Publishing, Piracy and Politics - John Feather
Publishing, Piracy and Politics - John Feather
Publishing, Piracy and Politics - John Feather
John Feather
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
John feather
Publishing, Piracy
and Politics
An Historical Study of Copyright
in Britain
First published1994 by
Mansell Publishing Limited, A Cassell Imprint
House, 41/47 Strand, London WC2N 5JE, England
387 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10016-8810, USA
John Feather 1994
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction 1
1 The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640 10
2 From Custom to Statute 1640-1710 37
3 Defining the Law 1710-1800 64 '
4 The Legal Deposit of Books 97
5 The Reform of the Law 1800-1842 122 " 27
6 Copyright in Britain and the World 149
7 Challenge and Change 1842-1988 173
My interest in the history of copyright is, in one form or another, more than
twenty years old. In such a long period of time, I have inevitably
accumulated many intellectual and academic debts, some of them perhaps
unrecognized by my creditors. In particular, however, I should like to
thank, for various forms of assistance, John Adams, John Barnard, Terry
Belanger, Maureen Bell, David Foxon, Peter Jaczi, Paul Marret, David
McKitterick, Robin Myers, the late J. C. T. Gates, the late I. G. Philip,
Paul Sturges, Michael Turner, Christine Vanden Bossche and Martha
Woodmansee. My secretary, Irene Martindale, gave invaluable help in the
final stages of preparing the copy, and Veronica Higgs was a tolerant and
friendly editor. Carolyn Pritchett was an eagle-eyed proofreader.
Earlier versions of parts of this book have appeared elsewhere. Part of
Chapters 3, 4 and 5; these are The publishers and the pirates: British
copyright law in theory and practice, 1710-1775', Publishing History, 22
(1987), pp. 5-32; 'Publishers and politicians: the remaking of the law of
copyright in Britain 1775-1842. Part I: legal deposit and the battle of the
library tax', Publishing History, 24 (1988), pp. 49-76; and 'Publishers and
politicians: theremaking of the law of copyright in Britain 1775-1842. Part
II: the rights of authors', Publishing History, 25 (1989), pp. 45-72. I am
grateful to the various organizations, publishers and editors for their
hospitality, but should perhaps emphasize that all of these papers have
been very substantially revised and augmented for their partial re-
appearance here.
John Feather
Loughborough University
July 1994
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
During the middle years of the eighteenth century, the 1710 Act
was the subject of a succession of complex legal cases in both
England and Scotland, in which authors and publishers alike sought
to use it own purposes. The legal arguments turned
for their
essentially upon whether or not the Act had created new rights, or
had merely confirmed rights which already existed in common law.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
This was an issue of great importance in the book trade, for if the
Act meant what it apparently said, then copyrights ceased to exist
after 28 years (with some exceptions) and a book could then be
however, and it was not until 1911 that a new Act, much simpler
than its predecessors, took account of new forms of publication,
and forms which had been ignored by the framers of the legislation
of 1842.
In turn, the 1911 Act became inadequate. It was overtaken by
deposit. In some
countries, entitlement to the former depends
upon completion of the latter, but that has never been the case in
the United Kingdom. In British law, the link between the two is
entirely fortuitous. The 1662 Printing Act was, as its title suggests,
concerned with a wide range of book trade issues (principally
relating to the censorship of printed matter) of which legal deposit
happened to be one. It was under pressure from the universities
that the 1710 legislation, which was in part derived from that of
1662, revived the deposit clauses of the Act as well as protecting
copyrights. Consequently, in all subsequent copyright legislation,
legal deposit was also a potential issue.
In the early nineteenth century, this essentially irrelevant matter
came to dominate the debate about the reform of the law of
copyright. The 1814 Act (the most badly drafted of all British
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
came to include Bibles and service books, as well as the statutes and
proclamations, giving him a major commercial advantage over his
rivals in the trade. Not surprisingly, this was to arouse resentment,
for in the process of extension, the nature of the privileges subtly
In 1553, Mary I took away from the Queen's Printer the right to
print books of common law. Instead, she gave it to Richard Tottel,
a well-established printer who was already a leading member of the
trade and well-known as a publisher of law books. Tottel's privilege
was, however, unusual in two ways: first, it not only granted him the
sole right to print books of common law, it also explicitly forbade
others to do so; and secondly, and in a significant extension of
previous practice, it granted him rights not only in those common
law books already in existence, but also in all of those which were
written in the future. This was indeed a comprehensive provision.
It was not to remain unique for long. By the mid-1570s, there
granted a 21-year privilege for the latest revised version of the Eliot
dictionary, and for Cooper's continuation of Languet's Chronicle,
with the very significant addition of all dictionaries and chronicles.
What had been a patent for particular titles had been transformed
into another class patent, analogous to Tottel's rights in common
law books.
third example, which was also slightly different
from predecessors, was that granted to the bookseller Richard
Field in 1592, which gave him the sole and unlimited right to print
Sir John Harington's translation of Aristo's Orlando Furioso.
It has been argued that these books, with their individual grants
publisher in such large and slow-selling works. This was clearly the
case with Lloyd's Plutarch, which waTeffectively protected from
competition (which was possible) and not merely from reprinting
(which was, in practice, unlikely). The renewal of Cooper's
expiring privilege in favour of Bynneman when it expired is another
example of the same phenomenon, for no publisher could be
expected to keep such important works in print without some
guarantee for his investment. Indeed, most of the privileges
granted by patent to particular texts were not granted to authors at
all, but to publishers. In 1574, for example, the bookseller Thomas
Vautrollier was granted a 10-year privilege for a whole series of
books, including Beza's edition of the New Testament, Lambinus's
editions of Ovid and Cicero, and the Thesaurus of Marloratus;
these works of learning, written in Latin and all to be printed as
large and expensive folios, needed some form of protection if they
cy and Politics
privileges granted by Letters Patent were based upon the
claim made for the Royal Prerogative, a claim which was unchal-
lenged during the sixteenth century, even if some of the con-
sequences were to be the subject of disputes inside the book trade.
Their effect (and probably their intention, although we have no
direct evidence) was to ensure that certain categories of 'essential'
books were readily available, but that the trade in them was orderly
and organized. Some of these texts, such as successive versions of
the prayer book, or the proclamations and statutes, were politically
sensitive; others, such as the school books, were socially necessary;
some, like the learned works and the translations, were culturally
desirable; yet others, like the almanacs, were very profitable.
Individual members of the book trade, and a handful of authors
and translators, benefited from these arrangements, but they
certainly did not constitute a general system for protecting rights in
books. Even so, when Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558,
Letters Patent were the only public mechanism recognized by law
or custom by which a printer, publisher or author might protect his
work and his investment. The whole system of protection, such as it
was, depended upon the goodwill of the Crown towards indi-
viduals, and the willingness of the courts (which had not apparently
been tested at this stage) to uphold the claims made for the
prerogative. The books were protected, important as they
were ways, were only a minority; for the majority,
in their different
at a time when the output of books was consistently increasing from
them .
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
any boke that he can procure any learned man to make or translate for
him, or that can come to his hand to be the first printer of it.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
ensure that the Injunctions were enforced, in so far as that was its
The Company established a system of recording licences to print;
these were listed in a volume known to scholars as the 'Stationers'
Register', although known at various times in its history as the 'Hall
Book', the 'Register Book' and the 'Entry Book', and possibly
other names as well. In 1557-58, the first year of operation under
Mary's Charter, a list of titles was recorded in the Register with the
annotation: 'lycensed to be printed by the master and wardens'.
There is a similar series of entries for 1 558-59 , and although the
record may be incomplete, it is clear that the practice of entering
licences to print first became usual, and then, quite soon, compuls-
electing electoral body for the wardenships and the mastership, and
also regulated disputes between members of the Company. For the
moment, however, in its embryonic form, it concentrated on
drafting regulations. Only a draft version of this first effort survives,
but the Ordinances were finally agreed in 1562, and revised from
time to time thereafter.
The Ordinances help us to understand the licences, although
they do not fully explain their force. In the 1558-59 draft, one
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
and Wardens. The form of words in the Register varies, but the gist
is always the same. Yet it is unambiguously clear that under the
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
since, the paid agents of the copy owners. The copy owners
reinforced their dominance of the Company throughout the late
1570s and early 1580s, and gradually took control of the Court of
Assistants, and hence of the senior offices. By the end of the 1580s,
they were ready to use that dominance to form the policies of the
Company in their own interests, and to exert political and legal
influence outside the narrow circles of the book trade itself.
1570s, the patent rights were a cause of serious concern within the
trade, to the extent that they were threatening to disrupt the cosy
arrangements with which the senior members of the Company were
very satisfied.
To understand this complex, but important, series of events, we
need to consider the history of the rights in copies granted by
Letters Patent. During the first decade of the reign of Elizabeth I, a
number of existing patents were renewed, and others were created.
The effect was that nearly all of the most profitable books were
The Origins of Copyright 1475- 1640
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
printing undertaken for the owners. By the middle of the 1590s, this
operation had its own Treasurer, and was beginning to take on the
appearance of a business on its own account. When James I came to
the throne in 1603, the arrangements were formalized. Letters
Patent were issued which formally vested the patent rights in the
The Court divided the rights into shares of a notional capital of
9,000, held according to rank in the Company in units of 50, 100
or 200, of which there were 60, 30 and 15 respectively. The
7776 Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
business was known as the English Stock, and became one of the
most important activitiesof the Stationers' Company in the
publishing trade. The Stock eventually came to include not only
the Day and Seres patents, but also those for almanacs and
prognostications, which were to prove profitable until well into the
eighteenth century. The shares themselves were highly sought
prizes, for in the early seventeenth century the annual dividend was
running at between 12 and 13 per cent per annum.
The transformation of the patent books into the English Stock
was a response to the need for the Stationers' Company to be seen
as an effective and willing agent in the regulation of the press for the
benefit of the Crown. But it also had clear benefits for the Company
itself, and especially for its most powerful members on the Court of
Assistants. The evolution of the English Stock is also, however, a
significant event in the history of copyright, for it established on a
clear legal basis the rights in some of the most valuable copies in the
trade. At the same time, although probably coincidentally, it
confirmed the role of the Stationers' Company in the establishment
and enforcement of such rights. The English Stock copies unequi-
vocally had their origin in the exercise of the Royal Prerogative; the
Stationers' Company had transformed them into commercial
This was clearly in line with the rapid contemporaneous devel-
opments in practice with regard to rights in other copies,
those entered in the Register. The 1586 Star Chamber decree
strengthened the hand of the Company in enforcing registration
(and all its other internal regulations), and thus facilitated the emer-
gence of a new and clearer understanding of the nature and
implications of copy ownership.
It is clear that the idea of rights in copies, that is, the unique right
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
1605, it was alleged that Edmund Weaver had entered ten copies on
behalf of Thomas Wight, who was not a member of the Company;
thiswas allowed only on the condition that Wight was to 'dispose of
them to any freeman of this Companye'. 60 The Stationers' Com-
pany thus achieved two objectives at once: it maintained order
within the trade, and it ensured that its members had a collective
monopoly over it.
The Stationers' Register had become the only means of proving
ownership of rights in the vast majority of copies which were not
the subject of Letters Patent or part of the English Stock. number A
of incidents at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
demonstrate this. The case of Thomas Wight
one interesting is
Register is
proof of ownership; secondly, rights are obtained and
established by the act of entry; and thirdly, the rights of deceased
Freemen revert to the Company as a whole, presumably to avoid
them going into the hands of those not in the tracle.^2 Indeed, there
is even some evidence that the value of shares in trie Stock attracted
men from other companies.
The absence of an entry in the Register could be fatal to any
claim about the ownership of a copy. An interesting, if negative,
example is that of the rights in 'the book of Dcor ffaustus', not
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
entry was the only proof of ownership of a copy, and was indeed
required under the Company's Ordinances, its absence was not
necessarily an obstacle to exercising the rights of ownership
provided that there was no substantiated challenge. Perhaps it was
for this reason that almost half of those books published before
1640 which were not part of one of the patents were apparently
never entered in the Register.
A challenge to the right of publication might come from one of
three principal sources, although such cases are unusual. The first
was from within the Company itself. This was the business of the
Court of Assistants, and was indeed their principal formal involve-
ment in disputes about copy ownership. Their first concern was, of
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
book The Court Books and the Hall Books are full of
minutes and entries, many of them impenetrably obscure in their
details, which both the disputes which arose and the Court's
efforts to mollify everyone involved in them, while ensuring that its
own authority was not blatantly flouted, and that it did its public
duty in relation to the 1559 Injunctions, the 1586 Decree and other
crown orders.
The second source of objections, far fewer in number, but taken
very seriously when they did arise, was the various official bodies
which might object to the contents of a book rather than to the
commercial arrangements for its publication. In other words, these
are not really copyright issues at all, but rather issues relating to the
enforcement of the licensing regulations concerning the censorship
of books.
The third group of complaints came from outside both the book
trade and the official circles concerned with censorship of the press,
although the use of the word 'group' implies a degree of cohesion
which did not exist. Nevertheless, this third category of complaints
isof particular interest, for it consisted of those who argued that
they had some sort of prior claim on the ownership of whatever it
was that was claimed as a piece of property by a Stationer. In other
words, they forced the earliest consideration of the nature of the
'rights' in copies.
There are a few sixteenth-century incidents which, at least to the
modern interpreter, suggest some rudimentary concept of the
rights of the author as well as those of the publisher. In 1582, for
example, Henry Denham was ordered by the Court of Assistants to
pay the not inconsiderable sum of 4. 6s. Sd. to Edward White
because he had published a book called The Diamond of Devotion:
'pte whereof was taken out of a copie of ye said Ed. whites Called
the footepath of faithe'. Two
years later, another case also (but
presumably coincidentally) involved White; A Book of Cookery
was entered to him on the usual condition that it did not belong to
anyone else with the rider that it was 'not collected out of anie book
already extante in printe in English'. Are these cases concerned
with piracy or with plagiarism? The line is a fine one, and it never
became much clearer in the early seventeenth century. In 1618, for
example, Thomas Jones was forbidden to print in The Father's
Blessing, in which he owned the rights, anything which had
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
difference between ideas and the works in which those ideas are
expressed. The recognition of the author as a participant in the
process of publishing a book was perhaps further reinforced by the
granting of protection to particular titles rather than to whole
groups of books or to such essentially anonymous works as statutes
or prayer books. A fundamental question, although it was not yet
raised, was clearly implicit: if a copy was a piece of property, what
was its origin? Who created it? At what point in its development did
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
King's company, and that his plays, after 1598, were written for,
and hence belonged Company. There was nothing unusual
to, that
about this arrangement: was the standard pattern of the dramatist
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
82 83
Men; the period from 1597 to 1612,
in thirty-two plays
belonging to the Chamberlain's/King's Men were printed. From
this it seems reasonable to conclude that publication was of minimal
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
example, that authors were paid for their copy. In itself, this proves
nothing, except that the booksellers did recognize that in acquiring
a copy for entry and publication they were acquiring something
which had already taken on the status of property. Can they have
believed that they were only buying a piece of paper rather than
what was written on it? It would be perverse to argue, and probably
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Origins of Copyright 1475-1640
the trade, who, like Wolfe fifty years earlier, felt commercially
disadvantaged by being excluded from the system. George Wither
was the leader of the opposition on this occasion, and he was
silenced, as Wolfe had been, by being given a patent of his own, in
this case in hymns, granted in 1623. But the Stationers' Company
refused to cooperate with him, and he continued his attacks, most
notably in a pamphlet entitled Schollars Purgatory, Discouered in
the Stationers' Commonwealth, published in 1624. Eventually the
dispute with Wither was resolved, but the underlying problem re-
emerged in 1641 when so many long-standing grievances were given
their most eloquent airing.
Despite these troubles, the Stationers' Company continued to
exercise its authority as best it could over the printing trade. This
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
2 From Custom to Statute
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
practice was followed throughout the Civil War. Parliament also
took a hand in the matter, and exercised an increasingly tight
control over the regulation of the press in London from 1641
Theincreasing exercise of authority by Parliament, and particu-
larly by the House of Commons, had some significant implications
for the copy-owning booksellers. The system of protection for the
was with the protection of these rights that the Court of Assistants
was principally concerned. The copies protected only by custom,
whether or not they were entered in the Register, were, of course, a
serious matter for their owners, but of far less general consequence
for the trade as a whole.
The finer points of book trade practice were of no concern to
those directing or resisting a revolution. What was of critical
importance was the control and effective use of the press as an
instrument of propaganda. From the earliest days of the Long
Parliament, its members concerned themselves with this issue, for
the licensing system effectively collapsed as the prerogative courts
lost their moral, and subsequently legal, authority. The House of
Commons was particularly sensitive on these issues, and began to
address them early in 1641, with the intention of ensuring that its
views were fully and accurately represented in print. Any effect on
the system of copy protection was entirely coincidental and
unintended, but it was, from the trade's point of view, inevitable.
Their first battle was fought to protect the privileged copies, and
particularly the English Stock. The attack on them was renewed/
early in 1641 with a pamphlet published by Michael Sparke;
entitled Scintilla, or a light broken into dark warehouses. Sparke
was deeply involved in the trade in the import of English Bibles, in
breach of the privileges of the King's Printer and the universities,
but his attack on monopolies was politically astute and brought him
much support. It caused a real crisis in the Stationers' Company, 5
because it found clear echoes in the Commons, which had already
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
concerned with the implications of the Bible patent. Two
The view that the shareholders in the English Stock were interested
in exploiting it only for their own advantage, and not in order to
provide work for the poorer members of the Company, was
widespread both inside and outside the trade, and, whether or not
the accusation was a fair one, it provided a potent weapon to the
opponents of the trade establishment.
Even before the publication of Scintilla, however, the Commons
had begun to take an active interest in the affairs of the trade,
establishing a committee to investigate it
February 1641. The
trade was now seriously concerned, and, when the Lords also began
to show an interest in its affairs, it pre-emptively complained in
March 1641 to that House that the breakdown in the control of the
press was wrecking its economic stability. This was, however, of
little concern to either House as events moved at an ever-increasing
related, issues at stake: the control of the press in order to use it fon/
propaganda (while suppressing the propaganda of others), which
was the interest of Parliament; and the retention of long-
established rights which had a multiplicity of economic implications
for their beneficiaries,which was the interest of at least some
members of The problem for the latter was that they
the trade. /
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
protection practices which had developed within the trade, but only
rarely directly impinged upon them.
One example of the almost casual way in which this
happened is in a House of Commons order in January 1642, which
was principally concerned with licensing arrangements, but added
coincidentally that 'the Master and Wardens of the Company of
stationers shall be required to take special Orders, that the Printers
do neither print or reprint anything without the Name and consent
of the Author
n The
to print the name of the
. . .'
licenser had
theoretically existed since 1632, and had been reiter-
ated in 1637, but this apparent concern for the author was new.
The real purpose was, of course, to enable easy identification of the
authors of unacceptable books and pamphlets, and we should
certainly not ascribe any motive beyond that to the framers of this
Order. Even so, they show a clear recognition that it is the author
who is ultimately responsible for the book.
forth .', . but no other Stationer seems to have taken the same
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
was the regulation of the press. It is, however, significant that, from
the very beginning of post-Restoration attempts to legislate for
the press, the Court of Assistants linked the two issues of
censorship and copyright, thus enabling it to present an argument
in favour of its own commercial control as one for the protection of
the state.
