Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics For Initiation and Propagation of Notch Fatigue Cracks

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Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Srrrrctures Vol.

2, pp, 139-154
Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain.
Fatigue o f Engineering Materials Ltd. 1979.


M . M . HAMMOUDA,: R. A. SMITH? and K . J . MILLER :
* Research Fellow, University o f Sheffield
t Lecturer, University o f Cambridge
1 Professor, University o f Sheffield

(Received January 1979)

Abstract-Initiation and propagation are considered to be controlled by the extent of total

plastic shear deformation 4,. Crack initiation and crack propagation occur when 4, exceeds
a critical threshold value which can be equated to threshold conditions determined from
linear elastic fracture mechanics analyses. When a crack is in a plastically deformed zone
q5! = q5p+4ewhere 4p is the component of 4, due to notch bulk plasticity and d e is the
component of 4, due to a linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) analysis of the crack tip
plasticity field.
When cracks initiate at notch roots 4,> dCh. As the crack propagates in the notch plastic
zone the rate of decrease of dPwill be different from the rate of increase of 4eand it is possible
for 4t to decrease to a level below dththereby creating a non-propagating crack.

Notch depth
Young’s modulus
Notch contribution factor
Elastic stress concentration factor
Elastic stress concentration factor at a point distance x from the n,otch tip
Stress concentration factor
Strain concentration factor
Initial mode I stress intensity factor range
Mode 1 stress intensity factor range
Mode I threshold stress intensity factor range
Equivalent crack length in an un-notched plain specimen
Crack length
Number of cycles
Number of cycles to failure
Applied stress ratio
Distance ahead of the notch tip
Notch root radius
A dimensionless parameter (= K T A ~ / A a , )
Poisson’s ratio
Net section stress
Stress at a point distance x ahead of the notch tip
Monotonic yield stress
Stress range
Tensile stress range
Stress range at a point distance x ahead of the notch tip
Cyclic yield stress range
Maximum applied tensile stress range for a non-propagating crack
M. M. HAMMOUDA er al.

Normal strain range

Normal strain range at a point distance x ahead of the notch tip
Average normal strain range within the notch plastic zone
Average shear strain range within the notch plastic zone
Average plastic shear strain range within the notch plastic zone
Shear deformation
LEFM plastic shear deformation at the tip of a sharp crack
Notch plasticity contribution in terms of plastic shear deformation
Plastic shear deformation at the root of the uncracked notch
Total plastic shear deformation at the tip of a crack
Threshold plastic shear deformation
Extent of cyclic plastic zone ahead of a notch
Extent of cyclic plastic zone along the direction of maximum shear deformation


FATIGUE failure in real components almost invariably begins at the root of a geometrical
discontinuity. To date, two approaches have been employed for the analysis of the notch
fatigue problem. The first involves using stress or strain concentrating factors, for example,
following the work of Neuber [l] or Stowell [2]. Since these factors are only able to ensure
similitude between mechanical conditions at a notch root before the appearance of a crack,
their use is limited for example to situations where crack initiation occupies the vast
majority of the total life of the specimen or component. They are also unsatisfactory in
explaining non-propagating cracks.
At the other extreme, the proportion of the life spent in initiating a crack may be
negligible even at long life and under these conditions crack propagation mechanics can be
used to calculate lifetimes [3,4]. However, the relative life fraction spent in initiation and
propagation, for a particular material, is a function of gross stress level and notch acuity.
I t could be claimed that at each of these two extremes, the notch problem is well
understood and the designer has only to identify a problem as being initiation or
propagation controlled before choosing an appropriate analysis. However, on many
occasions both phases can make significant contributions to the life, so the need for a
theory linking both is now required.
This new theory must be capable of explaining the experimentally observed anomalies
of the notch fatigue problem, e.g. non-propagating cracks, and extremely high growth rates
above LEFM predictions at short crack lengths. A qualitative explanation of these
phenomena has already been presented [ S ] . The basic idea was that initiation and early
crack growth are controlled by notch generated plasticity ; subsequent propagation is
eventually the result of crack tip plasticity which can be successfully described by the elastic
stress intensity factor approach. The interaction of these two controlling parameters can
lead to an initial fall in growth rates and may result in the arrest of an initiated crack if the
crack tip plasticity is not sufficiently large.
The present work outlines a quantitative analysis which aims to describe the initiation
and early growth periods in terms of the local plastic shear displacement.


