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Fo,- I O42-S Foreig;n person,s U.S.

B?sfl:itrJ"",l#""1f f,y" ;T;",, di"##r*::I:"::::T: ::"y:::*:1,,:: 2@2t

OMB No- 1545_()096

indicator. Ente;;AE;E; E AMENDED AMENDMENT NO. B

for Reci-pient
13f ch.3-ai;;;;;;;=
3b Ta rate OO.oO 4bTa 'l3g Ch.4
rate * st;tG;;;;

7a Federat til -itnnlE

99341 14790250101

Re"ipi".t,s oiGEbt.tn=?VWililEil

a Ta withhetd;;;;;G;;G

15 Check if pro_rata b6is reporting


12b ch.asGil;;;G
12d with h;rd-;;;. e;; rG;;;.



reo Ch. S statG;;a;

..ve rzu eayEFSSiEE-i&iil
^uuress (number and streS_......-...........-_
rsa cit;;l;;;;;iE;o; vvu,,r,y, -rH or toreign postal
(keep for your ."""dS)

Form 1

PO BOX 1870
ASHLAND VA 23005-4870

1 8566


r l,[Jli.'+Hy=fffi[i.#x+itxSiP^H.?
HONAVAR 581334

bo.zozzoeosgozor. r gs66

Por regla general, todo extranjero no residente, todo organismo

U.S. lncome Tax Filing Requirements
lideicomisario extranjero no residente y toda sociedad an6nima
Generally, every nonresident alien individual, nonresident alien extranjera que reciba ingresos en los Estados Unidos, incluyendo
fiduciary, and foreign corporation with U.S. income, including income ingresos relacionados con la conducci6n de un negocio o comercio
that is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in dentro de los Estados Unidos, deber6 presentar una declaraci6n
the United States, must file a U.S. income tax return. However, no estadounidense de impuestos sobre el ingreso. Sin embargo, no se
return is required to be filed by a nonresident alien individual, requiere declaraci6n alguna a un individuo extraniero, una sociedad
nonresident alien fiduciary, or foreign corporation if such person was an6nima extranjera u organismo fideicomisario extran.iero no
not engaged in a trade or business in the United States at any time residente, si tal persona no ha efectuado comercio o negocio en los
during the tax year and if the tax liability of such person was fully Estados Unidos durante el aflo fiscal y si la responsabilidad con los
satisfied by the withholding of U.S. tax at the source. Corporations file impuestos de tal persona ha sido satisfecha plenamente mediante
Form 1 120-F; all others file Form 1 040-NB. You may get the return retenci6n del impuesto de los Estados Unidos en la fuente. Las
forms and instructions at lRS.gov, at any U.S. Embassy or consulate, sociedades an6nimas envlan el Formulario 1120-F; iodos los dem6s
or by writing to: lnternal Revenue Service, 1201 N. Mitsubishi contribuyentes envlan el Formulario'1040-NR. Se podr6 obtener
Motorway, Bloomington, lL 61 705-6613. formularios e instrucciones en lRS.gov y en cualquier Embajada o
En rdgle g6n6rale, tout 6tranger non-r6sident, tout organisme Consulado de los Estados Unidos o escribiendo directamente a:
fid6icommissaire 6tranger non-r6sident et toute soci6t6 6trangdre lnternal Revenue Service, 120'1 N. Mitsubishi Motorway, Bloomington,
percevant un revenu aux Etats-Unis, y compris tout revenu d6riv6, en tL 61 705-661 3.
fait, du fonctionnement d'un commerce ou d'une affaire aux Etats- lm allgemeinen mussjede ausldndische Einzelperson, jeder
Unis, doit produire une d6claration d'impOt sur le revenu auprds des ausl6ndische Bevollmdchtigte und jede ausldndische Gesellschaft mit
services fiscaux des Etats-Unis. Cependant aucune d6claration Einkommen in den Vereinigten Staaten, einschliesslich des
d1mp6t sur lerevenu nestexigee d'un 6tranger non-r6sident, d'un Einkommens, welchesdirekt mit der Austibung von Handel oder
organisme fid6icommissaire 6tranger non-r6sident, ou d'une soci6t6 Gewerbe innerhalb der Staaten verbunden ist, eine
6trangdre s'ils n'ont pris parl d aucun commerce ou affaire aux Etats- Einkommensteuererkldrung der Vereinigten Staaten abgeben. Eine
Unis d aucun moment pendant l'ann6e fiscale et si les impdts dont ils Erkldrung, muss jedoch nicht von Ausliindern, ausldndischen
sont redevables, ont 6t6 entidrement acquitt6s par une retenue d la Bevollmdchtigten oder ausliindischen Gesellschaften in den
source sur leur salaire. Les soci6t6s doivent faire leur d6claration Vereinigten Staaten eingereicht werden, falls eine solche Person
d'imp6t en remplissant le formulaire 1120-F; tous les autres wdhrend des Steuerjahres kein Gewerbe oder Handel in den
redevables doivent remplir le formulaire 1040-NR. On peut se procurer Vereinigten Staaten ausgeilbt hat und die Steuerschuld durch
les formulaires de d6clarations d'imp6ts et les instructions y aff6rentes Einbehaltung der Steuern der Vereinigten Staaten durch die
d lRS.gov et dans toutes les ambassades et tous les consulats des Einkommensquelle abgegolten ist. Gesellschaften reichen den
Etats-Unis. L'on peut 69alement s'adresser pour tout renseignement Vordruck 1120-F ein; alle anderen reichen das Formblatt 1040-NR ein.
d: lnternal Revenue Service, 1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway, Einkommensteuererkldrungen und lnstruktionen konnen unter lRS.gov
Bloomington, lL 61 705-66'1 3. und bei den Botschaften und Konsulaten der Vereinigten Staaten
eingeholt werden. Um weitere lnformationen wende man sich bitte an:
lnternal Revenue Service, 1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway,
Bloomington, lL 61 705-661 3.

