Amx-30 Main Battle Tank

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Ending the Second World War, France quickly developed three armored vehicles: the
light tank AMX-13, the reconnaissance vehicle armed with a heavy cannon Panhard EBR
8x8 and the heavy tank AMX-50.

This latter was a particularly interesting vehicle, with the hull and the
suspension very alike with the ones of the German tank PzKpfw V Panther, which was
used in small numbers by the French Army

in the immediate years of the postwar. The prototype AMX-50 was fitted with an
oscillating turret, characteristic adopted as well by the AMX-13. The first
prototype had a 90-millimeter cannon, the

second one a 100-millimeter cannon and the third one a 120-millimeter cannon.
During some time it was attempted to start the serial production, but the whole
program was cancelled when large

quantities of the American medium tank M-47 were available, thanks to the MAP
(Military Aid Program) of United States. In 1956, France, Germany and Italy set
their requirements for a new assault

tank that should enter service in the 1960s. France and Germany would project,
individually, a tank around the same specifications. Both models would be then
evaluated and the best one would enter

production in both countries to be used in the three countries involved in the

agreement. But this project, like other military international projects of that
time, was cancelled.[p]
[b]The AMX-30[/span][p]
In the mid 1950s, when failing the plan to develop a 30-ton tank jointly with
Germany, France started a project to make its own tank of similar characteristics,
while Germany focused its efforts in

the Leopard I. The prototype of the AMX-30 was completed in 1960 and in 1966 it
started the serial production in the state-owned "Atelier de Construction" at
Roanne, the only production plant of

large size for tanks existing in France then. In 1967 the new tank entered service,
replacing the American M-47. From the beginning, the new French tank - the first
"universal" tank built in France

- was to be fast and light, according to the offensive doctrine of the French Army
in that time, preferring speed over the high levels of protection granted by a
heavy armor. The result was that

the AMX-30 was vulnerable in comparison with the contemporary American or German
models and specially with the British and Soviet counterparts. So in at least this
factor, the AMX-30 was already

outdated from the moment of its introduction. It had also a non stabilized cannon
and even worse, a very simple fire control system. However, the AMX-30 still was in
service in the last 1990s and

many small countries found it economical, both in acquisition and maintenance,

leading to important sales in the international market. The most important customer
was Saudi Arabia, which ordered

about 300 "desertized" exemplars (AMX-30S), fitted with laser telemeter, skirts to
protect the wheel ensemble from the sand and lower gear ratios. Other customers
were Chile, Greece, Irak, Libya,

Morocco, Peru, Spain and Venezuela. In the early 1980s, it was estimated that about
2500 exemplars had been produced, half of them serving in France.[p]
Still, when the AMX-30 was ready for production it weighed seven tonnes more than
the 30 initially specified. In spite of that, the election of a polyfuel engine HS-
110 Hispano-Suiza developing 700

horsepower made possible to keep the projected maximum speed of 65 kilometers/hour.

The hull was made by casting and welding and the turret was casted in a single
piece. The driver was placed in

the front part to the left and the rest of the crew in the turret, the commander
and the gunner to the right and the loader to the left. Engine and transmission
were placed in the rear part and the

whole ensemble could be disassembled in one hour. The wheel ensemble, moved by the
rear drive sprocket, comprised five road wheels of medium size supported by torsion
bars and five return rollers.

The 105-millimeter cannon was almost mandatory in that time; but France,
considering their restless situation inside the NATO, choose to manufacture its own
cannon of this caliber, the GIAT CN-105

-F1, which was not compatible with the ammunition of the British L7, its American
derivative M68 or the later model Rh-105 by German manufacturer Rheinmetall. In
return, the French model offered a

wider range of ammunition, including an illumination projectile. The cannon had an

elevation arc ranging from +20 to -8 degrees and the movement was servoactuated.[p]
[fs]Front and side view of the amx-30. In the commander's cupola there are not less
than ten periscopes to achieve a full panoramic view. The commander uses one of x10
magnification to aim his

7.62-millimeter machine gun, which can be loaded and fired from inside. The cupola
is counter-rotatory, which allows the commander to keep the machine gun aiming to
the target while the rest of the

turret rotates to aim the main cannon or the coaxial armament. The AMX-30 was
fitted with a GIAT L/56 105-millimeter cannon. This assault tank served with the
Spanish Army from the early 1970s and

it was produced under license in Alcala de Guadaira (Seville) from 1974 - by the
state-owned Santa Barbara de Construcciones Militares -, with the denomination AMX-
30E. The AMX-30 was, with 36

tonnes, the lightest assault tank of its generation, but it was supposed to reunite
notable characteristics of protection, firepower and mobility. However, in the end
the results disappointed.

