SCA Cases
SCA Cases
SCA Cases
75, but the right to compel the the rule-making power of the Supreme
defendants "to litigate among themselves". Court, which is limited to matters
Rule 62 concerning pleading, practice, and procedure
1. Makati Development Corp. v. Issue: Does the MTC have jurisdiction over in all courts, and the admission to the
Tanjuatco, 27 SCRA 401 (1969) the case? practice of law. Thirdly, the failure of said
section 19 of Rule 5 of the present Rules of
Facts: Plaintiff Makati Dev’t Corp and Held: No. Plaintiff may compel the Court to make its Rule 63, on interpleading,
defendant Tanjuatco entered into a contract defendants to interplead among themselves applicable to inferior courts, merely implies
whereby the latter bound himself to concerning the aforementioned sum of that the same are not bound to follow Rule
construct a reinforced concrete covered P5,198.75. The issue of who among the 63 in dealing with cases of interpleading, but
water reservoir, office and pump house and defendants is entitled to collect the same is may apply thereto the general rules on
water main at Forbes Park, furnishing the the object of the action and is not within the procedure applicable to ordinary civil action
materials necessary therefor. Before making jurisdiction of the MTC. in said courts.
the final payment of the consideration
agreed upon, plaintiff inquired from the The plaintiff in asserting the jurisdiction of The MTC has no jurisdiction over the case
suppliers of materials, who had called its the CFI relies upon Rule 63 of the present since the amount subject of the interpleader
attention to unpaid bills of Tanjuatco, Rules of Court, prescribing the procedure in does not exceed 400,000. Under Batas
whether the latter had settled his accounts cases of interpleading, and section 19 of Pambasa Blg. 129, MTC has no jurisdiction
with them. In response to this inquiry, Rule 5, which omits the Rules on over civil actions where the value of the
Concrete Aggregates, Inc. (supplier) made a Interpleading among those made applicable personal property, estate, or amount of the
claim in the sum of P5,198.75, representing to inferior courts. However, the jurisdiction demand does not exceed 400k.
the cost of transit-mixed concrete allegedly of our courts over the subject-matter of
delivered to Tanjuatco. With his consent, justiciable controversies is governed by Rep. However, where the subject of the
plaintiff withheld said amount from the final Act No. 296, as amended, pursuant to interpleader is not the possession or title of
payment made to him and, in view of his which municipal courts shall have exclusive real or personal property but the
subsequent failure to settle the issue thereon original jurisdiction in all civil cases "in performance of a service, it is the RTC that
with the Supplier, plaintiff instituted the which the demand, exclusive of interest, or has jurisdiction being a subject incapable of
present action against Tanjuatco and the the value of the property in controversy", pecuniary estimation.
Supplier, to compel them "to interplead their amounts to not more than PHP10,000.
conflicting claims."
Tanjuatco moved to dismiss the case, upon
the ground that the court had no jurisdiction
over the subject-matter of the litigation, the
amount involved therein being less than
P10,000.00. The lower court granted the
same and dismissed the case. Hence, this
appeal. Plaintiff contends that the CFI has Secondly, "the power to define, prescribe,
jurisdiction because the subject-matter of and apportion the jurisdiction of the various
this litigation is not the aforementioned sum courts" belongs to Congress and is beyond
payments Diaz made to Bliss and the value final; (2) the judgment or order must be on
2. Bliss Development Corp v. Diaz, of the improvements he introduced on the the merits; (3) it must have been rendered by
August 5, 2015 property matters that were not adjudicated a court having jurisdiction over the subject
upon in the previous case for interpleader. matter and the parties; (4) there must be,
Facts: Bliss Development Corporation is the between the first and the second action,
owner of a housing complex located in BDC also argued in its respective answer identity of parties, of subject matter and
Quezon City. It instituted before RTC that Diaz’s complaint for reimbursement is cause of action.
