Purposive Communication Module Chapter 1 4

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Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in the Asia Pacific Region.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and relevant
programs in higher and advanced education ensuring equitable access to education for
people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.

Towards this end, TSU shall:

1. Provide high quality instruction trough qualified, competent, and adequately trained
faculty members and supportstaff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields
of technology and sciences and strengthening collaboration with local and
international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with
public and private organizations and individuals.

E – xcellence
Q – uality
U – nity
I - ntegrity
T – rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y – earning for Global Competitiveness

The College of Arts and Social Sciences aims to produce well-rounded individuals who are
well equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills in the languages, social sciences
and philosophy and competent in their field of specialization so that they will become
globally competitive professionals and leaders and productive citizens of the country.


Graduates of the AB in English Language Studies should be able to:

1. Articulate a comprehensive and contextualized view of the English language system and
2. Communicate in English (both oral and written) fluently, accurately, and creatively in
diverse social, cultural, academic, and professionalsituations.
3. Facilitate English language learning and use in various social, cultural, academic, and
4. Engage in English language research relevant to the school and workplacesettings.
5. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethicalresponsibility.

Department of English Language Studies, CASS - TSU 1

COURSE: ENG 3A – Purposive Communication

This course is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various
competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal
tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a
multicultural audience in a local or global context. It prepares students with tools for critical
evaluation of different texts and centers on the power of language and the impact of images
insights that students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors,
written, audiovisual and/or web-based outputs for various purposes (CHED Syllabus, p.1).

After completing this course, STUDENTS MUST HAVE DEMONSTRATED:
1. knowledge about communication and its process, principles, andethics;
2. understanding of the cultural and global issues that affect communication in
3. competence in using varieties and registers of spoken and writtenlanguage;
4. ability to evaluate messages and images of differentmodes;
5. skill in communication and strategies using tools of technology;and
6. proficiency in communicating for work, academic, and variouspurposes.


Course Content/Subject Matter

Week 1 A. Communication Process
Week 2 B. Issues, Principles and Ethics of Communication
Week 3 C. Communication and Globalization
Week 4 D. Role of Media in Globalization Process
Week 5 E. Local and Global Communication in a Multicultural Setting
Week 6 F. Varieties of Spoken and Written Language
Week 7 G. Registers of Spoken and Written Language
Week 8 H. Appropriate Level of Diction
Week 9 I. MidtermExam
Week 10 J. Evaluating Messages and Images of Different Types ofText
Week 11 K. Critical Reading and Listening
Week 12 L. Communication and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Week 13 M. Communication for Various Purposes
Week 14 N. Communication for Work Purposes
Week 15 O. Communication for Academic Purposes
Week 16 P. Structure and Writing Style
Week 17 Q. Research Paper Structure
Week 18 R. Final Exam
One week (or an S. Allotted for the Midterm and the Final Exams
equivalent of three hours)
Achievement Test/Term Exam 40%
Quizzes/Evaluation 20%
Activities 30%
Assignment 10%
TOTAL 100%
Credit Grade = (Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade)/2

Flexible Teaching and Learning (Online or Modular Instruction):

1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform; thus, all students are advised to
download and install the aforementioned application. Just go to office.com. and login
using your @student.tsu.edu.ph account; click “Teams” from the list of applications,
from there your enrolled subject willappear;
2. To uphold flexible instruction, the class may also use added online platforms like Zoom
Cloud Meeting or FBMessenger.
3. For those who do not have access for the online class, they will be completing the
course through modular instruction. Hence, a learner’s module was prepared as
an alternative instructional mode. However, all students who will be subscribing to
this approach need to satisfy all requirements needed for the completion of
4. The language of instruction is English. In the teaching and learning presentation,
however, language samples may be in another language if it is needed to exemplify an
activity in thiscourse.
5. Term Examinations will only be administered on the post date and time following the
University schedule. Students who are under modular instruction need to coordinate
with their LGUrepresentatives.
6. Course requirements must be turned in following the scheduled due dates. Failure to
submit assessment items on time will result in a reduced score for that assessment
7. Students are enjoined to show respect to all administrators, faculty and staff of the
university as well as to classmates and other students. They are mandated to follow all
school policies andregulations.
8. Incomplete grades have to be attended to within ayear.


This instructional module contains different chapters and lessons arranged following the
course outline intended for a 54-hour coursework. Each chapter contains different lessons
that are arranged and anchored on the course outcomes. Intended learning outcomes are
expressed and are measured by means of the assessment tasks provided for each chapter.
activities, generalization, evaluation, assignment, andreferences.
To understand the organization of the module, specific parts of each chapter are herewith

1. Besides the title of eachchapter,the rationale provides the theme, its

purpose, organization, anduses.

2. Thepretest is developed to determine what you know and need to know

aboutthe content, and this part will hopefully prompt your interest in
examining and understanding its content rigorously for you to be able to answer
all questions correctly.

3. Thelearningobjectives explain the expected knowledge, skills, and

attitudes that you must subsequentlydemonstrate.

4. Thecontent is the heart of this module. It was carefully planned in a

way that itwillbe significantly meaningful anduseful.

5. Theactivities were organized from simple to complex, matching

content withoutcomes.

6. The generalization is the simplification of the content; hence, it contains key

ideas for you to remember thecontent.

7. Theevaluation is a self-check test or follow-up activities for discussion

and learning reinforcement.

8. Theassignment is a set of activities that will enrich your knowledge and

prepare you for the nextchapter.

9. The references consist of books, online open access sites, and other
resourcesin PDF that were used in preparing the module. You may also
use them for further reading if you can accessthem.

An answer sheet, which you can find toward the end of this module, is likewise provided for
you to write down your answers for the pretests, activities, evaluations, and/or assignments.
Please check out the specific page numbers written in each task. At the end of the midterm,
you will detach the Answer Sheets and put them in a short envelope. Make sure to seal the
envelope before handing it to your LGU representative. Your representative will be
responsible in forwarding your envelope to TSU.

All contents of this module should be well-read. Likewise, all tests and activities should be
completely accomplished on a timely fashion to ensure success and outstanding
achievement in the course. Answers may be handwritten or typewritten. If you intend to type
your answers, please follow this format:
 Use 8.5 x 11 inches paper, 1-inch marginsmaximum.
 Choose Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial; font size is “12”; singlespaced.
 Use APA format for references andcitations.
 Choose black inkonly.

Withregardtoyourtermexamortheachievementtest,thiswillfollowtheUniversityschedule on
term examinations which will be coordinated with your LGU representative. You must be
diligent in performing your coursework and make sure to uphold academic integrity at all
times. Plagiarism should be avoided. Likewise, sharing of answers of the different activities,
evaluations, and assignments to your classmates or other students is strictlyprohibited.

This module is the basic instructional resource that you can use for the entire duration of
the semester. Other references may also be used to make your understanding of the course
academic concerns. You may also reach me through my contactinformation.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to all authors and publishers whose works were used to
complete this module.

