GTT Module Iii
GTT Module Iii
GTT Module Iii
Design Point Performance
• The operating conditions where engine will
spend most time has been traditionally
chosen as engine design point.
• The engine geometry is fixed by the design
point calculations, the performance at other
key operating conditions ( off-design) can be
Design Point Performance Parameters
• Output power or net thrust
• Exhaust gas power – for turboshaft engine core this is the output power
that would be produced by a power turbine of 100% efficiency.
• Specific thrust or power – This is the amount of output power or thrust
per unit of mass flow entering the engine. It provides a good first order
indication of engine weight, frontal area and volume.
• Specific fuel consumption – This is the fuel burnt per unit time per unit
of output power or thrust.
• Thermal efficiency – This is the output divide by the rate of fuel energy
input, usually expressed as percentage.
• Exhaust temperature – For military aircraft applications low exhaust gas
temperature is important to reduce the infrared signature presented to
heat seeking missiles.
• Exhaust mass flow – Indication of heat available in gas turbine exhaust.
• Propulsive efficiency – Useful propulsive power produced by the engine
divided by rate of KE addition to the air.
Design Point Diagram:
• This is obtained by plotting engine performance
parameters versus the cycle parameters.
• The design point charts may be applied to any altitude, if
the referred form of specific power or thrust, SFC, etc.,
are used.
• Referred groups are directly proportional to Quasi-
dimensionless group and hence interchangeable in
• The difference is the substitution of theta and delta for
engine or component inlet pressure and temperature.
• Quasi-dimensionless group: These have specific gas
constant, gamma and the engine diameter is eliminated.
• Dimensionless group: These group contain all variables
affecting engine or component performance including
engine linear scale and fluid properties.
➢ SFC increases with
SOT increase, but
specific thrust
➢ For a given pressure
ratio, increasing
Mach number from
0.8 to 2.2 increases
compressor delivery
➢ At supersonic speeds
there is similar trend,
except that at the
lowest SOT level SFC
raises again at the
higher pressure ratio,
due to reducing SFC
➢ SFC improves with
pressure ratio
Turbojets design
point performances.
delivery pressure
and temperature
versus pressure
Graph shows drop in
compressor delivery
pressure and temperature
Turbofan Design Point
➢ Graph shows that for each
combination of bypass
ratio, overall pressure ratio
and SOT there is a
optimum fan pressure
ratio, giving both
maximum specific thrust
and minimum SFC.
➢ Optimum specific thrust
and SFC occur at the same
fan pressure ratio since for
a fixed core engine
combustion mass flow is
fixed, as are combustion
entry and exit
temperature, fuel flow
must therefore be fixed.
• At the optimum fan pressure ratio the overall
energy conversion to thrust is maximized.
• Increasing bypass ratio at fixed SOT and overall
pressure ratio reduces the optimum fan pressure
ratio sharply.
• This is due to reduced core nozzle pressure ratio
and hence jet velocity, resulting from an
increased LP turbine power requirement to
compress the bypass stream.
Off-Design Performance
• Steady state performance of a fixed engine design
as the operational conditions are changed.
• This addresses the other key operating points as
well as all corners of the operational envelope.
• As the power or thrust level is varied, the referred
parameter groups allow a unique running line or
families of running lines which are independent of
ambient conditions.
Turboshaft single spool:
• In turbo shaft engine turbine drives both, the engine
compressor and the output load. Referred
performance chart is shown in below graph.
• Referred compressor delivery pressure and
temperature increase significantly as day
temperature is reduced and the referred speed
• For a given day temperature as fuel flow, hence SOT
and output power, are increased the compressor
operating point moves up the constant referred
speed line.
• Equally if the day temperature increases, referred
speed falls. If the engine is flat rated then on hot
days, surge margin will reduce, as referred SOT must
Compressor working line
for single spool turboshaft
or turboprop Engine.