Effective Communication Skills Test
Effective Communication Skills Test
Effective Communication Skills Test
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Scroll down the page: there are 15 questions that will appear as you mouse over them: just click
to select the answer for each.
Don't worry if any scenario doesn't apply directly to you, just imagine yourself in an equivalent
And remember:
Don't over-think it
If none apply, pick the closest match
Be honest
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Question 1
Where are you most comfortable expressing your ideas?
Talking one on one
Giving a speech or a presentation
Discussing them with a group of people
You prefer to keep your ideas to yourself
Planning and putting it in writing
Question 2
Which ONE of these characteristics MOST applies to you?
Shy or quiet
Question 3
How do you usually participate in group discussions?
You usually prefer not to get involved
You get involved and interact freely with the group
You listen and only speak when you have a suggestion
You prefer to focus on helping people to reach the best decision
You lead the discussion and express your thoughts
Question 4
How would other people say you communicate?
Quiet and thoughtful
Reserved and hesitant
Supportive and encouraging
Driven and vocal
Outgoing and engaging
Question 5
When making a major purchasing decision, you are likely to:
Talk to other people to get their views
Let someone else make the decision for you
Consider how other people will be affected
Read reviews, then ask others what they think
Trust your ability to research and make your own decision
Question 6
How do you react when others become emotional around you?
You tell them what you think is best for them
You notice, but prefer to keep out of it
You aren't sure how to act
You try to make them laugh
You listen and try to comfort them
Question 7
If you disagree with someone's opinion, what do you do?
Attempt to understand their point of view
Try to persuade them to agree with you
Avoid confronting them in case their feelings are hurt
Say nothing because you prefer to avoid an argument
Tell them that you disagree and say why
Question 8
When working on a problem with other people, you:
Prefer to take the initiative and sort it out quickly
Try to find a collective solution
Let other people find the answer
Allow others to lead and help if needed
Devise a plan and look for ways to assist others
Question 9
How do you feel about speaking in front of a group?
You try to avoid it if at all possible
You enjoy the opportunity to convey your ideas
You like the idea but not the pressure it creates
You will do it as long as it helps out in some way
You don't mind doing it, if you are able to plan
Question 10
How do you feel about asking others for help?
You don't mind: you often ask
You feel uncomfortable so you try to avoid it
You prefer to find your own solutions to problems
It's usually you who gives help to others
You generally don't need to do this
Question 11
While having a conversation, you:
Enjoy sharing your views and opinions
Actively take part but can get distracted
Like to learn from other people
Easily lose interest
Often lead the conversation
Question 12
When someone has a new way of doing something, do you:
Welcome it and see whether you can use it
Discuss and exchange thoughts with them
Assess the merits of their approach before you react
Let them go their own way
Try to adapt and improve it
Question 13
How do you feel about giving orders or instructions?
It's OK, provided you have proper justification
You prefer to collaborate with others, not give orders
You instinctively try to avoid it
You are wary in case there is any opposition
You are very happy to do it
Question 14
Two of your close friends are arguing. What do you do?
Ask them to stop
Intervene if it will affect other people
Try to defuse the situation regardless
Leave them to it
Listen and see if you can help to resolve it
Question 15
When attending a social event, you are most likely to:
Talk to people you already know
Interact with different people, even if you don't know them
See if anyone looks out of place and speak to them
Observe others and see who is more approachable
You don't go to social events very much
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