SBC Report

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Client: Gujarat Water Supply Sewerage Board (GWSSB), Surat

PMC: - Mars Planning & Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad

Contractor: - NCC Infraspace Pvt. Ltd.

EPC: -.

Project: Geotechnical Investigation for Cluster 3 Under Project No. Riv.:

Tapi shuddhikaran project, Vill: Vaghecha, Dist: Surat, 2021129 1
This document is the property of Unique Engineering Testing & Advisory Services and must not be passed on to any person or body not
authorised by us to receive it nor be copied or otherwise made use of either in full in part by such person or body without our prior
permission in writing.

0 22.01.2021 - KB NHD

1 04.03.2022 Bearing capacity at depth 1.0 m and 1.5 m

Rev. Issue Date Details Prepared Approved

by by

Prepared Approved

Sr. No. Description Page No.

- Abstract & Disclaimer -
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Project Description 1
2.0 Scope of Work 1
2.1 Field Test Performed 1
2.2 Laboratory Test Performed 2
2.3 Drilling 2
2.4 Standard Penetration Test 2
2.5 Disturbed & Undisturbed Samples 3
2.6 Laboratory Tests 3
2.6.1 Physical Properties 4
2.6.2 Shear Properties 4
3.0 Foundation Recommendation 5
- IS Soil Classification 11


 Field & Laboratory Test Results

 Summary of Geotechnical Exploration

In the following pages, is presented the report with analysis, prepared from the thorough
study of geotechnical investigation results.

The detailed scope of work was decided after the discussion with client. Location of borehole
is suggested by client.

A complete geotechnical investigation work was undertaken to obtain the required subsurface
information to study and define the nature and behavior of soil. Such information was
obtained through following steps:

 By making test bores and other field tests.

 By observing ground water table in boreholes
 By performing required in-situ tests
 By testing the soil in laboratory to classify it and to determine the engineering
properties of soil.


We have employed accepted geotechnical engineering procedures and our opinions and
conclusions are made in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices of these
professions. The contents of this report are valid as of the date of preparation. However,
changes in the condition of the site can occur over time as a result or either natural processes
or human activity. In addition, advancements in the practice of geotechnical engineering,
engineering and changes in applicable practice codes may affect the validity of this report.
Consequently, this report should not be relied upon after an eclipsed period of six months
without a review by this firm for verification of validity. Our investigation did not include the
evaluation or assessment of any potential environmental hazards or groundwater
contamination that may be present.

M/s NCC Infraspace Pvt. Ltd. appointed M/s Unique Engineering Testing & Advisory
Services as Geotechnical Investigating Agency for above mentioned Project.


The proposed site is located Village: Vaghecha, Dist: Surat, Gujarat. Soil Investigation is
executed for cluster 3 under Tapi Suddhikaran Project.


The principal objective of the exploration work was to determine the soil profile and to
provide foundation recommendation.
The entire field testing was carried out as per relevant IS codes and/or as per the
instructions of the representatives of the clients. The samples collected from various test
locations, were sealed, labelled and transported to our laboratory at Udhna, Surat. The
required laboratory tests were conducted as per relevant IS codes.
This report has been prepared after careful study of the field and laboratory test


 Drilling 1 nos. of 150 mm dia. bore hole with casing whenever required up to
maximum depth of 10.0 m from ground level or hard strata.
 Carry out Standard penetration Test (SPT) at every 1.0 m interval alternate to
undisturbed sampling or continuous SPT at 1.0 m depending on cohesive & non-
cohesive formation.
 Collecting disturbed soil sample at every meter interval or as per the stratification
of soil and recording depth at which soil changes.
 Collecting undisturbed samples (UDS) at 1.0 m interval alternate to S P Test or
continuous UD Sample at 1.0 m interval if subsoil is cohesive.
 Observation of ground water table using drilled holes.

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 Natural moisture content.
 Field Density, Moisture content and Dry Density of undisturbed samples.
 Grain size Analysis of SPT samples, UD samples and disturbed samples covering
each soil strata.
 Atterburg’s Limit for samples as per above.
 Specific gravity Test for Undisturbed samples.
 Diff. Free Swell Index Test
 Test for shear properties of selected samples.
a) Unconfined compressive Strength on saturated cohesive soils.
b) Triaxial Shear Test/Direct Shear Test (As per soil condition) under UU
condition without Pore pressure measurement as per in situ conditions.
Normally Soft cohesive saturated samples will be consolidated at average
Overburden pressure.


