonus to A 20,000 (12,000) (8,000) -
Capital - after retirement - 360,000 250,000 610,000
Requirements: Provide the entry and compute for the capital balances of the partners after A’s
A B C Total
Capital - before retirement 680,000 372,000 258,000 1,310,000
Payment to A (650,000) (650,000)
Bonus to B and C (30,000) 18,000 12,000 -
Capital - after retirement - 390,000 270,000 660,000
Incorporation of a Partnership
3. Use the information in Problem 2 above. However, instead of Partner A retiring, the
partnership is converted into a corporation on Aug. 31, 20x1. The corporation issued 1,000
preference shares with par value of P200 per share to each of the partners and even multiples
of ordinary shares with par value of P50 per share for their remaining interests.
Requirements: Compute for the number of shares issued to each of the partners.
A B C Total
Adjusted capital (see #2 -
Case 1) 680,000 372,000 258,000 1,310,000
Less: PS (1,000 x ₱200 par) (200,000) (200,000) ) (600,000)
Remaining interest 480,000 172,000 58,000 710,000
Divide by: Par val. per OS 50 50 50 50
No. of ordinary sh. issued 9,600 3,440 1,160 14,200
A B C Total
“Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your
score on your paper.”
A, B and C are partners with the following P/L ratio and capital balances: A (60%) P100,000;
B(30%) P60,000; and C (10%) P20,000.
Case 1: D purchases one-half of A’s capital interest or P70,000. Provide the journal entry under
the book value method.
Case 2: D purchases 20% interest in the partnership from A, B and C for P60,000. Provide the
journal entry under the book value method and determine the capital balances of the partners
after D’s admission.
Case 3: D invests P70,000 cash for a 20% interest in the partnership’s net assets and profits.
Provide the journal entry and determine the capital balances and P/L ratio of the partners after
D’s admission.
Case 4: D wants t infuse capital to the partnership for a 10% interest in the net assets and
profits. The partners determine that the net assets are fairly valued except for land carried at
P365,000 but has a fair value of P410,000. If no bonus is to be given to any partner, how much
is D’s required investment?
Case 5: C withdraws from the partnership and sells his interest to B for P30,000. Provide the
journal entry and determine the capital balances and P/L ratio of the remaining partners after
C’s withdrawal.
Case 6: C retires and the partnership settles his interest for P32,000. Provide the journal entry
and determine the capital balances and P/L ratio of the remaining partners after C’s retirement.
Case 7 The partnership is converted into a corporation. The corporation issues 6,000, 3,000
and 1,000 ordinary shares to A, B and C respectively. If the ordinary shares have par value of
P10 per share, how much is the resulting share premium?
Activity 5
Case 1:
Date A, Capital (100,000 x 1/2) 50,000
D, Capital 50,000
Case 2:
Date A, Capital (100,000 x 20%) 20,000
B, Capital (60,000 x 20%) 12,000
C, Capital (20,000 x 20%) 4,000
D, Capital 36,000
A B C D Total
Capital before admission 100,000 60,000 20,000 180,000
Sale to D (20,000) (12,000) (4,000) 36,000 -
Capital after admission 80,000 48,000 16,000 36,000 180,000
Case 3:
Date Cash 70,000
D, Capital (180K + 70K) x 20% 50,000
A, Capital [(70K - 50K) x 60%] 12,000
B, Capital [(70K - 50K) x 30%] 6,000
C, Capital [(70K - 50K) x 10%] 2,000
A B C D Total
Capital before admission 100,000 60,000 20,000 180,000
D's investment 70,000 70,000
Bonus to old partners 12,000 6,000 2,000 (20,000) -
Capital after admission 112,000 66,000 22,000 50,000 250,000
Case 4:
Unadjusted net assets before D's
admission 180,000
Revaluation increase (410K - 365K) 45,000
Adjusted net assets before D's admission 225,000
Divide by: (100% - 10%) 90%
Net assets after D's admission 250,000
Multiply by: D's interest 10%
D's required investment 25,000
Case 5:
Date C, Capital 20,000
B, Capital 20,000
A B C Total
Capital before retirement 100,000 60,000 20,000 180,000
C's withdrawal 20,000 (20,000) -
Capital after retirement 100,000 80,000 - 180,000
Case 6:
Date C, Capital 20,000
A, Capital (32K – 20K) x 6/9 8,000
B, Capital (32K – 20K) x 3/9 4,000
Cash 32,000
A B C Total
Capital before retirement 100,000 60,000 20,000 180,000
C's retirement (32,000) (32,000)
Bonus to C (8,000) (4,000) 12,000 -
Capital after retirement 92,000 56,000 - 148,000
New P/L
A 60% ÷ 90% 66.67%
B 30% ÷ 90% 33.33%
C 0.00%
Case 7:
Net assets of partnership (100K + 60K + 20K) 180,000
Aggregate par value of shares issued [(6K + 3K + 1K) x 10] 100,000
Share premium 80,000