Combat Manual Calderon
Combat Manual Calderon
Combat Manual Calderon
Combat Manual
Combat Manual Calderon TOC1
Credits ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Force Building ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Force Building Terms............................................................................................................................. 1
Select Point/Battle Value Total ............................................................................................................. 2
Choose an Era ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Choose a Faction ................................................................................................................................... 2
Choose a Combat Command ................................................................................................................ 2
Unit Organizations ........................................................................................................................................2
Build a Company ................................................................................................................................... 4
Build Formations ................................................................................................................................... 4
Step 1: Choose Formation Type ..................................................................................................................4
Step 2: Choose Units for the Formation .......................................................................................................4
Standard Lances .................................................................................................................................... 4
Availability Lists ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Salvage, Birthrights and Negotiation ............................................................................................................4
Alternate Munitions.......................................................................................................................................5
What if I Just Want to Start Playing? ............................................................................................................5
Calderon Availability Lists Table............................................................................................................ 6
Late Succession Wars..................................................................................................................................6
Early Clan Invasion ......................................................................................................................................6
Step 3: Select Skill and Modify PV/BV for the Unit .......................................................................................6
Step 4: Assign Special Pilot Abilities ............................................................................................................6
Special Command Abilities .................................................................................................................... 6
Determine Force Experience Level ....................................................................................................... 6
Choose Number and Assign Special Command Abilities ...................................................................... 6
Supplemental Mercenaries ................................................................................................................... 7
Calderon Special Command Abilities .................................................................................................... 7
New Special Command Abilities ..................................................................................................................7
Available MechWarriors ....................................................................................................................... 7
Rank First Name Last Name ........................................................................................................................8
Combat Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Taurian Defense Force .............................................................................................................................. 9
Taurian Guard Corps ................................................................................................................................. 9
Taurian Guard “Hell’s Heart Regiment” ................................................................................................ 9
Taurian Velites “The Velites” ................................................................................................................ 9
Combat Manual Calderon TOC2
Rules and Additional Writing: Joshua Franklin
The entire Combat Manual series as a whole involved much work from Geoff Swift (writing and creativity) and Ray
Arrastia (development, design and layout). Their work, along with the awesome art team (illustrations) and CamoSpecs
Online crew (painted minis) are sadly missing from this book. As well as the review and editing guys. I’m sure you’ll
notice all of those shortly.. However, I would be remiss in not mentioning them, as this series (and therefore this book)
wouldn’t exist without the work they did in making this series mean so much to myself, and probably whoever is taking
the time to read this Combat Manual: Calderon, Lite (missing so much), Beta (as I’m the only one that’s read this so
far, I’m sure there will be some fixes to be made).
I’d also like to thank the MUL team for some important background work on listing combat commands. It gave me
a good start on each faction. I’d also like to thank everyone on the Sarna wiki for their work. It’s extremely helpful in
double checking at the end if I missed an unusual resource (Turning Point, etc) that I might have missed on a particular
command. Any errors are still my own, but there’d be a lot more and would have taken me much longer without them.
Combat Manual: Mercenaries, Combat Manual: Kurita, Combat Manual: Davion, Alpha Strike, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech, BattleMech,
MechWarrior and Topps logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
The following rules allow players to build Calderon Forces for their Alpha Strike games set in the Late Succession
Wars or Early Clan Invasion eras.
Force Building, when used in conjunction with the Alpha Strike Force Building rules (see p. 146, ASC), guides
players on the assembly of Calderon Forces ranging from lances to companies to even larger Sub-Commands.
The Calderon Special Command Abilities section expands on the Special Command Abilities (SCAs) from the
Alpha Strike Companion (see p. 44, ASC), and introduces several new abilities.
Two new types of Formations are included in Calderon Lances, along with Standard Lances for players to “grab
and go” and field in quick pickup games, or for players who wish to ease into the Force Building rules. In similar fashion,
the MechWarriors listed in the Available MechWarriors section are provided for players to include in their Force,
regardless of the Combat Command the choose to field.
Force Building
Combat Manual: Calderon uses the rules for Force Building as presented in the Alpha Strike Companion (see ASC
pp. 146-157) and adds several new options. In addition to Point Values, Special Command Abilities and Formations
(from Alpha Strike and the Alpha Strike Companion), Combat Manual: Calderon adds a system for creating a Calderon-
specific Force.
