Mathematics-Optional: by Venkanna Sir and Satya Sir PDE 2013-2019
Mathematics-Optional: by Venkanna Sir and Satya Sir PDE 2013-2019
Mathematics-Optional: by Venkanna Sir and Satya Sir PDE 2013-2019
By Venkanna Sir and Satya Sir
PDE 2013-2019
INDIANCIVILS.COM +91-9000018804
UPSC - MATHEMATICS optional - 2013 Questions
1. Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary functions f and g from
z = y f (x ) + x g (y ^ [10M]
y B + (t+y ) S y- +xw = 0
3 . Solve ( ) ( )
z(x + y ) = C( 3z + 1), ( C b e in g a c 0n s ta n t)
6. Two equal rods AB and BC, each of length I, smoothly jointed at B , are suspended from A
and oscillate in a vertical plane through A. Show that the periods of normal oscillations are —
where n 2 = ( 3 + y. [15M]
z z
2. Reduce the equation — = x 2 — to canonical form. [15M]
u u
3. Find the deflection of a vibrating string ( 1e n gth = n, e n d s fix e d ,— = — ) corresponding
to zero initial velocity and initial deflection
f ( x ) = fc( s in x —s in 2 x) [15M]
4. Solve 0 < x < 1, t > 0, given that
( y 2 + z 2 —x 2)p —2 xy q + 2 xz = 0
where p = a n d q = |^ . [10M]
r dx 1 dy
3. Solve for the general solution p c o s(x + y ) + q s in (x + y ) = z, where p = — an d
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) [15M]
y 2 + z 2 = cz. [10M]
(y + zx)p — (x + y z )q = x 2 —y 2. [10M]
3. Determine the characteristics of the equation , and find the integral surface
which passes through the parabola [15M]
4. Solve the partial differential equation
5. Find the temperature u(x, t) in a bar of silver of length 10 cm and constant cross-section of
area 1 cm 2. Let density p = 1 0 .6 g / cm 2, thermal conductivity K = 1 .0 4 ca l / ( c m s e c°C )
and specific heat The bar is perfectly isolated laterally, with ends kept at
0 °C and initial temperature / ( x ) = s in ( 0 .1 7rx)°C . Note that u (x , t) follows the heat equation
u t = c2u xx, where c 2 = K / (p a ). [20M]
d 2u d 2u d 2v d 2v
dx2 dy2 ^ dx2 dy2
2. Solve ( ) [10M]
Where D = f , D ' = f , D2 = f -2 , Da = ^ .
ox oy oxz oy z
3. Let r be a closed curve in xy-plane and let S denote the region bounded by the curve T.
q 2 ^ Q 2 vy
3. A thin annulus occupies the region 0 < a < r < Z ) , o < 0 < 2 n . The faces are insulated.
Along the inner edge the temperature is maintained at 0 °, while along the outer edge the
temperature is held at T = K c o s-j, where K is a constant. Determine the temperature
distribution in the annulus. [20M]
2. Solve the first order quasilinear partial differential equation by the method of
characteristics: [15M]
du , .. d u „ . ~ ,
x — + (u —x —y) — = x + 2 y in x > 0, —oo < y < oo with u = 1 + y o n x = 1 .
dx dy J J
3. Reduce the following second order partial differential equation to canonical form and find
the general solution:
d 2u _ d 2u t d2u dy „„
3 ? —2 x ^ + x 2 ^ F = to + 12x- 120M1
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