Explanation of Codes u Substitute payment- dividends

Box 1. lncome Code. 40 Other dividend equivalents under IRC section 871(m)
Code TYPes of lncome t,tr (formerly 871(l))
01 lnterest paid by U.S. obligors-general p-52 Dividends paid on certain actively traded or publicly offered
02 lnterest paid on real property mortgages o securitiesl

03 Interest paid to controlling foreign corporations 53 Substitute payments-dividends from certain actively traded or
publicly offered securitiesl
04 lnterest paid by foreign corporations
05 lnterest on tax-free covenant bonds 09 Capital gains
22 lnterest paid on depbsit with a foreign branch of a domestic 10 lndustrial royalties
o corporation or partnership 11 Motion picture or television copyright royalties
bzs Deposit interest 12 Other royalties (for example, copyright, software,
5go Original issue discount (OlD) broadcasting, endorsement payments)

31 Short-term OID
,. Royalties paid on certain publicly offered securitiesl
33 Substitute payment - interest o14 Real property income and natural resources royalties

51 lnterest paid on certain actively traded or publicly offered 15 Pensions, annuities, alimony, and/or insurance premiums
securitiesl 16 Scholarship or fellowship grants
54 Substitute payments - interest from certain actively traded 17 Compensation for independent personal services2
or publicly offered securitiesl 18 Compensation for dependent personal services2

E06 Dividends paid by U.S. corporations-general 19 Compensation for teaching2

p07 Dividends quaUfying for direct dividend rate
o08 Dividends paid by foreign corporations

i This code should only be used if the income paid is described in Regulations section 1 .1441-6(c)(2) and the withholding agent has reduced the rate of withholding under an
income tax treaty without the recipient providing a U.S. or foreign TlN.

2lf compensation that otherwise would be covered under lncome Codes 17 through 20 is directly attributable to the recipient's occupation as an artist or athlete, use
lncome Code 42 or 43 instead.

1 41 0086.2022030536201 .1 8561
eo.- 1O42-S Foreign Person's U.S- Souice lncome Subject
Department of the Treasuru
lnternal Revenue Seruice ' W=!'*""
to Withholding
for instructions
an. latest information. 2@2t ffi No. 1 545-0096
for Recipient
1 lncome 2 cross inEoEE 3 Chapter andicator, Ent€ "3" or "4"
code 1 3e Recipienfl s U. S.TTNII-ani 13t Ch. 3 status
3a Exemption >ode 00 4a Exemption code xxxxx0000 16
16 laq Ch.;
30.00 Ta rate O.O0 t3h Rectpient,s GilN r si necrpa-t "td*
s i6?E[n-i&iEEitii
5 Withholding allowance 6aii6 13j LOB code
number, if any
6 Net income O