All credits and rights are reserved to the authors and publishers of the different sources. No
copyright infringement intended. This module is not for sale.
Chapter 1

It is not possible to go through a day without the use of communication. The types of
communication vary, and you are almost certainly familiar with all of them. This chapter will
enable the students to understand more of what communication is – its aspects, types,
elements, and its process. Also, this chapter will help students achieve the goal of
communication through gaining knowledge regarding its issues, principles, and ethics.

At the end of this chapter, you must be able to:
1. describe communication and itsprocess;
2. explain the issues, principles, and ethics incommunication.

Complete the tables on page 33.


COMMUNICATION – derived from the Latin words con (with), munus (a business), communis
(common), communico (to confer or relate with one another.)
–theprocessofaccomplishingagoal,“withabusinesstoconferorrelate with

The importance of communication is related to various aspects:

1. Communication is integrated in all parts of ourlives.

Communication is valued in the real world and it is integrated in all episodes of our lives.
Our lives consist of four domains:

a. Academics
Communication skills are tied to academic success. Students who are good at
writing and speaking perform better not only in the English classroom but also in the
content areas and all other areas of learning. Students who can effectively
communicate in English have more confidence in their communication tasks. They
undoubtedly receive high grades and are less likely to drop out of school. Students
are required to enroll a general education course in English in order to develop their
English language skill. This soft skill can help them succeed in the academe and set
them for more success in the workplace.
b. Professional
Desired communication skills vary from one career to another. However, English
courses provide important skills essential for functioning in entry-level jobs. Despite
the well-documented need for communication skills in the professional world, many
students still resist taking communication courses. In such a competitive job market,
being able to demonstrate that you have received communication instruction and
training from communication professionals can give you the edge needed to stand
out from other applicants or employees.

c. Personal
Having a vocabulary to name the communication phenomena in our lives increases
our ability to alter consciously our communication. This is activated in order to
achieve our goals, avoid miscommunication, and analyze and learn from our
inevitable mistakes. Communication is crucial for a person’s success. The skill to
talk with fluency and write with efficiency may lead to a person’s fortune. Hence,
communication has its daily relevance.

d. Civic
There is a connection between communication and a person’s civic engagement.
We are engaged with the world around us, participate in our society, and become a
virtuous citizen. Civic engagement refers to working to make a difference in our
communities by improving the quality of life of community members; raising
awareness about social, cultural, or political issues; or participating in a wide variety
of political and nonpolitical processes (Ehrlich, 2000). The civic part of our lives is
developed through engagement with the decision making that goes on in our society
at the small-group, local, state, regional, national, or international level.

2. Communication meetsneeds.
identities andrelationships.

a. Physical needs – affectswell-being

b. Instrumental needs – helps us achieve long-term and short-termgoals
c. Relational needs – maintains social bonds and interpersonalrelationships
d. Identity needs – allows us to present ourselves in a distinctmanner

3. Communication is guided by culture andcontext.

O’Neil (2006) defines culture is a full range of learned human behavioral patterns which
includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, capabilities, and habits acquired by
man as a member of the society. Conversely, context is the circumstances that form the
setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood
(Oxford Dictionary, 2018).
Cultureandcontextalsoinfluencehowweperceiveanddefinecommunication.Culturesvary in
terms of having a more individualistic or more collectivistic culturalorientation.
4. Communication islearned.
Humans are born with the capacity to learn a language and the ability to communicate.
Communication is learned rather that innate. It is learned through human contact. However,
our manner of communication varies from one person to another based on culture and

5. Communication has ethicalimplications.

Communication is more concerned with the decisions people make about what is right and
wrong. Communication ethics deals with the process of negotiating and reflecting on our
actions and communication regarding what we believe to be right and wrong.

communicating. However, even when people are speaking the same language, cultural
verbal and non-verbal communication styles— the two forms of communication (Cox,2018).

1. VERBAL COMMUNICATION – a form of transmitting messages using word symbols

representing ideas and objects. It comes in twoforms:

 ORAL COMMUNICATION – includes face-to-face interaction, speaking to someone

on the phone, participating in meetings, delivering speeches in programs, giving
lectures ordiscussions
 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION – uses symbols that are hand- written or printed with
an electronicdevice

Factors that affect verbal communication:

• Tone ofvoice
• Use of descriptivewords
• Emphasis on certainphrases
• Volume ofvoice

2. NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION – a form of communication which refers to the

sending of messages to another person using methods or means other than the
spoken language. Basically, it is communication without the use ofwords.

 NON-VERBAL CUES – may both be intentional and unintentional and is categorized

in two (2)categories:
• Non-verbal cues produced by thebody
• Non-verbal messages produced by the broad setting such as time, space, and
The elements of the communication process involve a sender, receiver, message, channel,
and feedback. In the process, however, one may encounter other factors such as an
interference or “noise’ that may distort the message or fail the process and an “adjustment”
that is required to perform to solve or remove the barrier for effective communication. Below
are the elements of the communication process:

1. SENDER – a person, group, or organization who initiates the communication. The

sender may also be called the source, encoder, speaker, writer, or communicator. The
sender is initially responsible for the success of the message. Her/his experiences,
attitudes, knowledge, skills, perceptions, and culture influence themessage.

2. MESSAGE – an element transmitted in communication consists of the idea, opinion,

information,feeling,orattitudeofthesender.Beforeencodingthemessage,thesender must
consider the receiver’s knowledge and assumptions, along with what additional
information the sender wants the receiver to take. More importantly, the sender should
usealanguagethatisunderstoodbythesenderandmentallyvisualizecommunication from
the receiver’s point ofview.

3. CHANNEL – a pathway or medium through which the message travels to reach its
destination. It may be oral, written, visual. The channel may vary depending on the
characteristics ofcommunication.
• Oral – more effective when an immediate feedback isneeded
• Written – more effective when the message must be delivered to manypeople
• Visual/Electronic – used for distantcommunication

4. RECEIVER – a person who receives, analyzes, understands, and interprets the

message. The receiver can also be called the decoder, reader, or listener. The
message is examined by the receiver assigning some type of meaning to it. The
receiver’s knowledge, experiences, beliefs, among others may influence her/his
interpretation of themessage.

5. FEEDBACK – the receiver’s response that provides information to the sender. It is the
return process in which the receiver provides both verbal and non-verbal signals to
spokencommentorawrittenmessagewhilethenon-verbalsignalmaybealongsigh, a smile,
or some otheractions.

BoveeandThill(1992)saidthatevenalackofresponse,isinasense,aformofresponse.Withoutfeedback,however, the sender

cannot confirm that the receiver has interpreted the message correctly. It is a very important element in the oral
communication process because it makes the whole process a dynamic, two-way interactiveevent.

6. ADJUSTMENT – done if the message is distorted or is not clearly understood by the

messagebutadjusther/hismeansoftransmissionorlanguagetogetabetterresponse or a
7. NOISE – a form of distortion, barrier, or obstacle that occurs in any of the phases of
mayinterferewithorbreakthewholecommunicationprocesswhichmaydistorthearing and
may distract the receiver’sattention.
Examples: inappropriate channel, incorrect grammar, inflammatory words, words that conflict with body language, technical jargons


COMMUNICATION – is a process of mutual interaction of people through sensory stimuli; a

two-way process which occurs in an orderly and systematic sequence.