Figure 1 shows the elastic and plastic zones at a notch root. Remote from the notch the
bulk cyclic stress-strain behaviour is given by Aa and AE respectively. If no cyclic plasticity
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for initiation and propagation of notch fatigue cracks 141

Fig. 1. Elastic and plastic stress-strain fields at the root of a notch.

occurs at the notch root

ACJ < -.ACJq


Neuber shows [ 6 ] that for elastic behaviour the stress at a point distance x ahead of the
notch is approximately

It follows that:

However, if ACJis sufficiently high then cyclic plasticity occurs to a depth A,, which can be
estimated by substituting the cyclic yield stress range, AoCy,for ox in equation (1) at x equal
to An. Hence,
A,, = - (pz- 1) (3)


Within the plastic zone, however, Neuber has also shown [7] that
142 M. M. HAMMOUDA ec al

approximately and this will apply at any point distance x ahead of the notch root. Thus
from equations (2) and (5)
K; (?-) = A E ~A.o X .E
p +4x A02
from which assuming an elastic perfectly-plastic material states that the strain range a t x is
given by

The average axial strain range within the cyclic plastic zone can now be assessed

which, when evaluated and reduced using equation (3), gives

The average shear strain range may be assumed to be G(1 + v ) and by subtracting
the average elastic shear strain range AoJ2G the average plastic shear strain range K c a n
be determined.
The maximum possible shear displacement #s is assumed to be along a plane of
maximum shear radiating from the notch root at 45" to the direction of applied tensile load
and this is simply Ayp,. As, where Ayp, is the average plastic shear strain range along As.
" = 2E(pZ- 1 ) (p2 .In , u 2 - p 2 + 1). (8)

If it is assumed that Aypsis AyJ2(1 + v ) which is justified by the experimental data in Fig. 9
since #s is equal to #, at 1 = 0. The value of dSmust be greater than the material threshold
value 4thif an initiated crack is to grow.
Now let there be a crack growing in the plastic zone. The crack tip plastic shear
displacement #, can be considered to be derived from two sources namely from the plastic
shear deformation in the high strain zone due to the notch plasticity, d P ( < 4s),which must
decrease as the crack penetrates the plastic zone, and also from the plastic deformation
generated, even in elastically strained bulk material, due to the crack tip singularity
condition, # e . Mathematically
4, = #,+#,. (91
When the crack is about to be initiated (i.e. has zero length) #t = #s ( = #,) and when
the crack is outside the plastic zone 4l = 4e.As stated previously, when the crack is inside
the plastic zone ',,d #s. The magnitude of the plastic displacement # e can always be
evaluated from a linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis of crack tip opening
displacement, i.e. for low stresses
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for initiation and propagation of notch fatigue cracks 143

Plain specimen; long cracks

Notched Com ponent (Experimental data)
(Experimental data)

t Acr=constant

Crack tip deformation
(theoretical; c q n l o )
Lc Acr=constont

Fig. 2. Schematic: evaluation of the contribution of notch plasticity to shear deformation at the tip of a crack.

The results of Smith and Miller [4] or Newman [S] can be used to determine AKI for
incorporation into the above expression. Similarly, 4t can be determined from considering
a long crack of length L propagating in an elastically stressed bulk material at the same
speed as that of a crack of length 1 in the plastic zone of a notched component. Knowing L
the value of 4c, and hence 4t,can be calculated from equation (10). Thereafter the value of
4 p can be determined from equation (9). Figure 2 illustrates the above calculation in a
schematic form.
It follows that for an arbitrary but specified Au, as 1 increases, (A,,--/) decreases and
hence 4 pdecreases and will become zero when 1 2 A,,, i.e. when the crack grows out of the
notch plasticity field.
Figure 3 shows the variation of 4, with fatigue crack length at the root of a notch at two