rgt Reci
7b Check if federat ta withhetd was not a"po"it"a
escrow procedures were apptied *ithiJEEEIIrJ
.', 9934114790250101
(see iri5ti"ir-t]I.ii-' r-t fet Reipi..t'
7c Check if withholdino occure6
in subsequent y"". _i,h=..".=..."......-
partnership interesf .
:"o:".:o". . E
I Til withheld bv oth
I Overuithhetd ta ."O.'r *
'l4b Primary WithhoidG; I;;
- w,trrrrororng creofi (combine boxes 7a, a,
ana S;'....=-
=rNi- 15 Check if pro-rata basis reporting
uy w,.,rrrororng agent (amounts not withheld) (s@
7 rsatntem@
fistru;ti"ng 1 5c Gh. 4 slatus cod{

r sd r ntemed iary-irroil_t6Eulrre-iifiGia6E
82-21822s7 tzo cn e satus m{Tz;-ctr- a;Gtus ooe
r 2d withhatdiirE-;;;i;-;;;; gh entity's cltN
XXVI HOLDINGS INC 15f Country code ,59
Number (GttN)
l2f Country code rze roreien talEEniiriEatio- ny l5i City or town
12h Adare;EftimEe;
fZ Cityort
13a Recipient,s nam
- rsa or. s sEtuli&EJi6---Enli sEtuii6EE
s/YAVPalAt tzbpayer'sst@
I tN

v, pruwrnce, counrry, ztp or foreisn postar code


Form 1 (2O21)

,".- I O42-S Foreign Person's U,S_ Source lncome Subject

to Withholding
Department of the Treasuru
Inlernal Revenue Seruice '
> Go to ww.i6.gov/Form1O42S
olo 4
for ihstructions and the latest informati^n 2@21 r-opy
OMB No. i 545-0096

'Io"o'J" r unapter lndicator. Enter ,.3,,or.,21,.
ra Exemptron code
I rre Hecrp ent s U.S. T N. any 13f Ch. 3 status code 6
12 23
00 | 4a f . ero. - : .: .l- i t ] xxxxxoooo
3b ral rare 3o.oo T;;ra;;--
5 \^/ithholr ling allowance
( ,oo Ifth R_-;ctr,b"iGGN
13j LOB code
- number, rf any
6 Net incc )me 0
7a Federa
13k Recipient,a;@ou;t n;;bs
7b Check if federal tax withheld wa".ot d.po"it"d
*itt, fl_-
.', tRE bl*r"l 99341'14790250101
escrow procedures were apptieo
lsee in5ti"Jt];=*j. - E 'tstRe"ipi".t@
in subsequent vear with respect to
;:;::,:#'J?XBfl;P """"*":
. L__l

14a Primary Withhotding Ag

v vverwrrnnero ta repaid to rec prent pursuanl to adjustment procedures
1""a inal*atffi
'1 4t, Primary W;tEnof O rc-
ureur( tuo.rrorne ooxes Za, B, and g)
7 '15 Check if pro-rata basis
reponing I
#1 'l Tax paid OU *

82-2182297 3stalrscooel 12c cb 4 starteode

I i;t ""
'12d Withhotding .ge.t,= n.i,. _ree rrrremeqlary or flow_through entity,s GllN
I J Foreign tq identification nuEEEiliEnf
ffi (GilN) rsn aaorels lnuEEJ
l2f Country code
foreign postal code
Izh Address lnumber an

MOUNTAIN VIEW CA US 94043 16c Payer,s cllN l6d ch.3 status coae I tee
-ia ctL + staiuiiooe
D-::=;:::L- _,,_,,,. _
iilAr4ff;Xr=,,. I 1sb RecipiE;t1s;;md;ode rzoeayers@



-,.-iiili4 *'= - P' uvrnce' country, zlP or fore-gn p6slitEEEE

rorm 1O42-S (2021)

1 41 0086.2022030536201.1 8566
Explanation of Godes (continued) 06 et that assumes primary withhotding responsibitity
20 Compensation during studying and training2 07 WFp or WFT
23 Other income 08 U.S. branch treated as U.S. person
24 Qualified investment entity (QlE)distributions of capital 09 Territory Fltreated as U.S. Person
gains 10 Ql represents that income is exempt
2!t Trust distributions subject to IRC section '1445 11 QSL that assumes primary withholding responsibility
26 Unsevered growing crops and timber distributions by a trust 12 Payee subjected to chapter 4 withholding
subject to IRC section 1445 22 QDD that assumes primary withholding responsibility
27 Publicly traded partnership distributions subject to IRC 23 Exempt under section 897(l)
section 24 Exempt undersection 8g2
28 Gambling winningss Chapter 4
32 Notional principal contract income4 13 Grandfathered payment

