Syam Bhat Bio
Syam Bhat Bio
Syam Bhat Bio
a Ta withhetd;;;;;G;;G
12b ch.asGil;;;G
12d with h;rd-;;;. e;; rG;;;.
Form 1
PO BOX 1870
ASHLAND VA 23005-4870
1 8566
r l,[Jli.'+Hy=fffi[i.#x+itxSiP^H.?
HONAVAR 581334
bo.zozzoeosgozor. r gs66
03 Interest paid to controlling foreign corporations 53 Substitute payments-dividends from certain actively traded or
publicly offered securitiesl
04 lnterest paid by foreign corporations
05 lnterest on tax-free covenant bonds 09 Capital gains
22 lnterest paid on depbsit with a foreign branch of a domestic 10 lndustrial royalties
o corporation or partnership 11 Motion picture or television copyright royalties
bzs Deposit interest 12 Other royalties (for example, copyright, software,
5go Original issue discount (OlD) broadcasting, endorsement payments)
31 Short-term OID
,. Royalties paid on certain publicly offered securitiesl
33 Substitute payment - interest o14 Real property income and natural resources royalties
51 lnterest paid on certain actively traded or publicly offered 15 Pensions, annuities, alimony, and/or insurance premiums
securitiesl 16 Scholarship or fellowship grants
54 Substitute payments - interest from certain actively traded 17 Compensation for independent personal services2
or publicly offered securitiesl 18 Compensation for dependent personal services2
i This code should only be used if the income paid is described in Regulations section 1 .1441-6(c)(2) and the withholding agent has reduced the rate of withholding under an
income tax treaty without the recipient providing a U.S. or foreign TlN.
2lf compensation that otherwise would be covered under lncome Codes 17 through 20 is directly attributable to the recipient's occupation as an artist or athlete, use
lncome Code 42 or 43 instead.
1 41 0086.2022030536201 .1 8561
eo.- 1O42-S Foreign Person's U.S- Souice lncome Subject
Department of the Treasuru
lnternal Revenue Seruice ' W=!'*""
to Withholding
for instructions
an. latest information. 2@2t ffi No. 1 545-0096
for Recipient
1 lncome 2 cross inEoEE 3 Chapter andicator, Ent€ "3" or "4"
code 1 3e Recipienfl s U. S.TTNII-ani 13t Ch. 3 status
3a Exemption >ode 00 4a Exemption code xxxxx0000 16
16 laq Ch.;
30.00 Ta rate O.O0 t3h Rectpient,s GilN r si necrpa-t "td*
s i6?E[n-i&iEEitii
5 Withholding allowance 6aii6 13j LOB code
number, if any
6 Net income O
rgt Reci
7b Check if federat ta withhetd was not a"po"it"a
escrow procedures were apptied *ithiJEEEIIrJ
.', 9934114790250101
(see iri5ti"ir-t]I.ii-' r-t fet Reipi..t'
7c Check if withholdino occure6
in subsequent y"". _i,h=..".=..."......-
partnership interesf .
:"o:".:o". . E
I Til withheld bv oth
I Overuithhetd ta ."O.'r *
'l4b Primary WithhoidG; I;;
- w,trrrrororng creofi (combine boxes 7a, a,
ana S;'....=-
=rNi- 15 Check if pro-rata basis reporting
uy w,.,rrrororng agent (amounts not withheld) (s@
7 rsatntem@
fistru;ti"ng 1 5c Gh. 4 slatus cod{
r sd r ntemed iary-irroil_t6Eulrre-iifiGia6E
82-21822s7 tzo cn e satus m{Tz;-ctr- a;Gtus ooe
r 2d withhatdiirE-;;;i;-;;;; gh entity's cltN
XXVI HOLDINGS INC 15f Country code ,59
Number (GttN)
l2f Country code rze roreien talEEniiriEatio- ny l5i City or town
12h Adare;EftimEe;
fZ Cityort
13a Recipient,s nam
- rsa or. s sEtuli&EJi6---Enli sEtuii6EE
s/YAVPalAt tzbpayer'sst@
I tN
Form 1 (2O21)
'Io"o'J" r unapter lndicator. Enter ,.3,,or.,21,.
ra Exemptron code
I rre Hecrp ent s U.S. T N. any 13f Ch. 3 status code 6
12 23
00 | 4a f . ero. - : .: .l- i t ] xxxxxoooo
3b ral rare 3o.oo T;;ra;;--
5 \^/ithholr ling allowance
( ,oo Ifth R_-;ctr,b"iGGN
13j LOB code
- number, rf any
6 Net incc )me 0
7a Federa
13k Recipient,a;@ou;t n;;bs
7b Check if federal tax withheld wa".ot d.po"it"d
*itt, fl_-
.', tRE bl*r"l 99341'14790250101
escrow procedures were apptieo
lsee in5ti"Jt];=*j. - E 'tstRe"ipi".t@
in subsequent vear with respect to
;:;::,:#'J?XBfl;P """"*":
. L__l
MOUNTAIN VIEW CA US 94043 16c Payer,s cllN l6d ch.3 status coae I tee
-ia ctL + staiuiiooe
D-::=;:::L- _,,_,,,. _
iilAr4ff;Xr=,,. I 1sb RecipiE;t1s;;md;ode rzoeayers@
-,.-iiili4 *'= - P' uvrnce' country, zlP or fore-gn p6slitEEEE
35 Substitute payment-other 14 Effectively connected income
2 lf compensation that othenrvise would be covered under lncome Codes 17 through 20 is directly
attributable to the recipient's occupation as an artist or athlete, use
lncome Code 42 or 43 instead.
3 Subject to 30% withholding rate unless the recipient is from
one of the treaty countries listed under Ga mbling winnings (lncome Code 28) in Pub. 515.
a Use appropriate tnterest lncome Code for embedded
interest in a notional principal contract.
5 lncome Code 49 jf
$."y19 only be^used 4492, Venue Notification, has been issued bythe lnternal Revenue Service (otherwise, use lncome Code 42 for earnings
as an artist or athlete). lf lncome Code 42 or 43 is used, Recipient Code 22 (artist or athlete)-should be used instead of Reciilient Code 16 (individual), 15 (corporationf
or 08 (partnership other than withholding foreign partnership).
6 pse
9{y to report gross income the iax for which is being deposited in the current year because such tax was previously escrowed for chapters 3 and 4 and the
withholding agent previously repoded the gross income in a prior year and checked the box to report the tax as not depoiited under the esciow procedure. See the
inskuctions to this form for further explanation.
7 This code should only be used if no other specific chapter 3 exemption code applies.
8 Use only to report a U.S. reportable account or nonconsenting U.S. account that is receiving a payment subject to chapter 3 withholding.
10 Codes 27 through SZ
11 This code should onlv
be us
,no",,qnnliii Ji"iilJ#;l:ij:I":TAfS."i,ij8.l!?Ai:rr,thatisexcrudedrromthederinitionorrinanciar
accountunderResurationssection r.14zr_5(b)(2)or
12 This code should only be used when +ho,r,i+hh^rr:-_
13 This code should only be used
by a withholding agent that is reporting
a payment (or portion of a payment)
made to a er with respect to the
e.s recarcitrant account horders.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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