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Codex Skaven

by Dan Nelson
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Strategy Rating
A Skaven army has a strategy rating of 4. While this is higher than their intellect might suggest, it accounts for both their quickness and their innate ability to make large
scale use of small passageways and deep cover.

Skaven are a skittish race and loose their nerve quickly, as their Leadership indicates. However, their confidence grows tremendously when in a swarm of like-minded
brethren. Whenever rolling any Break or psychology test, subtract one from the roll for each full five Skaven in the unit being tested. For example, a pack of 10 Skaven
within 12" of their Pack Master would need only a 9 or lower to pass Break or physiology tests. In the case of characters, subtract one from the roll for each full five Skaven
in the unit they are leading or have joined, including themselves. Characters that are not currently part of a unit gain no bonus. Note that the actual Leadership of the
Skaven is not effected. Thus, while this bonus has no effect on Leadership tests for psychics or other special powers, it is possible that in some circumstances rolls of 11 or
12 may still count as passing Break or psychology tests.

Warp Stones
Ten thousand years ago, during the fall of the Eldar race and the birth of the fourth chaos god, a cataclysm more destructive than any in the history of the galaxy occurred.
Across a huge tract of space, the walls dividing reality and the warp were smashed apart. Near the epicenter of this disaster the suns and planets themselves were ripped
asunder and the entire populations of hundreds of planetary systems died instantly. The gaping whole in reality that this cataclysm left behind is what is now known as The
Eye of Terror.

Ever since then the remnants of those planets has rained down on the rest of the galaxy. Near the Eye of Terror whole planetary populations have died under this stone rain
as the remnants shine deadly radiation and still burn with an evil, chaotic energy that they have stored since their birthing. It is thought that mutations spawned by this
radiation are what gave birth to the Skaven race. They alone are immune to its radiation.

This warp stone, as it is known, has become a central part of Skaven culture. Not only are they immune to its deadly effect but they have learned to harness the chaos
energy that resides within it, building all manor of weapons and tools. Almost all uniquely Skaven devices make use of warp stone is some way or another. The Skaven
Warp Engineers too have learned to channel the power of warp stones. They actually consume the warp stone and thus incorporate its power into their own psychic force.
However, although Skaven are immune to the destructive potential of warp mater, its direct ingestion can still cause violent and deadly mutations in a Warp Engineer. As
such, Warp Engineers learn to moderate their consumption.

On the battlefield Warp Engineers carry small pebbles of Warp Stone which they may eat during the psychic phase. When using a psychic power, a Skaven psyker may
consume any number of Warp Stones to reduce the power’s force cost by that number. After eating the warp stones and resolving the effects of the power, the Skaven
player must check to insure that the power of the Warp Stone does not destroy the Warp Engineer. Roll a D4 and add the total number of Warp Stones consumed by that
model this round. If the result is 6 or higher, the psyker mutates into mindless chaos spawn and is considered destroyed. Replace the model with that of a chaos spawn, as
detailed in the Chaos Codex. For example, a Grey Seer could use a force 3 power with no chance of deadly mutation by consuming one Warp Stone and spending two force
cards. Later that psychic phase he could use a force 2 power by spending no force cards but by eating two Warp Stones. He would then die on a 3+ on D4 (3 + 3 = 6). The
number of Warp Stones that a Warp Engineer carries into combat is dependent upon his rank and is detailed in the army list.

The Jezīelle is one of the few ranged weapons used by the Skaven that they construct themselves. Skaven to not have the expertise nor
the resources to manufacture effective modern weaponry. They do not truly understand weapons technology more advanced than flint
and powder. As such, the Jezīelle is actually nothing more than a glorified musket and is often referred to as a warp musket by non-
Skaven. The true power of the Jezīelle comes not from the design of the gun itself, but rather from the warp powder used to fire it and the warp stones that are fired
from it. These warp stones are the scattered remnants of planets torn apart during the waking of Slaanesh and the creation of the Eye of Terror. Through this catastrophic
birth, they are imbued with a dark, chaotic energy that only Skaven do not find deadly.

Range To hit Save Armour

Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Jezīelle 8" 24" +1 0 6 1 -4 D6+6 see below

The warp stone ammunition used in the Jezīelle wounds deamons and psykers automatically. In addition, daemons automatically fail
their daemonic aura armour save.

Warp Gout
Another Skaven creation, the Warp Gout spews huge jets of flames into the ranks of the enemy. Consisting of little more than a barrel and a hose, it is the liquid warp
powder used as fuel that makes the Warp Gout a truly deadly weapon.