No legislation was passed in 1660, and by the summer of 1661, it
hand, Charles and his ministers wanted to control the press, and
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
After this message, it was not surprising that the Bill passed fairly
quickly through both houses, and received the Royal Assent on
19 May. In various guises, the 1662 Printing Act was to provide
the legislative framework for the trade until 1679, and again from
1685 to 1694.
Despite Cyprian Blagden's view that in 1662 'the clock was firmly
put back to 1637', the Act actually included a number of
important innovations, including the appointment of a Licenser
(Sir Roger L'Estrange) and a statutory requirement for entry in the
Register. The latter brought the whole business of entry and copy
protection firmly within the orbit of the common-law courts for the
first time, despite the parallel survival of the privileged copies, and
the patents of the King's Printer which had been created and
protected by the exercise of the prerogative. In practice, the power
and prestige of the Stationers' Company was damaged, although
not yet fatally so, by the Printing Act of 1662 and its successors.
There is no evidence in the Court Book that the Company was ever
consulted about the Bill as it passed through Parliament; it seems to
have offered its support to the proposals. The printers even tried
to break away to form their own livery company, an idea which had
been floated as early as November 1660, 41 and was rejected in 1663
largely because L'Estrange was unhappy about it rather than
because of the views of the Court of Assistants.
The book trade now had to operate within the provisions of a law
which was specifically and avowedly designed to control the output/
of the press. The law required that all books should be licensed
before publication, and that the fact of licensing should then be
recorded in the Stationers' Register. It was this requirement to
enter the licences in the Register which ensured the survival of the
system of copy protection which the trade had evolved before the
Civil War. This now consisted of three elements: the patents of
the King's Printer and the universities, together with a few patents
for individual titles; the English Stock (which was a specialized
variant of the patent system); and the copies secured to their
owners by custom supported by entry in the Register and the
practices of the Stationers' Company.
Increasingly, the Court of Assistants was more concerned with
the English Stock than with any other aspect of copyright regula-
tion,and was vigorous in its defence. In 1666, for example, Neville
Simmons was allowed to enter Tobias Ellis's The English Schole
only on the condition that 'this booke be not prejudiciall to the
Companie of Staconers, or anie other mans rights, &c'. Despite
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
the apparent inclusiveness of the last clause and the '&c', this was
clearly a move to protect the school-book monopoly of the English
It was, however, the almanac monopoly which came to dominate
the Stock in the late seventeenth century, and for the next hundred
years. Almanacs were vastly popular throughout the period, and
represented a regular source of income for the shareholders. There
were two complications in their enjoyment of this profitable
protecting the English Stock, including the law itself. It was the
1662 Act which made this possible, for it provided the basis on
which a body of case law could be developed. As early as the
autumn of 1667, the Company and the patentees of Roll's
Abridgement (which was part of the Law Patent) sought the views
of the Court of Common Pleas on the legality of the monopoly. The
Court unequivocally upheld the patents, as having been granted
under the prerogative, because 'The King hath a general prerogat-
ive [in relation to printing] at common law time out of mind'.
. . .
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
There was a 10 fine for going directly to law. There is evidence
that this by-law was enforced. In April 1678, Thomas Fabian was
given permission to sue Henry Harris for infringing his rights in 'his
Coppy Entitled Flavells
Navigacon Spiritualized'. In 1682,
Robert Pawlett was given an even more inclusive permission to sue,
in the name of the Company, any member who had printed or
The Lords, in the resolution of that case, relied upon this, that printing
was a new invention, and therefore every man could not by the common
law have a liberty of printing law-books. And since printing has been
invented, and is become a common trade, so much of it as had been
kept inclosed never was made common; but matters of State, and this
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
that concern the Government, were never left to any man's liberty to
print that would Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles
. . .
the First, granted such patents as these, and the law has great respect to
common usage . . ,
quoted precedents, and looked deep into the history of patents, the
Court added that 'There is no particular author of an almanack;
and then, by the rule of our law, the King has the property in the
copy'. This was a modification of the extreme position held by
Coventry in James I's reign, for it seemed to acknowledge that
books which did have an identifiable author were not subject to the
exercise of the prerogative in the same way.
This did not, however, mean that there was no royal intervention
in securing rights in copies to individuals. There are a few post-
Restoration examples of the earlier practice of granting patents to
An example in July 1661, when Miles
individuals for their books.
Dodson was a given a 31-year licence for his God and the King,
should probably be regarded as atypical because of both the timing
(when there was no legislation) and the delicate subject matter.
The few remaining examples include Ogilby's patents for his
illustrated editions of Virgil, Homer and Aesop, granted for 15
years in 1666, and duly noted by the Court of Assistants, and John
Fuller's 10-year patent for his father's Worthies of England in
^ In general, however, patents for individual titles had
vanished before the end of Charles H's reign, although a few class
monopolies were still granted outside the English Stock, including
one for Welsh almanacs in 1680, and perhaps a de facto monopoly
on music. For the protection of particular titles outside the patent
books, entry in the Register remained the only mechanism.
The use of the Register as a record of licences was compulsory
under the 1662 Act. The Court of Assistants thus had a sanction
which it never had before 1640, despite the various regulations
about entry which had been made both by the Company itself and
by the state in various guises. The Court was now in a very different
position. Although its hand was indeed stronger, it was itself, as
was the whole trade, under the constant surveillance of the
Surveyor of the Press, and was obliged from time to time to take
measures to convince officials of its seriousness. In 1674, for
example, it ordered Robert Clavell, the publisher of the Term
Publishing, Piracy Politics
Catalogues, quarterly of newly published books,
lists to print in
his catalogue 'only such [titles] as are entred in the Register booke
.' The reason was
belonging to the Company . .
simple: he had
been putting 'unlicensed bookes into his Catalogue'. 64 Two years
later, this ruling was generalized to the effect that no catalogue was
to be published until the Clerk of the Stationers' Company could
attest that every book listed in it was duly licensed.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
of the King's Printer and of the English Stock. There were also
claims made that entries in the Register were being falsified to
establish 'rights' which did not actually exist. The truth of the latter
accusation cannot be established; what is certain is that there was
a widespread and growing resentment, both inside and outside
the trade, about the role of the Stationers' Company, and of those
who controlled the Court and the English Stock. 78
There was also a different kind of opposition to the renewal of
the 1685 Act in 1693. Not all of its opponents were concerned with
issues of trade; at least one, John Locke, also addressed issues of
implication for licensing. Indeed, the trade was now to pay the
price for its own history. Ever since the middle of the sixteenth
century, its practices in relation to copy ownership and the
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
Table 2.1
Book trade bills 1695-1710
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
All the successors of the 1695 Bill (except the 1710 Copyright
Act) were similarly lost when they became entangled in the
explanation for failure was quite different: there were too manyvX
opposing interests in conflict with each other.
For most of the politicians, the only reason to be interested in any
of these bills was in the hope of reviving the licensing laws. Robert
Harley, later first earl of Oxford, dominated the politics of the
period, from the Speaker's chair, then from the office of the
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
it meant the less tangible, but no less valuable, asset of their rights
in copies. We do not know whether the two sides acted in concert,
but it is clear that both felt that they would be best served by the
revival of the historic powers and assumed privileges of the Court
of Assistants.
The book trade, however, was not alone in its interest in these
matters. Quite apart from any political or philosophical opposition
to the revival of licensing, there were those who used economic and
commercial arguments against it. In 1694 or 1695, an anonymous
petition, To the Honourable Members, assembled in Parliament,
had argued that any monopoly was contrary to the national /
interest, and that one such as that which had formerly been
exercised by the Stationers' Company should not be restored once
it had
lapsed. The petitioner probably touched a raw nerve in the
trade when he argued that it was only self-interest which made the
Stationers support licensing at all: 'Were it not for their Mammon-
Faced with their inability to push licensing legislation through the
House, successive governments used different means to pursue
their enemies in the press. Between 1695 and 1714, more than thirty
printers, booksellers and news-writers were brought to one or other
House to answer charges relating to privilege or contempt. 98 It was,
however, both a clumsy and an ultimately unsatisfactory way of
dealing with the problem. By the spring of 1704, at least three such
prosecutions were in hand, and at the same time the Tory majority
in the House was slipping away. The ministry dissolved, and Harley
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
faced by the trade. There was some piracy in the early eighteenth
century, especially of popular literary texts, and, of course, the
continuing problems with the almanacs and the import of books
protected by the patents of King's Printer such as Bibles. What is
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
Table 2.2
The signatories of the book trade petition 1707
and Politics
from the inner circles of the London book trade, under the
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
Whereas the liberty which Printers Booksellers and other Persons have
of late frequently taken in Printing Reprinting, and Publishing or
causing to be Printed, Reprinted and Published Books, and other
Writings, without the consent of tffe Authors thereof, in whom ye
undoubted Property of such Books and Writing as the product of their
learning and labour remains or of such persons to whom such Authors
for good Consideracons have lawfully transferred their Right and title
thereinis not only a real discouragement to learning in generll [sic]
The whole tone of this was, of course, quite different from that of
the licensing presented and rejected between 1695 and 1704.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
apparently offered no evidence. The Cose of the Booksellers'
Rights to their Copies, or sole power of printing their respective
books, represented to the Parliament, supports the Bill because
'The liberty now set on" foot of breaking thro' this antient and
reasonable Usage is no way effectually to be retained but by an Act
of Parliament'. There is no reference to, or even tacit support of,
5. The trade has tried not to offend in the years since the lapse of
6. If the trade is ruined, there will be no public benefit.
7. The Bill will not restrain the freedom of the press.
The Press therefore under this Law will be as Free as ever, and
Un-registered Books and Pamphlets always unappropriated.
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
To the petitioners, the two important points here were, first, that
registration was voluntary, and secondly that unregistered copies
had no owners. Both of these provisos assume the superior force of
common law over any new statute, and imply that the proposed Act
ismerely supplementary to existing law and practice. They cleverly
disguised this point with nods to both authors and Whigs.
The second trade petition, More Reasons Humbly Offered to the
Honourable House of Commons for the Bill for Encouraging
Learning, and for securing property of copies of books to the rightful
owners thereof, is concerned entirely with these alleged
common-law rights. This time, Parliament is explicitly asked to
confirm existing rights, on the grounds that the current situation
merely encourages piracy, and ruins honest members of the trade
who buy their copies lawfully. It is suggested that there is no need
for time limits on such ownership, and there is a mere nod towards
the title of the Bill in the suggestion that the prevalence of piracy
ing, Piracy and Politics
That where any Author shall hereafter compose or write any book or
books and shall reserve to himself ye Copy or Copies of Such book or
Books share or shares thereof Or any Bookseller printer or other person
who hath already purchased or acquired or shall hereafter purchase or
acquire ye Copy or Copies of any book or Books Share or Shares
therefore in Order to print or reprint ye same That in any or either of
these Cases from and after the Tenth Day of April, One thousand seven
hundred and ten . . .
[there shall be protection and penalties].
From Custom to Statute 1640-1710
the trade and law sought to protect. Nowhere does the 1710 Act
define 'copies' or 'books' or 'rights'; it merely assumes an
understanding of them.
That assumption was, of course, wholly accurate so far as the
principal supporters of the final version of the Act were concerned.
The leading members of the book trade who had led the support
both for a law and for a particular form of law had no real interest in
precise definitions. They knew exactly what traditional rights and
practices were being protected. Indeed, they considered that the
only form of protection which their historic common-law rights
needed was some easier means of recourse to the courts in order to
act against pirates. For the trade, the 1710 Act represented a simple
continuation of legal and commercial practices which had de-
veloped since the middle of the sixteenth century, but which had
been under challenge in the absence of any statutory authority
since 1695. Certainly the Stationers' Company was satisfied. On
18 April, the Court of Assistants appointed a committee (which
included six of the 1707 petitioners) to make arrangements for
yet this apparent victorywas to prove chimerical. The 1710 Act was
fraught with problems because of its very imprecision. Not
everyone shared the trade's complacent and conservative
interpretation of what it said, what it meant and what it implied.
Above all, perhaps, the world outside and around the book trade
J was changing. Authors were expecting to be paid more, and to .
some extent their expectations were being met. The book trade was
booming, and there were plenty of people in it who had little
interest in, or respect for, its customs, conventions and historic
forms. To a large extent, the concern for copyright was a concern of
a small group of copy owners in London. It is true that they had a v
dominant position in the trade, but they were, perhaps, just a little
too confident about the strength and permanence of that position in
1710. During the next half-century, their confidence was to be
undermined by attacks from many quarters: authors,- pirates,
printers in Ireland, Scotland and Holland, lawyers and even
readers. The 1710 Act, far from being the end of a story, as the
trade must have hoped, was in fact the beginning of another equally
complex sequence of challenging events.
3 Defining the Law
The 1710 Copyright Act has been seen as a landmark in the history
of copyright law, and in the history of the book trade, in Britain.
This is indeed the case, but it was an unintended consequence of the
actions taken by those who had promoted the legislation. The Act
had been evolved from two overlapping and sometimes conflicting
groups of interests. On the one hand, there was a sense among
some politicians that the lapse of licensing in 1695 had been a
mistake which ought to be rectified. On the other, there were copy-
owning booksellers who sought to protect their existing properties
Defining the Law 1710-1800
competition with each other in some ways, could work together for
their mutual defence. The same protectiveness can be seen in
another practice which developed at about the same time, and
which was to play a critical role in the development of copyright
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Defining the Law 1710-1800
implicitly recognized before the Civil War, and after the Res-
toration the payment of authors for their copy was an established
fact and a normal practice. This led to the formalization of the
poem by a regicide who had escaped the scaffold only because of his
The arrangements between authors and publishers gradually
took on a fairly standard form. Broadly speaking, the author sold
the rights in the copy to the publisher, although there are variations
on this theme even in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth
centuries. Whatever the details, the mere existence of such
contractual arrangements clearly acknowledged the origin of the
rights with the author; yet those rights were still seen as being
transferred to a bookseller and then of no further concern of the
author. The sums of money involved were typically small. When
Dryden sold a work to Tonson for the first time in 1679 (his version
of Troilus and Cressida), he, like Milton, received 20.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Defining the Law 1710-1800
From the surviving papers in the case, the complex story behind
these editions can be reconstructed. The copy was based on the
papers of the late Admiral George Byng, and dealt with his
command of the Mediterranean Fleet in the early part of George I's
reign. Corbett had sold the copy to the Tonsons on 27 August 1738,
and they had entered it in the Stationers' Register on 24 September.
It was argued that there was no doubt of Corbett's right to sell the
copy, nor of the Tonsons' right to buy it. Mechell and his unnamed
associates had, on the other hand, printed their edition with no
such rights. The plaintiffs therefore asked the Court to prevent
Mechell from selling his edition. The case is unreported, but it is
fairly clear that the law was on the Tonsons' side. There was,
however, apparently no need to refer to the 1710 Copyright Act in
order to establish that fact.
The Tonsons, through three generations, were never averse to
going to law, for they owned some of the most valuable copyrights
in the trade. Two other occasions included an injunction obtained
in 1722-23 to prevent Francis Clifton from pirating Steele's
Conscious Lovers, and the defence of the rights in Gay's Fables
by Jacob Tonson III in 1745. The courts invariably found for the
plaintiffs in copyright cases, provided that they could prove
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Defining the Law 1710-1800
own, legal, edition cost 25s. Qd. One witness actually produced
copies of books which he claimed were Dutch piracies. The type
was identified as Dutch by James Bettenham, a printer. Thomas
Ward gave evidence that he had the rights in Burnett's History of
His Own Time, which was one of the books, and testified that no
one else had printed it in England. Further evidence followed to
show that paper was more expensive in England (because of import
duties), and that both the Dutch and the Irish could therefore
undercut the English on the costs of book production. Finally,
James Crockatt, another London bookseller, said that he had been
in a bookshop in Preston in Lancashire when a parcel of books had
arrived from Ireland which had included reprints of English copies.
All of this was telling enough, but the case became even stronger
when the authors began to give their evidence. The Committee was
told of 29 authors who had had their works pirated, and then some
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
edition, which could not be expected for some time, and protection
for this investment was clearly necessary. Finally, the Committee
heard from Thomas Mangey, a canon of Durham, who said that he
had spent 400 in preparing an edition of the works of Philo
Judaeus, but feared that after publication it would be reprinted
abroad for about one-third of the English price, because paper was
so much cheaper in Holland.
These were carefully selected examples of divines and scholars.
Clarke and Ainsworth were both being well-paid for their labours,
and all three were clear examples of the encouragement of learning
by the protection of property. The witnesses and evidence pro-
duced by the booksellers may, however, have had an unexpected,
and, from their point of view, undesirable effect, in drawing
attention to the authors as a party to the trade's affairs. When the
Bill finally reached the House in May, the second point in the
copies. In either case, this second strand in the argument for the
Bill introduced the authors as a factor by raising the question of the
value of the property of which they were the originators.
By the middle of April, before the Bill had been published, the
affair was already attracting some public attention, and led to the
publication of a number of broadsides and pamphlets. Some of
these appear to have emanated from the trade, or to have been
heavily influenced by trade views. One of these is almost certainly
Defining the Law 1710-1800
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
claims of authors and the need to give them real protection against
the depredations of unscrupulous booksellers. After 1735, it was
never again entirely possible to exclude some consideration of the
rights of authors when copyright law was under discussion.
second and even more complex issue was, at least implicitly,
raised in the same debates. In comparing books with inventions,
the author of A Letter to a Member of Parliament was inviting
consideration of the nature of the property which was being
discussed, and in particular its origin. As authors' rights were
asserted, it became ever clearer that the only logical answer to this
- the -
question lay in the assumption that the property copy was
created by the author at the time of writing. Indeed, at least one
other pamphlet published in April 1735 starts from this assump-
tion, although the theory was later to be the subject of much
ingenious legal argument in the courts of both England and
Some of this was indeed considered during the debate in the
House of Commons. We know something of what happened there
from the brief notes of Thomas Carte, a non-juring antiquary who
had himself been the victim of Irish pirates. 52 Carte regarded a
single term of 21 years as being the appropriate period of copyright,
not least because he was persuaded by the logic of Robert
Ainsworth's evidence to the Committee that some books needed to
go into a second edition before they could begin to show a profit.
Carte also considered, however, that authors needed to have their
rights explicitly protected, since only the unspecified 'proprietors'
Defining the Law 1710-1800
seemed to have rights under the 1710 Act. Carte, however, like
really arose from the fact that copyright was still a relatively
unfamiliar concept, ill-defined and ill-understood, but nevertheless
now quite clearly beyond the private sphere of the book trade. The
authors had become major players in the game, and neither they
nor the questions which their participation had raised were going to
In the parliamentary session of 1735-36, another Bill was
prepared and printed, and this was unambiguous about its pur-
pose. The preamble stated bluntly that the 1710 Act 'has proved
ineffectual to prevent the Publication and Sale of surreptitious
Editions, and impressions of Books .' The solution
. .
was indeed a radical one, and it took considerable account of the
rising tide of opinion in favour of authors. The term of protection
was to be the author's lifetime and a further eleven years thereafter.
If the author died within ten years of publication, protection was to
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Defining the Law 1710-1800
long term. The bills of 1735 and 1737 had both provoked debates,
which partly arose out of contemporary events elsewhere in the
book world, which could no longer be stifled. In particular, there
were authors who were prepared to assert their rights, and even a
few who saw ways of using the 1710 Act to their advantage. The
most important of these was Alexander Pope.
