Answer Paper 5
Answer Paper 5
Answer Paper 5
(2) The gap between two calls should not be less than one month .
(3) Company issues circular to invite its members to subscribe for its deposit
(5) A stock exchange is where stock brokers and traders can buy and sell
Reserve Account.
(5) The first stock exchange to be recognised by the Indian Government under
(b) No. A public company can accept deposit for the tenure of minimum 6
months to maximum of 36 months only.
(c) Company has to issue Deposit Receipts to the depositors within 21 days
from date of receipt of money or realization of cheque.
(b) The Board is right in declaring interim dividend at the board meeting.
Holding of general body meeting and approval of the shareholders are not
necessary to declare interim dividend. Only a resolution of the Board of
Directors is enough to declare the interim dividend.
1. Meaning
The funds collected by a company The funds collected by a company
through issue of ownership securities through the issue of loan securities such
such as equity shares and preference as debentures, accepting public deposits
shares and ploughing back of profit are and borrowing from the banks and other
called owned capital. financial institutions are called borrowed
2. Return on investment
The contributors to the owned capital The contributors to the borrowed
get dividend as the return on their capital get interest as the return on their
investment. Except preference shares investment. The rate of interest is fixed.
rate of dividend is fluctuating.
3. Status of supplier
The contributors to the owned capital are The contributors to the borrowed capital
the co-owners or the joint owners of the are the creditors of the company.
1. Meaning
The rights issue refers to offering the The shares which are issued to the
shares to the existing equity shareholders existing equity shareholders free of cost,
to buy the shares of the company before out of reserve funds or accumulated
they are offered to the public. profits of the company is called Bonus
2. Payment
Equity shareholders have to pay for the Equity shareholders are not required to
rights shares. Only right to buy these pay for bonus shares. They are issued
shares is given to the shareholders by the by the company free of cost to the equity
company. shareholders.
3. Partly / Fully Paid up Shares
Shareholders are required to pay for Bonus shares are issued as fully paid up
these shares as application money, shares. Hence no money is required to be
allotment, call money, etc. till the full paid by the shareholders to the company.
money on shares is paid up.
1. Meaning
The smallest part or unit of the owned A specific or smallest part or unit of the
as well as rentier capital subscribed by debt capital borrowed from the public for
the public usually for a longer period is a specific period is called debenture.
called share.
2. Nature
Capital raised by issue of shares is a Funds raised by issue of debentures is
permanent capital. It is not refunded a temporary capital. It is repaid after a
during the lifetime of the company. specific period of time.
3. Status
A share is an ownership security. A A debenture is a creditorship security.
shareholder is the owner of the company. A debentureholder is a creditor of the
The capital raised by the company by company. The capital raised by the
issue of shares is called owned capital. company by issue of debenture is called
loan capital or borrowed capital.
4. Voting Rights
Equity shareholders have a right to Debentureholders, being the creditors,
receive notices of general meetings, to have no right to receive notices of
vote in such meetings and to participate general meetings, no right to vote in
in the management of the company. such meetings nor to participate in the
1. Meaning
Financial market where short-term Financial market where medium-term
funds are borrowed and lent is called and long term funds are borrowed and
Money Market. lent is called Capital Market.
2. Time period
In money market, instruments bought In capital market, instruments bought
and sold have maturity period of one year and sold have maturity period of more
or less than one year. than one year.
3. Instruments
In money market, short term instruments In capital market, long term instruments
such as commercial papers, treasury such as bonds, debentures, stocks,
bills, repurchase agreements, certificate shares, government securities, etc. are
of deposits, etc. are used for lending and used for lending and borrowing of funds.
borrowing of funds.
4. Purpose of borrowings
From money market, funds are borrowed From capital market, funds are borrowed
by the business enterprises to meet the to set up new business, expand and
need of working capital and small and diversify the existing business or
short period investments. purchase of fixed assets.
5. Institutions
Participants functioning in money
market are central bank (RBI), Participants functioning in capital
commercial banks, non-banking, market are stock exchanges, commercial
finance companies, corporates, bill banks, non-banking, finance companies,
brokers, Central and State Government, financial intermediaries, etc.
Q. 5.
(2) Under the Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS), permanent employees,
Directors or officers of the company or its Holding Company or Subsidiary
company are offered the benefit or right to purchase the equity shares of the
company at a future date at a pre-determined price. The shares are offered at
a price lesser than their market price. As per the provisions of this scheme,
the employees get the right to purchase the shares of the company at the
price lower than the market price, if they purchase them within a stipulated
period. Through this voluntary scheme, a company encourages its employees
to participate in the management. ESOS is useful to those companies whose
business activity in larger proportion depends upon the talents, skills and
knowledge of employees, e.g. software companies, mechanical production,
advertising, print media, etc. The issue of the ESOS must be approved by the
shareholders through a special resolution passed in the general meeting . Once
employees are given this option to purchase the shares, they cannot further
transfer this option to anybody else.