Makati an interpleader case against Arreza barred by res judicata since it should have
and Diaz who were conflicting claimants of been raised in the interpleader suit. In the case at bar, such elements are not
the property (Civil Case No. 94-2086). The present. First, the interpleader case was
RTC ruled in favor of Arreza. In view of between Arreza and Diaz. While it is BDC
said decision, Bliss executed a contract to that initiated the interpleader case, the
sell the property to Arreza and Diaz was ISSUE: opposing parties in that prior case are Arreza
constrained to transfer possession together and Diaz.
with all improvements to Arreza. WHETHER OR NOT RES JUDICATA
APPLIES. Res judicata (action is barred by Second, the issues resolved in the
Thereafter, Diaz filed a case against Arreza prior judgment) interpleader case revolved around the
and Bliss for the reimbursement of the cost conflicting claims of Arreza and Diaz, and
of his acquisition and improvements on the not whatever claim either of them may have
property (Civil Case No. 96-1372). Arreza RULING: against BDC.
filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground of
res judicata and lack of cause of action. RTC As to Diaz’s complaint for reimbursement, Therefore, there is no identity of parties, nor
denied the Motion to Dismiss. such is barred by res judicata as her identity of subject matter between the
complaint is in the nature of a compulsory interpleader case and complaint for sum of
Arreza appealed to CA which dismissed the counterclaim which should have been raised money.
petition saying that res judicata does not in the interpleader suit. Not having been
apply because the interpleader case only raised, the same is barred pursuant to
settled the issue on who had a better right. It Section 2, Rule 9. Therfore, Arreza is
did not determine the parties‘ respective correct in his argument that Diaz’s
rights and obligations. complaint is barred by res judicata.
The action filed by Diaz seeks principally The elements of res judicata are as follows:
the collection of damages in the form of the (1) the former judgment or order must be
that petitioner be declared in default. In its motion to set aside the order of default
3. Lui Enterprises v. Zuellig, March 12, subsequent motion to set aside the order of found that petitioner failed to show the
2014 default – filed one year after being declared excusable negligence that prevented it from
in default - Lui invoked the ground of filing its motion to dismiss on time. The CA
excusable negligence, alleging that its further ruled that the nullification of deed of
Facts: failure to file a motion to dismiss on time dation in payment case did not bar the filing
Petitioner Lui Enterprises, Inc. and "was caused by the negligence of its former of the interpleader case, since Zuellig was
respondent Zuellig Pharma Corporation counsel”. For meritorious defense, petitioner not a party to the aforementioned case. In its
entered into a 10-year lease contract over a alleged that the earlier filed nullification of subsequent petition before the SC, petitioner
parcel of land located in Barrio Tigatto, deed of dation in payment case (Davao argued that the pending nullification of deed
Buhangin, Davao City. During the pendency RTC) barred the filing of the interpleader of dation in payment case barred the filing
of the lease, respondent Philippine Bank of case (Makati RTC). The two actions of the interpleader case. The nullification of
Communications (PBCOM) contacted allegedly involved the same parties and the deed of dation in payment case and the
Zuellig to inform them that it was the new same issue of which corporation had the interpleader case allegedly involved the
owner of the property, and asked the latter to better right over the rental payments (aka, same issue of which corporation had the
pay rent directly to it. Zuellig subsequently Litis Pendentia). better right to the rent.
informed petitioner of PBCOM’s letter, and
petitioner insisted on its right to collect rent. The Makati RTC ruled that Lui Enterprises Issue:
As a result of this, Zuellig Pharma filed a was "barred from any claim in respect of the Whether or not the annulment of deed of
complaint for interpleader with the Makati rental payments" since it was declared in dation in payment pending in Davao RTC
Regional Trial Court of Makati, consigned default, awarded the rental fees to PBCOM, barred the subsequent filing of the
its current (P604,024.35) and future rental and ordered the petitioner to pay Zuellig interpleader case in the Regional Trial Court
payments to the court, and prayed to for Zui Pharma P50,000.00 in attorney’s fees. of Makati on grounds of litis pendentia.
