This chapter presents the introduction of this research. It has seven parts.
There are: rationale, research questions, objectives of the research, scope of the
of terms.
1.1 Rationale
starting from primary school level, junior high school level, senior high school
level, and university level. It is expected that Indonesian learners will have a
listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Those are skills divided into two types,
there are receptive skills and productive skills. Reading and listening involve
receiving the message which include to receptive skill, while speaking and
writing involve to the language production and it is related into productive skill.
However, as foreign learners who want to learn English and mastering those
skills, it will be hard but they have to need a strong desire to learn it.
In teaching language, reading is one of the skills that have an important
role. Learners must know and understand well about the certain purpose of
reading, so practical and suitable methods are needed to reach those purpose.
the active process of understanding print and graphic texts”. People tend to face a
lot of written texts in their life, such as in books, magazines, newspapers, article
on the internet, and so on. Through reading those written text, people can get
advantages for themselves, such as giving them useful information, add their
knowledge, and give the enjoyment for them. So, people who want to reach all
those purposes they must have reading skill because they will always face written
texts, and they have to comprehend it well. That is the reason why reading skill is
Talking about reading, people might realize that it will relate to what the
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. Through the
about the message which was written by the writer. So, if the reader is given
questions about what they have read, and he or she can answer questions well, it
means that reader understands it and that is as the main goal of reading.
However, in teaching reading of English is being not easy, because teacher
is faced some problems as shown that reading is an activity that is not liked by
overcome the difficulty that students face when they learn English as foreign
language by using some ways that teacher use to teach. The researcher tries to
use a strategy to make the students easy to learn and understand about the lesson
that will be learnt. By using story mapping as a strategy to teach reading, the
The reason why the researcher chooses this topic is because she wants to
know the most effective way which can be used to improve students’ reading
about narrative text and to know the progress of the students’ reading
comprehension skill. Among the problems that will be faced in teaching English
in the school, managing the condition in teaching and learning process is needed.
Genre narrative will chose as a media for storytelling technique. This genre
surprise, curiosity, etc. Blake Education (2008, p. 4) mention that narrative text
and interest the reader. Most learners have grown up in a learning context full of
narrative stories, both real and fictional and students were familiar with the story
which is used. Students were familiar with the traditional story and fairy tales
The uses of story mapping as a strategy to make students understand about
the text and the use of map is hoped can give positive impact to improve
p. 48) states that concepts map is useful way to make information easier to be
understood by us. The use of story mapping as a strategy that is useful to open
2. How are students’ attitudes toward the use of story mapping in the class?
1.4 Scope of the research
experiment to the students which are divided into two groups namely control
group and experiment group to find out the result of improving students’ reading
collecting the data, the researcher uses pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire. First
step through conducting pre-test, the researcher uses pre-test for both of the
groups before giving the treatment. It is used to know whether there is the
different score between control class and experiment class. Then, it also show
how students’ understanding about the narrative text before giving treatment.
Second step, the researcher gives post-test after students receive the treatment.
Last, the researcher uses questionnaire to know students’ attitude on the use of
The researcher uses SPSS 20.0 as a tool that is used to analyze the
1.6 Hypotheses
In this study, the data will be explained quantitatively, so that is why the
hypotheses are statements which the investigator makes a prediction about the
a. (H0): Using story mapping does not effective to improve students’ reading
comprehension skill.
comprehension skill.
theoretically and practically. The following are some benefits of this study:
a. Theoretically
After doing this research, the researcher expects that this research will
story in form narrative text. The researcher also expects that it will provide
1. For other researcher
the next researcher who will do a research about the of using story mapping to
2. For teacher
teacher in teaching reading. It hopes can make teacher easier to stimulate and
b. Practically
Students are expected to get better learning in English and they will be
narrative text. Besides that, it will be better if they like to learn English and
narrative text .
1.8 Clarification of Terms
There are some terms that will be found in this research which are
mentioned below:
learning reading.
mapping strategy.
c. Students: Students as sample who are participated in this research.