Range To hit Save Armour

Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Warp Gout Heavy flamer template 5 1 -2 D6+5 see below

The warp flames generated by the Warp Gout wound deamons and psykers automatically. In addition, daemons automatically fail their daemonic aura armour save. If a
Skaven equipped with a Warp Gout is killed by shooting or in hand-to-hand, make a Strength/Toughness check using the Strength of the weapon that killed the Skaven and
Toughness 5, the Toughness of the Warp Gout's barrel. If the check is successful, the barrel explodes. Place a 1½" template over the Skaven. All models under the
template take a S6 hit with a -2 save modifier. Models half in and half out of the template are hit on a 4+ on D6.

A shorter and much more stout version of the Jezīelle, the Elmīek uses the same warp powder and warp stone combination. They are
most often seen in the hands of clan rats from Clan Rephidīem.

Range To hit Save Armour

Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Elmīek 4" 12" +2 0 5 1 -4 D6+5 see below

The warp stone ammunition used in the Elmīek wounds deamons and psykers automatically. In addition, daemons automatically fail
their daemonic aura armour save. While much larger than most modern hand weapons the Elmīek is considered a pistol and may be
used in close combat. If a Skaven carrying an Elmīek is charged, he may fire his weapon just before the enemy closes. This may be
done even if the charged model is not on overwatch or is being charged from outside of his firing arc.

War Censer
Censer Bearers carry these immense incense burners into battle, wielding them as flails in combat and addling the enemy with there noxious scents.

Range To hit Save Armour

Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
War Censer Close combat only S+2 1 - D6+S+3 incense; flail

A War Censor is a huge, two-handed flail with a spiked incense burner attached to the end of its chain. It requires two hands to wield but wounds with at +2 Strength.
However, because of its bulk, ties in close combat are automatically lost, despite initiative, unless the opponent is also using a two-handed weapon. A flail cancels one of a
close combat opponent’s parries. For example, an opponent wielding two swords would have only one parry. Flails may not, however, be used to parry. Additionally, a
model struck by a flail in close combat automatically misses any shield-based armour save it may have.

Several different types of putrid incense are traditionally used in these censers, all developed by the Plague Monks. Even models with sealed armour and daemons are
effected by these incenses, although models within inclosed vehicles are not.

Filth Spore Each close combat hit scored with the censer lets loose a dense cloud of acidic gas. For each close combat hit an opponent
receives from the censor, he takes an additional S3 hit.
Death Spirit For those not used to its sent, the vapors of this incense causes extreme dizziness and headache, making thought or skillful
fighting impossible. All close combat opponents of the Censor Bearer lose two attack dice (down to a minimum of one die).
Dung Cake Clouds of choking gas surround the Censor Bearer at all times. At the end of each close combat round, all opponents in hand-
to-hand with the model take a S3 hit, even if the Bearer was killed that round.
Rilthweed The fumes of this narcotic incense send those who breath it into a euphoric frenzy. The bearer of the War Censer gets a +2
Strength modifier and is affected by the psychology rules described for frenzy in the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook.

Pestilence Globes
<rename and flavor text>

Blaze Globe
<flavor text>
Range To hit Save Armour
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Blaze Globe Grenade 0 0 4 1 -3 D6+3 see below


Blight Globe
<flavor text>
Range To hit Save Armour
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Blight Globe Grenade 0 0 3 1 -1 D6+2 3" radius; see below


Burn Globe
<flavor text>
Range To hit Save Armour
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Burn Globe Grenade 0 0 5 D4 -6 D6+D4+5


Plague Globe
<flavor text>
Range To hit Save Armour
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Plague Globe Grenade 0 0 4 1 -3 D6+4 see below


Vapor Globe
<flavor text>
Range To hit Save Armour
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Pene. Special
Vapor Globe Grenade 0 0 3 1 -4 D6+3 2" radius


0-1 Great Horned One
<flavor text>

Great Horned One 8 9 8 7 8 6 10 6 9

The Great Horned One is a deamonic warp entity, personifying the collective power of the Skaven race, and thus has all the powers and vulnerabilities of a daemon.,
including a daemonic aura. As with any daemon, the Great Horned One must be summoned and does not begin the battle on the field. Ten summoning points are required
to summon the Great Horned One and he may not be brought into play through possession.

Like all greater daemons, the Great Horned One causes terror as described in the main Rulebook.

1 Pack Master
<flavor text> He may be armed with any combination of weapons and additional equipment allowed by the Skaven Wargear list and may have up to three Wargear cards.