The communication process begins with the formulation of an idea by the sender who may
be a speaker or writer depending on the communication form. S/he then encodes the
message into a language to be transmitted through audible, visible, or comprehensible
symbols to the receiver, listener, or reader.

Thegoalofcommunicationbetweenasenderandareceiverisunderstandingofthemessage being
sent. Anything that interferes to the process can be referred to as noise. Communication
noise can influence the receiver’s interpretation of the message and
significantlyaffectsher/hisperceptionofinteractingwiththesender.Asthereceiverreceives the
message, s/he decodes them and may verbally, mentally, or physically respond to the

The response made by the receiver of the message is the feedback which may be negative
or positive. The positive feedback is accepted while the negative feedback is provided with
an adjustment. Therefore, the receiver of the original message changes its function— from
the receiver of the original message to the sender of the response to the original message.
On the other hand, the adjustment made by the sender of the original message should be
incorporated in the original message and should reach the sender of the feedback.

Finally, the communication process ends or temporarily stops when both participants have
reached their goal or are satisfied with their transaction.

Essential issues to be aware of in any communication situation are:

1. CONTENT refers to the information and experiences that are provided to the receiver of the
communicationprocess.Itiswhatthereceiverderivesvaluefrom.Itisexpressedinamedium like
speech, writing, or visuals which may be delivered in variousmedia.

Content must be presented in a language that makes a grammatical sense. Words have
different meanings and may be used or interpreted differently, so even simple words and
messagescanbemisunderstood.Therefore,contentshouldbetailoredoreditedforthepublic to
ensure effectivecommunication.

2. PROCESS refers to the way the message is presented or delivered. The content of the
message should not contradict with the non-verbalcues

3. CONTEXT is the situation or environment in which your message is delivered. It is when and
where communicationhappens.


These principles will help you to make your communication more informative and will aid you
to gain positive effects:

1. Principle of Clarity – the information or message should be coded or wordedclearly.

2. PrincipleofAttention–thereceiver’sattentionshouldbedrawntothemessagetomake the

3. Principle of Feedback – there should be feedback information from the receiver toknow
whether s/he understood the message in the same sense in which the sender has meant

4. PrincipleofInformality–informalcommunicationmayproveeffectiveinsituationswhen
formal communication may not achieve its desiredresults

5. Principle of Consistency – consistency avoids conflict in an organization; inconsistency

leads toconfusion

6. PrincipleofTimeliness–communicationshouldbedoneinrealtimesothatithelps,and it is
relevant in implementing plans; delayed communication may not serve anypurpose

7. Principle of Adequacy – information should be complete; is essential to take proper

decisions and make action plans; inadequate information may delay action and create

COMMUNICATION ETHICS – deals with the behavior of an individual or a group which is

governed by their morals and in turn affects communication

ETHICAL COMMUNICATION – enhances human worth and dignity

UNETHICAL COMMUNICATION – causes threats to the quality of communication

NATIONAL COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (NCA) - developed the Credo for Ethical

Communication which reminds that communication ethics is relevant across contexts and
applies to every channel of communication.

NCA stipulates that “ethical communication is fundamental to responsible thinking, decision

making, and the development of relationships and communities within and across contexts,
cultures, channels, and media.


by the National Communication Association (NCA)

1. Advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of

2. Endorse freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to
achieve the informed and responsible decision making fundamental to a civilsociety.
3. Strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and
responding to theirmessages.
4. Promote access to communication resources and opportunities as necessary to
fulfill human potential and contribute to the well- being of families, communities, and
5. Promotecommunicationclimatesofcaringandmutualunderstandingthatrespectthe
unique needs and characteristics of individualcommunicators.
6. Condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through distortion,
intimidation, coercion, and violence, and through the expression of intolerance and
7. Commit to the courageous expression of personal convictions in pursuit of fairness
8. Advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings when facing significant choices
while also respecting privacy andconfidentiality.
9. Accept responsibility for the short-term and long-term consequences of our own
communication and expect the same ofothers.

Answer the comprehension check on page 34. Then, write the importance of knowing the
issues of communication and how can they be avoided on page 34.
• Communicationisatwo-wayprocesswhichoccursinanorderlyandsystematicsequence.Itisthe transfer
of information, thoughts, or ideas to create a shared understanding between a senderand
• These aspects help us to see the importance of communication in our daily life which help people
live in a harmonious relationship.
• There are two types of communication; verbal communication that uses word symbols in
representingideasthatcomesintwoforms;oralandwritten;nonverbalcommunicationwhichrefers to
sending of messages using methods or means other than the spokenlanguage.
• Byunderstandingtheelementsofcommunication,itenablesustoseehowcommunicationisbeing
transferred andunderstood.
• To be an effective communicator, you should be aware of essential issues in any communication
• Communication is complex. Whenever we received information, we tend to filter it based on our
process. Avoiding problems to effective communication should, therefore, be guided byprinciples.
• Communication has broad ethical implications. In a fast-changing mode of communication, one
should take the importance of ethical listening, how to avoid plagiarism, how to present evidence
ethically, and how to apply ethical standards to mass media and socialmedia.

1. Read and understand the passage on page 35. Then, identify the concepts being
2. Answer the questions on page36.

1. Ask for an interview with a person. Take your interviewee’s opinion regarding flexible
learning. After the interview, identify the following elements of communication. Write
your answers on page 37.
 thesender
 themessage
 the channelused
 the noise (if there wasany)
 thereceiver
 thefeedback
 the adjustment made (if there wasany)
2. Match the items in column A to the descriptions in column B on page38.

Manzano, B.M. et al (2018). Communication Process, Principles, and Ethics. In B.
Mazano, M.V. Arador, and M.A. Ladia. (Eds.). Purposive Communication for
College Freshmen (pp. 1-22). Plaridel, Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House
Chapter 2

Communication and globalization in the 21st century introduce us to a new dimension of
perspectives. In this chapter, the students will be able to understand the kind of
communication required for an individual to perform and manifest in the real world.

At the end of this chapter, you must be able to:
1. explain how cultural and global issues affectcommunication.
2. understand the role of media inglobalization.

Complete the tables on page 39.


COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE - the ability to function in a truly communicative setting.

Itistheknowledgeofeffectiveandappropriatecommunicationpatternsandtheabilitytouse and
adapt knowledge in various contexts. It is also the synthesis of an underlying system of
knowledge and skill needed forcommunication


• knowledge.
• the ability touse
• the ability to adapt to variouscontexts

COMPETENCE - refers to the conscious and unconscious knowledge of an individual about

language and about other aspects of language use


1. GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE - the domain of grammatical and lexicalcapacity

2.SOCIOLINGUISTIC COMPETENCE - an understanding of the social context in which
communication takes place, including role relationships, the shared information of the
participants, and the communicative purpose of theirinteraction
3. DISCOURSE COMPETENCE - the ability to interpret individual message elements in
termsoftheirinterconnectednessandofhowmeaningisrepresentedinrelationshipto the
4. STRATEGIC COMPETENCE - the coping strategies that communicators employ to
initiate, terminate, maintain, repair and redirectcommunication
(National Communication Association)
1. State ideasclearly.
2. Communicateethically.
3. Recognize when it is appropriate tocommunicate.
4. Identify their communicationgoals.
5. Select the most appropriate and effective medium forcommunicating.
6. Demonstratecredibility.
7. Identify and managemisunderstandings.
8. Manageconflict.
9. Be open-minded about another’s point ofview.
10. Listenattentively.