Dear Sir,
With reference to your letter dated 6th May, 2021 I am hereby directed to resolve
your query regarding the low rate of dividend paid by the company to their members.
The reasons for low rate of dividend are stated as follows :
(1) In the last year, due to the lockdown, company’s factory located at Vadodara was
not in a condition to operate in a full fledge manner.
(2) On account of such unavoidable circumstances, company went through huge
financial losses due to non availability of raw material, labour and finished products
during lockdown.
(3) Because of such circumstances the Board of Directors has decided to transfer
` 10 crore to General Reserves which is 30% more than the amount transferred to
reserves last year.
Hope the reasons and the information specified above by the company will be up to
your satisfaction.
We assure you that company will surely come over from such unavoidable
circumstances and will definitely pay higher dividend in the coming years.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Shah Polyfilms Limited
(Mr. Gulam Akbar)
Company Secretary
Dear Madam,
This is to bring to your notice that the Board of Directors, in their Board meeting
held on 17th July, 2020 has decided and passed a resolution in respect to payment of
interest on your 300, 10% Non-convertible debentures of ` 100/- each.
The details of payment of interest payable to you are as follows :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Folio No. of Distinctive Gross T. D. S. Net Amt. Interest
No. Debentures Numbers Amt. (10% On of Interest Warrant
From To of Interest Interest) (`) No.
K 300 11401 11700 ` 3,000 NIL ` 3,000 IW 533
Please find the interest warrant attached herewith. Please separate the Interest
Warrant along the perforated line.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Sumer Mobile Towers Limited
(Mrs. Ameeta Tolani)
Company Secretary
Encl. : Interest Warrant
Dear Madam,
I am directed by the Board of Directors to inform you that the Board of directors
in its Board meeting held on 4th April 2020 has passed a resolution to pay interest
@ 12% p.a. on the deposits for the year ending 31st March 2020 electronically through
Your company has completed all the legal formalities relating to payment of interest
on deposits.
The details of interest payable on your deposit is shown in the following schedule :
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fixed Deposit Rate of Gross TDS Net
Deposit Amount Interest Amount @ (10%) Amount of
Receipt No. (`) (%) of Inter- Interest
est (`) payable (`)
W1444 ` 25,000 12% ` 3,000 NIL ` 3,000
In the due course the amount of interest as stated above will be credited to your
bank account (ECS/NEFT) by electronic transfer as per details submitted by you to
the company.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Trans Urea Ltd.
(Mr. Jamnalal Surti)
Company Secretary
(1) Secured and (3) Registered and (5) Redeemable and (7) Convertible and
(2) Unsecured (4) Bearer (6) Irredeemable (8) Non-convertible
Debentures Debentures Debentures Debentures
(2) Public Issue or offer means offering the shares to the public. This is the
most common method used by companies. The company invites the public to
subscribe for its shares by issuing prospectus. A company can use two pricing
methods to offer shares to the public.
(a) Fixed Price Issue Method : Under this method, the issue price of shares is
mentioned in the prospectus and investors have to buy shares at that price only.
Company has to issue a prospectus and it contains the details of price at which
shares are offered and the total number of shares offered by the company. The
exact price of shares is known in advance and it is mentioned in the prospectus.
The subscribers / investors are asked to pay a certain portion of face value of
shares or entire issue price along with the application. Company comes to know
the public demand for its shares only after closure of the issue. Application
money or entire money has to be paid by the investor at the time of submitting
his application for shares. It can be used for any issue i.e. Public Issue, Rights
Issues, ESOS, etc.
After the closure of issue, all applications are scrutinised and cut off price (final
price) is decided by the company on the basis of demand and quotes received for
securities. Bids along with the application money is to be submitted to the Lead
Merchant Bankers called ‘Book Runners’ who enters the bids in a book. After bidding
is over, company fixes ‘cut off price’ based on the highest or best price at which all
shares on offer can be sold. Company issues a Prospectus which contains the final
price. Book Building Method is used for public issues i.e. IPO and FPO. Companies
Act prohibits a company to issue its shares at discount. However, it may be allowed
in certain exceptional cases like when shares are issued to its creditors, when the
debts are converted into shares under a restoration or debt restructuring scheme as
per RBI or Banking Regulation Act, 1949. A company can make public offer through
two methods as follows :