Pope was not the first author to take an intense interest in the
publication and printing of his work, but he was the first to do so
with some semblance of statutory authority to support his claims.
He was deeply interested even in the typography of his works, 63
but, in general, he sought to protect both his financial and literary
interests by retaining as much control as possible over the printing,
only the right to print a single edition of a specified size and format.
As early as 1713/14, Pope negotiated a very profitable and
favourable contract with the bookseller Bernard Lintot for the
publication of his Iliad. Even the great Tonson had to submit to
the wishes of Pope. In 1723, the two signed a contract for Pope's
Works under which the author retained the right to reprint anything
he wished, and were he to do so, Tonson's only compensation
would be a copy of the reprint. 65 Even this was not enough. In the
late 1720s,Pope became deeply involved in the book trade himself,
although one remove through the printer John Wright and the
bookseller Lawton Gilliver.
It is impossible to resist the inference that Pope established
Gilliver and Wright in business, although there is no absolute
proof. It is certainly clear that Pope dominated the relationship
between himself and example, he and
his publishers. In 1732, for
Gilliver signed a contract under which Pope granted Gilliver the
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
. .
nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to extend to subject
Defining the Law 1710-1800
grounds that under the Act the rights had reverted to him, as
author, when fourteen years had elapsed after publication, that is,
at the end of 1742. In his response, Lintot simply denied that Pope
had any residual rights. There the matter rested; it was still
undetermined when Pope died in 1744.
Pope's cases are of interest in themselves, because they begin to
highlight some of the key issues which arose out of the 1710 Act. At
the same time, they remind us that authors were becoming more
assertive, and that relations between authors and publishers were
changing. By the middle of the eighteenth century, it was possible
to make a decent living from writing, certainly if that writing
included regular work for the newspapers and magazines. Patron- /
age was no longer essential even to literary authors, and the idea of
the author as a participant in commercial activity was beginning to
be accepted. At the same time as authors were becoming more
overtly mercenary, there was also developing a more elevated idea
of the author as artist or creator. The very concept of 'originality',
in the sense of an 'original work' of art or literature, is an
eighteenth-century idea. It is perhaps most famously located in
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
of Thuanus's History, but this was clearly not a practical
proposition for the majority. Authors were exhorted to take their
affairs into their own hands; Ralph wrote: 'Combine! And perhaps
you will need neither Patrons nor Establishments.' 85 But this was
an impossible dream for so long as the booksellers controlled the
trade through their stranglehold on copyrights, production facilities
and distribution. Even the provincial booksellers were unable to
compete with them, except on a very local basis.
Despite this, however, the status of authors did change, at least
in a monetary sense, for the better. Professional authors were
Defining the Law 1710-1800
them, and they could reprint as much as they liked provided they
did not attempt to sell in Great Britain. Some did so, as was pointed
out in 1735, but others worked in a rapidly expanding domestic
market, or exported their books to North America.
The Scots, however, were in a far less satisfactory position. The
Act did apply in Scotland, so they could not even reprint for their
domestic market. They did indeed print for export, both to North
America and to continental Europe, but the real prizes were to be
won at home, and by the late 1730s Scottish booksellers and
printers were beginning to flout the law and to justify their actions
on patriotic grounds. 91 Inevitably, this led to attempts at retribu-
tion by the London trade, whose incursions into the Scottish legal
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
the Publick, and a lawful Subject of Commerce for every man to deal
in ...
Secondly, they point out that the Act confers rights for a limited
period only. It was the first of these arguments which had indeed
convinced the Lords of Session, in their declaration that 'no Action
liesupon the Statute, except for such books as have been entered at
Stationers Hall' The House of Lords found for the Scots in 1751
Defining the Law 1710-1800
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Defining the Law 1710-1800
copy were simply as a piece of property like any other, whereas the
opponents of that view took the line that the statute law over-
rode this common-law approach. The legal and constitutional
implications were wide-reaching, and the lawyers dug deep into
their armoury of both law and precedent to support their cases.
The understanding of the law of property was of particular
importance, and underlies much of the argument in court both in
Tonson v. Collins and in other cases. The general view, and one
which was broadly endorsed by Blackstone, was that the property
derived from natural rights, having originally been created by the
labour of its owner. This theory had been developed during the
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
litigated question ... [of which this case was] the first . . .
the 8th of Anne'. He found for the plaintiff.
Aston, who spoke next, concurred, although on different
grounds. He based his argument on the theory of the natural origin
of property, defining property as anything which can be assigned in
law to a lawful owner, which is clearly the case with copyright. He
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
profitable'. He concludes from this that the property, by
definition, cannot be renounced by publication, since publication is
the essential act of completing its creation. The 1710 Act merely
The Legislature may indeed make a new right. The Statute of Queen
Ann. has vested a new right in authors for a limited time: and whilst
that right exists, they will be established in the possession of their
Defining the Law 1710-1800
the 1710Act was irrelevant to this, since it dealt only with a limited
range of temporary protections for a permanent right. Thus by a
majority of three to one, King's Bench decided the point which the
London copy owners claimed they had never doubted: that rights in
copies were merely a form of property, and like all property they
existed for ever. An appeal under a Writ of Error was rejected, and
the final injunction against Taylor was granted to Millar in the early
summer of 1770.
It was at this point that Alexander Donaldson resumed his career
as a provocateur. He reprinted Thomson's Seasons, the very copy
for which Taylor had been injuncted, and put it on sale in his
bookshop in London, under the noses of Millar and the other copy-
owning booksellers. The latter, now led by Thomas Becket, filed a
Bill of Complaint in Chancery on 21 January 1771, elaborating the
stand, and there was no obvious reason why it should not, the Scots
would lose everything which they had won in Midwinter v.
Hamilton and Millar v. Kincaid, for the courts in Scotland would
have to recognize perpetual copyright just as the English courts did.
Donaldson therefore appealed to the House of Lords, which, at
last, reached a fully authoritative verdict on the 1710 Copyright
Act and the place of copyright in English law.
Donaldson's lawyers had based their case in Chancery on several
points, all of them familiar, although with differences of emphasis.
First, they argued that natural-law property rights are assumed to
exist as a matter of 'public Utility',, but in the case of copyright they
would create a commercial monopoly, which was never the
intention. Secondly, they rejected the historical precedents. They
dismissed the relevance of the private arrangements of the Sta-
tioners' Company, and all Chancery rulings before 1710, on the
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
but introductive of a New Law . . ,' This was intended to protect
authors and their families, and they cited the parallel example of
the protection afforded by Parliament to engravers in 1735. They
asserted that all the alleged precedents for injunctions for breach of
copyright were within the 28-year term, with the single exception of
Millar v. Taylor. This was both learned and ingenious, although
somewhat flawed, especially in the last part. Many cases, including,
for example, Pope v. Lintot, had been argued on the basis of the 14-
Defining the Law 1710-1800
and could bring an Action against any Person for publishing the
same, without his consent?
2. If the Author had such right originally, did the Law take it away
might any Person reprint and publish the said literary composition,
for his own Benefit, against the Will of the Author?
3. If such Action would have laid at Common Law,
is the same taken
by the author (Question 1) and for the partial loss of those rights on
publication (Question 2), and a majority also for the view that the
author can only seek legal redress under the 1710 Act (Question
3), so that the Act was indeed held to change the nature of the
author's rights.
Table 3.1
Becket v. Donaldson: the Law Lords' opinions
Question Yes No
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
In fact, the judges were rather more decisive than some of the
more ambiguous responses might suggest. In general, all agreed
that the 1710 Act superseded whatever common law might have
existed before that time. All agreed, again in general terms, that
authors had rights, although there was a genuine division of opinion
on the extent of those rights. however, some very
There was also,
sensible understanding of the background to the case, and a
Perpetuity was not taken up till after that Failure [in 1735-37] in
procuring a new Statute for the Enlargement of the Term'. In that
he was absolutely right, and he discerned the very essence of the
problem: the almost frantic desire of some members of the London
book trade to protect their investments in copies.
A debate followed, in which Camden argued passionately
against confirming what he regarded as a monopoly. Mansfield, to
the surprise of many, remained silent. At the division, the House
same was not true of some members of the London book trade.
Defining the Law 1710-1800
When the case was over, the trade made an attempt to restore what
they had lost. On 28 February 1774, only six days after the Lords'
decision, the booksellers petitioned the Commons against the
'hardship' which would be caused to them by the verdict. In effect,
they were seeking an Act which would reverse the verdict by giving
unambiguous statutory authority to perpetual rights in all copies,
both new and existing. 132 A Committee was appointed to look into
the petition, and it reported its findings to the House on
24 March. The Committee heard two witnesses on behalf of the
London trade. The first was William Johnson, who had been in
business since 1748, and was a large-scale owner of copies. He
testified that he had invested his money on the understanding that
he was buying a piece of perpetual property, and that he had never
seen a contract or assignment in which fourteen years was
mentioned. He argued that if a new law were not passed, the value
of copies would be reduced, and the market flooded with cheap
reprints which would devalue existing stocks of books. John Wilkie,
the second witness, who had served for many years as the clerk at
the trade sales, testified that at least 50,000 had changed hands in
13 '
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
gave authors a far stronger position vis-a-vis the trade, and enabled
them to begin to make new demands. No longer satisfied with
outright sales of their newly defined rights, authors began to look
for profit-sharing arrangements, or even for income related to the
number of copies sold. Out of this there emerged two recognizably
modern groups: publishers and professional authors.
Publishers, firms which specialized in the publishing of books,
and which were not involved in the retail book trade (or only
marginally so), were a product of the last quarter of the eighteenth
century, and developed because of the need to exploit the market
for new books rather than for old ones. Publishing could no longer
Defining the Law 1710-1800
so too did the almanac monopoly, which was now the mainstay of
the English Stock. The almanacs had been the subject of piracy
throughout the century, and it was increasingly difficult for the
Stationers' Company to police its claim to a monopoly of all
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
4 The Legal Deposit
of Books
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Company had be sent to Oxford for the use of the Library. The
idea had originated with Thomas James, the Librarian of the
Bodleian since its foundation in 1598, but it was the influence of
Bodley which secured the consent of the Stationers. The deed was
sealed in Congregation at Oxford in February 1610, and received
by the Court of Assistants in March. After various experiments
with sending the books to Bodley 's own house in Fulham, and
thence to Oxford, it was agreed that the Clerk of the Stationers'
Company should receive them, and be responsible for their
onward transmission. Although the agreement was by no means
universally respected by the London book trade, a very consider-
able number of books were indeed sent to the Bodleian under this
arrangement, which, in theory, subsisted until it was superseded by
the 1662 Act.
This English precedent was an unofficial private arrangement
between two private corporations, the Stationers' Company and
the University of Oxford. There were, however, continental
examples of the deposit of books being required by law, the earliest
being that of 1537 in France, under which all French printers were
required to deposit a copy of each book they produced. The books
went to the Bibliotheque Royale, partly certainly to augment its
holdings, and perhaps in part to ensure that they were duly licensed
and published. 6
The 1662 Act was, however, a new departure in English law;
although it was to prove difficult to enforce, it did have some effect.
There was, however, a serious administrative problem; the law
required the books to be sent to Stationers' Hall, but made no
arrangements for their onward transmission to the libraries. This
was corrected in the 1665 renewal of the Printing Act, which also
introduced fines for failure to deposit, the first time that such
penalties had been imposed. 7 The Stationers' Company was
actually in a very difficult position. The Court of Assistants seems
to have been assumed to be responsible for the effective operation
of the deposit clauses, but all it could actually do was remind
... to the Satisfaction of those learned Bodies and answer the Desires
of our Librarian so far as I have understood them from the
he has made to others, which however I have endeavoured to
accommodate. 15
From this, it seems that Hudson had been lobbying other M.P.s, as
own University representatives, and had done so to some
well as his
effect. Oxford was not alone in such activities. A reliable tradition
records that Thomas Tenison,
the Archbishop of Canterbury, was
instrumental in having Sion College added to the list of deposit
libraries, and that one of the City of London M.P.s had put the
alternative case for the Library of St Paul's Cathedral.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Legal Deposit of Books
apparent indolence of the University Library itself. In the
following year, the same cause was taken up by another barrister
who had also been frustrated by the inadequacy of the same
Library. Edward Christian, who was apparently an indifferent
lawyer and seems to have been personally rather unpopular, was
Downing Professor of the Laws of England at Cambridge. Like
Montagu, he found the University Library's holdings of recent law
reports to be deficient. In 1807, he too went into print on the
deposit question, in a pamphlet which marks the real beginning of
the long campaign for the enforcement and reform of the law.
Christian argued, much as Montagu had done, that the law
conferred unambiguous rights on the universities, but that these
rights were also obligations, and that they were ignoring these
obligations to the detriment of their members. He also, however,
adduced another important legal argument, which was to prove of
importance. In Beckford v. Hood (1798),
critical King's Bench
had held that an author could sue for breach of copyright even if the
pirated book were not entered in the Stationers' Register. The
immediate intention was to clear up yet another ambiguity or
omission of the 1710 Act. It had, however, another effect,
according to Christian. The Act could be read to mean that only
books entered in the Register were liable for deposit, and indeed
the 1801 Act was specific on the point in relation to the Irish
libraries. Christian, however, claimed that the 1801 Act was based
on a misunderstanding of the law, as clarified in Beckford v. Hood,
and that that case supported the contention that all books had to be
deposited, whether they were entered or not. To round off his
argument, Christian added that the law applied to revised and
augmented editions as well as to new books. If nothing else, he had
raised issues which clearly needed to be clarified.
On 16 June 1808, the House of Commons gave permission for a
Bill to be brought in which would indeed clarify the law. The main
proposal in the Bill dealt with the mechanisms of legal deposit. It
required that copies of all new books and reprints should be sent to
the Warehouse Keeper of the Stationer's Company before publica-
he could send them to.the libraries. This was to be done
tion, so that
regardless of whether the book had been, or was intended
subsequently to be, entered in the Stationers' Register. Almost as
an afterthought there was also a clause which extended the term of
After a brief debate, this Bill was given its Second Reading on
17 June, but when it reached its Committee Stage serious
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
certainly right to claim that they had not led to unanimous support
for the Bill. Two or three days after the debate in the Commons, an
The Legal Deposit of Books
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
book which he had recently printed for the publishers Johnson and
Ridgeway of London. The London book trade formed an ad hoc
committee to assist Bryer in his defence, for they too recognized
the importance of what was happening. The test case of Cambridge
University v. Bryer came to King's Bench for an authoritative ruling
in November 1812, and was unanimously decided in favour of the
University. As in Beckford v. Hood, the court held that entry in
the Stationers' Register was irrelevant, and that the 1710 Act
applied whether or not this had been done. Christian had been
vindicated in full, but the trade was faced with a very serious
committee of London booksellers and printers took action in
December 1812, by petitioning Parliament to ask for legislation
which would neutralize the effects of Cambridge University v.
Bryer. Specifically, they wanted expensive books and books
published in very small print runs to be exempt from the deposit
requirements. According to the petitioners, some publishers would
lose thousands of pounds a year if the law were not changed, and
once again it was argued that this would be a deterrent to publishing
certain kinds of books, a discouragement to learning. Nothing
happened immediately as a result of this petition, but on 11 March
1813 the matter was revived by a petition from the printers of
London and Westminster, supporting the publishers' petition of the
previous December, and asking for a 28-year term of copyright to
encourage both authors and their assignees. The arguments of
1808 were emerging once again, and once again it was the question
of legal deposit which was to dominate the debate.
The printers' petition was presented to the Commons by Davies
Giddy, M.P. for Bodmin, who was to be a key figure in the
The Legal Deposit of Books
There was some debate after Giddy 's speech, including contribu-
tionsfrom Wynne and Romilly. The latter supported a 28-year
period of copyright, but the whole question of copyright was now
being swamped by the deposit question. Wynne bluntly described it
as a taxon publishers, and, like Romilly, supported the establish-
ment of the Select Committee. J. H. Smyth, one of the M.P.s for
Cambridge University, who had doubtless been briefed by some
of his constituents, tried to suggest that an extension of the term of
copyright was a reasonable quid pro quo for the confirmation of the
law as it had been
interpreted by King's Bench in Cambridge
University v. Bryer. This evoked no response at the time, but a
Select Committee was indeed established along the lines suggested
by Giddy.
The Select Committee met on ten occasions between 24 March
and 16 June 1813, hearing witnesses at six of those meetings. Nearly
all of the witnesses were from the trade. The first of them was
have been reduced to 6s. Qd. From this Parry argued that the book
could not have been published except at a much higher price than
its actual one. He concluded by suggesting what presumably
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
during the eighteenth century, but they were now being presented
rather differently. Longman made little pretence of concern for the
encouragement of learning; he was interested in profits, and would
publish only those books which were profitable.
The members of the Select Committee, however, were not
passive auditors of all of this. Longman argued that giving eleven
copies to the libraries would necessarily increase the price of the
book and thus affect its sales; when he was challenged, however, he
could not give an actual example of sales being reduced by higher
prices, nor could he suggest what the effect might be of the 5 per
cent increase postulated by Parry. He might have felt himself on
rather more solid ground when he was pressed to explain why the
price would increase if eleven copies had to be deposited, but even
then he was not wholly convincing. He denied that printing the extra
77)6 Legal Deposit of Books
eleven copies (if that was what it amounted to, as the Committee
tended to assume) merely entailed extra paper, but was unable to
explain what other costs were involved. He was continually pressed
on this issue, but could not explain the difference between selling
989 copies of a book and selling 1,000, or indeed how eleven copies
could make such a vital difference in what everyone agreed was a
very hazardous trade. In the end, he did indeed produce some
concrete figures, but only to the effect that depositing eleven copies
of every book he had published would have cost him 1 ,800 a year
over the last three years.
The other trade witnesses added little of substance to what Parry
and Longman had said. All argued, in one way or another, that a
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
be able to print at all'. Cochrane read this letter to the Select
Committee 57 as evidence of how a deposit law would adversely
affect scholarly publishing. According to him, in a letter to Ruding
a few days later, it 'produced the strongest effect upon the minds of
all the members'.
Ruding was not the only author to support the publishers' case.
The bibliographer, Thomas
Frognall Dibdin, appeared before the
Select Committee, in his capacity as a scholar who published his
own books by subscription. He said that it would have cost him
about 120 to deliver eleven copies of his Typographical Antiquities
to the libraries, or 300 if large paper copies were required. He
did not add, as he might have done, that his profit on this book,
published in 1810, had been about 600. Dibdin also revealed that
some of the libraries had subscribed to his Bibliotheca Spenceriana,
but under questioning he was actually rather evasive when pressed
to say whether he would have been deterred from publishing any of
his books he had indeed been obliged to deposit eleven copies.
The Legal Deposit of Books
present the results as favourable to the trade, but his ingenuity was
not equal to the task.