When building a Force, the Force Building Sheet (see p. XX) may be used to record each Formation choice. Each
sheet covers one company, with overall Force information noted in the upper boxed area. If a Force has multiple
companies, a different sheet will be required for each company, and the boxed information would be the same for each
be able to select Units. FP could be considered combat salvage, luck, political influence, favors, or simply money that
a Force expends to acquire Units not commonly available to their Faction (see Faction Points, p. XX).
Choose an Era
The selection of an Era affects which Factions are available, and also the general tech level and Units available to
a Force. Combat Manual: Calderon lists options for the Late Succession Wars (3025-3049) and Early Clan Invasion
(3050-3054) eras.
Choose a Faction
The Faction is the House or Clan with which the Force is associated, and determines the Force’s available
equipment and its organization. Combat Manual: Calderon includes options for the Calderon Faction. The choice of
Faction determines the Standard Lances (see p. XX) and Availability Lists (see p. XX) from which a Force may be
Unit Organizations
The Force Composition rules use standard terms in identifying the organization of the Force and the Unit types of
which it is composed.
BattleMech Organization
BattleMech Formations consist entirely of BattleMechs.
Aerospace Organization
Aerospace Formations consist entirely of aerospace fighters; however, some desperate Calderon commands may
field conventional fighters in place of aerospace fighters. They may also include fixed wing support vehicles (support
vehicles with the “a” movement type).
Combat Manual: Calderon 3
Armor Organization
Armor Formations can include any combat vehicle or support vehicle as well as conventional fighters. No more
than a third of an armor Formation may be conventional fighters .
If any Units in an armor Formation have the Infantry Transport (IT#) special ability, infantry Units may be included
in the armor Formation. No more than one-third of the total armor Formation may carry attached infantry Units, and
these infantry Units do not count toward the Component Formations of the armor Formation as long as they may be
carried by the transport, up to one infantry Unit per transport.
For example, a lance of Goblin Medium Tanks each have IT1. Sniper infantry have CAR1. The lance may include
the four Goblin Medium Tanks and four Sniper infantry.
Infantry Organization
Infantry Formations can include any infantry (or battle armor if available). They may also include conventional
fighters, combat vehicles and support vehicles. No more than a third of the infantry Formation may be non-infantry Unit
If the Formation is a mechanized infantry Formation, then combat vehicles or support vehicles with the Infantry
Transport special ability (IT#) do not count toward the non-infantry Unit types limit of a Sub-Command or toward the
Component Formations of the infantry Formation, as long as the Force includes infantry they have the ability to transport
(IT# equal or more than the CAR# rating of the infantry). All of the infantry in a mechanized infantry organization should
either be mechanized or motorized infantry, or have vehicles capable of transporting them.
For example, a Maxim Heavy Hover Transport has IT3. A company of mechanized infantry could contain three
foot platoons of infantry (CAR3) and three Maxim transports.
Artillery Organization
Artillery Formations can include Units with the Artillery special ability (ART). The battalion command lance can be
any ground Unit type. Some artillery organizations will include light vehicles or infantry as integrated spotters and recon.
These units replace artillery Units in the organization, but no more than one-third of the artillery Formation can be non-
artillery units.
Aviation Organization
Aviation Formations are composed of combat vehicles, support vehicles or conventional fighters with the VTOL or
Aerospace movement types, but which are not capable of operating in space (do not have the SPC special ability).
Combat Manual: Calderon 4
Build a Company
Multiple Formations in a Force are grouped together as larger Formations, starting with companies. If enough
companies are fielded, those are in turn grouped into even larger Formations (see Force Building Basics, p. 146, ASC).
The Force Building Sheet (see p. XX) has space for the Force Building of a single company. Additional sheets are
required if building multiple companies. Several Force Building rules are limited per company: Faction Points, Rare
Units and multiples of the same variant for ’Mechs only (see Build Formations below). Specific Combat Command
requirements or limits may occur at organizational levels higher than the company level.
A Force does not need to include complete companies, but at least two complete Formations within a company
must be fielded and comply to their Sub-Command’s specifications prior to the start of play in order for the Force to
benefit from the Sub-Command’s Special Command Abilities or Special Rules.
Build Formations
The following steps are repeated for each Formation, which generally consists of three lances per company. A
company Formation may include fewer lances, or incomplete lances. However, if a Formation does not include the full
number of Units required prior to the start of the game, it does not receive any benefits for a Formation of its type. For
example, a lance could include two assault ’Mechs, but it would not receive the Bonus Abilities of the Assault Lance.