COMPETENCE - the ability of individuals that relates effectively to self and others in daily

COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE - an innate individual trait that is not related to personal

intellect or education, thus, is an internal ability that is enhanced and luminated through the
promotion of empathy in the process of socialization

Intheglobalcommunicationcontext,competencefurtherrequiresindividualstobeequipped with
the ability to acknowledge, respect, tolerate and integrate cultural differences to be qualified
for enlightened globalcitizenship


identities that lead to the unlocking of human potential in the development of intelligence,
knowledge, and creativity for a peaceful and productivesociety.


Chen (2005) defines communication competence as an innate individual trait that is not
related to personal intellect or education. Thus, he developed a “model of global
communication competence” that enables individuals to search for the vision, shared
understanding, and sense of multiple identities that lead to the unlocking of human potential
in the development of intelligence, knowledge, and creativity for a peaceful and productive

1. GLOBAL MINDSET - is a psychological process that represents patterns of an individual

or group thinking. It is a fixed mental attitude that leads people to see things and events
from a specific lens through perception andreasoning.
2. UNFOLDING THE SELF - the ability to look for shared communication symbols and
project the self into another person’s mind by thinking the same thoughts, feelings, and
emotions as theperson.

3. MAPPINGTHECULTURE-abilitytocontrastculturaldifferencesthatmaymotivateusto prefer
alternative styles of cultural expressions and engender in us a desire to retool so that we
can better function with the demands of global environment and cope with the changing
environment rapidly.

4. ALIGNING THE INTERACTION - requires individuals to foster the ability of cultural

adroitness by which they can function effectively and appropriately without violating their
counterpart’s norms and rules to reach a global civicsociety.


Definitions of Globalization:
1. Globalization is associated withdeterritorialization
2. Globalization is linked to the growth of social interconnectedness across existing
geographical and politicalboundaries.
3. Globalization must also include a reference to the speed or velocity of socialactivity
4. Globalization should be conceived as a relatively long-termprocess


1. The emergence of transnational communication conglomerates as key players in the

2. The social impact of new technologies, especially those associated with satellite
3. The asymmetric flow of information and communication products within the global
4. The variations and inequalities in terms of access to the global networks of


1. Technology development has made globalization inevitable andirreversible.
2. Economic transformation has led to a new landscape of economicworld.


Globalization requires the development of a person’s language ability. The ability to use
language accurately and appropriately is a requirement of a globalizing society. In a social
interaction, a person demonstrates the ability to respond appropriately to the formality level
ofthesituation,canuseavarietyofsentencestructures,andcanhandleexpandedinventory of
concrete, idiomatic and conceptual language. Hence, the creativity to use the English
language is a determinant of a person’s communicationskill.
culture on manners of speaking and body language, and how to use technology to
communicate with people on the other side of the globe. Understanding the impact of
globalization on each of these factors can help students to select their most useful
communication skills developmentprograms.

1. VIRTUAL INTERACTIONS. Globalization has introduced virtual communication and

collaboration as a major part of workplace dynamics. Modern entrepreneurs need to
understand the strengths and limitations of different communications media, and how
to use each medium to maximumeffect.

2. CULTURAL AWARENESS IN SPEECH. The need for cultural awareness is a major

impact of globalization on the required skillset of effective communicators. Modern
entrepreneurs and employees need the ability to catch subtle nuances of people’s
manner of speech when communicating across cultures. Even when two people are
speaking the same language, cultural differences can affect vocabulary, colloquial
expressions, voice tone, and taboo topics (Ingram,2009).

3. CULTURAL AWARENESS IN BODY LANGUAGE. Awareness of cultural differences

in body language can be just as important as the nuances of speech. Students should
understand acceptable speaking distances, conflict styles, eye contact, and posture in
different cultures, accepting that the physical expressions of their own culture are not
universally accepted. These differences should be addressed to avoid difficulties or
4. TIME DIFFERENCES. The advent of global collaboration introduces another new
people across several time zones. When people collaborate with others on the other
side of the globe, their counterparts are usually at home asleep while they themselves
are at work. Today’s communication skills development programs should address the
needs of their colleagues, according to the communication styles of different countries
or cultures. Being able to effectively share information between shifts can make or
break the productivity of a geographically dispersed team, making this an important
issue for many companies (Ingram,2009).


COMMUNICATION MEDIA - plays a significant role in constructing and representing the

phenomenon of globalization and subsequently changing educational and learning
1. It enables communication to take place in real time over greatdistances.
2. It advances the 21st century into what we speak as the globalization
of communication.
3. The emergence of electronic media and the digital media has brought about a radical
change on how we seeeducation.


21ST CENTURY LANGUAGE has become the language that exists in the global world.

Here are some of the terminologies in the globalizing society:

CHAT ROOM - internet feature that allows people to communicate in real time
COMPUTER LITERACY - internet literacy; ability to use computers
CYBERSPACE - world wide web
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP - the creation of conscious critical forms of integration in the
globalizing society; a person utilizing technology (digital citizen)
DIGITAL COMPETENCE - confidence and critical use of information technology
DIGITAL IMMIGRANTS - adults who adapt to their environment as they retain their
language; born before the widespread of technology
DIGITAL NATIVES - young people who are native speakers of the digital language of
computers; born on the era of technology
DIGITAL SKILLS - ability to evaluate a variety of technological solutions; more than just
knowing how to use a specific technology well
EMOJI - the creation of a new alphabet; pictograph
EMOTICON - words without letters conveying emotional responses
ETHNOSCAPE - landscape of persons who form the shifting world where we live
HYPERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION - computer mediated communication that is
more socially desirable than face-to-face communication
IDEOSCAPE - the movement of ideologies
MEDIASCAPE - pertains to the electronic and print media in global cultural flows
MEDIAMORPHOSIS - transformation of communication media
OMG - Oh My God!
SELFIE - an ego-manical madness; gives focus on an individual
STREAMING MULTIMEDIA - live audio and video available on a website
TECHNOSCAPE - movement of technology
TELEMATIC NETWORK - convergence of telecommunications and information
VIRTUAL COMMUNITY - community that exists in the world of electronic
communication rather than in the physical world
VIRTUAL REALITY - the use of computer to simulate an experience in a way that is
obscure from reality

Shareyourglobalizationexperiences.Listdownglobalizedterminologies(whicharenotlisted above)
that you often use and share the definition of each on the table on page40.
• People who are globally competent do not only acknowledge the importance of
knowledge and skills to face the changing environment but also regard a new set of
thinking and behavior that greatly considers culturaldifferences.
• Globalization requires the development of a person’s language ability. The ability to use
language accurately and appropriately is a requirement of a globalizingsociety.
• Language continues to evolve. It keeps on developing as people are becoming more
literate in the global world. There are several words and terminologies that have been
introduced in the 21st century; hence, the 21st century language has become the
language that exists in the globalworld.