In fact, the trade had not lost as badly as it might. For the
immediate future it was safe enough, because it was almost the end
of the Session, and the House merely received the Report and took
no action upon it. In the longer term, however, the book trade
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Legal Deposit of Books
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
accident, done quite well out of it. Protection was to be for 28 years,
or the lifetime of the author, whichever was the longer. The Lords
had, in effect, transformed copyright from a publisher's right to an
author's right, a matter which was to be of great significance in the
future, although largely ignored at the time. On the deposit
question, the libraries had won: the eleven copies were to be sent to
Stationers' Hall within a year of publication, and the only
exemption was for unaltered reprints. All in all, the trade had not
done well in its dealings with politicians between 1808 and 1814. Its
main objective had been to persuade Parliament to reverse the
verdict in Cambridge University v. Bryer, and this it had signally
and conspicuously failed to do. Its evidence to the 1813 Select
Committee, disingenuous as some of it may have been, had not
been without some force, and yet had been completely ignored.
The vested interests of the universities, the unfortunate indisposi-
tion of Giddy, and the passionate but foolish advocacy of Brydges
meant that the battle of the 'library tax' had to be fought all over
The libraries, having been made more aware of their rights by the
attempt to remove them, became more active in trying to enforce
the Act. They also recognized that they had common interests. The
Scottish universities jointly paid George Greenhill, the Warehouse
The Legal Deposit of Books
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Legal Deposit of Books
yet again.
The 1818 Select Committee was even more thorough than its
predecessors of five years earlier. This time, however, the trade did
not have the field to itself, and the libraries made a much more
public case for the retention of their privileges. They had indeed
good cause to be worried. The issue at stake was clear: it was
deposit, and deposit alone, for copyright itself was not raised at any
stage. The trade had assembled a formidable case and formidable
supporters, and had Brydges to help them to present the former
and to orchestrate the latter. 101 The petition from Lackington and
his partners set the tone. They gave six examples of books 'of
which they are engaged in the publication' and of the cost of
depositing eleven copies of each of them, which they claimed would
be 2,454. Is. 6d. The examples were very carefully chosen. All
were learned works of the very kind which the 1710 and 1814 Acts
were allegedly designed to encourage. To refer to Philip Bliss's new
edition of Wood's Athenae Oxoniensis, which had been appearing
since 1813, was a particularly cruel blow aimed at the
The Select Committee began its work on 27 April, 103 and even its
composition seemed to favour the trade over the libraries. Of the 21
members, three, Brydges, Wynne and Giddy [now Gilbert], had
been advocates of reform since 1813 or even 1808. Others could be
relied upon to support them and therefore the trade. Joseph
Butterworth was no radical, but since 1793 he had been the
proprietor of the publishing house which had inherited the remains
of the law patent; he was a major force in legal publishing, and also
active in the public affairs of the trade. Across the political
spectrum was the Whig author, Sir James Mackintosh, a regular
contributor to The Edinburgh Review, an outspoken defender of
press freedom and a man with a wide range of literary interests.
In addition, there were at least five others who, from a generally
Whig or radical stance, might be expected to support the pub-
lishers' case if it were reasonably well-presented. One of them,
John Lambton, was close to Brougham, and had important links
with the press as one of the intermediaries between the Whig
leadership and the London newspapers, and it was indeed he who
presented the booksellers' petition to the House on 9 April 1818.
On the other hand, there were some hard-line Tories who
opposed change of any kind as a matter of principle, but also,
crucially, six men with direct links with the libraries. Henry
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
among them was Peel, who had already made his name as Chief
Secretary for Ireland. Clearly the trade was not going to have an
unchallenged passage.
Most of the first five days on which the Committee sat were taken
up with hearing witnesses from the book trade. Their well-
presented evidence had clearly been coordinated in advance. Much
of what they said was familiar, merely adding to the examples
adduced in 1808, 1813 and 1814 yet more cases of expensive and
learned works whose profitability had been, or could have been,
fatally affected by the deposit laws. They concentrated on the effect
of the 1814 Act which, they claimed, had made matters worse.
more original reinforcement came from the antiquary, Samuel
Lysons, a distinguished scholar of Roman Britain who, among
other achievements, published the first adequate account of the site
at Woodmanchester. His masterpiece, however, was Reliquae
Britannico-Romano, originally published in two volumes in 1801
and 1817, with a three-volume edition published between 1813 and
1817. This lavish and elaborately illustrated book was published in
only 50 copies, at a price of 48. 6s. Od. Lysons testified that
several libraries had subscribed before 1814, but that now the book
had to be deposited they no longer did so. As a consequence, he
proposed to have the large-paper copies printed abroad so that he
did not have to deposit them and thus lose income. At last the
trade seemed to have produced a witness who could actually prove
that he had lost money because of the legal deposit laws.
A whole succession of witnesses laboured the same point,
although less convincingly. Specialist publishers in fields as dif-
ferent as law and architecture claimed that their businesses had
been damaged, and it was argued that the trade in general had
suffered very badly since 1814. The case seemed formidable,
assuming that it was possible to ascribe all of these undoubted ills
to the 1814 Copyright Act in general and to legal deposit in parti-
cular.The trade's position was eloquently summarized by Brydges:
'.. this Tax then is a blight to production.
. It nips the most
valuable fruits of literature in the bud.'
The Legal Deposit of Books
The libraries, however, did not neglect their own defence, and
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
debate in the House that all of the resolutions had been carried by
small majorities, and one by Chairman's casting vote. The
elephant had laboured to bring forth a mouse. The House received
the Report and then ignored it
The fiasco of 1818 perhaps more significant for the long delay
which it
probably caused in the reform of the law of copyright than
for its place in the history of legal deposit. To those in the book
trade who truly believed that the 'library tax' was a serious
inhibition on
their businesses, the Report was, no doubt, a
devastating blow. On the other side, the libraries could take little
comfort; they had almost certainly been saved by influence rather
than by the strength of their case. Bad relations between the two
sides continued. In 1819, the Booksellers' Committee, the repres-
entativebody of the leading members of the London book trade,
was unsuccessful in its attempt to persuade the House of Commons
to reopen the matter, and had to content itself with harassing the
universities about their printing privileges. The 1826 Royal
Commission on the Scottish universities suggested that it would be
to their advantage to accept money instead of books, but nothing
was done. 123 Great issues were in hand, and these matters were of
general importance.
By the mid- 1830s, however, the political climate had changed.
Apparently immutable institutions, including the House of Com-
mons itself, had been reformed, and the most venerable of bodies
were no longer exempt from the pressure for change. The English
universities, in particular, with their accumulated wealth and
apparent power, were well within the purview of the reformers. In
1836, the House of Commons once again turned its attention to the
question of legal deposit. Again, the initiative came from the
radical side. The motion to introduce a Bill was proposed by James
Silk Buckingham, M.P. for Sheffield, one of the seats created in the
The Legal Deposit of Books
The first version of the Bill did indeed abolish legal deposit
altogether, and this provoked some protests. It was duly amended
in Committee, but still emerged as a fairly radical measure. The
amended preserved the deposit privileges of the British
Museum and the English universities, but abolished those of the
other libraries. By way of compensation, each library was to receive
an annual sum equal to the average annual value of the books which
they had actually received in the years 1833 to 1836. After some
minor problems with the compensation clauses, there were no
further difficulties in Committee. The Faculty of Advocates and
Trinity College, Dublin, were, however, restored to the list of
deposit libraries during the last days of the Committee Stage. It was
thus in this form that the Bill reached the Lords, who dealt with it in
128 129
three days. received the Royal Assent on 20 August 1836.
The 1836 Act set the pattern for British legal deposit for the '
future, and also cleared the way for a serious reconsideration of the
law of copyright itself. The last phase of the battle of the library tax
was as quiet had been noisy. In 1836, the trade
as the earlier phases
was, apparently, silent, while the universities were supine. This was
not indolence. Buckingham argued the case on grounds which were
fundamentally different from those put forward in 1808, 1814 or
1818. The 1836 Act is merely one part of the whole process of the
reform of the British state in the middle decades of the nineteenth
century. Even the British Museum and the English universities
were not ultimately to escape from these changes. For the radicals,
the reform of the law of legal deposit was one small part of a far
larger campaign for political, social and economic change.
In theory, there was no reason why legal deposit should not have
been treated as a separate issue from copyright since 1836, and
indeed to a large extent it has been. Traditional associations were
strong, however, and when the ljiw_of copyright was, at last,
re^pmed_inj.842, legal deposit was, without 13
controversy, con-
firmed there, and incorporated into the Act. Throughout the rest
of the nineteenth century, the issue rarely surfaced. When it did so,
it was always in the context of the further reform of the law of
copyright. This was especially so during the sittings of the Royal
Commission on Copyright in 1875, and subsequent events. In its
Report, the Commission actually recommended that deposit
privileges be withdrawn from all the libraries except the British
Museum, but when the abortive Bill to give force to the Commis-
sion's recommendations appeared in 1878, all five libraries had
reappeared thanks to effective lobbying.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
and all the libraries eventually benefited from the vigilance of these
two. Shortly afterwards, the Copyright Agency was established
with the help of Panizzi, so that the other four libraries had a
permanent representative in London as a channel for obtaining
their books.
The Legal Deposit of Books
5 The Reform of the Law
The conservative legal position, however, has to be put in a
broader context. The decision of the House of Lords in Becket v.
Donaldson was more than merely a landmark in legal history. It
reflected a (growing awareness of the author as the creator of
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
By the time that Maugham wrote those words, the law had
already accepted the role of the author in the creation of literary
property. The Copyright Act of 1814 had extended the term of
copyright to 28 years or the lifetime of the author, whichever was
the longer, and thus put the author at the very centre of the whole
arrangement. Because this change had been buried in the
seemingly endless and introspective arguments about legal deposit,
there had never been a full public debate on the principles
involved, and it was perhaps inevitable that there should be.
By the mid- 1830s, there were those who felt that the time had
come to change the law, and that the general climate of opinion
would favour such changes. There was, indeed, some evidence for
that. In 1833, the Dramatic Copyright Act had, for the first time,
Tillotson died in mean circumstances, and if it had not been for a copy
of his sermons sold to the booksellers, his family might have been under
the necessity of perhaps applying in vain for relief to their country.
777 Reform of the Law 1800-1842
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The law, as it now stands, merely consults the interest of the useful
drudges of Literature, or of flimsy and shallow writers real men of . . .
The 1814 Act did not satisfy him; in 1819, he still felt that The
wrongs of literarymen are crying out for redress on all sides. It
appears to me that towards no class of his Majesty's Subjects are
the laws so unjust and oppressive.' Others might have disagreed
in the year of Peterloo and the Six Acts, but there was no doubting
the strength of Wordsworth's feelings.
As he grew older, these feelings became even stronger, and even
more overtly mercenary, as one expression of his general worries
about financial matters and what would happen to his dependants
after his death. Towards the end of 1836 he had written to his
provisions for their families, or even for their own old age.
Talfourd, like Maugham, took a deeply conservative line on the
theory of copyright law; he regarded the limited term, however
extended the limitation might be, as an infringement of the natural
rights of the property owner, what he called, in a revised version of
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
term.' If Wordsworth was seeking a champion, it seemed that he
had found him.
Talfourd was later to claim that this Bill failed to become law only
because of the unexpected dissolution of Parliament caused by the
death of William IV on 20 June. This, he said, gave the opponents
of his proposals time to muster their forces and marshall their
arguments by the time that the new House returned to the matter.
This may have been a little disingenuous, for the opposition was
already vociferous when the Bill was given its Second Reading on
28 June, just before the dissolution. If it had been truly
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Naturally enough, this was not quite how Tegg presented his case
when he responded publicly to Talfourd's Bill in the early summer
of 1837. In a pamphlet dedicated to Peel he put the case in terms of
'public advantage, not private reward'. In essence, he argued that
cheap reprints, such as those which he published, were generally
beneficial, especially at a time when a more educated public was
looking for more reading matter. Coleridge and Wordsworth, and
their like,he argued, were for the 'enlightened few', not the masses
whom he and others sought to serve. He could see no evidence
that the existing law was in any way inhibiting creativity, or indeed
the publishing of new books. Certainly, he wrote, no one had
complained to him that there were not enough new books being
published, despite the alleged discouragements to literature in the
existing copyright law. Talfourd may have been supported by a few
authors, but he 'was not backed by petitions from Circulating
Libraries and Book Societies, complaining of the paucity of new
books'. The mild irony emphasized the strength of his case.
Talfourd's proposal is 'a great injustice to all booksellers', who
carry all the risks of publication, and are now to find their
investments taken from them by authors.
It was good polemic, and not without force, but the dissolution of
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
He concludes that
if Talfourd's Bill passes in its present form,
much too short for the attainment of the ends of literary justice.' 45
An anonymous 'Friend to Authors' went much further. He
countered Mudie by arguing that authors were obliged to use
publishers whether they wanted to or not, and that proper
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
1837), supporting it. The free trade case is made forcefully and
without disguise:
The rights of property owners and the claims of authors were, once
again, presented in conflict with each other.
It was against this background of mounting opposition, public
of the term of the domestic copyright had been dealt with. This
lordly complacency was not punctured for some time. In a
postscript to a letter to his publisher, Edward Moxon, on
5 February 1838, he wrote, almost casually: 'Have you any reason
for believing that Sergeant Talfourd's motion will meet with any
- 52
opposition in the House at all formidable.' Moxon may or may
not have known the answer to Wordsworth's question, but after
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
I had, it would be carried to a
certainty'. The same petulance can
perhaps be detected in a letter to Peel, a supporter, if a lukewarm
one, at about the same time: '. .if the bill do not pass ... I shall
prey to Mr Tegg'. 59
When the Second Reading debate was finally held on 25 April,
the worst fears of Talfourd and Wordsworth were not immediately
realized. This was undoubtedly partly because, for once, Talfourd
made a good speech. In general, he was not a particularly inspired
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
Talfourd and Wordsworth had few reliable allies, and not all of
these were particularly desirable. Chief among them was Sir
Robert Inglis, teller for the ayes in the divisions on 25 April. Inglis
was one of the members for Oxford University, and an extreme
reactionary. He had opposed Catholic relief in the 1820s and
parliamentary reform in the 1830s. Later he was to oppose the
removal of the civil disabilities of Jews, church reform in both
England and Ireland, public funds for Irish education and the
repeal of the Corn Laws. Such a man was hardly likely to convert
the 'Doctrinaire party', but that was probably impossible in any
case given the way in which they saw the issue. Inglis had, however,
made for himself a more serious enemy. In 1829, he had felt so
strongly about Catholic emancipation that he had taken the
Chiltern Hundreds so that he was free to stand against Peel in the
latter's attempt to be re-elected for Oxford University. He took
Peel's seat from him by a majority of nearly 150 in a poll of 1,364
electors. Little wonder that Peel's support for Talfourd's Bill was
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
claim that he had written 'scarcely less than fifty letters' seeking
support seems only too credible.
The Bill went into Committee on 9 May, but even that was
achieved only after another division; the vote (116 to 64) was
perhaps a little healthier, but procedural manoeuvring by the Bill's
opponents, which is what it was, was hardly the best start. To
make matters worse, on the same day, the House received a
petition from 'persons interested in ... literature and science' in
Dublin, who were opposed to the Bill. In the debate on the
motion to commit, Thomas Wakley moved the adjournment of the
Committee for six months, which, if carried, would have been
the end of the matter. He argued that the smallness of the House
for the Second Reading, and the closeness of the division, indicated
that there was no real approval for it. He then reiterated some of
the arguments: the Bill interferes with natural property rights, it
willmake books more expensive, and there is, in any case, no
evidence that authors need any more help. The only other
significant contributor to the debate was another radical, Henry
Warburton, who gave notice that he intended to question every
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
fixed for its With the Session drawing to its close, it
was becoming clear that the Bill was lost. On 20 June, Gladstone
'suggested the postponement of the Copyright Bill', and Talfourd
bowed to the inevitable. Both he and Wordsworth analysed the
failure, trying to learn some lessons from it. Both men now saw
Gladstone as the key figure. Wordsworth wrote to thank him for his
support, and to ask him to try to win back Peel for the cause.
Talfourd too was learning a lesson in political reality. He wrote to
Gladstone on 8 July:
literary merit like himself, and those for whom 'the profits of a
season' were the just and reasonable reward. A
few weeks later,
Robinson, according to his own account, 'took charge of Talfourd's
Copyright Petition' and organized the signatures of large numbers
of authors.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
some rascally booksellers ... It is true that ... I secure a new term of
copyright by the corrected edition But those fellows would publish
. . .
The hope which you permitted me to cherish, when I last saw you, of
associating my humble efforts in Cause of Literature with your name,
has been deferred in consequence of the opinion of some of the more
practical ofmy supporters that it would be injudicious to cause
discussion by a publication previous to the renewal of the struggle in the
House of Commons; but I still look forward to the time - 'when the
battle's lost and won' - when I may record some of the attempts which
have been made to obtain justice for the noblest aims of industry and
genius, under your auspices. I purpose to move for leave to bring in the
Bill at the earliest convenient day; and hope, before the second reading,
to obtain Petitions from those who also much need and much deserve
such a measure, in its favour.
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
Reading. This long-expected document was signed by a large
number ofauthors, including Carlyle, Harrison Ainsworth,
G. P. R. James, Douglas Jerrold and H. H. Milman, but Robinson
had actually been only moderately successful; no doubt this was
partly because he was short of time, but some people whom he had
approached, including Arnold, had refused his request for help.
Some authors sent their own petitions, including Wordsworth
himself. His was indeed typical, in arguing that almost all of his
will to me and mine'. Other academics joined in this chorus,
including professors from Glasgow and St Andrews. Like the
general petition of the English authors organized by Robinson, it
was an impressive display of support, which at least showed that
Wordsworth was not isolated and that Talfourd was arguing a real
case, but it was unlikely to convince anyone to whom the same
arguments had been unconvincing only twelve months earlier.
So indeed it proved. Talfourd moved the Second Reading, and
Hume opposed it. The former said that the opposition arose from
self-interest in the book trade; the latter countered that, although
authors might indeed deserve some protection, the extension of the
term was meaningless for most of them. This did indeed shift
the ground a little, and suggested a possible way forward, for if the
objection was to the length of the term, rather than the principle of
post mortem copyright, there might even be room for compromise.
The point was taken up by the Solicitor-General, who perhaps
justified Wordsworth's earlier reluctance to become publicly
involved, for he argued that the poet's case was a special one
because of his longevity, his current eminence and his early literary
history, and should not form the basis of a new law. Eventually in a
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
division of 110 members, the Bill was given its Second Reading by a
majority of 36.
The were torpor and indifference. Far less passion
real victors
was aroused than The trade, perhaps aware of the strength
in 1838.
of the political opposition to the Bill, which had defeated its
predecessor, did little. There were two isolated petitions against it,
and another in its favour, during March and April, but no more
organized lobbying by the book trade. The authors were not
entirely inactive, and Talfourd was still looking for support in the
literary world. Dickens, through the agency of John Forster,
persuaded Carlyle to petition the House in his own name, as well as
93 94
signing the general petition. Carlyle was reluctant, but he did
eventually relent: 'Here, after all, is a Petition, since you have set
me on it; of a very wonderful nature, for which you are respons-
ible.' The 'very wonderful nature' of this document can only be
conveyed in Carlyle's own prose, perhaps at its most characteristic
when he writes that he is asking the House:
... to forbid all Thomas Teggs and other extraneous persons ... to
steal from him his small winnings, for a space of sixty years at shortest.
After sixty years, unless your Honourable House provide otherwise,
they may begin to steal.