Standard Lances
Combat Manual:Calderon includes a list of Standard Lances with Units already assigned. If a player selects a
Standard Lance and doesn’t wish to modify it, they may skip to Step 3 below.
Availability Lists
An Availability List details the Units that are readily available to a specific Faction in a specific Era; for example,
the Calderon Late Succession Wars Availability List is a list of units available to Calderon Forces in the Late Succession
Wars Era.
There are two Availability Lists available to all Calderon forces: General and Calderon. Calderon Forces can
choose Units from either of these two Availability Lists, published in this Combat Manual. If building a Late Succession
Wars Force, a player is limited to the Late Succession Wars General and Calderon Availability Lists. If building an Early
Clan Invasion Era Force, they may also use the Early Clan Invasion General and Calderon Availability Lists.
The Units selected from the Availability Lists must meet any requirements for a Formation, if included in one, as
well as any Force Composition Rules for the Combat Command.
Faction Points (FPs): Faction Points are generated and spent at the company level. A player receives 1 FP per
Unit in the company, up to 12 FPs. Each Unit costs from 0 to 5 or more FPs to add to a Force. A player may not share
FPs between different companies. A player cannot exceed 12 FPs per company,but does not have to spend any or all
of them. A Force with many leftover FPs will clearly appear to belong to its Faction, while a Force that spends all of its
FPs will show evidence of prior combat salvage, trade deals, or negotiations. Faction Points are not intended as a
Force-balancing system; rather, they help a Force maintain its Faction’s “flavor,” while allowing some leeway—
represented as the Force having acquired odd Units via trade and/or salvage.
A player should consult the Calderon Availability Lists Table below for the Era chosen. Each Availability List has a
Faction Point Cost associated with selecting a Unit from that list. Units on the General and Calderon Lists of the current
era are generally 0 FP. A player must use FPs to access another Faction’s Availability List, representing an alliance,
acquisition through trade or enemies, or through salvage. The list of Units belonging to the General and Calderon
Availability Lists for the Late Succession Wars and Early Clan Invasion are found at the end of this book (see Calderon
Faction Lists, pp. XX). Availability Lists for other Factions can be found in their respective Combat Manuals.
All Calderon forces have Common Enemies of Late Succession Wars Marik and Davion, and Common Allies of
Early Clan Invasion Marik. The Calderon Combat Commands chapter may have other Availability Lists included in the
Combat Command’s Special Rules, including any access to Clan Availability Lists in the Early Clan Invasion era. The
FP cost of selecting Units from Availability Lists of other Factions is affected if those Factions are Allies or Enemies of
a player’s Force.
Rare Units: A Unit with an * in the Availability Lists is considered Rare. A player may only have one of any particular
Rare Unit in a company. For example, the Assassin ASN-21 is rare, as is the Grasshopper GHR-5N. A player may
include one ASN-21 and one GHR-5N in a single company but cannot have two ASN-21s in the same company.
Multiple of the Same Variant (’Mech-only): BattleTech Forces tend to be ad-hoc, consisting of a mix of whatever
Units are available. A company may include more homogenous lances, but at a cost of additional Faction Points (FPs).
Each copy of the same Unit in a company costs 1 FP. This applies to specific Unit variants—two Thunderbolt TDR-5S
Units in the same company would cost an additional FP each, but a Thunderbolt TDR-5S and a Thunderbolt TDR-7M
would not. This rule only applies to BattleMechs.
Calederon forces to not have to pay the additional multiple FP cost for units listed on the Calderon – Late
Succession Wars Availability List.
Story Availability List: Ask where this one came from, and you’ll need a seat while you hear the story. Perhaps
a mechwarrior defected with his ‘mech. Perhaps each owner has had a string of bad luck, being salvaged by a
succession of owners. Perhaps it was found in a deserted Star League cache. Or maybe the means by which it was
acquired are noticeably illegal. Any Inner Sphere faction can access any of the following Availability Lists for 6 FPs.
The Inner Sphere: Davion, Kurita, Calderon, Marik, Steiner, Mercenary, Wolf’s Dragoons. Star League cache: Star
League. Or the following may be accessed for 7 FPs. Star League cache: Star League Royal. Invading Clans (Early
Clan Invasion): Jade Falcon, Ghost Bear, Wolf, Smoke Jaguar, Nova Cat.