The main cannon of the AMX-30 could use five types of ammunition: shaped charge,
high explosive, smoke, tracer and practice. The preferred type of anti-tank
ammunition in France was the shaped-

charge projectile (actually until 1981 there was no piercing projectile available
for the GIAT cannon), albeit the GIAT cannon had rifled bore. Shaped-charge
projectiles work better if they do not

rotate in flight; therefore, to neutralize the rotation imposed by the rifled, it

was developed a complex sleeve with a ball-bearing where the explosive charge was
mounted, allowing it to rotate

much slower than the rest of the projectile. Despite of all, the 11-kilogram charge
with a muzzle speed of 1000 meters/second was still able to pierce a 400-millimeter
vertical armor at distances

up to 3000 meters. When finally it was developed a subcalibrated kinetic energy

projectile - of 26 millimeters in diameter and 3.8 kilograms in weight - with a
muzzle speed of 1525 meters/second,

it was able to perforate 150 millimeters of armor with an inclination of 60 degrees

from a distance of 1000 meters. As secondary armament, the original AMX-30 carried
a 12.7-millimeter machine gun

in a coaxial mounting; later this one was replaced by a 20-millimeter cannon M 693
GIAT with double ammunition feeding, which was installed as well in the AMX-40.
This weapon could fire incendiary

ammunition of the types high-explosive shrapnel and piercing; the ammunition belts
of both types were loaded on different place of the mechanism depending on need. To
fight helicopters and other

aerial threats, the secondary gun could be disconnected from the main cannon to
raise it independently up to 45 degrees.[p]
The AMX-30 is able to ford a depth of up to 1.3 meters without any preparation; by
using a schnorkel - placed on the loader's hatch - this depth can reach 4 meters.
The series vehicle was fitted

with infrared optics for night driving and two infrared projectors, one in the
commander's hatch and other on the left of the cannon, and also NBC (Nuclear-
Bacteriological-Chemical) protection. For

exportation, the tank could be delivered without the infrared systems and the NBC
equipment, as well as with a simplified cupola. Along the years, the AMX-30 was
improved with the addition of a

fire control system with integrated laser telemeter and LLTV (Low-Light
Television), the prevision to carry armored skirts and applications of armor in the
turret, and an explosive reactive armor

against shaped-charge projectiles. The chassis of the AMX-30 has been used for the
usual range of supporting vehicles and for mobile launchers for the anti-aircraft
missiles Roland and Shahine, the

surface-to-surface tactical nuclear missile Pluton, the anti-tank missile ACRA and
the system of anti-aircraft rockets Javelot. It also served as vehicle for the
self-propelled 155-millimeter

howitzer GCT and for two 30-millimeter anti-aircraft cannons directed by radar. In
an attempt to make of this tank a serious competitor for the exportation orders
that, logically, would have went

to better armed and protected tanks, it was developed a derivative known as AMX-32,
with improved protection and a GIAT 120-millimeter smoothbore cannon, but it
reached only level of prototype.
With its 43 tonnes, it weighed the same than a much better alternative, the AMX-40,
a totally new model but basically similar, with laminated front armor and a Diesel
engine of 1300 horsepower. But

none of both tanks had actual success, excepting the experience acquired during the
design. The tanks AMX-30B2 (44 in total) entered active service taking part in the
operation Daguet, the French

contribution to the liberation of Kuwait in 1991. Despite the fact that these tanks
never faced anything stronger than the infantry, there was enough criticism about
their general actuation.[p]
[fs]The AMX-30 and its derivatives were projected to operate in temperatures up to
50 Celsius degrees, with the purpose of conquering the exportation market of Middle
Orient. But they never were

produced in large scale. In the image, the AMX-40.[/span][p]

[b]Experimental versions[/span][p]
The AMX-30D is the armored recovery vehicle, with a crew of four (commander, driver
and two mechanics). The equipment includes a bulldozer blade in the front and a
crane capable of lifting 15

tonnes, both hydraulically operated, and two windlasses, one capable of towing 35
tonnes and the other 4 tonnes. The armament consists of one 7.62-millimeter machine
gun mounted in the command

cupola and several smoke launchers. The bridgelayer version allows to cross ditches
of up to 20 meters with a scissor-type bridge. The crew is only three: commander,
driver and bridge operator.