This document, along with one from Hartley Coleridge and others
from other writers, was tabled on 1 May. 97
That was the date set for the Committee Stage of the Bill, which
had been postponed from 10 April. The events on that occasion
were ominous indeed, for the House had been inquorate, as
Gladstone recorded in his diary: 'We failed in making a House for
the Copyright at 4 - only 28 present.' This was a humiliation, and
you should have had so much trouble and made such a sacrifice, to
meet so unworthy a House of Commons'. 99
The House was only a little more worthy on 1 May, for, once
again, the opponents of the Bill used every possible procedural
device to obstruct it. The business was not reached until late in the
evening. When it was taken, Warburton, who had threatened to
oppose every clause in the previous year, moved to defer it yet
again. This motion was lost on a division by 127 to 24. The House
then went into Committee, but Warburton, seconded by Wakley,
immediately proposed the adjournment. This was lost by 9 votes to
132, a further motion by Warburton to defer the Committee Stage
was defeated by 7 to 119, and a second adjournment motion failed
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
by 9 to 91. By now it was far into the night, and Warburton and his
small group of radical allies had succeeded both in wasting precious
time and in ensuring that the House was thinning out as members
went home, thus once again raising the spectre of inquoracy. When
the Committee at last reached the substantive business, there were
no fewer than fourteen divisions on various motions and amend-
ments. Although, as Gladstone, who faithfully supported the Bill
throughout these weary hours, noted in his diary, 'the majority
triumphed', it was all very time-consuming. Some of the votes,
learned one lesson from his earlier failures, and had mobilized the
support of the literary and learned worlds. But he had not, and
perhaps he could not, overcome the political opposition of the
'Doctrinaire party'. The issue was a marginal one, even to many
authors, and Talfourd carried too little political weight to force it
through the archaic procedures of the House of Commons. The
failure of 1839, after all the efforts which had been made, had
broken the spirit of many of Talfourd's literary supporters. Even
Wordsworth, although he retained a strong interest in the matter,
was never again to be so active a. campaigner. Yet Talfourd would
not admit defeat.
In the next Session, he tried again. He was given leave to bring in
a Bill in February, and the delaying tactics started again; no fewer
than 228 petitions were tabled from the printers and publishers
against the Bill. Failure was inevitable. If anything, this was
worse than the failures in 1838 and 1839, for there had not even
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
expressed in the law in many different ways. For him, this was a
practical issue, and he simply thought that 60 years was too long,
and would impose a 'tax on readers for the purpose of giving a
bounty to writers'. In any case, he considered that it would be
been talking nonsense, and said so. 109 Whatever the quality of
Macaulay's argument, however, there was no doubt of the rhetori-
cal quality of his speech. He did indeed, as his biographer wrote,
'induce a thin House to reject the bill by a few votes', deferring
the Second Reading for six months by 45 to 38.
As had been the
intention, and Macaulay's objective, it was never seen again.
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
nothing but justice & the Cause of Literature which I had undertaken;
and I found nothing but hollow profession or bitter and unfair enmity.
To the very end, Talfourd did not understand the power, or even
the nature, of the forces which he called up against himself.
It is not clear whom Talfourd was accusing of 'hollow profession',
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
which had the effect of giving the same term if the author died
within 7 years of publication, and protecting the rights of assignees
in a limited way. All these amendments were accepted by the
House on substantial majorities.
Macaulay was triumphant. His nephew recalled that 'he enjoyed
the satisfaction of having framed according to his mind a Statute
which may fairly be described as the charter of his craft ,' . .
great extent: and I really hope that you will be of the opinion that what
I proposed is a far greater boon to literature than his measure would
have been. I am really inclined to think that we shall settle the matter to
general satisfaction.
The Reform of the Law 1800-1842
years had not elapsed since publication when the author died, the
full term of 42 years could apply. Copyrights assigned to members
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
6 Copyright in Britain
and the World
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Towards the end of the eighteenth century and into the first
Germany, Italy and France, which was largely met by local printers
reprinting fashionable English works. The market for English-
language books in continental Europe was small, but it was a
development of great significance for the future.
Secondly, the American market underwent important changes.
Until the 1820s, the United States, like the colonies from which it
had evolved, imported British books on a large scale, but, as the
population grew and scattered, the economic base of the American
book trade was enlarged. The demand for British books was now
Copyright in Britain and the World
although did
give the specific recognition which was still denied in
Britain to the role of the author. The first U.S. Copyright Act,
passed in 1790, enlarged on the general provision in the Constitu-
tion by giving citizens and residents a copyright for fourteen years, /
renewable for a further fourteen if the author were still alive.
Although clearly based on the 1710 British Act, American law went
further in specifically recognizing the rights of the author. In
France, successive laws and constitutions gave firmer recognition to
copyrights, protecting authors and at the same time recognizing the
social utility of their works; the latter was the revolutionary
equivalent of the encouragement of learning.
The effect of these social, political and legal cr^iges was
twofold: first, the market for English books was greatly increased, /
and with it the potential income of British authors and publishers;
and secondly, the idea of copyright protection came to be
incorporated in the jurisprudence and legal practice of many of
those countries where that market existed. It was the first factor
which created the recognition of the need for some sort of
protection for British books outside the United Kingdom, and the
second which made it possible. The problem was how to develop
and enforce such laws. The crisis developed, almost simul-
taneously, in relation to both France and the United States.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
When the long war between Britain and France ended in 1815,
for the firsttime in a generation the continent was open to British
travellers and indeed to British cultural influence. A number of
Paris publishers, most notably Galignani, Baudry and Bailliere,
became deeply involved in the reprinting of English books, which
they did on a large scale. At first, Galignani, who was the most
active of the three, was principally intending to sell his books to
British travellers in France, but during the 1820s both he and his
Copyright in Britain and the World
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
however, only a part of the problem, and not the most important
part. Although the British authors did not gain financial benefits on
the scale which they might have expected from the extent of their
American sales, they did at some income, and they had
least get
some control over what was actually printed. This was not so with
the genuinely piratical reprints which abounded in the late 1830s as
the American book trade tried to survive a depression which^
ravaged it as much as it did other parts of the American economy.
One consequence of this desperation was a proliferation of cheap
magazines and newspapers which indiscriminately reprinted books
by foreign authors without even the pretence of acknowledge-
ment. There was, in law, no reason why any American publisher
should seek permission to reprint a British book. It is important to
recognize that the reprinters, despite the fact that British authors
and publishers always referred to them as 'pirates', were not acting
illegally in their own country. Some American reprints were
imported into Britain, which was illegal, but the scale of the
operations was very small. For British authors and publishers, the
American problem was similar to the continental problem: per-
fectly legal reprinting was eating into potential profits, by virtually |
purposely for the English market; the Foreign demand alone being
far too limited to repay the cost'. Whether any of these suspicions
was justified was of less importance than the general belief in
widespread underhand dealings. There was a growing feeling that
Copyright in Britain and the World
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
saying that:
. . .there were certain matters in the book trade and the mode in which
it was conducted which must be inquired into before any means could be
adopted to remedy the defects in the law of international copyright.
Copyright in Britain and the World
Robert Inglis and Lord John Russell both argued that the govern-
ment ought to negotiate bilateral treaties rather than make a
prophecy was to prove less acute than the analysis, for he added
that 'He was of the opinion that the experiment should be first
made with some such country as America, because there, there
could be comparatively no difficulty to contend with'. The 1838
Act provided a basis for action, but, in itself, had no effect.
The American troubles, so lightly dismissed by Monckton
Milnes, were only just beginning. The late 1830s and early 1840s
were the high-point (or the low-point) of American reprinting of
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Copyright in Britain and the World
The effect of all this copyright agitation has at least been to awaken a
great sensation on both sides of the subject; the respectable newspapers
and reviews taking up cudgels as strongly in my favour, as the others
have done against me. 47
this first visit to the U.S.A., reflect the frustration and anger which
Dickens felt at what he saw as the theft of his work by 'the
vagabonds', as he described the pirates in the same letter to Forster.
Almost as soon as he had returned home, Dickens had issued a
printed Circular, entitled To British Authors and Journals, in
which he called upon both to boycott the American pirates. The
trouble was that he made little attempt to distinguish between the
vagabonds and the rest of the trade, an omission which inevitably
alienated potential American sympathizers.
Despite this, however, some American publishers and authors
continued in their efforts to persuade Congress to introduce some
sort of international copyright law. In particular, William C.
Bryant, editor of the New York
Evening Post, one of the
'respectable newspapers' to which Dickens referred, took up the
cause. He was one of the founder-members of the American
Copyright Club, which was formed in 1843 to lobby Congress and /
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
weight to the Club. By the end of the 1840s, efforts to change the
law of copyright in America seemed to have come to a dead end.
From the point of view of British authors and publishers this was,
. in practice, less catastrophic than it might have been. An increasing
* number of American publishers were indeed willing to pay for the
right to publish the first American edition of new British books. By
what was known in the United States as the 'courtesy of the trade',
American publishers, or at least the respectable ones, did not pirate
each other's British books once they had been acquired and
published from British publishers. This was, at best, a tenuous
arrangement, and not a satisfactory permanent solution. The real
answer, if some protection were to be given to foreign authors, lay
in the possibility of bilateral agreements, but that required an
American equivalent of the Act passed by the British Parliament in
1838. There was no indication that Congress would ever agree to
such a proposal. Other means therefore would have to be sought if
international copyright protection were to be strengthened.
In the meanwhile, during the late 1840s and early 1850s, the 1838
Act was proving itself to be quietly useful in Europe. It was slightly
amended in 1844 to bring it into line with the new domestic law of
1842. The principal change in the 1844-Act was that it incorpor-
ated the other rights which were a part of the 1842 Act, such as
Copyright in Britain and the World
rights, which had specifically been omitted from the 1838 and 1844
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
... he and Mr Justice Talfourd both felt [in 1837-42] they could not
complete the subject in a satisfactory manner without the aid of a treaty
respecting international copyright. He rejoiced to see that some progress
had been made . . ,
Copyright in Britain and the World
intellect of its own subjects . .
.', patriotic as they were, were
completely rejected.
The courts did, however, draw some lines around the right of
foreigners. They refused to grant rights to the assignees of foreign
authors, even if the assignee were resident in the United Kingdom
at the time of publication. Even so, the boundaries were
generous, and there was no doubt that, by the middle of the
nineteenth century, foreign authors could acquire British copyright
by first publishing their works under the protection of the 1842 Act.
That was to introduce yet another complication into Anglo-
American copyright affairs, when American authors began taking
day trips to Montreal!
These decisions showed that British law could accommodate
change, but its failings were sharply exposed when the British
government began to explore the possibility of joining with other
countries in a general agreement on international copyright. By the
early 1880s, the network of bilateral agreements was as complic-
ated as it was comprehensive, and there was clearly a case for some
sort of codification in a general treaty. The first impetus came from
the authors themselves, working through their own international
body, the Association Litteraire et Artistique Internationale,
founded in 1879 to promote the interests of authors throughout the
world. At itsown conference in 1883, the Association drafted the
text of an international multilateral Convention which would give
reciprocal protection to authors in all signatory states. The Swiss
government was persuaded to take up the cause, it duly and
summoned intergovernmental conferences in Berne in 1884 and
1885. These conferences eventually agreed a revised version of the
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Copyright in Britain and the World
final text. The initiative had come from the French "
authors who dominated the Association Litteraire et Artistique
Internationale, and their demands regarding translations had not
been fully met. They wanted full terms comparable with those for
original works. In fact, protection for translations was closer to the
British position of a limited period following a declaration of the
reservation of the rights by the original author. One other clause
was to prove to be of great importance. The Convention required
that copyright had to be acquired by the mere fact of authorized
publication in any member state. The significance of this was that
signatories could not require formal registration in order to obtain
or confirm copyright, and that there could be no law which required
authors to publish their works in a particular country in order to
establish and protect their rights. This was inconsistent with
American law, and, consequently, the United States was unable to
sign the Berne Convention.
Indeed, the Berne Convention served to emphasize the isolation
of the United States from the rapidly growing network of inter-
national copyright protection. Some Americans were aware of the
anomaly of their country's position, but a political solution was still
very difficult to find. From the British perspective this was still the
problem which it had been since the 1840s, a position which was
only exacerbated in the middle decades of the century by the
development of mutual protection between European states.
Trollope, for example, contrasted the American publishers ('dis-
honest beasts') with Tauchnitz who always buys my novels'. The
lack of copyright protection in the United States was a grievance
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
exceptions, the law also applied in all British colonies and self-
governing dominions in the same way as it did in the United
Kingdom. The fundamental principle of American law was quite
different. Under the 1790 Federal Copyright Act, and its successor
of 1831, copyright could only be acquired by registration, with the
Register of Copyrights in Washington, before publication; this was
achieved by the deposit of a copy of the title page with the Register,
followed, after publication, by a copy of the book itself being sent
to the Library of Congress.
The second area of conflict between British and American law
concerned the nationality of the author. By 1840, the British courts
had established that a resident foreigner who first published a work
in Britain was entitled to the protection of the British law. This was
not changed by the 1842 or 1844 Acts. The provision was extended
to residents in a British colony by a ruling in the House of Lords in
1868. The Americancourts took a far more limited view,
regarding the rights of resident non-citizens as being limited to
those who had formally applied for citizenship; even the recruit-
ment of an American collaborator in writing or editing a work did
not guarantee that copyright could be secured in the United
States. Against this legal background, and the long history of
cultural conflict, suspicion, disputeand bitterness between British
and American authors and publishers, it began to seem that no
agreement would ever be reached between the two countries. In
the event, some measure of Anglo-American amity on copyright
matters was achieved by limited changes in American law, although
these failed to meet the international norms embodied in the Berne
The story resumed in the early 1850s. There had, briefly, been
some hope of a resolution of the issue at that time. From 1849 to
1851, the British Minister in Washington was Henry Lytton Bulwer,
the elder brother of Bulwer-Lytton the novelist. His nephew,
Robert, the novelist's son, joined his staff in the autumn of 1850,
and took up his father's interest in Anglo-American copyright. He
also began to learn the devious ways of American politics. When
Bulwer was forced by illness to resign in 1851, his nephew stayed on
to work with the new British Minister, John Crampton, who
became equally adept in the corruption of ante-Bellum Wash-
ington. realized that only by the exercise of influence
through lobbying and bribery was there any hope of pushing an
international copyright Bill through Congress. He and young
Lytton set about this with a will.
Copyright in Britain and the World
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
pass, but the same concession caused the continued exclusion of the
United States from the growing international consensus on copy-
right protection.
The Chase Act of 1891^ as it is known from the name of one of its
sponsors, Senator Henry Chase, at last made some of the provi-
sions for which British authors had been calling for half a century.
Non-resident authors were now protected in the United States on
exactly the same terms as residents, which, under the 1891 Act, was
for 28 years, with a 14-year renewal if the author were still alive at
the end of that time. Although this fell far short of the terms which
were now common in the Berne Convention countries, it was an
important advance, and was welcomed as such by British authors.
There were, however, some serious complications. Two were
particularly disadvantageous to foreign authors, and both arose out
of the concession which had had to be made to the printing workers'
unions. First, to claim copyright protection in the United States, a
book had to published there no later than it was published in its
country of origin. Secondly, it had to be printed in the United
States, or printed from type set in the United States or from plates
made from type set in the United States. The manufacturing clause
had come back to haunt American international copyright affairs
yet again, and resulted in the continuing absence of the United
States from the Berne Convention.
Copyright in Britain and the World
From a British point of view, however, the Chase Act was better
than nothing. British authors and publishers soon learned how to
make use of the Act to secure their copyrights in the United States.
The young Bernard Shaw had predicted in 1885 that 'if an
International Copyright Treaty [i.e. the Berne Convention] be
concluded . . . authors . . . will deal directly with publishers in
America . . ,' He was wrong in two respects: the Americans did
not sign the treaty, and, in general, British authors used their
publishers to deal with American rights rather than doing so
themselves. Indeed, Shaw himself told Grant Richards that he
wanted 'to secure the American copyright' in The Perfect Wagnerite
in 1898, which Richards proceeded to do by negotiating (at Shaw's
suggestion) with the New York publisher, Herbert S. Stone.
Indeed, one of the unintended longer-term consequences of the
Chase Act was that and American publishers began to work
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
the United States rather than expensive ones from Britain. One
solution was smuggling, and this certainly happened on a large
scale. Another course of action was to change the law, and,
really significant fact for British publishers was the effective loss of
the Canadian market to the Americans. The Chase Act, by
providing a means by which British copyrights could be secured and
rewarded in the United States, eased the situation a little, but even
so, from the middle of the nineteenth century onwards, Canada was
no longer a part of the cultural empire of the British publishing
European, American and colonial copyright problems prolifer-
ated throughout the nineteenth century. The various attempts
made to address them were pragmatic rather than idealistic. Within
Europe, treaties and conventions provided a relatively simple
mechanism which reached its
for reciprocal protection, a practice
zenith with the signature of the Berne Convention in 1886. No such
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
7 Challenge and Change
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
production had barely changed in the 350 years since the invention
of printing. Printing itself was the only medium of reproduction
which could be used for text; its ability to reproduce pictures
accurately and effectively was very limited. It was a hand-craft
process; typesetting, printing and binding were all done by hand.
All the ancillary arts and processes were in the same state; these
included the various graphic processes, which involved engraving
or cutting in wood or in a metal plate, and even the manufacture of
the basic materials of the craft itself, paper, type and ink. Within
lessthan half a century, almost all of this changed.
The details of the changes are not important for the present
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
television, and used as the basis for a cinema film. The history of the
transformation of Shaw's Pygmalion from play to film to musical to
film of the musical shows that this is not far-fetched. At every stage
new income was generated as new outlets were
in the process,
created bynew technology and by social change.
The Copyright Act of 1842 was still in force when much of this
innovation began. Indeed, throughout the nineteenth and twen-
tieth centuries, the law has failed to keep up with the pace of
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
readers, and expensive even for the middle classes in search of light
entertainment. In fact, the three-deckers were almost entirely the
preserve of the circulating libraries, which, from humble origins in
the late seventeenth century and through a period of fashionable
popularity in the eighteenth, became one of the great institutions of
mid-Victorian Britain. The two great national libraries, Mudie's
and Smith's, came to dominate the market. They demanded three-
deckers (because they charged by the volume for loans), and the
publishers provided them. When, in 1894-95, Mudie's changed
their policy and refused to accept three-deckers, the form vanished
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
publishing industry and the book trade had become a vast network
of interlocking interests, with massive capital investments and ever-
growing costs. Finally, throughout the period, the book, and even
the printed word itself, was under continuous challenge from an
ever-increasing number of technological marvels, each one more
accomplished than its predecessor and some displacing the art of
reading itself as the prime means of human communication through
time and space.
The 1842 Act was ill-designed to cope with these changes, for
that had not been its purpose; yet it had to do so. Ideas about such
basic concepts as 'copying' and 'plagiarism' were themselves
becoming more complicated, and the practical application of the
law to the socially unacceptable was less easy as a consequence. 29
The move to change or augment the Act, however, was not driven
principally by perceptions of its conceptual inadequacy. On a
purely practical level, authors and publishers alike were concerned
J with international copyright as much as with domestic law.