Enterprises and PBCOM be ordered to
litigate their conflicting claims. Petitioner Held:
filed a motion to dismiss, stating that it had a No. Petition denied, CA ruling affirmed with
pending nullification of deed of dation in modification.
payment case with the Regional Trial Court
of Davao, which barred the filing of the Litis pendentia is Latin for "a pending
current interpleader case as the dation case suit." It exists when "another action is
involved the proper that Zuelling was pending between the same parties for the
leasing. Zuellig responded that the pendency same cause of action The subsequent action
of the nullification case did not bar the filing is "unnecessary and vexatious" and is
of the interpleader, as it (Zuellig) was not a instituted to "harass the respondent [in the
party to the nullification case. subsequent action]." The requisites of litis
pendentia are:
Petitioner had also filed its motion to
dismiss beyond the 15-day period to file an Petitioner appealed the RTC ruling to the
answer, and Zuellig subsequently moved Court of Appeals, which on the matter of the
Identity of parties or at least such as the defaulted claimant from any claim in
represent the same interest in both respect to the subject matter.
Identity of rights asserted and reliefs The Rules would not have allowed claimants
prayed for, the reliefs being founded in interpleader cases to be declared in
on the same facts; and default if it would ironically defeat the very
The identity in the two cases should purpose of the suit.
be such that the judgment that may
be rendered in one would, regardless
of which party is successful, amount
to res judicata in the other.
discretion in entertaining the cited petition Similarly, the Rules of Court is explicit that
WHETHER OR NOT THE RTC HAS for declaratory relief.chanrob1es virtua1 such action shall be brought before the
JURISDICTION OVER AN ACTION 1aw 1ibrary appropriate Regional Trial Court. Section 1,
FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF. Rule 63 of the Rules of Court
Petitioner contends that the RTC of Makati provides:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
RULING: City lacks jurisdiction over the petition for
declaratory relief. It asserts that respondent SECTION 1. Who may file petition. — Any
Yes. judge should have dismissed the petition person interested under a deed, will, contract
outright in view of Section 14 of R.A. 6770. or other written instrument, whose rights are
In an order dated August 19, 1998, now affected by a statute, executive order or
being assailed, public respondent denied Section 14 of R.A. 6770 regulation, ordinance, or any other
petitioner’s motion to dismiss. Petitioner provides:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library governmental regulation may, before breach
then filed an ex-parte motion for extended or violation thereof, bring an action in the
ruling. On December 22, 1998, public Restrictions. — No writ of injunction shall appropriate Regional Trial Court to
respondent issued an order declaring that it be issued by any court to delay an determine any question of construction or
has jurisdiction over the case since it is an investigation being conducted by the validity arising, and for a declaration of his
action for declaratory relief under Rule 63 of Ombudsman under this Act unless there is a rights or duties, thereunder.
the Rules of Court.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw prima facie evidence that the subject matter
1ibrary of the investigation is outside the x x x
jurisdiction of the Office of the
Seasonably, petitioner filed before this Court Ombudsman.
the instant petition assailing the Orders The requisites of an action for declaratory
dated August 19, 1998 and December 22, No court shall hear any appeal or application relief are: (1) there must be a justiciable
1998 of public respondent on the ground that for remedy against the decision or findings controversy; (2) the controversy must be
public respondent assumed jurisdiction over of the Ombudsman, except the Supreme between persons whose interests are
the case and issued orders with grave abuse Court, on pure question of law. adverse; (3) that the party seeking the relief
of discretion and clear lack of jurisdiction. has a legal interest in the controversy; and
Petitioner sought the nullification of the Petitioner’s invocation of the aforequoted (4) that the issue is ripe for judicial
impugned orders the immediate dismissal of statutory provision is misplaced. The special determination. 7 In this case, the controversy
Civil Case No. 98-1585, and the prohibition civil action of declaratory relief falls under concerns the extent of the power of
of it lacks jurisdiction over public the exclusive jurisdiction of the Regional petitioner to examine bank accounts under
respondent from exercising jurisdiction on Trial Courts. 5 It is not among the actions Section 15 (8) of R.A. 6770 vis-a-vis the
the investigation being conducted by within the original jurisdiction of the duty of banks under Republic Act 1405 not
petitioner in the alleged PEA-AMARI land Supreme Court even if only questions of law to divulge any information relative to
"scam" . are involved. 6 deposits of whatever nature. The interests of
the parties are adverse considering the
The only question raised by petitioner for antagonistic assertion of a legal right on one
resolution public whether or not public hand, that is the power of Ombudsman to
respondent acted without jurisdiction and examine bank deposits, and on the other, the
denial thereof apparently by private before a court of competent authority, but
respondent who refused to allow petitioner only an investigation by the Ombudsman on
to inspect in camera certain bank accounts. the so-called "scam", any order for the
The party seeking relief, private respondent opening of the bank account for inspection is
herein, asserts a legal interest in the clearly premature and legally
controversy. The issue invoked is ripe for unjustified.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary
judicial determination as litigation is
inevitable. Note that the petitioner has BEING AN ACTION INCAPABLE OF
threatened private respondent with "indirect PECUNIARY ESTIMATION, THE RTC
contempt" and "obstruction" charges should HAS JURISDICTION.