The Story Availability List can only be used once per company, regardless of which list it was then used to access.
Story Availability List cannot be used to access an Availability List for an era after the era chosen for the Force (a Late
Succession Wars Force cannot use Story Availability List to access a unit on an Early Clan Invasion Era Availability
Unique Characters: Unique Characters (as presented in the Calderon Combat Commands chapter or the
Available MechWarriors section below) do not cost FPs, have a set Skill Rating, an assigned Unit (often a unique Unit
with specified stats) and particular Special Pilot Abilities. The Unique Character must be used as-is; the character’s
Unit, Skill Rating, or Special Pilot Abilities may not be changed. One Unique Character may be included per Force. The
Unique Character(s) may only be selected from those listed among a Force’s Combat Command, or from the Available
MechWarriors section (see p. XX).
Supplemental Formations: A Force may add Supplemental Formations from its Faction, defined as Formations
that do not belong to its chosen Combat Command or Sub-Commands. These usually represent local militia, garrisons
or other attached forces. These Formations may not outnumber a Forces non-supplemental Formations, and they do
not benefit from a Force’s special rules. These supplemental Formations must be filled with Units from the General or
Calderon Availability Lists (or the Calderon Standard Lances), as they do not receive Faction Points or access to any
other Availability Lists.
All Forces created to represent Combat Commands in the Calderon Combat Commands chapter automatically
receive one Special Command Ability (SCA). Veteran Combat Commands may select an additional Special Command
Ability, and Elite Combat Commands may select up to two additional Special Command Abilities.
The additional Special Command Abilities for Veteran and Elite Combat Commands, beyond the first SCA all forces
receive, cost 5% of the force’s Point Value (PV) or Battle Value (BV) if used. A force from an Elite Combat Command
using both additional SCAs (three total) would have 10% less PV/BV for units and units’ skills. A force from a Veteran
or Elite Combat Command may choose not to use some/all of its additional Special Command Abilities to avoid paying
the PV/BV cost.
After determining the number of Special Command Abilities a Force possesses, it may choose from either its
Combat Command and any parent Commands (usually the Brigade and including its Faction SCA if there is one).
Green Combat Commands may use their Combat Commands SCA (they may not use a parent Combat Command,
Brigade or Faction SCA). If the Combat Command does not list enough Special Command Abilities (including parent,
Brigade and/or Faction SCAs), the force receives no SCAs beyond those listed.
Players using an unlisted Calderon Combat Command must roll randomly for each Special Command Ability. For
each SCA, roll 2d6 and consult the Special Command Ability Assignment Table below. Reroll duplicate results. Several
results require a second 1D6 roll to determine the type of specialization.
Supplemental Mercenaries
Many of the big-time mercenary Combat Commands like to maintain their command integrity and fight the battle
on their own. But for every Wolf's Dragoons, there are a hundred no-name mercenary outfits willing to fight under any
terms that get them paid. Sometimes even Wolf's Dragoons will intentionally dispatch a smaller Force to supplement a
House Force—the Black Widow Company being perhaps the most famous example.
If you are building a Calderon Force using this Combat Manual, up to one-third of your Formations may be
Mercenaries. The Mercenary Formations are built as if they were their own Force, using the appropriate Availability
Supplemental Mercenary Forces may not access the House Force’s Special Command Abilities. However, they
may roll for SCAs—or choose from those listed with Mercenary Combat Commands, if the usual requirements are
met—as if they were their own Force, at 1 Experience Level lower than usual (minimum Wet Behind the Ears/0 SCAs).