Especially after 1886, they wanted the United Kingdom to play a
full and active part in the growing arena of international copyright
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
... I will give the most active attention to what is before me, and I will
endeavour to take such a course as I think will remove some of the
burdens, annoyances and vexations that now exist . . .
the 'new' Canadian copyright Act, which was indeed causing a good
deal of worry to authors and publishers in Britain. This Act, if it
In the event, a Royal Commission was established, after some
delay, and Earl Stanhope was designated as its Chairman. There
could have been no man more appropriate for the job, for
Stanhope was in fact Lord Mahon, the author of the 1842 Act. He
never served in this office, however, for he died within weeks of
his appointment, and his successor, Lord James Manners, the
Postmaster-General, was not appointed until March 1876. Only
then did the Commission begin its work.
The Royal Commission of 1875 was the first of four great
inquiries into copyright law between the 1870s and the 1970s, and in
many ways it was both the most thorough and the least conclus-
ive. It sat for almost three years, heard dozens of witnesses, and
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
most thorough analysis which has ever been made of the late-
nineteenth-century law of copyright in Britain, but it had almost no
practical effect. The members of the Commission were repres-
entative of the literary and legal world, as well as of the political
interests involved. They included Jenkins, of course, but also
Anthony Trollope, SirLouis Mallet, now serving at the India
Office, but formerly at the Board of Trade (which was the parent
Department of the Commission), Farrer Herschell, Liberal M.P.,
barrister and future Lord Chancellor, J. A. Froude, the historian,
and Fitzjames Stephen, a lawyer and future judge who belonged to
one of the great intellectual clans of late Victorian England. 47 Their
v combined intellects, however, were unable to reconcile the differ-
ences between competing interest groups, and unable, in the end,
to propose a course of action which was generally acceptable.
The Commissioners were unequivocal in their view of the law:
The first observation ... is that its form, as distinguished from its
substance, seems to us bad ,' . The 1842 Act, in particular, was
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
the two years during which they sat, very busy men. Perhaps it is no
surprise that, at the end of it all, they could not agree.
The Commissioners heard evidence from a great variety of
witnesses and was their preoccupations which largely determined
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
have served the wishes and ways of the people'. 59 Farrer again took
a different view in due course; in discussing the problem of
American and Canadian copyright, he sympathized with the views
of both countries that there was no reason why they should be
forced to import expensive British books when they could publish
cheap reprints of their own. Book prices also became part of the
complex tangle of arguments about free trade and protection.
The great issues of the nature of copyright, its philosophical
justification and its economic consequences were not, however, the
principal preoccupations of the Commission. They spent far more
of their time, and of their Report, dealing with the mundane
practical problems which the 1842 Act had either generated or
Inevitably, the length of the term of copyright loomed large
among the interests of Commissioners and witnesses alike. Among
the publishers, both Longman and Blackwood wanted an exten-
sion. Longman, who had 'found that the existing Copyright Act
works extremely well', was unspecific, but Blackwood suggested
the author's lifetime and 50 years after his death, or 30 if 50 were
not acceptable. Both argued that this would be beneficial to
authors, but John Murray, the third of the great publishers to
testify, was less certain. He did not openly object to the idea of a
longer term, but he was clearly reluctant to advocate it when
pressed. In truth, he doubted what benefits it would really bring to
anyone since, in his view, few copyrights were of any real value for .
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
. .could never quite understand why that high moral tone should be
taken about the right of the community to brain work, so that the
benefit of it to a man's family should cease after a certain time.
Huxley argued for perpetual and absolute rights for the author and
J preference
was for the shortest possible single term; both his first
and third options were attempts at politically acceptable comprom-
ises. Other witnesses were less extreme, but there was a view
which favoured shorter terms, expressed, among others, by one of
the Commissioners, F. R. Daldy, who argued for a single 28-year
term. One very authoritative voice argued for limitations and
against post mortem copyright. This was Sharon Turner, a lawyer
and one of the leading authorities on copyright law, whose father
had been involved in the As Secretary
debates in 1813 and 1814.
of the Copyright Association, a group of lawyers and publishers, he
argued against any extension of the present 42-year term in any
form. Trollope challenged him on this, as did other members of the
Commission, but he would not change his mind.
The debate about the term of copyright was important, onlyif
long period of protection after the death of the author. Despite the
extreme positions represented by Farrer on the one hand and
Huxley on the other, the real battle in the centre was being fought
between the existing system and automatic post mortem rights. The
latter was an idea imported from Germany, as was pointed out by
one witness who advocated it. 69 The Commission ultimately
accepted the thrust of the argument, and, with some dissentient
voices, accepted the principle involved.
The argument about the length of the term of copyright, like the
discussions ofbook prices and of the very nature of copyright,
raised many issues in relation to authors. The 1842 Act had been
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
intended to help them, but they seemed less satisfied with it than
the publishers were. Huxley and Sullivan were not alone in making
greater claims for their rights than authors had felt able to do
before. In the earlier stages of the Commission's work, both
Longman and Murry explained how they dealt with their authors.
Both normally used half-profits agreements, and Longman added
that 'successful authors are not in the habit of selling their
copyrights'. Matthew Arnold confirmed the last point, saying that
he always retained his copyrights, and would sell them only 'under
the pressure of a most extreme necessity'.
For the most part, it seems to have been accepted that half-
profits agreements were the normal terms on which authors dealt
with their publishers, as, for the most part, it probably was. 73
Towards the end of the Commission's work, however, which was
when they heard the evidence of the authors, some new ideas began
to emerge. One of the key witnesses here was the philosopher
Herbert Spencer. He told the Commission that he generally
published his books at his own expense, and that only now, after an
active writing life of some twenty-five years, was he beginning to
show a profit. He advocated a system of royalties, under which the
author would reserve all the rights in his books, and allow
publishers to issue them on a percentage basis, but without giving
them sole rights. 74 The idea had been raised earlier, but not in so
stark a form, and when Farrer followed Spencer in front of the
Commission, he admitted that he was influenced by him.
This little episode was not the Commission's only brush with
royalties. Indeed, the issue, in various forms, seems to have been
bubbling under the surface of many of the discussions of authors'
rights and terms. The matter is somewhat confused by the fact
that the word was used to describe two different systems of
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
lyrics and the rights to perform either or both were different and
irreconcilable. Chappell's views were similar, although he was
also concerned with other issues, including the unauthorized
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
designs, works of art, sculptures and architecture. In between,
there were lengthy arguments about international and colonial
copyright, which had, of course, been the starting-point of the
whole investigation, 86 and about such matters as whether the
register of copyrights should be kept at Stationers' Hall (as it was
under the 1842 Act) or transferred to the British Museum, as was
advocated by several witnesses. 87 The latter inevitably raised the
question of legal deposit, on which several witnesses expressed
their views.
Confronted by evidence on such a range of topics, it is not
all this
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
copyright with the fact of publication, and thus raised the question
of the rights in unpublished works. It also began to suggest a
distinction, to become more explicit in twentieth-century juris-
prudence, between copyright as a means of forbidding certain acts
of copying, imitation, adaptation, and so on, and copyright law as a
means of permitting some of these things under certain circum-
stances and in return for certain considerations. None of this was
pursued in the Royal Commission's Report, and leaves a very
visiblegap in the logic of its recommendations.
Finally, the Report dealt with legal deposit and with colonial and
international issues.
The Royal Commission was the most thorough investigation of
copyright in the second half of the nineteenth century, and yet it
was ultimately unsatisfactory. The Commissioners seem to have
been almost overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the subject
which they had been called upon to analyse. They tried to be
pragmatic. They sought simplicity in a field which was too
complicated for simple solutions to be found. The consolidated and
consistent law which they sought, especially for the terms of
protection, was an attractive solution, but one which conflicted /
with too many vested interests of publishers, authors, artists,
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
The Report was published in the summer of 1878, and in the next
Session an attempt was made to transform its recommendations
into law. Jenkins himself, frustrated by the failure of the govern-
ment to bring forward a Bill, introduced his own in December, but
withdrew it in February when Manners, as President of the Board
of Trade, promised that there would be a government Bill. No
Bill appeared until July 1879, was a provisional
and even then it
document. In introducing it to the House, Manners announced
that it followed the recommendations of the Commission, including
the proposal to extend the term of copyright to the author's lifetime
plus 30 years, rejecting only the proposals about the restriction of
legal deposit to the British Museum, and the removal of registra-
tion to the Museum from Stationers' Hall. The sting in the tail,
however, was that the Bill was placed before the House 'not with
the object of becoming law this session', but only for consultative
purposes, so that it could be circulated during the recess, and
discussed in detail with the colonial governments. There, effect-
ively, the matter came to an end. The Bill reappeared in 1881, but
progressed no further than its formal First Reading. There was
some public debate, but none in Parliament. Copyright law was
not a priority for the government, and there was no reason why it
should be so. There was little real public interest, and, as had been
broadly satisfied with the 1842 Act. The authors had not yet formed
their own lobbying group, and when they did so, their first concern
was with international rather than domestic issues.
When the issue arose again, towards the end of the century, the
situation was very different. The United Kingdom's accession to
the Berne Convention in 1886, and the passage of the American
Chase Act in 1891, seemed to solve the international issues which
had dominated the copyright debate ever since 1842. 101 In the
meantime, both the authors and the publishers had formed their
own professional bodies, and were beginning to act collectively in
their various interests. The law was no better in 1895 than it had
been in 1875, just twenty years older. The difference was that, this
time, it seemed that there were enough interest groups to ensure
that some sort of change might be possible.
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
result his early works were no longer protected under the 1842 Act.
This was a little disingenuous; the essence of it was true, but since
he was actually born in 1860, only those works which he had
published before he was eighteen were no longer in copyright.
Nevertheless, his point was a real one, and his concern was that, as
his works came out of copyright, American publishers would not be
interested in the works in public domain because he could no longer
give them sole rights. As a result, '. the derelict book has been
. .
shunned as dangerous; and the one thing that will bring the book to
the public is copyright.' He added that 'the great majority of books
are dead in eighteen months The fifty years will apply in
. . .
practice only to books of exceptional vitality.' No doubt these
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
included Shaw's own, but his evidence was of more than personal
Shaw was arguing the protectionist case for
interest. In effect,
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
anyone who had read the debates of almost a hundred years earlier.
Sir Gilbert Parker, who moved the amendment to defer the Bill for
six months, which would effectively have killed it, described
copyright as 'a restriction of a natural right', although whether of
authors, publishers or readers is not clear. William Joynson-
Hicks, a lawyer who specialized in the field and had been a member
of the Gorrell Committee, was also unhappy, especially about the
proposed 50-year term. He saw no need for this, and regarded it as
a result of packing the Committee with authors, artists and
publishers. It was a powerful speech by an authoritative speaker,
now firmly linked to the life of the author, and survived him or her
by a substantial period of time. Moreover, the author was explicitly
in control of the work; the rights of translation, abridgement,
dramatization, or any other form of adaptation, were clearly the
author's and only the author's. He or she might make contractual
arrangements about the use of those rights, but their origin and the
ultimate ownership were not in doubt. Indeed, for practical
purposes, authors had to reach agreements with publishers and
others for the production and distribution of their works, but the
fundamental rights which the Society of Authors, and individual
writers, had sought for so long were now firmly incorporated in the
The new Act also recognized, for the first time, the wide range of
rights which could derive from intellectual products such as written
works or musical compositions. Although it was not wholly
satisfactory, it did address the problem of sound recording and of
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
since 1911, and the other was the emergence of new technologies
for copying of printed and written material.
Matters relating to sound recordings, films, broadcasting and
'sporting spectacles and performances of artistes' occupied the
greater part of the Committee's time, the longest section of its
Report, and nearly a third of its recommendations. The details
do not concern us, but all are based on the same general principle
can be avoided'. The use of small-format film for document
copying had begun in the 1930s, and had reached commercial
viability with the foundation of University Microforms Inc. by
Eugene Power. Although it was largely used for copying rare
research materials, and books long in public domain, it did have
some potential as a comparatively cheap means of copying
copyright materials. The so-called microfilms (actually ordinary
35-mm monochrome roll films) thus created were, however,
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
1968 . . The Whitford Report was four years in the making,
'paternity' of a
Eleven years were to pass before the recommendations of the
Whitford Committee found their way on to the statute book. The
subject was, as Thorneycroft had said in 1956, 'large and complex',
but the delays were not entirely without value. When a Bill was
brought to the House of Commons in the spring of 1988, it was the
result of a good deal of considered debate among lawyers, civil
servants, publishers, authors, librarians, broadcasters, designers,
Challenge and Change 1842-1988
30 years . .
.', adding that 'we have tried to anticipate future devel-
opments . . .' Clarke was right. The Bill, despite the immense
complexity of its technical provisions, was indeed based on a
principle, and the principle was that of the moral rights of the
creator, which, as he rightly pointed out to the House, was now to
be incorporated into English law for the first time. This was to be
done in the context of a technological climate in which there were
media which were 'almost infinitely capable of reproduction'. 151
The Bill was generally welcomed, but in 1988, unlike 1956, there
was a great deal of informed and important debate both in the
House and in Committee. The range of subjects was as wide as the
provisions of the Bill itself, from the recording of folk songs to the
design of replacement parts for cars. There was, however,
almost no discussion of any matters of direct concern to publishers
and authors. The new fair dealing rules were accepted, and there
was never any serious challenge to making the moral right of the
creator the basis of the law. Copyright, the creature of the book
trade, had outgrown its progenitor.
The 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act is the great
consolidated law which some have been seeking for over a century.
It is, as yet, young, for precedent would suggest that it will have to
feeling theirway around it, and even the standard work shows some
doubts and hesitations on its meanings. 153 These will, no doubt, be
clarified by the courts and by Parliament in due course. What is
Publishing, Piracy and Politics
The statutes cited in the text and references are listed here, together with
the short by which they are commonly known. It is not a comprehensive
A Note on Sources
Primary sources
The primary sources used for this book are cited in the appropriate
references. In addition to manuscript material, the following are the main
printed sources:
5 the published records of legal proceedings, the Law Reports, cited from
the official versions, which, up to 1865, are cited by the name of the
monarch, volume and page; the following key titles are used:
A Note on Sources
originals using folio or page references as appropriate; the records are still
period up to 1800, many documents which, after that date, would have
appeared in the Sessional Papers. For particularly rare or obscure
documents, or documents with ambiguous or commonly used titles, a library
location is given for the copies used. The same practice is followed where a
Secondary sources
A wide range of secondary sources has been used, and is cited in the
references. The full reference is given at the first citation in each chapter,
and thereafter references are by author, short title and [volume and] page
number. The full citation is repeated on the first usage in a subsequent
In addition to those noted above, the following abbreviations are used in the
BL British Library
Bodl Bodleian Library, Oxford
A Note on Sources
Roland Barthes. His essay, 'The death of the author', is most easily
accessible in his Image, Music, Text, translated by Stephen Heath, Glasgow:
Fontana/Collins, 1977, pp. 142-8.
2 For a different approach, which is primarily a contribution to the history of
authorship, see David Saunders. Authorship and Copyright. London:
Routledge, 1992. Another recent study, Mark Rose. Authors and Owners. The
invention of copyright. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993, was
published after this book was completed. Again, the focus is on authors.
3 See Elizabeth Armstrong. Before Copyright. The French book-privilege
system 1498-1526. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990; and Jane
C. Ginsbury, Atale of two copyrights: literary property in revolutionary
France and America. Tulane Law Review, 64, (1990), pp. 991-1031.
4 For an overview, see Lucien Febvre and Henri- Jean Martin. The Coming
of the Book. The impact of printing 1450-1800 (Translated by David Gerard;
ed. Geoffrey Nowell-Smith and David Wootton). London: NLB, 1976,
Chapter 1
1965, pp. 38-9. Probably the most comprehensive list of patentees is now
that in STC2, vol. 3, p. 195, supplemented by the lists in Appendices A-C,
see Graham Pollard, The Company of Stationers before 1557. The Library,
4th ser., 18 (1937-38), pp. 1-38. The Company's royal charter, the legal
basis ofits existence, is printed in Edward Arber. Transcript of the Registers
Clerk, in the Hall itself in order to register copies and to undertake other
transactions. See Blagden, Stationers' Company, pp. 53-5.
38 Ibid., vol. 2, p. 390.
39 Ibid., p. 416.
40 Ibid., p. 421.
41 See Michael Treadwell, Printers on the Court of the Stationers' Company
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Journal of the Printing
Historical Society, 21 (1992), pp. 29-42.
42 Feather, History, pp. 35-40.
43 Feather, History, p. 36; Siebert, Freedom of the Press, pp. 38-9.
44 H. Anders, The Elizabethan 'ABC with The Catechism'. The Library,
4th ser., 16 (1935-36), pp. 32-48.
45 Greg and Boswell, Records, p. 7; Eiluned Rees. The Welsh Book-Trade
before 1820. Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales, 1988, p. xiv.
46 APC, new ser., 10 (1577-78), pp. 169-70, 188-9.
47 Feather, History, p. 37.
48 Harry R. Hoppe, John Wolfe, printer and publishers, 1579-1601. The
Library, 4th ser., 14 (1933-34), pp. 241-88.
49 APC, new ser., 10 (1577-78), pp. 277-8.
50 Greg, Companion, p. 114.
51 Siebert, Freedom of the Press, p. 73.
52 Lambert, State control of the press, pp. 12-15.
53 C. L. Oastler. John Day, the Elizabethan Printer. Oxford: Oxford
Bibliographical Society, occ. publ., 10, 1975, pp. 65-9.
54 Greg and Boswell, Records, p. 20.
55 Ibid., p. 21.
56 Arber, Transcript, vol. 3, pp. 42-4; Greg, Companion, p. 50; confirmed
in 1616: Arber, Transcript, vol. 3, pp. 679-82; Greg, Companion, p. 54. See
actually written down, but the practice is referred to as the 'Custom of the
Boswell, Records) has nothing to say on the matter. The two previous
meetings of the Court of Assistants had been on 8 May and 28 June, and,
apparently, the case was discussed at neither meeting. There are, however, a
number of minor errors and confusions in Register B in 1602 (ibid., pp. 86-
90) and some minutes may not have been properly written up in the Court
Book. It might be speculated that the discussion concerned the transfer of
ownership from the estate of their deceased owner, Cawood, to Leake,
rather than on the proof of Cawood's ownership, but this cannot be
67 Arber, Transcript, vol. 3, p. 365.
68 E. K. Chambers. The Elizabethan Stage. 4 vols., Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1923, vol. 3, pp. 291-2.
69 Arber, Transcript, vol. 3, p. 431.
70 Information from Dr Maureen Bell, based on work done by her and
Professor John Barnard.
71 Greg and Boswell, Records, p. 12.
72 Arber, Transcript, vol. 2, p. 438.
73 Jackson, Records, p. 105.
74 See above, pp. 11.
75 Greg, Companion, pp. 50, 153. The book is STC 23138. This was part of
an effort to introduce the cultivation of the silkworm into England.
76 Greg, Companion, pp. 51, 154.
77 Ibid., pp. 56, 162.
78 Ibid., pp. 51-2, 157. See also Sarah L. C. Clapp, The beginnings of
subscription publication in the seventeenth century. Modern Philology, 29
(1931-32), pp. 199-244.
79 R. A. Foakes and R. T. Rickert, eds. Henslowe's Diary. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1961.
80 Literary scholars have tended to assume that Shakespeare was unique in
a commercial as well as a literary sense; there is no evidence for this. There
is, of course, a vast literature on all of this, much of it of little relevance for
our purposes. The organization of the theatrical companies does, however,
have some bearing on the matter. Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, is the
standard, massively detailed and virtually unreadable authority. For a useful
summary, however, see Andrew Gurr. The Shakespearian Stage 1574-1642.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970, pp. 19-59.