1. Record a video of yourself while explaining Chen’s (2005) model of global
communication competence. Deliver your explanation by activating your knowledge
about the components of communicative competence. Your professor will evaluate
your presentation using an oral presentation rubric. See p.40
2. Answer the questions on page41.

Essay: Do you think that speaking English is a prerequisite of being communicatively
competent? Why or why not? (Explain your answer in not less than ten sentences.) Write
your answer on page 42.

Manzano, B.M. et al (2018). Communication and Globalization. In B. Mazano, M.V.
Arador, and M.A. Ladia. (Eds.). Purposive Communication for College Freshmen
(pp. 31-50). Plaridel, Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House
Chapter 3

Communication and globalization in the 21st century introduce us to a new dimension of
perspectives. In this chapter, the students will be able to understand the kind of
communication required for an individual to perform and manifest in the real world.

At the end of this chapter, you must be able to:
1. explain how cultural and global issues affectcommunication;
2. understand the role of media inglobalization.

Answer the questions on page 43.


INTRODUCTION: Communication is guided by culture and context. It is predicted by the

type of culture dictated by its context.

CULTURE - is manifested in our actions and affects how we tell the world who we are and
what we believe in. It is the basis for how we behave in a certain communication context.

CONTEXT - brings a better understanding about culture in general and our own culture. It
refers to anything that refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding an event
(Edward T. Hall)

LOCAL COMMUNICATION - is highly grounded on the cultural context. This context of

communication reflects the culture of people who are creating their self-identity and

GLOBAL COMMUNICATION - has turned to be a modifying factor of local communication.

It attempts to bring changes that affect communication conventions.

INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION - a discipline that focuses on how culture affects

communication. It is the ability to understand and value cultural differences.

LANGUAGE - is a component that is linked to intercultural understanding. Enhancing oral

and written communication in intercultural environments is a way to achieving intercultural

1. MAXIM OF RELATION - every interlocutor should be relevant in a conversation,

requiring them to respond based on cultural and contextualrequirements.

2. MAXIM OF QUANTITY - every interlocutor should observe a “fair-share-talk oftime.”

3. MAXIM OF QUALITY - the truth value of a message should be held primary in a

conversation. The accuracy of the message should always be upheld. It should not go
beyond what is true nor deduced in itsessence.

4. MAXIM OF MANNER - the manner of saying a word is more regarded than itscontent.

Words and gestures are used in a region or country to give meaning to certain ideas. Words
are primary in communication, but gestures would even make a meaningful communication.
Below are the modes of communication in an intercultural communication.

 LANGUAGE - Words, greetings and expressions that are based on culture and
 BODY LANGUAGE - is a form of non-verbal communication in which movements of
the body communicate messages, either in place of, or in conjunction withspeech.


• Communication is complex because of the cultural and contextual factors embedded init.
• It is also challenging due to the many ways in which communication can vary between
cultures as well as individuals plus the requirements needed by an individual to satisfy the
• Although effective communication is hard to achieve because of these considerations,
good communication isattainable.
• Lewis (2008) provided the following ABC’s of interculturalcommunication.

A ACKNOWLEDGE Differences in communication style should be acknowledged.

Every person in a group has a particular communication style
B BI-LEVEL Communication does not only uphold speaking and listening but
also requires a holistic process that includes verbal and non-
verbal channels. Non-verbal communication is critical in the
communication process due to its cultural nuances. It may vary
from one culture to another.
C CLARIFY If you are doubtful of your understanding about what is being
communicated, ask for clarification. Devote a little extra time to
verify understanding so that you can save time and avoid
Sometimes, the goal of communication is not achieved due to communication barriers
brought by culture.

BARRIERS - give difficulty in understanding people, whose language is different, and

evidently challenge people who are trying to work harmoniously with others
of a different background.

• LANGUAGE BARRIER - It is evidently the primary barrier of communication in

second and foreign language contexts. Because of its complexity, communication
between people speaking different languages isdifficult.
• HOSTILE STEREOTYPES - Stereotypes are generalizations or assumptions people
make about the characteristics of members of a group, based on an image about
what people in that group arelike.
• BEHAVIOR DIFFERENCES - Difference of behavior between different cultures can
cause misunderstandings. Every culture has its norm about what is regarded as
• EMOTIONAL DISPLAY - Different cultures have varying regard on emotional
display. What is considered appropriate display of emotion in one culture may not be
appropriate in anotherculture.


Idioms and figurative clichés - This form of language uses words and expressions with a
meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.
beat the clock — to do something before the deadline
do the dirty work—to do the disagreeable, illegal, dishonest
things labor of love — a work that brings you great pleasure
go with the flow — to do what people do and accept things as they are
bend the law or bend the rules — to cheat a little bit without breaking the law
Slang - It is a shortcut or highly colloquial word that suggests excessive informality and lack
of appreciation in the workplace setting
gonna — going
to wanna — want
Cover your ass. — Protect yourself from possible
criticism. What you see is what you get. — There is
nothing hidden. Okay — all right

Acronym - It is formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.
LAM — leave a
message IMO — in my
opinion AKA — also
known as
AWOL — absent without
leave ASAP — as soon as

Abbreviation - It is a short form of a lengthy expression.

Acct – account
recd –
received w/o –
without fwd –
ad – advertisement

Jargon - It is a type of language that is used in an occupation. Often, words are

meaningless outside a certain context.
bang for the buck — a business jargon for getting the most for your
money helicopter view — an overview of a job or a project
desk job — a job that is typically confined to duties from a desk
end-user perspective — what the customer thinks about a product or
service cubicle farm — a section of the office that contains worker’s cubicles

On pages 43-44, match the items in column A to the descriptions in column B.

 Communication is guided by culture and context. It is predicted by the type of culture
dictated by its context. Culture is manifested in our actions and affects how we tell the
world who we are and what we believe in. It is also the basis for how we behave in a
certain communicationcontext.
 The context of communication brings a better understanding about culture in general and
ourownculture.ContextwasconceptualizedbyEdwardT.Hall,aculturalanthropologist, as
anything that refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding anevent.
 Local communication is highly grounded on the cultural context. This context of
communication reflects the culture of people who are creating their self-identity and
community. On the other hand, global communication has turned to be a modifying factor
of local communication. It attempts to bring changes that affect communication
 Language is a cultural component that is linked to intercultural understanding. How
language is used, and its non-verbal forms are decoded based on culture. Hence,
enhancing oral and written communication in intercultural environments is a way to
achieving intercultural competence.
 Words and gestures are used in a region or country to give meaning to certain ideas.
Words are primary in communication, but gestures would even make a meaningful
 In a multicultural context of communication, you should be culturally sensitive to the
differences of this body language. You might fail to communicate effectively if rules and
norms of communication areabandoned.