35 Substitute payment-other 14 Effectively connected income

f- 36 Capital gains distributions

g7 Return of capital
15 Payee not subject to chapter 4 withholding
16 Exeluded+onfinancial payment
38 Eligible defened compensation items subject to IRC section 17 Foreign Entity that assumes primary withholding
877A(d)(1) responsibitity
39 Distributions from a nongrantor trust subject to IRC seciion 18 U.S. Payees-of participating FFI or registered deemed-
877A(0(1) compliant FFI
41 Guarantee of indebtedness 19 Exempt from withholding under lGAs
42 Earnings as an artist or athlete-no cenkal withholding 20 Dormant account9
agreements 21 Other-payment not subject to chapter 4 withholding
It3 Earnings as an artist or athlete-central withholding Boxes 12c,131,13g, 15b, .l5c, 16d, and 16e, Withholding
agreements Agent, Recipient, lntermediary, and Payer Ghapter 3 and Chipter
4 Specified federal procurement payments 4 Status Codes.
50 lncome previously reported under escrow procedure6 Type of Recipient, Withholding Agent Payer, or lntermediary
55 Taxable death benefits on life insurance contracts Gode
Boxes 3a and tta. Exemption Code (applies if the tax rate entered Chapter 3 Status Godes
in box 3b or 4b is 00.00). m Territory Fl-treated as U.S. person
Code Authority for Exemption 04 Fl-not treated as U.S. Person
Chapter 3 0S U.S. branch-treated as U.S. person
01 Effectively connected income 06 U.S. branch-not treated as U.S. Person
02 Exempt under |RCT 07 U.S. branch-ECl presumption applied
03 Income is not from U.S. sources 08 Partnership other than Withholding Foreign Partnership
04 Exempt under tax treaty 09 Withholding Foreign Partnership
05 Portfolio interest exempt under IRC See back of Copy D for additional codes

2 lf compensation that othenrvise would be covered under lncome Codes 17 through 20 is directly
attributable to the recipient's occupation as an artist or athlete, use
lncome Code 42 or 43 instead.
3 Subject to 30% withholding rate unless the recipient is from
one of the treaty countries listed under Ga mbling winnings (lncome Code 28) in Pub. 515.
a Use appropriate tnterest lncome Code for embedded
interest in a notional principal contract.

5 lncome Code 49 jf
$."y19 only be^used Letl.er 4492, Venue Notification, has been issued bythe lnternal Revenue Service (otherwise, use lncome Code 42 for earnings
as an artist or athlete). lf lncome Code 42 or 43 is used, Recipient Code 22 (artist or athlete)-should be used instead of Reciilient Code 16 (individual), 15 (corporationf
or 08 (partnership other than withholding foreign partnership).

6 pse
9{y to report gross income the iax for which is being deposited in the current year because such tax was previously escrowed for chapters 3 and 4 and the
withholding agent previously repoded the gross income in a prior year and checked the box to report the tax as not depoiited under the esciow procedure. See the
inskuctions to this form for further explanation.
7 This code should only be used if no other specific chapter 3 exemption code applies.
8 Use only to report a U.S. reportable account or nonconsenting U.S. account that is receiving a payment subject to chapter 3 withholding.