81 Foakes and Rickert, Henslowe's Diary, pp. 21-30.
82 Compare the titles in Foakes and Rickert (as cited in note 81) with
Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, vol. 3, passim, and with W. W. Greg. A
Cambridge University Press, 1920, pp. 42-4, and was most judiciously
ended by Greg, Aspects and Problems, pp. 112-22, where he gives a
measured account of these so-called 'blocking' entries in the Register and
related issues.
92 Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, vol. 3, p. 325.
93 This continued throughout the seventeenth century; see Harold Love.
Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-century England. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1993.
94 Percy Simpson. Studies in Elizabethan Drama. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1955, pp. 186-92.
95 For James patents, see Arber, Transcript, vol. 5, p. Ivii; Siebert,
Chapter 2
1 See John Philipson, The King's Printer in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1639.
The Library, 6th ser., 11 (1989), pp. 1-9. For subsequent travels, see
William K. Sessions. The King's Printer at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1639, at
Bristol in 1643-1645 and at Exeter in 1645-1646. York: Ebor Press, 1982.
2 See W. M. Clyde, Parliament and the press, 1643-7. The Library, 4th
ser., 13 (1932-33), pp. 399-424; W. M. Clyde, Parliament and the press, II.
The Library, 4th ser., 14 (1933-34), pp. 39-58; Frederick Seaton Siebert.
Freedom of the Press in England 1476-1776. Urbana, IL: University of
Illinois Press, 1965, pp. 179-233.
3 Sheila Lambert, The beginning of printing for the House of Commons,
1640-42. The Library, 6th ser., 3 (1981), pp. 43-64.
4 This had been a problem for much of the seventeenth century, but was
certainly deteriorating in the 1630s; for a recent account, see David
McKitterick. A History of Cambridge University Press. Volume 1. Printing
and the book trade in Cambridge 1534-1698. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1993, pp. 195-6.
5 Cyprian Blagden, The Stationers' Company in the Civil War period. The
Library, 5th ser., 13 (1958), pp. 1-17.
6 Lambert, The beginning of printing, p. 43.
7 John Milton. Complete Prose Works. Volume II. 1643-1648. New Haven,
CT: Yale University Press, 1959, p. 570.
8 CJ, vol. 2, pp. 71, 79, 84.
9 LJ, See also Lambert, The beginning of printing, pp. 44, 47.
vol. 4, p. 174.
10 SC, Court Book C, f. 178. In using Court Books C and D, I am indebted
to R. P. Johnston, The Court Books of the Stationers' Company 1641-1679:
a complete index and selected entries. Victoria University of Wellington
M.A. dissertation, 1983.
11 CJ, vol. 2, p. 402.
12 Franklin B. Williams, Jr., The Laudian imprimatur. The Library, 5th
ser., 15 (1960), pp. 96-104; Jackson, Records, p. 234.
13 C. H. Firth and R. S. Rait, eds. Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum
1642-1660. 3 vols., London: H.M.S.O., 1911, vol. 1, pp. 184-7.
14 On this practice, see N. Frederick Nash, English licences to print and
grants of copyright in the 1640s. The Library, 6th ser., 4 (1982), pp. 174-84.
15 G. E. Briscoe Eyre. A
Transcript of the Registers of the Worshipful
Company of Stationers from 1640-1708. 3 vols., London, 1913-14, vol. 1,
p. 66.
16 Ibid., vols. 1 and 2, passim.
17 Firth and Rait, Acts, vol. 1, pp. 1021-3.
18 Ibid., vol. 2, pp. 245-54.
19 See Joseph Frank. The Beginnings of the English Newspaper 1620-1660.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1961, pp. 199-267.
20 Firth and Rait, Acts, vol. 2, p. 251.
21 Ibid., vol. 2, pp. 696-9.
22 SC, Court Book C, p. 279 .
23 SC, Court Book D, pp. 11, ll . The relevant entry (to Leach) is,
30 Ibid., p. 61.
31 CJ, vol. 8, p. 288.
32 See CSPD Charles II (1661-62), pp. 44-5.
Harry Carter. A
History of the Oxford University Press. Volume I to the year
1780. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975, pp. 78-80. For the long-running
disputes between Oxford and the Stationers in the late seventeenth century,
see John Johnson and Strickland Gibson. Print and Privilege at Oxford to the
Year 1700. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1946, pp. 109-30.
45 This was the notorious pirate, Henry Hills. For this episode, see Bernard
Capp. Astrology and the Popular Press. English almanacs 1500-1800.
London: Faber and Faber, 1979, p. 40. For the almanac trade in general, see
Cyprian Blagden, The distribution of almanacs in the second half of the
seventeenth century. Studies in Bibliography, 11 (1958), pp. 107-16.
48 Ibid.
49 Generally, see R. C. Bald, Early copyright litigation and its
bibliographical interest. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 36
(1942), pp. 81-96.
50 SC, Court Book D, p. 191 .
51 The first use of this form of words which I have seen. See above,
p. 5.
52 Ibid., pp. 294-310.
53 Ibid., p. 317.
54 SC, Court Book E, p. 160.
55 Bald, Early copyright litigation,p. 87; Francis Mott Harrison, Nathaniel
Ponder: the publisher of Pilgrim's Progress. The Library, 4th ser., 15 (1934-
35), pp. 257-94, at pp. 270-5. See also below, p. 49.
56 Company of Stationers v. Seymour (Trinity Term, 29 Charles II) reported
at 1 Mod. 256-8.
57 Ibid.
58 See above, p. 11.
59 CSPD Charles II (1661-62), p. 52, for the grant.
60 SC Court Book D, p. 118 (Ogilvy: confirmed in 1667, ibid., p. 130); and
ibid., p. 85 (Fuller).
61 Eiluned Rees and Gerald Morgan, Welsh almanacks, 1680-1835:
problems of piracy. The Library, 6th ser., 1 (1979), pp. 144-63, at p. 144.
62 See Nicholas Temperley, John Playford and the Stationers' Company.
Music and Letters, 54 (1973), pp. 203-12.
63 John Feather. A History of British Publishing. London: Croom Helm,
1988, p. 61.
64 SC, Court Book D, p. 236 .
65 Ibid.,p.271 .
66 Feather, History, pp. 56-7, 101, and the references cited there.
67 Terry Belanger, Tonson, Wellington and the Shakespeare copyrights. In:
R. W. Hunt, I. G. Philip and R. J. Roberts, eds. Studies in the Book Trade
in Honour of Graham Pollard. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society (new
ser., 18), 1975, pp. 195-209.
68 Timothy Crist, Government control of the press after the expiration of
the Printing Act in 1679. Publishing History, 5 (1979), pp. 49-77.
69 SC, Court Book D, p. 341 V .
77 For this period, see Raymond Astbury, The renewal of the Licensing Act
in 1693 and its lapse in 1695. The Library, 5th ser., 33 (1978), pp. 296-322.
pp. 173-98.
87 See below, pp. 54-5.
88 SC, Court Book E, p. 217 V .
116 SC, Wardens' Accounts, 7 Jan-6 Mar 1710; they spent \\s. 6d. 'at the
Kings head . . . when we came from Parliam ', and paid 5s. Qd.
for 'Coach
hire twice to Westminster'.
117 This is based on a manuscript copy in Bodl. MS Rawl. D. 922, ff. 380-
6, for which see below, pp. 61-2.
118 CJ, vol. 16, p. 291.
119 BL, 1887.b.58.(3.).
120 Bodl., John Johnson Collection.
121 See below, pp. 81-94.
122 Bodl., John Johnson Collection.
123 CJ, vol. 16, p. 294.
124 Ibid., p. 339. The manuscript version of the Bill (see note 117) derives
from the Report Stage, and has been amended by a Member as he sat
through the debate. It is the basis for this and the following paragraphs.
125 The Act is 8 Anne c. 19, conveniently printed in Harry Ransom. The
First Copyright Statute. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1959,
pp. 110-17.
126 SC, Court Book G, pp. 178 ,
179-179 .
Chapter 3
Committee of the Whole House after its Second Reading, a Public Bill
procedure. By contrast, the 1707 Bill was Private. This may explain, in
parliamentary terms, why it failed. On procedural matters, see P. G. D.
Thomas. The House of Commons in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1971, pp. 51, 57-8.
2 See John Feather. The Provincial Book Trade in Eighteenth-century
England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 1-11, 44-68.
3 See John Feather. A History of British Publishing. London: Croom Helm,
1988, pp. 68-9; and Norma Hodgson and Cyprian Blagden. The Notebook
of Thomas Bennet and Henry Clements. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical
Society (new ser., 6), 1953, pp. 78-9.
4 The phrase used by Richard Royston, who was one of them, in his will in
1686; Feather, History, p. 69.
5 See Stephen Parks. John Dunton and the English Book Trade. New York:
Garland, 1976, p. 207.
6 Hodgson and Blagden, Notebook of Thomas Bennet, p. 84.
7 See above, pp. 56-7 and Table 2.2, p. 58.
8 See above, pp. 18, 42 and 57.
9 See above, pp. 25-6.
10 See Cyprian Blagden, Booksellers' trade sales 1718-1768. The Library,
5th ser., 5 (1950-51), pp. 243-57; Terry Belanger, Booksellers' trade sales,
1718-1768. The Library, 5th ser., 30 (1975), pp. 281-302; and Terry
Belanger, Publishers and writers in eighteenth-century England. In: Isabel
Rivers, ed. Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-century England.
Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1982, p. 15.
11 See above, pp. 61-2.
12 See above, pp. 32-3.
13 For a recent analysis, see Peter Lindenbaum, Milton's contract. Cardozo
Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, 10 (1992), pp. 439-54.
14 Kathleen M. Lynch. Jacob Tonson, Kit-Cat Publisher. Knoxville, TN:
University of Tennessee Press, 1971, p. 16.
15 In 12 George II c. 36, for which see below pp. 75-6, the clauses on price
controls were repealed.
16 See below, p. 100.
38 See CJ, vol. 22, pp. 411-12; and the manuscript 'Draft Report of the
Committee' in BL 357.c.2.(39.).
39 [London: 1735]. Copy (printed) in Bodl. MS Carte 207, ff. 69-72.
40 So far as France was concerned was true, although somewhat
53 There are at least two printed editions of the Bill. The first is reproduced
from the copy in Guildhall Library in Sheila Lambert, ed. House of
Commons Sessional Papers of the Eighteenth Century, Wilmington, DE:
Scholarly Resources Inc., 1975, vol. 7, pp. 266-81. There are copies of the
later edition, which incorporates amendments made in MS
in the Guildhall ,
62 Congreve, for example, had done so; see D. F. McKenzie. The London
Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century. [Cambridge:] privately
circulated reproduction from typescript, 1976, pp. 35-54.
63 See Foxon, Pope, pp. 63-86.
64 J. McLaverty, The contract for Pope's translation of Homer's Iliad: an
introduction and transcription. The Library, 6th ser., 15 (1993), pp. 206-25.
65 BL. MS Egerton 1959, f. 1.
69 His memory failed him on this point, and indeed the history of the
assignment and entry of The Dunciad is even more complicated than Gilliver
recalled. See Foxon, Pope, pp. 110-12. The whole situation was very
confused, but the key points, so far as the present argument is concerned,
seem to be clear enough.
70 PRO Cll/2581/36.
71 Harry Ransom. The First Copyright Statute. Austin, TX: University of
Texas Press, 1959, pp. 111-12.
72 The confusion was largely created by Pope himself; see Sutherland, The
Dunciad; and Foxon, Pope, loc. cit.
73 PRO C33/351/284.
74 PRO Cll/549/39. See Foxon, Pope, pp. 249-50; and Howard P. Vincent,
Some Dunciad litigation. Philological Quarterly, 18 (1939), pp. 285-9.
75 PRO Cll/837/14. Foxon, Pope, p. 250.
76 David Hunter, Pope v. Bickham: an infringement of An Essay on Man
alleged. The Library, 6th ser., 9 (1987), pp. 268-73. Foxon, Pope,
pp. 250-1.
77 See Michael Harris, Journalism as a profession or trade in the eighteenth
century. In: Robin Myers and Michael Harris, eds. Author! Publisher
Relations During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Oxford: Oxford
Polytechnic Press, 1983, pp. 37-62.
78 See A. S. Collins. Authorship in the Days of Johnson. Being a study of
the relation between author, patron, publisher and public, 1726-1780.
London: Robert Holden, 1927, pp. 114-212.
79 See Raymond Williams. Keywords. A vocabulary of culture and society.
Rev. ed., Glasgow: Fontana, 1983, pp. 230-1.
80 See Mark Rose, The author as proprietor: Donaldson v. Becket and the
genealogy of modern authorship. Representations, 23 (1988), pp. 51-85, at
pp. 55-6; Mark Rose. Authors and Owners. The invention of copyright.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993, pp. 154-8; and Martha
Woodmansee, The genius and the copyright: economic and legal conditions
of the emergence of the 'author'. Eighteenth-century Studies, 17 (1984),
pp. 425-48, at pp. 426-31.
81 P. J. Wallis, Book subscription lists. The Library, 5th ser., 29 (1974),
pp. 255-86.
82 Clayton Atto, The Society for the Encouragement of Learning. The
Library, 4th ser., 19 (1938-39), pp. 263-88.
83 James Ralph. The Case of Authors by Profession or Trade Stated.
London: Ralph Griffiths, 1758, pp. 59-60.
84 7 George II c. 24.
85 Ralph, The Case of Authors, p. '67' [recte 75].
86 Feather, Provincial Book Trade, pp. 109-21.
87 David Fleeman, The revenue of a writer. Samuel Johnson's literary
earnings. In: R. W. Hunt, I. G. Philip and R. J. Roberts, eds. Studies in the
Book Trade in Honour of Graham Pollard. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical
Society (new ser., 18), 1975, pp. 211-30.
88 Feather, John Nourse, passim.
89 See above, pp. 71-2.
90 Pollard, Dublin's Trade, pp. 110-226; and Richard Cargill Cole. Irish
Booksellers and English Writers. London: Mansell, 1986, pp. 40-61.
91 Warren McDougall, Copyright litigation in the Court of Session,
1738-1749, and the rise of the Scottish book trade. Edinburgh
Bibliographical Society Transactions, 5 (1988), pp. 2-31, at pp. 9-22.
92 Ibid., pp. 4-6; Feather, Provincial Book Trade, p. 7.
93 McDougall, Copyright litigation, pp. 5-8.
94 Their statement was printed as Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of
Council and Session. The petition of Daniel Midwinter, William Innes, Aaron
Ward, and others, all of London Booksellers, and William Elliot Writer in
Edinburgh their Attorney or Factor, Partners. [Edinburgh:] 9 December
1747. In fact, the prime mover was probably Andrew Millar, who was
Chapter 4
1 See above, p. 68; and John Feather, The English book trade and the law
1695-1799. Publishing History, 12 (1982), pp. 51-75, at p. 57.
2 See J. C. T. Gates, The deposit of books at Cambridge under the
Licensing Acts, 1662-79, 1685-95. Transactions of the Cambridge
Bibliographical Society, 2 (1954-58), pp. 290-304; J. C. T. Gates.
Cambridge University Library. A history from the beginnings to the
I. G.
Philip. The Bodleian Library in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983, pp. 52-5.
3 See above, pp. 43-4.
4 Philip, The Bodleian Library, p. 27; Jackson, Records, pp. 48-9.
5 Philip, The Bodleian Library, pp. 27-30.
6 Partridge, History, pp. 287-8.
7 Gates, Cambridge University Library, p. 417.
8 SC, Court Book D, pp. 85, 88.
9 Gates, Cambridge University Library, pp. 420-8.
10 Philip, The Bodleian Library, p. 55.
11 J. H. Monk. The Life of Richard Bentley. 2 vols., London, 1833, vol. 1,
p. 99.
12 See above, pp. 56-8.
13 For Charlett, see S. G. Gillam, The Correspondence of Arthur Charlett.
Oxford University B.Litt. dissertation, 1957, pp. 1-21.
14 Philip, The Bodleian Library, pp. 76-7.
15 Bodl. MS Ballard 38, f. 145.
16 The was recorded by William Reading, Librarian of Sion
19 Philip, The Bodleian Library, pp. 78-9. See also John Chalmers,
Bodleian Copyright Deposit Survivors of the First Sixteen Years of the
Copyright Act of Queen Anne, 10 April 1710-25 March 1726. Oxford
University D.Phil, dissertation, 1974.
20 C. P. Finlayson and S. Murray Simpson, The history of the library
1710-1737. In: Jean R. Guild and Alexander Law, eds. Edinburgh
University Library 1580-1980. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
1982, p. 55.
21 John Durkan, The early history of Glasgow University Library
1475-1710. The Bibliotheck, 8 (1977), p. 126.
22 Reading, A History, p. 38.
23 Philip, The Bodleian Library, pp. 102-3.
24 P. Ardagh, St Andrews University Library and the Copyright Acts.
Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Transactions, 3 (1948-55), pp. 183-209,
at pp. 187-8.
25 Audrey Nairn, A 1730 copyright list from Glasgow University archives.
The Bibliotheck, 2 (1959) pp. 30-2.
26 S. Murray Simpson, An early copyright list in Edinburgh University
Library. The Bibliotheck, 4 (1963-66), pp. 202-12.
27 41 George III c. 107. The original Bill had proposed that only Trinity
should have deposit privileges; it is printed in PP 1801 (112) I. 381-8. King's
Inn was added in an amendment in the Lords.
28 They were: in England, the British Museum (which had inherited the
deposit privilege of the Royal Library on its foundation in 1754), the
Bodleian, Cambridge University and Sion College; in Scotland, the Faculty
of Advocates (added to the original list of 1710), and the four universities
(the two Aberdeen colleges having now merged); and in Ireland, Trinity and
King's Inn. In addition, the printer had to retain a twelfth copy, for possible
inspection by the magistrates, under the provisions of the Seditious Societies
Act of 1799, for which see Feather, The English book trade, p. 59.
29 Basil Montagu. Enquiries and Observation Respecting the University
Library. Cambridge, 1805. See J. G. T. Oates, Cambridge University and
the reform of the Copyright Act 1805-1813. The Library, 5th ser., 27 (1972),
pp. 275-92, to which I am heavily indebted for the next part of this chapter.
For a view of all the events down to 1818, as seen from Cambridge, which
had a key role in them, see David McKitterick. Cambridge University
Library. A history. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 395-445.
30 Edward Christian. Vindication of the Right of the Universities of Great
Britain to a Copy of Every New Publication. Cambridge, 1807; it was
reprinted in 1808, and there were further editions in 1814 and 1818 when the
issues were again relevant to current debates.
31 Oates, Cambridge University, p. 276.
32 The Bill is in PP 1808 (314) 1.783-6.
33 PD, 1st ser., vol. 11, cols. 918-19.
34 The amended Bill is PP 1808 (321) 1.799-802. See CJ, vol. 63, pp. 461,
463, and, for the debate, PD, 1st ser., vol. 11, cols. 988-93.
35 R. G. Thome. The History of Parliament. The House of Commons
1790-1820. 5 vols., London: History of Parliament Trust, 1986, vol. 5,
pp. 454-7.