Answer the questions on page 44.

Choose two countries. List their similarities and differences in terms of the modes of
communication (language and body language) on page 45.

Manzano, B.M. et al (2018). Local and Global Communication in a Multicultural Setting. In
B. Mazano, M.V. Arador, and M.A. Ladia. (Eds.). Purposive Communication for
College Freshmen (pp. 59-78). Plaridel, Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House
Chapter 4

Considerably, our linguistic repertoire consists of a set of linguistic varieties that we have at
our command, each of which enables us to use as dictated by the speech community.
Speakersofthesamegeographiclocationmayspeakthesamelanguage,meaningtheyuse a
dialect, which is a variety according to users, in the sense that each speaker always uses
one variety. In this chapter, the students will be able to understand the variations of spoken
and writtenlanguage.

The word “register” was introduced in the field in the 1960s. It was described by Halliday et
al. (1964, 77) as a “variety according to use in the sense that each speaker has a range of
varieties and chooses between them at different times.” Register is bound to a particular
discursive situation, which means that when we observe a language activity in the various
contexts in which it takes place, we find differences in the type of language selected as
appropriate to different types of situation.

At the end of this chapter, you must be able to:
1. develop the competence in using varieties of spoken and writtenlanguage
2. develop the competence in using registers of spoken and writtenlanguage

1. Revise the sentences on page 46 to make the tone conversational yet professional
and to eliminate the languagebias.
2. Think of five (10) words that can be spelled in two ways. Place both of theiraccepted
spellings on the table on page47.
3. Answer the question on page 47: Is the way you talk at home the same as the way
you talk in school, or with your friends? Otherwise, how are theydifferent?


Varieties of English refer to the different kinds of English used around the world based on
geographical locations. There are over a hundred varieties of the English language, but two
of the most prevalent varieties of the English language are British and American English.

American English (AmE)

• It is a variant of the English language which is spoken mainly in the United States.
About two-thirds of the world's native speakers of English live in America and speak
this variant.

British English (BrE)

• It is a variant of the English language which is spoken in the UnitedKingdom.
• Along with American English, British English is one of the main variants taught in
English as a second language or English as foreign languageprograms.
Australian English (AuE)
• It is another variant of the English language which is spoken in theAustralia.
• Australian English began to diverge from the British English shortly after Australia was
resemblance to dialects of South East England. Its spelling corresponds to British

New Zealand English (NZE)

• ItisthevariantoftheEnglishlanguagespokenasthefirstlanguagebymymostpeople in
• New Zealand English is most similar to Australian English in pronunciation, with some

Black English (African American Vernacular English)

• It is a broad term used to refer to American English and British English as spoken by
the black communities in the United States and the UnitedKingdom.
• ItisalsousedtorefertoblackcommunitiesinCaribbeanandAfrica.Therearedifferent
varietiesofthisvariant,butitstwomajorsub-varietiesareAfricanAmericanVernacular and
British Black English.

Singapore English (SingEng or Singlish)

• SingaporeEnglishisalanguagevariantwhichisconsideredthemostpopularmedium
English and Singapore ColloquialEnglish.

Philippine English
• It is another variety of the English language related to American English in terms of
spellingandgrammar.BesidestheFilipinolanguage,theEnglishlanguageisnativeto the
Philippines and is considered an officiallanguage.
• Non-native pronunciations abound in the spoken language, and grammatical flawsare
oftentimes inevitable. Hence, code-switching is prevalent in formal and more likely in


The following show major differences in vocabulary among the three different
varietiesofEnglish.ThisisatypeofEnglishvarietyatthelexicallevel,whichmeans that
the difference lies on the vocabulary orwords.
Given the previous examples, AmE and BrE have major differences in vocabulary.
Study the examples below:


In terms of spelling, British English and American English have a few rules which
cover most spelling differences in terms of usage. Writers, however, must observe
consistency whenever they write. Following are the guides to achieve efficiency in
spelling in AmE and BrE.
REGISTER - is described as a variety according to use in the sense that each speaker has
arangeofvarietiesandchoosesbetweenthematdifferenttimes.Registerreferstothelevel of
formality of thespeech.


1. FORMAL REGISTER - is appropriate in professional and businesswriting.

2. INFORMAL REGISTER - is the way we talk to our friends andfamily.
3. NEUTRAL REGISTER - not specifically formal or informal, positive or negative. It is used
with non-emotional topics andinformation.


• Sometimes the language we use reflects our stereotypes. While in speech our facial
expressions or even gestures may convince our listeners that we are not being offensive,
in writing it is a lot harder todo.
• Toavoidconfusionandneedlessangeronthepartofthereader,uselanguagethatisclear,
objective, and stereotype-free. Avoid generalizing when talking about gender, ethnicity,
race, sexual orientation, or people withdisabilities.


• Avoid using masculine pronouns when the gender of the person is not known. When a
word has the suffix -man or -woman, check to see if it reflects the gender of the person
described. Use more neutral alternatives when gender is not important to the idea you
are gettingacross.
• For example, use chairperson or chair instead of chairman, fire fighter instead
of fireman, or salesperson instead ofsalesman.
Racial or ethnic information should only be indicated if the context demands it. Take note of
the following:
 Both black and African American are generally acceptable (although some
members of this community prefer one or the other). The phrase people of color is
sometimesusedtoincludeotherracialgroups,particularlyforpoliticalpurposes.The labels
Negro and colored are generally notacceptable.
 Dependingtosomeextentonregionalpreference,peoplewithrootsinLatinAmerica
refertothemselvesasHispanic,Latino/Latina,orChicano/Chicana,orbyplaceof origin
(Cuban American, Puerto Rican). Except for specific audiences or individuals,
Latino is generallyacceptable.
 The preference is for Asian or Asian American rather than Oriental. Again, specific
groups may prefer labels based on country of origin (Japanese American,Korean).
 NativeAmericanhasgainedfavoroverIndian.Dependingoncontext,youmightmore
accurately refer to a specific tribe ortribes.


• Age should only be specified if it is relevant. Avoid expressions that are demeaning or


• Do not refer to an individual’s disability unless relevant. When necessary, use terms that
do not offend disabledindividuals.
• Avoid phrases like "confined to a wheelchair" and "victim" (of a disease), so as notto
focus on differences and disability. Instead, write or say, "someone who uses a
wheelchair" and "a person with (adisease)."

Answer the questions on page 48.
 ThereareoverahundredvarietiesoftheEnglishlanguage,buttwoofthemostprevalent
varieties of the English language are British and AmericanEnglish.
 There are major differences in vocabulary among the different varieties of English. This
vocabulary orwords.
 British English and American English have a few rules which cover most spelling
differences in terms of usage. Writers, however, must observe consistency whenever
 Language register is the level and style of your writing, and it should be appropriate to
the situation you are in. It determines the vocabulary, structure, and grammar of your
 Wheneverwecommunicate,ourlanguageshouldbesensitiveandbias-free.Thisisone way
of adapting a message to its audience. Sometimes, communicators become
offensivemaybebecausethewordsthattheyusedwerenotthoughtofcarefullypriorto their
production. This is the real problem incommunication.