the latter not comply with its
order.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is
Circumstances considered, we hold that DISMISSED.
public respondent has jurisdiction to take
cognizance of the petition for declaratory SO ORDERED.
relief. Nor can it be said that public
respondent gravely abused its discretion in
doing so. We are thus constrained to dismiss
the instant petition for lack of merit.
On February 28, 1983, the Philippine At the outset, the petitioners are faced with a An analysis of the "whereases" of P.D. No.
Government Employees Association procedural barrier. The petition is one for 851 shows that the President had in mind
(PGEA) filed a motion to come in as an declaratory relief, an action not embraced only workers in private employment when
additional petitioner. within the original jurisdiction of the he issued the decree. There was no intention
Supreme Court. (Remotigue v. Osmena,, Jr., to cover persons working in the government
According to the petitioners, P.D. No. 851 21 SCRA 837; Rural Bank of Olongapo v. service.
requires all employers to pay the 13th-month Commission of Land Registration, 102
pay to their employees with one sole SCRA 794; De la Llana v. Alba, 112 SCRA Thus, if the petition has a far-reaching
exception found in Section 2 which states 294). There is no statutory or jurisprudential implications and raises questions that should
that "(E)mployers already paying their basis for the petitioners' statement that the be resolved, the Supreme Court may treat
employees a 13th month pay or its Supreme Court has original and exclusive the petition as one for prohibition or
equivalent are not covered by this Decree. " jurisdiction over declaratory relief suits mandamus and take cognizance thereof.
The petitioners contend that Section 3 of the where only questions of law are involved.
Rules and Regulations Implementing Jurisdiction is conferred by law. The
Presidential Decree No. 851 included other petitioners have not pointed to any provision
types of employers not exempted by the of the Constitution or statute which sustains
decree. They state that nowhere in the their sweeping assertion. On this ground
decree is the secretary, now Minister of alone, the petition could have been
Labor and Employment, authorized to dismissed outright.
exempt other types of employers from the
its benefits only to those engaged in the law in question. In order that an action for
profession of accountancy. declaratory relief may be entertained, it must
12. Tolentino v. Board of Accountancy, be predicated on the following requisite
GR No. L-3062, September 28, 1951 It is obvious that he seeks the declaratory facts or conditions: (1) there must be a
relief not for his own personal benefit, or justiciable controversy; (2) the controversy
because his rights or prerogatives as an must be between persons whose interests are
Facts: Commonwealth Act No. 3105 was accountant, or as an individual, are adverse; (3) the party seeking declaratory
enacted. Section 16-A thereof, as amended adversely affected, but rather for the benefit relief must have a legal interest in the
by Commonwealth Act No. 342, authorized of persons belonging to other professions or controversy; and (4) the issue involved must
accountants to practice their profession callings, who are not parties to this case. He be ripe for judicial determination. These
under a trade name. Assailing the does not claim having suffered any prejudice requisite facts are wanting and, therefore,
constitutionality of the aforementioned or damage to him or to his rights or the complaint must fail for lack of sufficient
provision, plaintiff, an accountant, filed an prerogatives as an accountant by the use of cause of action.
action for declaratory relief in the CFI of the disputed name by the defendants. His
Manila on the ground advanced that the complaint is rather addressed against the
assailed provision is a class legislation since propriety of the use of said trade name by
by its terms it excludes persons engaged in the defendants because it is misleading and
other callings or professions from adopting, is liable to defraud the public.
acquiring or using a trade name in
connection with the practice of such callings
or professions. Included as defendants are
Robert Orr Ferguson, and Hans Hausamann,
foreign accountants practicing their
profession in the Philippines under the trade
name “Fleming and Williamson.”