Pack Master 5 6 6 4 4 3 7 3 7

Clan of Origin
In most cases the Pack Master of a Skaven swarm arises from Clan Lameck, the largest and most powerful of the Skaven clans. However, it is the charismatic leadership of
a Pack Master that is the source of his power, not his clan heritage.

Lameck Born of the Clan Lameck, the Pack Master has +1 Ld, giving him a Leadership of 8.
Malchīel Spending his formative years within in this ruthless clan, the Pack Master has become a vicious
warrior. He has +1 WS, giving him a WS of 7.
Naphtali A Pack Master from Clan Naphtali may be armed with a heavy weapon from the Wargear list or equipped with a fourth, shinny
Wargear card. Note the targeting rules for personalities carrying heavy weapons.
Rephidīem An expert with the Elmīek, the Pack Master caries two and may fire both at the same time, even
when charged, with a -1 penalty to hit. For longer ranges, the Pack Master also caries a Jezīelle.
Manasseh <special war censer>
Ephraim An Ephraim Pack Master is often accompanied by a veteran Rat Ogre. These loyal companions are a cut above their kin and as
such are not effected by stupidity. The Rat Ogre may be armed with equipment from the Rat Ogre section of the Wargear
list and forms a special unit with the Pack Master. For victory point purposes, treat the Rat Ogre as equipment, potentially
increasing the victory point value of the Pack Master.

The Pack Master is your Army Commander and has a strategy rating of 4.
Warp Engineer
<flavor text> He may be armed with any combination of weapons and additional equipment allowed by the Skaven Wargear list. A Warp Apprentice may have one
Wargear card, a Warp Engineer may have up to two Wargear cards, and a Warp Seer or Grey Seer may have up to three Wargear cards. Warp Engineers begin battle with a
number of Warp Stones equal to their rank. Thus, a Warp Apprentice carries one Warp Stone, a Warp Engineer carries two Warp Stones, a Warp Seer carries three Warp
Stones, and a Grey Seer carries four Warp Stones.

Warp Apprentice 5 3 3 3 4 1 5 1 5
Warp Engineer 5 4 4 4 4 2 5 1 5
Warp Seer 5 5 5 4 4 3 6 2 5
Grey Seer 5 6 6 4 4 4 7 3 6

Warp Engineers are psykers of mastery level one, two, three, and four respectively. Their primary discipline is Skaven.

Clan Lameck
<flavor text> Skaven from Clan Lameck may be included in your army in packs of 5 to 30. Any model may be equipped with Basic Weapons chosen from the Wargear
list. Up to one model in five may be armed with a Special Weapon.

Clan Rat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Clan Malchīel
<flavor text> Skaven from Clan Malchīel may be included in your army in packs of 5 to 30. Any model may be equipped with Basic
Weapons chosen from the Wargear list. Up to one model in three may be a Storm Vermin (+x points per model upgraded). Storm Vermin may be armed with
Basic and Assault Weapons.

Clan Rat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5
Storm Vermin 5 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 5

Clan Naphtali
<flavor text> Skaven from Clan Naphtali may be included in your army in packs of 5 to 30. Any model may be equipped with Basic Weapons chosen from the Wargear
list. Up to half of the models may be equipped with a Heavy Weapon.

Clan Rat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Clan Rephidīem
<flavor text> Skaven from Clan Rephidīem may be included in your army in packs of 5 to 30. Any model may be equipped with Basic
Weapons chosen from the Wargear list and/or an Elmīek (+x points per model).

Clan Rat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Clan Manasseh
<flavor text> Skaven from Clan Manasseh may be included in your army in packs of 5 to 30. Any model may be equipped with Basic Weapons chosen from the Wargear
list. Any number of models may be upgraded to Censer Bearers (+x points per model upgraded). Censer Bearers may only be equipped with a War Censer (+x points per
model) and incense chosen from the Wargear list.

Clan Rat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5
Censer Bearer 5 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Clan Ephraim
<flavor text> A Clan Ephraim unit includes two Clan Rats and 2 to 7 Rat Ogres, 5 to 15 Giant Rats, or 5 to 15 Rat Swarm bases. The Clan Rats may be equipped with
Basic Weapons chosen from the Wargear list.

Clan Rat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Rat Herds
Clan Ephraim train the lesser brethren of the Skaven and herd them into combat. If the two Clan Rats of a Clan Ephraim unit are killed, the unit becomes dysfunctional in a
manor dependant upon the unit's remaining members. An unguided unit of Giant Rats will run towards or charge the nearest non-Skaven models, fighting until they are
destroyed or broken. If the unit breaks, remove it from the board. Leaderless Rat Ogres automatically fail attempts to resist the effects of their stupidity. If a pack of Rat
Swarm bases loses its Rat Herds, it disperses and is no longer an effective fighting unit. Remove it from the board immediately.