Drilling of 150 mm  borehole is carried out by manual shell & auger boring
method/mechanical rotary drilling machine. Care is taken before conducting S P Test or
Collecting U D Samples that the bore is cleaned properly.
Casing is required to be lowered if the boreholes do not retain its shape. Care is taken
that ground water level is maintained during the drilling and particularly before testing or
sampling levels. In no case casing was allowed to advance below the bottom of borehole.


The Standard Penetration Tests are carried out as per I. S. 2131: 1981. In general, the
tests are conducted at 1.0 m interval alternate to the undisturbed sampling or as dictated by
existing soil strata.
Before testing, the borehole is cleaned properly, and Split Spoon Sampler is centrally
seated in borehole. In case of SPT to be conducted below water table care is taken that

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casing position is above the borehole depth. The water level in borehole is maintained above
or at least at the water table.
A standard hammer (Donut type) of 63.5 kg is dropped from a height of 75 cm. and
the no. of blows for penetration of Split Spoon Sampler for 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cms are
noted. Standard Penetration Test Value Ns is considered for 15-45 cms penetration values.
Sample for moisture content is collected in moisture cans. For non-plastic silts and fine Sands
Ns value is corrected for effective overburden pressure and dilatancy Correction is added for
tests conducted below water table.


Disturbed samples from shell or from Split Spoon Sampler is collected in polythene
bags with proper labels.
Undisturbed samples in 70 mm  Shelby tubes are collected alternate to Standard
Penetration Test at 1.5 m. interval. The sampling tube is connected to the rod adopter with
ball check valve. Before lowering the sampler, the bore is cleaned properly, and sampling
tube is lightly oiled from inner and outer side.
Sampling tube is pushed into the borehole by pressure hammering as per the soil
stiffness. The sampling tube is immediately waxed after covering with aluminum foil.
In case of medium to coarse, non-cohesive, sand samples, where sampling is
unsuccessful, Standard Penetration Test is carried out on cleaning the borehole.


Disturbed, undisturbed and S P Test samples from the filed are brought to the
laboratory with care and are grouped according to observations in the fields. On completion
of shear, compressibility, permeability etc. tests on U D samples, these samples are placed in
oven along with the S P Test samples and disturbed samples. Samples are selected such that
each soil strata is adequately represented by the physical properties. The representative
samples are dried in oven for 24 hours at 110  5 C.

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The moisture cans collected from S P T samples from the field are weighed and
placed in oven for drying to determine natural moisture content (NMC).
U D samples are extracted using extractor and samples are prepared as per the
required sizes of the test to be performed. Before extracting from tube, weight and volume of
sample are noted. Average bulk density is calculated in laboratory and samples are placed in
oven to get the field moisture content for computing the dry density.
Specific gravity with specific gravity bottle / pycknometer is calculated as per I. S.
2720 (part – 3, section 1&2): 1980. From the results of dry density and specific gravity the
saturation of sample in % is calculated which is a useful data for deciding the condition of
triaxial shear test
Grain size analysis is made by I. S. sieves. I.S sieves commonly used are 4.75 mm,
2.00 mm, 1.00 mm 425 microns, 250 microns and 75 microns. For the coarse grain soil a
graph of partial size v/s cumulative % finer is plotted. For fine grain soil wet analysis is made
and material fine than 75 micron is found out by hydrometer test. Mechanical digital single
pan balance of 1 kg capacity with 0.1 gram least count is used.
Liquid limits and Plastic limits tests are carried out with distilled water as per I. S.
2720 (part – 5): 1985. The samples are tested at a minimum of 24 hours after the addition of
water. For liquid limit test cone penetration method is adopted but occasionally value is
checked on Casagrande standard.
For the foundation soil sample showing high plasticity are checked for swelling and
shrinkage. Firstly for rough estimate, free swell test as per I. S. 2720 (part – 40): 1977 is
being carried out and getting positive indication of swelling. Shrinkage limit test is carried
out as per I. S. 2720 (part – 6): 1972.


Shear tests are carried out by three methods.

1) Unconfined compressive strength as per I. S. 2720 (part – 10): 1973 for the saturated
plastic soil undisturbed samples and cores of SPT samples.