Another vehicle allows to launch the tactical nuclear missile Pluton; this one is
raised for being launched and its maximum range is 100 kilometers. This missile
replaced in the French Army the

American missile Honest John, of inferior prestations. The anti-aircraft version

armed with two 30-millimeter cannons and fitted with all-weather fire control was
specially produced for Saudi

Arabia; in the French Army the chassis of the AMX-13 was used instead for this
purpose. Saudi Arabia ordered as well the version Shahine, a development from the
Crotale system, in use in the French

Army and in other countries, mounted in a wheeled vehicle. The Shahine uses the
chassis of the AMX-30 and it is armed with six missiles ready to be launched and
fitted with a launching radar.

Another vehicle using the same chassis, fitted with exploration and tracking
radars, completes the system. The French Army used the chassis of the AMX-30 to
transport the system of anti-aircraft

missiles Roland. This version carries two missiles ready to be launched and another
eight missiles in reserve. Two variants existed: Roland I, not able to operate with
bad weather, and Roland II,
with all-weather capability. The Roland, designed jointly with Germany, was
acquired by Brazil, Norway and United States. Brazil and Germany, however, used the
chassis of the infantry combat

vehicle Marder. United States built the system under license to be installed in the
chassis of the howitzer M-109.[p]
[fs]Armored recovery vehicle AMX-30D carrying a tank engine.[/span][p]
[fs]AMX-30S 401A armed with two 30-millimeter cannons.[/span][p]
[b]The AMX-30E[/span][p]
In the mid 1960s the Spanish Army started studies for acquiring a new model of
assault tank to complement or replace the American models M-47 and M-48. Initial
preferences favored the German model

Leopard, but political problems arose because the cannon that this tank used was
the British Vickers L7 and the Laborist Government of London was opposed to the
sale of military material to the

regime of General Franco. Since every other western medium tank of that time used a
British cannon, the only remaining option was the AMX-30, whose prestations were
not so different to the ones of

the Leopard. In the early 1970s 19 exemplars painted in sand color were bought to
be assigned to the Spanish Legion in the Western Sahara. In that inhospitable place
the AMX-30 suffered numerous

breakdowns, but this was attributed to the rigorous climate and the inexperience of
the crews in the manipulation of such modern tanks. So this was not obstacle to
negotiate the production under

license of the AMX-30, and for such a new production plant was installed in Alcala
de Guadaira, a suburb of Seville. The factory delivered the first exemplars in
October 1974 and in the early 1983

about 300 units had been built. Actually, dozens of manufacturers accross the
country participated in the construction of the AMX-30E, whereas in Seville it was
made the final assembly.[p]
The AMX-30E introduced a number of improvements over the original model, but both
were practically the same tank. For the driver, in addition to the infrared
standard equipment, it was installed a

moonlight intensifier with a range of 50 meters. The cannon GIAT CN-105-F1 was
semiautomatic, with an effective anti-tank range of 3000 meters, and able to hit a
target without requiring to rectify

the angle of fire up to a distance of 1400 meters. The tube of the cannon was
fitted with a thermal shirt and there was a device for gas evacuation and
ventilation by means of compressed air, to

assure the evacuation of the gases on the bore through the muzzle. Maximum rate of
fire was eight shots per minute and with high-explosive shrapnel projectiles the
maximum range was 20000 meters

(the effective range was estimated in three four parts of the maximum range). The
AMX-30E used four types of ammunition: anti-tank, of non-rotary shaped charge, fin-
stabilized with a muzzle speed

of 1000 meters/second and weighing 10.95 kilograms, able to perforate 360

millimeters of vertical armor or 165 millimeters if the angle is 65 degrees, at a
distance of 3000 meters; antipersonal,

high-explosive shrapnel projectile weighing 12.1 kilograms and with a muzzle speed
of 700 meters/second; smoke projectile, weighing 12.8 kilograms and with a muzzle
speed of 695 meters/second; and

tracer projectile, weighing 10.95 kilograms and with a muzzle speed of 1000
meters/second. Next to the main cannon was installed a Browning M2 12.7-millimeter
machine gun, whose effective range is