1. Answer the questions on page48-49.
2. Reviewtheformsoflanguageregister.Gatherfactsandexamplesforeachandthink
register. Write your answers on pages49-51.

1. Check out the Internet for movies. Watch two English movies that interest you most:
expressions that are very distinct in these English language varieties. Be able to
record your data on page53.
2. Revise the sentences on pages 54-55 to eliminate thebias.

Manzano, B.M. et al (2018). Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language. In B.
Mazano, M.V. Arador, and M.A. Ladia. (Eds.). Purposive Communication for College
Freshmen (pp. 89-116). Plaridel, Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House

Teacher’s Diary (2013). Some examples of troublesome words and expressions.


ENG 3A – Purposive Communication

Chapter 1


communication.Wewanttoknowwhatyoualreadyknowaboutcommunication!Youwillnot be
graded on your responses, nor will be asked for explanation regarding your answers. Put a
check mark on the box that corresponds your answer for each of thequestions.
Do you agree or disagree with the following? Agree Disagree
1. Communication is an important part of my daily life.
2. I consider myself an expert in communication.
3. I am comfortable communicating with others.
4. I am comfortable using a variety of communication techniques.
5. I think about the best way to communicate before doing so.

Direction: Identify one public speaker. Observe how your chosen public speaker delivers
his/her speech. Then, complete the information being asked on the table below:

Name of Public Speaker Strengths Weaknesses


A. Comprehension Check. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
before eachnumber.
d 1.Whattypeofcommunicationtransmitsmessagesusingwordsandwordsymbolsrepresentingideasand
a. Verbal c.Non-verbal
b. Local d.Multicultural

b 2. It is a process which pertains to the transfer of information, thoughts, or ideas to create a shared
understanding between a sender and areceiver.
a. High-contextCulture c. Culture
b. Communication d.Context

b 3.Thistypeofverbalcommunicationusessymbolsthatarehand-writtenorprintedwithanelectronicdevice
a. Oral c.Verbal
b. Written d.Visual/Electronic

b 4. Which of the following Latin etymologies of the term communication means ‘to confer or relate with one
a. con c.munus
b. communis d.communico

d 11.Itisafullrangeoflearnedhumanbehavioralpatternswhichincludesknowledge,belief,art,law,morals, customs,
capabilities, and habits acquired by man as a member of thesociety.
a. context c.communication
b. culture d. socialvariable

B. Answer the following question: What is the importance of knowing the issues
of communication and how can they beavoided?

Knowing about the issues of communications is a helpful

thing to know for it can avoid misunderstandings and
miscommunications between the sender and the receiver. It is also
an importance to not be misunderstand by other people, because it
may give a negative feedback and may heart one’s feelings.

A. Direction: Read and understand the passage. Then, identify the concepts being
asked for on the space provided before each of the questionsbelow.

It has been months since Maria last talked to her best friend Ana who went to United
States for good. One night, Maria decided to send a message to Ana via Facebook
wasinterrupted.Shetriedrefreshingherinternetconnectionandhermessagewasfinally sent.

That time, Ana was also online, and she received Maria's message right away. Ana was
so delighted with Maria's message. She replied: "My dear BFF, thank you for the sweet
message.Ihavealreadyadjustedwiththecultureanddoingwellhereinthestates.How about
you there in the Philippines? I am missing yousobad. Hope to see you the

Sender 1. Based on the story above, what element in communication did Maria serve

Best Friend Forever 2. BFF in the 21st century language that exists in the global

3. Ana was able to receive Maria’s message in real time. What principle in
communication is this?

Receiver 4. What element in communication did Ana serve as in thestory?

Noise 5. Internet interruption is an example of what element in thecommunication?


Emojis 7.Inthecenturylanguagethatexistsintheglobalworld,whatdoyoucallthese
images- ?

8. What channel did Maria use to communicate withAna?

9. What type of communication is a Facebook Messengermessage?

Feedback 10. "My dear BFF… Hope to see you the soonest” is what element in
B. Direction: Identify the following concepts ofcommunication.

Communication 1. It is a two-way process which occurs in an orderly and systematic

sequence and involves giving and receiving ideas, feelings, and attitudes
between two or more persons and results in aresponse.

Written Communication
ideas and objects which comes in two forms: oral andwritten.

person using methods or means other than the spokenlanguage.

4.Thisisaformoftransmittingmessagesthroughtheuseofwordsymbols to
represent ideas and objects.

5. It is an element transmitted in communication that consists of the idea,

opinion, information, feeling, orattitude.

6.Thisisanelementofcommunicationthatreferstoapersonwhocreates and
transmits the message by means of her/his voice andbody.

message and becomes the sender of the reply to the encodedmessage.

8. It is a pathway or medium through which the message travels to reach

its destination. It may be oral, visual, oraudio-visual.

9. It is a barrier, or obstacle that occurs in any of the phases of the oral

which may distorthearing.

10. It is a very important element in the oral communication process for it

makes the whole process a dynamic, two-way, interactiveevent.

11. This is done if the message is distorted or is not clearly understood by


12. It refers to the situation or environment in which your message is


13. This is a communication need that helps us get things done in ourday-
to-day lives and achieve short- and long-termgoals.

14. It pertains to the full range of learned human behavior patterns which
includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member ofsociety.

15. It refers to the behavior of an individual or a group which is governed

by their morals and in turn affectscommunication.
A. Ask for an interview with a person. Take your interviewee’s opinion regarding flexible
answers on the spaceprovided.








B. Direction: Match the items in column A to the descriptions in column B.
Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided. On the principle

ColumnA ColumnB

1.clarity a. message isprimary

2.attention b. concerns on what is right orwrong

3.informality c. necessary for adjustmentinformation

4.consistency d. ensures organizational relevance

5.adequacy e. message should be wordedclearly

6.timeliness f. communication should becomplete

7.feedback g. avoids conflict in theorganization

h. used when formal communication may not

achieve its desired results
Chapter 2

A. Identify if the questions listed below are professional or unprofessional. Tick the “Yes-
No” column: “Yes” for professional questions and “No” for unprofessional or sillyones.

Questions Yes No
1 Would you like any help?
2 Do you have any disabilities?
3 Are you able to do your job?
4 Could you do the job for me?
5 Do you take drugs, smoke, or drink?
6 Can you please show me some examples of projects that I’d be working on?
7 Do you do background checks?
8 Who is your target customer?
9 Have you ever been arrested?
10 How can I best contribute to the department?

B. Choose one country (except the Philippines). Research and learn 5 facts about your
chosen country’s culture, language, tradition, etc. and list them below column A. In
column B, compare and contrast each fact with a specific culture, language, tradition,
etc. that it matches in the Philippinesetting.

Japan Philippines
1. They bow to each other as a sign of respect. We practice ‘pagmamano’ to elders as a sign of respect.

Column A Column B
Share your globalization experiences. Do you often use social networking sites? Do you
speakwordsthatexistintheglobalworld?Listdownglobalizedterminologies(whicharenot listed
above) that you often use and share the definition ofeach.