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2) Triaxial shear test is carried out on sample size of 38 mm  and 76 mm in height on
motorized 30-speed load frame with digital display arrangements for load and pore-
pressure. The confining pressure 3 is applied to the cell by oil-water constant
pressure system. The test is carried out for Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) test
without pore-pressure measurement as per I.S. 2720 (part – 11): 1971.
The graph for triaxial shear test is plotted by modified method where X-axis
represents ½(and Y-axis represents ½(


1. Standing water or groundwater was not encountered at any depth during the
subsurface exploratory boreholes in January 2021. It should be noted that
groundwater levels might change and can vary with seasonal rainfall patterns, long-
term climate fluctuations and with the influence of local site conditions.
2. Soil strata are as described in “Summary of Geotechnical Exploration” of this report.
Predominantly soil strata up to 4.50 m are of yellow very stiff plastic silty clay strata
followed by yellow very hard plastic clayey sand strata.
3. Shallow foundation is proposed at 2.5 m or below on yellow very stiff plastic silty
clay strata. However, Allowable bearing capacity calculation are given for
foundation Depth above 2.5 m as per the request of the contractor.
4. IS 3764-1992 shall be followed as a Safety Code for excavation work.


Design Data :

Foundation Type : Strip Footing

Width of Footing : 2.00 m to 4.00 m, (increment = 0.50 m)
Depth of Footing : 2.50 m to 3.00 m, (increment = 0.50 m)
Failure Mode : General Shear Failure
Shape and Depth Factors : To be considered
Load inclination : 0.00 Deg
Water Table : 2.50 m (Assumed)
Factor of Safety : 3.00
Permissible Settlement : 75.00 mm

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Soil From To C Ø N'' b mv E
Strata (m) (m) (Kg/cm²) (deg) (g/cc) (cm²/Kg) (Kg/cm²)
CI 0.00 4.50 0.84 - - 1.75 1.25e-02 80.00
SC 4.50 5.50 0.70 12.0 - 1.90 8.30e-03 120.00

Calculations :, Water Table at a depth of 2.5 m

For General Shear Failure, Ultimate Bearing Capacity is given by

qd = c Nc sc dc ic + q (Nq - 1) sq dq iq + ½ B  N s d i W'
Nc, Nq, N are Bearing Capacity Factors from Table-1 [IS:6403-1981],
sc , sq , s are Shape Factors,
dc , dq , d are Depth Factors,
ic , iq , i are Inclination Factors,
c = Cohesion in Kgf/cm2,
q = Effective surcharge at base of Fdn in Kgf/cm²,
B = Width of Fdn in cms,
 = Bulk unit weight of foundation soil in Kgf/cm³,
W' = Correction factor for location of water table (at a depth of 250 cms)

Safe Bearing Capacity (Considering a Factor of Safety of 3), is given by :

qsafe = qd / 3

Immediate Settlement in Cohesive Layer from 0 to 4.5 m (Si)

= p B (1 - µ²) I / E
p = Foundation Pressure in Kg/cm²
B = Width of footing in cm
µ = Pisson's ratio = 0.5 for clay
I = Influence factor depending on L/B and Ht/B is obtained from Fig 11 [IS
8009 (Part 1)]
E = Young's Modulus of elasticity = 80 Kg/cm²

Settlement in Pre-Compressed Cohesive Layer from 0 to 4.5 m (S1)

= p × mv × H
p = Pressure increment in kg/cm² at a depth 1 m below Foundation [obtained
from B-1.3 and Fig 17, IS 8009 Part 1]
= p x IB x number of Influence Areas
mv = Coefficient of volume compressibility = 0.0125 cm²/kg
H = Thickness of compressible stratum from foundation level
Immediate Settlement in Cohesive Layer from 4.5 to 5.5 m (Si)

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= p B (1 - µ²) I / E
p = Foundation Pressure in Kg/cm²
B = Width of footing in cm
µ = Pisson's ratio = 0.5 for clay
I = Influence factor depending on L/B and Ht/B is obtained from Fig 11 [IS
8009 (Part 1)]
E = Young's Modulus of elasticity = 120 Kg/cm²

Settlement in Pre-Compressed Cohesive Layer from 4.5 to 5.5 m (S2)

= p × mv × H
p = Pressure increment in kg/cm² at a depth 2.5 m below Foundation
[obtained from B-1.3 and Fig 17, IS 8009 Part 1]
= p x IB x number of Influence Areas
mv = Coefficient of volume compressibility = 0.0083 cm²/kg
H = Thickness of compressible stratum from foundation level

Total Settlement
Sf = Si + S1+ Si + S2

Applying Correction for Effect of Depth of Foundation

Sfd = Sf × Depth Factor
Depth Factor = 0.92 (from Fox's Correction Curves for (L B) / D = 0 and L
/B = 0)