1200 meters. In the cupola was installed one MG 42 machine gun, German model
produced in Spain under license. The vehicle transported 50 projectiles of caliber
105 millimeters, 748 of 12.7

millimeters and 2050 of 7.62 millimeters.[p]

The fire control systems of the AMX-30E comprised: a coincidence rangefinder with
x12 magnification and range of 3500 meters operated by the commander, usable with
any of the three guns; the gunner

operated an articulated monocular aiming telescope, with x6 magnification and a

field of vision of 165 thousandths of degree; an infrared equipment with x5
magnification and range of 800 meters for

nocturnal observation and aiming; and an infrared searchlight coaxial with the main
cannon able to spot a vehicle beyond 1000 meters afar. The command cupola could
rotate independently of the

rotation of the turret. The engine Hispano Suiza HS-110 was of polyfuel type,
indistinctly fed with gasoline, gasoil or kerosene. Operative range - between 400
and 600 kilometers - varied according

to the type of fuel used and the engine could remain in continuous operation during
18 hours. Its maximum power was 720 horsepower at 2600 revolutions/minute and the
engine displacement was 28.728

liters. Fuel tanks had a maximum capacity of 962 liters and consumption was about
50 or 60 liters per hour. Maximum speed on road was 65 kilometers/hour and on
cross-country 35 kilometers/hour.

Average speed in road was 50 kilometers/hour. The AMX-30E could ford a depth of 1.3
meters without any preparation, 2.3 meters with a light preparation and up to 4.5
meters with a snorkel to

deliver air to the engine. In such case a diver was required to guide the vehicle.
The process to manufacture and assemble one of these tanks required about 8000
hours of work.[p]
[b]The AMX-32[/span][p]
The AMX-32 was projected particularly for exportation to those countries which
required a vehicle with greater firepower and better armor than the amx-30. The
first prototype, armed with the same

105-millimeter cannon than the AMX-30, was presented in the exposition of military
material of Satory in 1979; but two years later was presented the version with a
120-millimeter smoothbore cannon

of national production and improved armor. Other than that, the configuration was
similar than in the amx-30. The cannon was provided with a thermal shirt fitted
with holes in its lower part to
exhaust the smoke produced by the shots. This cannon used two types of ammunition:
APFSDS with a muzzle speed of 1630 meters/second and a polyvalent projectile with a
muzzle speed of 1050

meters/second. Besides, it could use as well the ammunition provided for the
Leopard 2. Coaxially to the cannon was mounted a 20-millimeter cannon M693 which
could move in elevation, with

independence of the main cannon, up to 40 degrees. Onboard the tank were stored 38
projectiles for the 120-millimeter cannon (17 in the turret and 21 in the hull) and
480 projectiles for the 20-

millimeter cannon. In the command cupola was mounted a 7.62-millimeter machine gun
and in the fore part of the turret a battery of two smoke tubes on each side.[p]
One of the most important differences between the AMX-30 and the AMX-32 is the fire
control system COTAC which equipped the latter. This system would allow the AMX-32
to attack static or moving

targets, during daytime or nighttime, with a 90 percent of chances of hitting at

the first shot. To the left of the 20-millimeter cannon was mounted a low-light
camera which transmitted images to

the commander's and gunner's television displays. The commander had at his
disposition an aiming device installed in the top of the turret, fully stabilized
and with magnification from x2 to x8 in

daytime configuration and x1 in nighttime. This device could be used either for
localization or watching of a target. The gunner's gunsight had x10 magnification
and incorporated a laser

rangefinder. The engine was the same Hispano Suiza of 720 horsepower used in the
AMX-30, but the AMX-32 could receive as well a supercharged model developing 800
horsepower. However the greater

weight of the AMX-32 decreased the power/weight ratio to 17.5 horsepower/tonne. The
suspension was a modified version of that used in the AMX-30 and side skirts were
added as protection against

HEAT grenades of shaped charge. The turret of the AMX-32 had been projected "ex
novo" and the armor in the fore part of the hull had been improved. The AMX-32 was
fitted with an NBC system and a

snorkel which would allow to ford depths of up to four meters. As "optional"

elements there were a different transmission, systems for fire extinction and air
conditioning, tracks and a device for

injecting Diesel fuel in the exhaust, which would produce a cloud of smoke.[p]
[fs][1] Telecamera DIVT 13 [2] Elevation sensor [3] Gunner's telescope M581 [4]
Gunner's panel [5] Gunner's television display [6] Box of the gyroscopic
accelerometer of the cannon [7] Commander's

television display [8] Commander's panel [9] Box of the gyroscopic accelerometer of
the turret [10] Cupola [11] Commander's telescope M527 [12] Radio devices [13] NBC
panels [14] Flow valve [15]