Mercenaries fielded as part of a House Force in this fashion receive are discounted 1 PV for every 10 PV spent on
them. They are also subject to Morale rules (see pp. 32-33, ASC), even if the Morale rules are not in use for the other
Available MechWarriors
The following MechWarriors never committed to any one Combat Command. They can be used with any Calderon
Combat Manual: Calderon 8
Combat Commands
Taurian Defense Force
Taurian Guard Corps
Taurian Guard “Hell’s Heart Regiment”
Experience Rating: Veteran
Force Composition: Heavy 'Mech Regiment, Medium Aerospace Air Division, Armor Company, Reinforced
Infantry Regiment, Artillery Battalion
Special Command Abilities: Environmental Specialization/Urban, Overrun Combat, Focus/Lucky, Enemy
Concordant Commandos
Experience Rating: Veteran
Force Composition: Medium 'Mech Regiment, Medium Aerospace Air Division, Infantry Regiment
Special Command Abilities: Off-Map Movement, Overrun Combat, Environmental Specialization/Woods
Taurian I Corps
Concordant Jaegers
Experience Rating: Veteran
Force Composition: Medium 'Mech Regiment, Infantry Regiment, Artillery Battalion
Special Command Abilities: Forcing the Initiative, Environmental Specialization/Clear
Taurian II Corps
Concordant Cuirassiers
Experience Rating: Veteran
Force Composition: Medium 'Mech Regiment, Medium Aerospace Air Division, Armor Regiment, Infantry
Regiment, Artillery Battalion
Special Command Abilities: Enemy Specialization/Davion, Environmental Specialization/Mountains
Taurian IV Corps
Notes: Formed 3042
Mercenary Annex
The following additional mercenaries served the Taurian Confederation at least some time during the Late
Succession Wars or Early Clan Invasion. Combat Manual: Mercenaries has the rules for creating Mercenary Combat
Commands, used with these additional mercenaries as well.
Longwood’s Bluecoats
Experience Rating: Veteran
Force Composition: 2 Medium 'Mech Battalions, Armor Battalion, Infantry Regiment, Artillery Company
Special Command Abilities: Tactical Experts/Hidden Units, Focus/Oblique Attacker
Common Allies: Liao (Late Succession Wars), Davion (Late Succession Wars), Calderon (Late Succession Wars)
Bannockburn’s Bandits
Experience Rating: Regular
Force Composition: 2 Light 'Mech Battalions, 2 Aerospace Flights, Infantry Regiment, Artillery Battalion
Special Command Abilities: Off-Map Movement, Banking Initiative, Tactical Experts/Hidden Units
Common Allies: Calderon (Late Succession Wars)
Vandelay’s Valkyries
Experience Rating: Regular
Force Composition: Medium 'Mech Regiment, Armor Regiment, Infantry Regiment, Artillery Company
Special Command Abilities: Environmental Specialization/Clear, Focus/Speed Demon
Common Allies: Steiner (Late Succession Wars)
Notes: Steiner/Federated Commonwealth contract until 3050, Calderon 3050+
Standard Lances
The following Calderon Standard Lances are provided for players who simply want to get straight into the action
and not delve into the Force Building rules. Standard Lances are provided for the Late Succession War and the Early
Clan Invasion Eras. More adventurous players may swap out one or more Units as long as the Formation’s
requirements are still met (see pp. 150-159, ASC).
Assault Lance
Late Succession Wars: Stalker STK-3F, Marauder MAD-3R, Thunderbolt TDR-5S, Hunchback HBK-4G
Battle Lance
Late Succession Wars: Marauder MAD-3R, Warhammer WHM-6R, Warhammer WHM-6R, Centurion CN9-A
Command Lance
Late Succession Wars: Marauder MAD-3R, Warhammer WHM-6R, Archer ARC-2R, Stinger STG-3R
Fire Lance
Late Succession Wars: Archer ARC-2R, Archer ARC-2R, Thunderbolt TDR-5S, Griffin GRF-1N
Recon Lance
Late Succession Wars: Wasp WSP-1A, Locust LCT-1V, Stinger STG-3R, Stinger STG-3R
Striker Lance
Late Succession Wars: Wolverine WVR-6R, Griffin GRF-1N, Commando COM-2D, Commando COM-2D
Support Lance
Late Succession Wars: Archer ARC-2R, Firestarter FS9-H, Thunderbolt TDR-5S, Griffin GRF-1N
Combat Manual: Calderon 12
Calderon - Late Succession Wars
Archer ARC-2R
Commando COM-2D
Griffin GRF-1N
Locust LCT-1V
Marauder MAD-3R
Stinger STG-3R
Thunderbolt TDR-5S
Warhammer WHM-6R
Wasp WSP-1A
Calderon - Late Succession Wars
Chippewa CHP-W5
Heavy Strike Fighter Bat Hawk
Lightning LTN-G15
Sabre SB-27
Seydlitz SYD-21
Thunderbird TRB-D36
Thunderbird TRB-D36
Calderon - Late Succession Wars
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked LRM)
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked MG)
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked SRM)
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked)
Heavy Hover APC
Heavy Wheeled APC
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (ICE)
Maultier Hover APC (Basic)
Plainsman Medium Hovertank
Prowler Multi-Terrain Vehicle (Succession Wars)
Vedette Medium Tank