Jachera Letter Anouncing Mayoral Candidacy
Jachera Letter Anouncing Mayoral Candidacy
Jachera Letter Anouncing Mayoral Candidacy
I am pleased to announce my candidacy as Mayor of Princeton Borough and seek your support in
ensuring that Princeton has a bright future.
Recently, a number of people have asked me to run for Mayor as a result of growing
dissatisfaction with the current choice of candidates. After exploratory discussions with many
residents and businesses, I have discovered that our community has a genuine hunger for
thoughtful, fair, and pro-active leadership. They want new solutions and someone who shares
their desire to preserve the quality of life in this special place we call Princeton.
My husband, Fernando Guerrero, and I have lived in Princeton for over 16 years, during which
time I have cared deeply about this community. I am concerned about our future as Princeton
faces a number of challenges including high property taxes, a dysfunctional "town-gown"
relationship, and a possible consolidation. With so much at stake, we need a fresh perspective.
In order to become a candidate listed in the Republican column on the November General
Election ballot, I need you to "write-in" my name in the Primary Election on Tuesday, June
7th. Let's send a loud message that Princeton deserves a better choice. You can help me by
following the simple instructions below:
Thank you for your consideration and your support at the polls. I look forward to SERVING YOU
as your new Mayor.
Warm regards,
Jill Jachera