‘nP 1
Fig. 3. Schematic: prediction of fatigue crack behaviour at a notch at different bulk stress levels
144 M . M. HAMMOUDA el a/

different bulk stress levels. Initially +z decreases as crack length increases. At a certain crack
length, +t reaches a minimum value beyond which it increases and approaches the LEFM
solution for 4e.If, however, 4zfalls to a value less than +th a non-propagating crack results.
This is the case for A c 2 but not A c l in Fig. 3. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the length of an
initiated but non-propagating crack increases as stress level increases and the maximum
stress level a t which an initiated but non-propagating crack can form can be equated to the
traditional fatigue limit for notched components. Similar trends have been predicted
theoretically by Smith and Miller [IS] based on the argument that initiation and early
growth of a crack is controlled by the plastic strain field of the notch.
To assess the fatigue behaviour of notches in both the initiation and the short crack
propagation phases a test programme was conducted which consisted of both experimental
and computational studies. The object of the experimental work was to determine (i) the
basic fatigue crack growth characteristics of the material and (ii) the fatigue behaviour of
notches. The main aim of the computational exercise was to determine the elastic-plastic
boundary for two notches at various bulk stress levels.


A two-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element (EPFE) study traced the development

of the elastic-plastic envelope as the applied load increased monotonically for both a sharp
elliptical notch (K,= 6.4) and a circular notch ( K , = 2.9). Knowledge of the plastic zone
extension enabled the values of As to be determined and hence +s from equation (8). Linear
displacement (constant strain) triangular elements were used. To obtain an acceptable
solution with these elements a high degree of mesh refinement was required, particularly
near the notch root. Full details of the mesh and computer program are given
elsewhere (9); it is sufficient to say here that the mesh consisted of 356 nodal points
generating 611 triangular elements about 200 of which are located near the base of the
notch. The mesh pattern was designed such that the element size increases smoothly from
the notch root to the specimen edge and the slenderness ratio of an element was not more
than 1.5. The notch root idealization chosen gave values of K , to within 5% deviation of
theoretical values and had a minimum element size of 0.035 mm and 0.0175 mm in the
cases of the circular and sharp elliptical notches respectively. These values are of the order
of the typical grain size for the mild steel used in the experimental programme. The notches
were analysed for the plane stress state to correspond to the plate surface conditions. The
commonly used von Mises yield criterion and the Prandtl-Reuss flow rule were adopted.
Experimentally determined properties of the mild steel were used as input data (see
Table 1). A yield stress of twice the cyclic yield stress was used to simulate cyclic loading.
An elastic Poisson’s ratio, v, of 0.3 was used and the analysis, due to Yamada et al. [lo],

Table 1

Monotonic yield stress 300 MN/rn2

Tensile strength 365 MN/m2
True strength 930 MN/m2
Reduction in area 70%
Young’s modulus 2.06 x lo5 MN/m2
Cyclic yield stress 117 MN/rnZ
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for initiation and propagation of notch fatigue cracks 145



It I Circular notch IRef. 11 I /


Q +
\ 0.2
a +

0 I 2
p=- I

Fig. 4. A linear generalization of plasticity at the root of notches.

inherently allowed for increases in v after yielding. Ideal elastic-perfectly plastic behaviour
was assumed in analysing the circular notched plate, whereas a strain hardening rate of
10 330 MN/m2 was employed for the sharp elliptical notched plate. After the onset of first
yield the programme determined the notch root stress and strain concentration factors
based on net section stresses, for each load increment. The load increment was always such
as to cause yielding in only one further element.
In order to generalize the results of the different types of notches the variation of Aswith
c can be plotted, as in Fig. 4, which demonstrates the following trends. When considering
notched components made of the same material and subjected to the same value of bulk
stress (i) for geometrically similar notches, i.e. constant K , , the extent of notch root
plasticity increases as notch size increases and (ii) for notches with similar root radii the
plastic zone increases as K , increases. For identical notches and bulk stress levels but
different materials plasticity increases as yield stress decreases. Unfortunately, equation (3)
does not permit a derivation of As. However, the EPFE results can be used to obtain a
similar equation.
Furthermore, the same results can check the validity of equation ( 5 ) which was used to
determine the strain range at a point distance x within the plastic zone. Figure 5 shows the
Neuber solution as a function of p. The maximum deviation of the EPFE results from the
Neuber solution is 7%. Figure 4 shows the solution to equation (3), based on Neuber as a
continuous line although As replaces A,,, the data points being derived from EPFE results.
This indicates that the Neuber solution may be used to determine values of As, i.e.
A s = -P( p 2 - l ) .
The results of an elastic-plastic plane strain analysis for a circular hole in a uniaxial
tensile field, due to Bowie et al. [I 13, show that the plastic region ahead of the notch is of a
long narrow strip form. Some data of the present work [9] indicate a similar form.
The Bowie solution, shown in Fig. 4 as cross points, lies significantly below the plane
146 M. M . HAMMOUDAetal.