Rat Ogre
Rat Ogre 7 5 3 5 5 3 5 2 6

Rat Ogres tower over the battlefield and cause fear as described in the main Rulebook.

Not the most intelligent of beasts, Rat Ogres are affected by the psychology rules described for stupidity in the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook.

Giant Rat
Giant Rat 6 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 4

Rat Swarm
Rat Swarm 5 2 0 2 3 3 4 3 4

A Rat Swarm base represents innumerable individual rats. Opponents in close combat gain no bonus for multiple attackers against a Rat Swarm base.

Slave Rats
A Slave Rat pack is often a patchwork of any number of clans. They are the conquered losers of battles fought among the Skaven themselves and are forced onto the
battlefield by their masters, often poorly equipped and half-starved. In the lean times of war, the Slave Rats are only fed when all else have had their full. Slave Rats may
be included in your army in packs of 5 to 40. Slave Rats may only be equipped with Basic Weapons chosen from the Wargear list.

Slave Rat 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 4
Basic Weapons Special Weapons
Any number per model. One per model.

Spear or Blade 0† Jezīelle

Sword 1 Warp Gout
Ancient Shield ½
Laspistol 1 Incense
One per model.
Autopistol 1
Autogun Filth Spore
Death Spirit
Dung Cake
Assault Weapons Rilthweed
Any number per model.
Power Axe 7
Power Sword 6 Heavy Weapons
One per model. May not be chosen for Character models.
Chainsword 2
Bolt Pistol 2 Autocannon 16
Hand Flamer 7 Heavy Bolter 10
Plasma Pistol 5 Lascannon 30
Heavy Stubber 7

† Equipping a model with a second axe, spear, or blade costs ½ a point.

<Assassin Blade>
see E&M notes; bonus w/ mutil-combat

<Assassin Warp Bomb>

super meltabomb

<Assassin Throwing Knives>

String of Small Bells
Ragged Banner
Plague Blade
Herding Whip
Horn (as in animal)
Skaven Warp Engineers of all levels draw this as their primary deck.

Curse of the Rat God

Force 3 Range: 24"
Summoning the power of the Great Horned God, the Warp Engineer places a horrific curse on one unit within 24". Each model in the unit must test to resist the curse's
effects. Roll a D10 for each model. If the result is less than equal to the model's Toughness, he has avoided the effects of the curse. The roll of each model after the first is
reduced by the number of models that have tested to resist so far. Thus, the third model testing resistance in a unit with T4 would need a 6 or less to avoid the curse. If a
model is unable to defy the Skaven curse, his body is racked with painful mutations until in a matter of moments, he is nothing more than a Giant Rat. Effected models are
considered destroyed and are replaced with Giant Rat models. These form a unit under the control of the Skaven player, which should be treated as a leaderless Clan
Ephraim unit. No victory points are gained for destroying this unit. This power may not be used on vehicles or individual characters, although they may be effected if part
of a cursed unit.

Black Plague
Force 3 Range: ?"
<vs. individual model>

Malaise of Filth
Force 2 Range: ?"
<vs. unit>

Rat Swarm
Force 1 Range: ?"
<summon swarm of rats>

Force 1 Range: ?"
<damage vehicles>

Hastening of the Swarm

Force 2
The alacrity of the Rat God is imbued upon his minions. Until the beginning of the next psychic phase, all Skaven and Skaven brethren (Rat Ogres, Giant Rats, etc.) gain +1
Move and +1 Initiative.

Spirit of Lakbehīem
Force 2 Range: ?"
Lakbehīem is an ancient hero from the Skaven creation myth. The first of the Skaven, he is father to them all.
<boost individual>

Call of the Swarm

Force 2
<roll Ld on 3 dice and choose lowest>
Final Note
Hebrew and Hebrew sounding names are used throughout this army list as the names of Clans, weapons, heroes, and any number of other things. It did not occur to me until
deep into the creation of this list that some might take offense to their use in this context. As soon as I had that thought, the classic German propaganda film that portrays
the Jewish people as a swarm of rats immediately came rushing to the forefront of my mind. I assure you that no offense is meant. It is most definitely not the purpose of
this Codex to imply any connection between the Jewish people and Skaven. Hebrew sounding names where chosen only due to their ancient feel, their tongue twisting
effect on my peers, and their similarity to the name of one pre-prescribed element of the army list, the Jezīelle warp musket.

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