Results of Bearing Capacity for Continuous strip footing

Sl Width Depth qsafe Settlement Remarks

No (m) (m) T/m² (mm)
1 2.00 2.50 18.0 46.8 -
2 2.00 3.00 18.7 41.7 -
3 2.50 2.50 17.3 49.4 -
4 2.50 3.00 17.9 42.9 -
5 3.00 2.50 16.8 51.0 -
6 3.00 3.00 17.3 43.9 -
7 3.50 2.50 16.5 51.9 -
8 3.50 3.00 16.9 44.2 -
9 4.00 2.50 16.2 52.8 -
10 4.00 3.00 16.6 44.5 -

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Results of Bearing Capacity for Square Footing

Sl Width Depth qsafe Settlement Remarks

No (m) (m) T/m² (mm)
1 1.00 1.50 18.0 10.6 -
2 1.00 2.00 19.3 10.8 -
3 1.50 1.50 16.6 16.4 -
4 1.50 2.00 17.5 16.0 -
5 2.00 1.50 15.9 22.5 -
6 2.00 2.00 16.6 21.8 -
7 2.50 1.50 15.5 29.0 -
8 2.50 2.00 16.0 27.9 -

 For Depth 1.0 m and 1.5 m –


Design Data :
Foundation Type : Square Footing
Width of Footing : 1.00 m to 2.50 m, (increment = 0.50 m)
Depth of Footing : 1.00 m to 1.50 m, (increment = 0.50 m)
Failure Mode : General Shear Failure
Shape and Depth Factors : To be considered
Load inclination : 0.00 Deg
Water Table : 1.00 m
Factor of Safety : 3.00
Permissible Settlement : 75.00 mm

Soil From To C Ø b mv E
Strata (m) (m) (Kg/cm²) (deg) (g/cc) (cm²/Kg) (Kg/cm²)
CI 0.00 5.00 0.65 - 1.75 1.00e-02 -

Calculations :, Water Table at a depth of 1 m

For General Shear Failure, Ultimate Bearing Capacity is given by

qd = c Nc sc dc ic + q (Nq - 1) sq dq iq + ½ B  N s d i W'
Nc, Nq, N are Bearing Capacity Factors from Table-1 [IS:6403-1981],
sc , sq , s are Shape Factors,
dc , dq , d are Depth Factors,
ic , iq , i are Inclination Factors,
c = Cohesion in Kgf/cm2,
Project No.: 2021129 Page 8 of 10
q = Effective surcharge at base of Fdn in Kgf/cm²,
B = Width of Fdn in cms,
 = Bulk unit weight of foundation soil in Kgf/cm³,
W' = Correction factor for location of water table (at a depth of 100 cms)

Safe Bearing Capacity (Considering a Factor of Safety of 3), is given by :

qsafe = qd / 3

Settlement in Pre-Compressed Cohesive Layer from 0 to 5 m (S1)

= p × mv × H
p = Pressure increment in kg/cm² at a depth 0.75 m below Foundation
[obtained from B-1.3 and Fig 17, IS 8009 Part 1]
= p x IB x number of Influence Areas
mv = Coefficient of volume compressibility = 0.01 cm²/kg
H = Thickness of compressible stratum from foundation level

Total Settlement
S f = S1

Applying Correction for Effect of Depth of Foundation

Sfd = Sf × Depth Factor
Depth Factor = 0.72 (from Fox's Correction Curves for (L B) / D = 1 and L
/B = 1)

Results of Bearing Capacity

Sl Width Depth qsafe Settlement Remarks

No (m) (m) T/m² (mm) -
1 1.00 1.00 17.4 9.2 -
2 1.00 1.50 18.8 8.9 -
3 1.50 1.00 16.4 14.3 -
4 1.50 1.50 17.4 13.7 -
5 2.00 1.00 15.9 19.6 -
6 2.00 1.50 16.7 18.8 -
7 2.50 1.00 15.6 25.0 -
8 2.50 1.50 16.2 24.2 -

For Unique Engineering Testing

& Advisory Services

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GW: Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixture or no fines.