e Use only if applying the escrow procedure for dormant accounts

under Regulations section 1.1471-4(bX6). lftax was withheld and deposited
under chapter 3, do not
check box 7b ("tax not deposited with IRS pursuant to escrow procedure"). You must instead enter "3'i in box 3 and complete box 3b.
Explanation of Codes (continued)
10 Trust other than Withholding Foreign Trust 20 passive NFFE with no Substantial U.S. Owners
11 Withholding Foreign Trust 21 publicly Traded NFFE or Affiliate of pubticly
Traded NFFE
12 eualifiedlntermediary 22 Active NFFE
13 eualified Securities Lender_eualified lntermediary 29 lndividual
14 eualifiedSecuritiesLender_Other 24 Section 50.1(c) Entities
15 Corporation 25 Excepted Territory NFFE
16 tndividuat 26 Excepted NFFE_Other
17 Estate 27 Exempt Beneficial Owner
18 private Foundation 28 Entity Wholly Owned by Exempt Beneficial
19 lnternationalOrganization 29 Unknown Recipient
20 Tax Exempt Organization (Section 501(c) 30 Recalcitrant Account Holder
entities) 31 Nonreporting IGA FFI
21 Unknown Recipient
22 Arlist or Athlete 32 Direct reporting NFFE
23 pension 33 U.S. reportable account
24 Foreign Central Bank of lssue U Nonconsenting U.S. account
25 Nonqualifiedlntermediary 35 Sponsored dlrect reporting NFFE
26 Hybrid entity making Treaty Claim 36 Excepted lnter_affiliate FFI
35 euaiified Derivatives Dealei. 37 Undocumented preexjstingObligation
36 ForeignGovernment_lntegralpart 3g U.S. Branch-ECi presumpticn applied
37 ForeignGovernment_ControlledEntity 39 Account Holder of Excluded Financial Accountrl
Pooled Reporting Codeslo 40 Passive NFFE reported by FFlr2
27 Withholding Rate pool_General 41 NFFE subject to 1472 withhotding
28 Withholding Rate pool_Exempt Organization 50 U.S. Withholding Agent_Foreign branch of
29 pAl Withholding Rate pool_General Pooled Reporting Codes
30 pAl Withholding Rate pool_Exempt Organization 42 Recalcitrant pool_No U.S. lndicia
31 Agency Withholding Rate pool_General ,li! Recalcitrantpool_U.S. lndicia
32 Agency Withholding Rate pool_Exempt 44 Recalcitrantpool_DormantAccount
Organization 4.5
Chapter 4 Status Godes Recalcitrantpool_U.S. persons
01 U.S. Withhotding Agent_Ft 46 Recalcitrantpool_passiveNFFEs
02 U.S. Withhotding Agent_Other 47 Nonparticipating FFI pool
03 Territory Fl_not treated as U.S. person 48 U.S. payees pool
04 Territory Fl_treated as U.S. person 49 el-Recalcitrant pool_Generali3
05 participating FFI_Other ,or..raj.. LOB Code (enter the code
that best describes the
06 participating FFI_Reporting applicable limitation on benefits (f_Oe)
category;at qualifies the
Model 2 FFI taxpayer for the requested trearyben"tit"j. "- , ''
Registered Deemed_Compliant
FFI_Reporting Model 1 FFI
08 Registered Deemed_CompliantFFl_sponsored LOB Code
09 Registered Deemed_CompliantFFl_Other
Entjty 02 Government j?:J:Ty,f"l::il1" subdivision/rocar
10 Certified Deemed_Compliant FFI_Other authority
11 certified Deemed-compriant FFr-FFr 03 Tax exenpt persion trJst pensro.t
with Low Varue 04
Accounts TaxexempVCharitableorganization
12 Certified Deerned_Coinpiiant FFI_Nonregisiei.ing 05 Publicly traded corporation
Bank Locai 06 Subsidiary of publicly traded corporaticn
13 Certified Deemed_Compliant FFI_Sponsored 07 Company that meets the ownership
and base erosion test
14 Certified Deemed-Compliant FFI_lnvestment
Entity 08 Company that meets the derivative
benefits test
does not maintain financial accounts
Entitythat 09 Company with an item of income
that meets the aciive trade
15 NonparticipatingFFl or business test
16 Owner-DocumentedFFl 10 Discretionarydetermination
17 U.S. Branch_treated as U.S. person 11 Other
't8 U.S. Branch_not t reated as
.1421) U's' person (reporting under
'tg Passive NFFE identifying Substantial
U.S. Owners

10 Codes 27 through SZ
11 This code should onlv
be us
,no",,qnnliii Ji"iilJ#;l:ij:I":TAfS."i,ij8.l!?Ai:rr,thatisexcrudedrromthederinitionorrinanciar
accountunderResurationssection r.14zr_5(b)(2)or
12 This code should only be used when +ho,r,i+hh^rr:-_
13 This code should only be used
by a withholding agent that is reporting
a payment (or portion of a payment)
made to a er with respect to the
e.s recarcitrant account horders.

141 0086.2022030536201. 1 8566

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