36 PP 1818 (280) IX, 257, pp. 83-5; Oates, Cambridge University,
pp. 280-1; and James J. Barnes. Free Trade in Books. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1964, pp. 2-3.
37 For Wynne, see Thome, History, vol. 5, pp. 587-95; and for Romilly,
ibid., vol. 5, pp. 36-43.
38 Strictures on the Copyright Bill Now Before Parliament. London: 1808.
The text is dated 23 June, and the Postscript, which deals with the term of
copyright, 24 June, which I take as the probable date of publication.
39 Ibid., p. 1.
40 Ibid., p. 5.
41 Ibid., p. 11.
42 16 East 317; Oates, Cambridge University, pp. 281-4.
43 CJ, vol. 68, pp. 79-80; PD, 1st ser., vol. 24, cols. 308-11.
44 CJ, vol. 68, p. 300; PD, 1st ser., vol. 25, cols. 10-12.
45 For Giddy (who changed his name to his wife's maiden name of Gilbert
when he inherited her uncle's property in 1814), see Thorne, History, vol. 4,
pp. 18-21; DNB; and A. C. Todd. Beyond the Blaze. A biography of Davies
Gilbert. Truro: D. Bradford Barton, 1967, pp. 151-68.
46 Thorne, History, vol. 5, p. 219.
47 CJ, vol. 68, pp. 300, 301; PD, 1st ser., vol. 25, cols. 12-16.
48 For Parry, see Ian Maxted. The London Book Trades 1775-1800.
Folkestone: Dawson, 1977, p. 170. For his evidence, see PP 1812-13 (341)
IV. 1006.
49 The Minutes of Evidence are PP 1812-13 (341) IV. 1003-40.
50 For Longmans in this period, see Philip Wallis. At the Sign of the Ship.
Notes on the House of Longman 1724-1974. London: Longman, 1974,
pp. 12-15.
51 PP 1812-13 (341) IV. 1007-18.
52 Ibid., p. 1022.
53 Ibid., pp. 1030-1 (Davies), 1033-4 (Taylor).
54 Ibid., pp. 1032-3.
55 There is a copy in Bodl. J. Pros. 438.
78 CJ, vol. 69, p. 470; PD, 1st ser., vol. 28, col. 712; Mary Katherine
Wood worth. The Literary Career of Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1935, pp. 20-1.
79 CJ, vol. 69, p. 476; PD, 1st ser., vol. 28, cols. 751-5.
80 LJ, vol. 49, pp. 1129-30.
81 CJ, vol. 69, p. 514.
82 Ibid., p. 517.
83 54 George III c. 156.
84 See below, pp. 124-5.
85 Ardagh, St Andrews, pp. 194-5.
86 McKitterick, Cambridge University Library, pp. 417-22.
87 The figures are in Appendix I of the Report from the Select Committee on
the Copyright Acts, 5June 1818, in PP (402) IX.249-56, for which see
below, pp. 115-18. Reports of books entered were tabled in the House of
Commons in 1815 (CJ, vol. 70, p. 378) and 1817 (ibid., vol. 72, p. 207).
88 McKitterick, Cambridge University Library, pp. 415-16; W. D. Macray.
Annals of the Bodleian Library. 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890,
pp. 302-3.
89 CJ, vol. 72, p. 372.
90 PD, 1st ser., vol. 26, cols. 1063-4.
18, however, that these views entered the mainstream of the debate.
97 CJ, vol. 73, pp. 129, 186, 218, 247, 293, 309, 334, 338, 350, 357.
98 Ibid., pp. 217, 219.
99 Ibid., pp. 226, 235.
100 Ibid., pp. 258, 266.
101 The importance of Brydges' role is clear from a letter from James
Lackington to Rogers Ruding in BL 515.1.20.
102 Copyright Bill ... To the Honourable the Commons . . . The Humble
of George Lackington, Richard Hughes, Joseph Harding, George
Fordyce Mavor, and Thomas Jones. [London, 1818]. Copy in Bodl. 2581 c.
103 The Minutes of Evidence, on which. this account is based, are PP 1818
104 H. Kay Jones. Butterworths. History of a publishing house. London:
Butterworth, 1980, p. 6. See also C. H. Timperley. Encyclopaedia of
Literary and Typographical Anecdote. Rev. ed., London, 1842, p. 872;
DNB; and Thorne, History, vol. 3, pp. 348-9.
105 Ibid., vol. 4, pp. 498-512. See also Jane Rendall, The Political Ideas
and Activities of Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832): a study in Whiggism
133 Louis Pagan. The Life of Sir Anthony Panizzi. 2nd ed., 2 vols.,
London, 1880, vol. 1, pp. 286-92.
134 Craster, History, pp. 62-4.
135 McKitterick, Cambridge University Library, pp. 574-82.
136 For which see below, pp. 202-3.
137 For which see below.
138 PD [H.L.], 5th ser., vol. 10, cols. 173-98; Library Association Record,
13 (1911), pp. 211-15. See Partridge, History, pp. 107-8, 335-40.
139 R. J. L. Kingsford. The Publishers Association 1896-1946. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1970, pp. 39-40.
140 Craster, History, p. 174; Partridge, History, pp. 108-11.
141 Jan T. Jasion. The International Guide to Legal Deposit. Aldershot:
Chapter 5
25 Ibid., p. iv.
26 T. N. Talfourd. Three Speeches Delivered in the House of Commons in
Favour of a Measure for an Extension of Copyright. London, 1840, pp. 30-1.
27 CJ, vol. 92, p. 522.
28 See DNB; Ian Maxted. The London Book Trades 1775-1800.
Folkestone: Dawson, 1977, pp. 222-3; Philip A. H. Brown. London
Publishers and Printers c.1800-1870. London: The British Library, 1982;
and Charles Humphries and William C. Smith. Music Publishing in the
British Isles. 2nd ed., Oxford: Blackwell, 1970, p. 306.
29 Thomas Tegg. Remarks on the Speech of Serjeant Talfourd. London,
1837. The phrase is on p. 6.
30 Ibid., pp. 15-18.
31 Ibid., p. 12.
32 Ibid., p. 19.
33 CJ, vol. 93, p. 200; the Bill is PP 1837-38 (164) 1.489-504.
34 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 39, cols. 1091-3.
35 See below, pp. 155-7.
36 W. F. Monypenny. The Life of Benjamin Disraeli. 2 vols., London, 1912,
vol. 2, pp. 15-16.
37 CJ, vol. 93, p. 313.
38 The petitions are noted in CJ, vol. 93, pp. 430, 442, 451, 460-1, 468, 473,
485, 510, 628.
39 For this Association, see Ellic Howe. The London Compositor. London:
The Bibliographical Society, 1947, pp. 237-8.
40 W. M'Dowall. Serjeant Talfourd's Copyright Bill. London, 1838, pp. 2-3.
M'Dowall was Secretary of the Association of Master Printers, and this
broadside consists of the minutes of the meeting of 5 April, and the text of
the petition itself. It was apparently circulated to members of the
Association to persuade them to go to M'Dowall's house to sign the
petition. The copy in Bodl. (2581 c.55(33b)) is addressed in manuscript to
John Nichols.
41 Sergeant Talfourd's Copyright Bill and the Printing Business. Bill to be
read a second time on the Hth of April, 1838. This is of the same origin as
the previous document (note 40, above); the copy in Bodl. (2581 c.55(a)) is
bound with that item, and has clearly always been associated with it.
42 Scott Bennett, John Murray's Family Library and the cheapening of
books in early nineteenth-century Britain. Studies in Bibliography, 29
(1976), pp. 138-66.
43 See DNB.
44 Robert Mudie. The Copyright Question and Mr Serjeant Talfourd's Bill.
London, 1838, pp. 4, 23-5, 33.
45 Areopagitica Secunda: or speech of the shade of John Milton, on Mr
Sergeant Talfourd's Copyright Extension Bill. London, 1838, p. 18.
46 A Proposed New Law of Copyright . . . Mr
in a letter addressed to
Sergeant Talfourd By a Friend to Authors. London, [1838]. The date is
. . .
which he claims credit for bringing the matter to the attention of the House
of Commons for which see above, p. 126.
52 Ibid., p. 916.
53 See above, note 48.
54 de Selincourt, Letters . . . Later years, pp. 919-20.
55 Ibid., p. 921.
56 Ibid., pp. 123-4.
to the possibility of Tegg reprinting his works when he was dead, but more
immediate fears may well have been in his mind after Tegg's outburst in
60 PD, 3rd ser, vol. 42, pp. 559-60; the whole debate, and the division lists,
is in ibid., 555-96.
61 Norman Gash. Mr Secretary Peel. The life of Sir Robert Peel to 1830.
London: Longmans, 1961, pp. 562-3.
62 de Selincourt, Letters . . . Later years, pp. 932-4.
63 Ibid., pp. 934-6.
64 Ibid., p. 939. What, one might ask, did Wordsworth think that he was
65 According to Wordsworth, writing to Talfourd, in de Selincourt, Letters
. Later years, p. 933. The Bill, as then drafted, would, of course, have
. .
77 BL MS Addl. 44,356, f. 97 V
78 CJ, vol. 94, pp. 22, 23; the Bill is PP 1839 (19) 1.505-22.
79 de Selincourt, Letters .Later years, p. 961.
. .
80 Edith J. Morley, ed. Henry Crabb Robinson on Books and Their Writers.
3 vols., London, 1938, vol. 2, p. 566.
81 Ibid., vol. 2, p. 568.
82 Charles Cuthbert Southey, ed. The Life and Correspondence of Robert
Southey. 6 vols., London, 1850, vol. 6, pp. 354-5.
83 See his letter to Wordsworth printed in Kenneth Curry, ed. New Letters
of Robert Southey. 2 vols., New York: Columbia University Press, 1965,
vol. 2, pp. 473-4.
84 BL MS Addl. 44,356, f. 178.
85 CJ, vol. 94, p. 63.
86 The petition is printed, along with those from individual authors, in
Talfourd, Three Speeches, pp. 111-46.
87 Printed in Owen and Smyser, Prose Works, p. 315.
88 Talfourd, Three Speeches, pp. 115-17.
89 Mrs Oliphant. William Blackwood and His Sons. 2nd ed., Edinburgh,
1897, vol. 2, pp. 207-8.
90 Ibid., pp. 118-20, 123, 131-32.
91 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 45, cols. 920-43.
92 CJ, vol. 94, pp. 79, 183, 215.
93 Louis G. Dickens, The friendship of Dickens and Carlyle. Dickensian, 53
(1957), p. 102.
94 Sanders, Collected Letters, vol. 11, pp. 34-36.
95 Ibid., p. 36.
% Published in The Examiner, 1 April 1839, and quoted here from Thomas
Carlyle. Criticaland Miscellaneous Essays. 5 vols., London, 1899, vol. 4,
p. 207.
97 CJ, vol. 94, p. 237.
98 Foot, Gladstone Diaries, vol. 2, p. 592.
99 de Selincourt, Letters .Later years, pp. 969-70.
. .
100 For the night's events, see CJ, vol. 94, pp. 238-40; and PD, 3rd ser.,
vol. 47, cols. 699-715.
101 Gladstone, Diaries, vol. 2, p. 597.
102 CJ, vol. 94, pp. 257, 262, 284, 290, 309, 318, 365, 371, 386, 414, 420.
103 The Bill, identical to that of 1839, is PP 1840 (61) 1.415-32. For the
progress of the Bill, and the tabling of the petitions, see CJ, vol. 95,
pp. 59-60, 100, 109, 115, 116, 121, 152, 166, 261, 288, 293, 297, 313, 316,
318, 333, 359, 361, 376, 384, 409, 421, 436, 439, 472, 478, 499, 500, 511, 526,
540. For the only debate (which was procedural rather than substantive), see
PD, 3rd ser., vol. 51, cols. 1250-8; ibid., vol. 52, cols. 400-23. One
postponement was, yet again, for inquoracy, as Gladstone noted: 'No
House: alas for copyright' (M. R. D. Foot and H. C. G. Matthew, eds. The
Gladstone Diaries. Volume 3. 1840-1847. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974,
p. 40).
104 See above, p. 137. I assume that the book is his Three Speeches.
105 CJ, vol. 96, pp. 10, 14; PD, 3rd ser., vol. 56, pp. 134-5, 146-55.
106 The debate is in PD, 3rd ser., vol. 56, cols. 341-60.
107 Ibid., col. 350.
108 Sir George Otto Trevelyan. The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay.
Popular ed., London, 1889, p. 434.
109 Vera Wheatley. The Life and Work of Harriet Martineau. London:
Seeker and Warburg, 1957, p. 142; she is, I think, the 'writer of eminence
who has since echoed [Talfourd's] complaint', referred to by Trevelyan, Life
and Letters, p. 434.
110 Trevelyan, Life and Letters, p. 434.
111 CJ, vol. 96, p. 26.
112 For the 1833-37 Parliament, see S. F. Woolley, The personnel of the
Parliament of 1833. English Historical Review, 53 (1938), pp. 240-62. For
the changing character of the House in the 1830s and 1840s, and its
consequences for the conduct of business, see Josef Redlich. The Procedures
of the House of Commons. 3 vols., London, 1908, vol. 1, pp. 73-132; and
W. O. Aydelotte, The House of Commons in the 1840s. History, new ser.,
39 (1954), pp. 247-62.
113 BL MS Addl. 38,109, ff. 360 -61.
114 Foot and Matthew, Gladstone Diaries, vol. 3, p. 11.
115 See DNB's life of his father, Stanhope, Philip Henry, for an account of
116 W. O. Aydelotte, Parties and politics in early Victorian England.
Journal of British Studies, 5 (1966), pp. 95-114, at p. 103.
117 CJ, vol. 97, p. 83.
118 The Bill is PP 1842 (79) 1.501-18.
119 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 60, cols. 1429-30.
120 Ibid., cols. 694-5.
121 Ibid., cols. 1111-17.
122 CJ, vol. 97, p. 154; the amended Bill is PP 1842 (139) 1.519-36.
123 Trevelyan, Life and Letters, p. 436.
124 The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Vol 14.
January-July 1842. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1984, p. 139.
125 Thomas Pinney, ed. The Letters of Thomas Babington Macaulay.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977, vol. 4, p. 25.
126 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 63, cols. 777-813.
127 LJ, vol. 74, pp. 327-8.
128 CJ, vol. 97, pp. 442-3, 445; LJ, vol. 74, pp. 382, 386.
129 5 & 6 Victoria c. 45.
Chapter 6
pp. 25-39.
44 See Lawrence H. Houtchens, Charles Dickens and international
copyright. American Literature, 13 (1941-42), pp. 18-28; and Barnes,
Authors, pp. 75-7.
45 Alexander Welsh. From Copyright
to Copperfield. The identity of
Dickens. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1987, pp. 30-9.
46 Madeleine House, Graham Storey and Kathleen Tillotson, eds. The
Letters of Charles Dickens. Volume 3. 1842-1843. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1974, p. 221.
47 Ibid., p. 85.
48 Andrew J. Eaton, The American movement for international copyright,
1837-60. Library Quarterly, 15 (1945), pp. 95-122, at p. 112.
49 Reprinted in House, Storey and Tillotson, Letters . . .
pp. 256-9.
50 Eaton, American movement, pp. 115-19; Barnes, Authors, pp. 80-94.
1035); Report Stage, 26 March (CJ, vol. 107, p. 127); and Royal Assent
(ibid., p. 248). The other stages are unreported.
58 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 119, cols. 500-2.
59 Barber, Galignani, pp. 281 and note 2.
60 Todd and Bowden, Tauchnitz International Editions, p. 48.
61 For a full account of these bilateral agreements, see Ricketson, The
Berne Convention, pp. 27-38.
62 See below, pp. 185-94.
63 See below, pp. 169-71.
64 Bentley v. Foster (1839), reported at 10 Sim. 329.
65 4 Ex. 145-58.
66 Ibid., at 156, 157.
67 Boosey v. Jeffreys (1854), in the House of Lords, reported at IV H.L.C.
815-96; this is another of the cases concerning La somnambula.
68 See below, pp. 169-71.
69 This account is largely based on that in Ricketson, The Berne
see CJ, vol. 102, pp. 778, 807, 862, 868, 874, 931, 951. See also Barnes,
Authors, pp. 146-8.
92 Barnes, Authors, pp. 150-1.
93 See above, note 80.
94 Ricketson, The Berne Convention, p. 956.
Chapter 7
31 CJ, vol. 119, pp. 144, 172. The Bill is PP 1864 (59) 1.501, and is virtually
identical to that abandoned in 1857.
32 Select Committee on Copyright (No. 2) Bill, at PP 1864 (441) IX. 1.
33 The Times, 12 July 1864, p. 11.
34 38 Victoria c. 12.
35 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 222, cols. 235-6.
36 See the account of him in DNB.
37 Bonham-Carter, vol. 1, p. 98; The Times, 2 March 1875, p. 10.
38 Ibid., p. 7.
39 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 224, col. 393.
40 This account of the meeting is based on that in The Times, 11 May 1875,
p. 10, which seems to be derived from an account given to the newspaper by
one of those present, possibly Jenkins.
41 See above, p. 129.
42 38 Victoria c. 88, modified by the Imperial Parliament in 38 & 39 Victoria
c. 53.
43 See Simon Nowell-Smith. International Copyright Law and the Publisher
in the Reign of Queen Victoria. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968, pp. 88-9,
and above, pp. 170-1.
44 PD, 3rd ser., vol. 228, col. 63.
45 The others were in 1909-10, 1951-52 and 1973-77, for which see below,
pp. 199-202 and 204-8.
46 The Report of the Commissioners is at PP 1878 [C.2036] XXIV. 163-252;
99 PP 1881 (121) 1.639; CJ, vol. 136, pp. 130, 143; PD, 3rd ser., vol. 259,
col. 1145.
100 See, for example, letters in The Times on 16 April 1881, p. 8 and
22 April 1881, p. 4.
101 See above, pp. 163-5 and 168-9.
102 The Canadian Act is 52 Victoria c. 29. See Nowell-Smith, International
132 The remaining debates are in PD [H.C.], 5th ser., vol. 28, cols. 468,
1902-77 (Report Stage); vol. 29, cols. 2133-93 (Report Stage, continued;
Third Reading); PD [H.L.], 5th ser., vol. 9, col. 1154 (First Reading); ibid.,
vol. 10, cols.39-54 (Second Reading), 133-66, 168-211 (Committee Stage),
451-87 (Report Stage), 573 (Third Reading); PD [H.C.], 5th ser., vol. 32,
col. 2447 (Lords amendments); and PD [H.L.], 5th ser., vol. 10, col. 1167
136 Ibid., p. 1.
copyright 90-2
Donaldson 89-96
Canada, copyright law in 162-3, and Ireland 80-1
169-71, 184, 196 legal deposit provisions 97
United States, copyright laws 8-9, Yates, Joseph, views on copyright 85,
151, 166-9
Stanford Law Library
3 blOS Ob DTb
opyright law in Britain begins in the early days
of printing, with wooden presses and hand-cast
type, and goes
through to the world of universal electrostatic copying and instant-
aneous worldwide digital communications systems. However, the
fundamental issues and the dilemmas they pose have perhaps
changed less dramatically than the economic, social and
technological environments which have produced them.
ISBN 0-7201-2135-3