GP: Poorly graded gravels or gravel sand mixture, little or no fines.
GM: Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures.
GC: Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay mixtures.
SW: Well-graded sands, gravely sands; little or no fines.
SP: Poorly graded sands or gravely sands, little or no fines.
SM: Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures.
SC: Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures.
ML: Inorganic silt and very fine sands rock flour; silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts
with non-to low plasticity.
CL: Inorganic clays, gravely clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays of low plasticity.
OL: organic silts and organic silty clay of low plasticity.
MI: Inorganic silts, silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts of medium plasticity.
CI: Inorganic clays, gravely clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays of medium plasticity.
OI: Organic silts and organic silty clays of medium plasticity.
MH: Inorganic silt of highly compressibility, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty
soils, elastic silts.
CH: Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays.
OH: Organic Clays of medium to high plasticity.
Pt: Peat and other highly organic soil with very high compressibility.

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Project No. 2021129 Bore Hole No. 1

: :
Depth No. of Blows for Penetration Ns (Blows Nc(Corrected N. M. C.
in mts. 0 - 150 mm 150 - 300 mm 300 - 450 mm /300 mm) value of Ns) (in %)

1.00 05 07 10 17 17 12.21

2.00 15.08

3.00 08 10 14 24 24 17.92

4.00 18.04

5.00 17 28 50/125 78/275 78/275 16.41


Project No. : 2021129 Bore Hole No. : 1

Depth Gravel in % Sand in % Silt in %
Soil Strata +
Sample Type (>4.75 mm) (4.75 - 2 mm) (2mm - 425µ) (425 - 75 µ) Clay in %
0.00 to 4.50 0.00 /D 8 3 4 19 66

0.00 to 4.50 1.00 /S 6 5 6 21 62

0.00 to 4.50 2.00 /U 5 9 15 16 55

0.00 to 4.50 3.00 /S 2 5 10 28 55

0.00 to 4.50 4.00 /U 3 7 10 24 56

4.50 to 5.50 5.00 /S 12 16 24 18 30


Project No. : 2021129 Bore Hole No. : 1

Depth Type of Sample
Qu (Kg/cm²) Cu (Kg/cm²)
Sample (mts.) (UD/Rm)

4.00 UD(Undisturbed) 2.17


Project No. : 2021129 Bore Hole No. : 1

Depth Sample Type Normal Stress Cell Pressure Pore Pressure Shear Values from Graph
Sample (UD/Rm) at Failure (Kg/cm²) (Kg/cm²) Cuu (Kg/cm²) Øuu (Kg/cm²)

2.00 Undisturbed 2.94 0.50 0.00 0.84 12.37

Undisturbed 3.50 1.00 0.00

Undisturbed 5.20 2.00 0.00


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total Normal Stress
Project No. :2021129 Project : VILL; VAGHECHA
Bore Hole No. :1 Bore Hole Started on :05-01-21 Completed on : 05-01-21 Depth of Water Table : Below Termination Level
Method of Drilling :SHELL & AUGER Diameter of Bore Hole : 150 mm R. L. of Ground Level : Location of Bore Hole :
Field Test Ns Rock Natural Density Spe- Particle Size Atterberg Shri- Free Shear Properties
Depth I. S. /Samples No. of Properties Moist. (in gms/cc) Additional
cific Analysis Limits nkge swell Test C Ø
in Classi- Visual Soil Description Tests or
SPT UDS Blows per C.R. RQD Content Gra- Gr. Sn Silt+ LL PL PI Lim. Indx Type (Kg/ in
metres fication VST DS 300 mm % % % Bulk Dry vity % % Clay % % % % % cm²) Deg. Remarks
00.00 YELLOW VERY STIFF PLASTIC SILTY DS 8 26 66 41 24 17 19

01.00 SPT DS 17 12.21 6 32 62 37 23 14 9

02.00 UDS 15.08 1.75 1.52 2.87 5 40 55 40 25 15 5 Tuu 0.84 12.4°


03.00 SPT DS 24 17.92 2 43 55 36 24 12

04.00 UDS 18.04 1.81 1.53 2.91 3 41 56 38 24 14 UCC


05.00 SC SPT DS 78/275 16.41 12 58 30 40 24 16

SPT - Standard Penetration Test DS - Disturbed Sample Gr - Gravel LL - Liquid Limit PI - Plasticity Index Cv - Coeff. of Consolidation C.R. - Core Recovery
UDS - Undisturbed Sample VST - Vane Shear Test Sn - Sand PL - Plastic Limit C, Ø - Shear Parameters Mv - Coeff. of Volume Change RQD - Rock Quality Designation


216,Road No. 6-F,New Estate, Udhna,Surat-394210, Gujarat, India

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