21st Century Term Definition



A. Record a video of yourself while explaining Chen’s (2005) model of global

communication competence. Deliver your explanation by activating your knowledge
about the components of communicative competence. Your professor will evaluate your
presentation using an oral presentationrubric.
 Impel to  Bewilderment of
broaden the differences
 Frustration of thedifferences
 Motivate to  Cognitiveanalysis
respectdiversity  Emphaticimmersion
 Expect to
 Propel to regulatechange



UNFOLDING THESELF  Languageability
 Ceaselesspurifyin  Behavioral flexibility
g  Interactionmanagement
 Continuouslearnin  Identitymaintenance
g  Managingchanges
 Cultivatesensitivit
 Developcreativity
 Fosterempathy

A Model of Global Communication Competence (Chen, 2005)\

B. Answer the followingquestions:

1. It refers to the “structural phenomenon ofincreasing

interdependence among various parts of the world

2. It is the ability to function in a truly communicativesetting.

3. It is a component of communicative competence which pertains to

an understanding of the social context in which communication
takes place, including role relationships, the shared information of
the participants, and the communicative purpose of their

4. It is the domain of grammatical and lexicalcapacity.

5. It relates to the coping strategies that communicators employ to

initiate, terminate, maintain, repair, and redirectcommunication.

6. It is the ability to interpret individual message elements in terms of

their interconnectedness and of how meaning is represented in
relationship to the entirediscourse.

7. This component of communication competence pertains to the

psychological process that represents patterns of an individual
or groupthinking.

8. It is the ability to look for shared communication symbols and

project the self into another person’s mind by thinking the same
thoughts and feelings and the same emotions as theperson.

9. It requires us to contrast cultural differences that may motivate us

to prefer alternative styles of cultural expressions and engender
in us a desire to retool so that we can better function with the
demands of global environment and cope with changing

10. It requires a set of behavioral skills which is indispensable for

adjusting individuals to the changes and new patterns of
interaction in the globalizingsociety.
Essay: Do you think that speaking English is a prerequisite of being communicatively
competent? Why or why not? (Explain your answer in not less than ten sentences.)
Chapter 3

Choose and write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before each number.

Match the items in column A to the descriptions in column B. Write only the letter of your choice on the
space provided.

a. On barriers tocommunication

1.Hostilestereotypes a. hamperscommunication
2.Behaviordifferences b. primary barrier ofcommunication
3.Languagebarrier c. prejudging anindividual
4.Emotionaldisplay d. becoming outrageous in theworkplace
e. what is appropriate in one culture may not
appropriate in another
b. On developing writtencommunication

5.slang a. different from literalinterpretation
6.jargon b. a short form of a lengthyexpression
7.acronym c. wordchoice
8.abbreviation d. shortcut or highly colloquialwords
9.idiom e. used in a particularoccupation
10.diction f. formality ofuse
g. formed from initial letters and pronounced
as a word


Write true if the statement is correct, but if it is false underline what makes the sentence
wrong, then write the correct answer on the space provided (Correct answer minus wrong

1. Culture is manifested in our actions and affects how we tell the world who we
are and what we believein.

2. Culture was conceptualized by Edward T. Hall, a cultural anthropologist, as

anything that refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding an

3. Local communication has turned to be a modifying factor of global


4. Intercultural communication is a discipline that focuses on how culture affects


5. Context is a cultural component that is linked to interculturalunderstanding.

6. Grice’s Principle of Cooperative Conversation states that every communicator

engaging in a conversation should follow a set of convention during

7. Grice’s principle consists of five maxims for communicators to follow and that
they will become observant and sensitive in their role in the communication

8.Qualityisanormthatdictatestheneedfortheinterlocutortorespondbasedon cultural
and contextualrequirements.

9. In the local culture, content is more important than the manner of sayingit.

10. The truth value of a message is held primary in aconversation.

Choose two countries. List their similarities and differences in terms of the modes of
communication (language and body language) on page.



Chapter 4


A. Revise the following sentences to make the tone conversational yetprofessional.

1. Pursuant to your letter dated August 5, 2018, please be advised that your request is
subject to the approval of the committeemembers.

2. The signatory reminds you to submit your ITR as soon aspossible.

3. ThisisonlyFYI,DeanArchimedeswillchairtheresearchevaluationcommitteegranting
incentives for qualifiedapplicants.

4. As per your recent memorandum, our program has already passed through the rigid
evaluation of the regional quality assuranceteam.

5. Aftermypresentation,Iwillbeverygladtoattendtoeveryquestionthatyouwillaskme.
B. Think of five (10) words that can be spelled in two ways. Place both of their accepted
spellings below.

Spelling 1 Spelling 2

C. Answerthequestion:Isthewayyoutalkathomethesameasthewayyoutalkinschool, or with
your friends? Otherwise, how are theydifferent?
Answer the following questions:

language by my most people in New Zealand.

2. It is a variant of the English language which is spoken inthe

United Kingdom.

English as spoken by the black communities in the United
States and the United Kingdom.

4. It is a language variant which is considered the mostpopular

medium of communication in the academe.

an official language of the Philippines.


A. Identifythefollowingconcepts.Writeyouransweronthespaceprovidedbeforeeach

1. It pertains to the different kinds of English used around the world

based on geographicallocations

2. It is a broad term used to refer to American English and British

English as spoken by the black communities in the United States
and the UnitedKingdom.

3. It is another variant of the English language which is spoken in the


4. It is another variety of the English language which is related to

American English in terms of spelling and grammar and is used in

5. It is a language variant which is considered the most popular

English variety inSingapore.


8. It is the variant of the English language which is spoken as the first
language by my most people in NewZealand.

9. Two of the most prevalent varieties of the EnglishLanguage.


11. Two main variants of SingaporeEnglish


13. Two major sub-varieties of BlackEnglish.


15. It refers to the difference lies on the vocabulary orwords.

B. Reviewtheformsoflanguageregister.Gatherfactsandexamplesforeachandthink

A. Check out the Internet for movies. Watch two English movies that interest you most:
expressions that are very distinct in these English language varieties. Be able to
record yourdata.


AmE Words and Expressions BrE Words and Expressions

B. Revise the sentences to eliminate thebias.

1. My grandparents’ days consist of waiting by the window for someone to come up the
walk--whether friend, mailman orsalesman.

2. The beginning student should spend his time becoming familiar with primary rather
than secondary texts, with classics rather than with books aboutclassics.

3. Every person I talked to said he could come to the companyparty.

4. The chairman of the board denied that he was involved in thematter.

5. After the three-month probation period, a new employee can elect her medical and

6. Toamanwhopossessesthenecessaryqualifications,nursingoffersalifeofunusual
interest and usefulness. He will have limitless opportunities to improve himself andto
7. Please remind everyone to bring his notepad and pen or laptop to themeeting.

8. The priest asked, “Are you ready to love and honor each other as man and wife for
the rest of yourlives?”

9. A secretary should take orders only from the manager she supports though
occasionally she may be called on to help others in theoffice.

10. Mark each potential donor’s name off the list after you have talked tohim.

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