II ’

0 Circular notch
I .5 Elliptical notch

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Fig. 5. Comparison of the computed concentration factors and the Neuber’s rule.

stress solution. The ratio of the plastic zone sizes is about 2.35. However, the Bowie
analysis assumed a Poisson’s ratio of 0.5 even in the elastic region thus tending to
overestimate the plastic zone size. The actual ratio of plane stress to plane strain plastic
zone sizes for a crack according to elastic analyses is approximately 3 [12].


Just prior to a crack being initiated 4 p= 4sand is given by equation (8). It is worth
noting that 4sis a function of both the plastic zone size and also the strain distribution
within the zone. The distinction between the maximum possible plastic shear displacement
@, and the plastic zone size, As,parameters is important since whilst Miller’s similarity of
As approach [13] is shown to be valid for long cracks in various biaxial stress fields [14] it
is conservative for short cracks 11151. This is best understood by considering two different
notch profiles A and B and a crack, C , loaded such that the plastic zone sizes A, are
identical. If p A > pa > pc then pA< pa < pc, see equation (1 1). Equation (8) predicts a
similar trend and the maximum value of 4, is for the sharp crack. It follows that the use of a
threshold plastic zone size, calculated by LEFM analyses, to predict safe design stress levels
for different notch geometries [ 151 I S generally conservative lor very short cracks.


Two assumptions are that (i) initiation occurs when 4s3 4 t h and (ii) $ t should always
be greater than &,, for propagation to continue; see Fig. 3. Invoking equation (9) the
condition for non-propagation is
4th >4p+4e = 4t.
Since 4, increases with stress level for a particular crack length, the length of a non-
propagating crack I,, increases with A c as experimentally observed by Frost [161. For
4t = g t h , this implies that as ACJincreases the contribution of 4emust increase and therefore
4 p decreases. It follows that the maximum length that an initiated but- non-propagating
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for initiation and propagation of notch fatigue cracks 147

crack, lnPm.l,can attain is not greater than A n . However, for sharp notches one can argue
that lnPm,,equals A n . This condition determines, from a threshold LEFM analysis, the
maximum tensile stress range Aanp a t which a non-propagating crack is possible in a
notched plate. For an edge notched plate

AKI = l.l2Aa,fi

where Aa, is the tensile stress range. Thus

This solution is similar to that given by Smith and Miller [5] who assumed An 6 D.
Both approaches illustrate the size effect, i.e. if small notched specimens, geometrically
similar to larger components, i.e. identical K , values, are tested in the laboratory to obtain
fatigue limits, then dangerously high estimates will be obtained.


Single edge notched specimens were used to determine basic fatigue crack growth data.
The starter notch, 3.0 mm deep with a 006 mm root radius, was in the mid plane of a
specimen 305 mm long, 76 mm wide and 3 mm thick. The sides of specimens were polished
in the zone of crack propagation to facilitate crack detection. Notch depth was controlled
to within & 0.02 mm by a spark erosion machine. All tests were conducted in laboratory air
under sinusoidal loading at 8.25 Hz and a stress ratio R 5 0. Crack growth was measured
by optical observations on both sides, and the front face, of the specimens with circular
notches and in other specimens with edge cracks and elliptical notches by the electrical
potential drop technique [17]. All specimens were prepared from grade 43A mild steel. The
material was similar to that used by Obianyor 1181; the chemical composition was 0.14%
C, 058%Mn, 0.16%Si, 0008%N and Fe remainder. Specimens were stress relieved by
heating to 650°C for 1.5 h followed by air cooling.
Single edge notches of a semi-elliptical form were made in 400 mm long plate, 3 mm
thick by 102 mm wide. Two notch geometries were used to represent shallow and sharp
notches with root radii of 16 mm and 2.25 mm respectively. Both notches were
16 mm 0.02 mm deep with radii controlled to within 0.05 mm.
The threshold value obtained on plain specimens was 5.35 M N m - f with
transformation from raw 1 vs N data via the computerizedcurve fitting technique developed
by Smith [19]. The short fatigue crack growth rates were obtained by direct calculation
from successive pairs of readings. Figure 6 shows the experimental data. For dl/dN greater
than mm/cycle but less than mm/cycle
dl/dN = 2.17 x l o M 9AK3'33
I ' (13)
The experimental data near to the threshold condition, i.e. drdN'Z0A6
mm/cycle is best presented as
dl/dN = 1.66 x (AK, -AKth)0.76. (14)
In both the above equations AKI is in MN m-+ units whilst d//dN is in mm/cycle.
148 M. M. HAMMOUDA ef al.