Ammunition compartment [16] Radiator for engine cooling [17] Oil cooler (gearbox
cooling) [18] Box of hydraulic system [19] Filter for air intake [20] Air purifier
[21] Loader's seat [22]

Commander's seat [23] Gyroscopic box [24] Gunner's seat [25] Box of electronic
systems [26] Driver's seat [27] Reversing control [28] Steering wheel [29] Gearbox
[30] 20-millimeter cannon with

superelevation device [31] 105-millimeter cannon [32] Caterpillar tracks with

rubber pads.[/span][p]
[b]Specifications for AMX-30[/span][p]
Crew: 4[p]
Armament: One 105-millimeter 56-caliber cannon; one coaxial 12.7-millimeter machine
gun or 20-millimeter cannon; one 7.62-millimeter machine gun in the commander's
cupola; two smoke launchers on

each side of the turret[p]

Ammunitions: 50 for 105-millimeter cannon; 600 for 12.7-millimeter machine gun;
1600 for 7.62-millimeter machine gun[p]
Armor: 15-80 millimeters[p]
Lenght (total): 9.48 meters[p]
Lenght (hull): 6.59 meters[p]
Width: 3.10 meters[p]
Height: 2.85 meters[p]
Weight: 36 tonnes[p]
Ground pressure: 0.77 kilograms/square centimeter[p]
Ground clearance: 44 centimeters[p]
Engine: Hispano Suiza 110 polyfuel of 12 cylinders, water-cooled, developing 700
horsepower at 2400 revolutions per minute[p]
Power/weight ratio: 19.5 horsepower/tonne[p]
Maximum speed (in road): 65 kilometers/hour[p]
Maximum operational range (in road): 650 kilometers[p]
Maximum surmountable trench: 2.9 meters[p]
Maximum surmountable step: 0.93 meters[p]
Maximum surmountable slope: 60 percent[p]
Maximum fording: 1.3 meters[p]
[b]Specifications for AMX-32[/span][p]
Crew: 4[p]
Armament: One 120-millimeter 52-caliber cannon; one coaxial 20-millimeter cannon;
one 7.62-millimeter machine gun in the commander's cupola; two smoke launchers on
each side of the turret[p]
Ammunitions: 38 for 120-millimeter cannon; 480 for 12.7-millimeter machine gun[p]
Armor: Of composite type[p]
Lenght (total): 9.85 meters[p]
Lenght (hull): 6.59 meters[p]
Width: 3.24 meters[p]
Height: 2.96 meters[p]
Weight: 40 tonnes[p]
Engine: Hispano Suiza 110 polyfuel of 12 cylinders, water-cooled, developing 700
horsepower at 2400 revolutions per minute[p]
Power/weight ratio: 17.5 horsepower/tonne[p]
Maximum speed (in road): 65 kilometers/hour[p]
Maximum operational range (in road): 530 kilometers[p]
Maximum surmountable trench: 2.9 meters[p]
Maximum surmountable step: 0.93 meters[p]
Maximum surmountable slope: 60 percent[p]
Maximum fording: 1.3 meters[p]
[b]Specifications for AMX-40[/span][p]
Crew: 4[p]
Armament: One 120-millimeter smoothbore cannon; one 20 millimeters coaxial cannon;
one 7.62-millimeter machine gun in the commander's cupola; three smoke launchers on
each side of the turret[p]
Armor: Laminated[p]
Lenght (with the cannon aiming forward): 10.10 meters[p]
Width: 3.36 meters[p]
Height (including command cupola): 2.38 meters[p]
Weight: 43.7 tonnes[p]
Ground pressure: 0.85 kilograms/square centimeter[p]
Ground clearance: 45 centimeters[p]
Engine: Diesel of 1100 horsepower[p]
Power/weight ratio: 25.2 horsepower/tonne[p]
Maximum speed (in road): 70 kilometers/hour[p]
Maximum operational range (in road): 600 kilometers[p]
Maximum surmountable trench: 3.2 meters[p]
Maximum surmountable step: 1 meter[p]
Maximum surmountable slope: 60 percent[p]
Maximum fording: 1.3 meters[p]

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