Fig. 6. Fatigue crack growth behaviour of long cracks in mild steel specimens subjected to elastic bulk stresses
(R 1 0 ) .

Determination of #th

AKthwas determined both from plots such as Fig. 6 and also from endurance limit type
tests which plotted the initial value AKi for a notched plate against the number of cycles to
failure NP At the fatigue limit AKi was assumed to be AKth.Both techniques gave a value of
5.35 MN m-t which is in agreement with the work of Obianyor and Miller [20] on similar
material, stress ratio and laboratory conditions. From equation (10)
4th= 2.78 x mm. (15)
Initiation conditions for notched components
Initiation is assumed to occur when 4s> 4th.When no crack is present 4 p = 4sand so
from equations (8) and (11)

In order to calculate the stress level corresponding to crack initiation conditions for a
particular notch profile and stress ratio (i.e. known p and #th), equation (16) gives the value
of p which is illustrated in Fig. 7. Note Ars for initiation is given by p A c c y / K T .

7he effect of $p

The data now discussed is for the sharp elliptical notch. Crack growth calculations are
facilitated since the crack, after initiation, grows uniformly along a straight front, whilst in
a circular notch the crack invariably starts at a notch corner.
For the sharp notch the fatigue crack propagation rate was derived by examination of
successive data points obtained via the electrical potential drop system. Crack growth rates
initially decreased as crack length increased as predicted by the present theory; see Fig. 3.
However, fatigue crack growth rate was in excess of that predicted by LEFM which is
consistent with experimental observations [21-261. The contribution to crack growth by 4e
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for initiation and propagation of notch fatigue cracks 149

I I I I I 1 1 I I
I 5 10
Fig. 7. Graphical solution for the initiation threshold of notched components.

can be ascertained from LEFM analyses. It is worth noting that the K calibration used
accounted for both the notch profile and the finite width of the plate. The difference in
crack propagation due to the term 4 p can therefore be determined and is presented in
Fig. 8. Two points are of interest (a) as the crack length increases the effect of 4,decreases;
(b) as stress level increases the effect of 4pincreases due to an increase in notch plasticity.
To generalize this effect the experimental results are shown non-dimensionally in Fig. 9. As
predicted by theory, the variation of 4 pis from 4s(when crack length is zero), to zero when
the crack reaches the depth of the plastic zone, A,,. Beyond this length d, has no
significance. Figure 9 thus indicates that the plastic shear deformation at a crack tip can be
used to interpret very small crack growth from notches.


Previous data of experimental fatigue crack growth rates at notches [21] were higher
than those predicted by elastic solutions for short cracks indicating the inability of the
single parameter AK, to adequately predict growth rates for very small cracks. In those
tests the tip of the short cracks lay inside the notch plastic field. Hill and Boutle [22] report
that short cracks when initiated from a notch at high nominal stresses do not grow at rates
predicted on the basis of LEFM. Likewise, Broek [23] h a s noted that LEFM
underestimates the rate of fatigue crack growth from circular holes in aluminium sheet
specimens. Experimental results due to Barnby and Holder [24] showed that fatigue crack
growth was anomalously high for short cracks emanating from notches for six different cast
steels. Jack [25] has reported the same trend in mild steel. Furthermore, it has been shown
experimentally that early stages of fatigue crack growth from sharp notches exhibited an
initial decrease to a minimum value followed by an increase and eventual convergence with
the long crack LEFM trend [26). Similar trends were predicted theoretically by Smith and
Miller [S] based on the argument that initiation and early growth of a crack is controlled
M . M. HAMMOUDAeral.


0 0
A A 0
' A

1 A
* *


0.5 1.0 5 -0
I rnm

Fig. 8. Excess fatigue growth rates above those given by LEFM for short cracks at the root of the elliptical notch.


I 0 I 200 I


0 0.5 I .o
Fig. 9. Experimentally obtained notch plasticity contribution to fatigue crack growth from notches in terms of
plastic shear deformation.
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for initiation and propagation of notch fatigue cracks 151

by the plastic strain field of the notch which diminishes rapidly. The overall growth rate
therefore appears to be the sum of two contributions: notch generated plasticity in the early
stages being superseded by crack tip plasticity. The present work supports previous
experimental and theoretical results.
It should be noted that Liu [27] found the solutions due to Bowie [28] correlated well
fatigue crack growth results for aluminium circular notched plates but only when the
applied stresses were insufficient to induce plasticity.
The present analysis can be viewed as a modification of the analysis due to Smith [21]
to account for notch effects on the growth of short cracks. It is clearly observed that the
notch contribution factor, e , is a function of the stress level as well as the geometry both of
the notch and of the crack. Smith studied fatigue crack growth in aluminium sheets with
central pre-crack elliptical notches having a root radius of 64 mm and a KT value of 2.
Tests were performed at a tensile stress range of about 61 MN/m2 and here it will be
assumed that the cyclic yield stress range of his material and the monotonic 0.2% proof
stress are identical. Despite this assumption and the difference in material in the present
work, a value for e for zero crack length was estimated as 0.22 which compares well with his
experimental data. Furthermore, the estimated extent of An is about 0.540. Again, his
results show clearly that for cracks longer than this estimated A,,, growth rates can be
predicted by LEFM.
Such behaviour of fatigue crack growth from notches is expected to be reflected in
endurance data. The work of Kotani et ul. [29] demonstrated that it was possible for a
sharply notched specimen to have a longer fatigue life than a similar specimen at the same
nominal bulk stress but with a lower K T value. This was probably due to initially
decreasing crack propagation rates in the sharper notches and the development of the
fatigue crack front during the early growth phase. For the case of geometrically similar
notches in wide plates, it is clear that the propagation life increases as the notch size
decreases. In fact, the propagation life can be infinite if an initiated but non-propagating
crack develops.
In an attempt to predict the behaviour of short cracks in plain specimens, El Haddad
et ul. [30] proposed the following expression for the elastic stress intensity factor range of a
crack of length 1
AK, = AaJ71(1+lo). (17)
Here, Ars is the applied nominal stress range and I , is a constant for a given material
having a given threshold stress intensity factor range and a given fatigue limit. However,
the significance of a constant I, in the crack propagation process is not clear. For example,
the variable behaviour of short cracks at notches at stress levels below the plain fatigue
limit from that predicted by LEFM is not explained by equation (17).which implies that
once a crack is initiated it will continue to propagate. Furthermore, 1, cannot be constant
but must depend on the applied stress level Aa.
To correlate fatigue behaviour of notches, El Haddad et al. [26] used an intensity factor
based on total strain range. In equation (17) Aa is replaced by E . A&,where Ae is the total
strain range at the point of the crack tip should the crack not exist. This argument can be
criticized on the grounds that the crack tip must perturb the stress-strain field of the crack
tip. Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see the development of these separate approaches.
The prediction of the present theory (see Fig. 10) that the length of an initiated but non-
propagating crack increases as the applied stress level increases, is consistent with the
M . M. HAMMOUDAetal.

b'ig. 10. Fatigue behaviour of mild steel plates with elliptical notches having D = 1.3 mm and different K , values.

experiment results of Frost [161. However, he argued that this length corresponds to the
distance ahead of the notch tip at which the stress distribution due to the notch decreased
to the fatigue limit of the material. In this respect, it seems unlikely that the present work
disagrees with Frost's argument in so far that this paper assumes that both initiation and
propagation thresholds are equal in value when related to the local plastic deformation.
1. Initiation and propagation are considered to be controlled by the extent of plastic
shear deformation, & , . ' .
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for initiation and propagation of notch fatigue cracks 153

2. The critical value of 4, for both initiation a n d propagation is considered t o be


3. T h e value of $ t in plastically strained material containing a crack is equal t o
$e-b (bp, where $e is the plastic deformation according t o a n LEFM analysis whilst
dP is the plastic deformation d u e t o the notch bulk plasticity.
4. T h e extent of notch bulk plasticity As is a simple function of stress level, cyclic yield
stress a n d notch shape a n d size.
5, When a crack grows from a notch the value of + p may decrease a t a faster rate than
the increase of deresulting in a state 4, < 4 t h . i.e. a non-propagating crack.

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